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To the biggest baka (bubba bun) ehhee ,

I am so sorry that we could not celebrate your birthday on your actual birthday :(  I will definitely make it up to you. Happy birthday to your cute ass eheh (bubba got smexy dumpiee ) all jokes aside though I hope you have an amazing birthday and celebrate it with the people you love because you deserve to be loved. I wanted to say thank you so much for just being you , there is something so special about your aura it makes people feel so calm and safe around you I wanted to say and I hope you can see what I see in you your kindness and you just being you has an amazing impact on people and you are perfectly imperfect I love all sides of you especially your cute stubborn ass chu hottie . 

Words can't express how much I appreciate you as a person just you sitting next to me or just a notification from you I am super lucky thank you for your time and effort also giving me a chance to get to connect with you on a deeper level which I am beyond thankful for and will always appreciate. All the things you have done for me even if its super small things I am super grateful. The fact that you have to put up with me is amazing surprised you haven't seek therapy yet lol but I really do appreciate for allowing me to vent and looking out for me. Although , I don't express it much of how much I really appreciate what you have done for me. But I also want to remind your cute ass that just because I am going through health things it doesn't mean that you can't vent , express how you feel and your thoughts as you are also one of my priorities cutie.

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I wish you all the best for the future as good people like your cute amazing self with a heart of gold will achieve amazing things and achieve your dream . You are the most hard working person I have ever seen my hot nerd everytime you are stressed about an assignment or scared of failing somehow you pass I couldn't be more proud of your smexy cute ass. Keep your head up bubba you are doing great and amazing more than you give yourself credit for cutie . 

Don't forget you are always enough , just as you are , with all your  flaws and imperfections . Remember you are loved and appreciated for who you are , and that your presence in this world has a purpose thank you for existing. I want to see you win, I want to see you smash every dream you have , and I want to see you succeed. I'm your biggest fan , your top supporter. You are destined for greatness with or without me I want to see you thrive like you always have in so many aspects. I will always support and root for you from afar  regardless if we are together or not.  Thank you so much for everything I am beyond lucky and grateful to call you mine and to have met you thank you for giving me the opportunity and thank you for your trust to let me date your cute ass .

I hope you get spiled on your very special day thank you once again for existing today marks the day of your existence you really do make everyone around you feel loved and safe.  :) 

To yours sincerely,
