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2024 Bemis ESG Report

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3FROM THE CHAIRPERSON Bemis is a family-owned business, and our sense of responsibility toward our community and employees has been at the heart of our company since 1901. For us, it’s just common sense: we take care of our people, and we take care of our community. We do this by revitalizing our landscapes, and making it easy for employees and communies to enjoy the nature in our neighborhoods. We use recycled materials in our manufacturing and regrind scrap into durable, high-quality products. We upgrade our facilies for more ecient resource use. Generaons of families have worked for the company, so keeping our community healthy is a key priority. Our acvies range from creang beauful natural spaces, encouraging everyone to enjoy these wonders of our county. Within our business we use best in class pracces to connually improve our operaons so that good, sustainable jobs will be part of our future.We strive to have a posive impact through our family foundaon, our sustainability pracces, and keeping the business family-owned so we can connue to be a key employer. I look forward to growing the business for generaons to come, striving to meet new sustainability goals, strengthening our es to local communies, and raising the bar for what’s possible.Vesla Bemis Hoeschen

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ABOUT4ABOUT THIS REPORTThe publicaon of Bemis’s rst-ever ESG report marks a milestone in our company’s 123-year history. While responsibility to our community and environment has been central to Bemis’s ethos since its foundaon, the 2024 ESG Report represents an addional commitment in our approach to pung these values into acon. This report aims to explore a path forward for Bemis’s ESG iniaves through a holisc accounng of our impacts, past and present. The issues examined in this report are complex and wide-ranging: while we may not have all the answers today, we will connue to strive to meet the needs of our employees, customers, and community.ABOUT BEMISFounded as a wooden wagon and furniture manufacturer in 1901, Bemis has always been guided by two principles: quality and innovaon. Twelve decades and several hundred patents later, Bemis has grown into a leading proprietary molding company with over 2,000 employees in ve countries around the world.From toilet seats to engineering-grade thermoplascs, injecon-molded components, and commodity resins, Bemis products range from everyday use to precision manufacturing. Thinking outside the box has driven our success and growth, and we’re commied to advancing technologies in the industries we serve.Our company has changed over the years, but our values have not. Four generaons of family ownership have ensured that our principles are put into pracce every day. Since its founding, Bemis has been guided by a steadfast commitment to the welfare of its employees, the community, and the environment.

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5ESG: ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL & GOVERNANCEThe term ESG gained prominence aer appearing in the UN’s 2004 "Who Cares Wins" report. This report highlighted the importance of integrang ESG factors into investment and management decisions to create sustainable markets.As corporaons increasingly seek to measure their performance beyond nancial metrics, ESG has become the prevailing framework for monitoring organizaonal impact across social, environmental, and governance categories.INTRODUCTIONSOCIAL (S) focuses on an organizaon's relaonships with its employees and communies. It encompasses issues such as labor pracces, diversity, and community engagement.GOVERNANCE (G) pertains to how an organizaon is managed and controlled. It includes corporate governance, board composion, transparency, and ethics.ENVIRONMENTAL (E) refers to an organizaon's impact on the natural environment, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water usage, resource depleon, waste management, and polluon.

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ESG6Bemis’s eorts to improve sustainability and posively impact the community predate the creaon of a formal ESG advisory body.Bemis switches to water-based sealer on its painted wood seats1990Bemis starts recycling flash and scrap into toilet seats1996 2010 2020 20241999 2018 2022Bemis donates land to Sheboygan Falls for Settlers ParkBemis starts using Forest Stewardship Council-certified wood in its molded wood toilet seatsBemis starts reporting to CDPCorporate Safety Team creates the Safety Observation ProgramBemis establishes ESG Department & ESG Steering Committee Bemis publishes its first ESG ReportFor decades, teams at Bemis facilies around the world have worked to adopt processes, materials, and acons that promote our deep commitment to environmental stewardship.THE JOURNEY TO ESG

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7ESGBANDING TOGETHER FOR ESGAs a privately held company, Bemis is not beholden to the reporng requirements of a public enterprise. However, the Bemis family and company believe that we have a responsibility to understand exactly how our operaons impact our community and environment.While individual departments had been making strides to improve sustainability for decades, a central advisory body was needed to track and support these eorts. We decided it was me to adopt a new strategy; true progress can only be achieved through teamwork and coordinaon. With facilies in ve dierent countries, we needed a way to unite ESG iniaves at facilies worldwide under one umbrella. The ESG Department and Steering Commiee were established in 2022, drawing on the collaborave spirit at the heart of our company culture.

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ESG8MEET THE ESG STEERING COMMITTEEThe ESG Steering Commiee is made up of eight team members from three dierent countries. These funconal experts help provide direcon on Bemis’s ESG strategy. · Tim Wilhelm – Sheboygan Falls, WI; Kelch Business Unit Director · Rodolfo Robles – Monterrey, MX; Director – Finance, IT, & HR Bemis de Mexico · Iris Chapa – Monterrey, MX; Market Development Director Lan America · Erica Spatz – Sheboygan Falls, WI; Director – Markeng · Dan Huhn – Sheboygan Falls, WI; Manager of Advanced Polymer Center · Jade Goard – Sheboygan Falls, WI; Senior Supply Chain Opmizaon Specialist · Willem Van Den Brink – Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Strategic Sourcing & Category Manager EMEA · Lena Mitkey – Sheboygan Falls, WI; Director – Environmental, Social & GovernanceLANDING ON A SHARED VISIONImagining the future of Bemis’s ESG iniaves calls for a deep understanding of our company’s roots.As a family-owned business, we are stewards of our environment and communies. We intelligently use resources as we bring innovaon to products and processes that deliver value.BEMIS WORLDWIDE LOCATIONS

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9ENVIRONMENTALROLLING UP OUR SLEEVES FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAs a mulnaonal manufacturer with a wide range of products, Bemis's environmental impact is complex and wide-reaching. The ESG Steering Commiee idened four key areas of focus for Bemis’s environmental impact. Next, the Steering Commiee worked to dene data tracking methodologies within each key area of focus.“You can’t improve on things you don’t measure. We need tracking and reporting to ensure everyone’s on the same page, marching to the same beat.”Tim Wilhelm Kelch Business Unit DirectorCLIMATE Measured through carbon footprint metrics and dened as the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions.WATERMeasured through water scarcity metrics and dened as available water remaining per area in a watershed aer the demand of humans and aquac ecosystems has been met.RESOURCESMeasured through resource depleon metrics and dened as the amount of crical resource depleon, resulng in resource scarcity.HEALTHMeasured through human toxicity metrics and dened as toxicological impacts on human health resulng from exposure to various chemicals.

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ENVIRONMENTAL10MATERIALITY ASSESSMENT: TODAY’S INSIGHT, TOMORROW’S JOURNEYIn 2022, Bemis conducted an environmental materiality assessment to establish a baseline understanding of its products’ environmental impacts and major contributors across the value chain of its products. Known as Life Cycle Assessment, LCA is a powerful tool that models our organizaon’s environmental impacts, providing data that enhance our understanding of business sustainability and will be the foundaon of our goal seng process.END OF LIFEOWNEDOPERATIONSUSESUPPLIER OPERATIONSLCA is the industry best pracce for understanding where impacts come from and allows us to look at all 4 environmental principles, not just climate related. Using LCA data is a key step in advancing the Bemis sustainability program. Procurement data sourced from product bills of materialscenters in the U.S. and Europe

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11ENVIRONMENTALThe assessment allowed us to calculate environmental impacts in our four key areas of focus – Climate, Water, Resources, and Health. Our total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions amounted to 1.1 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent. We further categorized our GHG emissions into Scopes 1, 2, and 3. 94% of our GHG emissions are aributed to Scope 3 acvies, while Scope 2 and Scope 1 acvies contribute 5% and 1%, respecvely. We are currently internalizing the results of our water use, resource depleon, and human health impacts with the intent to report these in our second annual ESG report. Extending beyond GHG emissions allows Bemis to develop comprehensive short- and long-term goals and KPIs as well as targeted strategies to reduce our impacts on mulple fronts, in accordance with scienc frameworks.Overall, results of the materiality assessment show that most of the Climate, Water, Resources, and Health impacts are baked in during the design of the products, where purchasing choices, funconality, and use of the products are dened. The GHG emissions results are graphically illustrated by life cycle phase and Scope to the right. By understanding where impacts occur, we can incorporate a sustainability lens into product design targeng the areas of highest impact. This is a key focus areas for Bemis as the company starts to dene and implement impact reducon strategies. These results have led Bemis to kick o programming to reduce impacts within our own operaons through energy eciency projects and to start to idenfy opportunies to reduce impacts in upstream and downstream life cycle phases through introducing Design for Sustainability (DfS) into product design.TOTAL GHG EMISSIONSSCOPE 1 SCOPE 2 SCOPE 3Owned OperationsPurchased UtilitiesBusinessTrav elSupply ChainProduct TransportProduct UseEnd of LifeSCOPE 1direct emissions from company-owned or controlled sources (like company vehicles or onsite fuel use)SCOPE 2indirect emssions from the energy the company purchases (like electricity)SCOPE 3all other indirect emissions from the company’s value chain 

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ENVIRONMENTAL12GOOD ENERGY ALL AROUND2023 marked the kick-o of Bemis’s mul-year energy management program. We were thrilled to partner with Focus on Energy, an organizaon that works with Wisconsin ulies to oer strategic energy eciency guidance to state businesses. Since this program began, we’ve already completed two eciency projects at our Sheboygan Falls facilies. Our lighng and process control projects save enough energy to power 165 homes for a year. These are triple boom line (people, planet, prot) projects that reduce energy consumpon, reduce operang costs, eliminate uorescents from our value chain, and improve daily work life. COMPLETED LIGHTING UPGRADES save 1,400 MWh of energy annually.PROCESS CONTROLS have been enhanced on one of our water systems to more eciently use pumps and reduce energy consumpon by 400 MWh annually.

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13ENVIRONMENTALREDUCE, REUSE, REGRIND, RECYCLEOur wood toilet seats are a blend of wood our and resin. 100% of the wood we use is pre-consumer reclaimed material. Addionally, we capture the wood dust generated in our operaons (about 1.5 million pounds per year) and reintroduce it into our wood seats. We also regrind scrap wood seats (about 3 million pounds per year) and return them to the process.In our manufacturing of plasc goods, we use about 2 million pounds of purchased post-industrial recycled resin annually. Furthermore, we regrind our scrap parts whenever possible and use that material (about 1 million pounds annually) in products.Technical experts at Bemis’s Advanced Polymer Center work with product development and process engineering to connually improve the material inputs into our products. We’ve expanded and rened our regrind collecon and improved the eciency of the regrind process by simplifying how we track collecon. We generate signicantly less scrap than we used to, which has improved the eecveness of how we handle internal regrind. We’re generang less of our own regrind and expanding the amount of post-industrial recycled content we purchase from suppliers.Dan HuhnAdvanced Polymer Center ManagerDESIGNING FOR SUSTAINABILITYDesign for Sustainability (DfS) begins by idenfying impact hotspots and aligning with business needs - an excing aspect of product development aimed at reducing upstream, operaonal, and downstream environmental impact. As an early DfS acvity, Bemis developed guidance for toilet seat design through a three-step process: Data on seats, including bills of material and product lifeme, were collected, and esmates of manufacturing and injecon molding processes, use-phase assumpons, and disposal acvies were calculated. These data were used to conduct a life cycle assessment (LCA), which evaluated environmental impacts (climate, water, resources, and health) across all life cycle stages for representave plasc, wood, and urea seats. The LCA idened the biggest drivers of environmental impacts for seats. When combined with Bemis’s business needs, these results highlight the key areas of focus for sustainability improvements.

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14SOCIALOUR COMPANY, OUR COMMUNITYBemis has been headquartered in Sheboygan County for over a century; we see our company’s impact and legacy in our own backyard. At the core of our company’s ethos is the understanding that the health of our organizaon depends on the well-being of the community where we operate. As we’ve expanded to countries around the world, we’ve brought this same small-town sense of responsibility to global manufacturing.Our company culture is rooted in the belief that employees should be treated like family. As a one hundred percent family-owned company, we don’t use that word lightly. Employees are empowered to grow within the company, build their skills through collaborave teamwork, and communicate candidly with management.Creang an environment where stakeholders know that their opinions maer has allowed us to maintain and strengthen our core values while making space for our company culture to evolve with our community for generaons to come.A PROACTIVE APPROACH TO WORKPLACE SAFETYEvery Bemis facility has a dedicated safety team comprising producon and oce employees. These teams design and implement projects to promote on-site safety and prevent injuries.We strongly believe that workplace safety is made possible through constant improvement eorts and open communicaon. Safety teams lead weekly “Toolbox Talks,” guide monthly educaon programs, and work closely with producon employees to communicate hazards and promote on-site vigilance. “One of our most precious resources is our employees. Without the commitment of our workforce, we cannot compete in the marketplace. We have generaons of families that have worked at the company, so our commitment to keeping our community healthy is a key priority.” Vesla Bemis Hoeschen Chairperson of the Board

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15SOCIALLET THE NUMBERS DO THE TALKINGBemis facilies around the world report their rolling 12-month Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR), Days Away and Restricted Time (DART) rate, and Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) to management. Our Wisconsin and North Carolina facilies also collect and report data on other metrics, such as the number of safety observaons and reported near-misses. In 2025, we aim to collect and report these addional metrics at Bemis facilies worldwide. With this addional data, we can work to raise the bar even higher and rene specic safety goals and policies.TOTAL RECORDABLE INCIDENT RATE | LOST TIME INCIDENT RATE6543210Bemis Manufacturing Co. TRIR Bemis Manufacturing Co. LTIR 20% Better Than NAICS TRIR NAICS TRIR.2811.72.64“My organization responds promptly to safety concerns raised by employees.” “Employees are encouraged to offer ideas and suggestions on how to improve safety.”

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SOCIAL16HELP WHEN YOU NEED ITThrough our Fast Track program, employees can receive fast, easy-to-access, on-demand treatment from Bemis’s on-site physical therapists, whether working at a desk or on heavy machinery. These physical therapists treat work-related condions as well as musculoskeletal and movement issues unrelated to workplace acvies. They also cra custom orthoc devices that treat and prevent complicaons from repeve moons on the producon line.Fast Track has allowed us to shi from a reacve to proacve approach to employee well-being. The program enables physical therapists to modify workstaons to opmize ergonomics and coach employees in how they use their bodies to perform their jobs. It’s improved our company’s safety culture and helped us prevent injuries before they happen.Ger Moua PT, DPTSOCIAL

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17SOCIALBemis has been headquartered in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin for generaons. We know rst-hand the importance of developing strong es with the community where we operate.At home in Wisconsin and throughout the United States, the Bemis Manufacturing Company and the F.K. Bemis Family Foundaon proudly support community, youth, educaon, and arts programs.Bemis facilies around the world have worked to put our humanitarian values into pracce in their local communies. In Croaa, Bemis employees banded together to clean up garbage from a local forest. In Mexico, Bemis employees worked with two local NGOs, Construyendo and Nueva Vida, to donate 1,000 toilet seats to rebuild homes destroyed in Hurricane Os.While we’ve grown from a small-scale, local operaon to a mulnaonal manufacturer, we haven’t lost our sense of hometown pride and responsibility.ACTING LOCALLY, ACTING GLOBALLYUNITED WAY TOP CAMPAIGN AMBASSADOR AWARD RECIPIENTThis award celebrates the United Way champions that rise above in their commitment to organize and lead a workplace campaign.

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GOVERNANCERESPONSIBLE, INDEPENDENT GOVERNANCEBemis has a diverse board that is composed of a majority of independent directors. These independent directors, along with Bemis family members, advise and mentor the CEO and other execuve-level team members.Independent directors bring experience from other publicly and privately held companies across dierent sectors. Their insight helps guide Bemis through the compeve marketplace. Bemis family members bring an unparalleled understanding of the company’s culture, history, inner workings, and family values to the table. This governance framework is unusual in the industry and allows for eecve decision-making and guidance within the business.Bemis’s extensive corporate policies include antrust, ethics, conict of interest, and code of conduct guidelines. Employees receive frequent training to promote their understanding of the company’s policies and are encouraged to report unethical, illegal, or inappropriate behavior through appropriate channels.“The Bemis family has been about sustainability since long before the term ESG was widely used. Their sense of responsibility extends beyond short-term impact: they want to be able to tell their grandchildren that they’re proud of the decisions they made to care for the environment and their community.Tim WilhelmKelch Business Unit Director

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19GOVERNANCESTEWARDSHIPKeep the company family-owned for generaons to comeINTEGRITYAct with honesty and consistency for the benet of all stakeholdersRESPECTTreat family members, employees, and business partners with respectSUSTAINABILITYMaintain our nancial viability, support our communies, and protect our environmentINNOVATIONLeading the charge on durable, sustainable products for everyday lifeFAMILY VALUES LIGHT THE WAYThe Bemis Family Values are the foundaon of our company’s governance. These principles were a compass for the ESG Steering Commiee as they set out to dene social and environmental goals for the years ahead.

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GOVERNANCE20Deloitte Wisconsin 75 list of the state’s top privately-owned companiesBemis has received the following recognion: Empresa Socialmente Responsable Bemis de Mexico (Monterrey, Mexico)CERTIFICATIONSContract Molding Solutions & Kelch Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin · ISO 9001:2015Bemis HeaIth Care Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin · ISO 13485:2016 · FDA Registraon & Device Lisng - FEI No.: 3000209940Contract Molding Solutions Lenoir, North Carolina · ISO 9001:2015Bemis Limited Burnley, UK · ISO 9001:2015 · SO 13485:2016 · Made in Britain Contract Molding Solutions Monterrey, Mexico · ISO 9001:2015 · ISO 13485:2016Bemis SAS Fontaine, France · ISO 9001:2015 · ISO 13485:2016 · NFBemis Croatia (Ivanicplast d.o.o.) Ivanic-Grad, Croatia · NFMonterrey, MexicoFontaine, France

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21GOVERNANCETRANSPARENCY AND REPORTINGBemis has been reporng to CDP since 2018 and to EcoVadis since 2021. Maintaining es with outside reporng organizaons allows Bemis to maintain transparency about our environmental impacts and understand how we should set our sustainability goals.Bemis also regularly conducts third-party directed audits of its workplace pracces, ensuring that employees understand and uphold the company’s commitment to workplace and product safety.The ESG Department is updang and expanding materiality data collecon to improve program monitoring and establish KPIs.GOVERNANCE

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22THE ROAD AHEADAs the ESG Steering Commiee looks ahead to the coming years, we’re excited for what’s in store. Among the projects that will move Bemis forward in its ESG journey are: · Understanding the impacts of using recycled materials. · Rolling out Design for Sustainability. · Connuing energy eciency projects. · Rening data collecon across facilies and upstream/downstream. · Understanding short and long-term sustainability gaps and developing strategies and goals to address them. · Exploring ESG standards and frameworks with which to align. · Determining key Social and Governance focus areas and incorporang them into Bemis’s overall ESG strategy.CONCLUSION

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23CONCLUSIONBE A PART OF BEMIS’S ESG JOURNEYBemis team members are encouraged to parcipate acvely in ESG iniaves through Safety Commiees, the Wellness Commiee, and the Bemis Professional Women’s Network. Plans are currently underway to establish an Employee Sustainability Commiee within the next year.The Bemis community is also invited to contact the ESG Steering Commiee directly with quesons about our work or for more ways to get

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Bemis Manufacturing Company300 Mill Street | Sheboygan Falls, WI | 800.233.7328 | ©2024 0B912005Today, we see an ever-increasing demand from our customers to support them in reaching their climate goals. GHG tracking as dened by GHG Protocol have signicant overlaps with LCA framework. Conducting the LCA-based materiality assessment allows us to categorize our greenhouse gas emissions in terms of Scopes 1-3 to support GHG emissions reporting and reductions while allowing us to expand our view beyond carbon. As we continue our sustainability journey, we will continue to comply with GHG protocol and LCA Standards and will track our environmental impacts via enterprise level LCA to better understand our GHG emissions as well as water use, resource use and human health impacts of our activities. Our 2022 assessment covered 100% of our manufacturing facilities and 50% of our distribution centers for scope 1 and 2, and the majority of scope 3 impacts. Scope 3, subcategories 2, 6, 7, 8 and 13 were not covered in this assessment and categories 14 and 15 were not applicable. As we work on the next steps, we are committed to build a credible program using accurate data. We are planning to expand our Scope 3 to cover all subcategories and to submit our calculations for external review and verication.