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BASA Bulletin Issue 98 ONLINE

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Issue 98  August 2022INFORMED COMMENT FROM THE BRITISH ADHESIVES & SEALANTS ASSOCIATIONA day of Golf, Shoong & Croquet with our members at the BASA Sports DayFinally, aer a 3-year Covid induced absence, BASA were able to return to Hawkstone Park and the West Midlands Shoong Ground for our annual BASA Sports Day on 30th June. The BASA shoong enthusiasts in parcular turned out in great numbers and for the aernoon golf compeon we had a compeve set of golfers keen to win this year’s trophy. It was lovely to see that this year the rain (largely) stayed away, with only a few short showers marring a mostly blue sky. This enabled a keen croquet compeon to nish the days sporng acvies, although some parcipants decided drinks on the terrace whilst watching the matches was preferred to playing! Clearly this is the result of losing three years of networking! The day nished o with a well-aended three course dinner followed by the tradional prize giving from sponsors Newport Industries (Shoong and Glue Gun Compeon), IMCD (Golf and Glue Pot Trophy) and the OMYA Croquet trophy. You can see some photos of the day and the winners on page 2.BulletinBASA SPORTS DAYBASA SPORTS DAYBASA Sports Day ResultsHead to page 2 for the results of the sports day winners and some pictures from the day.All consignors will require a DGSA no later than 31/12/22Who should appoint/employ a Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor? Read full details on page 4.Challenges of dual CA/CE markingOn page 3 we discuss the challenges involved with dual CA/CE marking of construcon products.2 3 4

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BASA Bullen Issue 982BASA Sports Day 2022 ResultsShoongAir Rie Winner Sharon Towers , F. Ball and Co. with a score of 26 .22 RieWinner Daniel Batchelor, Bosk with a score of 23.410 ShotgunWinners Mark Louch, BASA Guest and Andrew Saunders, Newport Industries with a score of 40CatapultWinner Mark Turland, Apollo Chemicals winning with a score of 15 aer a shoot o!4-man FlushWith a score of 17:Graham Lanty, Newport IndustriesCraig McLaughlin, H.B. FullerDamien Wilson, WhitchemMiles Hamer, Hamer & Hamer Glue Gun CompeonWinner with a score of 41 Elliot Chambers, Hamer & HamerSecond with a score of 34 Paul Hodges, MapeiThird with a score of 33, Daniel Batchelor, BoskGolfTexas ScrambleWinning Team with a score of 10: Mark Hughes, F. Ball and Co. Dave Gray, IMCD Danny Ashburner, RakemGlue Pot CompeonWinner Danny Ashburner , Rakem with 40 pointsSecond place Alex Coon, Bosk with 36 pointsThird place Gary Thomas, Hodgson Sealants and Gavin Jackson, Henkel with 33 points. Gary Thomas narrowly took 3rd place on count back (back 9 score of 20 vs 17)Nearest the pin (12th) and Longest Drive (18th) Both won by Sam Lillie, LKAB MineralsCroquetAer an extremely taccal nal between David Garside, Omya and Phillip Lee, Ace Adhesives that le the spectators bemused regarding which hoop was being played, Phillip Lee went through to win

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3 BASA Bullen Issue 98The challenges of dual CA/CE marking of construcon productsI wonder if anyone is looking at the eects of the latest guidance that historical EU NB reports can be used to support UKCA marking of construcon products unl 31st December 2022 for AVCP 3 product standards? In the face of this it is certainly a sensible decision BUT as usual the devil is in the detail. Without a reciprocal arrangement in place with the EU, the result of this last-minute decision is that most if not all of the tesng programmed for UKAB between now and December 2022 has suddenly been cancelled, which has a severe nancial impact on the smaller test companies acve in the UK. Far from encouraging addional capacity, that addional capacity now has nothing to do unl 2023! And what do we predict will happen aer than? Is there actually going to be enough tesng contracted in the UK to support the costs of accreditaon under AVCP3?The addional claricaon regarding ‘sub-contracng, is also not as helpful as you might think. Although both pares need to be accredited for the test that is subcontracted, which EU NB is going to voluntarily give up tesng to a UKAB? This inevitably seems to mean that there is an expectaon that UKAB will subcontract the tesng to the EUNB to allow manufacturers to ask for one set of tests for two reports – but what does that actually mean? It sounds to me like this is not really true sub-contracng but is in eect rubber stamping results produced by someone else? Is that really sustainable?The reality is that UK manufacturing for UK only businesses accounts for probably only 10% of the tesng requirement. The other 90% needs to be able to ax both markings on the products to sell throughout the connent of Europe. Conversely the EU manufacturers have 90% of their business requiring CE marking, and maybe just 10% is desned for the UK. So the drive is from EU NB for the UKAB to agree to use their test results.The other issue for adhesives and sealants is that we are under AVCP3 – which means that once the type test is done to baseline the performance, there is no requirement for any other tesng or retesng in the future unless the manufacturer makes a change to his formaon that alters the performance from that inially declared. This means that laboratories adding increased capacity may now nd themselves with not enough income to support the ongoing costs of maintaining accreditaon.Don’t get me wrong, I am not in favour of manufacturers having to duplicate tesng to keep test houses in business but there has to be an acceptance that sub-contracng requires accreditaon for that test in the UK, and therefore those accredited test houses require sucient income coming in to support the costs of staying in business. These are not just the costs of administrave tasks. If manufacturers are expecng a modest £100-£200 upli to get two reports, this will not maintain the tesng labatory, calibrang equipment, retaining and training laboratory technicians, the required accreditaon costs, prociency training, internal tests and inter laboratory tests and the other necessary business costs. Large test houses with an EU sister company can organise the work internally to keep both sites commercially viable, but if you are a small UK laboratory you do not have this opon.The nal issue is that the addional administraon for subcontracng of some products is considerable. For sealants it is not simply a case of 'please test this product to EN15651-1'. The test house will need to discuss the precise test condions and other aspects with the manufacturer to clarify things like primers, condioning methods, and precise test condions. There may also be parcular mixing procedures in the case of two-part sealants, so this means that there may be considerable backwards and forwards discussion with the three pares to establish the exact requirements. Re-badging would be simpler, and in fact the end result is exactly the same! UKAB XX receives a request from EUNB YY that their EU manufacturer customer ZZZ wants to carry out one set of tests to be able to ax UKCA and EUCE marking. EUNB YY wants to do the tesng, so therefore wants EU Manufacturer ZZZ to ask UKAB XX to subcontract the tesng to them to be able to do this. UKAB XX has to gather all the pricing and liaise with the two pares, giving the quote to the manufacturer and geng the tesng carried out, then making sure they are happy with the results to be able to issue a UKAB report. This is conjuncon with the EUNB report allows the manufacturer to dual mark his product. If the EU NB had simply provided his nal report for re-badging this would have been exactly the same, but less complicated! The denion of sub-contracng for AVCP3 needs to be much beer dened with detailed requirements for reporng.

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Grolman Group Commits to Reminder all consignors will Achieving Net Zero By 2050 require a DGSA no later than Their vision net zero economic growth through circular 31st Dec 2022 innovation Grolman Group is announcing ambitious actions to combat climate change by committing to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 joining other organisations in leading the way on urgently tackling climate change As part of their ongoing commitment to sustainability Grolman Group will set science based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to be approved by the Science Based Targets Initiative SBTi These commitments align Grolman Group with the Paris Agreement s most ambitious goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1 5 C The need for those who are only consignors to appoint a Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor DGSA was introduced in ADR 2019 This requirement was applicable from 31 December 2019 but it came with a derogation in ADR 1 6 1 44 stating that the appointment of a safety adviser must happen no later than 31 December 2022 So by the 31st December 2022 all consignors of dangerous goods must have a DGSA appointed Any business that is involved in the packing consigning loading unloading and or carry dangerous goods should appoint employ a Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor Businesses can choose to appoint someone internally or appoint an external consultant as a DGSA To become a DGSA the DGSA must pass an examination approved by the Competent Authority the Department for Transport The Certificate is valid for 5 years and must be renewed by further training or examination the examinations are conducted by the Scottish Qualifications Authority SQA The Grolman Group commits to Net Zero by 2050 Following the SBTi framework this means reducing absolute scope 1 2 and 3 emissions by 90 by 2050 from a 2019 baseline For its near term targets Grolman Group commits to reduce its scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 46 by 2030 from a 2019 baseline We are doing this because as a family business we want to pass on a healthy planet to the next generation With these targets we are well on our way to reducing waste in our environment and increasing our positive impact on our customers the chemical industry and society Our vision clearly reflects this We want to sell chemicals to save the planet We want the chemical industry to be the cure and not the disease says Florian Grolman Managing Director of Grolman Group To accomplish this Grolman Group focuses on circular innovation We believe that the path to net zero is evidently linked to the concept of circularity Only through circular economy can we both create economic growth and avoid pollution and a wasteful use of valuable resources Grolman Group regards their existing extensive network as an essential basis for reaching net zero while also actively developing new partnerships for sustainable innovation We are convinced that all this will only be possible in close cooperation with our existing partners suppliers and customers as well as new partners who will join us on this path With our technical expertise and close personal relationships we connect partners and needs along the entire value chain to jointly develop opportunities in circular innovation 4 BASA Bulletin Issue 98 Structural Adhesives finalist Fire Safety Solution of the Year Congratulations to BASA member Structural Adhesives for their patented A2 Fire Rated Adhesive that is a finalist for Fire Safety Solution of the year at the London Construction Awards 2022

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5 BASA Bullen Issue 98In this Planum Jubilee year, illbruck is celebrang its own 70th anniversary milestone event.Recognised by building professionals and the construcon industry across the UK and internaonally, illbruck’s sealing and bonding products for windows, façades, interiors and exteriors are the premium choice for the sector. The brand’s me-proven and tested history - built-up over the decades since its incepon in 1952 - combined with a pioneering approach that focuses on innovaon and sustainability, has ensured it has retained its pole posion in the marketplace over the long term. A key driver in its success is the high quality of its products, as well as the advice, training and services provided by the brand’s technical and commercial teams, with a focus on best-in-class performance in areas including applicaon technique, ease of installaon and respect for health and safety.Brand highlights include the development of soluons promong energy savings, acousc and thermal insulaon, as well as air quality in buildings, all adapted to each installaon and construcon conguraon to address the pressing need for greener buildings.illbruck is one of Construcon Product Group UK’s (CPG UK) family of brands, which cater for the complete building envelope under a single-source soluon.Alistair Inglis, who leads the brand’s acvies naonally as CPG UK’s Sales Director of the Sealing, Bonding and Insulaon Division, is also celebrang a landmark event this year, reaching 21 years working with the company. He said: “I feel very proud and privileged to be involved with the growth of our division since I joined the business in 2001. Illbruck marks its Planum year with a green focus for speciers in the built environment “My reasons for joining the business centred around the fact that the products manufactured were rst class, and the values and culture of the business aligned with my own. “I am a big believer of ‘gut feeling’ and joining what is now known today as CPG, was a great choice. I was impressed from day one and connue to be so with the people within the business and their passion for the products we sold and for our customer service. “Now in the role of Sales Director, the day-to-day job remains the same in the key areas, ensuring that we have the excellent products that meet market needs and that we have a passionate team who are empowered to make decisions and give excellent customer service. “As a 24-strong team, we have grown our business and our customer base by living our company values and by ensuring that our customers remain at the heart of all our decisions. “Our brands have also grown, with the addion of Nudura & Dryvit joining illbruck within our Sealing, Bonding, and Insulaon Division. “Our customers also benet from a huge range of products from our other CPG brands of TREMCO, Flowcrete, & Nullire.“This gives our customers the ulmate choice of products and gives soluons for all six sides of the building. “Looking to the future, the best is sll to come. We have new products and services coming that are at the forefront of technology and innovaon, and the passion and commitment from our people within the business is exceponal.“This approach ensures we are well-placed to connue to serve our clients in the years and decades ahead, as we connue to focus on delivering soluons to support sustainability in the built environment.”

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BASA Bullen Issue 986Ian Cornelius, ApolloToday (27 July 2022) marks a new chapter for Apollo, an H.B. Fuller business, as we say farewell to Ian Cornelius, the Managing Director for the last seven years as he relinquishes leadership responsibilies and takes rerement aer nearly three decades at the company. Employees were treated to a BBQ and cakes, before a presentaon held to say farewell to Ian, Apollo’s Managing Director for the last 7 years.Please join us in wishing Ian all the best for the future.Read more about Ian’s contribuon to the business here: hps://rements in the Industry Garry Brindley, F. Ball and Co. Ltd.Today saw Garry Brindley rere from F. Ball and Co. Ltd. aer 49 years.Garry has worked in our Development Dept. throughout his years at F. Ball and was presented today with a 'Golden Adhesive Trowel' along with a number of other gis to send him on his way to a happy rerement.Good luck with your rerement Garry, enjoy it you've earned it and you will be much missed by the F. Ball team.

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7 BASA Bullen Issue 98The BASA Team wish you all a happy rerementTechnical Manager John Bellerby reres aer long career with Chemique AdhesivesAer 34 years with UK adhesives manufacturer Chemique Adhesives, John Bellerby is stepping down as technical manager at the end of July.John started his career in adhesives in 1977 as a quality control laboratory assistant at Evode Ltd in Staord (Evo-Sk) where aer 6 years of training including day release, he graduated and joined the research and development team as a chemist. John joined Chemique Adhesives as a chemist in 1988 and aer taking on several roles within the rapidly growing company he became technical manager in 1995.Over the last three decades, John has been responsible for all technical aspects, having designed and developed a comprehensive library of adhesives, as well as providing specialist support and adhesive knowledge to both customers and colleagues.Stuart Francis, managing director of Chemique Adhesives commented, “John has given an amazing 34 years of service and his adhesive experse and extensive understanding of polymer chemistry has been invaluable to the business. I would like to personally thank John for his hard work and dedicaon to serving our customers as well as helping the business to grow over the years.”John said “I’m looking forward to my rerement and spending me with my grandkids that I missed out on with my own kids. The early years at Chemique did involve a lot of commitment but they were excing and very enjoyable mes.”John now plans to spend his me not driving up and down the M6 every day, relaxing, taking his dog for long walks and improving his health and well-being.Having been a valued member of the Chemique team, John’s rerement was marked by a special farewell party on the 22nd of July at Calderelds Golf & Country Club in Walsall, aended by many colleagues. Everyone at Chemique Adhesives wishes him the very best for a long and happy rerement.Sco Bader is pleased to announce that Sco Bader Pvt Ltd (India) has acquired the commercial business of Satyen Polymers Pvt Ltd.The expanded partnership will see Sco Bader Pvt Ltd (SBPL) assume responsibilies for direct sales and markeng for all resin and gelcoat products, whilst Satyen Polymers Pvt Ltd (SPPL) will manufacture for Sco Bader Pvt Ltd. In addion, SBPL will expand its product range using Sco Bader technology to bring industry leading composite and adhesive products to the Indian market.The newly established company demonstrates Sco Bader’s commitment to the Indian market and their highly valued Indian customers. Jonathan Stowell, Sco Bader’s Group Commercial Director said, “We are delighted as a group to be able to build on our long-established relaonships in India to bring best in class composite and adhesive products to the increasingly globally compeve Indian market, including our Crysc®, Crestapol®, Crestabond®, Crestomer® and Crestax® brands”.Global expansionSco Bader Pvt Ltd is the latest addion to Sco Bader’s growing global presence. In 2021, Sco Bader established Sco Bader Italy and announced a $16m investment in a new 110,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Mocksville, North Carolina.Sco Bader enhances its commitment to India and acquires Satyen PolymersFigure 1 Jonathan Stowell, Group Commercial Director Sco Bader, and SatyenFigure 2 Kevin Mahew, Sco Bader CEO, and Satyen

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BASA Bullen Issue 9882022Hamburg, GermanyFEICA European Adhesive & Sealant Conference and EXPO 202214-16 September 2022Grand Elysée HamburgSAVE THE DATE