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A LEER FROM YOURDISTRICT AORNEY,MIKE HESTRINDear Residents of Riverside County,I am pleased to present to you the 2022-2023 Biennial Report of the Riverside County District Attorney’s Oce. Over the past two years, it has been an honor to serve the diverse communities of our county, and I am proud to share with you the progress and accomplishments of our oce.As we reect on the collective impact of our work, it is essential to acknowledge the principles that guide us: collaboration, transparency, and accountability. ese values are evident in every initiative, program, and achievement highlighted in this report. From collaborative bureau operations to successful prosecutions, each section underscores the dedication and commitment of our team members to make Riverside County a safer place for all of us who call it home.At the core of our mission is a profound dedication to serving victims of crime. Advocating for these individuals is not just a responsibility but a privilege—one that demands our unwavering commitment to those who have suered deeply or faced injustice. We, as prosecutors, investigators, victim specialists, and support sta, have wholeheartedly embraced this calling, understanding that our own comfort is secondary to the imperative of delivering justice to victims of crime and fostering healingin our communities. In our pursuit of justice, we must remain steadfast in our resolve to uphold the rule of law, protect our communities, and support those who have been victimized. It is through the concerted eorts of law enforcement agencies, community partners, and dedicated individuals like you that we can address the complex challenges facing our county and ensure that justice is served.I am immensely grateful for the dedication and professionalism of our sta, whose tireless eorts have contributed to the successes detailed in this report. I would also like to extend my sincere appreciation to the residents of Riverside County for your ongoing support and trust in our oce.As we look to the future, let us continue to uphold the principles of justice, fairness, ethics, and accountability that form the bedrock of our legal system. Together, we can foster a safer, more just community for generations to come.ank you for your continued partnership and support.Michael A. Hestrin Riverside County District Attorney

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e Communications Division serves as a vital link connecting the District Attorney’s Oce to the community it serves. Committed to transparency, accuracy, and eective communication, the division plays a pivotal role in disseminating information about the oce’s mission, initiatives, legal proceedings, and community outreach eorts. With a dedicated team of professionals skilled in public relations, media relations, and content creation, we strive to engage with and keep our community well-informed. rough transparent communication, we aim to foster trust and enhance the understanding of public safety within Riverside County.After enduring a hiatus due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Communications Division was thrilled to relaunch two pivotal community engagement programs: the Citizens’ Academy and the College Academy.Citizens’ Academye Citizens’ Academy is a comprehensive community engagement program open to the residents of Riverside County. Over 10 weeks, participants are immersed in the intricacies of the DA’s Oce, gaining insights into the journey of a criminal case, and delving into the various components of the criminal justice system. e program oers a hands-on tutorial within the courtroom, allowing participants to grasp the trial process from the unique perspectives of a judge, a prosecutor, and a defense attorney.Additionally, community members can engage in open dialogues with experts from various units within the DA’s Oce and public safety ocials in the criminal justice system. e primary objectives of the Citizens’ Academy include aording participants the chance to enhance their understanding of the criminal justice system. Simultaneously, the program seeks to heighten awareness regarding our oce’s role within our community.Strengthening Our Communitywith Outreach InitiativesClick here to learn more about our Citizens’ Academy23

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College Academye College Academy is a summer internship program that provides hands-on experience for undergraduate college students who may be our future prosecutors, judges, or other public safety ocials. Students receive comprehensive training about our oce and our role in the criminal justice system. ey participate in lectures, demonstrations and tours that provide an overall understanding of the public safety components in Riverside County. Students are assigned a sta member as their career mentor, working side by side with our dedicated professionals, conducting research, witnessing court proceedings, and participating in the daily duties of prosecuting criminal cases. Many of our College Academy students have later participated in our law clerk program during law school and eventually became prosecutors at our oce. Riverside County Community Safety ConnectionIn addition to reinstating established programs, the Riverside County District Attorney’s Oce introduced the Riverside County Community Safety Connection (RCCSC), a groundbreaking initiative fostering collaboration between Neighborhood Watch programs and community leaders.Guided by law enforcement expertise, our program creates a unied vision of a transformative journey towards safer neighborhoods. Our mission consists of empowering communities and growing a culture of shared responsibility. rough engagement, comprehensive training, and abundant resources, RCCSC empowers participants to create safer communities. Since its inception, more than 30 Neighborhood Watch and community leaders have undergone comprehensive training sessions. Led by a distinguished panel of law enforcement and community agency experts, these sessions provide leaders with invaluable insights into crime trends, homelessness, safety protocols, and much more. rough programs like RCCSC, we endeavor to create a safer, more informed, and harmonious community, guided by principles of understanding, and transparency. We also seek to foster collaboration among the Riverside County District Attorney’s Oce, the Riverside County Sheri’s Oce, law enforcement-related agencies, and local community organizations.If you are interested in more information about our community outreach programs, please visit our website: Together, we can build a safer and stronger Riverside County.Click here to learn more about our College Academy24

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e District Attorney’s Summer Externship Program has developed a reputation among law schools as one of the most elite training grounds for future prosecutorsin the nation.“”e District Attorney is rmly committed to hiring only the most outstanding and ethical attorneys to serve the People of Riverside County. One of the primary ways the oce ensures this happens is by recruiting the highest caliber of attorneys through its Law School Summer Externship pipeline-to-employment program.Summer Law Student Externship Programe District Attorney’s Summer Externship Program has developed a reputation among law schools as one of the most elite training grounds for future prosecutors in the nation. In both the Fall and Spring semesters of the law school year, the DA’s Oce recruits at every law school in California and Arizona, as well as dozens of law schools across the country. Additionally, to ensure the DA’s Oce is as diverse and vibrant as Riverside County, the oce actively collaborates with various anity organizations that advocate for groups that are historically underrepresented in the law enforcement and legal communities. During the 2022-2023 recruitment season alone, the DA’s Oce interviewed 250 law students for approximately 35 summer law clerk positions. Every summer, these high-performing students begin their clerkship with a week-long Extern Training Academy that includes courses on criminal procedure, evidence, legal research and writing, police and prosecutorial misconduct prevention, and oral advocacy, among other topics. In addition to classroom learning,they also participate in research and writing workshops, drafting sample legal motions, and conducting practice preliminary hearings. While externing, rst-year students assist attorneys with true legal research and writing assignments from various units throughout the oce. First-year students can expect to draft trial briefs, legal motions, research memorandums, letters to the California State Board of Parole opposing the early release of a violent convicted felon, and various other similar legal assignments. Second-year law students participating in our summer extern program are certied by the California State Bar enabling them to appear in court. Our second-year program is centered on real life oral advocacy. Under the supervision of experienced prosecutors, second-year clerks conduct preliminary hearings, argue legal motions, negotiate with defense counsel, advocate to the court in chambers conferences, and many even conduct jury trials.e summer concludes with the Extern Closing Argument Competition for all rst- and second-year externs. Since 2007, this competition has been the highlight for most of our participants. All externs present a closing argument to a panel of attorney scorers. Past “championship round” judges have included the electedTomorrow’s Prosecutors: Law Exter nship Progr am25

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District Attorney, Superior Court Judges, AssociateJustices of the 4th District Court of Appeals, and the Riverside County Public Defender.roughout what is essentially a 10-week on-the-job interview, each extern’s ethics, legal acumen, research and writing ability, oral advocacy skills, commitment to excellence, dedication to public service, and work ethic are evaluated. ose that have demonstrated they meet the highest standards in all these categories may earn an oer to become a Riverside County Deputy District Attorney upon graduating from law school and passing the bar exam. Post-Bar Clerkship ProgramWhile awaiting California Bar Examination results, law school graduates are invited to begin their career in the DA’s Oce as a Post-Bar Law Clerk. e post-bar clerkship begins with our New DDA Academy. is multi-week academy teaches our future DDAs everything they need to be prepared for their new position as prosecutors; how to prosecute misdemeanor crimes, how to respond to specic types of motions, their ethical responsibilities as attorneys, practical application of the evidence code in the courtroom, and trial skills. e academy concludes with participants being given an actual case and performing every portion of a jury trial in a mock setting. In addition to classroom instruction, the law clerks participate in eld trips that help them better understand various aspects of law enforcement. ey spend time at the rearms range with instruction from our Bureau of Investigation rangemasters, attend an autopsy at the coroner’s oce, and participate in ride-a-longs with law enforcement agencies across the county. In 2023, for the rst time, Post-Bar Clerks attended portions of the Riverside County Sheri’s Department Academy and were able to observe rsthand what it takes to become a sworn peace ocer. By the time our Post-Bar Law Clerks receive their bar results, they are fully prepared to take on the role of prosecutors. e DA’s Oce Externship Program stands as a beacon of excellence, nurturing a new generation of prosecutors committed to upholding justice and safeguarding the community. rough rigorous training and mentorship, it ensures that Riverside County continues to be served by legal professionals of the highest caliber.Ty Stamen joined the DA’s Oce in 2018 as a member of the College Academy and returned as a Summer Law Student Extern in 2021 and 2022. He became a Deputy DA in 2023.Click here to learn more about our law clerk program26

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