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BAPC 2022 - 2027 Strategic Plan.

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2022 - 2027 Strategic Plan2022 - 2027 Strategic Plan2022 - 2027 Strategic PlanBuilding aBuilding aBuilding aPositivePositivePositiveCommunityCommunityCommunityb a p c 8 0 2 . o r g

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Our HistoryOur HistoryOur HistoryOur journey at Building a Positive Community (BAPC) started way back inOur journey at Building a Positive Community (BAPC) started way back inOur journey at Building a Positive Community (BAPC) started way back in1990, when we were a small group in the Brattleboro area with a passion for1990, when we were a small group in the Brattleboro area with a passion for1990, when we were a small group in the Brattleboro area with a passion formaking things better. Back then, we were known as the Brattleboro Areamaking things better. Back then, we were known as the Brattleboro Areamaking things better. Back then, we were known as the Brattleboro AreaPrevention Coalition, and we covered the WSESU towns of Brattleboro,Prevention Coalition, and we covered the WSESU towns of Brattleboro,Prevention Coalition, and we covered the WSESU towns of Brattleboro,Dummerston, Guilford, Putney, and Vernon.Dummerston, Guilford, Putney, and Vernon.Dummerston, Guilford, Putney, and Vernon. Fast forward to 2003, and we received a Drug-Free Community (DFC) grant.Fast forward to 2003, and we received a Drug-Free Community (DFC) grant.Fast forward to 2003, and we received a Drug-Free Community (DFC) grant.That grant turbocharged our programs, helping us do even more programs andThat grant turbocharged our programs, helping us do even more programs andThat grant turbocharged our programs, helping us do even more programs andprojects in our community.projects in our community.projects in our community.Our early days were all about parent education. We wanted to helpOur early days were all about parent education. We wanted to helpOur early days were all about parent education. We wanted to helpparents/caregivers navigate the tricky world of raising awesome kids. As timeparents/caregivers navigate the tricky world of raising awesome kids. As timeparents/caregivers navigate the tricky world of raising awesome kids. As timewent on, we got more ambitious. Thanks to Vermont’s Division of Substance Usewent on, we got more ambitious. Thanks to Vermont’s Division of Substance Usewent on, we got more ambitious. Thanks to Vermont’s Division of Substance Use(DSU) funding, we started adding more prevention strategies.(DSU) funding, we started adding more prevention strategies.(DSU) funding, we started adding more prevention strategies.

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Now, let’s talk about 2020. We decided to giveNow, let’s talk about 2020. We decided to giveNow, let’s talk about 2020. We decided to give ourselves a bit of an overhaul, changing our name toourselves a bit of an overhaul, changing our name toourselves a bit of an overhaul, changing our name toBuildingBuildingBuilding Positive Community. But we didn’t want toPositive Community. But we didn’t want toPositive Community. But we didn’t want to let go of our known acronym, “BAPC.” We’ve got a lotlet go of our known acronym, “BAPC.” We’ve got a lotlet go of our known acronym, “BAPC.” We’ve got a lot of love for it!of love for it!of love for it!When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we didn’t backWhen the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we didn’t backWhen the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we didn’t back down. Nope, we launched, adown. Nope, we launched, adown. Nope, we launched, a handy resource guide for teens and their awesomehandy resource guide for teens and their awesomehandy resource guide for teens and their awesome parents and caregivers. Plus, we started some engagingparents and caregivers. Plus, we started some engagingparents and caregivers. Plus, we started some engagingprojects like Growing Hope and Growing Together. Weprojects like Growing Hope and Growing Together. Weprojects like Growing Hope and Growing Together. We spread sunflower seeds and windowsill herb gardenspread sunflower seeds and windowsill herb gardenspread sunflower seeds and windowsill herb gardento to to families and our fantastic community members. Wefamilies and our fantastic community members. Wefamilies and our fantastic community members. Wealso started a Facebook page “Beauty We Sought andalso started a Facebook page “Beauty We Sought andalso started a Facebook page “Beauty We Sought andBeauty We Found”Beauty We Found”Beauty We Found” in which members take and sharein which members take and sharein which members take and sharephotos of hidden beauty in our of hidden beauty in our of hidden beauty in our community. And here’s the best part: We’ve been teaming up withAnd here’s the best part: We’ve been teaming up withAnd here’s the best part: We’ve been teaming up with WSESU for nearly a decade on tons of cool projects.WSESU for nearly a decade on tons of cool projects.WSESU for nearly a decade on tons of cool projects. We’re talking about stuff like teaching kids socialWe’re talking about stuff like teaching kids socialWe’re talking about stuff like teaching kids social competency skills, giving them leadership opportunities,competency skills, giving them leadership opportunities,competency skills, giving them leadership opportunities, getting families involved, and keeping our young peoplegetting families involved, and keeping our young peoplegetting families involved, and keeping our young people away from substance use.away from substance use.away from substance use.

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Our ApproachOur ImpactAnd if you’re wondering about our approach,And if you’re wondering about our approach,And if you’re wondering about our approach,it’s all about understanding what drives ourit’s all about understanding what drives ourit’s all about understanding what drives ourbehaviors, building up the youth, connectingbehaviors, building up the youth, connectingbehaviors, building up the youth, connectingwith others, and creating positive change inwith others, and creating positive change inwith others, and creating positive change inbeliefs, attitudes, behaviors, andbeliefs, attitudes, behaviors, andbeliefs, attitudes, behaviors, andenvironments.environments.environments. We use proven models such as the PositiveWe use proven models such as the PositiveWe use proven models such as the PositiveCulture Framework, Search Institute’s SocialCulture Framework, Search Institute’s SocialCulture Framework, Search Institute’s SocialCompetency and DevelopmentalCompetency and DevelopmentalCompetency and DevelopmentalRelationships, as well as trauma-informedRelationships, as well as trauma-informedRelationships, as well as trauma-informedbest practices It’s like a recipe for communitybest practices It’s like a recipe for communitybest practices It’s like a recipe for communitytransformation!transformation!transformation!BAPC’s reach doesn’t stop there. We areBAPC’s reach doesn’t stop there. We areBAPC’s reach doesn’t stop there. We areout in the community, providing educationout in the community, providing educationout in the community, providing educationand direct service to the five WSESUand direct service to the five WSESUand direct service to the five WSESUtowns.towns.towns. We are all about building up the youth,We are all about building up the youth,We are all about building up the youth, offering leadership programs and familyoffering leadership programs and familyoffering leadership programs and familyengagement support. Plus, we’re tacklingengagement support. Plus, we’re tacklingengagement support. Plus, we’re tacklingthe tough stuff, like substance usethe tough stuff, like substance usethe tough stuff, like substance useprevention and gathering proof of howprevention and gathering proof of howprevention and gathering proof of howcompanies get their products into youngcompanies get their products into youngcompanies get their products into youngpeople’s hands.people’s hands.people’s hands. We’re all about creatingWe’re all about creatingWe’re all about creatingsubstance-free environments for our youngsubstance-free environments for our youngsubstance-free environments for our youngpeople and providing resources for teenspeople and providing resources for teenspeople and providing resources for teensand adults who need it.and adults who need it.and adults who need it.“My vision for youth in our community is being“My vision for youth in our community is being“My vision for youth in our community is beingable to express themselves openly withoutable to express themselves openly withoutable to express themselves openly withoutjudgment.” -judgment.” -judgment.” - Youth Council memberYouth Council memberYouth Council member

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The staff is not alone, though – we’ve got a steering committee that includes membersThe staff is not alone, though – we’ve got a steering committee that includes membersThe staff is not alone, though – we’ve got a steering committee that includes memberslike Gail Bourque from Youth Services, Brian Condon, who’s a Recovery Coach, and Gail Bourque from Youth Services, Brian Condon, who’s a Recovery Coach, and Gail Bourque from Youth Services, Brian Condon, who’s a Recovery Coach, and Dr.Geoff Kane, an Addiction Medicine Provider. Our team is working to make theGeoff Kane, an Addiction Medicine Provider. Our team is working to make theGeoff Kane, an Addiction Medicine Provider. Our team is working to make thecommunity better every day and is looking for parents/caregivers, young adults andcommunity better every day and is looking for parents/caregivers, young adults andcommunity better every day and is looking for parents/caregivers, young adults andyouth to join our Steering Committee.youth to join our Steering Committee.youth to join our Steering Committee."Our People" also includes YOU. Some of our most successful work has been done by"Our People" also includes YOU. Some of our most successful work has been done by"Our People" also includes YOU. Some of our most successful work has been done byvolunteers and interns, working on projects that they were excited about.volunteers and interns, working on projects that they were excited about.volunteers and interns, working on projects that they were excited about.Now, let’s meet the people behind BAPC: Cassandra Holloway, the Director; LizNow, let’s meet the people behind BAPC: Cassandra Holloway, the Director; LizNow, let’s meet the people behind BAPC: Cassandra Holloway, the Director; LizLaVorgna, the Communication Coordinator; Rolf Parker, the Program Coordinator; andLaVorgna, the Communication Coordinator; Rolf Parker, the Program Coordinator; andLaVorgna, the Communication Coordinator; Rolf Parker, the Program Coordinator; andDiana Wahle, the Youth Development guru (she’s contracted, but she’s still part of theDiana Wahle, the Youth Development guru (she’s contracted, but she’s still part of theDiana Wahle, the Youth Development guru (she’s contracted, but she’s still part of theteam).team).team). Our People

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OURGoalSo, what’s our ultimate goal?So, what’s our ultimate goal?So, what’s our ultimate goal? Empowering our community’s youthEmpowering our community’s youthEmpowering our community’s youth through leadership, engaging families, andthrough leadership, engaging families, andthrough leadership, engaging families, andreducing substance use through environmentalreducing substance use through environmentalreducing substance use through environmentalstrategies. It’s a big task, but with the passion andstrategies. It’s a big task, but with the passion andstrategies. It’s a big task, but with the passion anddedication of BAPC, they’re making it happen, onededication of BAPC, they’re making it happen, onededication of BAPC, they’re making it happen, onestep at a time.step at a time.step at a time.

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“A healthy, supportive environment where“A healthy, supportive environment where“A healthy, supportive environment whereyouth can feel safe to ask questions andyouth can feel safe to ask questions andyouth can feel safe to ask questions andaccess supports”access supports”access supports” -Youth Council member-Youth Council member-Youth Council member

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08A REVIEW OF STRATEGIC ANAYSIS PROCESSIn decisions with BAPC, it has a lot of room to grow, both in size and aIn decisions with BAPC, it has a lot of room to grow, both in size and aIn decisions with BAPC, it has a lot of room to grow, both in size and amore diverse group of community members. We as an organizationmore diverse group of community members. We as an organizationmore diverse group of community members. We as an organizationlack but are working on a regular newsletter and developing sociallack but are working on a regular newsletter and developing sociallack but are working on a regular newsletter and developing socialmedia accounts and to increase funding for staff and recruitment formedia accounts and to increase funding for staff and recruitment formedia accounts and to increase funding for staff and recruitment forsteering committee members.steering committee members.steering committee members. This plan was created through a collaborative effort between BAPC’sThis plan was created through a collaborative effort between BAPC’sThis plan was created through a collaborative effort between BAPC’sstaff members, steering committee, community youth members,staff members, steering committee, community youth members,staff members, steering committee, community youth members,parents, and stake- holder organizations, with guidance fromparents, and stake- holder organizations, with guidance fromparents, and stake- holder organizations, with guidance fromSustainable Action Consulting from January through September ofSustainable Action Consulting from January through September ofSustainable Action Consulting from January through September of2022.2022.2022. OPPORTUNITIES.OPPORTUNITIES.OPPORTUNITIES. The Opportunities that will rise for BAPC is the The Opportunities that will rise for BAPC is the The Opportunities that will rise for BAPC is thebroad span of grants available in the years of 2023. If funding isbroad span of grants available in the years of 2023. If funding isbroad span of grants available in the years of 2023. If funding isgranted, as an organiza- tion we will be able to narrow down ourgranted, as an organiza- tion we will be able to narrow down ourgranted, as an organiza- tion we will be able to narrow down ourpotential programs and put programs and projects into place. Thispotential programs and put programs and projects into place. Thispotential programs and put programs and projects into place. Thiswould also allow the projects to fill in untapped ar- eas of preventionwould also allow the projects to fill in untapped ar- eas of preventionwould also allow the projects to fill in untapped ar- eas of preventionthat BAPC hasn’t tackled before, that may be needed within thethat BAPC hasn’t tackled before, that may be needed within thethat BAPC hasn’t tackled before, that may be needed within STRENGTHS.STRENGTHS.STRENGTHS. BAPC has strengths in many different capacities with BAPC has strengths in many different capacities with BAPC has strengths in many different capacities withtheir in- ternal forces such as their creative, qualified, and committedtheir in- ternal forces such as their creative, qualified, and committedtheir in- ternal forces such as their creative, qualified, and committedteam. The joint ef- forts of the employees have allowed grants to beteam. The joint ef- forts of the employees have allowed grants to beteam. The joint ef- forts of the employees have allowed grants to besourced which have allowed outreach to school districts and enabledsourced which have allowed outreach to school districts and enabledsourced which have allowed outreach to school districts and enabledfunding from the town. BAPC practic- es in their office space located infunding from the town. BAPC practic- es in their office space located infunding from the town. BAPC practic- es in their office space located inBrattleboro VT which is central to Southeast- ern Windham countyBrattleboro VT which is central to Southeast- ern Windham countyBrattleboro VT which is central to Southeast- ern Windham countyallowing change to be made on a local level and creating opportunitiesallowing change to be made on a local level and creating opportunitiesallowing change to be made on a local level and creating opportunitiesfor the community to get involved.for the community to get involved.for the community to get involved.WEAKNESSESWEAKNESSESWEAKNESSES. The weaknesses of BAPC are lack of capacity recruiting. The weaknesses of BAPC are lack of capacity recruiting. The weaknesses of BAPC are lack of capacity recruitingmore staff and local community members. Although a steering committee ismore staff and local community members. Although a steering committee ismore staff and local community members. Although a steering committee isinvolved a SWOT Analysis Was Conducted February 2022 with Steeringinvolved a SWOT Analysis Was Conducted February 2022 with Steeringinvolved a SWOT Analysis Was Conducted February 2022 with SteeringCommittee.Committee.Committee.THREATS.THREATS.THREATS. Funding comes up as a primary threat for BAPC. Grants are Funding comes up as a primary threat for BAPC. Grants are Funding comes up as a primary threat for BAPC. Grants arecom- petitive, however, with upcoming organizational changes, wecom- petitive, however, with upcoming organizational changes, wecom- petitive, however, with upcoming organizational changes, weforesee new opportunities. As new laws have legalized cannabis weforesee new opportunities. As new laws have legalized cannabis weforesee new opportunities. As new laws have legalized cannabis weforesee challenges in targeting this topic as it will be more normalized inforesee challenges in targeting this topic as it will be more normalized inforesee challenges in targeting this topic as it will be more normalized insociety. In the past few year, COVID guidelines have restricted oursociety. In the past few year, COVID guidelines have restricted oursociety. In the past few year, COVID guidelines have restricted our in-person events which have restrained our access to the events which have restrained our access to the events which have restrained our access to the community. SWOT Analysis Summary:

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“Empowering the youth; they are ourfuture…Youth have fresh ideas and wemust empower them.” -Youth Council member-Youth Council Member

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Community InputCommunity InputCommunity Inputfor Strategic Planfor Strategic Planfor Strategic PlanOne big thing we heard was that young people and parents want more supportOne big thing we heard was that young people and parents want more supportOne big thing we heard was that young people and parents want more supportfor dealing with substance use. Some caregivers felt torn because theyfor dealing with substance use. Some caregivers felt torn because theyfor dealing with substance use. Some caregivers felt torn because theythemselves use substances.themselves use substances.themselves use substances.Young people said they need places to talk about mental health, trauma, andYoung people said they need places to talk about mental health, trauma, andYoung people said they need places to talk about mental health, trauma, andproblems caused by adults at home and school. They want guidance for whenproblems caused by adults at home and school. They want guidance for whenproblems caused by adults at home and school. They want guidance for whenparents misuse sub- stances or when teachers act unfairly.parents misuse sub- stances or when teachers act unfairly.parents misuse sub- stances or when teachers act unfairly.In 2022, BAPC listened to people in our community, including youth, parents,In 2022, BAPC listened to people in our community, including youth, parents,In 2022, BAPC listened to people in our community, including youth, parents,partners, and allies. We used surveys, interviews, and meetings to gather theirpartners, and allies. We used surveys, interviews, and meetings to gather theirpartners, and allies. We used surveys, interviews, and meetings to gather theirthoughts. We gathered the input of nearly 50 individuals.thoughts. We gathered the input of nearly 50 individuals.thoughts. We gathered the input of nearly 50 individuals. We also heard that money and where you come from can make it hard for youngWe also heard that money and where you come from can make it hard for youngWe also heard that money and where you come from can make it hard for youngpeople to get help or to participate in programming they are interested in. Youngpeople to get help or to participate in programming they are interested in. Youngpeople to get help or to participate in programming they are interested in. Youngpeople want to feel like they belong and be comfortable with themselves. Theypeople want to feel like they belong and be comfortable with themselves. Theypeople want to feel like they belong and be comfortable with themselves. Theywant a community where young people and adults work together to solvewant a community where young people and adults work together to solvewant a community where young people and adults work together to solveproblems and help each other.problems and help each other.problems and help each other.We’re thrilled with the feedback we got and grateful for the thoughtful answers.We’re thrilled with the feedback we got and grateful for the thoughtful answers.We’re thrilled with the feedback we got and grateful for the thoughtful answers.We’ll use these insights to make our future projects even better.We’ll use these insights to make our future projects even better.We’ll use these insights to make our future projects even better.

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In another talk with our BAPC steering committee, we recognized our successesIn another talk with our BAPC steering committee, we recognized our successesIn another talk with our BAPC steering committee, we recognized our successesbut pointed out that we need more resources. They said we need more money,but pointed out that we need more resources. They said we need more money,but pointed out that we need more resources. They said we need more money,more people on our team, and more ways to make things happen.more people on our team, and more ways to make things happen.more people on our team, and more ways to make things happen.So, we’ve listened to you, and we’re ready to work together to make ourSo, we’ve listened to you, and we’re ready to work together to make ourSo, we’ve listened to you, and we’re ready to work together to make ourcommunity even better. Let’s create a place where everyone feels heard,community even better. Let’s create a place where everyone feels heard,community even better. Let’s create a place where everyone feels heard,problems get solved, and we all thrive!problems get solved, and we all thrive!problems get solved, and we all thrive!Some community members told us they want more places without alcohol. ManySome community members told us they want more places without alcohol. ManySome community members told us they want more places without alcohol. Manyplaces in our community are centered around alcohol, but people asked forplaces in our community are centered around alcohol, but people asked forplaces in our community are centered around alcohol, but people asked forsmoke/vape-free areas, non-alcoholic drinks at events, and indoor spaces just forsmoke/vape-free areas, non-alcoholic drinks at events, and indoor spaces just forsmoke/vape-free areas, non-alcoholic drinks at events, and indoor spaces just forteens, young adults, and people who don’t use substances.teens, young adults, and people who don’t use substances.teens, young adults, and people who don’t use substances.At a Youth Council Retreat in August 2022, young people shared their vision forAt a Youth Council Retreat in August 2022, young people shared their vision forAt a Youth Council Retreat in August 2022, young people shared their vision forthriving at home, school, and in our community. They talked about more than justthriving at home, school, and in our community. They talked about more than justthriving at home, school, and in our community. They talked about more than justsubstance use; they also mentioned tough issues youth are facing like not having asubstance use; they also mentioned tough issues youth are facing like not having asubstance use; they also mentioned tough issues youth are facing like not having astable place to live, not getting enough healthy food, and feeling ignored at homestable place to live, not getting enough healthy food, and feeling ignored at homestable place to live, not getting enough healthy food, and feeling ignored at homeand school.and school.and school.

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6. GOALS, OBJECTIVES & STRATEGIES6. GOALS, OBJECTIVES & STRATEGIES6. GOALS, OBJECTIVES & STRATEGIESExternal Goal: Build external capacity to reduce substance useExternal Goal: Build external capacity to reduce substance useExternal Goal: Build external capacity to reduce substance useObjectives:Objectives:Objectives: 1. Empower youth through leadership, mentoring, and support.1. Empower youth through leadership, mentoring, and support.1. Empower youth through leadership, mentoring, and support. 2. Engage families with an equitable approach by building2. Engage families with an equitable approach by building2. Engage families with an equitable approach by buildingrelationships, relationships, relationships, understanding the needs of families, providing spaceunderstanding the needs of families, providing spaceunderstanding the needs of families, providing spacefor their voice to be for their voice to be for their voice to be heard, and developing leadership opportunities.heard, and developing leadership opportunities.heard, and developing leadership opportunities. 3. Increase environmental strategies in the community3. Increase environmental strategies in the community3. Increase environmental strategies in the communityInternal Goal: Build internal capacity to increase efficiency,Internal Goal: Build internal capacity to increase efficiency,Internal Goal: Build internal capacity to increase efficiency,impact, and sustainability of substance use effortsimpact, and sustainability of substance use effortsimpact, and sustainability of substance use effortsObjectives:Objectives:Objectives: 1. Increase organization’s presence and visibility in the community and1. Increase organization’s presence and visibility in the community and1. Increase organization’s presence and visibility in the community andschools through communication and outreach.schools through communication and outreach.schools through communication and outreach. 2. Clarify long-term staffing, funding, and volunteer needs.2. Clarify long-term staffing, funding, and volunteer needs.2. Clarify long-term staffing, funding, and volunteer needs.3. Create more internal systems for organization, efficiency, quality3. Create more internal systems for organization, efficiency, quality3. Create more internal systems for organization, efficiency, qualityassurance, and sustainability.assurance, and sustainability.assurance, and sustainability.

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The chart on the next few pages highlights some of the keyThe chart on the next few pages highlights some of the keyThe chart on the next few pages highlights some of the keystrategies/activities BAPC will implement in the next five years. There is alsostrategies/activities BAPC will implement in the next five years. There is alsostrategies/activities BAPC will implement in the next five years. There is alsoa column provided with ideas of how you can get involved.a column provided with ideas of how you can get involved.a column provided with ideas of how you can get involved.

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Goal One: Build external capacity to reduce substance useWhat:What:What: Empower youth throughEmpower youth throughEmpower youth throughleadership, mentoring,leadership, mentoring,leadership, mentoring,and support.and support.and support. How:How:How: Facilitate Youth CouncilFacilitate Youth CouncilFacilitate Youth CouncilCommittees includeCommittees includeCommittees includedowntown safety, shareddowntown safety, shareddowntown safety, sharedpower power power in schools, and careerin schools, and careerin schools, and careerssshadowing exploration.hadowing exploration.hadowing exploration. Co-facilitate OVX/VKATCo-facilitate OVX/VKATCo-facilitate OVX/VKAT(school- based tobacco(school- based tobacco(school- based tobacco prevention groups)prevention groups)prevention groups)Provide WSESU middleProvide WSESU middleProvide WSESU middleschool leadership trainingschool leadership trainingschool leadership training and technical assistanceand technical assistanceand technical assistance Promote Cope & ConnectPromote Cope & ConnectPromote Cope & Connectresource guide for youthresource guide for youthresource guide for youthProvide Internship/SteeringProvide Internship/SteeringProvide Internship/SteeringCommittee OpportunitiesCommittee OpportunitiesCommittee OpportunitiesWhere You Fit In:Where You Fit In:Where You Fit In:Youth and Young AdultsYouth and Young AdultsYouth and Young Adults Join Youth Council or oneJoin Youth Council or oneJoin Youth Council or one of it’s committeesof it’s committeesof it’s committees Join OVX/VKATJoin OVX/VKATJoin OVX/VKAT Intern with BAPC or joinIntern with BAPC or joinIntern with BAPC or join steering committeesteering committeesteering committee AAAttend BAPC quarterlyttend BAPC quarterlyttend BAPC quarterlymeetings to provide inputmeetings to provide inputmeetings to provide input and get involved.and get involved.and get involved. FFFollow our Instagramollow our Instagramollow our Instagram @youthcouncil802@youthcouncil802@youthcouncil802Recommend resource(s)Recommend resource(s)Recommend resource(s) for other youth onfor other youth onfor other youth on

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HowHowHow:::PPPromote Smoke-free/romote Smoke-free/romote Smoke-free/Vape-free environmentsVape-free environmentsVape-free environments Promote CessationPromote CessationPromote Cessationresources/ referralsresources/ referralsresources/ referralsReduce nicotine promotionReduce nicotine promotionReduce nicotine promotionto vulnerable populations,to vulnerable populations,to vulnerable populations,especially youth throughespecially youth throughespecially youth throughresearch on coupons, etc.research on coupons, etc.research on coupons, etc.Provide Power of DignityProvide Power of DignityProvide Power of Dignityresource for providersresource for providersresource for providers (SUD and stigma)(SUD and stigma)(SUD and stigma) Offer gourmet drink cartOffer gourmet drink cartOffer gourmet drink cart (alcohol-free)(alcohol-free)(alcohol-free)Provide TechnicalProvide TechnicalProvide Technicalassisassisassistance/ resources totance/ resources totance/ resources toalcoalcoalcohol/cannabis retailershol/cannabis retailershol/cannabis retailersand land land liquor commissioners.iquor commissioners.iquor commissioners.Distribute Rx returnDistribute Rx returnDistribute Rx returnenvelope and Narcan kitsenvelope and Narcan kitsenvelope and Narcan kitsCollaborate as an activeCollaborate as an activeCollaborate as an activemember of Communitymember of Communitymember of Community Substance Use ResponseSubstance Use ResponseSubstance Use Response (CSUR) and the NAACP(CSUR) and the NAACP(CSUR) and the NAACPHealth Justice Committee,Health Justice Committee,Health Justice Committee,WSESU Wellness ActionWSESU Wellness ActionWSESU Wellness ActionCommittee, among others.Committee, among others.Committee, among others. WhatWhatWhat::: Increase environmentalIncrease environmentalIncrease environmentalstrategies in thestrategies in thestrategies in thecommunitycommunitycommunityWhat:What:What: Engage families with anEngage families with anEngage families with aneq- uitable approach byeq- uitable approach byeq- uitable approach bybuilding relationships,building relationships,building relationships,understanding the needsunderstanding the needsunderstanding the needsof families, provid- ingof families, provid- ingof families, provid- ingspace for their voice to bespace for their voice to bespace for their voice to beheard, and developingheard, and developingheard, and developingleader- ship opportunities.leader- ship opportunities.leader- ship opportunities. HowHowHow:::Provide Resources: FamProvide Resources: FamProvide Resources: Familyilyilyhandbook, Operationhandbook, Operationhandbook, OperationParent, Parent Up, Talk-Parent, Parent Up, Talk-Parent, Parent Up, Talk-Track-Secure, Vaping 101Track-Secure, Vaping 101Track-Secure, Vaping 101presentationpresentationpresentationOrganize WSESU FamilyOrganize WSESU FamilyOrganize WSESU Family Wellness FairsWellness FairsWellness FairsProvide Keep ConnectProvide Keep ConnectProvide Keep Connectworkshops for middleworkshops for middleworkshops for middle schoolers and their care-schoolers and their care-schoolers and their care-giversgiversgiversEncourage Caregivers toEncourage Caregivers toEncourage Caregivers tojoin Steering Committeejoin Steering Committeejoin Steering CommitteeMembersMembersMembersAssist with WSESU FamilyAssist with WSESU FamilyAssist with WSESU FamilyEngagement AssessEngagement AssessEngagement AssessmentmentmentWhere You Fit In:Where You Fit In:Where You Fit In:Support BAPC is creatingSupport BAPC is creatingSupport BAPC is creatingmore smoke/vape freemore smoke/vape freemore smoke/vape freeplaces.places.places. Help inform others ofHelp inform others ofHelp inform others ofcessation resources andcessation resources andcessation resources andincentivesincentivesincentivesHelp reduce nicotineHelp reduce nicotineHelp reduce nicotinepromotion, and sales topromotion, and sales topromotion, and sales tominors.minors.minors. Encourage retailers andEncourage retailers andEncourage retailers andevents to have non-events to have non-events to have non-alcoholic options.alcoholic options.alcoholic options. Become a member ofBecome a member ofBecome a member ofcommittees working oncommittees working oncommittees working onhealth justice for youth,health justice for youth,health justice for youth,BIPOC communityBIPOC communityBIPOC communitymembers, or people withmembers, or people withmembers, or people withsubstance use disorders.substance use disorders.substance use disorders. Where You Fit In:Where You Fit In:Where You Fit In:Parents/CaregiversParents/CaregiversParents/CaregiversJoin the BAPC SteeringJoin the BAPC SteeringJoin the BAPC Steering CommitteeCommitteeCommitteeVolunteer for WellnessVolunteer for WellnessVolunteer for Wellness FairsFairsFairsAttend/Promote KeepAttend/Promote KeepAttend/Promote KeepConnected workshopsConnected workshopsConnected workshopsProvide input to improveProvide input to improveProvide input to improvefamily engagement infamily engagement infamily engagement in schoolsschoolsschoolsAttend BAPC quarterlyAttend BAPC quarterlyAttend BAPC quarterlymeetings to provide inputmeetings to provide inputmeetings to provide input and get involvedand get involvedand get involved

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What: Improve internal systemsfor organization,efficiency, qualityassurance, and sustainability.What: Increase organization’sPresence and visibility in the community andschools throughcommunication andoutreach. What: Clarify long-term sta#ng,funding, and volunteerneeds How: Hire a communicationscoordinator Work with consultant tostreamline communication effortsacross all workplans Hold regularly scheduled eventsrelated to youth, families andcommunity healthDevelop a communication planthat has regular timely outreachMaintain a community presence How:Develop a sustainability planCreate an engagement list and survey for volunteersSeek out young people to internSeek out a diverse funding stream How: Develop a sustainabilityperformance plan Create program overviews and projectionsImprove evaluation tools Goal Two: Build internal capacity to increaseefficiency, impact, and sustainabilityWhere You Fit In: Share information that BAPCdisseminates on social media, etc.Let us know about where we canadvertise locallyInvite us to community events related to youth, families, andcommunity healthWrite an article or letter to editor for BAPCConnect us to folks who are responsible for newslettersWhere You Fit In: Join the steering committeeGet on our volunteer email listLet us know about funding oppsEncourage teens and college students to intern with BAPC Where You Fit In: Provide feedback to BAPC staffregarding coalition performance

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AcknowledgementsSteering Committee- Brian Condon, Gail Bourque, Geoff KaneSteering Committee- Brian Condon, Gail Bourque, Geoff KaneSteering Committee- Brian Condon, Gail Bourque, Geoff KaneBAPC Staff Members- Cassandra Holloway, Rolf ParkerBAPC Staff Members- Cassandra Holloway, Rolf ParkerBAPC Staff Members- Cassandra Holloway, Rolf ParkerYouth Council members- Alex Aither, Jaya Lalanne, Grace Arms, MaddieYouth Council members- Alex Aither, Jaya Lalanne, Grace Arms, MaddieYouth Council members- Alex Aither, Jaya Lalanne, Grace Arms, MaddieMcKinley, James Chapman, Maeve Bald, Jamel Smith, Mariam Diallo, LizzieMcKinley, James Chapman, Maeve Bald, Jamel Smith, Mariam Diallo, LizzieMcKinley, James Chapman, Maeve Bald, Jamel Smith, Mariam Diallo, LizzieElkins, Connor Noy- es-UrfferElkins, Connor Noy- es-UrfferElkins, Connor Noy- es-UrfferUVM Interns- Hannah Asbury, Kate Carlson, Julie Sarrasin, Libby TuttleUVM Interns- Hannah Asbury, Kate Carlson, Julie Sarrasin, Libby TuttleUVM Interns- Hannah Asbury, Kate Carlson, Julie Sarrasin, Libby Tuttle Community stakeholders- Maureen Gallagher Aither (Parent), WichieCommunity stakeholders- Maureen Gallagher Aither (Parent), WichieCommunity stakeholders- Maureen Gallagher Aither (Parent), WichieArtu (Windham County NAACP), Matthew Attesi (LEAP Coordinator-Artu (Windham County NAACP), Matthew Attesi (LEAP Coordinator-Artu (Windham County NAACP), Matthew Attesi (LEAP Coordinator-Brattleboro Housing Partnership), Stephen Dotson (SustainabilityBrattleboro Housing Partnership), Stephen Dotson (SustainabilityBrattleboro Housing Partnership), Stephen Dotson (SustainabilityCoordinator/Town of Brattleboro), Justin Johnson (Turning Point ofCoordinator/Town of Brattleboro), Justin Johnson (Turning Point ofCoordinator/Town of Brattleboro), Justin Johnson (Turning Point ofWindham County Center and Program Director), Julia Menges (Director ofWindham County Center and Program Director), Julia Menges (Director ofWindham County Center and Program Director), Julia Menges (Director ofCommunity and Culture) Boys and Girls Club), Rebecca OlmsteadCommunity and Culture) Boys and Girls Club), Rebecca OlmsteadCommunity and Culture) Boys and Girls Club), Rebecca Olmstead(WSESU School Nurse Leader)(WSESU School Nurse Leader)(WSESU School Nurse Leader) BAPC Interns/Consultants- Diana Wahle, Robin Rieske.BAPC Interns/Consultants- Diana Wahle, Robin Rieske.BAPC Interns/Consultants- Diana Wahle, Robin Rieske. Sustainable Action Consulting- Scott SharlandSustainable Action Consulting- Scott SharlandSustainable Action Consulting- Scott SharlandGraphic Designer- Reggie MartellGraphic Designer- Reggie MartellGraphic Designer- Reggie MartellAnonymous Community Survey ParticipantsAnonymous Community Survey ParticipantsAnonymous Community Survey ParticipantsFunding from VT Department of Health-Division of Substance UseFunding from VT Department of Health-Division of Substance UseFunding from VT Department of Health-Division of Substance Use

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September 2023September 2023September 2023