IMPACT REPORTJuly 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024Big Brother John & Little Brother Jasper Message
Mission:Create andsupport one-to-one mentoringrelationshipsthat ignite thepower andpromise ofyouth.Vision:All youth achieve their full potential.1
I am beyond elated to share this year's impactreport with all of you - Our Village. Ourprogram year, which runs July 1, 2023 throughJune 30, 2024, has been nothing short of high-energy. We've experienced a lot of change thispast year. We elevated our brand in CentralIowa communities. We improved efficienciesoperationally. We strengthened ourengagement with our Littles, Bigs, families,partners, sponsors, donors, board, and staff.We expanded our footprint by adding newprograms to our successful portfolio,increasing the number of youth served, andpurchasing and renovating a 50+ year-oldMessage from Our CEOI would be remis if I did not share a message about the importance of mentoring young people. Thechallenges facing today's youth have been exacerbated by so many external factors that are outside oftheir control. Mental health continues to be at the forefront of the triggers for these challenges. Society'swoes continue to perpetuate these challenges and interfere with overcoming them. The lack of hope forpositive change continues to dampen the desire of youth to trust resources put in place to improve theircircumstances. Mentoring, done the right way, can definitely have a positive impact. This is the reasonBig Brothers Big Sisters exists. It is why we work diligently to put so much effort into matching youthwith positive, caring adults. It is why we value every dollar we receive from you. It is why we appreciateevery second spent by our volunteers nurturing our Littles.Please take time to review the impact Our Village has made in the lives of our Central Iowa youth.Thank you for helping us Build A Big Future one young person at a time.In Much Gratitude,Bridget D. Cravens-NeelyChief Executive OfficerI building that has become our new Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa Youth Mentoring Center.There is just so much to celebrate about this past program year - all in the spirit of helping our youthreach their full potential.2
Big Brothers Big Sisters Movementfounded by NYC City Clerk- ErnstCoulter.19041967197519761977198019811985Big-Little Sister Program foundedin Des Moines.Big Sisters International and Big BrothersAssociation merge, forming Big BrothersBig Sisters of America with 357 agencies.Irving Westheimer celebrates 101stBirthday (co-founders of Big Brothers-first branch in Cincinnati, OH).Big-Little Sister program grows in need andorganization stability. Becomes part of PolkCounty Department of Social Services andGreater Des Moines YWCA.Big Brothers and Big Sisters programsmerge to form Big Brothers-Big Sistersof Greater Des Moines.Formalized Big Family MentoringProgram and affiliated United WayOrganization.Big Brothers founded in DesMoines.1988Inaugural Bowl For Kids’ Sake held.Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa: A History3
1990s2000200120022000s2016Inaugural Big Shots Golf held.Continue to serve our missionEstablish Workplace MentoringProgramEstablish School-Based MentoringProgramMove to Clive location (9051 Swanson Blvd)Celebrate 50th Anniversary& new logo unveiledContinue to serve our mission201820212023Establish I Am EnoughMentoring ProgramEstablish Future PathwaysMentoring Program2024New Youth Mentoring Center opensat 2130 Grand Ave in Des Moines.Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa: A History4
Strategic Objectives: 2023-2026Goal: Strengthen the foundation and accomplish the basics.ElevationBrand AmplificationCommunity PresenceStorytellingData UtilizationFacility & GeographicOptimizationAgency ScalabilityCapital GrowthProgram EvolutionExpansionTechnologyImprovementDigital MigrationFinancial ManagementAutomationOperational ExcellenceEfficiencyStewardship of Bigs,Families, LittlesPartnershipsStaff DevelopmentJEDI IntegrationEngagement5
Programs70%Operations20%Fundraising10%7 Years is the Average StaffRetention RateEfficiencyWe partnerwith thesecompanies toimprove ourprocesses andprocedures:Finances & AccountingTechnologyHR & PayrollWhere your dollars goPrograms: Support BBBSIA’s mission, growing mentoringprograms & matching youth + young adults with volunteermentorsOperations: Office + technology supplies & equipmentFundraising: Individual & corporate donations, Events, GrantsTransitioned many itemsto a digital formatutilizing a volunteermanagement tool.Reduced paper file storage& converted to digitalstorageImplemented digitalcollaborating by utilizingMicrosoft SuiteImplemented BBBSIAsoftware tools for betterdata management anddata integration (Dialpad,Donor Management,Power BI, Form Assembly) Using DonorPerfect moreeffectivelyMoved off of QuickBooks to full accounting system, Thomson ReutersUtilize digital financial tools for improved tracking and evaluating income and expensesHired a third party CPA to manage our financial reportingUpdated internal processes that allows the leadership team to know our financial status in real timeIdentified expense savings tomaximize our dollars earnedTechnology ImprovementsDigital Migration Financial ManagementOperation ExcellenceUpgraded outdatedtechnology infrastructureImproved our managed ITprovider serviceIncreased our technologysecurity & data protectionUpgraded staff laptops, monitors and accessories to be more compatible with current software toolsConsolidated digitalpayment platforms thatconnect directly to ouroperating bank accountUpdated our operationalbest practices andprocessesIntegrate change management techniques to become more nimble and efficientALIVE Accredited ServiceEnterpriseImprove our operational functions by leveraging BBBSA resources and data6
6#2024 MOST INFLUENTIAL NONPROFIT LITTLEBIG#IGOTMATCHED#IGOTMATCHEDVoted by Des Moines Business Record ReadersElevationBig Sisters- Indira Velazquez and Nicki Mullins receivedExcellence in Mentoring Awards, presented by Volunteer Iowa.They were honored for exemplifying both the spirit andpositive benefits of mentoring. Nicki is matched with LittleSister Reina. Indira is matched with Little Sister America.Mentoring in Excellence Awardees:Big Sister Indira VelazquezBig Sister Nicki MullinsClive Chamber of Commerce’s 2023Business of the YearBig Brothers Big Sisters ofAmerica’s Platinum Awardee#I Got Matched:When our Program team matches our Littles and Bigs, theprocess is very intentional. We evaluate personality,interests, and other factors to ensure the best chance of astrong relationship. Kind of like putting together a puzzle!The first time Littles and Bigs meet, we often hear them say,“I got matched!” In January 2024, we launched#IGotMatched.7
Des Moines Performing ArtsDes Moines Playhouse?Drake LEAD Class*Flix BrewhouseGame DayGet AirGlazed ExpressionsGrand View University Football *Grand View University Art Dep.*Iowa BarnstormersIowa Craft Beer TentIowa CubsBig Draft Flag Football GameBottle & Bottega- ornament classCentral Iowa Wind Ensemble ConcertDes Moines Art Center- pottery classes*Des Moines Menace Soccer games with clinicDrake Soccer gamesEscape Room at Spare TimeFall picnic- Sponsored by TargetFlix Brewhouse’s movie nightGet AirGlazed Expressions- candle making & pottery paintingHoliday Party for BBBSIA families & matchesIowa Barnstormers Indoor Football gameIowa Cubs Baseball GamesIowa Wild Hockey GamesIowa Wolves Basketball gamesBracelet making led by Jan’s Jewels*K1 Speed- sponsored by Goliath Gutters*Paint with Shay*Pride ParadePrimrose Spring Carnival*Times of Future Past at Sleepy HollowTrunk or Treat- Sponsored by Goliath Gutters*Salon Spa W’s ZooDo eventNight at the Science CenterAffinity Credit UnionAnimal Rescue LeagueBank of America Student LeadersBlank Park ZooBotanical GardensBottle & BottegaBusinessolverCentral Iowa Wind Ensemble*Children & Families and Investing in My FutureDes Moines Art CenterDes Moines Symphony & Civic Assoc.*Des Moines MenaceEngagementNew Community PartnersCommunityPartners35 11$30,000+Spent on Match ActivitiesIowa PhoenixIowa WolvesLiving History FarmsK1 Speed*Salon Spa WScience CenterSimpson Football*Skate SouthSpare TimeSky ZoneTargetYMCA10Years of Salon Spa W’sZooDo EventCelebrating 10 Years of ZooDoIn June 2024, BBBSIA celebrated the 10thAnniversary of Salon Spa W's ZooDo event.Thanks to the generosity of Salon Spa W,this annual event allows our Littles, Bigs,and their families to experience the BlankPark Zoo entirely for free. Community PartnersFree Activities for Matches:8
IG Building aFutureGroup Mentoring FUTURE PATHWAYSExpansionPurchased building located at 2130Grand Avenue in Fall 2023.Renovations began Winter 2024Expanded our TeamCapacity Campaign, Building a BigFuture, launches Fall 2023. This campaign will raise funds forrenovations for the youth mentoringcenter and increase staffingNew Workplace MentoringBusiness PartnersLaunched New ProgrammingHosted 4 InternsShelby Kocher, UNIKamari Jones, Drake UniversityPartnered with Bank of AmericaStudent Leaders Program: Rising Seniors: Nanees Abakar& Frise MukinaPartnered with Local CollegesCollaborated with Drake University’sLEAD Class and Grand ViewUniversity’s Graphic Design Class.Added two new staff positions:Future Pathways ProgramCoordinator- Ahmed MusaDirector of Fund Development-Ben ChiochonGrand View students designed newlogos for our Big Shots Golf andDefenders of Potential events.9
Female51%Male49%84%Age 4-9 Age 10-12 Age 13-14 Age 15-17 Age 18+050100150200250Community-Based (589 youth)61%Workplace (188 youth)29%School-Based (73 youth)10%662Youth ServedLittles in our mentoring programs shared that:of youth from low-incomehouseholds63% of youth fromsingle-parent homesWho We ServedNumber of youthserved by age85.7% maintained or improved academic performanceOutcomes88.3% think they will finish high school89.3% avoided risky behaviors 92.7% consider their Big an important adult in their lives62% of youth from communities of color(Black, LatinX, AAPI, Indigenious)Littles in ourMentoring Programs16.4% increase from FY202310
1:1 Mentoring ProgramsSite-BasedCommunity-BasedBig Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa matches youth ages 5-16 years old and who live in Polk, Dallas, orWarren counties. The program requires that the Little and Big stay matched together a minimum of oneyear. The match can continue until the child turns 18 and graduates high school. There are also options formultiple individuals to mentor a child together by being a Big Duo or Family Match.In this program, the mentor (Big) and child (Little) get together at least two times a month for a couplehours each visit (at least 4 hours). Some Bigs meet their Littles on the weekends. Others get together inthe evenings. Each match is unique and develops a schedule that works for them.Littles spend time with their Bigs participating in activities out in the community, like visiting the ScienceCenter or zoo, playing catch at the park, taking a walk… whatever the match chooses to do together.Partnerships with local elementary schoolsallow BBBSIA to reach more youth in theSchool-Based program. A mentor (Big) ismatched with the child (Little) and visits thechild at school for 30-60 minutes each weekto offer one-to-one attention and extra helpwith school assignments. A literacyinitiative has been developed to help youthwith reading comprehension.This year, our School-Based programengaged students at Des Moines University,Drake University, and Dowling CatholicHigh School to volunteer as Bigs.WorkplaceTwice a month, middle school students visit theirmentors at their workplace. Each Workplacepartners with a local middle school.This program encourages youth to beginenvisioning the possibilities for their future whileproviding friendship and support through the oftendifficult years of middle school.In Workplace Mentoring, students:Gain exposure to a professional workenvironmentExplore college and career opportunitiesWork on skill developmentSchool-BasedFUTURE PATHWAYSFuture Pathways is designed to guide PathwaysFellows (mentees) on a journey of self-discovery, skilldevelopment, and goal setting with the support oftheir Pathway Coaches (mentors). Fellows are youngadults (between the ages of 18-22).11
Am Enough I I Am EnoughI Am Enough empowers young girls (ages 9-16) to realize that "They are Enough."Once a month, Champions (volunteers) lead empowering workshops for LittleSisters. Topics include overcoming obstacles and reaching your fullest potential.Curriculum is geared to Little Sisters in two groups: ages 9-12 and ages 13-16.Prevention-Based MentoringThe Improving Tomorrow: Prevention Focused Mentoringprogram is a grant funded program through the IowaDepartment of Health and Human Services that BBBSIA receivedsurrounding substance abuse and problem gambling reductionand prevention using life-skills approaches to youth behaviorchange. Littles starting in 4th grade qualify for the program.Sports Buddies provides a safe environment where youth (Littles)can participate in group sports alongside a caring adult mentor(Big).BBBSIA plans sports-related activities for matches, like playingbasketball at the YMCA or attending a hockey game.Supporting ProgramsGroup Mentoring connects Bigs and Littles in team-orientedactivities every other month. Group mentoring helpsBuild healthy mentoring relationshipsSpark confidenceDiscover new interestsGroup Mentoring 12
Length of MatchServed%Number ofLittles underage 13Number of Littlesover age 13# of matches <12months 25438.3%15896# of matches 1-2 years17226.2%8587# of matches 2-5 years17425.1%74100# of matches 5+ years6210.4%656Total662100%323339BBBSIA matches are:One-to-One Matches: 595Big Duos: 43Family Matches: 616.1monthsSchool-Based32.7monthsCommunity-BasedAverageMatch Length 702BigsBig Inquiries: 418Closed Matches: 180New Little Enrollments: 230New Big Enrollments: 217New Matches: 236Match FAQ’sNote: This includes matches that havegraduated or fulfilled 1 year commitment.By theNumbers(Includes 1:1; Duo &Family matches13
The NeedGender: 121 Little Brothers53 Little Sisters170+ Youth Waitingfor a MentorOur intentional matching process evaluates personality, interests, and other factors to ensure the bestchance of a long-term relationship between Bigs and Littles.Foster Growth Make a Long-Lasting ImpactJoin Our VillageMentors (Bigs) create a safe environment for youth (Littles). BBBSIA helps form meaningful relationshipsthat broaden perspectives, provide positive influences and build the confidence youth need to set goalsand pursue brighter futures.Age: ages 5-8: 43ages 9-12: 70ages 13+: 60Waiting: 0-6 months: 526-12 months: 5412+ months: 68 Build Real RelationshipsIt only takes 4 hours amonth to be a Big!Pick which program you’d like to be a Big in!Big DuoMentor a youthwith a friend,partner, or familymember.Community-BasedSchool-BasedMentor a child at theirschool weekly duringthe school year.WorkplaceBBBSIA partners withselect Workplaces andmatches employees withmiddle school students. Site-BasedBigMentor a youth inour community.Family MatchYour familymentors a youth inour community.Volunteer as a Coach.Share your expertisewith young adults eagerto succeed.Future PathwaysScan QR code toexplore our programsor visit!14
Our ImpactMatch Support Specialists made over 3,510Match Support Hours7,019 phone calls to Littles, Bigs, & families71Average Number ofMatches supported perMatch Support Specialist-Big Sister Jessica McCombsMatched with Little Sister Journeysince 2019“It’s definitely helped me open myeyes and relive my younger yearsbecause I don’t have any kids.Being a Big Sister is fun. It makes me focus on somethingother than myself.” Littles in our School-Based program shared: 85% of youth have notexperienced bullying74% of youth have some sort of school connectedness at their schoolEach match is professionallysupported by speciallytrained BBBSIA staff.of Littles plan to go to college69.1% Tristan and Grace are part of our programs team who support our matches.15
13 Littles Graduated fromHigh School in spring 2024.All in the familyOur Impactfeel closeto theirLittle95.6%are enjoying theexperience of being a Big89%feel they arewell-matchedwith their Little76%This past May, Big Brother Eric Hollander watched his Little Brother Quincy graduate from high school. Itwas a full circle moment, as they have been matched since Quincy was six years old! This fall, Quincycontinues his education at Waldorf University. Eric’s bond is not only with Quincy but extends to hisfamily. This fall, Eric decided to become a Big Brother to Quincy’s younger brother, Avery, age 13.Bigs in our mentoring programs shared that:then that’s good enough for me.”Eric getting matched with Quincy’sbrother, Avery, in fall 2024.At Quincy’s high schoolgraduation in spring 2024!Eric and Quincy when they first met in big difference injust one person’s life, Big Brother Enrique Matched with Little Brother Zaidensince 2023“If I can just make 16
Future Pathways Match: FellowBrooklyn & Coach Corey Dion LewisAhmed Musa first told me about Future Pathways when I came to him with the dream of becoming an entrepreneur oneday, and with the hopes of building more connections within my current field of interest. He believed Future Pathwayswould be a great starting point for me when it came to gaining a professional mentorship, and boy, was he right!I chose the entrepreneurship pathway, specifically because this was geared most towards the professional experiences Iwas interested in gaining. My coach, Corey, and Future Pathways has helped me tremendously. From the invaluableexperiences I gained, to an internship working directly with health professionals in the Iowa area, I can confidently saythat I would have never had these experiences if it wasn’t for Future Pathways. I have been taught how to build andmaintain professional connections that will benefit me in the future.When people think of BBBSIA, they often think that this program is strictly for younger children needing positiveinfluential relationships. In fact, I thought the same thing, but that was not the case at all! I joined BBBSIA when I was 20years old and the entire team of BBBSIA was able to perfectly cater the program to fit my needs as a young adult. Theyunderstood that I needed a more professional-like program that would help me gain internship experience, and mypersonalized pathway did just that!The impact that Big Brother Frederick has had on his Little Brother Jahveir in the 3+ years thatthey’ve been matched is beyond measure. Jahveir’s mom, Nicholle, considers Frederick family.Frederick says of Jahveir proudly, “That’s my guy!” and “We’re locked in for life!” Thecommitment and dedication that Frederick has shown in building a strong and lastingrelationship with Jahveir is inspiring.Frederick had a traumatic childhood, growing up homeless, being passed around fromhousehold to household in neighborhoods filled with crime and poverty. The only family heknew growing up were his brothers. But Frederick turned hardships into motivation and beat Match StoriesLittle Jahveir & Big Frederick EptingJahveir and Frederick atthe Skate Park!Brooklyn Corey Dion LewisAs told by Future Pathways Fellow- Brooklyn. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Sciencein Healthcare Administration with additional focus on business studies and globaland comparative public health at Drake University.the odds and ended up getting the opportunity to play D1 football at Drake. He learned the power of mentorship whenhis Defensive Coordinator took him under his wing and helped mentor and guide him. He said he wouldn’t be where heis today if it weren’t for that relationship. His every motivation in life stems from this and mentoring today’s youth issomething he is very passionate about. It is Frederick’s belief that young black males need more positive black male rolemodels, and his goal is to impact every life that he touches.Jahveir sometimes struggles with anxiety in social situations. Frederick and Jahveir have come up with a balanceddecision-making process when it comes to outings that takes into consideration Jahveir’s feelings and comfort levelsfirst and foremost. Frederick has viewed this experience as a learning opportunity and says that he and Jahveir are on a“constant path of growth.” With his Big Brother Frederick by his side, Jahveir is confident and can conquer any fear! Frederick recognizes and values the power of just showing up and building authentic connections. This is somethingthat both Jahveir and his mom appreciate the most about him. 17
An obvious thing that makes BigBrother John and Little BrotherJasper’s match unique is the specialfriendship that has developeddespite the 54-year age difference.SisterhoodHaving our relationship evolve from amatch relationship to a true sisterfriendship has been so special and someaningful to me, said Katie.BrotherhoodIowa Big Brother of the Year John RodgersMatched with Little Brother JasperIowa Big Sister of the Year Katie MoritzMatched with Little Sister Sarah “My Big Sister told me that I’m beautifulno matter what I look like because myheart is what makes me beautiful.” -Little Sister SarahThroughout the course ofKatie and Sarah’s match,Katie has been Sarah’snumber one supporter in allareas in her life, whether thatbe in school, home life, orbuilding her confidence.When asked by Jasper how he feels when he is with John on a scale of 1-10, he shares“Probably 100 because we both love sports and we both like each other a lot. Timeflies super fast when you're having extra fun!”John shares that Jasper makes him smile and laugh every time they’re together. Jasper is a joy in his life,puts a bounce in his step, and makes him feel alive. He loves seeing the world through his eyes. They’veexplored a lot of new things together. For John, it feels good to know he’s doing something meaningfulin whatever small way. He loves showing pictures to friends and sharing about their times together.When theyfirst met!They went to BigBrothers Big SistersNational Conferencein Dallas!Katie and Sarah have a lot of the same interestsbut Katie takes time to foster those interests andfinds opportunities for Sarah to learn more andget experience. Katie has also become an extensionof Sarah’s family, becoming close with Jamie,Sarah’s mom.18
School-Based and I Am Enough mentoring programs kick off.Annual Match Activities PicnicBig Shots GolfBig Brothers Big Sisters MonthWDM Chamber’s DEI Workplace Excellence AwardsNational Hispanic Heritage MonthOct. 2023Announce purchase of new youth mentoring centerWorkplace Mentoring and Future Pathways mentoringprograms kick offMatch Activity: After hours at the Science Center of Iowa Match Activity: Trunk or TreatIowa’s Healthiest State Initiative’s 13th Annual WalkNational Hispanic Heritage MonthYear inReviewSept. 2023July 2023Aug. 2023Nov. 2023Dec. 2023July 2023 to Dec. 2023Adopt-A-Family programYear-End GivingI Am Enough Holiday PartyMatch Activity: Holiday PartyScheel’s Day of GivingBack to School BashBBBSIA is charity partner for the IowaCraft Beer Tent at the Iowa State FairAffinity Credit Union’s Annual GoingBig Golf OutingFall Intern- Shelby Kocher startsMatch Activity: Fishing at Waterworks ParkInclusion Through the Eyes of ourLittles concludesBBBSIA voted as West Des MoinesChamber of Commerce’s Best of theWest’s NonprofitReceipient of McGill Junge’s 12 Monthsof Giving ContestWest Des Moines Chamber ofCommerce’s nonprofit luncheonBBBSIA honored with Big Brothers Big Sisters ofAmerica’s Pinnacle AwardBBBSIA Spirit WeekMatch Activity at the Animal Rescue League of IowaBank of America Student Leader interns completetheir summer internships.19
National Mentoring MonthBig Little Game Show#IGotMatched launchesBBBSIA sponsors Urban Experience’s January issueBBBSIA voted #6 Most Influential Nonprofit by Business Record ReadersWinter/Spring Intern Kamari Jones startsCollaborate with Drake University’s LEAD class and Grand ViewUniversity’s Graphic Design ClassMarch 2024Bowl For Kids’ Sake kicks offThe Big Draft continuesWomen’s History MonthWDM Chamber’s Mentoringfor Women eventCentral Iowa Wind Ensemble’sOut of this World Concert(BBBSIA is a nonprofit partner)Workplace Mentoring ends for school yearBBBSIA sponsors Discover DiverseDes MoinesDrake University’s LEAD Classpresent final projectMatch Activity: Go-Kart Racing,sponsored by Goliath GuttersYear inReviewJan. 2024April 2024The Big Draft Flag FootballGameThe Big Draft wraps upBig Sisters- Nicki Mullins &Indira Velzquez receiveExcellence in MentoringAwards from State of IowaVolunteer AppreciationWeekWDM Chamber & Athene’sBlack & Brown BusinessSummitBowl For Kids’ Sakethroughout the monthUnited Way of Central Iowa’sLIVE UNITED CelebrationJan. 2024 to June 2024June 2024I Am Enough Year-End CelebrationFuture Pathways Year-End CelebrationDefenders of Potential CelebrationCEO- Bridget Cravens-Neely on panel for Greater DSM Habitat for Humanity’s Women Build LuncheonPrincipal Charity ClassicCapital City Pride ParadeIowa Juneteenth’s Neighbor’s Day CelebrationAnkeny Community Network’s Juneteenth CelebrationSalon Spa W’s ZooDo EventBig Brothers Big Sisters of America’s National ConferenceMay 2024Feb. 2024The Big Draft VolunteerRecruitment Campaign beginsI’ll Make Me a World in IowaCelebrationWells Fargo’s Black HistoryMonth Day on the HillCelebrationVolunteer Day at the Iowa StateCapitolBBBSSIA honored as CliveChamber’s Business of the Year20
Presented bySH TSBIG'23GOLFGAMETHE BIG LITTLE31YEARSest. 1993Presented BySignature EventsEnjoy fun in the sun with your foursome competing in thisbest-shot golf tournament. Thank you to our 2023 Big ShotsGolf 2023 Presenting Sponsor, Sammons Financial Group.The Big Little Game Show is a team competition where localcommunity leaders partner with Bigs and Littles. They face off ina fun, friendly competition during this event. All proceeds benefitour Future Pathways Mentoring Program.Big Little Game ShowJanuary 2024September 2023Bowl For Kids’ SakeThe 31st Annual Bowl For Kids' Sake was held March andApril 2024 at bowling centers throughout Des Moines.April 2024We honored our 13 graduating Littles, Iowa Bigsof the Year, and Big Partners at our Defenders ofPotential Celebration at Farm Bureau.June 2024Defenders of PotentialCelebrationSPONSORSHIP DOLLARS: $72,000SPONSORSHIP DOLLARS: $26,000SPONSORSHIP DOLLARS: $240,000SPONSORSHIP DOLLARS: $13,50021
The Business of Caring2024 BIG PartnersNCMIC’s partnership with BBBSIAbegan 18 years ago. Theirinvolvement includes:Operational support of morethan $140,000Workplace Mentoring Programsite host$100k gift towards BBBSIA’snew Youth Mentoring CenterNCMIC Insurance CompanyPresident- David Siebert servesas President-Elect on BBBSIA’sBoard of DirectorsNCMIC Group CEO- MikeMcCoy serves on BBBSIA’sHonorary BoardPrairie Meadows is dedicatedBBBSIA supporter. Over the past 19years their support encompasses:$210,000 Legacy Grant forBBBSIA’s new youth mentoringcenterFinancial support of more than$150,000Long time supporter ofDefenders of Potential EventDedicated supporter ofWorkplace MentoringProgram, providing bustransportation and technologysupportFor fours years, Affinity CreditUnion has partnered withBBBSIA for their annual GoingBig Golf Outing. This event hasraised $80,000 to supportBBBSIA’s mentoring programs. Affinity Credit Union’spartnership includes being a:Future Pathways ProgramPartnerBig Little Game ShowParticipantAdvocacy and involvementwith our missionThese BIG partners were recognized and celebrated for their current and historical giving at BBBSIA’sDefenders of Potential Celebration in June 2024.22
This past year, weattended BBBSA’s Inaugural Capitol HillDay in Washington D.C. in February 2024with 160 BBBS leadershosted The Big Draft: Flag Football Gamein April 2024 for mentor recruitmentled virtual workshop about our I AmEnough mentoring program for BBBSANational Conferencereceived the Platinum Award from BBBS ofAmerica in June 2024JEDIAt Big Brothers Big Sisters, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion(JEDI) is an integral part of our values and mission. We recognize,affirm, and celebrate the diverse backgrounds, lives, and experiences ofall of our stakeholders, including youth, families, donors, volunteers,and staff. We ensure the opportunity for all voices and perspectives to be heard and honored. In the workplace,we foster an environment where all people can be their best selves. We affirm that every person[regardless of ability, age, cultural background, ethnicity, faith, gender, gender identity, genderexpression, ideology, income, national origin, race or sexual orientation, marital or veteran status] hasthe opportunity to reach their full potential. We strive to realize the full potential that is within all of us by ensuring that all voices andperspectives are heard and honored.National AffiliationBig Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa is proud to be one ofthe 235+ affiliates of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America(BBBSA), the nation’s largest donors-and volunteer-supportedmentoring network.23
Thank You BigsBecome a mentor at you to our incredible Bigs! Without them, we wouldn’tbe able to accomplish our mission to ignite the power andpromise of youth.APPRECIATIONAChelsea AbrahamsonHala Abu-AssafTonia AckermanNicole AcriMichelle AdamoviczEmily AdreonSydney AdrianEnrique Alameda-BasoraMackenzie AldrichMarsha AldridgeTory AldridgeTonia AlexanderHollie AllbaughIone AllenLaura AltJeffery AndersenAdam AndersonBrooke AndersonIan AndersonLevi AndersonLydia AndersonHeather AngellHeather AngersteinJacqueline AnzaloneChristian ArcherTyler ArcherJessica ArroubMirsada AsipiLauren AsjesBParker BaddingAmber BaesslerBen BaesslerLyric BakerRachel BakerOwen BallardCraig BarchAbby BarkerAlyssa BarrantesLibby BattlesGayla BaughmanRebecca BaumLaura BaumhoverMicki BeardJoshua BeckJori BeekAnthony BehnkeRaichel BeierleShayna BellSpencer BellNathaniel BennettCurt BenninkCourtney BertramMark BertramJesse BinghamTony BiondiBrad BirenAhnna BirkettDanita BlessingLindsey BodensteinerAnna BoelmanTodd BoenderKen BohnenkampShelby BoockTyler Bookin-NosbischCassidy BottjenJoel BouwersSydney BoyerRohan BrahmarouthuNichole BranzLiz BrekkeJason BreonJenna BrittAshley BrownEric BrownKennedy BrownRob BrownMorgan BruceGina BuelowZach BuhmanMiranda BunkersTara BurnsideToshia BurrellJodi BybeeCNatalie CaldwellPamela CampbellAmy Campos-HongHaley CantrellAllie CarbeeBeth CarlsonHillary CarlsonCaitlin CarnahanNicky CarpenterAmanda CarrollErin CarterDiane Chalfant-DruryJamie Chamberlain-ThompsonJocelyn ChamberlinRachel ChristensenMary ChristopherAlly ChurchLaura CisewskiJohn CisnaSpencer ClarkJenna ClaryDalton ClausenErin ClausenLewis ClayAngela ClaytorJoel CliftonTammy ClineBailey ClothierLeslie CoffinNick ColemanShelby CollinsIsabelle Colon AlbaCaleb CooperSamantha CooperPhillip CopelandCarly CorrellDoug CorsonMegan CorsonCody CrandallBridget Cravens-NeelyLindsey CroghanAngela CruseKiley CutlerPete CutlerDAshley DalsingMelissa DammeierDonald DavidJoseph DavidKayli DavidSusanne DavidCraig Davis IIMichael De JongMorgan DealAleya DeatschBrandon DennerJeff DeRocherLayodesi DeSmithSharon DeSpainGeoff DeusenAustin DewberryKendall DillonKonnor DimlerAndrew DinhEric DirthDAdelai DolchKyle DonnellyCaroline DoudKyle DouglasMeg DredgeAmanda DreySandibel DuarteLillian DuffieldKathryn DuffyAshley DuitKatherine DyerERyan EberlySara EdgarEmelia EdwardsJohn EganMark EischeidKatelyn EllingerDavid ElliottDebra EppClaire EppersonFrederick EptingBrooke EricksonLauren EricksonDawn EvansFCarrie FainSarah FandelVirginia FawcettMonica FayKelly FieldCrystal FierroVictoria FiggeTina FinnEmily FishelBraden FitzgeraldHeather FitzpatrickAdam FleetAutumn FlickingerPaul FloydJordyn FoelskeGlorietta FoleyKevin FoleyCatherine FordRyan FormanekRon ForresterSean FosterTahaun FountainJulia FoutsKatie FraserEthan FritzHeather FronkKari FullerKrista FullerGMakayla GallentineTony GalliartSrikar GangavarapuMurty GarimellaAmina GarrisonAnita GarrisonPearlita GaskinFaith GbarjoloBecky GildersleeveKai GillespieKevin GillisDawn GillmanStacy GlennStormy GlennRichard GoebelRobb GoedickeClaudia GonzalezDylan GoodnerKristin GoodwinHailey GorlaTravis GorschJessica GrantNicholas GrantColby GrayJanae GrayAnnah GreyJessye GriffinTyler GroningaMatthew GuessRyan GustafsonLucas GutknechtTrevor GutknechtHCourtney HaaftenKyle HaindfieldKatelyn HamilChelsea HamiltonJoe HandKelsey HansonKyle HansonEthan HarrisJenn HastyScott Haugh24
Thank You BigsBecome a mentor at (cont.)Lereesa HawkinsAustin HaywoodJonathon HazelwonderTammy HeatonChristopher HennesseyElizabeth HennesseySergi HenriquezKelsey HensonBarbara HernandezGonzalo HernandezAreli HerreraAlyssa HertelDerek HertgesCassandra HickmanJillian HicksJoey HigginsMike HigginsKaty HildmanQuinn HildmanNick HinkleKayrun HitchcockAndrew HitchmanMoriah HoeppnerJill HoffJim HoffZach HoffmanEric HollanderMitchell HollingsheadAngela HollowayMax HolmesLynn HolsappleLillie HoltHanna HorrasVincent HorrasTrevor HothCasey HowardCasey HowardJohn HoweMatthew HueserTaylor HuffordTina HurdKevin HussLilliana HutchinsAnnie HuynhIMakayla IhdeBrendon IlerMejrima ImsirovicBrooklyn IsaacJMark JacobsenKatie JamesMadi JantschAlmira JapicJuliana Jardim PacotteMike JeffersonElizabeth JohnAaron JohnsonDerek JohnsonFrancesca JohnsonJake JohnsonJennifer JohnsonNichole JohnsonAngeleah Johnson-WilliamsKatherine JolleyJeremy JonesKamari JonesScott JonesAmanda JordanHayley JordanNick JorgensenNickolas JoyceKBrooke KaneJJ) KapurIsabella KautzRachelle KeckLogan KeehnerJanice KelloggSteven KelloggDaniel KeoughMcKenzie KerryPaul KielMcKenzie KielmanStacey KimberlinNicole KimreyCorinna KingJacob KinnetzColleen KinseyHeather KleisKristin KleisMorgan KnightVictoria KnightRachel KnollDaniella KnoxMelissa KnutsonWilliam KochElizabeth KohlhaasBrian KolpekEmma KolpekDebbie KorverDavid KrohseScott KruegerLDavid LaBlancShelly LacyJasmine LamontBrenda LaPorteBrooklyn LaPorteAmber LarsonAnne LarsonAyla LarsonMike LarsonKyle LathropJamie LeathersNatasha LedgerJames LensingKate LeoTony LeoRachel LessCorey LewisBrandy LincolnKarl LindbergLindsey LinkLisa LoganEllsie LovanTina LovanWendy LovingAdam LowellAnthony LyneJeff LytleMGarrett MaakestadChase MadisonCarla MadsonJack MagnussenKori MahieuBrock MannMadison MannNavya MannengiDaniel ManningKristina MarshallBriasia MartinChase MartinJohn MartinChris MarzenPaulie MasseyMia MataAnnika MatherBrian MatheyMaggie MathiasenKatie MayerLea McAninchMeaghan McCarthyDeb McCartneyKendyl McCartneyJohn McClellanJessica McCombsNathan McConkeyAmber McConnellIreland McCuenAbby McDonaldAaron McGownTyderick McGruderAndrew McGuireAngela McNorton-KyhlJed MeierMadison MelohnAllison MeredithJersey MesserschmidtAli MeyerMelissa MeyerKarmen MielkeScott MillangCarol MillarAlise MillerAlyssa MillerMichael MillerGilmara MitchellBen MitchinsonAnupam MittraJohn MoellersAdam MooreEllen MooreHeidi MooreMatthew MooreJordan MoranvilleAlex MorganEva MorganHailey MoritzKatie MoritzTiffany MorlanDanielle MossTimothy (Tim) MossKiara MoyerNancy MueckeRonald MueckeConnie MuetzelPashion MuhammadSheri MullerNicki MullinsRebecca MuntzZachary MyersNGabe NanaziashviliAbby NeillBrenda NelsonLisa NessNicole NevelsDonald NguyenHeather NguyenHillary NguyenAlex NixaJackie NorrisJohn NorrisOGlen OgliaMichael OhmstedeJenna OlberdingCapris OlsonEmily OlsonKatie OlsonTyler OmannNicholas OnkenMike OppoldRachel OppoldKim OrtizSamuel OswaltKristin OvertonTatum OvesonJordan OwenPRhea ParekhShane ParkerAerial ParksDave PattersonKatie PattersonAnna PattisonMadison PavlichTina PearsonHaley PeelerDeanna PeifferCris PeltMolly Pendleton25
Thank You BigsBecome a mentor at (cont.)William PercivalAddyson PetigKieu PhamShannon PisneyJordan PlummerMichelle PocernikDakoda PollittPreston PootsJade PospeshilNina PressmanEllie PriceQPeter QualenClaire QuigleRCaprice RasheedBradley RauschKelly Rech-BohlenRoman ReinhardtLauren ReinsvoldLogan ReisingerSarah ReissJulie ResslerKelby RewertsAlisha ReynoldsCindy RhodesAlyssa RichardsonSamantha RieseMichelle RiesenbergAlaina RileyKylie RinehartNeli RiosLynnette RippergerQuinlan RiserAlex RiskKathy RoatMarc RobinsonZach RoblesJohn Rodgers PfeiffenbergerAbby RogersAnthea RotterKC RoutosAvery RowlingRyan RoyLaurel RueterGabbie RuggieroBryan Ruiz-EsparzaDustin RusherRoss RyanSDaniel SaarDanna SaathoffRodrigo Saavedra-WalkerChelsie SabersCheyenne SampsonBetzy SandovalLuke SargentMatt SargentElizabeth SchaeferShelby SchaeferMorgan SchleeRemington SchmidtKaylee SchnathorstLeRoy Schnathorst IIIMegan SchnellRoss SchuchartKirby SchuetzConnor SchultBenjamin (Ben) SchultzSteve SchultzJill SchusterSara SchweitzerDenis ScottRonald ScottLindsay SeidlBrian SeifertAngela SharpJacob SharpJordyn Shipley-SiepkerZachary ShippyAlexandra ShroadsDavid SiebertScott SiepkerNate SilverKyle SimonsonFord SingbushKylie SipmaCorey SkadburgKiley SkadburgOlga SklavenitisMarti SkowJacqueline SmartMeg SmartReilly SmidtLarry SmithMadeline SmithKenzie SmithSterling SmithAlyssa Smola-JohnstonAnna SmolikHagenJacob SobotkaJacob SobotkaJohn SoenerBradley SomaMatthew SorensenSimone SortebergJason SpeersBen SpenceAshley SpurgeonGeena StaiertShawn StallingsJacob StappBrett StefaniMegan StefaniChristy SteffenJeren SteffenWade SteinkeSarah StewartDaniel StollElle StreetAlex StreyffelerJames StuartPhonsavanh SullinsBrooke SwansonChelsea SwansonJonathan SwansonLorene SwansonMandi SwansonTNicholas TarpeyJanet TaylorJohn TaylorGabby ThilgesDavid ThomasSamantha ThomasErin ThomasonHeidi ThompsonBenjamin TinguelyErica TurnerULatisha UkpabiVeronique UmeloVRobin Van DykeMaverick VandeKrolCaleb VanHornDanielle VanRiperAnna VanWaardhuizenSwati VattemIndira VelazquezMackenzie VeldmanMichael VenemaPaula VenemaMolly Ver MulmLiza VerenPaige VetterAugustine VillaElizabeth (Liza) VinyonJason VoltzTatum VossWKelly WaddleSpencer WadsworthKatie WainwrightElizabeth WaldorfAndrew WalkerIsabel WallerSierra WaltonKeesha WardLisa WardMichael WardLynnette WardenKayla WattsKyle WebbKeegan WebberJeremy WeilandBen WeinbergMargaret WeirichMary WelbornMonica WestBlaine WestemeyerVeronica WhiteJasani WhiteheadStacey WilliamsTiffany WilliamsJoe WilsonLily WilsonAbby WinkelbauerChad WinstonAshley WohlenhausEmma WolfmanMarty WolskeChris WoodIda WoodChristine WoodsMariah WormleyYChammie YarleeVikram YedakeJami YoderAnikah YusufZPierce ZandersJennifer ZauggSydney ZehnderBrittany ZenzAngela ZinzerKristin Zipperlen26
Thank You Individual DonorsMake a gift today at bbbsia.orgBig Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa is grateful for our generous donors for their dedicated support of our mission.Publishing an annual list of supporters invites potential for both human and computer error. BBBSIA makes every effort to list supporters accurately.Should an error occur in your listing, please contact Ben Chiochon at Thank you!APPRECIATIONDonors $499 & UnderAEmily AbbasChelsea AbrahamsonKafila AdelaniJon AlbertJada AlexanderMichele AltenhofenSteven B AmesBev AndersonErik AndersonLuke AndersonRandy & Deb AndersonHeather AngellBAmber BaesslerNicholas BarrettMichelle BastianDolene BauerMichael BeadleAralis BeatoMarlis BechtumNancy BellvilleWilliam R. BemisCynthia BeneventoShelly BennisChris BerginVitus BeringRona BerinobisEmily BialasAngela BirkenholzSara BishopGary BlackAmy BlairWill & Mary BlakelockCory BleichRyan BoatmanJohn BonannoNikki BoockRodney & Gail BortzGrace BreiholzTodd & Lori BreiholzDonald BrinkIcy BrizzBob BronsonDevine BrooksAl BrownMichelle BrunerKyle BrutonKathy BuentingValeska & Frederick BuieMichelle BurrellMike BynumBob ByrneCNick CallisonJennifer CanadayHillary CarlsonLinda Carter-LewisJordann CataldoJustin CateronDiane Chalfant-DruryMary ChapmanGreg ChenBenjamin ChiochonGeoffrey ChristyStephen ClarkeCarrie CloggShelby CollinsCommonwealth Charitable FundWendy ConawayKathleen & Donald ConnorTerry & Rachelle CoomesJamie CornishEmily CountsAmy CoyneJeffrey CraigMark CraigerCindy CrawfordMegan CrawfordLaura CrossonDD&D Foley Revocable TrustBhavin DalalDavid DarrahJoseph DavidsonGary & Grace Davis WaskoNocona DaytonDeb De JongKristin De JongMichael De JongMike De JongCheri DeMossLayodesi DeSmithJeff DickDavid DicksonLex DoMark H. DouglasMark DrakeJeff DralleKelly DuncanRachel DworakEDonald EasterLori Edler-BisbeeDoug & Jamie EglsederCarrie ElbertDavid ElliottLindsey EllisGreg EngelkesFBrenda FaberMakayla FagenBrian FarleyDavid FergusonMelissa FisherJeff FitzgeraldAlyson FlowersJace FoleyDiane & Dean FordDesmond FosterPatti FoutsLee FriellJessica FriesthDonovan FuhsGTraci & Jamie GalliganKathleen GambleLuke GarnaasMary GaschoCI & DR GeorgeLesley GesamanRachel GilletteDrew GirresPatrick GloverJulián GonzálezKristin GoodwinTanya & Travis GouldAmanda & John GraskKristie GrayGina GrieserAlex GrimmBrenton GustofsonHYusef HaddadMediha HadzicKelly HaggeLarry & Beth HainesJay HallMarcia HalvorsenRon & James HankinsKathye HarringtonTaberScott & Diana HatfieldScott HaughMarta HawkinsKathleen HayesDenise HaysCara HeidenRhonda & Kevin HeimJosh HeldPatrick & Traci HellmanMike HemmerLuisa HenriquezSergimar HenriquezJana HenryMichael HerrmannCassandra HickmanRobin HillsMonique HiseroteAngela HodgesWhitney HoffMarc HollanderLynn HolsappleStephen G HolzhueterLaurie HoskinsBrian HoukDana & Sam HueyCindy HughesAdri HulsINicholas IrlmeierJohn IrvingJAnne & Stephen JacksonPhil JacobsonScott JacobsonJames JarrettDavid T JohnsonDerek JohnsonMelissa JohnsonMichael JohnsonSteve & Sue JohnsonShaquita JonesMichael JontzNed JorgensenKAllie KaferRachelle KeckJeffery KeipperTracey & Matthew KelleySteven KelloggDaniel KellyJill KempkesMaryAnne KennedyAbby KesslerRussell & Janet KirkpatrickKraig KlopfensteinKlaus KoehlerKathi KoenigBrian KolpekCooper KolpekEmma KolpekPeggy KolpekJacob KrauseDan KrettekConor KrommenhoekNoah KrommenhoekSarah KrommenhoekJael KulpLCarla LaBrosseNelson LarryCraig & Peggy LarsonTodd LarsonMark & Lisa LathamOrion LaudaTrinh Le-coulterJon LedinskyLisa LeightonDavid LeoDavid & Claudia LeoDominic LeoJoe LetoJamie LewisKyong LimCary & Laruie LindmanRick LingenfelterJesse LipsonKatie LohnesZoe LopezAlyssa Luebbe27
Make a gift today at bbbsia.orgPublishing an annual list of supporters invites potential for both human and computer error. BBBSIA makes every effort to listsupporters accurately. Should an error occur in your listing, please contact Ben Chiochon at Thank you!(cont.)Thank You Individual DonorsAPPRECIATIONL (cont.)Kathy L & Jerald K LuetjeSam LumpaDori LymanMary Lynne JonesMCarolina MaldonadoNicholas MalettaSteve & Sharon MarlowMatt MarrNicholas MartinPaul Martin jrLisa MartinezMike MarusiakJoAnn MasonPaulina MasseyMaryann MathisTodd & Sue MattisonChristina MauroSkylar Mayberry-MayesKareema Mays-TaylorMary McCarthyScott McglothlenAlissa McKinneyLaura MeekerKimberly S MeggersTodd MendenhallJed MengelDanielle MeyersKaitlin MillerLaura MillerPaul MillerWill MillerJessica MitchellLarry & Mary Ann MoklestadJoe Morphew-RappDanielle MossAshley MoweryBrian MulcahyPeter MyersNJustine NagelRoger NebergallJoe NemmersJeff NessGerard D NeugentBrian NewtonNikki NiggAnne NilssonRichard NordinIsaac NortonThomas NucaroLauryn NystromOMatthew OberreuterGlen OgliaAmela OkicDavid OlberdingKatie OlesonRobert OrmsbyRoger & Myrna OtisCaleb OttingRon OzPMigo ParekhDalton ParrottMarie PatrickAndrew PattonNancy PearsonKatie PedersonStacie PenningtonLeslie & Jeff PerryJohn A & Terri L PetersenDara PetersonStacy PetersonBrad PhillipsKristin PierceBeth PietanDollie PinegarJakob PinkneyKen PlummerShaun & Megan PollittBob & Rhonda PorterKarey PostBecky PrymekDavid & Karen PuffettQLori QuinlinRJanine ReamesKristine ReedScott ReeveDaniel ReichardtAnne ReininkJosh RhodesLinda RichardsonJessica RichterKristin RichtsmeierMichelle RiesenbergJared RingusKatie RitzmanLynne RockersWilliam & Pamela RodewaldKevin A. RodmanDean RoghairKory RossGreg RothDean & Marjorie RowlandTom RudeScott RupiperMark RupprechtLawrence RusnockWilliam RutledgeSHeather SalowGretna SanchezMary SchaeferAmy SchmittLetoy SchnathorstJulie SchneiderJackie SchullerDan SchultzSara SchweitzerJean SciglianoRob SciglianoMargie ScottMeredith ScottMegan SeckErik SeversonJustin SheederJeremy ShepherdGarrett ShermanMJ SherrodNathaniel SilverAmelia SimensonJoseph & Teresa SimmsKara SinnardNancy SlykhuisBrett A SmithKathleen SmithPenny SoatKathie SommerfeldTodd SommerfeldMatthew SondagAlex SongGina SongSun SongJeff SpenceDouglas SprecherAngie SprengerBarbara & J StaggJulie A & David N StangerLaurel SteenhoekWill StengerTom StockdaleMelany StonewallRex SwandahlTJames TaibiMark TakesLisa Talamantes Tatum Charitable FundKevin & Sharon TealeProduction TeamKristin TesdallMike TesdellMathew TessauAbby ThomasErin ThomasonBrian ThompsonLesley ThompsonGreg & Cheri TingleySam TitusCarrie TrenkampVirginia TrimbleTom TriplettAntonio TuazonDrew TurnerKaren TylkaVKelsey ValleyAdriaan & Jaquelyn J Van BoordAlly Van ItenDarrell & Betty Van WoertBetty VanWoertBrian VanzeeDennis & Martha Ver MulmKaree VernonColton VerripsMeaghn VoglVance VossMcKenzie WallScott & Lori A WardJennifer WeberKimberly WeeksJulie WelchDoug WerthmannWendy WicksRichard WiederienRobert WiederienMatthew WillKevin WilleyThomas & Judy WilleyAndy WilliamsDeidre WilliamsLucas WolfeBrian WoodKaren WoodMichael WoodCarmen WooleyYAnna YungTom YungZSteven L & Gayla L. ZenzRosalie ZuckermanRosalie & Irwin Zuckerman28
Make a gift today at You Individual DonorsAPPRECIATIONDefenders of Potential $500- $999Brandon BalekosMichael BauerDavid & Ruth BenesVanessa BlanchfieldGarrett & Kelsey ChristesonDayle ClausenAngela DavisKyle DesmithBonnie DixonTiffiny GaskillTerrance GebardHayley HarveyJoseph HayhoeSara HermanAndy HodgesRichie HurdJacob JohnsonGary & Susan LeoJeff LorenzenAustin MatterEdward McGreenMegan MitchumKyle OligRebecca PeppmeierJon ScharingsonSeth SchneiderJeremy SmithRachel StaufferDeborah TharnishMolly Ver MulmRichard WillisMentors Society$2,500 to $4,999Nicholas BigelowBridget Cravens-NeelyRobert DixonJerry DouglasAdam HaugerudTimothy HeastonAllen LehmanTodd MillangDavid SiebertAshlee & Carl ViereggerPresident’s Society$5,000 to $9,999Nicholas BlythTyler DingelNathan GeurkinkVisionary Society$10,000+Jeff MatneyImpact Circle$1,000 to $2,499Tania BowmanKrista Celsi FrankAnne CooperMelissa DammeierTammy DanielsonDawn EvansJeff HaynesDan HoustonAngela JacksonScott & Betsy KruegerErin KuhlTony LeoJacob LeonardJennifer LivingstonMichael McCoyGeorge MilliganVickie OzburnAlex & Vanessa PlotzScott PulverTimothy RobinsonBrad SchoenfelderClark SnyderIda H. WoodBrent YazelPublishing an annual list of supporters invites potential for both human and computer error. BBBSIA makes every effort to listsupporters accurately. Should an error occur in your listing, please contact Ben Chiochon at Thank you!29
Thank You to Our Company DonorsMake a gift today at bbbsia.orgBig Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa is grateful for ourgenerous company donors for their dedicated support of ourmission. (This includes monetary as well as in-kind gifts.)APPRECIATIONTransformative Society$100,000+Iowa Department of Public HealthUnited Way of Central IowaEmpowerment Patron$50,000 to $99,999The Fred Maytag FoundationPartner Club$25,000 to $49,999Affinity Credit UnionDentons Davis Brown John Deere FinancialNationwide Insurance FoundationNCMIC Group Inc.R&R Realty Group FoundationSammons Financial Stine Seed CompanyVenerableStar Patron$15,000 to $24,999Athene USABank of America FoundationCorteva IMT Insurance CoKoester Construction Co, Inc.Prairie MeadowsTap This Concessions, L.L.C.$14,000 and underAA Tech IncAbsolute GroupAcademy RoofingAccurate Commercial, LLCAll Real Estate LLCAll Star ConcreteAll-State Industries Inc. Alvine EngineeringAmbassadors ClubAmTrust North AmericaArchitectural Wall Systems, LLCBBaker GroupBank of AmericaBankers TrustBeisser Lumber CompanyBH ManagementBright FundsBroadlawns Medical CenterBrownWinick Law FirmBuresh Home SolutionsCCaliber HomesCarrier AccessCentral BankChristophers Fine JewelryChubb InsuranceClive Community FoundationCommunity Choice Credit UnionConfluence, Inc.DDean Snyder ConstructionDelta Dental of IowaDuerson CorporationEEchelon Wealth StrategiesEFCO CorpEick & Day Construction LLCElder CorporationEMC Insurance FoundationEnterprise Holdings FoundationFFarm Credit ServicesFarmers Mutual Hail Ins. Co.Federal Home Loan Bank of Des MoinesFort Dodge Correctional FacilityForvis Mazars Foster GroupFranke Miller GroupGGameday LanesGeneral Mills, Your Cause LLCGoliath Group LLCGoodsonsGoogle FiberGraham Construction Co.Grant CorellGreat Southern BankGreater Iowa Credit UnionGreenState Credit UnionHHawkeye Sports PropertiesHeartland Finishes, Inc.Holmes MurphyHouse of ColourHy-VeeIIMEG Corp.Indian Hills CPIIngrid Williams Real EstateInspire Brands FoundationIowa All Pro Heating and CoolingIowa Cubs BaseballIowa Select Farms ITA Group FoundationJJ.E. Dunn ConstructionJersey MikesJethros BBQJohn Deere Des Moines WorksKKCWI/We Are IowaKeystoneKinzler ConstructionKirby's Moving ComapnyKline ElectricKnapp PropertiesKPMG GivesKreg Tool CompanyKwik Trip, Inc.LLaissez Faire, Inc. MMartin MariettaMcAninch CorporationMcGill Junge Wealth ManagementMcGowen Hurst Clark SmithMerchants Bonding Company FoundationNNFM Northwest Steel Erection, Inc.PayPal Giving FundPDM Precast, Inc.Peoples BankPeoples CompanyPer Mar Charity FundPeregrine Capital Management, Inc.Peterson Financial Group, Inc.Polk County Auditor's OfficePrice ElectricPrimrose School of UrbandalePrincipal FoundationQQuik Trip Inc. RRaker Rhodes EngineeringRon GrubbRotary Club of WaukeeRowland ConstructionSSafelite AutoGlass FoundationScheels All SportsSchwab CharitableServiceMaster by RiceShive-Hattery, Inc.Sigma Pi Phi Gamma Eta BouleSignature Commercial Real EstateSkold Companies Inc.South Story Bank & TrustSpare Time EntertainmentStahl ConstructionState Savings BankSteward RE GroupSVPA ArchitectsTTargeted Development SolutionsTerraconThe Dana CompanyThe Weitz CompanyToad Valley Golf CourseTri-City Electric Co.UUnited Way of Central IndianaUnitedHealthcareVVariety - The Children's CharityVision BankVoya FoundationWWarners’ Stellian ApplianceWest Bancorporation FoundationWest Des Moines Chamber ofCommerceWhitfield & Eddy LawWilliam C. Knapp CharitableFoundationWindstar30
OurStaffTeam:Sara Bishop^ Marketing & Communications ManagerGrace BreiholzSchool-Based Mentoring Coordinator Nathan BrooksAgency Brand AmbassadorJay HallMentor Recruitment & Engagement CoordinatorRicki Hall*Substance Abuse Prevention Mentoring CoordinatorSergi Henriquez^Match Support & Child Enrollment SpecialistTristan HinesWorkplace Mentoring CoordinatorShelby Kocher*Match Support & Child Enrollment SpecialistEmma Kolpek^Match Support SpecialistDanielle Moss^Community-Based Program ManagerAhmed Musa*Future Pathways Program CoordinatorLauryn NystromFund Development Manager Andrea PinkneyMatch Support & Child Enrollment SpecialistLeadership:Bridget Cravens-Neely, MBA^Chief Executive OfficerAmina Cannie^Director of OperationsBen Chiochon*Director of Fund DevelopmentTony Leo^Director of Programs * = New to BBBSCI in FY24 ^ = Volunteer as a Big (Current or Alumni)31
Dan HoustonPrincipal Financial GroupChairman, President & CEOMike McCoyNCMIC Group, Inc.CEO & PresidentLoretta SiemanLJS ConsultingOwnerConnie WimerBusiness Publications CorporationChairmanKody Pollitt^Logan Reisinger^Megan Schnell^Sara Schweitzer^Gabby Thilges^Isaiah Thomas^Indira Velazquez^Ida H. Wood, President, Paychex HR^David Siebert, President-Elect, NCMIC Insurance Company^Jeff Matney, Past-President, Holmes MurphyKiley Skadburg, Secretary, The Iowa Clinic^Ashlee Vieregger, Treasurer, Foster Group^Kafila Adelani, Nationwide Insurance^Nick Blyth, Innovative Captive StrategiesTania Bowman, Dean Snyder Construction^Rafael Colon Cruz, Bank of AmericaAnne M. Cooper, PhD, Sammons Financial Group^Rob Dixon, Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Rosalind Peebles Fox, John Deere Des Moines Works^Tim F. Heaston, ITA GroupAndy Hodges, Signature Commercial Real EstateD'Angelo Johnson, MidWestOne BankRachelle Keck, PhD, Grand View UniversityBraxton Lewis, The Hansen Company, Inc. Jenny Livingston, R & R Realty GroupAshley Tollakson, Tollakson LawWe want to recognize the following Board Members & Officerswhose terms expired in FY24:Board FY25 ^ = Volunteer in our programs(Current or Alumni)Thank You to our BoardsBig Impact Board Honorary BoardAdam Haugerud, Secretary, MagMutual^Skylar Mayberry-Mayes, PhD, The Jacobsen Institute^Bianca Rowland, Franke Miller GroupMyron Stine, Stine Seed CompanyTravis Gorsch, Big Impact BoardJessica McCombs, BigImpact Board Chair^Monica Fay^Jessica Grant^Anupam Mittra^Katie Moritz^Nicki Mullins^Rhea Parekh^32
IG Building aFutureThank you for your support last year. We look forward to working with you inserving our community for many more years.-BBBSIA CEO- Bridget Cravens-Neely, Staff & BoardMake a Gift Become a Big VolunteerLittle Sister Sarah & Big Sister Katie