Autumn Edition October 2024What’s on...Free books at St James Church Saturdays 9am-12pm, outside on the grass or inside.Dursley Farmers’ Market 2nd Saturday of the month, 8:30am-1pm, Market Place.Mid-week Mini Market Wednesdays, 8:15-10:15am in the Kingshill House CarPark, Kingshill Lane.Halloween Trails Half Term Fun with Festive DursleyOn until Saturday 2nd November - Find all the Halloween items!In the town centre & Dursley Sculpture & Play Trail Pick up forms from Library or on the Council’s website.Dursley Fireworks 2024Saturday 2nd November 2024 on the War MemorialRecreation Ground. 6pm start, gates open - Barrow MarketThe Car Boot Alternative!Starts Sunday 3rd November 2024, 10-1pmIndoors at the Chantry Centre see poster overleaf forfuture dates for your diary!Remembrance Day Parade 2024Remembrance Sunday 10th November. Parade starts at2:45pm (Muster at the Bus Station 2:30pm), followedby acts of remembrance at the War Memorial Gates bySt James Church. Road Closures will be in place atSilver St, Long St & Castle St by the Market Place.Festive Dursley Christmas Lights Switch-On 2024Friday 29th November from 4:30pm onwards in the Town Centre. Lights on at 6pm. See article for details.Follow on Facebook - @FestiveDursleyVinyl Daze Record FairSunday 1st December, 10am at Kingshill House Creative Centre Dursley Green DrinksWednesday 4th December, 7:30pm - 9pm at Kingshill House Creative Centre Christmas MarketSunday 8th December, 10:30am - 3:30pm at Kingshill House Creative CentreCheck out the ‘What’s on’ & ‘Discover Dursley’sections of our website for lots more events &activities! you be our next Town Councillor?We have a v acancy f or a Town Council lor.Bei ng a Cou ncillor i s an ama zing way to give backto your loc al commun ity. Bri ng your energy an dide as, lear n new thi ngs and make a re al diffe renceto your com munity.For informa tion cont act the Town Cler k at Jac ob’sHou se on Ca stle Stre et, Tel: 01453 54 7758 ema il:cle rk@dursl eytowncou .ukWe are working with Festive Dursl ey gett ing re adyfo r th is years Christm as Lights Switch on even twh ich wi ll tak e plac e on Friday 29th Novembe r from4: 30pm onw ards in the Town Centre. Th e lights will go on at 6 pm. Th is year the theme will be Chr istmas song s! Withli ve mu sic from Charlie Mee, The Good Times andth e Dursle y Rock & Pop Cho ir to en joy.Th ere wi ll be a chi ldren's fairg round, winter gardenwi th sn ow, Father Christm as Gr otto and Sleigh,fi reworks, fe stive windo w di splays, sea sonal foodan d drink.It will be a fa ntastic time to sho p local in Dursleyfo r Christmas with late ni ght shoppi ng in townce ntre shops, stalls under the Market place and alon gPa rsonage S treet, as w ell as the Christma s fair in S tJa mes’ Chur ch and th e Artisan Market s hoppingni ght at T he Engin e on Sil ver Stre et and m ore!
We welcome d CouncillorAngela Whi te to the Kingshil lWard in Se ptember. Angela has lived in Dursleyher whole life and hasrecently b een an activemember of Dursley Pride andFestive Du rsley events.Did you know that you canreport all kinds of issues onFix My Street From overgrown hedges &blocked drains, to potholespavements & streetlights!Thi s new servi c e allows yo u to quickly reportpro blems to Glo ucestershir e County Cou ncil.Go online to:htt ps://fixmys t reet.glouce stershire.go ordow nload the a p p FixMyStre etRep orting just takes a few clicks!Ent er a Gloucesters hire pos tcode, or streetnam e & area.Loc ate the pro b lem on a ma p of the ar e a.Ent er details o f the probl em.Con firm the report & Gl o ucestershir eCou nty Co uncil will investigate & keep youupd ated.Celebrating Welcoming Walks & Artistic Talent in Dursley!A BIG than k you to all the fabul ous volu nteers& venues i nvolved in the a nnual Du rsley Wa lking Fe stival & Tyndale Arts Tra ilth at took place bet ween 2nd - 6th October20 24.It wa s a w onderful wa y t o start the Aut umn seasonby showing off t he t alented work of l ocal artists anden joying the beautifu l country side w e are so lucky toha ve surro unding o ur histo ric mark et town!It wouldn' t happen withou t the d edicatio n and h ardwo rk of th e local voluntee rs that come tog ether.Th is years walking festival had a f antastic range o fwa lks on o ffer includi ng t hose that offere dso mething a lit tle differ ent for example Da wdle &Do odle, Tai C hi at Dawn, Sing Around Uley and theHe ritage W alk. Th e Tyndale Arts sho wcased affordabl e art fro m theDu rsley area, bringi ng a rtists, makers and visito rsto gether for a wee kend o f exh ibitions and even ts,se t ou t ac ross multipl e ve nues includi ng KingshillHo use, Le af & G round, Dursley Method ist Chu rch,Th e Tabern acle and St Jame s’ Churc h.Mo re informat ion about walks and artistic talentac ross our area ca n be fou nd on th eir webs itesht tps://ww w.tyndal .uk/ht tps://du rsleywel comeswal .uk/ Da tes fo r you r 2025 diar y: Th e next Durs leyWa lking Fe stival - 1st to 5th Octo ber 2025 .Meet Your New Town Councillor....“I have join ed Council to giv e a contributionto loca l mat ters, with a keen interest intourism and green spaces in t he town. Iwould l ike t o contribute to t he ongoingimprove ments to the green spa ce areas andenviron menta l aspects”. - Cou ncillor A WhiteSpe cial t hanks to C h rist i na Ca rter ( Durs l ey We lcome s Wal k ers v olunt e er) & T yndal e Arts for t he w o nderf ul ph o tos
Can you Help Home-Start?Ho me-Start St roud a nd Gloucest er are a lo calch arity suppo rting families wi th you ng childrenwi thin t he co mmunit y experienc ing a time in the irli ves wh en th ey nee d a little extra help andsu pport, prac ticall y and emoti onally . Parenting isno t alwa ys ea sy, bu t with the suppor t of a trai nedvo luntee r, to gether we can rea lly ma ke adi fferen ce. O ur vol unteer trai ning p rovides peo plewi th the skil ls and confidence to sh are theirpa rentin g exp erienc es to help make t hat d iffere ncewh en it’ s nee ded th e most. If you a re th inking about volu nteeri ng and have asli ttle a s 2-3 hours a week spa re, pl ease visit ourwe bsite for m ore in formation a nd to applyww w.homestart or call 01 453 29 7470 for ach at.Community Grants SuccessWe are pleased to announc e that in Oc toberCou ncil agreed to award g r ants to the following:Bre akheart Com munity Proj e ct, Dursley inBlo om, Kingshi ll House, D u rsley Town FC(Gi rls), 1st D ursley Scou t s, Dursley AfterHou rs, D&D Goo d Neighbour s , Cotswold ValeTal king Newspa per, Dursle y Rugby Foot ballClu b, GL11, Th e DoDS, Cha n try Centre,Dur sley Welcom es Walkers, Great West ernAir Ambulance, Dursley Ta b ernacleCom munity Food Hub, Cam S p orts Club, Par ent & Carer CIC, Cam T e nnis Club.Eac h year we a ward funds t o support l ocalorg anisations who provide services to the Dursle ycom munity. Alt hough the g r ants deadli ne isalw ays 31st Au gust, appli c ations for urgent gran tscan be conside red through o ut the year . Find outmor e about the grants pro c ess online at: www .dursleytow ncouncil.go v .uk/grant-i nformationAutumn is a special time in Dursley as the woodlandsurrounding the town changes colour with stunning displayscreated by the golden and orange leaves as they get ready tofall. Twinberrow Woods is home to the Dursley Sculpture &Play Trail and a great place for all ages to explore nature andenjoy local creations. Thanks to the The Engine, U3A and thehardworking volunteer maintenance team the trail has afantastic new sculpture called 'Cogs of Life' to enjoy.Get Outside & Enjoy the Surrounding Woodland This Autumn!
Your Town Councillors:To email a councillor: Ward John Rubin Toby Stride Matt Nicholson Ken Eales Andrew Rowe 07747 120800 07543 557521 07802 437009 07785 516569 07913 087020Central Ward Colin Sweet Sue Creswick Peter Hayes Darren Horn Tyler White Brigid Schoombie 07835 129399 01453 548123 01453 546009 07791 120864 07904 040375 c/o CouncilKingshill Ward Loraine Patrick Alex Stennett Melanie Stennett Matt Patrick Angela White 07881 581189 01453 549813 01453 549813 01453 546995 07593 273970 Your District Councillors: Terry Cook Bob Hughes Helen Caton Hughes 07793 117001 Your County Councillor: Wendy Thomas 07570 931816 Your Member of Parliament: Dr Simon Opher of LivingSupportSee the dedicated pageunder ‘community’ onour website forinformation, includingsupport at GL11. Useful Contacts:Dursley Visitor InformationCentre (at the Library)01453 543059The Chantry Centre01453 542016The Community Centre01453 543355Dursley Library01453 543059The Pulse Pool, gym & studio01453 546441Kingshill House01453 549133Dursley Lions ClubFurniture recycling01453 544471Vale Community Hospital0300 4218494GL11 Community HubActivities, wellbeing, skills, moneyadvice, support & more.01453 548530Stroud District Council Contact Centre Incl. planning/counciltax/housing/refuse & recycling. 01453 766321Gloucestershire CountyCouncilMain switchboard01452 425000Highways (incl. streetlights)08000 514514Adult Social Services01452 426868Children’s Social Services01452 426565Citizens Advice Stroud DistrictFreephone helpline - 0808 8000510 & 0808 800 Stroud District Food BankPlease call 0800 800 0510(Citizens Advice) or 0808 1682443 (P3) to speak to someonewho is able to issue a foodbank voucher if necessary.Stroud District Kids StuffChildren’s items for parents who needsome extra & District GoodNeighboursTel: 07436430269Transport help with hospital trips forelderly & disabled people.Stroud NeighbourhoodWarden01453 Your Town Council:Dursley Town Council is open Monday to Friday, 10:00am to 3:00pm.The office is located at Jacob’s House, Castle Street, Dursley, GL11 4BSCall us on: 01453 547758 or email us at: can also visit us online at: - - @DursleyTCWe can help with enquiries related to Kingshill Cemetery & St Mark’s BurialGround, Kingshill Allotments, Kingshill Play Park, the War MemorialRecreation Ground, Highfields Play Area, the VIBE Youth Centre, Long StreetCar Park & Town Hall bookings. We can also provide advice & information onlocal services, including planning application viewing.Full Dursley Town Council meetings are held on the first Tuesday of eachmonth in the Community Room, Fire Station, Kingshill Lane at 7pm. See theCouncil website for Council & Committee meeting dates, agendas & minutes.Please Report Anti-So cial Beh aviour t oGloucestershi re Polic e Ant isoci al be hav iour takes ma ny fo rms, from agg ressi ve,noi sy, o r a bu siv e beh aviou r t o nei ghbou rhooddis turba nce s inv olvin g dru gs, aban doned cars or anim als.Rep ort u sin g 101 or o nline atwww .glou ces te rsh ire.p olice .uk /ro/r eport /asb Rin g 999 in a n e merge ncy.