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E V E N T Si s a b e a u t i f u l p l a c e t o b etogether

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EVENTSCELEBRATIONSRETREATSWELLNESS DAYSLUNCHEONSThe Benev, located in thepicturesque town of Beechworth,is a unique venue that offersbreathtaking scenery and arange of experiences, alldesigned to help you unwind,connect with others, and nourishyour mind, body, and soul.Whether you're looking to host agroup wellness day, retreat,celebration, team building event,corporate function, productlaunch, photoshoot, or longlunch, The Benev provides theperfect backdrop for your event.

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THE HISTORYFormerly the Murray Ovens Benevolent Asylum - a 1862 buildthat housed immigrant miners and orphans from the gold rushera, providing a safe place while they recovered and re-gainedthere health. The run down property was saved and with aremarkable renovation concluding in 2018. The Benevolentmeans 'to give back', seems so appropriate that its rebirth isnow a place for respite and wellness.THE SETTINGThe Benev is situated in Beechworth, one of the most authenticand picturesque corners of Victoria's high country, just 3hrsfrom Melbourne and 40mins from Albury Airport. With soaringviews and stunning grounds, our property sits high on the hillemboldened by mountains, vineyards, rainforests, rivers andwaterfalls. The Benev represents an elevated approach to slowand considered living, honouring our history, land, and people.THE AMENITIESExperience our luxury 4 hotel suites, award winning spa,wellness lounges, store, pantry and unique event spaces,where you can take things a little slower and nurture yourmind, body and soul. With yoga on the lawn, long slow lunchesin the lush gardens, sensory dabble bar and even an open-aircinema, The Benev provides the perfect environment andworldly pleasures for a memorable and meaningful gathering.

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SLOW. WELLNESS DAYSOne beautiful day to step awa y fr om the bus yne ss, to res t your min d,body and spirit. Thi s expe r ie nce is a day of Immer sio n at The Ben evto give back to yourself. 3-hour sp a treatment, village style sha relunch and sl ow mindf u l activi tie s to dip in an d out of throughoutyour time with us. Every experienc e at The Benev is designed toconsciously stir the sen s es AND to transiti on guests into a state ofrelaxation and balance . Traditional spa ritua l s are featur e dalongside mo d er n therapies, br ou g ht together to create A h ol i st i csanctuary of ta ilo r-m ad e l uxu ry. A time to gather an d e xpe rie ncewellness to g et h er , FULL DAY EXPERIENCE - 10AM-5PM3HR SPA TREATMENTSTUNNING SETTING + VIEWSNOURISHING LUNCH - VILLAGE STYLE AFTERNOON TEABOTANICAL WATERS + HERBAL TEA SLOW MINDFUL ACTIVITIESI N C L U D E SI N C L U D E S5 8 0 p p5 8 0 p p4 - 6 4 - 6 6 h r s6 h r sW E L L N E S S D A Y SW E L L N E S S D A Y S

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MINDFUL MEETINGSMindful Meet i ng s at T h e B e ne v , ar e un i qu e ga t he r in g s t h at o ffe rbusinesses the opportu n it y to take a br ea k from their busyschedules and con n ec t with their teams or c li en t s in a m ea n in g fu lway. This ex pe r ie n ce is set in a relaxe d, infor m al envir o nm e ntencouraging communicati o n, collaborati o n and cultivat i on . Withvarious spaces on our grounds to h ost meetin g s, worksho p s orpresentatio n s, Mindful Me e ti n gs at The Bene v I t p ro m ot e a s e ns e o fwellbeing, focus and crea t iv i ty , making it the perfect choice forcompanies that va l ue th e impo r ta nce of heal t hy br e at h in g spac e fortheir team.I N C L U D E SI N C L U D E S5 5 p p5 5 p p3 - 1 2 3 - 1 2 VILLAGE STYLE BREAKFAST OR LUNCH1 HOT OR COLD BEVERAGE EACHENDLESS CUP - BENEV TEAINDOOR OR OUTDOOR SPACETAKE HOME JOURNALPOWER AND WIFI ACCESSPROJECTOR SCREEN2 . 5 h r s2 . 5 h r sM E E T I N G S P A C E SM E E T I N G S P A C E S

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SOCIAL SOIREESAt the Benev, we u n de r st a nd t hat ev e ry c o rp o ra t e e v en t is u n iq u e,and w e pride oursel v es on our a bi l it y to provide personali se d andcustomised services that meet y o ur specifi c ne e ds . W h et h er you'relooking to impre s s clients, re w ar d e m pl o ye e s, or ce le bra te acompany milestone , the Benev is th e perfec t venue to make ithappen. What ' s mo r e, the B en e v of fe r s a va ri e ty of e v en t serv i ce sand amen i ti e s to ensur e that yo u r celebration is a s uc c es s . Fromcatering and bar service s to fur n is hin gs and decor, ou r team ofexperienced e ve nt p ro f es s io n al s wi l l w ork cl o se l y w i th y ou to c re a tean unforget t ab l e exp er i en c e f or yo u r g ue s ts .I N C L U D E SI N C L U D E S6 5 p p6 5 p p2 0 - 5 0 2 0 - 5 0 GRAZING STATIONBUBBLES ON ARRIVALSEASON SUITABLE EVENT SPACEBAR SERVICEWELCOME/PROGRAM SIGNAGEPOWER AND WIFI ACCESSPROJECTOR SCREEN3 h r s3 h r sE V E N T S & G A T H E R I N G SE V E N T S & G A T H E R I N G S

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Gather to connect, celebrate to remember.

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BUSINESS AFFAIRSCreate a memorable and e n ri chi ng experien c e for yo u r conferenc e,seminar o r workshop attendees at T h e Benev. Our pr i va t e indoor andoutdoor s pa c es provi d e a s e re n e enviro n me n t that supports focus,connection and pr o du c ti vit y, ensuring that y o ur attendee s feel a tease and can fully en g ag e w it h t he co nt e nt of yo ur ev e nt . T o fur th e rnurture busy minds, we also provide nouris h me n t for the body fromour on s it e pantr y , cateri n g to a v a ri e ty of dietary needs usinghealthy, fresh, local l y sourc e d ingre d ie n ts . The Benev also feature s4 luxury a cc o mo d at ion suites and an award w in n in g spa, allow i ngyour facilit a to r s to prese n t, then properly re st and rec har ge al l inone beautif u l set ti n g.I N C L U S I O N SI N C L U S I O N SP O AP O A2 0 - 4 0 2 0 - 4 0 NOURISHING GRAZING STATIONSREFRESHMENTSSEASON SUITABLE EVENT SPACEWELCOME/PROGRAM SIGNAGEPOWER AND WIFI ACCESSPROJECTOR SCREENACCOMODATIONWELLNESS ACTIVITES 1 - 3 d a y s1 - 3 d a y sC O N F E R E N C E S & W O R K S H O P SC O N F E R E N C E S & W O R K S H O P S

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PHOTOSHOOTSWhether you're a photogr aph er seeking out a show-s t op p in gbackdrop o r a br a nd looking t o show c as e your products, T he Benevoffers a uniqu e ble n d o f mod e rn a nd h i st o ri c al a rc h it e ct u re m a ki n git a dream phot o sh o ot loca t io n . With a range of indoor and outdoorspaces paire d wi th a n eu t ra l co lo u r sc h em e , h i gh - en d f i ni s he s a n dminimalist des i gn , our versati le pro p er t y is the perf e ct canvas foryour creative vision. We can also provide acce s s to a range ofadditional servi c es incl u di n g priva t e prep space s , healt h y cater i ngservices and accom m od ati on , helpi n g make yo ur photoshoo texperience a s c om for ta b le an d s e am l es s a s p o ss ibl e.I N C L U D E SI N C L U D E S1 8 0 01 8 0 02 - 8 2 - 8 GOURMET GRAZING STATIONHOT AND COLD REFRESHMENTSYOUR CHOICE OF INDOOR/OUTDOOR SPACESPOWER AND WIFI ACCESSPROP USE UPON REQUEST4 h r s4 h r sP H O T O S H O O T SP H O T O S H O O T S

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LONG LUNCHESJoin us for an unforgetta bl e meal th at celebrate s the vi b ra n t flavorsand communal sp iri t of v ill age -st yle din ing . Ser ved fam ily -st yle , ourshare plate s f eat ure an array of fresh, loca l ly so urc ed ingredients,prepared with care an d expertis e. Take your time, savouring eachbite, and a l lo w y our sel f t o b e t ra n sp o rt e d by the fl avo urs an d a ro m asof ou r car efu lly crafte d and beauti f ul surrou n di n g nat ur e . Whe the ryou're looking to connect with new people, deepen existingrelationshi p s, or simply enjoy a delicious a nd nourish ing meal in astunning setting, Ou r welcoming atmosphere fosters a sens e ofconnection, in v it ing yo u t o r ela x a nd en g ag e f ull y i n t he mom ent .I N C L U D E SI N C L U D E S1 4 0 P P1 4 0 P P1 0 - 3 0 1 0 - 3 0 SIT DOWN, VILLAGE STYLE LUNCH1 X GLASS OF WINE OR BUBBLES EACHTEA AND COFFEEWATER STATIONTAKE HOME GIFT POWER AND WIFI ACCESS3 h r s3 h r sL U N C H E O N SL U N C H E O N S

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BEACON LAW GROUPGrace Cox,As a corporate leader, I am always looking for uniqueand sophisticated venues to hold our events. When wediscovered The Benev in Beechworth, we knew we hadfound something truly special. From the moment wearrived, we were struck by the stunning naturalsurroundings and the luxurious amenities.The catering for our Slow Lunch was absolutelyexceptional, with a focus on fresh, locally sourcedingredients that were as delicious as they werenourishing.But what really set The Benev apart was their focus onslow living, mindfulness, and rejuvenation. We wereable to take a step back from the hustle and bustle ofour busy lives and truly connect with each other andwith the natural world around us. The massage,aromatherapy, and guided meditation sessions were aparticular highlight, and left us all feeling refreshedand renewed.As a corporate leader, I am always looking for uniqueand sophisticated venues to hold our events. When wediscovered The Benev in Beechworth, we knew we hadfound something truly special. From the moment wearrived, we were struck by the stunning naturalsurroundings and the luxurious amenities.The catering for our Slow Lunch was absolutelyexceptional, with a focus on fresh, locally sourcedingredients that were as delicious as they werenourishing.But what really set The Benev apart was their focus onslow living, mindfulness, and rejuvenation. We wereable to take a step back from the hustle and bustle ofour busy lives and truly connect with each other andwith the natural world around us. The massage,aromatherapy, and guided meditation sessions were aparticular highlight, and left us all feeling refreshedand renewed.

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STAY . SPA . STORE . EAT . EVENTS 9 WARNER RD, BEECHWORTH VIC 3747 +03 5728 3033 +61 459 969 429 WWW.THEBENEV.COM.AU BOOK@THEBENEV.COM.AUWARNER RDWALLACE PARK B E E C H W O R T H B A K E R YLAKE SAMBELLA L B E R T R DH I G H S TFORD STSTANLEY RDMcCONVILLE AVEC A M P S TCHINESE GARDENSFORD STBO OKINGST h e e x p e r i e n c e d Be n e v t e a m c a n h e l p yo u cr e a t e a n e v e n tt h a t m e e t s y o u r s p e c i f i c n e e d s , w h e t h e r i t b e a n i n t i m a t el u n c h o r a l a r g e r - s c a l e c o n f e r e n c e , a l l w h i l e e n s u r i n g t h a ty o u r g u e s t s a r e c o m f o r t a b l e , w e l l - n o u r i s h e d a n d r e s t e d .