Ev ers i nceourt r i p s chool sbeens o bor i ng Yeah Sam onl y j oi nedaweekago andt hey v ebeen abl et or un4l aps Hur r yupQ you l l bel at efors por t scl ub Spor t scl ub ok CanIj oi n Yeahofcour s e Thati s t r ue Jus tfol l owus i nt ot hes choolhal l Lat er Tommy wear egoi ngt ohav e t oki ckyouout WHY Youfai nt edaft erdoi ng 4pr es supsdude
Once againLater...Who needs youthree...I‛ll just findsomething else to do...Oh! Theschoolnews-paper!So you want to work for the school news- paper?yesWell that‛s great! We havethe perfect job for you!Just get us a juicystory for the paper.Youknowwhat?I‛ll just go back todoing nothing.