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BENESSO Magazine Summer 2021 English

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And suddenlyyou just knowit's time to start
and trustthe magic

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There are advantages to all disadvantages. The mandatory lockdown is such a disadvantage.Suddenly, we felt like we were on early retirement. Notbeing able to work, a little support from the government,too much free time and not being able to travel... A challenging time for sure. But this closure also had its advantages. Because a lot of time off means we can rest a lot, which inturn gives us a lot of energy. And a lot of energy meansthat we can grow. And you know what's great about that?Growth gives new energy. We have closed the circle and the innovations aresurprising, extensive and promising: new training offerings,new live shows on Facebook and Instagram, a new websiteand especially this new magazine that you can enjoy now. Enjoy Life! Enjoy Benesso and feel the Magic!enjoy life 3

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TANTRA HEALING MASSAGEWhat is Tantra healingmassage? The vision ofBenessoHOTEIThe story of the laughingBouddhaINSPIRATIONAn overview ot the serviceswe offer in BenessoKIKOS TREESDiscover the opportunities ofchild coachingI N T H I S N U M B E RROSE QUARTZBe tempted by the stone ofloveBALANCEA story about the possibleconsequences of a coachingcourse :-)FUN PAGEZen coloring brings peaceand focusCONTACT USAll information aboutBenesso610121417212526F . O . F .enjoy life 5

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Tantra massage raises eyebrows in many people's minds. Isn't that a kindof "sex massage with happy ending"?And I can't deny that a search on the web almost makes you believe it is.That's a pity, because tantra healing massage is one of the most beautiful,intense and pure healing massages there is.Because we are firmly convinced of the benefits of a tantric healingmassage and because we want to clear up those misunderstandingsabout tantra, we dedicate an article to tantra andtantric healing massage in every magazine.Join us on a journey into the mystical world of a centuries-old way of life,the wonderful world of

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WHY TANTRAIN BENESSO?In BENESSO, we always choose forhonest, authentic massages that haveproven their power over the years.The massages in Benesso aretherefore more than just a 'littlerubbing'. We always work withrespect for energy and in harmony ofbody, mind, heart and soul. Tantrahealing massage fulfils theseconditions in all respects.- Regine speaking -
Three years ago I was confrontedwith a changing body experience asa result of the menopause. In the searchto reconnect with my body, Idiscovered tantra healing massage.
PAGINA 12enjoy life 7

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PAGINA 12I was lucky to find a therapist trainedat the International SomanandaTantra School.Impressed by the soothing, healingeffect of the massage, I was back onthe doorstep two hours later. Alltension and uncertainty about whatwas a very special, new experiencewas completely gone. My curiositywas immediately triggered and 6months later my first training at thesame interntional school was a fact.From that first day of classes, August2019, I knew that the whole tantraphilosophy was the missing puzzlepiece in my life.Meanwhile, one tantra training afteranother followed, both at the"International Somananda TantraSchool" in Talinn and at "The Alchemyof Living, School of authentic Tantra"in Edinburgh.The decision to bring tantra toBenesso took some time to mature.Just because of the -wrong-perception about tantra that iscommon and the fear to be judgedfor it.Now, almost 2 years later and somuch further in my tantric journey, wetake the plunge and introducetantric healing massage in Benesso.We believe this healing isan enrichment to our offer andwe want to give thisauthentic healing massage all thehonour it deserves.ANENRICHMENTOF OUR OFFER

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In a tantric healing massage everything revolvesaround energy and chakras.In the massage we move pranic and sexual energyfrom the lower chakras towards the higher chakras.We do this through physical massage with warm oil.In combination with movements in the first layers of theenergetic field around the physical body.This form of tantric healing massage has NOTHINGto do with sensual erotic games or fulfilling eroticfantasies. It is a pure and authentic healing that candramatically improve and heal your life.Do you want to know more abouttantra healing massage orto experience this healing massage yourself?Then be sure to look at our websiteunder 'tantra' or copy this link

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“Why worry? Do your best, and then relax. Let things go on in a natural way, rather than force them. Then everyone around you will be relaxed, too.”Paramahansa yoganandaenjoy life 10

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RECHARGING WEEKENDfrom friday to sundayto enjoy, to grow, to connect,to amaze....26/093-10-17/102021COURSES & WORKSHOPSMOVE & MEDITATEGentle relaxing yoga and meditationwith a focus on breathingin small groupBASIC MODULE 2 RELAXING OILMASSAGE4 Sunday mornings from 9 am to 12 amfront body, foot massage andextension of massage techniquesTUESDAY7.30pm-9pm22-24OKTALL INFORMATION FROM THIS LINK life 11

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Relaxing Oil massage30 min45 min60 min90 minFoot massage60 minTurkisch hammam massage60 min90 minGemstone massage60 minSpa body wrap120 minPermanent Contour Massage45 min90 minSport massage30 min45 min60 minChild massage30 min45 min€40€50€65€100€65€80€120€80€160€70€120€45€60€75€40€55More info on

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2h private spa for 2 personsExtra personExtra hourChildren younger than 6 year€100+ €35+ €20gratisChildren between 6 en 12 yearExtra hour (child)€20+ €10Inizio (2pers)3.15' h €225Purezza (2pers)3h €230Caldo (2pers)3h €240Massage de Lux (2pers)4.30'h €410Wellness party workshop3h€40 or €50/person4 to 8 personsWellness party spa & massage3h €100/personMore pampering packages on www.benesso.beMore info at www.benesso.beBook now for your amazing spa! | 0032 56 71 20 57

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His whole teaching consisted of laughter.His fullness and the children who were always around himsymbolize material and spiritual abundance.Further, he represents the good blessed life of one who hasfathomed the secrets of existence and now enjoys to the fullest allthat life has to offer. He went from one place to another.He would stand there in the middle of the market and begin tolaugh, that was his sermon.His laughter was infectious, riveting, a real laughter. His whole bellyshook with laughter. He rolled on the floor with laughter.The crowd around him also began to laugh. The laughter spread.The whole village was flooded with laughter.Everyone looked forward to the moment when Hotei came to theirvillage again, because he brought so much joy and so muchblessing. He didn't speak a word, ever.If you asked him anything about Buddha, he started laughing.If you asked him anything about enlightenment he started laughing.If you asked him a question about truth he began to laugh.Laughter was his only message.After his death he was revered as a folk hero, fertility god andbringer of good fortune.And as such, he still roams the world, as a tangible image of thecarefree bliss that is shared by all who have found their own truenature, "The Buddha within."It is believed that rubbing Buddha's fat belly from time to timebrings more happinessenjoy life 14

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"You can only create equalopportunities for each child bysupporting the child individuallyin what they need."Recently, children's coaching was included in Benesso'sofferings. This is not by chance because individual support, atany age, is hugely important. You and I, as well as every child,need others to develop and grow as individuals.Yasmine Lybeer (21), final year Wellbeing and Vitality Management student & intern at BenessoTEXTenjoy life 15

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Trees Van den Bogaerde supportschildren in their power. She has beenin education for 37 years and hasheld many positions. At the momentshe is an introductory coach inprimary education. She supportsyoung teachers at the start of theircareers. Trees is also an independentchildren's coach in Waregem. Childcoaching and working with children isand remains her great passion.“Be the person you needed when youwere younger.” – Ayesha SiddiqiAs a child, Trees often feltmisunderstood. She grew up in a largefamily of 8 children.Her parents worked a lot, so she andher siblings played a major role intheir own upbringing. She neededindividual support, but there wasnone.This is probably one of the reasonswhy she became interested in childcoaching. Trees wants to supportchildren in their power by startingfrom their needs. In this way eachchild gets the chance to increasehis/her strength, which is alreadypresent anyway.As a young woman with ASD, better known as autism, I want to highlight this fascinating topic.I want to emphasize that it is okay to ask for help. By asking and accepting help, you make it morepleasant for yourself and/or your child to go through life.You don't always have to take the hard way if it can be easier!My parents and I discovered this late in life, but it's never too late to ask for help.Yasmine (21) talkingThe person behind Kikos TreesA coaching program starts from thequestion of the parent(s). Such atrajectory is meant for children whoare having a difficult time.During a coaching program theinteraction between the child, theparent(s) and Trees is very important.At the start there is an intake with theparents. Then there will be a sessionwith the child and feedback to theparent(s). After a few sessions Treesoffers 'parenting tools', tips andtricks to further apply.Trees wants to prevent the childending up dependent onthe coaching. In addition, we workwith the interests and talents of thechild. Each course is thus fullycustomized.Unique coaching processThe strength of children's coach TreesHelping children is Trees' number onepassion. The most important thing tobe able to help a child is to make >

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"Blow along" with kidsOn the Kikos Trees website, trees areoften referenced. On the one hand,Trees makes this reference because itis a fun pun with her name.On the other hand, you can compareKikos Trees with a tree from which youcan get a lot of strength. She wants tosupport children in their strength bystanding firm like a tree, but also bybeing flexible. She wants to "blowalong" with the child just like thebranches of trees blow with the wind.The ultimate tip for parentsWhen a child is in a difficult or painfulsituation it is important that you listento your child. Let your child know thatyou are really listening and takinghim/her seriously by acknowledgingthe feeling. Put into words what youthink your child is feeling and askInterested in child coaching?connection. After all, children want tobe seen and heard.Trees does this by listening to themand putting herself in their shoes.She asks why the child is doingsomething and without judging. Thismakes them feel understood.Her power of connection encourageschildren to cooperate with pleasureduring the coaching process.your child if this is correct. This willincrease the chances that he/she canlet go of the situation by him/herselfand cope better with a similarsituation in the future.Trees coaches children ages 4 to 16who are struggling for a while. Youcan contact her directly through KikosTrees or you can contact Benesso.In case of a suspected behavioralor learning disorder, child coachingcan be a good support during thewaiting times for the diagnosis to beestablished.CONTACT DETAILSTrees Van den BogaerdeChild coachMuizelstraat 278790 WaregemGSM 0493 47 68 30info@kikostrees.bewww.kikostrees.beenjoy life 17

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In Benesso, we massage withgemstones. Gemstones are brilliantminerals. They are a naturalproduct and are formed bynatural geological processes.A gemstone can be millions orbillions of years old.Every gemstone has its owncolor and its own vibrationfrequency. Based on this, we assignproperties to gemstones. In this issue, we explore thecharacteristics of Rose Quartz.The stone of love B E H U M B L E F O RY O U A R E M A D E O FE A R T HB E N O B L E F O R Y O UA R E M A D E O F S T A R S

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Gives loving vibrationsPromotes feelings of love and self-acceptanceHeals emotional traumasBrings peace, tranquility and harmonyCombats fearsStimulates spiritual growthStimulates imagination and playfulnessRose quartz is linked to thezodiac signs cancerTaurusLibrariginROPERTIES ignsRose quartz is found in Madagascar, Sri Lanka,Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Brazil, the US,Russia, Kazakhstan, India and Japan, among otherplaces. enjoy life 19

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Rose Quartz has a positive effect byreleasing its energy to the environmentor the wearer. This energy needs to bereplenished regularly for optimalfunctioning. By charging a stone, theintensity of the effect can beincreased or strengthened.Place your stone one night in themoonlight at full moon.Cleanse your Rose Quartz regularlyby putting it in the earth for at least24 hours. This way it gets rid of itsnegative charge. The longer yourstone sits in the earth, the morethorough the cleansing.UNCATCHERFOLLOW YOUR ROSE QUARTZDo you like to lie in the sun?Take off your jewelry with Rose Quartz beadswhen you go out into the sun. Rose Quartzfades in the sunlight.LEANINGHARGINGa small round pink rockwhat dose it mean?to some random person, probably nothingbut to me?to me it means the worldit symbolizes his lovethis plain pink sphereI roll it in my fingers as I sit alonethinkingwe where sitting in the parkI leaned in to kiss himand he slid his hand into minealong with a plane white bagin it, this small pink rockI think some moreand I smile
By: OtonashiDedicated with love to Vecan

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“My Beloved Know that my belovedis hidden from everyoneKnow that she is beyondthe belief of all beliefsKnow that in my heartshe is as clear as the moonKnow that she is the life Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi (1217-1273)enjoy life 21

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Yasmine Lybeer (21), final year Wellbeing and Vitality Management student & intern at BenessoTEXTIn 2012, Els came to Benesso notknowing quite what her goal wasanymore. Together with Regine, hercoach, she rediscovered her goal.During a Benesso coaching programshe took action to achieve her dream.After a very long road, her dreambecame reality.enjoy life 22

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Els Dooms, from her great interest inpeople and stories, cares for others.Els is from Bever (Flanders) andfounded Balance Coaching &Wellbeing in Lessines (Wallonia) in2015. Thanks to her perfectbilingualism, she focuses on both theFlemish and the Walloon market.Meanwhile, Els has been fully self-employed as a coach and massagetherapist for two years. She has alsorecently become a certified careercoach.The start of a new beginningEls used to work as an HR manager atRandstand. She was convinced thatshe would never leave there, but atone point she was really struggling.She was extremely tired andexperiencing a lot of stress. It was stillvery difficult for her to find peace. Atthe same time, she was extremelybored. Els decided to take action.She searched online for a coach andcame across the Benesso website.Regine's vision appealed to herimmediately and she decided to starta coaching program. Step by stepEls' path became clearer and a lotstarted to move.The caring woman behind BalanceCoaching & WellbeingIt became a journey with a lot of trialand error. And after a while sheregained the balance between herpersonal and professional life.The strength of this process lay mainlyin the motivation of Els and herperseverance, combined with a goodconnection between Els and Regine.Els tells how every coaching sessionwas a moment for her to empty herbackpack. To tackle all obstacles anduncertainties one by one. To confrontherself in complete safety. And thuscome closer to the person she reallywanted to be.An eventful process of growthenjoy life 23

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At first, change sometimes seems likea very high mountain that you can'tget over. But if you really want it anddare to allow support, then a lotbecomes possible. Moreover, it isvery important to be able to trust thatthings will turn out all right.Els is a good example of this. Shereally wanted to create change in herlife and by accepting help she wasable to realize change. Without thewillingness to trust in this process andin herself, she would never havesucceeded.A good exampleIf you want something to change inyour life, anything at all, it is helpful tobe honest with yourself about this.Being able to express to yourselfwhat is not going well and whatexactly you want to change isimportant. Finally, authenticity andtrust are crucial to enable long-termchange. A coach can hold up a mirrorto you in this process, sometimesconfront you but most of all inspireand support you.Want to know more about Els?Els DoomsCoach, massage therapist andcareer coachPlace d'Acren 67864 Deux-AcrenGSM 0479 23 91 19info@balancecoachingwellbeing.bewww.balancecoachingwellbeing.beCONTACT DETAILSThen be sure to take a look at theBalance coaching & wellbeingFacebook page.Els strives to live in harmony withherself. She could never choose apath that removes her from herauthenticity. It would make her veryunhappy. Her desire to be happy andto live according to her own instinctand her own soul's path is her drive.When she can stay close to herselfprofessionally and personally she is ina fantastic vibe and feels that blissflowing through her veins. At such amoment she knows that this is the rightpath.Els's driving forceenjoy life 24Why choosing a coach

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Color in the Mandala and enjoy the innerpeace and quiet that this "magic circle"brings. Let the colors and figures take you on ajourney inward.Mandala time!enjoy life 25

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www.benesso.be0032 56 71 20Gentse Heerweg 2, B-8790 WAREGEMinfo@benesso.be TO OUR HOUSE FOR WELLNESS, HEALTH & COACHING