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BIC Bi-Fold Brochure

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20 Makiling St. Mt. View VillageMariveles, Bataan0917-179-3778BATAANINTERVENTIONCENTERLed by U.S. National Board CertifiedExceptional Needs Specialists and CertifiedAutism Specialists Didi Dolandolan and RicciMercado, each with 7 years of experienceteaching in the US and almost 10 yearsestablishing an inclusive international school inMakati. This Center is borne out of love andcommitment to make high-quality educationand support services accessible to familiesand communities in Bataan.C A L L U S :+ 6 3 - 9 1 7 - 1 7 9 - 3 7 7 8ABOU T US

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Early InterventionSpecial Education Services:1:1, Pairs, Small GroupsInclusive PlaygroupsOccupational TherapySpeech TherapyDevelopmental PediatricsAfter School ActivitiesTutorial ServicesWHY US?Our vision is a world where all childrenwith special needs have the opportunityto achieve their dreams and liveindependent, fulfilling lives. We envision afuture where:Children with special needs areincluded in all aspects of society.They have access to the resourcesand support they need to succeed.They are empowered to becomeconfident and independentindividuals.VISI ONOur mission is to empower individuals with exceptionalities to achieve their full potential through individualized Instruction, a supportive environment, andcollaborative partnerships with families and the community.OUR SERV ICESFAMILY SERVICES:Family Coaching Sibling WorkshopsCaregiver TrainingCOMMUNITY SERVICES:Teacher TrainingInclusion ConsultationSpeaking Engagements

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Early InterventionSpecial Education Services:1:1, Pairs, Small GroupsInclusive PlaygroupsOccupational TherapySpeech TherapyDevelopmental PediatricsAfter School ActivitiesTutorial ServicesWHY US?Our vision is a world where all childrenwith special needs have the opportunityto achieve their dreams and liveindependent, fulfilling lives. We envision afuture where:Children with special needs areincluded in all aspects of society.They have access to the resourcesand support they need to succeed.They are empowered to becomeconfident and independentindividuals.VISI ONOur mission is to empower individuals with exceptionalities to achieve their full potential through individualized Instruction, a supportive environment, andcollaborative partnerships with families and the community.OUR SERV ICESFAMILY SERVICES:Family Coaching Sibling WorkshopsCaregiver TrainingCOMMUNITY SERVICES:Teacher TrainingInclusion ConsultationSpeaking Engagements

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20 Makiling St. Mt. View VillageMariveles, Bataan0917-179-3778BATAANINTERVENTIONCENTERLed by U.S. National Board CertifiedExceptional Needs Specialists and CertifiedAutism Specialists Didi Dolandolan and RicciMercado, each with 7 years of experienceteaching in the US and almost 10 yearsestablishing an inclusive international school inMakati. This Center is borne out of love andcommitment to make high-quality educationand support services accessible to familiesand communities in Bataan.C A L L U S :+ 6 3 - 9 1 7 - 1 7 9 - 3 7 7 8ABOU T US