BIBLE CLASSESSunday Bible Classes for all agesMaking a BigChurch Feel Smaller
9:00am Adult Classes If you prefer a Contemporary Worship style, lookfor an Adult Bible Class that takes place at9:00am. See the map located in the center of thisbooklet. 10:30am Adult ClassesIf you prefer a Traditional Worship style, look foran Adult Bible Class that takes place at 10:30am. See the map located in the center of this bookletWith so many classes to choose from, we feelconfident you’ll find the perfect style, instructionand size for you! CLASSES FOR ALL AGESAll kids Bible Class times are at 9:00am. Classdescriptions and locations are listed in thisbrochure.Kids Church is at 10:30am and available for kids 3 yrs old - 4th grade. Older students areencouraged to take part in the 10:30am worshipservice.Nursery services are provided during bothservices for ages birth - 4 yrs old.
Builders ClassLeader: Steven WilkinsonRoom: 110; Avg class size 6We focus on studying &applying God’s word,building relationships toshare the Gospel and reachhomebound through Zoom.Explore the BibleDoers ClassLeader: Rick MarshallRoom: 205; Avg class size 18With a research-backed,Biblical model of discipleship,each session is designed toprovide a balanced andrelatable group Bible studyexperience.Bible Studies for LifeFollowers-ContemporaryLeader: Phil MorrowRoom: 115; Avg class size 22Discussion-style teaching, designed to encourage andenhance application of Biblicaltruths in everyday living.Bible Studies for Life9:00am
HopeLeader: Paul LashleeRoom: 112; Avg class size 8A Bible study class with anemphasis on discussion of theprevious Sunday’s message &application in our daily lives. Allare welcome to share, none willbe asked to. From Sermon to ServiceLightkeepersLeader: Mark & Kristen BowlingRoom: 209; Avg class size 9This INTERACTIVE class will havediscussion points for theScripture being studied. Wewelcome input andconversation from all attendees.Explore the BibleSalt & LightLeader: Bob FieldingRoom: 208; Avg class size 11The Lord Jesus says we are to bethe salt of the earth and the lightof the world. Come join us as wepursue this calling! Explore the Bible9:00am
SteadfastLeader: Mike & Colleen PataniaRoom: 207; Avg class size 8Jesus encourages us toimmerse ourselves in His Word.Together, we will try tounderstand the significance andrelevance in our lives today.Explore the BibleThe CircleLeader: Josh and Kayla CasadaRoom: 202; Avg class size 7This class is geared towardyounger adults (under 50) andthose with children still in thehome.Explore the BibleThe Journey-Contemporary Bible Studies for LifeLeader: Connie SchaferRoom: 113; Avg class size 5This newly formed class isfilled with women who areseeking a life filled with Jesusand His Word.9:00am
TrustLeader: Jim & Kathleen KullRoom: 119; Avg class size 11This discussion-based class,through the study of God's word,is growing spiritually andencouraging each other in ourfaith walks.Bible Studies for Life9:00amRoom to Grow!Leader: Will you lead a newclass?Room: Class Curriculum Here Here we growagain!
LittlesLeader: Cindy DeSotoRoom: 116, 118This level is designed fornewborns up to pre-kindergarten5yrs old. PK3-PK5 have Biblelessons, crafts and singing alongwith play time.Ages: Birth - PK5KidsTeam TeachingThis class uses Group’s Dig Incurriculum. Our goal is for kids toknow and understand who Jesusis. We seek to equip kids with asolid faith foundation and alifelong relationship with the Lord.Ages: K-1st grade; Rm 122StudentsLeaders: Greg Capps & Mysti LaCazeRoom: 107-109We love students! Using Ministry toYouth curriculum on Sundaymornings and Wednesday nights,we read the Bible and discuss howit applies to life today. Our goal is toprovide a Biblical foundation thatgrows their faith and preparesthem for the coming seasons of life.Ages 5th - 12th grade9:00amAges: 2nd -4th grade; Rm 120
Beyond Limits was designed to give adults withspecial needs a safe, loving environment wherethey can learn about God, develop friendships withothers, and be seen as a vital part of our church. We study Lifeway’s Access for Adults with SpecialNeeds curriculum, which uses a story tellingapproach. We recognize that all of God’s childrenare precious, and that each one is a vital part of ourchurch and community.Debra Rademakers, Teacher9:00AM ROOM: 102Balboa Baptist’s Family Ministry is here to help leadfamilies to find faith in Christ & live out their faith. KidsChurch will engage Littles & Kids in creative andunique worship and innovative teaching of the Bible.Biblical lessons will walk through the Bible to build astrong faith foundation. We want to teach these truthsto kids so they can come to faith in Christ, know whothey are in Christ, and trust in the promises of God.BEYOND LIMITSFAMILY MINISTRY10:30AM ROOM: 103-105KIDS CHURCH
Co-Leaders: Derrell Nantze &Jenny StevensRoom: 207; Avg class size 18This team-teaching, lecture,and discussion class places anemphasis on Biblicalapplication to our lives. DisciplesExplore the BibleFaith Leader: Mark GrahamRoom: 208; Avg class size 33How to Survive Modern Life asa ChristianThis discussion-style grouputilizes the Bible to challengeour thinking about what itmeans to be a Christian intoday’s world.Biblical StudiesFollowers-TraditionalBible Studies for LifeLeader: Johnny HibbsRoom: 115; Avg class size 25Discussion-style teaching, designed to encourage andenhance application of Biblicaltruths in everyday living.10:30am
Goers Leader: Glen BarrRoom: 114; Avg class size 12This class focuses on theconcept of discipleship as alifestyle of walking with God.Explore the Bible10:30amImpactLeaders: Clark Cogswell, Harold Harkins, Woody WoodworthRoom: 201-203; Avg class size 63This discussion-style class isdesigned to encourage andenhance application of Biblicaltruths in everyday living.Explore the BibleMary-MarthaLeader: Brenda BoardmanRoom: 110; Avg class size 9This women’s group studiesthe Bible verse by verse andseeks original Hebrew &Aramaic word definitions fora deeper understanding ofthe writer’s message.Bible Book by Book
PathfindersLeader: Carroll MercerRoom: 206;Avg class size 56This particular Bible studygroup has unique "Care &Share Groups" allowing for amore personal setting.Explore the Bible10:30amRuthLeader: Janet RadmaneshRoom: 112; Avg class size 10Based on Ruth’s Biblicalpilgrimage, it gives us greatinsight into how God asks us towork through faith. For ladiespreferring to study with otherladies.Explore the BibleSeekersLeader: Dr. Larry McGheeRoom: 117; Avg class size 46This class uses the Bible andstudies each book, chapterby chapter, verse by verse tocomplete a comprehensivestudy of God’s Word. Bible Verse by Verse
The Journey-TraditionalBible Studies for LifeLeader: Donna O’NealRoom: 113; Avg class size 6This newly formed class isfilled with women who areseeking a life filled with Jesusand His Word.10:30amTruthCo-Leaders: Doug Rountree& Charles OxnerRoom: 113; Avg class size 10Using the Bible to seedisciplines that bring greaterobedience, intimacy & joyinto our lives while becomingmore like Jesus daily.Explore the BibleWelcomeCo-Leaders: Dick Rypkema &Richard BoysenRoom: 119; Avg class size 25Informal teaching style andpractical application ofscripture. Small "Care Groups"help members keep in touchby phone, email, and socialevents.Explore the Bible
Throughout the year we offer Wednesdayafternoon & evening classes at 3 & 6:00pm.Dinner is provided prior to class @ 5:00pm for $5.00 per person. Students and children eat free.Check online, in the bulletin or newsletter fornew class offerings. Class sizes are limited,please register EARLY!Children of all ages have the opportunity to gather at 6pm for relaxed, fun-filled learning. Explore BalboaNew here? Got questions? Your journeybegins here! Enroll in this quarterly class tolearn more about us.Grow Deeper WednesdayRegister online at, or call thechurch office: 501.922.0155
www.BalboaBaptist.churchEngaging People to Find & Follow JesusTraditional Worship: 9amContemporary Worship: 10:30amBible Classes at 9 &