GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH THE MESSENGER VOLUME 108 ISSUE 10 OCTOBER 2019 FROM THE PASTOR S DESK TOGETHER WE WILL THRIVE A headline among the articles in my inbox caught my attention Your Church Does Not Need Volunteers The teaser summary continued You can t volunteer at your own church in the same way that you cannot babysit your own kids The author Erin Wathen continued explaining how people often ask her husband if he is babysitting when he is on kid duty but that it is really just parenting loving caring for serving investing in doing what is needed for his family Her article got me thinking Why do we view the church so differently from family Is it because we are less invested see it as more institutional We understand that a family does not have an identity apart from the people who make it up Why do we so often think the church is something other than the people who have committed to be part of it Sometimes I catch myself when expressing gratitude with congregation members friends Someone has given a lot of time talent or money and I find myself saying Thank you so much I really appreciate it Now don t get me wrong I really do appreciate it and there is nothing wrong with showing my gratitude but what is wrong is thinking that when people do something for the church they are doing it for me personally Now sometimes they are Sometimes they are stepping in to do something which is my part roll in our church life like preaching when I get sick last minute That is kind of like those times it is technically my night to cook or do dishes and my spouse offers to step in and do my part because I m not feeling well Yet other times they are simply doing their share for the good of the congregation or maybe a little more than their share if they recognize others aren t as able committed as they are This past Sunday our World Peace Sunday a whole bunch of people volunteered to make sure our worship experience came to life with 5 hands on educational prayer and action stations around the theme of world peace Our attendance that Sunday happened to be a little lower than usual and I found myself thinking Wow What a shame We have nearly as many people volunteering as participating at each of our stations What a wrong headed thing to think The truth is we were just doing and being church together whether as participant or leader This was not a conference or a concert with an audience and entertainers This was church When my spouse and I read stories to our kids at night I don t count if there is the right ratio of parents reading verses kids listening or worry if there are more parents than kids We are just being family and it doesn t make what we 1 are doing any less special or worthwhile whatever the ratio So I want to say thank you but not thank you for volunteering or giving to the church as if it was some separate entity from you I want to say thank you for being part of our community Thank you for being faithful to and investing in this thing we are doing being and building together church worship beloved community Let s celebrate what our love for each other and for God is bringing into the world This month we will begin talking about stewardship as we do each fall but it is not about asking you to volunteer or give It is about asking you to promise to pledge to be church with us to recommit to make this congregation and its ministry your own to help us thrive together and hopefully cause those around us in the wider community to thrive as well As the song we will sing throughout stewardship season goes We were made to thrive Joy unspeakable faith unsinkable love unstoppable anything is possible This is not an NPR fundraising drive You are not a passive observer or consumer being asked to give so that you can continue receiving services entertainment etc You are part of this wacky family of faith we call Good Samaritan Church and this family with Jesus at it s head is beautiful life giving worldchanging and worth investing in Or at least we hope you see it that way Will those of us who are very invested in this community be grateful that you are too Of course Together we will thrive Pastor Jen
BIRTHDAYS Savana Raan Sihapanya 10 5 Steve Crist 10 7 Jean Adams 10 10 Scott Shaw 10 13 Eddie Kosinski 10 17 Dick Hall 10 17 Ginger Breitkreutz 10 20 Gretchen Ackerson 10 26 Edna Smith 10 29 If your birthday or anniversary is not being listed in the newsletter and you would like for it to be please contact Carolyn Woodard ANNIVERSARIES MEETING SCHEDULE MINISTRY TEAMS Care Team Meets 1st Wednesday 10 00 noon Spiritual Formation Team Meets 1st Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Fellowship and Outreach Team Meets 2nd Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Justice and Mercy Team Meets 2nd Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Resource Development Meets 3rd Wednesday 10 00 a m Session Team Meets 4th Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Many teams take a month or two off from meeting in the summer please check with the team moderator about summer schedule if you are hoping to attend Bruce Barbara Wright 10 25 FELLOWSHIP Noel Koestline 10 6 Carolyn Woodard for Jean Adams Birthday 10 13 Available 10 20 Available 10 27 We are looking for volunteers to sign up to sponsor or provide food for fellowship FLOWERS If you d like to place flowers in the sanctuary in honor or memory of someone or some event please contact the office or Robin Becker Available 10 6 Carolyn Woodard for Jean Adams Birthday 10 13 Available 10 20 Available 10 27 OFFICE HOURS Pastor Jen s Hours Sunday Thursday Days Off Friday and Saturday Church Office Open Tuesday Thursday 10 00 3 00 FOCUS ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION Our three FAST Faith Action for Strength Together House Meetings have been held and our network member teams are being organized The concerns that were shared at these meetings have been given to FAST staff At the countywide Assembly October 28th our network members will vote on these issues to decide which one FAST will focus on for the upcoming year If you are interested in this effective work for change in our own community but weren t able to attend one of these house meetings we urge you to sign up for the house meeting on Sunday October 20 following the worship service at the church For the past two years FAST has pushed our school district to use restorative practices in our schools For years our district embraced zero tolerance discipline policies sending thousands of children away from their learning environment to be unsupervised on out of school suspensions Research shows that even one suspension doubles the chance that a child will drop out of school Restorative practices RP on the other hand teaches children how to handle conflict in an effective way and has greatly decreased discipline problems in other school districts across the country Because of our hard work our school district agreed to implement restorative practices in all schools this school year The problem is however that they are not giving teachers the training and resources they need to implement this program effectively As of now at least one person in each school has been trained in restorative practices Experts on RP state that to effectively use the program EVERYONE in the school needs to be trained and teachers need on going coaching and mentoring School Board Members Carr Kane and Lentino are supportive of a fullimplementation of this program but haven t yet been successful getting the board to fund a full implementation Our Youth Suspensions and Arrests Committee wants to have FAST representation at every school board meeting over the next few months to keep the focus on a full implementation of RP Those who attend can decide to speak during public comment or just attend to support others from FAST who will speak Below is a list of the upcoming school board meetings Please let Jean Cooley know if you are able to attend any of these meetings All are located at the School Board Office 301 4th St SW Largo FAST needs you to make an effort to be present at least one of these meetings Tuesday October 8 10 00 AM Tuesday October 22 5 00 PM Tuesday November 12 10 00 AM ATTENDANCE September 1 46 8 56 15 54 22 47 Our first countywide event is the Assembly Monday October 28 7 00 PM at Holy Family Catholic Church 200 78th Ave NE St Petersburg Everyone is welcome to attend How do we stand FAST TOGETHER Submitted by Bev Kelly 2
MARK YOUR CALENDARS SYNCHRONY ARTS PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS Dinner Theater Saturday October 26 Dinner 6 00 p m Show 7 00 p m Good Samaritan Church 6085 Park Blvd Pinellas Park FL Tickets 25 00 To reserve tickets please call 727 269 3343 or tickets can be purchased at the door Credit cash checks accepted Licensed to SYNCHRONY ARTS PRODUCTIONS LLC Pinellas Park FL Expires Oct 20 2019 3
RESPONDING TO JESUS INSTRUCTIONS When the apostles returned they reported to Jesus what they had done Then he took them with him and they withdrew by themselves to a town called Bethsaida but the crowds learned about it and followed him He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God and healed those who needed healing Late in the afternoon the Twelve came to him and said Send the crowd away so they can go to the surrounding villages and countryside and find food and lodging because we are in a remote place here He replied You give them something to eat Luke 9 10 13 When 5 000 people showed up to see Jesus his disciples got nervous It was getting late People were growing hungry and they were far from their homes or any inns or restaurants For that matter a great number of them may have been homeless with nowhere else to turn for food Much like the Great Depression here in the States homelessness was on the rise under Roman occupation as people lost their long held family farms and lands Needless to say the disciples were anxious What would happen when these people started asking for food Instead of asking Jesus what to do they tell him send them away Clearly these men do not see feeding people as their talent gift or calling I m not sure if Jesus rolled his eyes at their command or what but in one of his shortest curtest replies he answers You give them something to eat It seems to not matter to him at all whether feeding people is their calling their gender role or even within their means People are hungry feed them give them what you have Lately we have had a number of hungry homeless guests showing up to join us for our fellowship time after church Some of our own members and regulars show up to church hungry as well Like the disciples while we as a congregation love to eat there are few among us who see preparing food setting tables and cleaning them up as our 5 gift passion or calling Sometimes this causes some anxiety especially when our fellowship coordinator Sandy Badger or the prior coordinators Robin Becker or Barb Steger are out of commission Yet I think Jesus instructions to us on this one are clear You give them something to eat It doesn t matter if you serve in other roles in the church It doesn t matter if you are unfamiliar with a kitchen or are a terrible cook Even the worst cooks can scrub a pot or wash table or set out cheese and crackers Usually I m all about letting go of the ministries around which we have no passion or sense of calling but not this one We feed the hungry It is as basic to following Jesus as it gets So I encourage you to serve in our food ministry one Sunday per month either in set up or clean up A big thanks to those who already serve once a month to assist Robin and Sandy I m going to respond to Jesus instructions myself by serving one Sunday a month on a clean up crew Obviously I have many other roles and callings within the church but this is important This is basic I can stay a little later one Sunday a month to make sure we continue to feed our hungry guests and community members Can you Please contact Sandy Badger or Pastor Jen if you will serve Submitted by Pastor Jen
On Sunday Oct 13 we will have an opportunity to witness a demonstration of the Pilgrimage Healing Process This is a unique approach that combines relaxation healing touch and prayer for those facing stressful life situations Some people report diminished pain others have lowered anxiety and improved mental outlook The goal is balance between body mind and spirit that allows us to deal peacefully with whatever life brings If this sounds good to you please join us at 12 30 in the Conference Room Submitted by Ginger Breitkreutz and the Care Team 6
CHILDREN S MINISTRY FUN Shelby Lamb our wonderful nursery assistant has been taking fun photos of some of the activities enjoyed by our children while we are in worship We are so very blessed to have dedicated ministers who work to bring God s word to our little ones LEADING CAUSE OF HURRICANE DEATH RAIN When people discuss fatalities caused by hurricanes wind becomes the primary reason Not anymore rain is now the leading cause of death from a hurricane in the United States Rain induced flooding accounts for 75 of all deaths with a large percentage of these occurring in or near victim s vehicles Storm surge is the leading cause of death in other parts of the world Drivers underestimate the power and depth of floodwater Just 6 inches of fast moving water can knock down an adult according to the National Weather Service A foot of water can carry away a small car And it is usually impossible to gauge the depth of floodwater After a storm the water does not look deep When road signs are down it s even harder to determine where the road ends and where a canal begins Drivers should assume that it is unsafe to drive through flood waters under these conditions High Water signs are a common sight in Florida during the storm season and should never be ignored by drivers Submitted by Clarence Wilkinson ARE YOU READY FOR THE STORM SEASON A UNIQUE MOMENT Back in August our office received a call from a woman named Julie MacAnders who wanted to do something special for her mother and father by planning them a SURPRISE vow renewal ceremony The sneaky plan involved taking her parents with her husband s help out to a nice dinner Afterwards Julie talked her parents into driving to the church where they were married 50 years ago just to take a photo of them standing outside Well the church where they were married 50 years ago was Good Samaritan Church Julie had rented the Fellowship Hall as that would have been the room in which the couple was wed all those many years ago Friends and relatives were there for the surprise too For the vow renewal ceremony Pastor Jen officiated and said that everything went very well and that the couple seemed happy This event was not only special to the bride and groom but for the mother of the bride as well as she once the organist for our church Good Samaritan was happy to receive them and share in this unique moment Submitted by Rebecca Kessel Office Administrator 7 At the time this article was written we have already witnessed two tropical systems form one of them being a hurricane We are only into the second month of the hurricane season Are you prepared for the possibility of a severe storm The very basic preparations for a storm are still ignored by many people Complacency can cost you your life Please review the Disaster Response Guide which was distributed in June copies may be found in the narthex A very detailed list of suggestions are in the guide to prepare you for the possibility of severe life threatening weather Submitted by Clarence Wilkinson
SEPTEMBER 22 PEACE SUNDAY M Devon Shepard looks at some of the images in Pastor Jen s station set up to illustrate how we draw conclusions from the outward appearance of those we meet P Part of Judy Friend s presentation involved putting together pack asnack bags for the Head Start children N Judy Friend shared at her station about how hunger is affecting so many around the world and gave statistics about some of the poorer countries O Carolyn Woodard and Rev Bill Cooley were available for intercessory prayer In this photo Ginger Breitkreutz and Carolyn are praying and sharing together 8 PHOTOGRAPHY BY JEAN ADAMS M Debbie Rasmussin the Spiritual Formation Team Moderator gave instructions for participating in the various stations around the campus On Sunday September 22 Good Sam observed World Peace Sunday Past observances of this event evolved around six to eight stations where people were able to move from station to station at their own pace This year it was a different format we had five stations allowing for a more in depth view discussion and a hands on activity The five stations were Station 1 CARE FOR OUR EARTH which focused on the importance of caring for the environment with the help of The Lorax by Dr Seuss Activities included planting seed cards Station 2 END VIOLENCE which focused on the impact of violence on our world and some ways that we can make it safer An activity at this station was writing and or painting on a rock that can be and has been used as a weapon symbolizing turning a weapon into something nice Station 3 WELCOME A STRANGER focused eliminating minimizing how we judge people based on how they look before we get to know them Activities included looking at pictures of people and determining who they were supposed to be Station 4 FEED THE HUNGRY focused on Malawi Africa and the impact of the food crisis on its people Activities at the station included sampling a traditional Malawi food and making Pack A Snack bags for the Head Start community Station 5 SELF CARE focused on inner peace and gave some insight on ways to deal with stressors in our lives Activities included walking the labyrinth meditation and intercessory prayer Spiritual Formation would like to thank Rich Feigel Lisa Ware Judy Friend Sarah Butz Chris Osberg Shelby Lamb Pastor Jen and Bev Kelly for helping out with the stations Submitted by Debbie Rasmussin
M Chris Osberg shared with adults and children reading the book The Lorax by Dr Seuss Everyone seems to be very interested M Bev Kelly led the group in the sanctuary in ways to seek inner peace She illustrated one of the ways by walking the labyrinth M Rich Feigel led the session pertaining to ending violence It opened with the group watching a video discussing among other things the amount of weapons in the U S arsenal M Lisa Ware paints a rock at the station that dealt with ending violence Rocks can be and have been used as weapons Painting them was symbolic turning the rock into something good Like the prophet Isaiah told people to beat their swords into plowshares Isaiah 2 4 M Debbie Rasmussin and Shelby Lamb standing behind children help the children learn about planting seeds and caring for the environment 9 M Becky McAllister speaks with Sarah Butz while the children work on learning all about planting and the environment
BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY CLUBS As part of Stewardship we ask that those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries donate to Good Sam a dollar per year The following are the names of those in the Birthday and Anniversary Club for 2019 The total collected for both categories so far this year is 999 BIRTHDAY CLUB Jane Gaylord Joelle Daysa Jean Cooley Kate Hall Judy Friend Martha Taylor Bill Cooley Dawn Johnson Bev Kelly FOOD PANTRY REPORT JULY 2019 Number of days open to serve clients 13 Number of clients served Adults 197 Children 55 Total 252 Volunteers during August were Bev Kelly Ginny Thompson Sarah Butz Ginger Breitkreutz Kate Hall Carole Diehm Tom Fauquet and Clarence Wilkinson The number of family members for clients coming to our pantry for the first time in August was 86 The number of individuals served through August of 2019 was 1 653 After 3 months with very low numbers of client visits August was the 2nd busiest month in 2019 I was again making at least weekly visits to ALDIs and Save a Lot to buy groceries Carolyn Woodard and Jean Adams bought a new cart for the pantry It has 2 shelves and is on wheels very handy for unloading vehicles and trips to the storeroom for supplies Carolyn also designed and ordered the new sign mounted outside the pantry The new sign is much more visible from the parking lot and we hope will decrease the number of newcomers asking at the church office for directions to the pantry Currently the pantry could use peanut butter soups canned meat and fruit Food and money donors in August Patricia Waloga Sue Palmeri Cindy Pugh Trinity United Church of Christ Submitted by Kate Hall All the Good Sam weekly donors Robin Becker Grace Forsythe Ralph Madison ANNIVERSARY CLUB Dick Kate Hall Ralph Rainey Madison Jean Bill Cooley Thank you to all who participate Submitted by Kate Hall FOOD PANTRY NEEDS Peanut Butter Soups Canned Meat and Fruit TREASURER S REPORT The actual income for August was less than 800 under the August budget The expenses for the month were less than budget by 2 256 I was able to catch up on the F A S T dues and the Per Capita to the Florida Conference of UCC in August These payments had been scheduled for June but we lacked the funds at that time The Resource Development Team is exploring several fund raising ideas to bring in some income One suggestion is for an evening at a local restaurant where a percentage of the receipts from Good Sam customers would be paid to Good Sam Watch for further details I met with our representative from Church Mutual Insurance the first week in September Our multi peril policy renews each October Barbara Smith told me that the company no longer insures churches built before 1997 for wind and hail damage I have contacted an insurance agency that specializes in church and schools for a quote from another insurer Submitted by Kate Hall The August Small Change was 69 76 10
SEPTEMBER 2019 DAILY LECTIONARY Tuesday October 1 2019 Psalm 119 49 56 Jeremiah 32 36 44 James 5 1 6 Thursday October 17 2019 Psalm 119 97 104 Jeremiah 26 1 15 Acts 17 22 34 Wednesday October 2 2019 Psalm 119 49 56 Jeremiah 33 1 13 Matthew 19 16 22 Friday October 18 2019 Psalm 119 97 104 Jeremiah 26 16 24 2 Timothy 2 14 26 Thursday October 3 2019 Lamentations 3 1926 Jeremiah 52 1 11 Revelation 2 8 11 Saturday October 19 2019 Psalm 119 97 104 Jeremiah 31 15 26 Mark 10 46 52 Friday October 4 2019 Lamentations 3 19 26 Jeremiah 52 12 30 Revelation 2 12 29 Sunday October 20 2019 Jeremiah 31 27 34 Psalm 119 97 104 Genesis 32 22 31 Psalm 121 2 Timothy 3 14 4 5 Luke 18 1 8 Saturday October 5 2019 Lamentations 3 1926 Lamentations 1 7 15 Matthew 20 29 34 Sunday October 6 2019 Lamentations 1 1 6 Lamentations 3 19 26 Psalm 137 Monday October 7 2019 Psalm 137 Lamentations 1 16 22 James 1 2 11 Tuesday October 8 2019 Psalm 137 Lamentations 2 13 22 1 John 5 1 5 13 21 Wednesday October 9 2019 Psalm 137 Lamentations 5 1 22 Mark 11 12 14 20 24 Thursday October 10 2019 Psalm 66 1 12 Jeremiah 25 1 14 2 Timothy 1 13 18 Friday October 11 2019 Psalm 66 1 12 Jeremiah 27 1 22 2 Timothy 2 1 7 Saturday October 12 2019 Psalm 66 1 12 Jeremiah 28 1 17 Luke 5 12 16 Sunday October 13 2019 Jeremiah 29 1 4 7 Psalm 66 1 12 2 Kings 5 1 3 7 15c Psalm 111 Monday October 14 2019 Psalm 102 1 17 Jeremiah 29 8 23 Acts 26 24 29 Tuesday October 15 2019 Psalm 102 1 17 Jeremiah 29 24 32 Ephesians 6 10 20 Wednesday October 16 2019 Psalm 102 1 17 Jeremiah 25 15 32 Matthew 10 5 15 JUST FOR FUN Monday October 21 2019 Psalm 129 Jeremiah 38 14 28 1 Corinthians 6 1 11 Tuesday October 22 2019 Psalm 129 Jeremiah 39 1 18 James 5 7 12 Wednesday October 23 2019 Psalm 129 Jeremiah 50 1 7 17 20 Luke 22 39 46 Thursday October 24 2019 Psalm 65 Joel 1 120 2 Timothy 3 1 9 Friday October 25 2019 Psalm 65 Joel 2 1 11 2 Timothy 3 10 15 Saturday October 26 2019 Psalm 65 Joel 2 12 22 Luke 1 46 55 Sunday October 27 2019 Joel 2 23 32 Psalm 65 Jeremiah 14 7 10 19 22 Psalm 84 1 7 2 Timothy 4 6 8 16 18 Monday October 28 2019 Psalm 87 Joel 3 1 8 1 Peter 4 12 19 Tuesday October 29 2019 Psalm 87 Joel 3 9 16 1 Peter 5 1 11 Wednesday October 30 2019 Psalm 87 Joel 3 17 20 Matthew 21 28 32 Thursday October 31 2019 Psalm 119 137144 Jeremiah 33 14 26 2 Corinthians 1 1 11 AWARD WINNING ARTIST KATIE FULLERTON Katie Fullerton entered her ink block print in the Cumberland County Fair in Tennessee and won 2nd Place in the Still Life Division Submitted by Gretchen Ackerson DEADLINE FOR NOVEMBER 2019 MESSENGER IS OCTOBER 15 Send all information for submissions to carolyn woodard 130 gmail com ST JAMES LIST Pray for one another that you may be healed James 5 16 Let us remember those members and friends who have asked for our prayers and those who are unable to attend worship Harold Brockus Mickey Moore Paul Brockus Jacob Daysa Rich Feigel Edna Smith Dottie Boake Nancy Rudasill Dorothy Morton Eddie Kosinski Bill Baker Mickey Moore s brother who was diagnosed with cancer Susie Ginger Breitkreutz s daughter Sandy Badger Donna Knight and Good Samaritan Church 11
THIS NEWSLETTER MUST BE PLACED INTO A STAMPED ENVELOPE TO BE MAILED THE MESSENGER of Good Samaritan Church 6085 Park Boulevard Pinellas Park FL 33781 727 544 8558 Email office goodsam church org Web Site goodsam church org Our Mission PREPARED WITH LOVE FOR To Build The Beloved Community A Ministry of Hospitality Vision and Justice A Global Mission Church Check out Good Sam on FACEBOOK SESSION Rich Feigel Clerk Kate Hall Treasurer CLASS OF 2019 Gretchen Ackerson Beverly Finn Linda Rupp CLASS OF 2020 Beryl Fruth Chris Osberg Sophia Stringer CLASS OF 2021 Lisa Ware Carolyn Woodard Vacant Jesus didn t reject people Neither do we CELEBRATING OVER 100 YEARS THE MESSENGER Newsletter of Good Samaritan Church Presbyterian Church USA More Light and United Church of Christ Open and Affirming Sunday Worship 10 30 a m Fellowship Coffee Hour Following Worship GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH STAFF Rev Jen Daysa Pastor Rev Jean Cooley Parish Associate Gregory Allen Director of Music Ministries Rebecca Kessel Office Administrator Shelby Lamb Nursery Assistant Mirko Bratic Custodian Rev Dr Harold M Brockus Pastor Emeritus GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY TEAMS Resource Development Team Clarence Wilkinson Moderator Beryl Fruth Gretchen Ackerson Kate Hall Treasurer Liaison Care Team Ginger Breitkreutz Moderator Mickey Moore Jim Moore Beverly Finn Jane Gaylord Clarence Wilkinson Disaster Preparedness Liaison Justice and Mercy Team Rev Jean Cooley Moderator Gretchen Ackerson Lewis Hill Linda Rupp Sarah Butz Rachel Wells Judy Friend Rich Feigel Clarence Wilkinson Kate Hall Food Pantry Liaison Bev Kelly FAST Liaison Spiritual Formation Team Debbie Rasmussin Moderator Chris Osberg Sarah Butz Rev Bill Cooley Lisa Ware Steve Crist Fellowship and Outreach Team Eric Johnson Moderator Carolyn Woodard Barb Steger Robin Becker Sandy Badger Annie Gambino Martha Taylor Personnel Committee Clarence Wilkinson Jim Moore Robin Becker Gretchen Ackerson Kate Hall Pastor Relations Committee Carolyn Woodard Moderator Chris Osberg Clarence Wilkinson Ginger Breitkreutz Lisa Ware Bev Kelly