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Authentic Insider March 2023 issue

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InsiderWOMEN WHOSUPPORT WOMEN The Unsung Heroes Advocating forWomen's Equality at Home, Work &School FINANICAL ABUSEHow can you prevent falling victim to financialabuse ? Safe Haven Services Explains how BARING YOUR SOUL A journey from Stripper to Author afterenduring years of child abuse and howshe managed to heal, March 2023W O M E N ' SH i s t o r y M o n t h2023

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Authentic Insider | Page 02Dear Readers,March is Women's History Month and we are honoring the amazingwomen who are making exceptional changes in the world.In this month's Prosecutor's POV, Kathryn Marsh recognizes theunsung heroes of the past and present whose bravery blazed a pathfor equality at home, at school, and in the workplace.Contributor Christine MacDonald shares her journey from Stripper toAuthor after enduring years of child abuse and how she managed tobreak past patterns to help her begin healing.Neva Bryan, contributor on behalf of Safe Haven Services, exploresone of the top reasons partners stay in abusive relationships: Economicstability. Neva discusses how partners can protect themselves fromfinancial abuse.After multiple mass shootings in the last month, many young people arenow experiencing their second exposure and getting retriggered.Trauma Educator, Karen Gross breaks down how the constantshootings are affecting these individuals and what we can do about it.As in every issue, Cali Binstock provides a Healing through Art Prompton ADHD & Gouache Painting. We have your Women’s History MonthAIM Playlist, along with my picks for children and adult books thatsupport Women. Plus, check out Joy Larkin's Twin Flame Readings tosee what's in store for you this March.Happy Reading!

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Cali BinstockCreative DirectorHealing Though Art:Lynn BinstockCopy EditorKathryn MarshProsecutor POVWomen Who EmpowerWomenJoy LarkinTwin Flame ReadingsAuthentic Insider | Page 03

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Karen GrossContributorTrauma RetriggeringTrauma ReduxAuthentic Insider | Page 04 ContributorsNeva BryanContributorWhy Won't She Leave Him ?Christine MacDonaldContributorFrom Stripper Pole toBaring my Soul

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Y O U RM A R C H2 0 2 3 I S S U EProsecutor's POV: Kathryn Marsh12 Women Who Empower Women Healing Through Art: Cali Binstock36 ADHD & Gouache Paining39 AIM Playlist40 Recommended Books42 Joy's Twin Flame ReadingI N E V E R Y I S S U EAuthentic Insider | Page 05I N T H I S I S S U EBy: Christine MacDonald19 From Stripper Pole to Baring my Soul9 Celebrating Women's History Month26 Why Doesn't She Leave Him? By: Neva Bryan30 Trauma Retriggering Trauma Redux33 Our Own Personal RealitiesBy : Karen Gross 23129

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Check out Binstock Media Group's Website traumasurvivorthriver.comGet the latest from A Trauma Survivor Thriver's Podcast, AuthenticInside Magazine, Lorilee Binstock in the media, and the latest news.Visit Authentic Insider | Page 06

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Authentic Insider | Page 07“There is no limit to what we, aswomen, can accomplish.” — Michelle Obama

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WHO WE AREAPPLY TODAYHelp us create a world where has access to psychedelic healing, regardless of their ability to pay for it.everyoneIf you or a loved one would benefit from psychedelichealing please apply. The Psychedelic Access Fund (PAF) is a 501c3 nonprofit thatbreaks down the financial barriers to psychedelic healing. We accomplish our mission by sponsoring select individuals whowould benefit from psychedelic healing but can not afford access. Click the button to donate towards our mission.Help someone heal.

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During the month of March, the US recognizes Women's HistoryMonth. We are encouraged to honor the women who camebefore us and fought for equality among all races and genders.Take the time to learn more about women’s history this month. Ifyou do, chances are it’ll help you truly understand andappreciate the strength and determination of women across thecountry over hundreds of years. To this day, some people stilldon’t fully understand the leaps and bounds women have madein the United States.SupportingWomen's HistoryMonthAuthentic Insider | Page 09

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Ways to Support Women's History MonthWONDERING HOW YOU CAN CELEBRATE WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH 2023? HERE ARE A FEW IDEAS.Explore the history of women’s rights. Be aware of issues women still face today.Post on social media to spread awareness ofWomen’s History Month.Support a women’s nonprofit.Read books written by women(see page 39)Listen and share empowering music by women artists (See page 37)Celebrate the diversewomen in yourcommunity12456273Authentic Insider | Page 10

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“Each time a“Each time a“Each time awoman standswoman standswoman standsup for herself,up for herself,up for herself,withoutwithoutwithoutknowing itknowing itknowing itpossibly,possibly,possibly,withoutwithoutwithoutclaiming it, sheclaiming it, sheclaiming it, shestands up forstands up forstands up forall women.”all women.”all women.” — — — MayaMayaMayaAngelouAngelouAngelouAuthentic Insider | Page 11

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arch is Women’s History Month, a time to reflecton the women who helped change the world. Likemany other recognition months, we too often focuson the same women year after year, while othernotable women go unrecognized. This is not to saythat amazing women like: Justice Ruth BaderGinsberg, a personal hero of mine; ElizabethStanton; Susan B. Anthony; Clara Barto; EleanorRoosevelt, and other amazing women don’t deservethe annual recognition, rather, I want to highlightsome other amazingly brilliant, talented and bravewomen who have not received the samerecognition. These women played crucial roles in thefields of Intimate Partner Violence and SexualHarassment and Sexual Assault to make the world asafer place for all.It comes as no surprise that womenhave not always been treated fairly orequally under the law, especially inareas of Intimate Partner Violence(IPV), Sexual Harassment and SexualAssault. In fact, it wasn’t until the late1800s that Maryland became the firststate to even impose legal penaltiesfor beating your wife. The women inthis article, defied laws and societalexpectations in order to start bringingabout needed change. Although not all were successful, thefact that they fought for change, andfought publicly, were an impetus thatbrought change, and what theystarted continues to gathermomentum to continue makingneeded change. Authentic Insider | Page 12 M

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Elena de Hustwayt – in 1363 Ms. deHustwayt instituted the first recordedlegal case of sexual harassment. Hustwayt abandoned her job withThomas de Queldale due to hiscontinued harassment and demandsfor sex. De Queldale sued her, Ms. deHustwayt countersued citing theharassment as the reason sheabandoned her post. Although thecourt did not rule in her favor, Ms. deHustwayt refused to bend to the statusquo of her times and refused to work inabusive conditions.This case is the first,in a very long road of sexualharassment legal cases. Although shedid not prevail, she never returned towork for Thomas de Queldale Abigail Adams – Mrs. Adams was well known forspeaking out for equal rights for women, andabolishing slavery, before becoming the First Lady. In1776 she wrote, “remember the ladies and be moregenerous and favorable to them than yourancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into thehands of the husbands. Remember, all men wouldbe tyrants if they could. If particular care andattention is not paid to the ladies, we are determinedto foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselvesbound by any laws in which we have no voice orrepresentation.” While this letter was met with theresponse that she was being “Saucy,” and thatwomen did have power in a marriage, Mrs. Adamsdid not give up responding, “I cannot say that I thinkyou are very generous to the ladies; for, whilst youare proclaiming peace and good-will to men,emancipating all nations, you insist upon retainingan absolute power over wives…arbitrary power is…liable to be broken.” She further explained, “We[women] have it in our power, not only to freeourselves, but to subdue our masters [men], and,without violence, throw both your natural and legalauthority at our feet.” Mrs. Abigail warned that thestatus quo could not and would not be maintained.She argued that men could not have absolute powerover women and continued to speak out for equalrights for women and better treatment of spouses,one of the first women to do so on a national level.Authentic Insider | Page 13

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Harriet Ann Jacobs – Ms. Jacobs was bornenslaved and from the time she was a teenageruntil she was able to escape, she was sexuallyharassed and abused by her enslaver, “Dr. Flint”. Ms. Jacobs escaped this abuse and spent sevenyears hiding in a crawl space, under the front porchof a relative before finally making it to the north in1842. In 1861, Ms. Jacobs self-published “Incidents inthe Life of a Slave Girl,” under the pseudonym LindBrent, one of the most comprehensive andinfluential slave narratives written by a woman. Thisbook detailed the sexual abuse she and otherenslaved women suffered. When the book was firstpublished, one year prior to the Civil War breakingout, it was used to help push forward theemancipation movement. The book was re-discovered in the 1960s and 1970s during the CivilRights and Equality movements. Louisa May Alcott – Ms. Alcott is bestknown for her book “Little Women”,however, what many don’t know is thatin 1873 she published the book “Work: AStory of Experience” a semi-autobiographical novel detailing in parther time as a domestic servant and thesexual harassment she suffered at thehands of her employer. This is one of thefirst published novels calling out sexualharassment and a reason to leaveemployment.Martha McWhirter – in 1875, Ms. McWhirteropened the first domestic violence refuge orshelter in Belton, Texas. It took almost another100 years before DV/IPV shelters becamecommon place nationwide. Authentic Insider | Page 14

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publicly acknowledged the failings in Ms. Taylor’scase, and issued her an apology “BE IT RESOLVED BYTHE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA, BOTH HOUSESTHEREOF CONCURRING, That we acknowledge thelack of prosecution for crimes committed againstRecy Taylor by the government of the State ofAlabama, that we declare such failure to act was,and is, morally abhorrent and repugnant, and thatwe do hereby express profound regret for the roleplayed by the government of the State of Alabamain failing to prosecute the crimes. BE IT FURTHERRESOLVED, That we express our deepest sympathiesand solemn regrets to Recy Taylor and her familyand friends. Recy Taylor – In 1944, Ms. Taylor, a blackwoman, was kidnapped and gang rapedby six white men. The crime wasimmediately reported, and despite the factthat Ms. Taylor’s house was set on fire theday after she made the report, Ms. Taylorbravely continued with the case andtestified against her rapists. After fiveminutes of deliberation, an all-white malejury exonerated her rapists, despite aconfession and corroborating witnesses.However, the pursuit of justice for Ms. Taylordid not end there. Rosa Parks, (the RosaParks of the Civil Rights Movement fame),worked with the NAACP investigating casesof rape against black women. Ms. Parks’work on this case along with Ms. Taylor’sbravery, resulted in an inquiry by thegovernor, a second grand jury inquiry andbringing this crime, and the imbalancedscales of justice to the attention of thenation. Although decades too late, in 2011the Alabama legislature Although decades toolate, in 2011 the Alabamalegislature publiclyacknowledged thefailings in Ms. Taylor’scase, and issued her anapology Authentic Insider | Page 15

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Margaret Dunkle – full disclosure, Ms.Dunkle is a personal friend and I amhonored to know her. Ms. Dunkle is anunsung hero of the 1972 Title IX legislationand movement. Ms. Dunkle was a majorforce in ensuring strong Title IX rules inathletics, writing the groundbreakinganalysis documenting discriminationagainst female college athletes. Ms. Dunkleauthored the 1974 report that provided theblueprint for Title IX regulations onathletics. Ms. Dunkle also published themanual “Competitive Athletics: In Search ofEqual Opportunity” used by collegesnationwide. In 1975, she became the firstChair of the National Coalition for Womenand Girls in Education and in 1991, as theDirector of AAUW Educational Foundationshe commissioned the study “How SchoolsShortchange Girls.” Ms. Dunkle’s workhelped ensure that female students couldnot be discriminated against on the basisof sex and that female athletes would notbe mistreated. Oleta Kirk Abrams – in 1971, after the rapeof her 15-year-old foster daughter, Ms.Abrams co-founded the Bay Area WomenAgainst Rape which created the first rapecrisis hotline and rape crisis center in theUnited States. Ms. Abrams, is also creditedwith starting court accompaniment forrape victims and being one of the firstcriminal court victim advocates, that isnow a model nationwide.Ms. Dunkle was a major forcein ensuring strong Title IXrules in athletics, writing thegroundbreaking analysisdocumenting discriminationagainst female collegeathletes. Authentic Insider | Page 16

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Mechelle Vinson – in 1978 Ms. Vinson suedMeritor Savings Bank for wrongfultermination and sexual harassment at thehands of her supervisor, Sidney Taylor, whohad assaulted and raped her on numerousoccasions, and threatened to fire her if shedid not submit to his sexual demands. Dueto the sextortion nature of the workingrelationship, Ms. Vinson, initially did notbelieve she had any recourse against theabuse. In 1980, the U.S. District Judge ruledagainst Ms. Vinson stating that companiescould only be liable for sexual harassmentif they had been notified of the abuse anddid nothing. She did not give up, her casewent all the way to the U.S. Supreme Courtand in 1986, the Supreme Courtunanimously held that companies wouldbe liable for sexual harassment committedby supervisors even if the company wasnot aware of the abuse. It was Ms. Vinson’scase that produced the legal terms of quidquo pro and hostile working environmentas it relates to sexual harassment in theworkplace. Our history is full of women who were braveenough to stand up and speak out againstabuse and inequality. Many are ourneighbors, friends and relatives. Often, theygo unrecognized, but the work that they do,and the courage to speak out improves allof our lives and the lives of generations tocome.It was Ms. Vinson’s casethat produced the legalterms of quid quo pro andhostile workingenvironment as it relatesto sexual harassment inthe workplace. Authentic Insider | Page 17

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“At the end of the day, we canendure much more than we think we can.” — Frida Kahlo

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F R O M S T R I P P E RP O L E T O B A R I N GM Y S O U L “I’ve never been suicidal, but I am having fantasies of not wanting to live,” I said. I met Mary the next afternoon andhugged her as soon as she openedthe door. She sat and listened to mystory without judgment or pity. Thisalone is worth the price ofadmission (to therapy), I thought. In less than an hour, I bullet-pointedmy life for her. Raped at thirteen,drugs by sixteen, a skin deformityby fifteen, promiscuity to feelbeautiful, left home at seventeen…and on and on. Absentee father, abusive stepfather, and a mother whodrank. The perfect sister everyoneloved. And then there was me. TheStripper. The Mess.“I’m trapped in darkness, and somuch of what I see is light. How do Iget there?” This time the tearsmanaged to come.“You will find your way. And I amgoing to help you.”- Excerpt from FACE VALUE: FromWorking the Pole to Baring my Soul. Written By Christine MacDonald,Author of FACE VALUE: FromWorking the Pole to Baring my Soul. Authentic Insider | Page 19I

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It’s true. I thought about suicide often. Iknew I was in trouble when I chose tohide from the world under the covers fordays on end, but even as I Googled, ‘Waysto take my life’, there was a kernel of hopeinside my heart that just couldn’t gothrough with it. I’ve learned throughtherapy that this is called suicidal ideation.I was obsessed with finding ways to takemy life; the pain of it was too much tonavigate and I simply wanted a way out. Fast forward twenty years and it pains meto remember how desperate I was to find freedom from the darkness back then.Thanks to therapy, loved ones and thatkernel of hope, I’m happy to say I’m stillhere. But it wasn’t easy. I needed to workthrough my trauma in order to releasemyself from the shackles of my brokenbrain. Of course, at the time, I didn’tknow I suffered from clinical depressionand PTSD, a result of having been raisedin an abusive household whilesimultaneously suffering with AcneConglobata, a rare but painful skin Even as I Googled, ‘Ways to take my life’, therewas a kernel of hope inside my heart that justcouldn’t go through with it. Authentic Insider | Page 20

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disease which left eighty percent of myface permanently scarred. I am reminded of the quote by RobertFrost: The only way out is through. Thosewords may as well be tattooed on myforehead. My ‘through’ came in the formof intense therapy and learning to lovemyself, scars and all. Starting at age sixteen and throughoutmy twenties, I anesthetized my pain withdrugs and alcohol. Waking up at noonwith no memory of how I got home wasjust another day for me. Once I started mycareer as an exotic dancer at nineteen,things only got worse. I thought that afterI left the stripping world in my latetwenties, I’d find a new life full ofbutterflies and rainbows, but mentalhealth doesn’t respond wholly to physicalchange. We need to pop the hood andcheck the oil of our emotions to avoidbreaking down completely. It doesn’tmatter if we change careers, zip codes, orpartners, if we suffer from deep-seededtrauma, it needs to be addressed. Once Icommitted to doing the work on myselfto untangle the hard wiring in my brainthat convinced me I was worthless (aword used to describe me often inchildhood), I began to understand thatlife, no matter how hard at times, is adelicious tapestry of heartache and joy-and definitely worth living. I thought that after I left thestripping world in my latetwenties, I’d find a new lifefull of butterflies andrainbows, but mental healthdoesn’t respond wholly tophysical change. Authentic Insider | Page 21

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Finding the right therapist took time butafter I did, the gloves were off with thosepesky self-loathing thoughts. I learnedthat I have more control of my mind thanI realized; that I don’t need to keepplaying with the cards I was dealt with asa child. I had no idea that tossing the deckwas even an option, but once I did, I wason a mission! My quest to understand mywhys-why do I keep choosing unavailablepartners, self-sabotaging my success,creating chaos in my life-was the forcethat kept me moving in the rightdirection. Through therapy I realized thatmy behaviors manifested through actingout-wanting to be seen, to feel like Imattered. When raised in chaos, creating drama asadults is natural for us. We don’t know anybetter because chaos is home. But oncewe lift the veil of our toxic behaviors andget to our why, the lightbulb switches onand a healthier, happier life awaits. Thisisn’t to say that my new road is alwayseasy and happy, but I finally have the toolsto understand my old patterns, and themental fitness needed to navigate thespeed bumps along the way. I learned that I have more control of my mindthan I realized; that I don’t need to keep playingwith the cards I was dealt with as a child.Authentic Insider | Page 22

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WHY DOESN'T SHELEAVE? “Why doesn’t she just leave?” How often has this question been askedbehind an emergency room curtain, wearilyposed in a courtroom, or whispered at afamily gathering? Yet, each time someoneasks that question, the blame falls uponthe abused, not the abuser.Domestic abuse is the fault of the abuser,not the abused person. Therefore, insteadof shaming and blaming them, we shouldtry to understand their thinking indomestic abuse situations. Fear is often the primary reason women don’tleave toxic or abusive partners. They may beafraid of physical harm to themselves or theirchildren. They may have been subjected to somuch psychological and emotional abusethat they are too ashamed to ask for help.Some women have experienced isolation andtrauma to the point that they feel helpless,worthless, and dependent on their abusers.And women who have experienced financialabuse may not have the resources to leave.In a 2012 survey called The Truth About AbuseReport, 75% of victims said they stayed with Author: Neva Bryan, Safe Haven Services.Authentic Insider | Page 26

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75% OF VICTIMSSAID THEY STAYEDWITH THEIRABUSERS LONGERFOR ECONOMICREASONS.their abusers longer for economicreasons. Also, according to theNational Network to End DomesticViolence, financial abuse victimslose 8 million days of paid workeach year.Financial abuse happens when anabuser controls the finances in arelationship and withholds moneyfrom a partner. Often, financialabuse is subtle and gradual, so itmay be hard to recognize. Theabuser may suggest taking overthe finances as a favor to make lifeeasier for the other person or tostay on budget. The abusedpartner may be limited to an“allowance” that grows smallerand smaller before it finallydisappears.Refuse to give her access to bankaccounts or hide assets from her;Question her purchases and demand tosee all receipts; Threaten to withhold child support if sheleaves;Urge or command her to quit her job;Harass her at work until the employerfires her;File fraudulent tax returns in her name;Sell her car or other property;Steal her identity; orRuin her credit. A financial abuser may employ these othertactics:· Authentic Insider | Page 27

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These forms of financial abuse can prevent a woman from being able to provide even thebare necessities for herself or her children. As a result, she may decide it’s better to stay inan abusive relationship than face the financial insecurity that comes with leaving herpartner. But what should she do if she reaches the point of no return and determines that she mustleave? Here are some first steps she can take toward financial independence:· Secretly save items to sell for cash and tuck away small amounts of money.· Discreetly gather essential documents, such as birth certificates, Social Securitycards, and copies of health insurance cards and bank statements. · Open an account the abuser doesn’t know about or cannot access. For example,through Safe Haven Services, individuals may open private, secure digital boxes tostore money and documents.· Get a free credit report to see if the abuser has opened accounts using her nameand Social Security number. Access a free copy of a credit report once a year throughthe website or by calling 1-877-322-8228.· If the credit report shows suspicious activity, report it to one of three creditbureaus (Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion). Ask the credit bureaus to freeze credit sothe abuser cannot open new accounts or loans in the abused person’s name.· Plan for a future job and learn about resources to help with childcare,transportation, healthcare, education, and job training.· Pack a bug-out bag for leaving in a hurry. It should include legal papers, bankinformation, valuables, money on hand, medications, and clothing.· Have a safe go-to destination before leaving, whether with family, at a shelter, orelsewhere.The highest priority should be leaving the abusive relationship as safely as possible. TheNational Domestic Violence Hotline provides tools and support to help survivors. It offersfree, confidential, compassionate support and crisis intervention information. The Hotlineis open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year: Call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) ortext START to 88788.THE HIGHEST PRIORITY SHOULD BELEAVING THE ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP ASSAFELY AS POSSIBLE.Authentic Insider | Page 28

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“You may encountermany defeats, but youmust not be defeated.In fact, it may benecessary toencounter the defeats,so you can know whoyou are, what you canrise from, how you canstill come out of it.” — Maya AngelouAuthentic Insider | Page 29

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I am teaching a course segment to a group ofstudents at Sonoma State that has been plannedfor weeks. The topic: trauma re-triggering. Justrecently, I led an ongoing workshop through theYes We Must Coalition with 15 colleges and theirteams on how to create trauma responsiveinstitutions. One of the topics of the day was “why”— why is now the right time, if ever there was aright time — for institutions to become traumaresponsive?Then, there was a mass shooting at MichiganState. Three students were killed and others werecritically injured. The campus went into lock-down for hours as police searched for thegunman. Students sheltered in place. It was ahorrific situation by any measure. And, how manymore mass shootings can we manage toprocess?And, the coincidence or irony of teaching aboutthis and then seeing a real world exampleexplode before our very eyes is not lost on meand I am sure of the many students and adultswith whom I am currently working and with whomI have worked in the past.But, what was and remains most troubling to mewas/is the number of students at Michigan Statewho had previously experienced school shootingsand for whom this was a “re-triggering” event — Iprefer to call it a reactivation event. There werecollege students at Michigan State who had been atSandy Hook when that school shooting occurred.And, there were college students who graduatedfrom Oxford High in Michigan where there was amass shooting 14 months ago.In an article in the Washington Post, one MichiganState student who had survived the Oxford Highshooting whispered to her father as she wassheltering in place, “I can’t believe this is happeningagain.” Another student decided to go home for thenext several days, having been re-triggered by anearlier school shooting as a high school student. Hismother had remarked in a call with him, “Again…Thesame thing.” Articles are appearing in the media withtitles like: Michigan State Shooting RetraumatizesFormer Oxford HS Student and Michigan StateUniversity Student: I Survived Sandy Hook, Now thisShooting?Coincidences? Ubiquity? Most TroublingTrauma Re-Triggering;Trauma ReduxBy Karen Gross, Trauma EducatorAuthentic Insider | Page 30

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There has been a rock painted on theMichigan State campus saying in red: HowMany More?And, we can add that this current shooting isreactivating for the many students, familiesand educators struck by other schoolshootings — Parkland and Columbine andUniversity of Virginia to name but a few. Andfor those involved in non-educationalshootings (which are plentiful), this can bereactivating too.Our world is troubled in so many ways. Fromshootings to illnesses to deaths to fires andearthquakes and floods, we live, to use anewly coined term, in a time of permacrises.Others have said we live in a VUCA world —volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.I would add: vulnerable, unequal, confusingand anxiety-provoking.And here’s the lesson: trauma does not goaway. It can be ameliorated. It can also bereactivated. And, our visible and invisibletrauma backpack continues to grow. We arecreating a generation of young people forwhom trauma is, sadly, ubiquitous. Andtrauma reactivation leads to outsizedresponses because we need to process thecurrent trauma which triggers (bad word)earlier trauma, oft-times but not alwaysdirectly related.With the epigenetic transmission of trauma (withnew research supporting this sad reality), we need topay vastly more attention to our students of all agesand at all stages. They can pass on this trauma to thenext generation. Yes, we need to pay attention toadults too; plenty are struggling. With all the massshootings, trauma re-triggering is becoming a realityfor many.We often say lightning does not strike twice. Well,being present at a school shooting is no longer likelightening. It can and does strike and has struck fartoo many students and their families and oureducators more than once.Saying enough is not enough. Making our schoolsand campuses more trauma responsive is key but ittoo is not enough. And what is enough? Seriouslyaddressing a host of factors that contribute to thecrises in our world, mental illness and violence beingamong the key areas for reform. Not words, notrhetoric. Action. Now.Lightning StrikesOur world is troubled in somany ways. From shootingsto illnesses to deaths to firesand earthquakes and floods,we live, to use a newlycoined term, in a time ofpermacrises. Authentic Insider | Page 31

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As the mental health crisis reaches devastating levels post pandemic, more and more people arelooking for ways to manage their mental health. How does a childhood sexual abuse survivor, a veteran struggling with PTSD and an athletesuffering from Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), trauma, and addiction find effective healing andrelief? Psychedelics. A treatment that was studied and used as effective treatment for mental health disorders until itwas banned and categorized as a schedule I drug in the 1970s, psychedelics have providedmuch needed relief for thousands of people suffering from trauma and mental health issues.Regardless of the laws banning these treatments, the people who understood the power of thesemedicines feel more empowered to find ways to help others find healing through them. On thefollowing page click on the graphic to view the Proof of Concept for "Our Own PersonalRealities." An Upcoming Documentary about the Fight toBring Psychedelic Healing Back into the LightAuthentic Insider | Page 33

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If you are interested in donating orinvesting in this film, please emaillorilee@binstockmediagroup.comAuthentic Insider | Page 34

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“If you don’t see a clearpath for what you want,sometimes you have tomake it yourself.” — Mindy Kaling

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Let's talk about ADHD! I share my struggles and how coming to a diagnosis later in life changed my mind for the better.Healing throughthe ArtsAuthentic Insider | Page 36 with Cali Fae BinstockMY ADHD DIAGNOSISGOUACHE PAINTINGADHD + GOUACHEUnboxing my new gouachepaints! I talk about gouachetechniques and why I think itmight be my new favoritemedium (at least for now!).

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Authentic Insider | Page 37ADHD + GOUACHE

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“As womenachieve power,the barriers willfall. As societysees what womencan do, as womensee what womencan do, there willbe more womenout there doingthings, and we’llall be better offfor it.” — Ruth BaderGinsburgAuthentic Insider | Page 38

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WOMEN'S HISTORY PLAYLIST March is Women's HistoryMonth and a time to celebratethe many accomplishments ofwomen of the past andpresent. This Women's HistoryMonth Playlist highlightsempowering music byinspiring women. Enjoy themusic. I hope it inspires you!“Independent women” -Destiny's child“Can't hold us down“ - Christina Aguilera ft. Lil' Kim“I'm Every woman” - Whitney Houston“scars to your beautiful” - Alessia Cara“Run the world (girl)” - Beyonce“Scars to Your Beautiful” - Alessia Cara“god is a woman” - Ariana Grande“stronger” - Kelly Clarkson“Girl Gang” - ciara ft. kelly rowland “fighter” -Christina Aguilera“juice” - lizzo“I'm coming out” - Diana ross“girl on fire” -alicia keys“survivor” - destiny's child “Roar” - Katy Perry“confident” - demi Lovato“she works hard for the money - donna summer"being a woman" - lake street dive"Authentic Insider | Page 39 HERHERHER

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Women have always accomplished big things, but historybooks don’t always teach you about them. This feminist bookfor little girls and boys is filled with the stories of strongwomen who used their unique gifts to make the world abetter place. Get inspired by the stories of extraordinarywomen from the past and present with this top choice inwomen’s history books for kids!Why stick with plain old A, B, C when you can have Amelia (Earhart),Malala, Tina(Turner), Ruth (Bader Ginsburg), all the way toeXtraordinary You―and the Zillionof adventures you will go on?Instagram superstar Eva Chen, author of Juno Valentine and theMagical Shoes, is back with an alphabet board book depicting feministicons in A Is for Awesome: 23 Iconic Women Who Changed theWorld, featuring spirited illustrations by Derek Desierto.*I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Authentic Insider | Page 40 Rebel Girls Champions: 25 Tales of Unstoppable Athletes celebratesthe stories of 25 phenomenal women in sports all written in fairytale form. This paperback collection showcases some of the most belovedstories from the first three volumes of the New York Times best-selling series Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls. It also featuresbrand-new tales of game-changing athletes and their drive,resilience, and sportsmanship.

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My Own Words is a 2016 book by American Supreme Court Justice RuthBader Ginsburg and her biographers Mary Hartnett and Wendy W.Williams. The book is a collection of Bader Ginsburg's speeches andwritings dating back to the eighth grade. It was Bader Ginsburg's first booksince becoming a Supreme Court Justice in 1993.Memoirs to read during Women's History Month (for adults)Face Value: From Working the Pole to Baring My Soul is Less Than Zero meetsMiami Vice but with more make-up and hairspray. It is the story of a beautiful,free-spirited, wide-eyed little girl from the island of O`ahu who has nochildhood memories before the age of nine. What trauma could have erasedher early life; she may never know. What she does know, is that for as far backas she can remember these events influenced her unusual life. In Christine'spersonal story we experience life behind the typical island backdrop ofcoconuts and palm trees, falling headlong into the underground world of adultentertainment where Christine spent nearly a decade trying to find her self-worth.The Vignes twin sisters will always be identical. But after growing up together ina small, southern black community and running away at age sixteen, it's notjust the shape of their daily lives that is different as adults, it's everything: theirfamilies, their communities, their racial identities. Many years later, one sisterlives with her black daughter in the same southern town she once tried toescape. The other secretly passes for white, and her white husband knowsnothing of her past. Still, even separated by so many miles and just as manylies, the fates of the twins remain intertwined. What will happen to the nextgeneration, when their own daughters' storylines intersect?*I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Authentic Insider | Page 41

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For the month of March, there is a need to rest & rejuvenate if you have been working excessively. Some of you will bespending time in nature or that's the advice being given. I feel there could be people giving you the evil eye or havehostilities towards you. Just be mindful to protect yourself and your energy.There is a contract that could be coming to an end for some. Others seem to be in a caring connection in the makingsoon. Couples you will be opening up to your partner more.For singles, you are focused on yourself. This is good because you will be bringing in the person who will be the one for you.Others aren't ready for love and your focus is on your money. As for the collective, you are very close to achieving your goals. But I do see that it's a time for healing or doing the innerwork from your past traumas, pain, and hurt. Take as much time as you need. Just try not to become a lone wolf. Rememberto let go of your past and don't allow it to hold you back. Keep moving forward and being progressive. It will make you feelso much better. I see that many of you are overcoming fears or there is a need to conquer them. Remember fear is falseevidence appearing real.Regarding finances and career, I see prosperity lays ahead, but I see that a mindset change is need as well. Perhapsgoing from thinking of lack and scarcity to abundance and prosperity. If you are at a distance from your loved ones, justknow that you & your loved ones are safe. The universe is protecting you; you just need to reach out and trust. There issomething or someone that needs to be released in your life, however, your pride and ego may be getting in the way.If you had questions or thoughts of your life purpose, whatever it is you will be fully supported by the universe. Many of youmay be leaders in the making and need to take charge of a situation. There may have been a work/job situation where youwere treated unfairly. Now I see justice will be served. You could be getting a new job or position, or even starting your ownbusiness. For others, you may be learning new skills and studying, which could mean you are going back to school soon. Asmall portion of you will be working with animals. It indeed could be your life purpose.Hopefully this reading was helpful and provided insight for your mental health check for March 2023. Will see you in April. Ifyou would like to learn more, please book a reading with me today!Monthly Collective ReadingsMonthly Collective Readings for All Signsfor All Signswith Joy Larkin (March 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023) Joy is a Narcissistic AbuseSurvivor who has made it her life'swork to help others through lifecoaching. She is also a healer,earth angel and psychic medium.If you would like coaching servicesfrom Joy and/or get your ownpersonal reading, please scan thebarcode below with yoursmartphone camera.READINGSPersonalINFOCoachingAuthentic Insider | Page.42