The Anthony Republican: Vol. 144 - No. 40 • The Anthony Bulletin: Vol. 124 - No. 40Established October 9, 1879: Oldest continuous business in Anthony • Wednesday, October 4, 2023To advertise your business or event in our “Hot Spot”call the Anthony Republican at 620-842-5129. Photos By: Don HoltMUDDY WATER OBSTACLE COURSE: Participants of all ages took part in the 3rd Annual Muddy Water Obstacle Course held this past Saturday at the Anthony Lake, taking on a challenging course with new obstacles.Anthony PRIDE To Hold Free City Wide Clean Up, Needs VolunteersThe Anthony PRIDE group with the help of com-munity volunteers will be holding a FREE City Wide Clean Up on Friday, Oc-tober 20th from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm and Saturday, October 21st from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm (unless bins fill before 4:00 pm). The event location is Warrior Field (the old AHS football field) at 1100 North Springfield.The Wayne Dennis fund is helping with funding for this FREE clean up event. It gives residents the op-portunity to get rid of items accumulating in your yards, porches, garages, homes, etc. Clean up and clean out before winter!There will be collection bins for junk items, worn-out furniture etc. There are bins for metal (appliances, wire, stainless steel, etc.) ( If there is any profit from metal sales, PRIDE donates that to the Boy Scouts). There will be a place for electronics & computers that will be recycled at Starkey in Wichita. Items that CANNOT be taken are household trash, hazard-ous waste, paint, chemicals, freon, etc., tires, wood pal-lets, tree limbs, yard waste, & dead animals. Volunteers will be avail-able to help YOU unload if needed. If you cannot get your items to the clean-up site, whether from lack of transportation or physi-cally unable, we are here to help. We have a few volun-teers that will pick up from your house. If you need help, please call or text 620-517-0945. We need MORE voluneers, especially strong ones so that we can go out into the community more this year and help those that are unable to bring their items to us. JD Har-gis and Justin Ricker, Boy Scout leaders, are two of those who help us with this project, but more help is needed, whether you can help an hour or more. Per-haps you can reach out in your neighborhood and help those that need help.Please use this opportu-nity to do your part to help clean up your neighbor-hood & your community. All of us need to do our part to keep Anthony Active & Attractive! If you drive around, you will see that we are lacking in keeping our neighborhoods looking their best.Anthony Pride appreci-ates all donations for our community projects, please mail donations to P.O. Box 2, Anthony, Ks. 67003. Want to get involved in other PRIDE community events? Pride meets on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays from 6 to 7 at Bank of the Plains com-munity room. Please join us. Check out our Facebook group page – PRIDE in An-thony, Ks.Country Music Star To Perform In AnthonyBy J.K. GreggOn Saturday, October 7th, at 7 p.m., Rusty Rier-son and the Forever Young Band will perform at the Historic Anthony Theatre.Rusty is a native of south-central Kansas and grew up on his family farm near Leon. He got into mu-sic when he was fourteen but fell in love with agri-culture and graduated from K-State with a Master's Degree in Animal Scienc-es. In 2005, Rusty won the state-wide "YF&R Talent Find Contest" hosted by the Farm Bureau, and thus, a career was born.Rusty has played all over the United States and has toured abroad in multiple countries. Rierson always plays tribute to George Strait, Don Williams, and some of his other heroes while performing, as well as his music. Rierson says, "He hopes people will see his music as "a breath of fresh air."So, put on your best coun-try duds and join the com-munity for a night of whole-some family entertainment. Doors open at 6 p.m., and the concert starts at 7 p.m.Courtesy PhotoLIVE MUSIC AT ANTHONY THEATRE: Rusty Rierson and the Forever Young Band will perform a country music con-cert at the historic Anthony Theatre this Saturday.Courtesy PhotoSPOTLIGHT ON CAREERS: Law, Public Safety, and Security was the topic by Deputy Sheriff Craig Hadsall at the recent Spotlight on Careers . Hadsall answered even more ques-tions about his role as a law enforcement ofcer after his presentation to the Attica students.By Carol Jean MartinThe fall 2023 Harper County school semester’s Career Spotlights speakers are in full swing now with the first presenter, Craig Hadsall. Hadsall is a Dep-uty Sheriff with the Harper County Sheriff’s Office and a school resource officer for USD 361. He has spoken to both Chaparral and At-tica Public School students, sharing his experiences and why he still finds a purpose working in law enforce-ment.He shared that there is a great deal of excitement and adrenaline rush in law enforcement work. An indi-vidual in this field of work must be able to make split Why Become A LawEnforcement Officer?decisions, be willing to go into danger and give life for others. There are interest-ing investigations or adven-tures in the crises that may occur in the daily job. Yet there days when not much occurs that a law enforce-ment officer has to address. Indeed there is a great deal of documentation and re-ports to be made.He played a video titled, “Thunder and Lightning” that took the viewer and listening audience on a fast paced set of events depict-ing how many ways an offi-cer can serve people. It illus-trated not only the types of crisis that occur. Then that problem solving and be-ing able to make decisions about criminal activity, use of force, making arrests and performing a variety of du-ties in the safest and most efficient manner are critical to the job.Over all, as an officer, there are opportunities to save the life of a baby, a mo-torist, a battered woman or a sex offends or all of the above. Hadsall stated, “It is human nature that some look forward to being of help to others.” Most impor-tantly the law enforcement officer provides safety and security to citizens and visi-tors to our state and county.The hiring process is competitive. A high school diploma or GED is re-quired. The position re-quires graduation from the Kansas Law Enforcement OFFICER Continued on next page
Page 2 the Anthony Republican • October 4, 2023Training Center, or from a reciprocating law enforce-ment training center, and a Kansas Driver’s License.Technical skills are some of the most critical skills in today’s enforcement world. At one time Hadsall said there were just 100 skills listed. In the technology age of today there are 500 skills that are the basis of fulfilling the job responsi-bilities in a thorough, safe manner. According to the Kansas Peace Officers As-sociation cite, these include knowledge of federal, state, and local laws, computers, investigative techniques, first aid, and firearms. The employee must be able to efficiently operate, comput-ers, firearms, patrol vehi-cles, radar, equipment and cameras, and other law en-forcement equipment.Passing a lie detector test is important and it is vital that an applicant is honest to the point of shar-ing what they may have done what was wrong but didn’t get caught. That type of honesty or transparency is required. Physical fitness and some martial arts training sure helps with physical ability to take down or even care for a person. There remains a need for law enforcement. Accord-ing to Hadsall 78% of the various law enforcement facilities can’t find quali-fied personnel to help hold the line between good and evil. Larger cities have long OFFICER Continued from previous pagewait times between when a person dials 911 before a law enforcement individual arrives. Compensation for a po-lice or sheriff officer can run from $44,000 for 9 years of service to more, based on seniority. Some police pre-cincts can be well funded depended on the municipal-ity. It is possible some offer health and life insurance benefits as well as retire-ment packages.Being in law enforce-ment is a labor of love. It is a service to others. One of the most rewarding aspects is to be able to help some-one get out of a bad situa-tion, get back on their feet, or turn their lives around. Or find a survivor of an ac-cident they officer worked on that is healed and hav-ing a rewarding life. Then there is the good feeling, “I made a difference in some-one’s life.”• PRINTING •• SIGNS •• SHIRTS •• BANNERS •• STAMPS •LD’S PRINTING620-842-5129EMAIL YOUR NEWS TO:anthonyrepublican@att.netCatching Up With The County CommissionEditor’s Note: This article contains minutes frommultiple meetings.Official Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingSubmitted By HarperCounty Clerk’s OfficeAugust 28, 2023The Harper County Board of County Commis-sioners met in regular ses-sion, with Chairman Stru-ble calling the meeting to order with Commissioner Waldschmidt, Commis-sioner Vornauf was absent. Shonda Larson, Finance Director, Hannah Crowe, County Clerk were also present. Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to ap-prove an Inordinate Spend-ing Authorization for Hazel’s Sheet & Metal to fix EMS AC in the amount of $1,024.47; approved unani-mously.Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to ap-prove August 18, 2023 employee benefits in the amount of $154,410.94; ap-proved unanimously.Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to ap-proved August 21, 2023 minutes; approved unani-mously.Mike Bennett, Public Works, gave a department update.Kari O’Riley, Commu-nity Development, gave a department update.Heather Struble, Health Department Director, gave a department update.Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to ap-prove 5-minute recess; ap-proved unanimously.Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to recon-vene; approved unanimous-ly.At 9:30 the tree trim-ming equipment bids were opened. They are going to review and discuss when Commissioner Vornauf re-turns next week.Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to ap-prove August 28, 2023 account payables in the amount of $41,159.99; ap-proved unanimously.Ami DeLacerda, HR, gave a department update.Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to ap-prove to pay the bill to Gie-sen Electric for residential power line damage; approve unanimously.At 9:59 a.m. Commis-sioner Waldschmidt mo-tioned to enter executive session. The subject to be discussed will be personnel matters. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss personnel mat-ters of nonelected person-nel. The open meeting will resume at 10:25 a.m. in this room; approved unani-mously. Commissioner Waldschmidt motioned to extend for 15-minutes; ap-proved unanimously. Ami DeLacerda, HR, was pres-ent in this meeting. The meeting returned to open session at 10:30 a.m. with no binding action taken.As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:12 a.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday September 5, 2023 at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner Room at the Harper County Courthouse.Approved: Darrin Stru-ble, ChairmanAttest: Hannah K. Crowe, County ClerkOfficial Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingCOUNTY Continued on next page
the Anthony Republican • October 4, 2023 Page 3HARPER COUNTYDISTRICT COURT REPORTIndividuals listed below are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.PAID TRAFFIC CITATIONS8/29: Christina L. Scott: 1) Speeding - 74/55; $207.00. 23-TR-297.8/29: Michael D. Friesen: 1) Speeding - 78/65; $171.00. 23-TR-299.9/2: Tyler L. Keeling: 1) Speed-ing - 79/55; $249.00. 23-TR-311.DOMESTIC CASE FILINGSState of Kansas DCF vs. Paul B. Greenleaf Jr., support petition; 23-DM-53.LIMITED CASE FILINGSHospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Gerald Helms, debt collection; 23-LM-68.Woden Finance LLC vs. Tania R. Baker, debt collection; 23-LM-71.Citibank NA vs. Herman W. Man-ning, debt collection; 23-LM-72.CRIMINAL CASE FILINGSState of Kansas vs. Christopher D. Green: 1) Possession of drug paraphernalia. 23-CR-101.State of Kansas vs. Jamaica D. Dunn: 1) Domestic battery. 23-CR-104.COUNTY COURT DOCKETJUDGE SCOTT E. McPHERSONMonday, October 2, 20239:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Lucas J. Bell, answer hearing; 23-LM-59.9:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Kyle D. Asper, et al., admit or deny; 23-LM-61.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Isaiah M. Bramwell, status confer-ence; 23-CR-86.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Christopher D. Green, rst ap-pearance; 23-CR-101.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Becca D. Sowter, rst appear-ance; 23-CR-109.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Mackenzie B. Graves, pay or ap-pear; 23-TR-166.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Abel A. Calderon, status confer-ence; 23-TR-228.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Chance L. Smith, pay or appear; 23-TR-254.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Jody D. Bringer, status confer-ence; 23-TR-256.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Harrison L. Gerling II, rst ap-peaance; 23-TR-282.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Thomas A-D Cornell, rst appear-ance; 23-TR-283.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Julian Sanchez, rst appearance; 23-TR-284.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Hunter Dack, rst appearance; 23-TR-292.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Lance A. Noakes, rst appear-ance; 23-TR-304, 23-TR-308.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Trinity A. Miller, rst appearance; 23-TR-307.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Camron W. Tambunga, rst ap-pearance; 23-TR-309.2:00 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Ni-cole M. Moreci, status conference, 23-CR-9; evidentiary, 23-CR-40.2:00 p.m. State of Kansas vs. David E. Studebaker, status con-ference; 23-CR-30, 23-CR-105.2:00 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Lacey N. Horn, status conference; 23-CR-51.2:00 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Kirby L. Moore, status conference; 23-CR-51.2:00 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Christopher Y. Domon, status con-ference; 23-CR-79, 23-CR-92.2:00 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Jessica L. Brown, status confer-ence; 23-CR-85.2:00 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Annetta F. Meeks, status confer-ence; 23-TR-115.Tuesday, October 3, 20231:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Duncan P. Fankhauser, status conference; 22-CR-157, 23-CR-95.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Kyle R. Rose, status conference; 23-CR-77.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Tanya R. Ortega, status confer-ence; 23-CR-80.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Joseph R. Corbally, status confer-ence; 23-CR-91.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Joshua J. Raper, status confer-ence 23-CR-108.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Jessica S. Jackson, status confer-ence; 23-TR-40.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Zachariah N. Haxton, diversion status; 23-TR-235.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Cady M. Hemphill, status confer-ence; 23-TR-248.2:00 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Marcus A. Campbell, status con-ference; 23-CR-17.Wednesday, October 4, 20231:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Maria M. Swartz, status confer-ence; 23-CR-89.Thursday, October 5, 20239:00 a.m. Interfaith Housing & Community Services Inc. vs. Lin-da R. Stubbs, et al., status confer-ence; 23-LM-54.9:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Kyle D. Asper, et al., hearing; 23-LM-61.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Michael R. Gates, evidentiary; 23-CR-102.HARPER COUNTY JAILARRESTS & BOOKINGSLawrence K. Limke, 37: Ar-rested: 9-25-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Probation violation.Jamaica D. Dunn, 30: Arrested: 9-25-23; Released: 9-25-23. Ar-rested By: APD. Charges: 1) Do-mestic battery.Joseph R. Corbally, 33: Ar-rested: 9-28-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) 72 hour quick dip. 2) 48 hour quick dip.Travis L. Wohlschlegel, 50: Ar-rested: 9-29-23; Released: 9-29-23. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Failure to appear.Donna M. Beard, 32: Arrested: 9-30-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HPD. Charges: 1) Distribute marijuana - 25 to <450 grams.Charles E. Lewis, 44: Arrested: 9-30-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Driving under the inuence - 1st convic-tion.Christopher P. Babbington, 39: Arrested: 10-2-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: APD. Charges: 1) Hold for KDOC.HARPER COUNTY DEEDSBOOK D108#942 - Trustee Deed: Rosemary A. Hufford, Trustee of the Rose-mary A. Hufford Trust, to Benjamin Submitted By HarperCounty Clerk’s OfficeSeptember 5, 2023The Harper County Board of County Commis-sioners met in regular ses-sion, with Chairman Stru-ble calling the meeting to order with Commissioner Waldschmidt and Commis-sioner Vornauf. Bob Morris, Harper Advocate, Shonda Larson, Finance Director, Hannah Crowe, County Clerk were also present. Richard Raleigh, County Attorney, spoke to Commis-sioners about details with the Flat Ridge 4 & 5 Road Use Agreement & Contri-bution Agreement. Sarah Carroll with Invenergy was present in this meeting by phone. Mike Bennett, Bailey Longbine & Brandon Hek-COUNTY Continued from previous pageel, Public Works, gave a de-partment update.Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to ap-prove an inordinate spend-ing authorization for a welder in the amount of $16, 940.01 from Anderson Welding; approved unani-mously.Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to ap-prove an inordinate spend-ing authorization for mulcher/cab guard in the amount of $68,026.37 from Central Power Systems & Services; approved unani-mously.Commissioner Vornauf motioned to approve 2 2023 Ford SRW 4x4 Supercab XL from Mel Hambelton; approved unanimously.Commissioner Wald-schmidt approved Sep-tember 5, 2023 account payables in the amount of $28,426.72; approved unanimously.At 9:18 a.m. Commis-sioner Waldschmidt mo-tioned to enter executive session. The subject to be discussed will be personnel matters. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss personnel mat-ters of nonelected person-nel. The open meeting will resume at 9:30 a.m. in this room; approved unani-mously. Ami DeLacerda, HR, was present in this meeting. The meeting re-turned to open session at 9:30 a.m. with no binding action taken.Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to ap-prove September 1, 2023 payroll in the amount of $135,336.97; approved unanimously.Kari O’Riley, Commu-nity Development, gave a department update.Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to ap-prove August 28, 2023 minutes; approved unani-mously.As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:56 a.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday Septem-ber 11, 2023 at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner Room at the Harper County Court-house.Approved: Darrin Stru-ble, ChairmanAttest: Hannah K. Crowe, County ClerkREPORT Continued on Page 7
Page 4 the Anthony Republican • October 4, 2023Obituary...Charles Kaufman1941 ~ 2023Charles Lynn Kaufman, age 81, of Manhattan, KS, died September 21, 2023, at Homestead Assisted Living in Manhattan.He was born October 3, 1941, in Kingman, Kansas, the son of Walter and Florence Kaufman. Charles played football (unde-feated senior season), basketball and track while in high school. He also played the French Horn in the band and sang in the mixed chorus and glee club. He was the presi-dent of the Student Council his se-nior year and a member of the Na-tional Honor Society. Charles also obtained his Eagle Scout Award. Charles was a Special Educa-tion Teacher and Counselor in pub-lic schools.He lived and spent retirement years in Port Isabel, south Texas. Enjoying shing on the bay, bird watching and the warm weather.Charles was preceded in death by his wife Maxine Fiero Kaufman and by his parents.Survivors include two children: Shawna Kaufman-Frogley and her husband Kyle of Manhattan, and Gregory Kaufman of Phoenix, AZ; and one brother Steve Kaufman and his wife Marcia of Steamboat Springs, CO.Cremation is planned with pri-vate family services.Online condolences may be left for the family through the funeral home website at Memorial contributions may be made to the Muhammed Ali Parkinson’s Center. Contri-butions may be left in care of the Yorgensen-Meloan-Londeen Fu-neral Home, 1616 Poyntz Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502.Obituary...James H. Morton1931 ~ 2023James Howard “Jimmy” Morton was born November 8, 1931 in Van Buren, Arkansas, son of Freder-ick Lee and Jewel Addie (Hadden) Morton. He was raised in Okla-homa, graduating from Atoka High School. In 1948, James joined the Unit-ed States Army. In January of 1949 he was sent to Korea where he served during the Korean War until 1951. He was discharged from the Army in 1953. On July 1, 1954, James met Betty L. Barnes in Crescent, Okla-homa at the Post Ofce. James was driving his little convertible and Betty fell in love! Twelve days later on July 12, 1954, James and Betty were married. The rst six months of their marriage was spent travel-ing, playing donkey ball from Wyo-ming to Texas, before settling back in Crescent. In 1978, they moved to Waldron, Kansas and in 1990 to Anthony. James dedicated his life to working as a farm hand for many farmers in Oklahoma and Kansas. At different times he raised dogs, birds, and sh. He had a green thumb and loved plants. He was a member of the Revolution Fellow-ship Church. James’ greatest love was his family. He was well loved by his children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. Growing up his children valued all the things he thrived to teach them. Trips to grandpa’s were always a treat with ice cream every night, and a little fun outside on the tractor or go-cart. An avid reader, he enjoyed all types of books, es-pecially ones that expanded his knowledge. On September 26, 2023, James passed away at Patterson Health Center at the age of 91. He was preceded in death by his wife, Betty on October 25, 2017; his parents; two sons, Billy and Johnny; and three brothers, Freddie, Michael, and Earnest. James will be deeply missed by his children: Wesley Morton and wife, Meredith of Ponca City, OK, Rick Morton and wife, Pam of Anthony, and Cathryn Carpenter and husband, Ernie of Anthony; siblings: Darrell Morton of Waldron, Myrtle Lowe of Oklahoma City, OK, and Dale Morton of Tecum-seh, OK; 9 grandchildren: Jessica, Jeremy, Cathy, Jennifer, April, Da-mon, Jeffrey, Joni, and Kevin; 38 great-grandchildren; 7 great-great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews; other relatives; and many friends. Memorial service was held 11:00 a.m. Saturday, September 30, 2023 at the Revolution Fellow-ship Church in Anthony with Pas-tor Kent Olds ofciating. Musical selections “Old Rugged Cross,” “Amazing Grace,” and “I’ll FlyA-way” were played. Ruth Salsberry served as the prelude/postlude or-ganist. A private inurnment will be held at the Waldron Cemetery, Wal-dron, Kansas. Memorials in memory of James may be made to the Revolution Fel-lowship Church and can be sent in care of Prairie Rose Funeral Home, 602 E. Main St., Anthony, KS 67003. Obituary...Lyle E. Pearl1939 ~ 2023Lyle Edwin Pearl was born on October 28, 1939 in Harper, Kan-sas to Cleo Arthur and Dorothy Mae (Renollet) Pearl. He grew up on the farm southwest of Harper with his two brothers, Carroll and Harold. Going to grade school in small rural schools near his home, he then attended Harper High School and graduated with the class of 1957.Lyle married the love of his life, Gail Hoover on October 11, 1959 in Harper. He then started working as a seismic operator and drove a dy-namite truck for a couple of years. Traveling a lot for his job, Lyle de-cided he wanted to be home more, so he started his work as a carpen-ter and painter, also helping his dad on the farm.In 1971, the couple made their life home two miles west of Harper and Lyle started farming for him-self. Already blessed with two daughters, Crystal and Jewel, a few years after the move they had a son, Morgan. Along with taking care of his own farming, Lyle did custom swathing and bailing for many others in the area.Although he loved to work, Lyle also enjoyed hunting, shing, shooting, and just about anything to do with the outdoors and nature. He was a member of the Harper United Methodist Church and was the Trustee for Harper County Township 5. Lyle was a kind and generous man and was a great fa-ther.With his family surrounding him and just shy of his 84th birthday, Lyle passed away on September 19, 2023 at the Patterson Health Center south of Harper. He was preceded in death by his parents, Cleo and Dorothy Pearl; infant son, Eric Jason Pearl; and sister-in-law, Pat Pearl. Lyle is survived by his wife, Gail of the home; children: Crystal Worthan and husband, Da-vid of Wichita, Kansas, Jewel Mur-dock and husband, Roger of Mer-iden, Kansas, and Morgan Pearl and wife, Janelle of Salina, Kansas; brothers, Carroll Pearl of Slidell, Louisiana and Harold Pearl and wife, Nita of Harper; grandchildren: Daniel Worthan (Chloe), CleoAnne Hundley (Chris), Jacob, Zachary, and Braden Murdock, and Abigail Pearl; great-grandchildren: Har-rison and Isabel Hundley and Viv-ian Worthan; nieces and nephews; other relatives and many friends.Funeral Service was 10:00 a.m. Monday, September 25, 2023 at Prairie Rose Funeral Home, Harper with Pastor Bruce Wilson ofciat-ing. Burial followed at the Harper Cemetery.Memorial contributions may be made to Harper County Health Foundation for the Dialysis Cam-paign or Harper United Methodist Church and can be sent in care of Prairie Rose Funeral Homes, 613 W 14th St ~ Harper, Kansas 67058Online condolences can be left at www.prairierosefuneralhomes.comObituary...David W. WarbintonDavid K. Warbinton, 74, Retired Pharmacist, died Wednesday, Sep-tember 27, 2023. David grew up in Anthony, Kansas where he gradu-ated from Anthony High School in 1967. He graduated from the Uni-versity of Kansas in 1972 with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy and continued to love all things Jayhawks. He was preceded in death by his parents, Robert and Jane Warbinton; and infant son, Todd. He is survived by his son, Brett; and his daughter, Blakeley; his brother, Doug and wife, Pam; nephew, Vince (wife, Erika and their son, Alaster); nephew, Tanner (wife, Katie); his sister, Debbie and husband, Bruce; niece, Katie; and niece, Lindsay (husband, Jordan and their daughter, Madilyn). In lieu of owers, please con-sider a donation in David’s name to Home Health & Hospice of Kansas Memorial Fund, 7607 E. Harry St, Wichita, KS 67207. Celebration of Life will be held at a later date.Services in care of Downing & Lahey Mortuary - East Chapel. Share tributes online at:* * WWW.ANTHONYREPUBLICANNEWS.COM * *
the Anthony Republican • October 4, 2023 Page 5Source: America’s Newspapers 2023 Local Newspaper Study conducted by Coda Ventures.Almost 8 out of 10 newspaper readers vote in national or state elections.NEWSPAPERREADERSDETERMINEELECTIONSObituary...JW Marr1954 ~ 2023JW Marr, 69, of Coyville, KS passed away on Saturday, Sep-tember 23, 2023, at his home, surrounded by family and close friends. JW was born on Febru-ary 24, 1954, in Fredonia, KS the son of William L. and Dorothy L. (Shields) Marr.JW was a graduate of Fredo-nia High School, class of 1972. After high school, JW joined the US Marines Corps., he was one of the Marine guards for President Ford. JW had a love for horses, rode them in rodeos and owned several racehorses throughout his life. He enjoyed hunting and went to South Africa 3 times, among vari-ous other locations. JW supported his community, a huge supporter of the Wilson County 4H and Fair and Rodeo. Most of all, JW enjoyed spending time with his family and friends.On November 30, 2010, JW married Terry L. Imel, and she sur-vives at their home.Including his wife Terry, JW is survived by: Five Children: Jason Marr of Aztec, NM; Branden Stitt of Wichita, KS; Nathan Stitt of An-thony, KS; Jason Stitt of Colorado Springs, CO; Baylee Colbert of Perkins, OK. Brother: Kent Marr and wife Gyla of Coyville, KS (Deric and Hayley). Eight Grandchildren and three Great GrandchildrenJW was preceded in death by his parents, and a brother Monty Marr.Cremation has been requested and a Memorial service will be held on Saturday, October 7, 2023 at 2:00 PM at Countryside Funeral Home in Fredonia. Memorials in his memory have been suggested to either: The Avenue of Flags, Wil-son County 4H, Advanced Health Care Associates LLC and or the Wilson County Fair and Rodeo As-sociation, these may be dropped off or mailed to the funeral home. Online condolences may be left at Ser-vices are under the direction of Countryside Funeral Home 420 S. 20th St., P.O. Box 247, Fredonia, KS 66736.City Approves Exceeding Revenue Neutral Rate At Special MeetingOfficial Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingSubmitted ByCity of Anthony ClerkSeptember 5, 2023CALL TO ORDERAt 5:30 p.m. Mayor Cleveland called the Spe-cial Meeting to order.ROLL CALLPresent: Mayor Greg Cleveland, Commissioner Sherrie Eaton, Commis-sioner Eric Smith. Absent: Commissioner Kenny Hod-son Jr., Commissioner Jan Lanie, City Administrator Cyndra Kastens.ITEMS OF BUSINESS1. 2024 Revenue Neutral Rate Public Hearing: Mayor Cleveland opened the pub-lic hearing for the 2024 Revenue Neutral Rate. No public was present, no pub-lic comments were received.2. Resolution No. 1133 Exceed RNR 2024 Budget: A Resolution Of The City Of Anthony, Kansas To Levy A Property Tax Rate Exceed-ing The Revenue Neutral Rate;WHEREAS, the Revenue Neutral Rate for the City of Anthony was calculated as 63.821 mills by the Harper County Clerk; andWHEREAS, the City of Anthony has prepared a budget that would not re-quire additional tax dollars however, this procedure to exceed the Revenue Neu-tral Rate is necessary to ensure the dollars gener-ated by 63.821, based off estimated valuations, is not reduced when final valua-tions are calculated in No-vember. The City of Antho-ny has therefore adjusted the 2024 budget to increase the Revenue Neutral Rate by 0.001 mill to provide the legal mechanism necessary to levy the same dollars at final valuations.WHEREAS, the budget proposed by the Governing Body of the City of Anthony will require the levy of a property tax rate exceeding the Revenue Neutral Rate; andWHEREAS, the Govern-ing Body held a hearing on September 5, 2023 allow-ing all interested taxpayers desiring to be heard an op-portunity to give oral testi-mony; andWHEREAS, the Gov-erning Body of the City of Anthony, having heard tes-timony, still finds it neces-sary to exceed the Revenue Neutral Rate.Now, Therefore, Be It Re-solved By The Governing Body Of The City Of An-thony:The City of Anthony shall levy a property tax rate exceeding the Reve-nue Neutral Rate of 63.821 mills.This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its adop-tion and shall remain in effect until future action is taken by the Governing Body.Effective Date. This Res-olution shall take effect and be in full force from and af-ter its adoption by the gov-erning body of the City.ADOPTED by the gov-erning body of the City and signed by the Mayor this 5th day of September, 2023. A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 1133 as presented. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Smith. A roll call vote was taken. Mayor Cleveland-Yea, Commissioner Eaton-Yea, Commissioner Smith-Yea. Motion passed 3-0.3. Close Public Hearing: Mayor Cleveland closed the public hearing for the 2024 Tax Rate Public Hearing.4. 2024 Budget Public Hearing: Mayor Cleveland opened the public hearing for the 2024 Budget. No public was present. No comments from the public were received.5. Adopt 2024 Budget and Certify to the County Clerk: A motion was made to adopt the 2024 Budget as presented and certify it to the County Clerk. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commission-er Eaton, Commissioner Smith.6. Close Public Hearing: Mayor Cleveland closed the public hearing for the 2024 Budget.ADJOURNMENTA motion was made to adjourn the Special Meet-ing. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Vot-ing Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commissioner Eaton, Com-missioner Smith.Gregory Cleveland, MayorCyndra Kastens, City Clerk/AdministratorBy Jennifer WolffMaking health care deci-sions for yourself or some-one who is no longer able to do so can be overwhelming. It’s important to get a clear idea about preferences & arrangements while you can make decisions & par-ticipate in legal & financial planning together. Here is a simple checklist to ensure health care & financial ar-rangements are in place before serious illness or a health care crisis:Start discussions early with your loved one while everyone can still help make decisions.Create documents that communicate health care, financial management & end of life wishes for your-self & the people you care for with legal advice as needed. The Aging Office has medical power of attor-ney, DNR & Living Will dec-laration forms for the pub-lic. Also available is a “How to Avoid Probate” checklist if you own a home, car &/or bank/investment accounts.Review plans regularly & update documents as cir-cumstances change.Put important papers in one place. Make sure a trusted family member or friend knows the location & any instructions.Make copies of health care directives to be placed in all medical files, includ-ing information on every doctor seen.Give permission in ad-vance for a doctor or lawyer to talk directly with a care-Harper Co. Dept. On Aging:Advance Care Planning giver as needed.Reduce anxiety about funeral & burial arrange-ments by planning ahead.The Harper County De-partment on Aging on the 1st floor of the courthouse 201 N. Jennings has more information on Advance Care Planning, call Jenni-fer 620-842-5104.The Public Transporta-tion Service assists ALL Harper Co residents of any age to stay indepen-dent with transportation to work, medical appoint-ments, shopping, errands, Patterson Health Center & locations less than 70 miles. Hours of operation: 8:30am– 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday. Every Harper Co resident can ride with pub-lic transit regardless of age or mobility. Equal access is provided to the public. Although we are available to make trips M-F out of county, rides need to be scheduled 24 hours in ad-vance & the bus returns for Harper Co by 3pm. CALL 620-842-5104 for ride res-ervations & rates. 1st come, 1st served.Out of County Transit Schedule: Mon 10/9: Wichita 8:20 departTues 10/10: Wichita 9:00 departWed 10/11: Wichita 8:20 departThurs 10/12: Out of County availableFri 10/13: Wichita 8:20 departAll routes are subject to change without notice. GOT NEWS OR PICTURES YOU WANT TO SHARE? ANTHONYREPUBLICAN@ATT.NET60 YEARS AGO - 1963Dana Dial, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Dial of Anthony, was chosen by the Anthony Business and Pro-fessional Women’s Club to represent this community in the 32nd annual Arkalalah celebration held in October in Arkansas City.Mr. and Mrs. James Franklin Beadman of 404 East 13th in Harper, an-nounced the birth of a daugh-ter, Kelly Denise on Sept.21 at the Anthony Hospital. She weighed 7 lbs. and 3 ozs.Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gene Reber of Anthony were the parents of a daughter, Dea Ann born Sept. 21 at the An-thony Hospital. She weighed 6 lbs, 4 ozs.50 YEARS AGO - 1973The 361 Board of Educa-tion approved a request of the carpentry class at Chap-arral to construct a three bedroom house as a project. Basically, the construction would fall under the carpen-try class of nine juniors and seniors. Other related de-partments include the vo-ag with wiring; advanced woods with carpentry work; home-ec with color selections; busi-ness with record keeping forms and inspections by local representatives for ac-ceptability for loan approv-als. Mary Elliott entertained bridge club in her home. Be-fore the afternoon of bridge, desert and iced tea were served to Barbara Harmon, Beth Bird, Amy Zielke, Su-san Croft, Carolyn Buss, Dana Wethington, Libby Burnet, Pat Wolff, Kathy Francis and two guests, Lee Cox and Mary Mize.1973-74 cheerleaders for Chaparral High school in-cluded Carol Shadley, Tam-mie High, Cindy Gasper, Su-san Latta, Dorothy Naffziger and Patty Bruey.Chaparral Cross Coun-try team members were: Jeff Ray, David Anderson, Larry Salee, Larry Smithhisler, Randy Ryan, Danny Smith-hisler, Jim Jackson, Doug Hostetler and Ron Arm-strong.40 YEARS AGO - 1983Returning Cross Country lettermen were: Jon Joslin, Julie Rinke, Janice Hugh-banks, Nancy Blanchat, Wayne Sneary, Glen Fisher, Jon Howie, Ray Ball and David Nickel. Remaining members of the team were: Mandy Loesch, Sherry Puls, Christie Woodring, Greg Bontrager, Dave Bertholf, Darren Bonham, Paul Lager, David Yandell, Kyle Hugh-banks, Travis Womack and Mark McCully. Eighteen members and five guests followed clues to locate the meeting place of Xi Zeta Sorority. Those attending were Mary Ann Elmore, Pam Frost, Judy Smith, Rosie Walker, Mary Carothers, Cynda Carr, Crytal Coffman, Connie Cox, Linda Dills, Martha Hadsall, Cindy Hamill, Ethel Ham-ilton, Darlene Laing, Dollie Mathes, Anita Adams, Cece-lia Crow Judy Birchenough, Charlene Farmer, and Tam-mi Mast.30 YEARS AGO - 1993The City of Anthony and Municipal Hall had lost one of its best friends when Ev-erett Cooperrider retired af-ter 12 years as the building’s caretaker. Bill Giesen left his job at Anthony Lake to take over as the Hall care-taker, and Bryan Struble replaced Giesen at Anthony Lake.Mary Welch, who had the Country Blessing gift shop in Harper, had opened a new store, Heart of the Homes in Anthony in the former Du sty’s Boutique at 206 W. Main.20 YEARS AGO - 2003Those participating in FILES Continued on Page 8
Page 6 the Anthony Republican • October 4, 2023Courtesy PhotoPRESERVING HISTORY AT MEDICINE LODGE STOCKADE: Anthony and Medicine Lodge Girl Scouts enjoyed meeting at the Stockade to learn about Carrie Nation, Charlie Little Coyote and the historic museum. The most favorite thing was making new friends. The girls learned about the bank robberies seeing pictures of them when captured. he family of Charlie Little Coyote had donated several of his treasured items. The items were traditional Indian items and beautiful. He was present when the peace treaties were signed so long ago and had a huge presences at the Peace Treaties. They truly loved the fort climbing the tower, exploring the jail and the log cabin. There were many items still up from the Peace Treaty the week before which the girls enjoyed. Sadly we did not see Carrie Nation as she was attending a funeral of a very dear friend. The girls still enjoyed seeing her house and all her pictures and treasurers. This was topped off with a trip to the Pizza Hut where everyone was lled up. It was neat to see the new friends sitting together at this time getting to know each other better. Going from Anthony Girl Scout Troop # 50050 were: Macie Calvert, Genesis Sowter, Amelia Calhoun, June Coffey, Harley Hacker, Ember Kammberg, Laila Dodgen, Callie Johnson, and Nova. The leaders as-sisting were Linda Chambers, Jillian Hargis, Nancy Hacker, Mattie Calvert and Joyce Kaup.DEATH NOTICEJudy Ann Miller, 79, passed away September 28, 2023 at At-tica Long Term Care. Survivors in-clude her siblings: Debbie Gerdes and Monte (Diana) Miller; 5 neph-ews and nieces; several great nieces and nephews. Memorial Manchester Alumni/Area Schools Reunion To Be HeldBy Marjorie SimmonsThe Manchester Alumni/Area Schools Reunion will be Saturday, October 14, 2023, at the Manchester Community Center. Doors will open at 9:00 a.m. Lunch will be served at noon for re-union attendees, followed by a business meeting at 1:00 p.m. The community is wel-come.The is no longer a meet-ing on Friday night.Source: maxpreps.comThe Chaparral Roadrun-ners football squad scored 35 points and restricted the host Douglass Bulldogs to 13 in the Roadrunners vic-tory on Friday, September 29th.Quarterback Jack Walk-er (So) completed 20 of 29 passes for 224 yards, with 4 touchdowns and 3 intercep-tioins.Jay Cushenbery (So) led the team in rushing yards with 7 attempts for 46 yards. Keaton Bollman Roadrunners Get First Win Of Season Against Bulldogs(Jr) had the only rush-ing touchdown on the day, rushing the ball 6 times for 16 yards. Ty Hadsall (So) had 3 carries for 55 yards and Kyler Smith (Sr) had 2 rushes for 23 yards.The leading receiver for the Roadrunners was Tyce Pfaff (Sr) with 6 receptions for 125 yards, with 2 touch-downs. Kale Greve (So) had 4 catches for 40 yards and 1 touchdown. Kyler Smith (Sr) also scored a touch-down, cathing the ball 4 graveside service will be held 2:00 p.m. Thursday, October 5, 2023 at the Attica Cemetery. There will be no registry at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to At-tica Long Term Care or to Coun-try Care Hospice and can be sent in care of Prairie Rose Funeral Home, 602 E. Main St., Anthony, KS 67003. times for 27 yards. Ty Had-sall (So) had 4 receptions for 39 yards.The defense held the Bulldogs to 122 rushing yards and only 45 passing yards. Leading the Road-runners in tackling was Kyler Smith (Sr) with 14 to-tal tackles with 2 for a loss. Quinton Roth (Jr) had 11 total tackles. Tyce Pfaff (So) recored 9 total tackles with 1 sack and also recovered a fumble caused by Dan-iel Schmidt (Fr) who had an interception to go along with his 7 total tackles.The Roadrunners now possess a 1-4 record. They put it on the line next when they host Kingman for a Central Plains battle on Fri-day, October 6th. Chaparral will play a Eagles squad coming off a 28-21 win over Hesston. The Eagles record now stands at 4-1.Chaparral Volleyball UpdateSource: maxpreps.comThe Cheney Cardinals volleyball team won 2 games and limited the host Road-runners to 0 in the Cardinals victory on Tuesday, Sept. 26th. The Cardinals won the first game 25-8 and the 2nd game 25-21. On Tuesday, Sept. 26th, the CHS Varsity Girls Volleyball team won their match against Indepen-dent High School by a score of 2-0. CHS won the game 25-18 and the 2nd game 25-17.On Saturday, Sept. 30th, the CHS Varsity Girls Vol-leyball team lost their match against Belle Plaine by a score of 1-2. CHS won the first game 25-13 and then lost the second and third games 25-10 and 25-19. The Moundridge varsity volley-ball team won Saturday’s home tournament match against Chaparral by a score of 2-0. Moundridge won the first game 25-15 and the sec-ond game 25-11.
the Anthony Republican • October 4, 2023 Page 7FOR RENT - Low income housing for people age 55 and older. Mainte-nance lives on site. Water, sewer and trash paid. Storm shelters. Contact Meadowlark Housing, 924 E. Spring in Anthony, KS 67003. Phone: 620-842-5331. 32-4-5-tfcFOR RENTKCAN ADSHELP WANTEDHELP WANTED: Harper County is hiring for the following positions:• Attendant Care Providers, Health Department• Communications Specialist, 911/ Dispatcher• Detention Deputies• Full and Part Time EMTs, AEMTs, Paramedics• Public Works Equipment Operators and Bridge Crew Positions• Full Time Deputy Sheriff• Part Time Health Department RNFull time positions offer affordable health, dental and vision insurance options, employer funded Health Reimbursement Account, KPERS retirement, paid life insurance, and a generous Paid Time Off (PTO) ben-et. 72-9-27-2tc KCAN ADSLEGAL NOTICELEGAL NOTICEHUGE INDOOR SALE: At Bluff City High School, October 5th-9th & 12th-15th from 9am-5pm. 50 years of collecting! Antiques, Furniture, Tools, Collectibles, Memorabilia, & more! M-10-4-2tp LOST & FOUND: Nice rod and reel found at the Anthony Lake. Call 620-968-0258. Must identify. M-10-4-2tpLOST & FOUNDGARAGE SALE(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, October 4, 2023) 3t NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALETHE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to an Order of Sale issued out of the District Court of Harper County, Kansas on Septem-ber 25, 2023, in the case set forth below, I , Tracy Chance, Sheriff of Harper County, Kansas, will on November 14, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. in the District Court Room of the Harper County Courthouse at 201 North Jennings, Anthony, Kansas, offer for public sale and sell to the highest bidder, without redemption, the following described real property situ-ated in Harper County, Kansas, the legal description and approximate location for each tract of property to be sold is listed below as (1), the owner or a party having some interest in each tract of property is listed as (2) and the judgment lien as of April 5, 2023, the tract is listed as (3). TRACT #35The Board of County Commissioners of Harper County, Kansas v. Doug Asper, et al., Case No. 2022 CV 691. Legal description: A tract in Block 4, in Jennings Addition to the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas, described as: Beginning at a point 160 feet North of Southeast corner of Block 4, thence West 330 feet, thence North 75 feet, thence East 157.5 feet, thence North 25 feet, thence East 172.5 feet, thence South 100 feet to the point of beginning. Approximate location: 418 N LL & G Ave, Anthony, KS 670032. Doug Asper, 402 S. Jefferson, Av., Anthony, KS 67003, Melissa Asper, 402 S. Jefferson, Av., Anthony, KS 670033. $35,923.54 Tracy Chance Sheriff, Harper County, KansasPhilip W. Unruh #92171216 CentralHarper, KS 67058Tel: 620-896-7301Fax: 620-896-7954 Em: philunruh@outlook.comAttorney for PlaintiffLEGAL NOTICE(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, September 27, 2023) 3t IN THE THIRTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICTDISTRICT COURT, HARPER COUNTY, KANSASCIVIL DIVISION(Filed Pursuant to Chapter 60)CONWAY BANK, ) ) Plaintiff, ) )vs. ) Case No. HP-2023-CV-10 )BRETT L. GRAVES, et. al. ) ) Defendants. ) )SHERIFF’S SALE NOTICE By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the District Court of Harper County, Kansas, on the 12th day of September, 2023, in the above-entitled case, I will on the 19th day of October, 2023, at 10:00 o’clock A. M., at the front door of the Courthouse in the City of Anthony, County of Harper, State of Kansas, offer for sale, the following described real property situated in Harper County, Kansas, to-wit: Lots 7 And 8, Barton’s Addition To The City Of Harper, Harper County Kansas.The above-described real property is taken as the property of Defen-dant Brett L. Graves et. al., and is directed by Order of Sale to be sold and will be sold, without appraisement, to satisfy said Order of Sale. WITNESS MY HAND, This 15th day of September, 2023. Tracy Chance SHERIFF OF HARPER COUNTY, KANSASAustin A. Pfalzgraf #29443PFALZGRAF LAW OFFICES522 North WashingtonWellington, Kansas 67152-0668Telephone: (620) 326-8961austin@sutv.comAttorney for the Plaintiff herein(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, September 20, 2023) 3t IN THE THIRTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICTDISTRICT COURT OF HARPER COUNTY, KANSASIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: ) ) JACK L. HUENERGARDT, Deceased. ) Case No. HP 2023 PR 32 )(Petition Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 59)NOTICE OF HEARING AND NOTICE TO CREDITORSTHE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notifi ed that on September 15, 2023, a Petition was fi led in this Court by Terry Sterling and Mary Sterling, the Co-Executors named in the Declination and Designation of Individual to Serve as Successor Executor in the “Last Will and Testament of Jack L. Huen-ergardt,” deceased, dated October 3, 2005, praying the will and First, Second and Third Codicil fi led with the Petition be admitted to probate and record; Petitioners be appointed as Co-Executors, without bond; and Petitioners be granted Letters Testamentary. You are required to fi le your written defenses thereto on or before October 12, 2023 at 9:15 o’clock a.m. in the District Court, Anthony, Harper County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. All creditors are notifi ed to exhibit their demands against the estate within four months from the date of fi rst publication of notice under K.S.A. 59-2236. If demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be for-ever barred. Terry Sterling and Mary Sterling, Petitioners Matthew W. Ricke, #20995ATTORNEY AT LAW, LLC349 North Main, P. O. Box 113Kingman, KS 67068(620) 532-3103Attorney for PetitionersFor SalePlace your 25-word classied in the Kansas Press Association and 135 more newspapers for only $300/ week. Find employees, sell your home or your car. Call the Kansas Press Association @ 785-271-5304 today! kpa-10-4Misc.BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Beautiful walk in showers with no slip ooring. Also, grab bars and seated showers avail-able. Waiving All Installation Costs, Plus No Interest and No Payments for 1 Year: 855-382-1221 kpa-10-4Misc.VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW! 844-887-7963. kpa-10-4Misc.PROFESSIONAL LAWN SER-VICE: Fertilization, weed control, seeding, aeration and mosquito con-trol. Call now for a free quote. Ask about our rst application special! 855-288-8649. kpa-10-4Misc.Looking for beautiful, energy ef-cient new windows for your home? Call now and set up your free, no-obligation estimate. Beautify your home today! 855-727-0043. kpa-10-4Misc.Shop w/ A Viasat Expert For High Speed Satellite Internet. New Cus-tomer Deals In Your Area. Nation-wide Service. New Service For 2023. 833-399-3117. kpa-10-4Misc.TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUI-TARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 855-454-6658. kpa-10-4Misc.PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Day-tona, GMT, Submariner and Speed-master. Call 844-575-0691. kpa-10-4Misc.GOT AN UNWANTED CAR??? DO-NATE IT TO PATRIOTIC HEARTS. Fast free pick up. All 50 States. Pa-triotic Hearts’ programs help veter-ans nd work or start their own busi-ness. Call 24/7: 855-612-3543. kpa-10-4Misc.HughesNet - Finally, super-fast in-ternet no matter where you live. 25 Mbps just $59.99/mo! Unlimited Data is Here. Stream Video. Bundle TV & Internet. Free Installation. Call 855-980-3374. kpa-10-4E. Jacobsen and Naomi N. Ja-cobsen, Lot 4 and the N/2 of Lot 5 in Blk. 2 of Woodland Addition to the City of Harper, Harper County, Kansas.#943 - Trustee’s Deed: Rex C. Schott and Roy W. Schott, Trust-ees of the Irma J. Schott Revo-cable Trust, to Rex C. Schott and Roy W. Schott, an undivided 1/4 interest each in Lots 1, 2 and REPORT Continued from Page 3the NE/4 of Sect. 14, Twp. 35 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#944 - Trustee’s Deed: Rex C. Schott and Roy W. Schott, Trust-ees of the Irma J. Schott Revo-cable Trust, to Rex C. Schott and Roy W. Schott, an undivided 1/4 interest each in Lots 1, 2 and the NE/4 of Sect. 14, Twp. 35 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#945 - Trustee Deed: Terry D. Romans and Amber S. Bird, Trust-ees of the Sandra S. Romans Revocable Trust, to Matthew A. Pence and Renee E. Pence, the SE/4 of Sect. 11, Twp. 32 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M., less a tract; and the W/2 of the NE/4 of Sect. 14, Twp. 32 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M.; both in Harper County, Kansas.#946 - Trustee’s Deed: Synda L. Kitts and Melvin E. Kitts, Trust-ees of the Synda L. Kitts Trust No. 1, to Synda L. Kitts, a tract in the SE/4 and the SW/4 of Sect. 17, Twp. 34 S, Range 8 W of the 6th P.M.; and all of Sect. 20, Twp. 34 S, Range 8 W of the 6th P.M., and the SE/4 of the NE/4 of Sect. 19, Twp. 34 S, Range 8 W of the 6th P.M.; and the W/2 of the SW/4 of Sect. 21, Twp. 34 S, Range 8 W of the 6th P.M., less a 5.87 acre tract; all in Harper County, Kansas.#947 - Warranty Deed: Melvin E. Kitts and Synda L. Kitts to Melvin E. Kitts and Synda L. Kitts, Trust-ees of the Melvin E. Kitts Trust, a tract in the SE/4 and the SW/4 of Sect. 17, Twp. 34 S, Range 8 W of the 6th P.M.; and all of Sect. 20, Twp. 34 S, Range 8 W of the 6th P.M., and the SE/4 of the NE/4 of Sect. 19, Twp. 34 S, Range 8 W of the 6th P.M.; and the W/2 of the SW/4 of Sect. 21, Twp. 34 S, Range 8 W of the 6th P.M., less a 5.87 acre tract; all in Harper Coun-ty, Kansas.Misc.BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little asONE DAY!Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Life-time warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts avail-able. Call: 855-219-8849. kpa-10-4KCAN ADS
Page 8 the Anthony Republican • October 4, 2023Preserving Joints and Restoring Lives Hours: Monday 2pm - 6pm Tuesday 7am - 12pm 2pm - 6pm Wednesday 9am - 12pm 2pm - 6pm Thursday 7am - 12pm 2pm - 6pm Friday 7am - 12pm Saturday and Sunday closed RestoringLivesmidwestpainreliefcenter.com620-702-7407Follow us on Facebook! Let us help you find RE-LEAF this fall! Don't let joint pain slow you downMidwest Pain Relief Center Courtesy PhotoLENDING A HELPING HAND: Chaparral Live2Lead mem-bers helped the Harper County Department on Aging ofce with TEFAP food distribution Thursday, September 28th. Big thanks to Jenn Clark and her leaders who are learning to serve! 83 Harper County households received food boxes provided thru “The Emergency Food Assistance Program”. More infomation can be received by contacting Jennifer Wolff 620-842-5104. Pictured (L-R): Ross Bradley, Darla Hennessy, Halli Starks, Auburn Hill, Timmy Adams, Luke Misak and CHS Sponsor Jen Clark.Photo By: Don HoltCHS JV FOOTBALL: Braxtin Francis leaps into the air to make the catch over the Medicine Lodge Indian defender.CHAPARRAL HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS - EMALIE GRAVESPhoto By: Don HoltPhoto By: Don Holtthe ribbon cutting ceremony at the Anthony Skatepark were Gwen Warner, Wade Williams, Joe Schott, Tra-vis Young, Luke McKinney, Sheryl Williams, Cori Pat-terson, Sue Poor and Irmal Hays.A group of friends known as “The Anthony Girls,” got together for a reunion and fun day in Derby at the home of Dianne Adams. The list included Dea Ann (Ol-mstead) Eaton, Charlotte (Fox) Ediger, Mary Lou (Fra-zier) Klenda, Marilyn (Ord-way) Keener, Vickie (Heiser) Schommer, Dea (Ingram) Deutsch and Dianne (Davis) Adams, hostess.Derrick Winkelmann, Derek Moore and Brooke Weiss from Anthony were among approximately 300 freshmen who participated in Northwestern Oklahoma State University Ranger’s Connection at the beginning of the fall semester.10 YEARS AGO - 2013Scott and Mindy (De-penbusch) Deaver of An-thony, announced the birth of their daughter, Brielle Sue. She was born at 11:19 a.m. on August 20 , 2013 at Hutchinson Regional Medi-cal Center. Brielle weighed 6 lbs. 8 ozs. and was 20 inches long. Seventeen Daisy Scouts went on their first field trip to Bonnie Giesen’s residence to visit her flower garden. The girls inluded Angel Kuhn, Emma Hamill, Kellee Poe, Anastasia and Garriel-la Naranjo, Lakiah Koewn, Ella Cowherd, Necadah Sanpaka, Jalynn Garcia, Ave Daniels, Leah Oliph-ant, Jessalyn Smith, Deve-lyn Helms, Getchen Gibson, Abbigail Horbelt and Ella Poston.5 YEARS AGO - 2018Stan Steggles was the very excited winner of the Anthony Library’s grand prize, a guitar, during the last day of activities for the free summer reading pro-gram. The Anthony Post Office’s new Postmaster, Kristine Koehler was officially an-nounced. Cake and punch were served during a meet and greet.New teachers in USD 361 included: Clay Wilcox at Anthony Elementary teach-ing English Language Arts and Social Studies; Deborah Cathey at Chaparral teach-ing math; Katrina Hoopes, Anthony Elementary, teach-ing fifth grade; JC Zahrad-nik, Chaparral Junior and Senior High teaching Com-puter Applications, Business Essentials and Accounting I. FILES Continued from Page 5