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Bateleur's Nest Lodge Brochure D

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"Your home in Africa"

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Exclusively YoursLocationYour "0ut-of-Africa" ExperienceOur StoryMeet Our TeamBefore You Leave: Info SheetAbout: Fact Sheet2024/2025 RatesContact030507101415192223CONTENTSTable of1

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Escape to our exclusive safari lodge, where an adventure awaits with unparalleled privacy. Book for fourpersons or more, and the entire lodge becomes your private haven. Enjoy full access to all facilities, creatingan intimate experience for you and your companions. Immerse yourself in the thrill of game drives withyour very own safari vehicle, exclusively at your disposal. Design each drive according to your preferences,making your safari truly one-of-a-kind. Discover the untamed beauty of the wilderness in a setting tailoredjust for you and your fellow explorers.YOURSExclusivelyAbsolute Privacy in our Exclusive-use lodgeEmbark on a culinary experience with our exclusive-use safari lodge, where our chefs are dedicatedsolely to your dining pleasure. Meals will be served from a variety of enchanting venues, including a deckoverlooking the dam, a French-style bush bistro, an outdoor wood-fired oven, and a captivatingtreehouse. Revel in a personalized gastronomic experience, as all meals are expertly crafted to meet yourspecific dietary preferences. Your journey through the wild extends beyond the safari, creatingunforgettable moments in every bite.Extraordinary Dining AdventuresExperience the timeless allure of Bateleur's Nest Lodge,evoking the 'Out of Africa' grandeur. Immerse yourselfin the nostalgic charm, where authentic vintage piecesseamlessly blend with modern amenities for anunforgettable safari retreat. Vintage Luxury with ModernConvenience3

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LOCATIONBateleur's Nest Lodge is a luxury safarilodge located in the Klaserie PrivateNature Reserve within the Greater KrugerRegion in South Africa.We are located just a 20-minute drive from theclosest airport. If you're flying commercially, werecommend flying into Hoedspruit EastgateAirport, where we will be delighted to collect you.Alternatively, we can also assist you to plan yourprivate charter flight, which can land directly onour private runway.Our5Bateleur's Nest Lodge

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EXPERIENCEYour Out-Of-AfricaPizza from our Wood-Fired OvenExperience the perfect blend of wilderness and culinary delight at our Bateleur'sNest Lodge. Indulge in a dining experience like no other, where our wood-firedpizza oven adds a tantalizing touch to your outdoor meals. Delight in the flavours offreshly baked pizzas, surrounded by the breath taking beauty of nature.Vintage-inspired Gym & Resort-style Spa & Pool area Our fitness centre features state-of-the-art cardio andstrength-training equipment, as well as free weights, yoga mats,and more. We also provide a television screen so you can followalong with your favourite workout program or catch-up on yourfavourite shows while you exercise. Our lodge also offers you a relaxing mini spa where you canindulge in a variety of treatments designed to soothe the bodyand mind. After an exciting game drive, there's nothing betterthan lounging by the pool with a delicious cocktail in hand. Ourexpert butler uses tantalising ingredients to create cocktails thatsatisfy the most sophisticated palates.7

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Exclusive game drives in utmost luxuryOur state-of-the-art game vehicles are equipped with comfortableseats, overhead shading, onboard fridges and thermal imaging for nightdrives. During your game drives you will have the opportunity to enjoyour African wildlife, including the chance of seeing one of themagnificent Big 5 and a large variety of beautiful birds. With very few commercial lodges in our immediate vicinity, wildlifesightings are often yours exclusively, allowing you to optimise timespent with wildlife and photographic opportunities.Capture your exhilarating moments with our expert photographer. Receive guidance in photography techniques and learn to enhanceyour images using Lightroom and Photoshop.Elaborate coffee & sundowner bush experiencesA surprise around every corner, not just while searching for animals on safari, butalso exquisite drink stops with some of South Africa's finest beverage selectionsand refreshments! For the truly unforgettable experience, join us for an exciting dinner in the bush oreven in a tree house, where you can savour a delicious meal while enjoying thesights and sounds of the African wilderness.8

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BBMeanwhile, Erich and Gijs, cousinsbonded by a shared love for adventureand the untamed wilderness, embarkedon a transformative journey of theirown. Their paths led them to the KrugerNational Park, where the captivatinglandscapes and abundant wildlife stoletheir hearts. Immersed in the wildenvironment, a seed was planted.The cousins' shared experiences andappreciation for the untamed led themto a pivotal moment in 2016—anopportunity that would forever altertheir lives. Erich’s purchase of Bateleur’sNest Lodge was the realisation of alifetime dream for him. With his family,Gijs and Sally by his side, they pouredtheir hearts and souls into the lodge,meticulously crafting an oasis ofBateleur's Nest Lodge was created as a result of the sharedenthusiasm of two cousins – Erich and Gijs. Their passion foradventure, wildlife and the South African bushveld led to thetransformation of a simple game farm into the luxurious andexclusive safari destination it is today. This is their story…STORYOurYour Bateleur's Nest Lodge FamilyStep back in time to the captivatingstory of Bateleur's Nest Lodge, a placewhere dreams become reality and thewonders of the African bush come tolife.Our journey begins in the mid-1960swhen a group of visionary landownersresiding along the picturesque KlaserieRiver embarked on a groundbreakingendeavour. Fuelled by their passion forwildlife and conservation, theseforward-thinking individuals unitedtheir farms, birthing the Klaserie PrivateNature Reserve.Months of discussions andnegotiations ensued, until finally, in1969, their shared vision was embracedby all. The amalgamation of their lands into a single reserve became a turningpoint in the preservation of the region'snatural beauty. It was a testament tothe power of collaboration and asymbol of their unwaveringcommitment to the wildlife that calledthis land home.In 1972, the Klaserie Private NatureReserve was officially registered andpromulgated, solidifying its place inhistory. As the years passed, thereserve's reputation soared, itsdedication to conservation earning it arightful place alongside the esteemedKruger National Park. Thus, the reservebecame an integral part of theillustrious Greater Kruger Park, asanctuary of unparalleled naturalwonders.vintage charm amidst the untamedAfrican wilderness. Welcome to Bateleur's Nest Lodge, wherethe spirit of the land dances with thedreams of those who dare to venture. Joinus in celebrating the extraordinary legacyof a shared vision, as we invite you toimmerse yourself in the bygone era ofadventure and grandeur.10

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OUR TEAMMeetAt Bateleur's Nest Lodge, we pride ourselves on our friendly staff, who arededicated to providing you with a personalised experience. From the moment youarrive, our team will go above and beyond to ensure that all your needs are met. Our safari guides are incredibly knowledgeable about the wildlife in thesurrounding area and are passionate about sharing their knowledge with you.Whether you are looking for a thrilling safari adventure or a peaceful retreat in theheart of nature, our staff will make sure your stay is simply unforgettable.14

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In the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, a diverse range of animals and birds can beobserved. The reserve is located in South Africa and forms part of the Greater KrugerNational Park ecosystem, offering visitors a remarkable wildlife experience. Among theanimals, you can expect to see is the Magnificent Seven, which includes elephants, lions,leopards, rhinoceros, buffalo, cheetah and wild dogs. Other common sightings may include giraffe, zebra, wildebeest, hippo, and various antelopespecies such as impala, nyala and kudu. As for birds, the reserve is a haven for avianenthusiasts, with over 350 recorded species, including eagles, vultures, owls, hornbills, andcolourful species like lilac-breasted rollers and African fish eagles.15WILDLIFE The Klaserie Private Nature Reserve offers a diverse experience throughout the seasons. During the summer rainy season, (December to February) the reserve is transformed intoan emerald green wonderland. An abundance of insect life brings with it numerousmigratory bird species. In autumn, (March to May) the pleasant temperatures and lower rainfall create favourableconditions for spotting game in the reserve. Winter, (June to August) due to the low rainfall the absence of foliage offers unique gamewatching experiences, although early morning and evening game drives can be quite cold. Spring (September to November) brings blossoms, new growth and the birth of babyanimals, making it an exciting time for game watching amidst the rejuvenated landscape.SEASONS

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16INFORMATIONBefore you visitGuests visiting Klaserie Private Nature Reserve can expect a climate typical ofthe South African Lowveld region. The reserve experiences a hot andsubtropical climate throughout the year. Summers (October to March) arecharacterized by high temperatures, often exceeding 30°C (86°F), withoccasional afternoon thunderstorms. Winters (April to September) are mild towarm during the day, averaging around 20-25°C (68-77°F), but temperaturescan drop significantly at night. A winter morning can drop to as low as 6°C.CLIMATEWhen packing for a safari in Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, it'sessential to consider the climate and activities you'll be engaging in.Here's a list of items to pack:Clothing: Pack lightweight, breathable clothes for hot days and long-sleeved shirts and pants for evenings. You will need a very warmjacket and a warm Beenie for the Winter early morning game drives.Don't forget a hat, sunglasses, and a swimsuit for relaxation by thepool.Footwear: Comfortable walking shoes or boots are crucial forbushwalks. Flip-flops or sandals are ideal for around the lodge.Insect repellent: Mosquitoes and other insects are common. We dosupply insect repellent to guests however if you have your ownpersonal brand, bring it along.Binoculars and camera: Capture the incredible wildlife sightings andbirdwatching opportunities with a good camera and binoculars.Sunscreen and lip balm: Protect yourself from the African sun withhigh SPF sunscreen and lip balm.Travel documents: Carry a copy of your passport, visa, and any othernecessary travel documents.WHAT TO PACK

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At Ba te leu r’ s N est L odg e we pr ior it i ze th e saf et y a nd we ll - be ing o f o ur gu es t s.In th e eve nt of a me dic al em er gen cy , w e h av e p ar tne re d w it h t he Af ric an Sa fe t yMe dic al Re sp o ns e T ea m t o pro vi de im m ed iat e ass is tan ce . T hi s d edi ca ted t eamco nsi st s o f t ra ine d par am edi cs wh o a re eq ui ppe d to ha n dl e e me rge nc ies . Inca se of a me d ic al em erg en cy, t he Af r ic an Sa fet y Med ic a l Re s po nse T eam w illdi spa tc h a n a mb ula nc e t o our l odg e. Th e p ar ame di cs ar e s ki l le d i n pro vi din g o n-si te me dic al tr eat me nt, s tab il izi ng pa tie nt s, an d a rr a ng in g t ran sp ort at ion t o t hene are st ho sp i ta l i f req ui red . The l o dg e i s als o equ ip p ed w i th a de fib ri lla ti o n uni t. Tz ane en Ho sp i ta l i s the c los es t h os p it al. I t i s app ro x im at e ly a 90 -mi nu te dr i veby ca r or a 2 0- min ut e f li ght b y h el i co pte r fro m the l o dg e. Th is ho spi ta l o ff e rsco mpr eh ens iv e m edi ca l s er vic es . Th e t ow n o f H oe dsp ru it, l oca te d a bo u t 30 mi nut es aw ay fr om th e l od ge ha sse ver al do ct o rs wh o can p rov id e m ed i ca l c ar e f or no n- e me rg e nc y s it uat io ns.Th ese d oct or s c an ha ndl e gen er al he a lt h c on sul ta tio ns , m in o r inj ur ies , andco mmo n ill ne s se s.MEDICALGu est s vis it i ng Kl as eri e Pri va te Na t ur e R es erv e can g e ne ra l ly ex pe ct a saf ean d s ec ure e n vi ron me nt. T he re ser ve ta kes m eas ur es to en su r e the s afe ty ofit s g ue sts , i nc lud in g c on tro ll ed ac c es s p oi nts , tra in e d ra n ge rs, a nd se cur it ypr oto co ls. H o we ver , it is es se nti al to be a war e of po t en ti a l ris ks an d exe rc i seca uti on . W hi l e wil dl ife e nco un ter s a re a hi ghl ig ht of th e s af ari e xpe ri enc e, itis im po rta nt to ma in tai n a s af e d is t an ce an d f ol low t h e gu i da nce o fex per ie nce d g ui des . Wil d ani ma ls ar e u npr ed ict ab le an d s ho u ld be r esp ec ted . SECURITY 17

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19Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Mpumalanga, South AfricaPart of the Greater Kruger National ParkThe Reserve covers more than 60 000 hectares with9000 hectares for exclusive traverseHoedspruit, Eastgate Airport 20 minutes from the lodgeCamp coordinates: S24˚17’52” E31˚09’26”Private Landing stripLOCATION Total of six free standing traditional Bungalows decorated in our ‘Out of Africa’ style2 luxury Bungalows each with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms2 Spacious en suite Bungalows2 Standard en suite BungalowsBeds can be made up as twins or doublesEach Bungalow has a mini patio and wifiAir-conditioningCeiling fansMini barHair DryerUmbrellaSafeInternational adaptorsComplimentary tea/coffee facilitiesA variety of snacksACCOMMODATIONSelf-drive from Johannesburg - approx. 6 hoursAccess to the lodge is recommended in an SUV typevehicleHoedspruit is a 1 hour flight from Johannesburg or a 3 hour flight from Cape Town (SA Airlink or Cemair)Hoedspruit Eastgate Airport is a 20 minutes drivefrom the lodgeWe will collect guests from Eastgate Airport andtransfer them to the lodge at no extra costAccess to a private runway. We can help youarrange a private charter flight (own cost)Detailed directions to the lodge available onconfirmation of reservationHOW TO GET THERE

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20Two game drives daily with an experienced guideBig 5 game viewing (open game viewing Land Cruisers)Remoteness and exclusivityComplimentary tea, coffee and snacks on morning game driveComplimentary drinks and snacks on afternoon game driveFor a grou p o f fou r gue sts o r mor e o ur lo dge o ffersexclu sive use , ens uring priv acy a nd a per sonal isedexper ience fo r you and your group .Our l odge ope ra tes full y on solar po we r.Child ren a ged 8 an d abo ve ar e wel com e, bu t we advis ecauti on du e t o the unfe nced wildl ife .We ha ve a ded ic ate d Bun galow idea l f or a priva te gu ideor a pilot .Our l odge is si tua ted 3 0 min utes fro m Hoe dspru it sh opsand m edica l f ac ili ties.Klase rie P riv at e N ature Rese rve i s a l ow risk malar ia ar ea.GENERALViewing Deck overlooking the largest dam in theKlaserie Private Nature ReserveElegant vintage dining tent overlooking the damFrench vintage style bistroSplendid vintage bush dining experienceOutdoor pizza venue FACILITIESSwimming pool and pool barFully equipped fitness centreSpa and wellness facilites2 bespoke sleep-out tree housesBilliard roomInternet/Wi-FiFACTS & DETAILSAboutACTIVITIES

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21The lodgeCHILDRENSlee p s 4Our Fish Eagl e & N yala bungal o w soffe r a pr i m ary be d room wi thking - s ize bed and en sui t ebath r o om, a s well as a n annexroom with twin beds and en suitebath r o om. Si t ting ro o m, te r r ace,coff e e & tea a meniti e s .DELUXEBUNGALOWSle e ps 2Our Rhino & Le opar d bung a lowsoff e r a pri m ary bed r oom w i th kin g -siz e bed and en sui t ebat h room . Terra c e, c o ffee & te aame n itie s.CLASSICBUNGALOWSle e ps 2Our b u ngal ows Ho n ey Bad g er an dKin g fish er off e r one b edro o mwit h k ing- s ize bed a n d en sui t ebat h room . Terr a ce, c o ffee & t eaame n itie s.JUNIORBUNGALOWCh ild re n f ro m 8 ye ar s a re we lc ome .Ch ild re n a ge d 8 - 16 sh ar ing w ith t w o ful l-pa yin g adu lt s a re ch arg ed 50 % of th eac com mo dat io n r ate .Te ens a ged 1 7 a nd ol der p ay fu ll ad u lt ra te .

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All M eals & B evera ges: Inclu ding pre mi um South Afri can W ine s, Sp irits and Liq uo rs. T his does notapply to i mpo rt ed bever ages.Game Viewing Activ ities : Pri vate mor ni ng and e venin g gam e d ri ves , wal king safar is, t rac king biggame on fo ot, a nd bird watch ing.Luxur y Accomm odati on: R oom a menit ies i ncl ude a ir co nditi oni ng , m ini b ar, b ottle d w at er, room safe ,free Wi-Fi an d lau ndry servi ce.Gym: Inclu des e qui pment for cardi o, st ren gth-t raini ng, y oga a nd more. Airpo rt Trans fer: Betwe en Ho edspr uit , Eas tgate Airp ort a nd th e l odge.Acces s to Pri vate Landi ng St rip: A p ri vat e lan ding strip is a vai lable shou ld yo u w is h t o cha rter a fli ghtor us e you r o wn ai rcraf t. Ba teleu r's N est Lodg e can as si st wi th booki ng ch art er fl ig hts to t he lo dge .Klase rie Priv ate N ature Rese rve (KPN R) Co nserv ation Le vy INCLUDED22FOR 2024 / 2025RatesRates6 J anuar y – 1 9 Dec emberR 1 5,000All r ates are p er perso n, pe r nig ht.OFF-SEASON PEAK SEASON20 Decem ber - 5 Ja nuaryR 2 0,000Sleep Out at ou r L ux ury Tree Hous e ( se t-u p fee char ged) Addit ional Ac tivit ies ( e.g. spa t rea tm ent s and flyi ng sa far is ) Chart ered Fli ghtsEXCLUDEDPOAPOAOwn C ost

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All M eals & B evera ges: Inclu ding pre mi um South Afri can W ine s, Sp irits and Liq uo rs. T his does notapply to i mpo rt ed bever ages.Game Viewing Activ ities : Pri vate mor ni ng and e venin g gam e d ri ves , wal king safar is, t rac king biggame on fo ot, a nd bird watch ing.Luxur y Accomm odati on: R oom a menit ies i ncl ude a ir co nditi oni ng , m ini b ar, b ottle d w at er, room safe ,free Wi-Fi an d lau ndry servi ce.Gym: Inclu des e qui pment for cardi o, st ren gth-t raini ng, y oga a nd more. Airpo rt Trans fer: Betwe en Ho edspr uit , Eas tgate Airp ort a nd th e l odge.Acces s to Pri vate Landi ng St rip: A p ri vat e lan ding strip is a vai lable shou ld yo u w is h t o cha rter a fli ghtor us e you r o wn ai rcraf t. Ba teleu r's N est Lodg e can as si st wi th booki ng ch art er fl ig hts to t he lo dge .Klase rie Priv ate N ature Rese rve (KPN R) Co nserv ation Le vy INCLUDED22FOR 2024 / 2025RatesRates6 J anuar y – 1 9 Dec ember€80 0All r ates are p er perso n, pe r nig ht.OFF-SEASON PEAK SEASON20 Decem ber - 5 Ja nuary€11 00Sleep Out at ou r L ux ury Tree Hous e ( se t-u p fee char ged) Addit ional Ac tivit ies ( e.g. spa t rea tm ent s and flyi ng sa far is ) Chart ered Fli ghtsEXCLUDEDPOAPOAOwn C ost

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Let's get in touch!We cannot wait to meet you! (0)63 687 40 87"Feel at home in the African Bush"