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BCABVI Annual Report 2022 book v

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ANNUAL REPORT 2022 [ 1REBUILDREVISEREHABILITATERESTRUCTURERESOURCESTABLE OF CONTENTS »1 LETTER FROM LEADERSHIP/ KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR 2022 5R PLAN2 REBUILD PROGRAMS WITH SERVICE LEVELS AFFECTED BY COVID3 REVISE SERVICES TO MEET GROWING NEED FOR INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT4 REHABILITATE CLIENTS SO THEY ARE EMPOWERED TO LIVE INDEPENDENTLY5 RESTRUCTURE AGENCY AND STREAMLINE PROCESSES TO BENEFIT CLIENTS 6 RESOURCES TO EXPAND CLIENT SERVICES7 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION8 THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS9 THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS CONTINUEDBOARD OF DIRECTORS2021 – 2022ADVISORY BOARD2021 – 2022Marc Winokur PresidentGlenn Beasley Vice President Barry L. Pueger, Jr. TreasurerGloria Katsiff SecretarySue Beresford Duane BuckBonnie ButlerMark McCowanKen Moore, PDGCharles Quattrone, Jr. Ed SherwoodAmy VanDenburghLaurie WajdaRande WhithamThomas BogiaEileen DelViscioDennis FittipaldiJoanne Hutchins Marianne Lang Rebecca Walker, MDLETTER FROM LEADERSHIP»For BCABVI, 2022 represented the end of one journey and the start of another. We created a clear path forward for the organization using our “5R” plan - the highlights, successes and impact of which are outlined in this report. Each calculated step addressed a specic aspect of the organization and moved us closer towards our mission:[To provide resources, answers and support to all people with blindness or other visual impairment that maximize their ability to meet life’s daily challenges and realize their continued self-worth and value to our community. Behind each piece of data, there is a person on their own personal journey with vision loss. If you look at nothing else in this report, we ask you to see our clients’ faces and take note of the words they chose to describe their experiences with our organization: dignity, trust, enthusiasm, condence, connection, and compassion. The true impact of BCABVI’s services comes out in their stories. We have such gratitude for the ongoing commitment and support shown by our donors, staff, and volunteers every day. Together we will continue our journey forward and positively impact lives throughout Bucks County. Anne Marie Hyer, MPA, MSExecutive DirectorMarc WinokurPresident, Board of DirectorsKEY FOCUS AREAS FOR 2022 5R PLAN

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ANNUAL REPORT 2022 [ 1REBUILDREVISEREHABILITATERESTRUCTURERESOURCESTABLE OF CONTENTS »1 LETTER FROM LEADERSHIP/ KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR 2022 5R PLAN2 REBUILD PROGRAMS WITH SERVICE LEVELS AFFECTED BY COVID3 REVISE SERVICES TO MEET GROWING NEED FOR INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT4 REHABILITATE CLIENTS SO THEY ARE EMPOWERED TO LIVE INDEPENDENTLY5 RESTRUCTURE AGENCY AND STREAMLINE PROCESSES TO BENEFIT CLIENTS 6 RESOURCES TO EXPAND CLIENT SERVICES7 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION8 THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS9 THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS CONTINUEDBOARD OF DIRECTORS2021 – 2022ADVISORY BOARD2021 – 2022Marc Winokur PresidentGlenn Beasley Vice President Barry L. Pueger, Jr. TreasurerGloria Katsiff SecretarySue Beresford Duane BuckBonnie ButlerMark McCowanKen Moore, PDGCharles Quattrone, Jr. Ed SherwoodAmy VanDenburghLaurie WajdaRande WhithamThomas BogiaEileen DelViscioDennis FittipaldiJoanne Hutchins Marianne Lang Rebecca Walker, MDLETTER FROM LEADERSHIP»For BCABVI, 2022 represented the end of one journey and the start of another. We created a clear path forward for the organization using our “5R” plan - the highlights, successes and impact of which are outlined in this report. Each calculated step addressed a specic aspect of the organization and moved us closer towards our mission:[To provide resources, answers and support to all people with blindness or other visual impairment that maximize their ability to meet life’s daily challenges and realize their continued self-worth and value to our community. Behind each piece of data, there is a person on their own personal journey with vision loss. If you look at nothing else in this report, we ask you to see our clients’ faces and take note of the words they chose to describe their experiences with our organization: dignity, trust, enthusiasm, condence, connection, and compassion. The true impact of BCABVI’s services comes out in their stories. We have such gratitude for the ongoing commitment and support shown by our donors, staff, and volunteers every day. Together we will continue our journey forward and positively impact lives throughout Bucks County. Anne Marie Hyer, MPA, MSExecutive DirectorMarc WinokurPresident, Board of DirectorsKEY FOCUS AREAS FOR 2022 5R PLAN

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ANNUAL REPORT 2022 [ 32] BUCKS COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED88% INCREASE IN GROCERY SHOPPING TRIPSREBUILD PROGRAMS WITH SERVICE LEVELS AFFECTED BY COVID  REVISE SERVICES TO MEET THE GROWING NEED FOR INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT  Preschool vision screenings reach, identify, and give resources to approximately 5% of the children in Bucks County who have undiagnosed vision problems. We had to rebuild our program after many of our preschool partners experienced temporary closings and decreased enrollment during COVID. We stayed connected with these preschools, developed relationships with new schools, and formed a partnership with our local United Way. With our expanded community networks we ensured even more Bucks County kids began their education with the best possible sight.Over the course of COVID, our clients experienced a decline in support systems available to help with daily needs. Requests for transportation, assistance with doctors appointments, shopping for groceries, and bill paying/mail reading increased signicantly. Our services are driven by the needs of our clients and community, so we reallocated resources and increased our capacity to address this growing need. 2020-2021 2020-20212021-2022 2021-20222020-2021 2021-20222020-2021 2021-20222020-2021 2021-2022584 2,151157% INCREASE IN SITES268% INCREASE IN SCREENINGS61% INCREASE IN MAIL READING/ BILL PAYING SESSIONS51% INCREASE IN DOCTOR’S VISITS26676789104110167158“We had no clue Sawyer needed glasses. He wasn’t squinting, saying he couldn’t see, or showing any signs of having a vision problem. He got frustrated with tasks sometimes, but Sawyer is a high energy kid so that seemed normal for his age. If Sawyer had not been screened at his preschool another year could have gone by without us knowing he couldn’t see clearly and his frustration in school would have grown. These are such important and informative years and he could easily have fallen behind. After he got his glasses, we started to notice a difference in Sawyer. More importantly, Sawyer noticed a difference right away for himself. Now he is doing great and never wants to take his glasses off!” —Laura G. (Sawyer’s mom)“I use my iPhone to manage many of my daily tasks, but not everything can be done online. Even though I have lived in Doylestown for eight years I still feel vulnerable going to busy areas or places I don’t know on my own. Andy has been a lifesaver. He takes me to the grocery store and runs errands with me so I can get things done. Having someone I can trust and rely on for help not only makes my life easier, but has opened new doors for me. Andy also lives in Doylestown and every time we go out together he introduces me to new places in our community and expands my comfort zone.” —Joe S.“My family doesn’t understand how I can live on my own with a visual impairment. They try to get involved with the details of my life rather than encouraging me to do things myself. I am so thankful for the support and in home services available to me. With BCABVI’s help, I have been able to live independently and maintain my dignity while proving to my family I am a capable person deserving of their respect.” —Antionette S.

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ANNUAL REPORT 2022 [ 32] BUCKS COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED88% INCREASE IN GROCERY SHOPPING TRIPSREBUILD PROGRAMS WITH SERVICE LEVELS AFFECTED BY COVID  REVISE SERVICES TO MEET THE GROWING NEED FOR INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT  Preschool vision screenings reach, identify, and give resources to approximately 5% of the children in Bucks County who have undiagnosed vision problems. We had to rebuild our program after many of our preschool partners experienced temporary closings and decreased enrollment during COVID. We stayed connected with these preschools, developed relationships with new schools, and formed a partnership with our local United Way. With our expanded community networks we ensured even more Bucks County kids began their education with the best possible sight.Over the course of COVID, our clients experienced a decline in support systems available to help with daily needs. Requests for transportation, assistance with doctors appointments, shopping for groceries, and bill paying/mail reading increased signicantly. Our services are driven by the needs of our clients and community, so we reallocated resources and increased our capacity to address this growing need. 2020-2021 2020-20212021-2022 2021-20222020-2021 2021-20222020-2021 2021-20222020-2021 2021-2022584 2,151157% INCREASE IN SITES268% INCREASE IN SCREENINGS61% INCREASE IN MAIL READING/ BILL PAYING SESSIONS51% INCREASE IN DOCTOR’S VISITS26676789104110167158“We had no clue Sawyer needed glasses. He wasn’t squinting, saying he couldn’t see, or showing any signs of having a vision problem. He got frustrated with tasks sometimes, but Sawyer is a high energy kid so that seemed normal for his age. If Sawyer had not been screened at his preschool another year could have gone by without us knowing he couldn’t see clearly and his frustration in school would have grown. These are such important and informative years and he could easily have fallen behind. After he got his glasses, we started to notice a difference in Sawyer. More importantly, Sawyer noticed a difference right away for himself. Now he is doing great and never wants to take his glasses off!” —Laura G. (Sawyer’s mom)“I use my iPhone to manage many of my daily tasks, but not everything can be done online. Even though I have lived in Doylestown for eight years I still feel vulnerable going to busy areas or places I don’t know on my own. Andy has been a lifesaver. He takes me to the grocery store and runs errands with me so I can get things done. Having someone I can trust and rely on for help not only makes my life easier, but has opened new doors for me. Andy also lives in Doylestown and every time we go out together he introduces me to new places in our community and expands my comfort zone.” —Joe S.“My family doesn’t understand how I can live on my own with a visual impairment. They try to get involved with the details of my life rather than encouraging me to do things myself. I am so thankful for the support and in home services available to me. With BCABVI’s help, I have been able to live independently and maintain my dignity while proving to my family I am a capable person deserving of their respect.” —Antionette S.

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ANNUAL REPORT 2022 [ 54] BUCKS COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIREDREHABILITATE CLIENTS SO THEY ARE EMPOWERED TO LIVE INDEPENDENTLY » RESTRUCTURE AGENCY AND STREAMLINE PROCESSES TO BENEFIT CLIENTS » As we expanded our services, we recognized our existing service delivery system was overwhelming for people new to our organization. We simplied it and created a coordinated, easy process for our clients to access resources and services. A Client Navigator position was created with three focus areas: 1) to be the central point of contact for clients 2) to ensure clients have the information needed to make informed decisions and 3) to develop and manage a plan of care that promotes clients’ personal growth and well being.During the pandemic, it became clear that many of our clients lacked the skills needed to adapt to new situations created by COVID. Access to rehabilitation services was limited due to gaps in insurance coverage and two year waiting lists for state assistance. This motivated us to take action and create our own Rehabilitation Services Department. We encouraged our clients’ independence by teaching safe travel skills (orientation and mobility), use of adapted technology and devices (assistive technology), and strategies for completing daily living activities (occupational therapy).ORIENTATION AND MOBILITY (HOURS)ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY (HOURS)OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY REFERRALS31.51415584.523179.52020-2021 2021-2022 2020-2021 2021-2022 2020-2021 2021-2022IN HER FIRST THREE MONTHS, OUR CLIENT NAVIGATOR HELPED23%OF OUR CLINIC PATIENTS CONNECT WITH OTHER SERVICES AT BCABVIIN HOME SUPPORT • PEER SUPPORT GROUPS • REHABILITATION SERVICES • HEALTHY LIVING PROGRAMS • SOCIAL ACTIVITIES CASE MANAGEMENT • TRANSPORTATION SERVICES“I was employed as a social worker for over 44 years, so I know how good service systems should work. I dedicated my entire career to serving people and getting them the help they needed. I never thought I would need help myself until I lost my vision. There isn’t a handbook that tells you what services are available for vision loss, but when I connected with the competent and compassionate staff at BCABVI they made it easy for me. I could call one person who could answer my questions and help me gure out and coordinate the services I needed. During a time when everything feels overwhelming, it really helps to have someone who knows your name and helps you nd your way.” —Rita W.“Losing my vision scared me. I felt inadequate because I had to depend on other people to do things I used to take for granted. While my husband has been very supportive, I worried about what would happen if he couldn’t be there for me. Each new skill I learn helps me build condence and realize my own potential. I am excited about my future because I know I can still be independent and happy.” —Karin S. “When I started losing my vision I did research and tried to learn on my own. I got discouraged because there was so much information available and I didn’t know what options were the best for me. With the guidance and expertise provided by my Low Vision Therapist at BCABVI, I am enthusiastic about learning again. I want her to teach me everything she knows so I can learn, do, and get back out there to nd my next passion!” —Nancy P.

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ANNUAL REPORT 2022 [ 54] BUCKS COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIREDREHABILITATE CLIENTS SO THEY ARE EMPOWERED TO LIVE INDEPENDENTLY » RESTRUCTURE AGENCY AND STREAMLINE PROCESSES TO BENEFIT CLIENTS » As we expanded our services, we recognized our existing service delivery system was overwhelming for people new to our organization. We simplied it and created a coordinated, easy process for our clients to access resources and services. A Client Navigator position was created with three focus areas: 1) to be the central point of contact for clients 2) to ensure clients have the information needed to make informed decisions and 3) to develop and manage a plan of care that promotes clients’ personal growth and well being.During the pandemic, it became clear that many of our clients lacked the skills needed to adapt to new situations created by COVID. Access to rehabilitation services was limited due to gaps in insurance coverage and two year waiting lists for state assistance. This motivated us to take action and create our own Rehabilitation Services Department. We encouraged our clients’ independence by teaching safe travel skills (orientation and mobility), use of adapted technology and devices (assistive technology), and strategies for completing daily living activities (occupational therapy).ORIENTATION AND MOBILITY (HOURS)ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY (HOURS)OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY REFERRALS31.51415584.523179.52020-2021 2021-2022 2020-2021 2021-2022 2020-2021 2021-2022IN HER FIRST THREE MONTHS, OUR CLIENT NAVIGATOR HELPED23%OF OUR CLINIC PATIENTS CONNECT WITH OTHER SERVICES AT BCABVIIN HOME SUPPORT • PEER SUPPORT GROUPS • REHABILITATION SERVICES • HEALTHY LIVING PROGRAMS • SOCIAL ACTIVITIES CASE MANAGEMENT • TRANSPORTATION SERVICES“I was employed as a social worker for over 44 years, so I know how good service systems should work. I dedicated my entire career to serving people and getting them the help they needed. I never thought I would need help myself until I lost my vision. There isn’t a handbook that tells you what services are available for vision loss, but when I connected with the competent and compassionate staff at BCABVI they made it easy for me. I could call one person who could answer my questions and help me gure out and coordinate the services I needed. During a time when everything feels overwhelming, it really helps to have someone who knows your name and helps you nd your way.” —Rita W.“Losing my vision scared me. I felt inadequate because I had to depend on other people to do things I used to take for granted. While my husband has been very supportive, I worried about what would happen if he couldn’t be there for me. Each new skill I learn helps me build condence and realize my own potential. I am excited about my future because I know I can still be independent and happy.” —Karin S. “When I started losing my vision I did research and tried to learn on my own. I got discouraged because there was so much information available and I didn’t know what options were the best for me. With the guidance and expertise provided by my Low Vision Therapist at BCABVI, I am enthusiastic about learning again. I want her to teach me everything she knows so I can learn, do, and get back out there to nd my next passion!” —Nancy P.

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ANNUAL REPORT 2022 [ 76] BUCKS COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIREDRECYCLED 40,125 LBS OF TEXTILESRESOURCES TO EXPAND CLIENT SERVICES » 2021-2022 FINANCIALS »Last year, Second Look Newtown Thrift Shop generated 48% of our annual operating budget. The store’s success was driven by our community. They donated, volunteered, and shopped at Second Look. Working together we positively impacted the lives of people who are blind and visually impaired in Bucks County. ASSETSCash & Cash Equivalent $281,707 A/R & Other Receivables $103,002 Investment – Current Portion $5,008,565 Total Current Assets $5,393,274Property, Plant & Equipment $1,807,463 Less: Accumulated Depreciation ($817,175)Benecial Interest in Perpetual Trust $1,699,801 Total Assets $8,083,363LIABILITIES & NET ASSETSAccounts Payable $20,837 Accrued Vacations $23,897 Total Current Liabilities $44,734Unrestricted Assets $6,275,648 Permanently Restricted Assets $1,762,981 Total Liabilities & Net Assets $8,083,363 FINANCIAL NOTES: • Second Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan for $118,340 fully forgiven in October 2021.• Investment portfolio reects a 7% decrease in value as a result of unfavorable market changes. TO REVIEW BCABVI’S AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, 990 FILING OR PRIVACY POLICY, VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.BUCKSBLIND.ORG OR CALL 215-968-9400REVENUE AND EXPENSES JULY 1, 2021 - JUNE 30, 2022• Second Look Newtown Thrift Shop thrived as a source of unrestricted income, generating 48% of our annual operating budget.• Private Gifts includes $40k grant received for expansion of Access Technology Training for clients.• Public Support remained above average due to second government backed PPP Loan. • 82% of expenses were used for direct client services.• Management & Administration increased by 2% as part of agency plan to streamline processes for improved service delivery.PRIVATE GIFTSTHRIFT SHOPPUBLIC SUPPORTINVEST-MENTSPROGRAM SUPPORTVISION SERVICESPROGRAM SERVICESFUNDRAISING MANAGEMENT & ADMIN48%16%6%23%7%>1%2%82%16%$443,388$144,284$58,452$211,898$67,283$2,242$21,719$757,824$148,004REVENUEEXPENSESTOTAL $927,547TOTAL $927,547FROM 2017 - 2022 TOTAL SALES INCREASED BY 30% SALES BREAKDOWN BY TYPEMAIN STOREHIGH END BOUTIQUERECYCLABLES/AUCTION ITEMS+19%+33%+118%13 VOLUNTEERSCONTRIBUTED 1569 HOURS OF SERVICEVALUED AT $46,991 “I have been shopping at Second Look for 20 years. For me, it is a way of giving back. I was a refugee in Ghana for ten years before a group of people from the community helped me come to this country. Now it is my turn to help others in whatever way I can.In the store, everything goes full circle. People give their things away so others can receive, then those people give back to someone else in the community. I thank the people who donate and give me a chance to get quality items in my home at low prices. It makes sense to save money and help others at the same time.” —Julia W.

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ANNUAL REPORT 2022 [ 76] BUCKS COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIREDRECYCLED 40,125 LBS OF TEXTILESRESOURCES TO EXPAND CLIENT SERVICES » 2021-2022 FINANCIALS »Last year, Second Look Newtown Thrift Shop generated 48% of our annual operating budget. The store’s success was driven by our community. They donated, volunteered, and shopped at Second Look. Working together we positively impacted the lives of people who are blind and visually impaired in Bucks County. ASSETSCash & Cash Equivalent $281,707 A/R & Other Receivables $103,002 Investment – Current Portion $5,008,565 Total Current Assets $5,393,274Property, Plant & Equipment $1,807,463 Less: Accumulated Depreciation ($817,175)Benecial Interest in Perpetual Trust $1,699,801 Total Assets $8,083,363LIABILITIES & NET ASSETSAccounts Payable $20,837 Accrued Vacations $23,897 Total Current Liabilities $44,734Unrestricted Assets $6,275,648 Permanently Restricted Assets $1,762,981 Total Liabilities & Net Assets $8,083,363 FINANCIAL NOTES: • Second Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan for $118,340 fully forgiven in October 2021.• Investment portfolio reects a 7% decrease in value as a result of unfavorable market changes. TO REVIEW BCABVI’S AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, 990 FILING OR PRIVACY POLICY, VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.BUCKSBLIND.ORG OR CALL 215-968-9400REVENUE AND EXPENSES JULY 1, 2021 - JUNE 30, 2022• Second Look Newtown Thrift Shop thrived as a source of unrestricted income, generating 48% of our annual operating budget.• Private Gifts includes $40k grant received for expansion of Access Technology Training for clients.• Public Support remained above average due to second government backed PPP Loan. • 82% of expenses were used for direct client services.• Management & Administration increased by 2% as part of agency plan to streamline processes for improved service delivery.PRIVATE GIFTSTHRIFT SHOPPUBLIC SUPPORTINVEST-MENTSPROGRAM SUPPORTVISION SERVICESPROGRAM SERVICESFUNDRAISING MANAGEMENT & ADMIN48%16%6%23%7%>1%2%82%16%$443,388$144,284$58,452$211,898$67,283$2,242$21,719$757,824$148,004REVENUEEXPENSESTOTAL $927,547TOTAL $927,547FROM 2017 - 2022 TOTAL SALES INCREASED BY 30% SALES BREAKDOWN BY TYPEMAIN STOREHIGH END BOUTIQUERECYCLABLES/AUCTION ITEMS+19%+33%+118%13 VOLUNTEERSCONTRIBUTED 1569 HOURS OF SERVICEVALUED AT $46,991 “I have been shopping at Second Look for 20 years. For me, it is a way of giving back. I was a refugee in Ghana for ten years before a group of people from the community helped me come to this country. Now it is my turn to help others in whatever way I can.In the store, everything goes full circle. People give their things away so others can receive, then those people give back to someone else in the community. I thank the people who donate and give me a chance to get quality items in my home at low prices. It makes sense to save money and help others at the same time.” —Julia W.

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ANNUAL REPORT 2022 [ 98] BUCKS COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIREDTHANK YOU » In memory of Stanley RubinMs. Sandra RubinIn memory of Eva Mae GeathersMs. Ginell Walker-WayIn memory of James E. McNallyBCABVI Lions ClubMs. Susan MulhollandMr. Richard M. GolebiowskiMs. Lottie WajdaMs. Gayle LangeMr. & Mrs. Charles KettererMs. Linda KreshoverMs. Phyllis SlottMs. Diane CannonMrs. Gretchen SkinnerMr. Paul GormiskyMr. Keith and Mrs. Mary GormiskyMs. Emily Heriot HillMs. Nancy EnnisMr. & Mrs. Alan MalatMs. Judith McNallyTO OUR DONORSFOUNDATION SUPPORT $16,500Bookin’ for Lookin’ FoundationIn memory of Allan H. ShellyMr. Joseph MeschinoMs. Christine WilliamsIn memory of Alvin BlasikMr. Daniel CartayaMs. Melissa LouieMs. Angela TsangMr. John BlazikIn memory of Ann GenghiniMr. John M. Henry Jr. & Ms. M. Deborah HenryMs. Diane Bradley & Mr. Dennis AlimenaMs. Marianne MurphyMs. Anne FurgusonMs. Cheryl LockerIn memory of Charles Frederick JobsMs. Suzanne KeanyMr. Spencer KauffmanMs. Ruth GordonPerkasie Leo ClubYardley Singles ClubThe Woman’s Club PerkasiePhiladelphia Law Enforcement Lions ClubCOMMUNITY ORGANIZATION SUPPORT1000 – 4999 BCABVI Lions ClubDoylestown Lions Club500 – 999Walker Lodge No. 306 IOOFLanghorne Lions ClubNewtown Lions ClubBensalem Lions Club100 – 499Chalfont Lions ClubQuakertown Lions ClubPerkasie Lions ClubNortheast Philadelphia Lions ClubMEMORIUMSIn memory of Eileen Del ViscioMr. & Mrs. Thomas BeresfordIn memory of Elizabeth “Mae” KochMr. & Mrs. James StonebackIn memory of Eva Mae GaethersMs. Cheryl SparksMs. Brenda PerkinsMs. Ferne McNeilIn memory of John J PiccinottiMr. John CartwrightIn memory of David PattonMs. Debra BerlinIn memory of Bellum Padmavati and Karne PrahladMs. Sairam BellumIn memory of James P CorcoranMr. William CorcoranIn memory of June D. GinaderMr. Joey CourtwrightMs. Peggy BusseMs. Isabella VazquezMs. Janet KluskiewiczMs. Susan RashIn memory of Leonard FeldmanMs. Cheryl FazioIn memory of Louise A MathewsMr. Paul SteinbergMr. Glenn FogliaMs. Linda ThompsonIn memory of Marie C. McDonaldMr. James GradyINDIVIDUAL SUPPORTERS5000 +Mr. Raymond F. FangbonerMs. Joan ThompsonMr. Edmund J. Orcutt with matching gift from Bristol Meyers Squibb Foundation1000 – 4999Mr. Robert LanningMr. & Mrs. Charles QuattroneMr. & Mrs. James McNallyMr. & Mrs. Rob Brown Mr. & Mrs. Duane Buck Ms. Chandni Dani Mr. & Mrs. George Wajda with matching gift from Campbell Soup FoundationMr. & Mrs. Glenn Beasley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Beresford Mr. Nathan and Mrs. Lisa Hess Ms. JoAnn K Malta Ms. Lora L. Mohr500 – 999Ms. Kathleen M. PriesMr. Edward SherwoodDrs. David & Denise WilcoxMr. E. Kyle St. ClaireMs. Karin SurkinMr. & Mrs. Rande WhithamMr. & Mrs. Barry L. PuegerMr. Harold Beck & Sons 100 – 499Ms. Merilee ArbitellMr. & Mrs. Francis ChampineMs. Ann GunbergMr. & Mrs. Charles KettererMr. David LandisMr. & Mrs. Robert McCloskeyMs. Joanna SippleMr. & Mrs. Marc SteinerMs. Lynda WisemanMr. Gary CarrieroMr. Ashok KapoorMrs. Kathleen BullockMr. & Mrs. Michael DelViscioMs. Sandra W. LongMs. Marilyn McLaneMs. Judith OaksMr. & Mrs. Brian J. ShaeferMs. Amy VandenburghMr. Douglas W. WeberMr. Michael HrabowskiMr. & Mrs. D. MalingerMr. W. Thomas OramMr. Max PageMr. & Mrs. Gary SavrinMr. Rajeev AnejaMs. Sonia SommersMr. Thomas BogiaMr. Joseph CarugatiMr. John W. ChinMr. & Mrs. Roger CookMr. Dale M. CummingsMr. Daryl DearolfMs. Dorothy W. DetwilerMr. Paul ForstaterMr. Frank GenieserMr. Matteo L. GiammarioMr. Stanley HallmanMr. Donald and Barbara HamnettMs. Nina L. HeitzMrs. Frances HeymanMr. & Mrs. W.C. HyerMr. Thomas KilianMr. Thomas KoperaMr. Michael KoretskyMr. & Mrs. Barry McCabeMs. Nancy A. McDowellMr. Martin MerskyMr. Joseph J. MoskalMr. John ParryMr. & Mrs. Francis PetrusMs. Maureen E. PughMr. Ralph J. RogersMr. Max E. RoseMs. Allena SattereldMr. Allen H. SchwartzMr. Robert SeelerMrs. Nanda SharmaMs. Joan S. SkurnowiczMr. Jay W. WhiteMs. Kathleen G. ZingaroMr. & Mrs. John ZubykJULY 1, 2021 – JUNE 30, 20220 – 99Mrs. Susan Hentz AchenbachMr. & Mrs. John E. AhlumMs. Veronica R. AignerMr. Rajeev AnejaMs. Natalie ArnoldMr. Edward C. & Mrs. Ellen E. AtkinsonMr. & Mrs. Raymond AyoubMr. & Mrs. Mitchell BaronMr. Howard BensonMs. Roxann L. BentzMs. Joyce BigleyMr. & Mrs. Charles BoyleMs. Maria Turdo & Mr. Frederick BrittonMs. Terry BrownMs. Margaret BulgerMs. Lois CarboneMs. Janis CattoMr. Ramesh ChandrianiMs. Jo Ann ClementiMr. & Mrs. Robert L. ColeMr. & Mrs. Keith CrawfordMr. & Mrs. Leonard CrookeMr. Arthur DameronMr. & Mrs. Dwight P. DavisMr. & Mrs. James W. DrippsMr. Ryan DuntzeeMs. Eleanor DurieMr. Jeremy EisemanMs. Marjorie EvansMr. Franklyn FeathermanMr. & Mrs. Louis FlogeMr. & Mrs. Robert FowlerMr. Ronald FrasierMr. Thomas FuocoMs. Ann GanaMr. & Mrs. John GdovinMr. Frank GenieserMs. Cemantha GiulianMs. Cynthia GlassMr. & Mrs. William GorodetzerMs. Denise GorryMs. Eleanor H. GraeberMs. Laura GrahamMs. Andrea GregoryMr. & Mrs. Joseph GrohowskiMr. John GrossiMr. & Mrs. Walter GustafsonMr. & Mrs. Richard HahnMr. Stanley HallmanMs. Susan HalstrickMr. & Mrs. Joseph HeaneyMr. William HeinzMs. Audrey HollandMs. Phyllis HoltzworthMr. Kenneth HolzermanMr. & Mrs. John HornMr. Arthur C. IvinsMr. Denton KanouffMr. Pankaj KapoorMrs. Ann Marie KarkutMrs. Leslie KeersMs. Allyson KliefothMr. Gerhard KrauseMs. Jerilyn KrauseMr. & Mrs. Ronald KutsmedaMr. William LawlerMr. & Mrs. Walter LeipMs. Carol LerchMr. & Mrs. Gregory LopataMr. Barry LynnMr. Eugene A. MacurMr. Edward MarshaleckMr. & Mrs. Jac MathewsMr. Charles McAdamsMs. Priscilla McDonaldMr. & Mrs. Ronald OlsenMr. & Mrs. Chester OrzechowskiMs. Mary PentzMr. James E. PitraMs. Helen RobinsonMr. & Mrs. Richard RodeghieroMs. Ellen RoederMr. & Mrs. John RosaniaMs. Jean RounsavillMr. Alan M. RubensteinMr. Otto & Mrs. Gertrude SchneiderMr. & Mrs. Kevin SchollMrs. Gloria SeacristMr. Robert SeelerMr. & Mrs. Donald E. SeipMs. Florence SinclairMs. Joan S. SkurnowiczMr. & Mrs. Douglas SmithMs. Nancy SmithMs. Susan L. SmithMr. Joseph P. StensonMr. Charles J. StraussMr. & Mrs. Stephen J. StrengMr. & Mrs. Gary TepelMr. Peter ToftMr. & Mrs. Leonard VaracalloCorporate VisionsMr. James WalakonisMs. Margaret L. WeberMs. Barbara & Ms. Karen WeidmanMr. & Mrs. Donald WeidmanMr. & Mrs. Julia WoldorfMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wolfe

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ANNUAL REPORT 2022 [ 98] BUCKS COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIREDTHANK YOU » In memory of Stanley RubinMs. Sandra RubinIn memory of Eva Mae GeathersMs. Ginell Walker-WayIn memory of James E. McNallyBCABVI Lions ClubMs. Susan MulhollandMr. Richard M. GolebiowskiMs. Lottie WajdaMs. Gayle LangeMr. & Mrs. Charles KettererMs. Linda KreshoverMs. Phyllis SlottMs. Diane CannonMrs. Gretchen SkinnerMr. Paul GormiskyMr. Keith and Mrs. Mary GormiskyMs. Emily Heriot HillMs. Nancy EnnisMr. & Mrs. Alan MalatMs. Judith McNallyTO OUR DONORSFOUNDATION SUPPORT $16,500Bookin’ for Lookin’ FoundationIn memory of Allan H. ShellyMr. Joseph MeschinoMs. Christine WilliamsIn memory of Alvin BlasikMr. Daniel CartayaMs. Melissa LouieMs. Angela TsangMr. John BlazikIn memory of Ann GenghiniMr. John M. Henry Jr. & Ms. M. Deborah HenryMs. Diane Bradley & Mr. Dennis AlimenaMs. Marianne MurphyMs. Anne FurgusonMs. Cheryl LockerIn memory of Charles Frederick JobsMs. Suzanne KeanyMr. Spencer KauffmanMs. Ruth GordonPerkasie Leo ClubYardley Singles ClubThe Woman’s Club PerkasiePhiladelphia Law Enforcement Lions ClubCOMMUNITY ORGANIZATION SUPPORT1000 – 4999 BCABVI Lions ClubDoylestown Lions Club500 – 999Walker Lodge No. 306 IOOFLanghorne Lions ClubNewtown Lions ClubBensalem Lions Club100 – 499Chalfont Lions ClubQuakertown Lions ClubPerkasie Lions ClubNortheast Philadelphia Lions ClubMEMORIUMSIn memory of Eileen Del ViscioMr. & Mrs. Thomas BeresfordIn memory of Elizabeth “Mae” KochMr. & Mrs. James StonebackIn memory of Eva Mae GaethersMs. Cheryl SparksMs. Brenda PerkinsMs. Ferne McNeilIn memory of John J PiccinottiMr. John CartwrightIn memory of David PattonMs. Debra BerlinIn memory of Bellum Padmavati and Karne PrahladMs. Sairam BellumIn memory of James P CorcoranMr. William CorcoranIn memory of June D. GinaderMr. Joey CourtwrightMs. Peggy BusseMs. Isabella VazquezMs. Janet KluskiewiczMs. Susan RashIn memory of Leonard FeldmanMs. Cheryl FazioIn memory of Louise A MathewsMr. Paul SteinbergMr. Glenn FogliaMs. Linda ThompsonIn memory of Marie C. McDonaldMr. James GradyINDIVIDUAL SUPPORTERS5000 +Mr. Raymond F. FangbonerMs. Joan ThompsonMr. Edmund J. Orcutt with matching gift from Bristol Meyers Squibb Foundation1000 – 4999Mr. Robert LanningMr. & Mrs. Charles QuattroneMr. & Mrs. James McNallyMr. & Mrs. Rob Brown Mr. & Mrs. Duane Buck Ms. Chandni Dani Mr. & Mrs. George Wajda with matching gift from Campbell Soup FoundationMr. & Mrs. Glenn Beasley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Beresford Mr. Nathan and Mrs. Lisa Hess Ms. JoAnn K Malta Ms. Lora L. Mohr500 – 999Ms. Kathleen M. PriesMr. Edward SherwoodDrs. David & Denise WilcoxMr. E. Kyle St. ClaireMs. Karin SurkinMr. & Mrs. Rande WhithamMr. & Mrs. Barry L. PuegerMr. Harold Beck & Sons 100 – 499Ms. Merilee ArbitellMr. & Mrs. Francis ChampineMs. Ann GunbergMr. & Mrs. Charles KettererMr. David LandisMr. & Mrs. Robert McCloskeyMs. Joanna SippleMr. & Mrs. Marc SteinerMs. Lynda WisemanMr. Gary CarrieroMr. Ashok KapoorMrs. Kathleen BullockMr. & Mrs. Michael DelViscioMs. Sandra W. LongMs. Marilyn McLaneMs. Judith OaksMr. & Mrs. Brian J. ShaeferMs. Amy VandenburghMr. Douglas W. WeberMr. Michael HrabowskiMr. & Mrs. D. MalingerMr. W. Thomas OramMr. Max PageMr. & Mrs. Gary SavrinMr. Rajeev AnejaMs. Sonia SommersMr. Thomas BogiaMr. Joseph CarugatiMr. John W. ChinMr. & Mrs. Roger CookMr. Dale M. CummingsMr. Daryl DearolfMs. Dorothy W. DetwilerMr. Paul ForstaterMr. Frank GenieserMr. Matteo L. GiammarioMr. Stanley HallmanMr. Donald and Barbara HamnettMs. Nina L. HeitzMrs. Frances HeymanMr. & Mrs. W.C. HyerMr. Thomas KilianMr. Thomas KoperaMr. Michael KoretskyMr. & Mrs. Barry McCabeMs. Nancy A. McDowellMr. Martin MerskyMr. Joseph J. MoskalMr. John ParryMr. & Mrs. Francis PetrusMs. Maureen E. PughMr. Ralph J. RogersMr. Max E. RoseMs. Allena SattereldMr. Allen H. SchwartzMr. Robert SeelerMrs. Nanda SharmaMs. Joan S. SkurnowiczMr. Jay W. WhiteMs. Kathleen G. ZingaroMr. & Mrs. John ZubykJULY 1, 2021 – JUNE 30, 20220 – 99Mrs. Susan Hentz AchenbachMr. & Mrs. John E. AhlumMs. Veronica R. AignerMr. Rajeev AnejaMs. Natalie ArnoldMr. Edward C. & Mrs. Ellen E. AtkinsonMr. & Mrs. Raymond AyoubMr. & Mrs. Mitchell BaronMr. Howard BensonMs. Roxann L. BentzMs. Joyce BigleyMr. & Mrs. Charles BoyleMs. Maria Turdo & Mr. Frederick BrittonMs. Terry BrownMs. Margaret BulgerMs. Lois CarboneMs. Janis CattoMr. Ramesh ChandrianiMs. Jo Ann ClementiMr. & Mrs. Robert L. ColeMr. & Mrs. Keith CrawfordMr. & Mrs. Leonard CrookeMr. Arthur DameronMr. & Mrs. Dwight P. DavisMr. & Mrs. James W. DrippsMr. Ryan DuntzeeMs. Eleanor DurieMr. Jeremy EisemanMs. Marjorie EvansMr. Franklyn FeathermanMr. & Mrs. Louis FlogeMr. & Mrs. Robert FowlerMr. Ronald FrasierMr. Thomas FuocoMs. Ann GanaMr. & Mrs. John GdovinMr. Frank GenieserMs. Cemantha GiulianMs. Cynthia GlassMr. & Mrs. William GorodetzerMs. Denise GorryMs. Eleanor H. GraeberMs. Laura GrahamMs. Andrea GregoryMr. & Mrs. Joseph GrohowskiMr. John GrossiMr. & Mrs. Walter GustafsonMr. & Mrs. Richard HahnMr. Stanley HallmanMs. Susan HalstrickMr. & Mrs. Joseph HeaneyMr. William HeinzMs. Audrey HollandMs. Phyllis HoltzworthMr. Kenneth HolzermanMr. & Mrs. John HornMr. Arthur C. IvinsMr. Denton KanouffMr. Pankaj KapoorMrs. Ann Marie KarkutMrs. Leslie KeersMs. Allyson KliefothMr. Gerhard KrauseMs. Jerilyn KrauseMr. & Mrs. Ronald KutsmedaMr. William LawlerMr. & Mrs. Walter LeipMs. Carol LerchMr. & Mrs. Gregory LopataMr. Barry LynnMr. Eugene A. MacurMr. Edward MarshaleckMr. & Mrs. Jac MathewsMr. Charles McAdamsMs. Priscilla McDonaldMr. & Mrs. Ronald OlsenMr. & Mrs. Chester OrzechowskiMs. Mary PentzMr. James E. PitraMs. Helen RobinsonMr. & Mrs. Richard RodeghieroMs. Ellen RoederMr. & Mrs. John RosaniaMs. Jean RounsavillMr. Alan M. RubensteinMr. Otto & Mrs. Gertrude SchneiderMr. & Mrs. Kevin SchollMrs. Gloria SeacristMr. Robert SeelerMr. & Mrs. Donald E. SeipMs. Florence SinclairMs. Joan S. SkurnowiczMr. & Mrs. Douglas SmithMs. Nancy SmithMs. Susan L. SmithMr. Joseph P. StensonMr. Charles J. StraussMr. & Mrs. Stephen J. StrengMr. & Mrs. Gary TepelMr. Peter ToftMr. & Mrs. Leonard VaracalloCorporate VisionsMr. James WalakonisMs. Margaret L. WeberMs. Barbara & Ms. Karen WeidmanMr. & Mrs. Donald WeidmanMr. & Mrs. Julia WoldorfMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wolfe

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KEEP YOUR SUPPORT LOCAL. GIVE IN BUCKS COUNTY.Donate today at or use the enclosed envelope.400 FREEDOM DRIVE, NEWTOWN, PA 18940215.968.9400 | INFO@BUCKSBLIND.ORGMr. Marc AllenMs. Elaine WelchIn memory of John BrophyMr. James & Mrs. Barbara BurkhartIn memory of John Charles PiccinottiSpring Dell Centers, Inc. Mr. Michael SchulzMs. Denise HopkinsMr. Matthew MarcolinaIn memory of Joy EllisMr. & Mrs. Raymond EllisIn memory of Julia JohnsonMs. Judy PolunasIn memory of June D. GinaderMs. Jennifer McIlhennyMr. Max PageMs. Jeanette AdamsMrs. Lois and Mr.William MunzMrs. Kathryn Jo & Mr.Frederick RidgeMs. Jennifer BurrillMrs. Elizabeth & Mr. Stanley MarshallMs. Katherine BurrillIn memory of SheriMr. & Mrs. Edward Cohen In memory of Stanley MarshallMs. Nancy RossMs. Jill RidgeMs. Gail KluskiewiczMs. Constance HopkinsIn memory of Sue and Matt BoldD. SmithIn memory of Louise A. MathewsMs. Carol ReynoldsMr. David SlomeanaIn memory of Sam CannonMs. Diane CannonIn memory of Herbert W. Whitham and Ethel B. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Rande WhithamIN HONOR OF In honor of Duane BuckMs. Mary Ruth RozziIn honor of John A AmatoMs. Annmarie DannerIn honor of Gretchen SkinnerMr. Allen H. SchwartzIn honor of Emily VasileMr. & Mrs. Edward CohenWE ARE HONORED BY AND APPRECIATIVE OF THE SUPPORT WE RECEIVE FROM OUR COMMUNITY. WITH YOUR HELP, WE WILL CONTINUE OUR JOURNEY FORWARD.BCABVI offers many giving options to t our donor’s individual preferences: a one time gift, a monthly giving program, stock transfers, and charitable bequests. If you would like to discuss available options, please contact Anne Marie Hyer at 215-968-9400.