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Baltray Bulletin 9th Edition

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THE BALTRAY BULLETIN Dear Members, As we step into the new golfing year, Captain Martin Healy and Lady Captain Fleur Mc Closkey and Junior Captains Gavin and Molly extend warm wishesto each one of you. It is with immense pride and honor that we take on the roles of your Captains for 2024, entrusted with the task of steering Co LouthGolf Club towards a year filled with camaraderie, and with supportive teamwork, hopefully a few new pennants on the wall, but overall, an enjoyablegolfing year.To all our members, both old friends and new faces, we extend a heartfelt welcome. County Louth Golf Club, or “Baltray” as we members like to call it, ismore than just a golf course; it's a community, a family. It's a place where friendships are forged, memories are made, and shared passions unite us all.Throughout the year, we invite you to join us in the club's social and team activities. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newcomer to the game, there'ssomething for everyone here at Baltray. We believe golf is about sharing a few laughs on the fairways and creating memorable moments that will last alifetime, along with the satisfaction of seeing your team's success when bringing in that winning score.We're excited to introduce the swing room, managed by our wonderful Pro, Scott Kirkpatrick, and his team. The swing room is a fantastic facility for ourclub, and we encourage everyone to use it.As we start our year, let's not forget the invaluable support of our sponsors, whose generosity ensures the continued success of our club. We deeplyappreciate their contributions and encourage all members to show our appreciation by supporting them whenever possible.We also encourage you to acknowledge our greens staff when you meet them. They work tirelessly in all weather conditions to ensure our course is in thebest condition for you to enjoy. A little “keep up the great work” will brighten up anyone’s day.To our dedicated team of staff, volunteers, and committee members, we extend our sincerest thanks. Your hard work and dedication are the heartbeat ofour club, and we are fortunate to have such a passionate and committed team behind us.We also wish our new Catering team, N&R, a great year ahead and encourage members to use the facilities of the Bar and Restaurant. Nav and his teamare excited to be our caterers and eager to create exciting menu options for us all.Lastly, let's not forget Ryan Donagher and his back-of-house team. Without them, the club would not function. It's people like them that often getforgotten, but we want you to know the members do appreciate all that you do.Wishing you all good health, happiness, and many memorable rounds of golf in the year ahead.Best wishes Captain Martin, Lady Captain Fleur and Junior Captains Gavin and Molly MARCH 2024 - BALTRAY BULLETIN EDITION 9News in this editionUpdate from Management CommitteeLadies Club NewsMen’s Club News Junior Club NewsUpcoming course works/informationSocial Committee News Lady Captain Fleur McCloskey Captain Martin Healy Junior Girls Captain Molly McGuireJunior Boys Captain Gavin TiernanCaptains’ Drive In - 23rd March 2024

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Update from the Management CommitteeThe Management Committee are settling into the year well and there has already been a lot of positive work going on in thebackground. As outlined in the last bulletin, a very important piece of work has now been completed which is The ManagmentCommittee Handbook. This outlines the roles and responsibilities of each member of the Committee, along with havingclearly defined terms of reference for each sub committee which is formed. Whilst this will be an evolving documentwhich will change and grow with the club as needs of the club evolve, it sets out clearly how the clubs various committeemembers and committees/ sub committees work together for the overall betterment of the club. On this note it is with great pleasure we announce some members of sub committees which have been formed and we wouldlike to thank all members for their interest in being part of a committee and giving their time generously to the club.House Sub Committee Brian McClean, Captain Martin Healy, Peter Collier, Diarmuid Wilson, Des Rogers. Additionally included as part of the HouseSub Committee is The "Aiming towards sustainability" work group. The Members are Des Rogers (lead), Conor O'Shea, FredGreene and Marion AgriosCourse Sub CommitteeFred Hoey, Thomas Morrissey, Karen Healy, Brian Ronan, Ken Morgan Finance Sub Committee Seamus Keenan, Elizabeth McCormack, Neil McMahonThe Management committee are currently putting together a sub committee which will be responsible for completing theconstitutional review which was raised at the AGM. Details of who is on this sub committee will be shared as soon as it iscomplete. Club Communications In an effort to keep improving club communications, we are on the look out for someone that may have some expertise inphotography and general communications to help to support collating and distributing the various communications that arerequired throughout the year. If you feel that you have the necessary skills and enough spare time to fulfill the role of Club Communications Officer, pleasecontact the General Manager by emailing to discuss the role further. Annual Subscriptions - Payment Deadline 17th March 2024:Thank you to all members who have paid their subscription orsigned up to the premium credit facility.Any members who are yet to pay, please be aware that youraccess to BRS will be suspended if your subscription is notpaid by the deadline. Finance Update From The Honorary Treasurer At the AGM in January, a resolution was passed requiring theHonorary Treasurer to provide Members with, amongst otherthings, a quarterly summary of the Club’s managementaccounts. Work is ongoing to adapt the existing accountingprocedures to make this possible. This will take some time toachieve but we expect to be in a position to deliver on thiscommitment later in the year. We are also putting in place theprocedures necessary to deliver an annual budget forapproval by Members at future AGMs.As noted above, I am very grateful to Elizabeth McCormack(Honorary Treasurer of the Ladies Club) and Neil McMahon(former Honorary Treasurer of the Club) for agreeing to jointhe Finance Sub-Committee and I look forward to workingwith them. Terms of Reference for the Finance Sub-Committee have recently been approved by the ManagementCommittee.New 5 Day Members The next stage of the process for deciding on who will besuccessful in the upcoming 5 day membership intake isunderway. Management Committee members will be meeting candidatesthe week beginning 18th March. Following this process theManagement Committee will then decide on the successfulcandidates to put forward as new 5 day members of the club.

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Updates from the Men’s Committ eeThank you to The Sports Surgery Clinic for the generous Sponsorship of the winter league. Pictured below is FiachraO’Connor, representative of the SSC who took part in the scramble ahead of the presentation of prizes and ended up onthe winning team with Captain, Martin Healy, Chairman Michael Kierans and Nicky Smith, Captain 2022PLEASE REPAIR PITCH MARKS!Recently pitch marks have gotten worse, it is your duty as a member to ensureyou repair pitch marks as you play. Please do your part for the course!Fairway Mats We had hoped that mats would no longerbe in use from weekend of 16th Marchhowever it has been decided that mats willnot be required for use only for the SemiOpen competition on 18th March. Ladies will have to use mats for thecompetition on 19th March due to the altday.From March 20th Mats will no longer be inuse.Please do ensure that you have a divot bagwith you and ALWAYS REPAIR YOURDIVOTS when playing. Ecology Plan and Sanding ProgramContinuing on with the club’s ecology plan,you will notice contractors on site soon whowill be creating a larger sand scrape behindthe practice chipping green at the lowerpractice area. A by product of this work means that the clubwill also be able to have an amount of sandwhich will contribute to a robust sandingprogram that will be taking place on thegreens, tees and for the first time in manyyears, the fairways. This sanding program is invaluable to thedevelopment of the course towards gettingplaying surfaces much firmer and healthieroverall. Tees and Pathways Over the coming weeks there willbe a combination of using the fullMulti tee set up to allow forqualifying competitions from24th March along with usingwinter tees during the weekwhilst teeing surfaces recover. Access to some tees will berestricted as pathways grow inand will be opened as soon aspossible. Thank you to allmembers for your understandingin this inconvenience whilst wecome out of spring and into thefull playing season. Updates from The Course Committee As we come nearer the full golfing season please note the following which will be happening over the coming weeks.

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Inter Club Competitions GET INVOLVED, YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!Preparations are well underway for the upcoming Inter Club competitions. This year we want to make sure that we havethe best possible chance at winning as many of the matches as we can. Therefore it has been decided that the teammanagers are actively looking at eligibility and this year, if you are eligible to represent a club team, you will be invited totake part on the panel. Please keep an eye on your emails in the coming week for more updates on this. Updates from the Men’s CommitteeSenior Cup Panel, Pictured with our Sports Phycologist, Shannon BurkeSenior Cup Panel, Pictured at of of their gym sessions during winter trainingInter Club Team Captains Meeting -Held Wednesday 6th March

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VeteransJohn P MurphyMurt O' SheaRay CampbellWilliam GavinJoseph Mc LaughlinThe Presentation of Prizes for the winter league, kindly Sponsored by SSC Surgery clinic took place on Saturday 9th Marchfollowing a shot gun start scramble competition. Congratulations to all prizewinners and to all who took part throughoutthe winter. A special thanks also to the competitions committee who worked effortlessly every week to get the results outin a timely fashion including Brian Fox and Murt O’Shea who helped with the collation of scores from the old handicapmaster system and the new Club V1 system. Overall results as followUpd ates from the Men’s CommitteeDivision 1 Conor BreenPeter TuitePaul ReillyIan Mc DonnellJohn Mullen (Bal)Division 2Shane WintersJohn ConlonAndrew DoggettBrian HeratyOwen BraniganDivision 3Robert MurdockRoy ConaghyColm WalshStephen WardJohn MoroneyBelow is a snapshot of the prizewinners collecting their prizes during the presentation

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New Swing Room Now Open!! Update from the Ladies Committee Looking forward to the season ahead it is with great pleasure we again confirm the 2024 Ladies Committee and wish toapologise for omitting in error Geraldine Meegan in last month’s Bulletin2024 Ladies Committee Position Name Lady President Elizabeth Hall Lady Captain Fleur McCloskeyLady Vice Captain Karen Healy Honorary Secretary Miriam MacQuillan Honorary Treasurer Liz McCormackHonorary Competition Secretary Carlos McDowell Honorary H/Cap Secretary Orla Briscoe Ex Officio Marie Maguire Committee Member Suzanne Kierans Committee Member Ciara MooreCommittee Member Carol O’NeillCommittee Member Eileen Garvey Committee Member Geraldine Meegan Prize Presentation EveningA presentation evening was held on Tuesday 27th February to celebrate the prizewinners of the winter league, a greatnight was had by all including some wonderful food served by Navin and great music after by Rod O’Brien. Pictured above, Our sponsor for the winter league. AlisonDoggett with lady President Elizabeth and Lady CaptainFleur Pictured above, the winning team, Clare Island Left to right: Marie Maguire, Pauline McCloskey, Olivia McGuirk , Suzanne Kierans, EileenGarvey, Team Captain, Lucy McConnell, sponsor, Alison Doggett, Lady Vice KarenHealy, Sheelagh Bowers, Ina McCrumilsh, Mary Mccabe, Helen O’DonoghuePictured to the left, 2nd place, Puffin Island Left to right: Topsy Murphy, Frances Curran, Bettina Jeffers, DorothyCollins, sponsor, Alison Doggett, Maria Murphy, AileenMcEntee. Missing from photo, Olwen Kirkpatrick teamcaptain, Ruth Hughes, Mary Joy, Christine Carolan,Imelda Murphy.

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Update from the Ladies Committee Pictured above, Overall singles winner ThereseCallaghan with sponsor Alison doggettPictured above, 3rd Place, Valentia Island Left to right: Geraldine Collier, Ciara Kinsella, Rosemary Hayes, team captain Jackie Quinn,sponsor, Alison Doggett, Lady Captain Fleur McCloskey, Anne Levin Walsh,Grainne Weir. Missing from photo but on the team, Vicki Smyth, Joan Cullen,Joanne McGinley, Mairead King.Pictured above, Overall singles winner:Anne Marie Daly.. with sponsor AlisonDoggett, both Therese and Anne Mariehad a score of 187 points Pictured above, Winners of three ball rumble:Aileen McEntee, Dorothy Collins , Ciara MoorePictured above, Second: three ball rumble Dorothy Collins, Rosemary Hayes,missing: Diana Connolly Pictured above, Third place three ball rumble:Noelle O’Kane, Ann Fox, Missing from PhotoMairead King Thank you to our generous sponsor of the WinterLeague, Home Instead

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Update from the Ladies Committee Snapshot of individual winners from the winter league

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Update from the Ladies Committee Snapshot of individual winners from the winter league Congratulations to allprizewinners and thank youall for such a greatattendance at thepresentation eveningA great night was had by all at the Ladies past Captains and Presidents Evening held on 1st March Pictured Below: Carlos McDowell, Susan Kenny, Anne Walsh, Pauline McCloskey, Joan Kearney, JudyMacQuillan, Lilian O’Kane, Felicity Matthews, Ann Landy, Lucy McConnell, Organiser, Lady Captain FleurMcCloskey, Marie Maguire, Lady President Elizabeth Hall, Eimear Matthews, Geraldine Collier, DorothyMallon, Margot Quinn, Dorothy Collins, Carmel Kierans, Anne Owens,

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Go Cashless Where Possible In an effort to improve theoverall security of the club,the Management Committeekindly ask all members andguests to please use yourDebit/Credit card forpayments. Please DO NOT use cashwhen making paymentswherever possible. Thank You for your supportof this safety initiative!

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Updates from The Junior Committee Rod O'Brien has recently joined the GolfIreland Leinster Junior DevelopmentCommittee, marking a significantachievement. It is a proud moment forCounty Louth Golf Club to have anotherrepresentative on this esteemedcommittee.Our Golf 6’s teams were in action in the international indoorcompetition using the new swing room!!Aidan Flynn, Sean Tuite, Oisin Bollard, Daithi O’Ciarian, Molly McGuirk, Aoibhe ReillyCharlotte Moore, Aoibhe Reilly, Molly McGuirk, Henry Beaky, Aidan Flynn,Sean Tuite and Lady Captain Fleur McCloskey On February 13th, we organized aGalentine's Day event for the girls incollaboration with L&B Golf Club andScared Heart School. It was a fantastic dayfor everyone involved, and our junior girlsreceived an invitation to return to L&B GolfClub for a similar event this April. Gavin and Ellen represented County Louth proudly during their recent visit tothe Bahamas for the Darren Clarke coaching camp.We extend our gratitude to all who generously participated in thejunior raffle. Mary McCabe emerged as the lucky winner. Thanks toyour contributions, the junior committee was able to acquireessential golf equipment to enhance our team development andsupport the minor category.

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The final touches are being put on thisseasons 9 Hole Social Calendar and willbe announces soon! Save the date! The culmination of the Hibernia SteelWinter League is scheduled forSunday the 24th of March, followedimmediately by the Winter Leaguepresentation at 6.30pm. Yourpresence and support would begreatly appreciated.Thank you to Hibernia Steel for theirgenerous sponsorship!!Updates from The Junior Committee Please be advised that the minor category for 2024 has reached its capacity, and we are no longeraccepting applications. Additionally, the Junior category, as mentioned in our previous email, has alsoconcluded, with all applications required to be returned by February 22nd 2024. Additionally, mark your calendars for Friday the 29th of March, as the Junior Committeewill be hosting a Drive, Chip and Putt competition, featuring plenty of Easter eggs as prizes. Looking ahead to Thursday the 4th of April Juniors don’t miss our mid-term competition. Social Committee UpdateShould anyone have any queries please, do not hesitate to contact us by email onjuniorcommittee@countylouthgolfclub.comMembers and their families are invited to bring their baskets, bonnets andcolourful hats on Easter Sunday at 3pm to County Louth's annual Easter Egg Hunt.Have older children or teens? Put their skills to the test with our Family RiddleQuiz! Solve the puzzles and your family could be the lucky winner of our MegaEaster Hamper filled with lots of goodies.After all the excitement, why not enjoy an Easter Sunday roast? Bookingis essential, please call the restaurant to avoid disappointment.

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The R&A and the USGA are updating the World Handicap System™ (WHS™) as part of an ongoing review of the Rules ofHandicapping™ and Course Rating System™ with a continued emphasis on accuracy, consistency and equity. The latest revisionswill go into effect in Ireland from 1 April 2024. Your handicap will automatically be adjusted by Golf Ireland; you do not have to do anything.The changes include:a.Societies/alliances - Players are responsible for returning scores from any organised competition. Scores from authorisedformats of play must be submitted.b. The 18-hole Course Handicap calculation will include the difference between the Course Rating and the Par (CR - Par) from 1April 2024. If Course Rating (CR) is lower than par you will get less shots and if Course Rating (CR) is higher than par you will getmore shots. c.Method of scaling up 9-hole scores/Holes not played has been updated. This allows for non standard rounds to be played forhandicap purposes as well- e.g. 9, 11, 15, hole competitions. d.Four Ball scores will be accepted for handicap purposes under specific criteria e.g. individual score of at least 36 (minimum of 9scores to count on the card) or joint scores of 42 or above. e.USGA/R&A has changed the minimum length for rating golf courses from 3,000 yds to 1,500 yds.f.Your course handicap is rounded after percentage allowance (95%/ 85%) applied - i.e. use the full handicap e.g.16.8249 (up to 6/7 decimal places) apply the percentage and then round your handicap, this allows for a more accurate way of doing it - computerwill do this - players are NOT requested to do this. More details on the above changes can be found on the Golf Ireland website Should you wish to see what your handicap will be, click on the following link and follow the on screen instructions. Warm Regards,Handicap SecretariesOrla Briscoe (Ladies) Eric Yelverton (Men) WHS Handicap UpdateUpcoming Podcasts and Video UpdatesWe are currently working on putting together some podcasts and video updates in an effort to improve communications and also to givemembers a great new way of getting information from all that is going on around the club. If you have any questions about the course, please email them the General Manager via and the mostcommon questions will be answered in a video update he will be doing with Course Manager, Wayne Murray in the near future. Details ofhow to access these podcasts and videos will be shared as they are done. End - Baltray Bulletin, 9th Edition