INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 2Leveraging The Power of ConnectionPrism Allocations offer natural, embedded leverage, powered by connecting two investors within a single underlying share.Priced by the market, Connected by the marketNo option premiumsNo margin callsNo interest paymentsPrism has created a unique financial infrastructure, enabling the separation of income and growth of an individual share, while simultaneously offering investors the opportunity to realign the risk and reward components. These separate components (known as Prism Allocations) are offered in two different forms:• Prism Exchange Traded Allocations (ETAs) • Prism Off-Market Allocations (POAs) (Please see page 20-21)Revealing a New Perspective for a New Era of Investing
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 3By allocating the values and risks of a share into new individually tradeable securities for a period of 10 years, Prism has created six new investment opportunties per share.Each Allocation reveals a new perspective of one specific share, empowering greater precision over the design of investment strategies. INTRODUCING INTRODUCING Exchange Traded AllocationsExchange Traded Allocations ETAsETAsInvestors can now prioritise a single element within a share – growth or dividend, with a choice of risk exposure.6 new ways to optimise exposure to global large cap equities Accelerate growthRealign riskAmplify yieldUnlock value
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 4100% RISK100% DIVIDEND100% GROWTHFew investors prioritise growth, dividends and risk equally.With such diverse objectives, why should investors pay the same price for the share, when the purpose of their investments is so distinctly different?The examples on the following pages reveal how the elements of a share, when seen through a new perspective, can be reallocated to better align with the diverse objectives of different investor profiles. Unboxing the Elements within the ShareWhole shares offer investors exposure to:RISK
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 5Price $100.00 Yield 4.00%Green Perspective EXAMPLE SHAREPureGrowth ETAPureDiv ETACAPITAL RISK PROFILE MARKET RISK→→→CAPITAL RISK PROFILE MARKET RISK2.0x GROWTH MULTIPLERisk Exposure Green ETAs allocate capital risk exposure proportionally to both growth and dividend investors.Growth investor bids $50 to receive:Income investor bids $50 to receive:*Prism ETAs will only be issued if the combined bids of both investors equates to the full value of the underlying security. Upon issuance, the individual ETAs may be freely traded throughout their 10-year term.8.0% YIELDUnderlying Security AB
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 6Blue Perspective EXAMPLE SHAREDivGuard ETAMaxGrowth ETAAggressive growth investor bids $25 to receive:Conservative income investor bids $75 to receive:Conservative income investor bids $75 to receive:Risk Exposure Blue ETAs allocate the capital risk exposure to top and bottom layers.CAPITAL RISK PROFILE AGGRESSIVE GROWTH1st Capital ExposureCAPITAL RISK PROFILE CONSERVATIVE YIELD2nd Capital Exposure4.0x GROWTH MULTIPLE5.3% YIELD→→→Price $100.00 Yield 4.00%Underlying Security*Prism ETAs will only be issued if the combined bids of both investors equates to the full value of the underlying security. Upon issuance, the individual ETAs may be freely traded throughout their 10-year term. AB25%Capital Guard
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 7Red Perspective EXAMPLE SHAREMaxDiv ETAGrowthGuard ETAConservative growth investor bids $67 to receive:Conservative growth investor bids $67 to receive:Aggressive income investor bids $33 to receive:Risk Exposure Red ETAs allocate the upfront capital risk exposure to top and bottom layers.CAPITAL RISK PROFILE CONSERVATIVE GROWTH2nd Capital ExposureCAPITAL RISK PROFILE AGGRESIVE YIELD1st Capital Exposure1.5x GROWTH MULTIPLE12.0% YIELD→→→Price $100.00 Yield 4.00%Underlying Security*Prism ETAs will only be issued if the combined bids of both investors equates to the full value of the underlying security. Upon issuance, the individual ETAs may be freely traded throughout their 10-year term. AB33%Capital Guard
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 8Consider the purpose of your investment strategy.Is income essential to your ongoing cashflow requirements,or do you collect dividends as a consequence of your investment?ETA DeciderHow would you categorise your appetite for risk?How would you categorise your appetite to risk?GROWTHDo you invest primarily for income or for growth?MARKETMARKETAGGRESSIVEAGGRESSIVECONSERVATIVECONSERVATIVEINCOMEMaxGrowth ETAMaxDiv ETAPureGrowth ETAPureDiv ETAGrowthGuard ETADivGuard ETA
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 9Yr 01 Yr 02 Yr 03 Yr 04 Yr 05 Yr 06 Yr 07 Yr 08 Yr 09 Yr 10 MaxDiv ETAPureDiv ETADivGuard ETAYield Opportunities*Underlying share dividend stream – 4% yield Price $100.00Running Yield Running Yield Running Yield Cost $33.00**Cost $50.00**Cost $75.00**CAPITAL RISK PROFILE AGGRESSIVECAPITAL RISK PROFILE MARKETCAPITAL RISK PROFILE CONSERVATIVE12.0%8.0%5.3%Yr 01 Yr 02 Yr 03 Yr 04 Yr 05 Yr 06 Yr 07 Yr 08 Yr 09 Yr 10 $4.00$4.08$4.16$4.24$4.33$4.42$4.50$4.59$4.69$4.78Each Dividend ETA offers exposure to 100% of the dividend distributions (less fees) from the underlying share for a period of 10 year.Dividend ETAs have similarities to bond profiles, whereby investors purchase a 10-year income stream for an upfront amount. However, instead of receiving fixed coupon payments, the ETAs receive the full dividend amount of each underlying share as they are paid, plus a return of capital subject to the underlying share price at maturity.The upfront cost will determine the running yield attributed to each ETA. If the underlying share has at a minimum maintained its value at maturity, all ETAs will have their full upfront capital returned. 25%Capital GuardYield Profiles for Dividend ETAs Only*initial running yields ** All estimates based on a $100 stock yielding 4%ETA yield vs underlying shareGraphic representation ETA yield vs. underlying
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 10MaxGrowth Receives a significant upside with an increase in underlying price, however as the investors has opted into first capital risk exposure, the ETA will fall sharper than the underlying share. PureGrowth Receives an accelerated upside with an increase in underlying price and maintains consistent downside to the underlying share. GrowthGuard Receives an accelerated upside with an increase in underlying share price but also benefits from downside protection.The below payoff profiles demonstrate the price performance of each Growth ETA relative to the price performance of the underlying share in both upside and downside scenarios. The centre dot represents the acquisition price of both the underlying share and the Growth ETA.Investors now have three different growth profiles to choose from depending on their appetite to risk.Pay-Off Profiles for Growth ETAs OnlyThe white line represents the underlying share price movement. The colour lines represent ETA performance.0% 0% 0%100% 100% 100%400%200%150%4.00xDownside Upside1.50xDownsideShared Risk2.00xDownside33%Capital GuardUpsideUpside
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 11 A A AB AB AB==123Pre-existing sharesFor listed ETAsBID MATCHING SHARE CONVERSIONInvestor A bids with Investor B via brokerWhen both bidsequate to full price ofunderlying share, theshare is bought andheld in safe custodywith HSBCPre-existing shares held by Investor A sent to PrismInvestor A receives both growth and dividend ETAsPrism converts holding into a pair of ETAs and delivers to custodianInvestor A can sell either ETA to Investor BETAs are then issued to each investorInvestor B bids with Investor A via brokerORCreating ETAs
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 12ETAs trade on the stock exchange, just like shares. A pair of ETAs represents two parts of a whole share owned by different investors. The sum of the paired ETA parts directly correlates to the full value of the whole underlying share throughout their 10-year duration. Investors can trade the ETAs on the secondary market as they would any traditional share. ETALiquidityETARedemptionETASecurityA holder of both ETAs within the same colour perspective may redeem the underlying share at any point during the 10-year term by surrendering both ETAs.If the sum of the two parts is less than the value of the whole, any market participant (or market maker) could buy the two parts and arbitrage by redeeming the whole share.If the ETAs are held to maturity, the proceeds will be distributed in accordance with the pre-determined allocations as defined by the establishment price.ETAs are always fully secured by the underlying share that will be held in custody.
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 13During the 10-year term, Prism ETAs are always:PRICED AND CONNECTED BY THE MARKET FUNGIBLETRADABLEREDEEMABLE FOR THE UNDERLYING SECURITYETA Establishment PriceIndividual ETAs of the same colour perspective and the same maturity date are fungible and can be brought back together at any time.Varaible Match Price Market DrivenDetermined by two matching bids equating to full share priceFixed Establishment Price Predetermined at Commencement DateReturn of capital for each ETA is dependent on whether the share price is above or below the Establishment Price at maturity.↑ Increased in valueUnderlying Share↓ Decreased in value
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 14FUTURES& OPTIONSMARKETINVESTORSBROKERS & WEALTHMANAGERSBANKS & INVESTMENTBANKSBOND MARKETINVESTORSTRADERS& MARKETMAKERSYIELDINVESTORSHEDGE FUNDS,STRUCTUREDPRODUCTINVESTORSGROWTHINVESTORSEQUITY MARKETINVESTORSRETAILINVESTORSTERMDEPOSITINVESTORSINCOME FUNDS &PENSION FUNDSWho are ETAs for?ETAs are designed to appeal to a wide audience of investors across a range of risk appetites, from those looking for maximum growth to those wanting maximum income. Prism ETAs connect investors through a single underlying share, balancing objectives through a shared commonality.ETAs
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 15ETAs can be applied to all globally listed equities & ETFs.The following example portfolios demonstrate the utility of ETAs when applied to 3 major companies.By realigning one’s exposure to the elements of a share, an investor can achieve their desired objectives with a greater dimension of choice and precision than traditional equity investment.Example ETA PortfoliosUnderlying Anglo AmericanETA Price £8.61 ETA GM 3.25xMaxGrowth ETAUnderlying TESCOETA Price £1.44 ETA Yield 7.34%MaxDiv ETAUnderlying BarclaysETA Price £0.83 ETA GM 2.00xPureGrowth ETAUnderlying BarclaysETA Price £0.83 ETA GM 2.00xPureGrowth ETAUnderlying BarclaysETA Price £0.83 ETA Yield 9.47%PureDiv ETAUnderlying TESCOETA Price £0.94 ETA GM 2.53xGrowthGuard ETAUnderlying Anglo AmericanETA Price £13.72 ETA GM 2.04xGrowthGuard ETAUnderlying Anglo AmericanETA Price £19.34 ETA Yield 10.88%DivGuard ETAUnderlying TESCOETA Price £1.57 ETA Yield 6.72xDivGuard ETALast Price £27.95 Div Yield 7.83%Last Price £2.37 Div Yield 4.75%Last Price £1.66 Div Yield 5.03%High Yield PortfolioHigh Growth PortfolioRisk Adjusted Portfolio50.91%Capital Guard30.80%Capital Guard60%Capital Guard
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 16For the BullInvestors who remain bullish about the future prospects of a particular share market are looking for opportunities to take advantage of rising prices.All ETAs are purchased at a portion of the underlying share price. Prism’s Growth ETAs open up opportunities for accelerated growth participation, while Income ETAs offer amplified dividend returns. Both are achieved without margin calls, interest payments or option premiums.The following ETAs support the outlook for bullish investors:How Prism ETAs can provide a solutionMaxGrowth ETAPureGrowth ETAMaxDiv ETA
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 17Prism ETAs provide investors with a simple way to invest defensively and protect against a falling share market.Growth investors can use Prism’s GrowthGuard ETA, which provides access to capital appreciation with a degree of downside protection. This means investors can potentially outperform the market on both the upside and the downside.Income investors can use Prism’s DivGuard ETA, a defensive strategy that provides access to future dividend income with a degree of downside protection for capital invested.The following ETAs support the outlook for bullish investors.Investors who wish to increase their capital exposure in the share market but are concerned with future market direction face a dilemma.How Prism ETAs can provide a solutionGrowthGuard ETADivGuard ETAFor the Bear
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 18RECEIVE10,000 MaxDiv ETAs @ $33 per ETA10,000 GrowthGuard ETAs @ $67 per ETASELECT PAIRINGSelect PerspectiveGreen DivisionBlue DivisionRed DivisionBy converting an existing shareholding into a pair of Prism ETAs, investors can retain their desired exposure to a specific element, while gaining upfront value for selling a less desirable component. Prism ETAs offer an efficient use of investment capital, as the value of unwanted elements can be unlocked and the proceeds directed to more desirable outcomes.Benefits:• Unencumbered cash• Further Income producing investments• Capturing further growth potentialCONVERT10,000 Ordinary Shares @ $100 per shareNo Margin CallsNo Interest CostsUnlock Value Which elements of the share are priorities and which are not?RETAIN• 10,000 MaxDiv ETAs• Producing 12% yield• Valued @ $330,000SELL• 10,000 GrowthGuard ETAs• To unlock $670,000
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 19Exchange Traded Allocations (ETAs) are accessed via an investor’s broker:• To be listed on the London Stock Exchange, Swiss Stock Exchange and CBOE in Australia• Covering 600 of the leading large cap global stocks (UK, Europe, America and Asia) and selected Index ETFs• Bought like a share - settled like a share• ETAs have a duration of 10 years and can be traded on the relevant exchange at any timeETA Access & Coverage
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 20 Introducing Prism Off-Market Allocations (POAs)Same principles, varying duration & customisablePOAs are only available to institutional and accredited investors.Accessed via Prism’s Off-Market (proprietary) platformAvailable over any major listed global stockFlexible durationPOAs include a fourth colour (purple perspective) for growth-only or low-paying dividend securities.
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 21Prism Off-Market Allocations (POAs) are only available to institutional and professional investors:• Accessed via Prism’s Off-Market (proprietary) platform• Available over any listed global stock and selected index ETFs• Flexible duration• POAs have a nominated duration and can only be traded by negotiation during their termPOA Access & CoverageRequest an invitation to POA markets
INTRODUCTION TO PRISM ALLOCATIONS | 22DISCLAIMER1. General This disclaimer is for Prism Global Group Ltd (ACN 630 730 415), Prism Operations Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 650 476 378) and Prism Securities Australia Ltd (ACN 650 488 136) and its related bodies corporate which are collectively referred to as ‘Prism’, ‘we’ ‘our’ or ‘us’ unless the context requires otherwise. The opinions expressed in this document and any accompanying publications are those of Prism and are subject to change. Prism Operations Australia Pty Ltd (CAR No.1292289) is a corporate authorised representative of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd (“Sanlam”) which is the holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFS Licence No. 337927). Information in this document is obtained from sources believed to be reliable and in good faith, no representation of warranty, express or implied is made as to its accuracy or completeness. This document may not be reproduced, or copies circulated without prior authority from Prism.2. Financial advice warning Information in this document is intended to be general in nature and is not personal financial product advice. Information in this document does not constitute an offer for the issue sale or purchase of any securities or any recommendation in relation to investing in any asset. This document has been prepared without taking account of any particular investor’s objectives financial situation or needs. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this document, Prism does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any statement in it, including without limitation any forecasts or opinions. Before acting on any information, you should consider the appropriateness of the information provided and the nature of the relevant financial product having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. In particular, you should seek independent financial, legal and tax advice and read all offer documents prior to making an investment decision about a financial product. The information on this document is subject to change, and Prism is not responsible for providing updated information to any person. To the maximum extent permitted by law Prism disclaims all liability for any loss or damage which may arise out of the provision to or are by any person of the information contained in this document. If you acquire or hold one of our financial products, we may receive fees and other benefits, which are disclosed in the latest offer document. We and our employees do not receive any specific remuneration for any general advice provided to you. However, financial advisers may receive fees or commissions if they provide advice to you or arrange for you to invest with us. Prism and our directors may benefit from fees, commissions and other benefits received by another group company. 3. Withdrawal of products Prism will take all care to reasonably inform investors of the withdrawal of a product. At the discretion of Prism in accordance with all offer documents, fund constitutions and relevant laws and regulations, any financial product issued by Prism may be withdrawn or varied at any time and without notice. Further, the information on the IH website relating to any withdrawn financial product may also be withdrawn or varied without notice.4. Other important information Neither Prism, nor any other related company guarantee the performance of Prism’s obligations, nor do they provide any guarantee in respect of the repayment of your capital or the return of your income. All investments are subject to risks. Significant risks are outlined in the offer document for the applicable product.5. Forward looking statements The material in this document may contain forward looking statements which are not based solely on historical facts but are based on current expectations about future events and results. Words such as ‘anticipate’, ‘believe’, ‘expect’, ‘project’, ‘forecast’, ‘estimate’, ‘outlook’, ‘likely’, ‘intend’, ‘should’, ‘could’, ‘may’, ‘target’, ‘plan’, ‘will’ and other similar expressions typically identify forward looking statements. Such forward looking statements are based on views held only at the date of publication of the material and are not guarantees of future performance or events. These forward-looking statements are subject to inherent risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the company or person making the statements. Accordingly, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Distribution forecasts are subject to risks outlined in the offer documents and distributions may vary in the future. Prism does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or new information following the publication of forward-looking statements. Prism gives no representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the completeness or reliability of any forward-looking statements.6. Past performance Past performance information is not a reliable indicator of future performance of that company or product. Any reference to past performance is intended to be for general illustrative purposes only.7. Hypotheticals, illustrations, and examples Hypotheticals, illustrations, and examples are provided for illustrative purposes only. They should not be relied on by individuals when they make investment decisions.8. For Australian Residents Only Unless specifically stated otherwise, this material is only prepared for residents of Australia. It is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation.9. Privacy policy Our Privacy Policy contains important information about the collection, use and disclosure of information. A copy of our privacy policy can be found here insert link.