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B&GC NWI 2023-2025 Strategic Plan

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2023-25The Gary Boys & Girls Club of Greater Northwest IndianaStrategicGrowth PlanDeveloped in collaboration with:

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Boys & Girls Clubs have been a vital part of the American fabric,shaping, changing, and saving lives in service to young people, theirfamilies, and our community. Today’s Boys & Girls Clubs standproudly on the shoulders of generations of Club leaders, staff,volunteers, and members who have valiantly positioned ourMovement to have an even greater impact — a transformationalimpact — at the very time America most needs us to do so. Our MissionTo inspire and enable the youth of ourcommunities to realize their fullpotential as productive, caring,responsible citizens. Due to Gary's deep need to provide a safe place for kids to grow and to leveragepartnerships with other strong organizations in the community, there may beinstances in which it is beneficial to explore collaborations to optimize andcoordinate resources such as aligned partnerships, shared services and spaces, orother innovative operating models to ensure we can make the impact needed.B O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5 0 2GREAT FUTURES 2025Our ValuesTeamworkEmpathyFunTrustOpportunityAccountabilityOur VisionTo be the best youthdevelopment organizationin our communities.

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INTRODUCTIONB O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5 0 3The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Northwestern Indiana in Gary, Indiana, is centrally located ina residential neighborhood that has not been without the effect of decades of decline. Gary’smanufacturing base has continued to deteriorate from its heights as America’s primary steelproducer. The population is getting older, with its only growing age group in the 55+ age group.All youth age groups are in decline from where they stood in 2010. Most homeowners (58%)have no mortgage, with median housing values of $57,100. Despite low housing costs, 35% ofhomeowners' housing is cost-burdened with high rents and utilities. 86% pay additional for oneor more utilities. The workforce participation is only 46%, with low participation in the youngestage group. Employment categories with the highest participation offer low wages. (Source:ESRI)The social context indicates significant challenges in providing a strong future for Gary’s youth.Our children need education, support, and direction to discover opportunities and participate inthe workforce. They need to be inspired by adults and community leaders to develop the skillsand interests to be the city’s future. They are the entrepreneurs who will reinvent Gary. Growingand sustaining Gary’s youth population is critical to the city’s long-term economic success. Our strategic efforts from 2023-2025 focus on providing basic needs in a safe, opportunity-driven environment that will start with the Gary Club providing relevant programs for eachelementary, middle, and high school student to learn life skills. We will inspire youth to buildteamwork, learning, and conflict resolution skills that will be the foundation for ongoingdevelopment and prepare them to be engaged in building a prosperous life. By 2025, we aspireto have engaged other partnering Gary service organizations in developing a highly-accessibleand appropriately-resourced Opportunity Hub for the Tolleston neighborhood and surroundingcommunity.Growing andsustaining Gary’syouth populationis critical to theCity of Gary’s long-term economicsuccess. "

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OVERVIEWB O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5 0 4The single most important issue in our country is ensuring that today’s generation of youngpeople has the opportunity to achieve the American Dream. We believe that every youngperson deserves the chance to realize his or her full potential and achieve a great future. Thebelief in our mission and the ability of our Club to effect life-changing impact for kids fuelthis plan to achieve Great Futures 2025. Our reach, scope, and history make the Gary Boys & Girls Club uniquely positioned in ourcommunity to respond to this challenge. Our mission demands that we take an active role. Itis our duty and responsibility on behalf of youth in America. The 2023-25 strategic direction has been validated and shaped in partnership with the Garycommunity through critical input, dialogue, and feedback through in-depth phoneinterviews with community leaders; an online survey with more than 80 Club Memberscomprising of parents and members; and a planning retreat with 18 emerging leaders withinthe Gary Club staff. An online focus group has informed the direction with local advisorymembers through insight and input provided via the online community survey and ESRIquantitative data about the Gary community.The feedback confirms the Gary community's unique needs that differ distinctly from theirsurrounding communities. The basic needs identified below must be addressed before youthfeel safe and equipped to prosper.

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64% Social and Emotional Support62% Poor Academic Achievement62% Youth Crime / Bullying47% Access to Enrichment / After-School Programs42% Poverty / Hunger42% Promiscuity / Teen Pregnancy38% Substance Abuse26% Youth Fitness and HealthTo better understand the community's needs for planningpurposes, The Boys & Girls Club of Greater NorthwesternIndiana, Gary team has completed a Gary-focused communitymember survey, staff planning retreat, external interviews withcommunity leaders, and have reviewed the 2018-2021 BGCANational Youth Outcomes Initiative (NYOI) surveys. Here arethe highlights. GARY B&GC COMMUNITY MEMBER SURVEYThe recent member community survey with the parents of theGary club youth equally identified the following issues as themost critical youth issues in the community (the followingwere rated five - most critical - on a scale from one to five).It is also perceived that the Gary Boys & Girls Club addresses allof the above-stated issues (with greater than 62% agreeing oneach issue). Less agreed that substance abuse (50% ofresponders), promiscuity, and teen pregnancy (32% ofresponders) are currently in the Gary Boys & Girls Clubwheelhouse.B O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5 0 5COMMUNITY INPUTSince October 2022, The Gary Boys and GirlsClub management team has engaged in astrategic planning process to explore itsopportunities over the next five years. Pride,engaged leadership and partnerships,accessibility to services, better education,quality housing, safety, transportation,career readiness, new businesses/start-ups,structured learning, and recreation are theprimary needs identified and prioritized inplanning sessions. Bettering thesecommunity elements proactively improvesthe lives of families and provides prosperityand opportunity for Gary’s youth.

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Following are the community needs and solutionsidentified by selected Gary community members. 0 6GARY B&GC COMMUNITY MEMBERSB O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5Basic NeedsUnfullfilledSo far in the 21st century,national economic growth hasfailed to lift the country’s mostvulnerable communities. Onmeasures of income, poverty,joblessness, and vacancy, thetypical distressed zip coderemained just as far behind thetypical prosperous zip code in2018 as it was in 2000. At 50.5million, the number ofAmericans living in distressedcommunities held constanteven as the country’s populationgrew significantly. (Source: EIG DCI Report)As Gary's population hasdecreased with youth leaving, itis imperative for youthorganizations to give hope andresources it the proper contextthat Gary has faced for years.Strategically misaligningfunding with irrelevant serviceshas proven time and time againto fail and disappoint distressedcommunities and eperhapsmore so Gary.

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0 7GARY B&GC COMMUNITY (CONT.)B O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5Gary B&GC families see improvement in their child's self-esteem or attitudes about attending theClub. The desired programs reflect the community's need for building skills that will engage youthin long-term life and learning skills. If available Club hours were to expand to Saturdays andevenings, as members prefer in the survey, 48% would be able to transport their kids to the Club. Transportation, more trained staff, consistency of programming, and upholding policies are allexpressed improvements to further professionalize the Gary Club.

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0 8GARY B&GC COMMUNITY (CONT.)B O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 546% of Gary B&GC families share that the most important service the Club can provide is a safeenvironment for children. Second, 29% share that providing low-cost after-school supervision isthe most important. The remaining 39% share a mix of services being most important, includingproviding quality programs that build character and develop leadership; provide assistance andhomework help; providing specialized programs involving arts, STEM, cultural diversity, and lifeskills; providing snacks and meals; and workforce and career exposure. The Gary Club has theopportunity to be a central, safe place for a broad set of character-building, life-enhancing, andlearning opportunities that teach youth how to socialize and build trust in their community.

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Following are the community needs and solutions identifiedin phone interviews with selected Gary community leaders. 0 9COMMUNITY LEADERSHIPCommunity Challenges Opportunities & SolutionsOverdoses, opioids, drugsViolence, guns, and killing are seen at a youngageCrime and incarceration will increasePoverty and the divide are getting widerChicago problems are now Gary's problemsAbsenteeism rates - an indicator of graduationTransportationMental health needsInformation to help people is not consistentlysharedLack of community awareness about whatB&GC doesSchools are disjointedLocation to centralized, provide other locationsIt feels like there are fiefdoms in the communityAdvance life and academic successNewsletter and advertising to share more withthe communityAddress all agesFocus on community attraction strategies to getmore families in the doorProvide a place to learn, make learning fun(gaming, etc.) Get the kids to be the leaders; what do theywant?Job readiness, training, entrepreneurship,incubatorsExtend tech to younger kidsMore access to kids under ten and middleschoolInnovation hub that addressed core needsProvide a broad vision - arts, music, sports,tournaments, summer camps, technology,citizenship, life skills, career readiness,professionalismEngage college students and communityleaders to be mentorsStarbucks, corporate partnerships, WIFI,programs for parents, professional developmentfor teachersPrice spaces so that others can sponsorprogrammingCreate a strong platform for evidence-basedprogrammingOutside evaluation to quantify program impactto tout outcomes and gain fundingComplete a full community needs assessmentfor all nonprofit organizationsGary B&GC StrengthsFun, safe spaceBrand recognition positive for all walks of lifeBest Buy Tech Center - not a flash in the pan,largest in networkSTEM afterschool programGet kids excited about something newPrior facility changes were a good startIt is where kids want to be after schoolThey find people who connect with the kids wellThey supplement what the schools don't haveAble to get donorsRespect in the communityProgrammatic approachThe 'Youth of The Year award has a high impactThere is so much opportunity and visibility toengage kidsA positive resource for the community, learningand growthB O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5

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Following are the priorities that the Gary Boys & Girls Clubstaff identified as community needs and possible solutions. 1 0STAFF PRIORITIESCommunity Challenges Opportunities & SolutionsPoor health (spirit, soul, body)Challenging political climate/ fundingLack of local employment opportunitiesLack of access to community resourcesLack of access to technologyPolitics' inability to affect changeGangs/ violenceNeed for more community partners that worktogetherMore resources in housing neededLow tax baseBetter management of school funding PovertyHungerAbandon houses/ buildingsBroken homesLack of affordable private educationStronger parental skills neededCommunity is splintered we don't cometogether Substantial academic challenges across theboard Low-income levels for families Need more safe places for kids (parks, arcades,etc.) Need stronger leadership Racism, systems keeping black people down Financial challenges/ knowledge Lack of progressive growth (new industries) Gang rivalry Lack of school relationships Inadequate transportation options throughoutthe community Quality housing Better education Unskilled labor Broken homes Poor mental health Lack of investment in housing, commercial,retail Other: Find grants and funding that will aid thefamilies in moving out of their current statusHighlight and support the businesses alreadyhereLand developmentSteel mills jobsManufacturingGary/Chicago international airportCultivate a faith-based communityStrong Work One engagement to connectpeople to jobsBetter infrastructureSimplify the requirements to get into thesystem. It can be demoralizingLeverage existing tech to help upskill parents Gary pride! Leverage the good memories andlegacy of long-time Gary residents Develop external partnerships Speakers/monthly seminars for members andparents/adults to teach skills and inspire change Give the community something to look forwardto - create a space for parents to upskill and getjobs in the club Better schools/academics Fine arts Provide community support with consistency Better variety of houses Attract more businesses Position Gary BGC location as a center ofpossibility for the entire family/ community Parental education Lakefront access and developments Double track with train tracks going to and fromChicago at the same timeOther:* Those starred are prioritized as top needs by the GaryBoys & Club youth management team.B O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5

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BGCA National Youth Outcomes Initiative(NYOI) surveys from 2018-2021 share thatB&GC youth have immense hope, withhalf reporting that they expect to go tocollege or achieve further education.CREATING A SAFEHAVEN FOR HOPE1 1Gary member NYOI surveys before and after the pandemic consistently reflect that youthmembers are hopeful about their futures. Our team must do all we can to maintain thishope. The surveys also reflect that their largest struggles and concerns are teamwork andconflict resolution. When problems arise, our youth do not know where to go and whom totrust for advice and encouragement to stand strong, organized, and focused to achieve theirdesired outcomes. Our Boys & Girls Club model can be Gary's leading source for enabling all young people,especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring,responsible citizens. Our 2025 goal is to provide a world-class Club Experience that inspiresand empowers Club youth to achieve success and champion the opportunities providedbefore them. B O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5This word cloud represents the culmination of the most commonly used words inall community, member, and staff feedback about future Club opportunities.

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Pre-pandemic 2021 2025Littles 5 and underCadets 6-8Tweens 9-12Teens 13+Families1,000 750 500 250 0 Goal to graduate fromcollege with Associateor Bachelor degree6/10Building Great Futures By 2025, we will exceed pre-pandemic participation and community impact.As with many youth programs, our post-pandemic participation has dropped 65%. Our goal by2025 is to exceed our 2018 participation of 1,495 youth members to engage 2,100 youth. TheAverage Daily Attendance (ADA) capacity is 450 youth at one time. We factor in that theaverage youth will attend Gary B&GC three times a week for limited hours. Thus, the 2025 goalwill remain compliant with the current ADA capacity. This will be achieved while developing arange of relevant programming for all age groups: creating a full life cycle of programmingand engaging youth at earlier ages to assure long-term educational and career success. Will participate in Gary B&GC programs atleast twice per week and will graduatefrom school.100%1 2Our mission is to provide our youth with the confidence and skills to achieve a greatfuture. This includes graduating from high school and having the opportunity toincrease Gary's median family household income from $38,178, whereas 35% of Garyresidents live in poverty, and 37.2% currently earn less than $24,999 - with 45.8%overall labor force participation. We aim to impact 2,100 Gary youth andtheir approximately 875 families by 2025,creating opportunities for great futures. Goal to achieve tradesskills training andcareer attainment40%B O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5100% of currently participating youth expect to graduate high school,per 2021 Gary Club NYOI survey. 875 families based on average household size of 2.4 members (ESRI data)2018 and 2021 member totals from NYOI surveys 2025 Goal: 2,100 Youth ~ 875 Families

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01Provide Club members with a high-quality ClubExperience that is safe and fun, leads to a sense ofbelonging, and develops the skills needed to succeed inthe 21st century. 1 3These four guiding principles are alignedwith the B&GC national direction and willdrive the plan's implementation.GUIDING PRINCIPLESAfter conducting our local qualitative member research and quantitative Garylifestyles research, our local-level goals and objective organically align with ourorganization's national research and derived principles for success.02Continue to learn and develop practices and programmodels with demonstrated impact. Success will requirethe continued development of evidence-informedprogram models, staff practices, and organization systemsand practices that lead to impact.03Advocate that our community provides access to high-quality, out-of-school-time programs and experiences thatequip young people with the tools to succeed. Gary B&GCNWI will build expertise on relevant issues to prepare andsupport Club leaders in this work.B O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 504Establish dynamic partnerships with public and privateinstitutions locally and nationally. Recognizing that nosingle organization can provide everything needed toenable youth to succeed, Boys & Girls Club NWI must stepup as a convener and facilitator to maximize theircommunities’ collective resources and impact.

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In strategic planning sessions, the Gary staffcreated the following four goals backed bythe outlined objectives and strategies to beimplemented from 2023-25, as indicated inthe following timeline. Teams are developingaction plans to achieve these goals.Relevant Programs that Create Futures01With our deep understanding and experience in the Gary community,we will provide programming relevant to the families who live herewith the mission to lift their social and academic skills toward long-term success. A Top Team That Welcomes Families02To support the development and implementation of ourprogramming priorities, we will invest in the development andretention of our staff by designing career paths that provide rewardingopportunities to make a difference in our community.Measured Quality for A Properous Community03Our success will spend on our ability to measure outcomes and provethat early youth engagement leads to long-term character and careersuccess. Our scorecard will be monitored and hold us accountable forsuccess. 1 4STRATEGIC GOALSB O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5Gary's Place of Choice for Families04By 2025, we will achieve providing a state-of-the-art optimal ClubExperience in an upgraded space that amplifies confidence andprovides intentional spaces for learning and development for all ages.

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With our deep understanding and experience in the Garycommunity, we will provide programming relevant to thefamilies who live here with the mission to lift their social andacademic skills toward long-term success. The followingobjectives will achieve relevant programming for each agegroup serving 875 Gary families. 1 5G1: RELEVANT PROGRAMSTHAT CREATE FUTURESB O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5Implement a pipeline ofprogramming for 600Tweens by December2025.G1: Objective 1G1: Objective 3G1: Objective 2Implement a pipeline ofprogramming for 300Littles aged five and underby working with a licensedpartner by December 2025.Implement a pipeline ofprogramming for 600Cadets by December2025.Social life skills, conflictresolution, teamworkProject-based learningLiteracy, STEMTech skillsLeadership, YouthAmbassadorsArts, culture and health Violence and drugspreventionFinancial literacyCareer readinessTech skillsTrades skillsLeadership, YouthAmbassadorArts, culture and health EntrepreneurialismImplement a pipeline ofprogramming for 600Teens by December2025.G1: Objective 4Social life skills, conflictresolution, teamworkProject-based learningLiteracy, STEMTech skillsLeadershipEarly social and educationalfundamentalsChildcare with learningprogramsProject-based learningGraduation process to B&GC

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To support the development and implementation of ourprogramming priorities, we will invest in the developmentand retention of our staff by designing career paths thatprovide rewarding opportunities to make a difference inour community.1 6G2: A TOP TEAM THATWELCOMES FAMILIESB O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5G2: Objective 1G2: Objective 3G2: Objective 2Implement complete HRand performancemanagement systemthat supports employeedevelopment byDecember 2023.Develop and implementcareer paths for rolesserving each youth agegroup by December2024.Assign career paths toemployeesAssign learningactivities to employeesTrack and reportemployee retentionComplete annualemployeeengagement surveyTrack and reportemployee retentionrateModify HR strategies tofulfill positions andsatisfaction as neededAchieve 100%participation andcompletion in stafflearning and developmentprograms by December2024. Increase staffengagement and achieve70% annual retention byDecember 2025. G2: Objective 4Define roles andorganization chartIdentify careerpathwaysAlign learning anddevelopmentPerformancemanagement systemPolicies andproceduresCompensation analysis

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Our success will spend on our ability to measure outcomesand prove that early youth engagement leads to long-termcharacter and career success. Our scorecard will bemonitored to hold us accountable for success. To achievethese measures, required fundraising and successfulstrategic partnerships must be to achieved.1 7G3: MEASURED QUALITY FORA PROSPEROUS COMMUNITYB O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5G3: Objective 1G3: Objective 3G3: Objective 2Improve annual surveyscores to be favorablefor 80% or more ofyouth members byDecember 2025Achieve 100% of annualfundraising goals toachieve programmingand operational goalsbeginning by December2023100% high schoolgraduation with careerplan60% attend college40% enter trades careers10 new entrepreneurs Families increasehousehold income 50% infive yearsComplete strategicpartner engagement planEducate and gain partnerengagementCo-develop andimplement partnershipagreementsDevelop and track corescorecard indicators ofsuccess and begin toannually achieve targetmeasures by December2023.Identify and developstrategic partnershipsrequired to meetprogramming andmeasures for success byDecember 2024G3: Objective 4Complete three-yearfundraising planImplement donor CRMand communication planGrow donor and grantcommunity by 50%Improve Coping withChallenge scoresImprove ConflictResolution scoresImprove Good Character& Citizenship scores

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By 2025, we will achieve providing a state-of-the-artoptimal Club Experience in an upgraded space thatamplifies confidence and provides intentional spaces forlearning and development for all ages. 1 8G4: GARY'S PLACE OFCHOICE FOR FAMILIESB O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5G4: Objective 1G4: Objective 3G4: Objective 2Design plan for dedicatedB&GC learning centers foreach age group byDecember 2023.Design plan for B&GCdedicated and sharedrecreational spaces byDecember 2023.TransportationHomeless shelterMental health servicesParenting, family, financesSocial support, life skillsGED, workforce trainingViolence, substance abuseHealthcare, nutrition, fitnessEntrepreneurialism,. blackpatent museumDesign plan andpartnerships with serviceorganizations to co-exist onproperty to further meetcommunity needs byDecember 2024.G4: Objective 4Safety and security systemsSports, PE, pool, locker roomsParks, garden, outdoorsCafeteria, culinary, home ecQuiet, calming spaceArts, culture, theatre, movies,speakers, social eventsDedicated learning centersLiteracy, STEM, libraryTech, digital studio expansionSensory autism roomTrades, cosmetologyFinancial literacyCreativity, teamwork,innovationComplete and beginimplementation of theTolleston Gary B&GClocation to be anOpportunity Hub for thesurroundingneighborhood byDecember 2025.Identify core Gary B&GCprogrammingDesign space and plan withcollaborators/ partnersComplete construction plansand budget forimplementation

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OBJECTIVES202320242025G1 O1: Implement a pipeline of programming for 300 Littles under the age offive G1 O2: Implement a pipeline of programming for 600 Cadets G1 O3: Implement a pipeline of programming for 600 Tweens G1 O4: Implement a pipeline of programming for 600 Teens G2 O1: Implement complete HR and performance management system thatsupports employee development G2 O2: Develop and implement career paths for roles serving each youth agegroup G2 O3: Achieve 100% participation and completion in staff learning anddevelopment programs G2 O4: Increase staff engagement and achieve 70% annual retention G3 O1: Improve annual survey scores to be favorable for 80% or more of youthmembers G3 O2: Achieve 100% of annual fundraising goals to achieve programmingand operational goals G3 O3: Develop and track core scorecard indicators of success and begin toannually achieve target measures G3 O4: Identify and develop strategic partnerships required to meetprogramming and measures for success G4 O1: Design plan for dedicated B&GC learning centers for each age group G4 O2: Design plan for B&GC dedicated and shared recreational spaces G4 O3: Design plan and partnerships with service organizations to co-exist onproperty to further meet community needs G4 O4: Complete and begin implementation of the Tolleston Gary B&GClocation to be an Opportunity Hub for the surrounding neighborhood The following timeline reflects the intended completions for the stated objectives.1 9IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINEB O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5

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The identified economic challenges in Gary indicate deepsystematic, generational issues that no organization has theresources to resolve. Neither sector alone, public, not-for-profit,or for-profit, is structured optimally to reverse the trends inGary. Not-for-profits in distressed communities are generallyprogram-rich and systems-poor. This keeps them fragmentedand lacking resources to communicate their services to thecommunity and jointly collaborate with other organizations tounify efforts and leverage each others’ strengths to serve thecommunity. As public sector entities typically work inbureaucratic silos, not-for-profit agencies struggle andcompete for resources and talent to sustain and beindependent. The reality of these dynamics in almost all communitiesreinforces the importance of the holistic integration andcoordination of relationships and connections between allcommunity sectors. In Gary, the depth of distressed social andeconomic challenges, along with the vast amount ofunderutilized land, exemplifies the need and opportunity forcollaboration and leveraging of resources to be the only hopefor tackling the existing social problems. Neighborhood Opportunity Hubs are a structure that achievesthis level of collaboration. Opportunity Hubs establish acommunity gathering space to socialize, engage and connectresidents, small businesses, and service organizations to adiverse and evolving set of social, economic, wellness, andquality of life opportunities. Multiple Opportunity Hubs canexist within a city, and each Opportunity Hub is uniquelydesigned to meet the needs of the specific neighborhood inwhich it exists. 2 0OPPORTUNITY HUBThe identified economic challenges in Garyindicate deep systematic, generationalissues that no single organization has theresources to resolve. Neither sector alone,public, not-for-profit, or for-profit, isstructured optimally to reverse the trendsin Gary. B O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5

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In 2022, The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Northwest Indiana applied for stateREADI funds to develop and implement the Tolleston NeighborhoodOpportunity Hub. In October 2022, The Gary Boys and Girls Club Team began aseries of internal leadership, staff, and community interviews to begin planningfor a Tolleston Neighborhood Opportunity Hub. The hub is proposed as a multi-faceted, joint investment for the rightcombination of not-for-profit organizations to meet the immediateneighborhood’s needs. The hub would operate in a collaborative and innovativesystem addressing endemic issues. Jim McClelland, the former CEO of theCentral Indiana Goodwill, speaks to the potential and need for such an approachin his book, Toward Greater Impact, A Path to Reducing Social Problems,Improving Lives & Strengthening Communities. The hub or backbone organization will have a strong infrastructure, responsibilityfor the overall effort, and accountability for the overall impact. This is likely anewly formulated community collaborative process led by social impact leaderswho already exist in the immediate community. As the hub space is planned,public and philanthropic funds are necessary to support the development andgrowth of organizations that can take on the responsibility for a network. Thisincludes assembling social impact funding for the network, including multipleorganizations working together in focused ways toward achieving one or moregoals. Our consultants have experience planning for Opportunity Hubs indistressed neighborhoods within Indianapolis and Elkhart. Leaders in Kenosha,Wisconsin, and other similar national projects have served as peer models forstructuring the project. “While many major socialproblems are interrelated, toooften we have had a tendencyto treat those problemsindividually in isolation from theothers. Unfortunately, siloed andfragmented approaches tocomplex problems frequentlyfail to result in lasting impact.” Jim McClelland, AuthorTowards Greater Impact"2 1B O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5

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2 2B O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5Globally competitive graduateswith the skills for college- andcareer-readiness Able to make healthy decisionsthat lead to physical, social andemotional well-being Ready to become engagedcitizens who serve the communityand model strong leadership A high-quality Club Experience thatmeets young people’s developmentalneeds and features programs thattarget our priority outcome areas willresult in resilient young adults whoare: When members report having anoptimal Club Experience, they aremore likely to achieve positiveoutcomes across our three priorityoutcome areas.PLACE & EXPERIENCE MATTERS

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2 3The Gary Boys and Girls Club of GreaterNorthwestern Indiana is completing thefollowing steps. NEXT STEPSPhase two includes completing the following steps in 2023.02Establish Opportunity Hub work plan with LeadershipCore TeamExecute the public engagement processDefine relevant external-internal factors influencingoutcomesPrioritize initial findings and takeawaysReview and refine with stakeholders Develop opportunity work program overviewOpportunity Hub programming, operational, funding,and economic modelsOn-going stakeholder engagementImplementation plan – a five-year programCommunity communication planFacilitate community planning sessionsFacilitate Core Team, Steering Committee, and PartnerSessions1. Gary Boys & Girls Club is completing phase one tocomplete an internal strategic plan to clarify theorganization’s future direction. 01Finalize and approve strategic growth plan frameworkIdentify tactics for implementationTeam leadership developmentCommunity engagement sessions for design-build oforganized programming outlined above1.2.3.4.B O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5

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STAFF MEMBERSBrenda ThomasBrianna GriffinDevon BurtonEllis DumasGinetta StoneHeather RemeniusJaylen SpeightJeremiah McFersonKatlin EdmondsKelly NissanKen BarryKhadijah JonesWe thank our community for supportingthe Gary Boys & Girls Club.B O Y & G I R L S C L U B G R E A T E R N W I N | S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 3 - 2 5 2 4ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe acknowledge and appreciatethe contributions of the peoplewho generously and tirelesslysupport the projects mentionedwithin. Below, list down the namesof those who contributed to thisplan's priorities:C O N T A C T SKen BarryEllis Dumas Kelly Nissan2700 W 19th Ave. Gary, IN 46404219-885-5501www.bgcgreaternwi.orgkbarry@bgcgreaternwi.orgedumas@bgcgreaternwi.orgknissan@bgcgreaternwi.orgCOMMUNITY LEADERSCloteal LaBroi, Esq.Damien HarmonEllen SzarletaEsther GoodesJason WilliamsJena' BellezzaJeremiah KingSean SmithShelice TolbertTaleesha FowlerTyrell AndersonVanessa Allen-McCloudMarcus SteeleMichael GeeMikah TurnerMike GreenMyah WebbRonnell ClancySamaria PriceTamiko GraceWendell MosbyXziah PaceZena Thomas