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Become a Member Brochure

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Join forces with hundreds oforganizations and leaders in the vision loss field.Join a Powerful Member Coalition8760 Manchester RoadSt. Louis, MO 314.961.8235Contact Us Innovate. Lead.Collaborate.Benefits help strengthen youand your organization. Our Member Portal andKnowledge Base provideexclusive industry data, reports,documents, and archives.Members join affinity groups,webinars, committees, andenjoy significant organizationalcost savings.We also offer ExecutiveLeadership Coaching, DEIAresources, workshops andnonprofit management, morevision rehabilitation referralsthrough VisionRefer, and aMember Directory listing. Vital Member Benefits

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Membership provides the latestindustry information and mosteffective tools to help strengthenleaders and their organizations. Membership creates continuousopportunities to network andcollaborate with industry peers,including our annual ExecutiveLeadership Conferences. We develop vital industry reports,including our Big Data ProjectNational and State reports andCompensation & Benefits Survey.Learn more and become amember today atVisionServeAlliance.orgCrucial Knowledge & Insights “I’m a member of VisionServeAlliance for the ability toconnect with my peers fromaround the country to continuemy ongoing growth in this field,to build relationships because Iknow that we’re strongertogether when we can have aunited voice in this field, and toknow that I have friends andcolleagues around the countrywho are working so hard tocreate the dignity andindependence for people whoare blind and visually impaired.”Denise Jess, CEOWisconsin Council of the Blind & Visually ImpairedWhat Members Say We lead a consortium oforganizations to generatesignificant advancements in theVision Loss field.VisionServe Alliance, our memberorganizations, and partners sharean unwavering commitment tovastly improve the lives of peoplewith blindness and low vision. Weaddress the strategic issues thatimpact our industry most, influencenational policy, enhancemanagement systems, advancebest practices, increase awarenessof vital services, and foster industryinnovation on a national, state, andlocal level. Learn more 2024 “Focused on the Future”Conference is open to all leaders inthe blindness and vision loss fieldand their teams. Learn more Vision Serve Alliance

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Membership provides the latestindustry information and mosteffective tools to help strengthenleaders and their organizations. Membership creates continuousopportunities to network andcollaborate with industry peers,including our annual ExecutiveLeadership Conferences. We develop vital industry reports,including our Big Data ProjectNational and State reports andCompensation & Benefits Survey.Learn more and become amember today atVisionServeAlliance.orgCrucial Knowledge & Insights “I’m a member of VisionServeAlliance for the ability toconnect with my peers fromaround the country to continuemy ongoing growth in this field,to build relationships because Iknow that we’re strongertogether when we can have aunited voice in this field, and toknow that I have friends andcolleagues around the countrywho are working so hard tocreate the dignity andindependence for people whoare blind and visually impaired.”Denise Jess, CEOWisconsin Council of the Blind & Visually ImpairedWhat Members Say We lead a consortium oforganizations to generatesignificant advancements in theVision Loss field.VisionServe Alliance, our memberorganizations, and partners sharean unwavering commitment tovastly improve the lives of peoplewith blindness and low vision. Weaddress the strategic issues thatimpact our industry most, influencenational policy, enhancemanagement systems, advancebest practices, increase awarenessof vital services, and foster industryinnovation on a national, state, andlocal level. Learn more 2024 “Focused on the Future”Conference is open to all leaders inthe blindness and vision loss fieldand their teams. Learn more Vision Serve Alliance

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Membership provides the latestindustry information and mosteffective tools to help strengthenleaders and their organizations. Membership creates continuousopportunities to network andcollaborate with industry peers,including our annual ExecutiveLeadership Conferences. We develop vital industry reports,including our Big Data ProjectNational and State reports andCompensation & Benefits Survey.Learn more and become amember today atVisionServeAlliance.orgCrucial Knowledge & Insights “I’m a member of VisionServeAlliance for the ability toconnect with my peers fromaround the country to continuemy ongoing growth in this field,to build relationships because Iknow that we’re strongertogether when we can have aunited voice in this field, and toknow that I have friends andcolleagues around the countrywho are working so hard tocreate the dignity andindependence for people whoare blind and visually impaired.”Denise Jess, CEOWisconsin Council of the Blind & Visually ImpairedWhat Members Say We lead a consortium oforganizations to generatesignificant advancements in theVision Loss field.VisionServe Alliance, our memberorganizations, and partners sharean unwavering commitment tovastly improve the lives of peoplewith blindness and low vision. Weaddress the strategic issues thatimpact our industry most, influencenational policy, enhancemanagement systems, advancebest practices, increase awarenessof vital services, and foster industryinnovation on a national, state, andlocal level. Learn more 2024 “Focused on the Future”Conference is open to all leaders inthe blindness and vision loss fieldand their teams. Learn more Vision Serve Alliance

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Join forces with hundreds oforganizations and leaders in the vision loss field.Join a Powerful Member Coalition8760 Manchester RoadSt. Louis, MO 314.961.8235Contact Us Innovate. Lead.Collaborate.Benefits help strengthen youand your organization. Our Member Portal andKnowledge Base provideexclusive industry data, reports,documents, and archives.Members join affinity groups,webinars, committees, andenjoy significant organizationalcost savings.We also offer ExecutiveLeadership Coaching, DEIAresources, workshops andnonprofit management, morevision rehabilitation referralsthrough VisionRefer, and aMember Directory listing. Vital Member Benefits

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Join forces with hundreds oforganizations and leaders in the vision loss field.Join a Powerful Member Coalition8760 Manchester RoadSt. Louis, MO 314.961.8235Contact Us Innovate. Lead.Collaborate.Benefits help strengthen youand your organization. Our Member Portal andKnowledge Base provideexclusive industry data, reports,documents, and archives.Members join affinity groups,webinars, committees, andenjoy significant organizationalcost savings.We also offer ExecutiveLeadership Coaching, DEIAresources, workshops andnonprofit management, morevision rehabilitation referralsthrough VisionRefer, and aMember Directory listing. Vital Member Benefits