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BCC Weekly News Issue 24

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A big thank you to the Parents Council for running a very successful Bingo night onWednesday 17th April. This was a huge success and thank you to the local businesses forsponsoring prizes on the night, to the Transition year students for helping and to thecommunity for attending.64 second-year students and 8 teachers visited Amsterdam from 9th to 11th April and had agreat experience visiting and exploring the many sites on offer.47 Transition Year students and 6 teachers enjoyed a great few days of culture exploring thebeautiful city of Munich from the 18th to the 21st of April. Our 5th-year students will visitMadrid from April 29th to May 2nd. Thank you to the staff for organising these veryworthwhile foreign tours which provide our students with an education into the variousdifferent cultures around the world.2023-24 ISSUE 24 BCC WEEKLY NEWSFROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK29h April 2024

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2PARENTS COUNCIL BINGO NIGHTThe Parents Council would like to sincerely Thank everyone who supported ourBingo night. It was a great success and we really appreciate the support fromParents, local businesses and our wider community in making it such a greatnight. Thank You!

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3CAREERSThis week 5th years welcomed a talk from Hugh and Niamh from SETU, who spokeabout courses on all of their campuses - Carlow, Waterford and Wexford. We also had Theresa from ATU Sligo who spoke about an Earn and LearnMechatronics course where they help you to get a placement in your local area. Youwork 3 days and study 2. Its like an apprenticeship only you are getting a Level 7degree with a possibility of adding on the Level 8 afterwards. It is anticipated with theincreased emphasis on apprenticeships that more courses like this will follow. 5th year students sign up to the college talks and those who don't, remain in class. Themaximum we can have in Room 40 is 60 students so their regular class will always begoing on. Some talks take place in ordinary classrooms with a max of 30. Ms. Lillis showed a video and filled in on particular fulltime courses in ATU Sligo thatour students find attractive. Looking forward to 6th year: A form went up on the 5th year Google Classroom for the Higher Options CareersExhibition next September. Once there is a list of names we will sort tickets, whichneed to be bought before the end of term. Students will also on the same day, have anopportunity to go back to the World Skills Exhibition, showcasing apprenticeships.

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4WICKLOW TRACK AND FIELDA fab day was had by all at the Wicklow Greystones Track and field event.Students took part in a range of events of 100m, 300m, 800m, long jump, shot putt, high jump &Javelin. Well done to all who took part, they did themselves and the school proud. Medal winners on the day were:U.14 100m 1st place Isabelle Warren, U.14. relay 2nd place. U.15 Javelin 1st place Zane Van Zyl. U.15 high Jump 2nd place Thea Smith.U.20 100m 2nd place Aibhe King.U.20 girls & boys relays 2nd place. U20s Dylan Friel 1st place 300m. U.20s 100m 1st place CharlieMooney.

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6We are proud to say that a recent inspector, visiting our school, complimented us on our students’compliance with the uniform code. We work hard to instill a strong sense of pride in our schoolidentity and the uniform is an important part of this. That being said, we are finding ourselves pulling students up regularly on a few things.In the interest of fairness, it is important that we implement the uniform code consistently andevenly across the school. We depend on parents to help us with this. The most frequent breach of the school rules are facial piercings and incorrect footwear,specifically runners. School is a busy place, and as teachers we have lots to achieve in the time we have with ourclasses. We don’t want to spend precious class time monitoring uniform. If we do miss breaches ofthe code, or do not have the time to address them, it is irksome for students who do comply to seethe rules unevenly applied. .We are urging you as parents to ensure your student comes to school dressedas per our current policy.You can access the policy by clicking this linkIMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT UNIFORM

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7We are taking a close look at our uniform policy and dress code this year. There is a team of teachers, students and parents meeting to analyse our current policy.Based on consultation with focus groups of students, parents and teachers, they haveidentified areas where all three groups agree. Before the group makes a recommendation to the Principal, they would like to hear theopinions of all students, all parents and all teachers. With that in mind, we would appreciate it if you could complete the attached surveybefore Tuesday 7th May. Please note that this survey is only being conducted with the intention of gatheringviews. The questions asked do not indicate a change to the current policy. If any changes are made, they will be done so in a phased approach. There will be noneed to purchase new items.Uniform SurveyPLEASE TAKE THIS SURVEY

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8HURLING AND CAMOGIESince the 8th of April, Hurling and Camogie has been taking place after school every Monday forroughly 45 minutes for all first and second year students who are interested in playing.This was set up to promote the sport in the school and also in the local area by introducingstudents to the sport that have never played before. Many of the students participating are startingfrom scratch, so it is all very basic skills and teaching the proper techniques to the students.However, in saying that, a few students have played for local clubs before, and are doing a greatjob in helping their peers along and having fun at the same time!We have had a good turn out so far with roughly 12-13 students coming at least once. We will becontinuing this up until the final week of school, and as the weather gets better it’s a great way toget active and have fun so new students are always welcome at any stage.Big thanks to Mr Dunlea, Ms Ni Bhreathnach, Ms McKeon and Ms Kehoe for organising this andputting the effort in. If you or your student have any questions about joining, don’t hesitate to askone of the teachers.

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1 1TY NEWSIt’s been a busy few weeks in TY with many exciting adventures both home and away. Self DefenseLen Stokes has graciously hosted Self-defence classes in Fight Fit Dojo. Len has always been a greatsupporter of the TY programme and never fails to provide a worthwhile workshop.MunichFrom Tuesday 18th to Sunday 21st April, 47 TY students accompanied by Mr Kirby, Mr O’Sullivan, MrMurphy, Ms Cullen, Ms Reen and Ms Ball, visited the Bavarian capital, Munich. Despite the rain, thegroup embarked on a guided tour of Munich and visited the Summer house before checking in to theImperial Hotel which would be their base for the duration. Day two took the group to the Dachau work camp where students heard of the atrocities that wereendured and saw first-hand the horror inflicted by the Nazis. Having learned late on Friday evening that the Skyline Themepark would be closed on the following daydue to bad weather, the group relocated to Salzburg, Austria for the day. Known as the birthplace ofMozart and the location for Rogers and Hammerstein’s 1965 iconic musical, ‘The Sound of Music’, thegroup visited Hohensalzburg Castle which perched high over the picturesque city above. They weretreated to breathtaking views of the Austrian Alps and spent the day exploring the many sights that wereon offer.The final day saw a visit to the Allianz Arena, home of Bayern Munich FC. Later, the group visited theBMW museum and got up close and personal with some of their iconic cars and motorbikes. This was without a doubt, an incredible experience which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.Junk Kouture ShowcaseOn Wednesday 24th April the Junk Kouture class showcased their amazing creations in The Avon. Thisallowed the public to marvel at the creativity and outstanding sustainably sourced outfits. Well done to allinvolved.Causey FarmOn 25th April the class visited Causey Farm in Co Meath where they baked bread and tried their hand atbog jumping. A great day was had by all.Upcoming Events:Thursday 2nd May Scifest in TU Tallaght (8 Students)Tuesday 7th May Fighting Words Workshop in Blessington LibraryThursday 9th May TY Horticulture Class Only visit to Kilruddery Gardens & Bray Head.Monday 13th May 4G Martial Arts in Fight Fit DojoTues 14th & Wed 15th Gaisce Hike overnight in GlendaloughTuesday 21st May TY Graduation at 10am in BCCLeaving Cert AppliedA meeting of the LCA candidates took place on Tuesday 30th April. The group are eager to get started inwhat will be an exciting addition to BCC. There will be a meeting for the parents of the LCA candidates inthe college on Monday 13th May at 3 pm

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1 5COMMUNICATIONIMPORTANT NOTE FOR PARENTS!Make sure you have your VSware app installed on yourphone and push notifications are enabled. This is how you will receive all communication fromschool from now on.We are always seeking to be as responsive as we can to our community. As busy as schoolis, it can be hard to find time to stop and listen to each other. With that in mind, we have setup a digital “comment box” where you can offer feedback to us. We want to hear what parents have to say, and as best as we can, we will respond throughthe newsletter, where appropriate of course. We would ask that you are thoughtful about your comments and be respectful whencommunicating with us. Click the link here to access the form. You must attach your name and email address. This is not an anonymous forum. Last month you enquired about a school canteen. Unfortunately we do not have the space on campus fora canteen. Every room is in use while we wait for ournew school building.