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Authentic Insider Magazine November 2021 Issue

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A SOLDIER'SPSYCHEDELIC JOURNEYHow One Veteran Found Healing After Living with PTSD FINDING MY AUTHENTICPOWEROne Woman's Journey of Self-discovery AfterTraumatic GriefINTIMATE PARTNERVIOLENCEAfter the Death of Gabby Petito,What Have We Learned?

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Dear Readers,November is the month of gratitude & I am grateful for my contributors whocontinue to make Authentic Insider a thriving piece of work I am so proud of. In this issue of AIM, a good friend and Author of the upcoming book, "AuthenticPower," Ashley Bernardi shares her story of traumatic grief and self-discovery.This month our Prosecutors' POV gives us a sobering reminder of the prevalenceof Intimate Partner Violence after the death of Gabby Petito and the victims whohave been overlooked.With Veterans Day around the corner, Former Army Ranger Kasey Pipitt, whosuffered from PTSD, nearly taking his life, shares his journey to healing withpsychedelics.Cali Binstock continues uncovering the hidden symptoms of ADHD while teachingus ways to reframe shame.And we have another Gen Z POV about growing out of friendships & what we canall learn from them.What can CBD do for you? Marcella Smit provides her Top 10 Reasons for CBD.Don't forget to check out Joy's readings for November & our gratitude playlist.Sending Loads of Gratitude to our readers! Authentic Insider | Page 02Lorilee Binstock, Editor-in-ChiefJoy LarkinTwin Flames Readings ContributorKathryn MarshProsecutor POV ContributorCali BinstockArt DirectorLynn BinstockCopy EditorMelissa HoppmeyerProsecutor POVContributorSara Correa-DibarGen Z POV ContributorLorilee BinstockAlways,

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IN THIS ISSUETABLE OF CONTENTSA Soldier's Psychedelic Journey30IN EVERY ISSUEProsecutors' POV: Intimate PartnerViolence06AIM Playlist: Songs of Gratitude14Recommended Books40Joy's Readings41Uncovering Hidden ADHD Symptoms2434Authentic Insider | Page 04Healing Through Art Prompt1010241437Why CBD? : My Top Ten ReasonsFinding my Authentic PowerNational Gratitude Month: Why Gratitude?19Gen Z POV: Growing Out ofFriendships43

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Authentic Insider | Page 05Stay up-to-date with the most recent "A Trauma SurvivorThriver's Podcast"

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Our country continues to have a fascination withthe tragic murders of beautiful white women, whiledismissing the pandemic of women of color who arelosing their lives each day to intimate partnerviolence. Authentic Insider | Page 07

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68234571. Erica Eldridge, The father of one of her children allegedly shot and killed her in a parking lot. 2. Nalene Harrell, Her boyfriend of 2months allegedly killed her after an argument & claimed she shot herself in the face. 3. Evereonna Sankey, An unknown perpetratorallegedly shot and killed her in public at a Festival. 4. Kayla Keatts, Her boyfriend allegedly shot & killed her. 5. Tiana Baker, Her ex-boyfriendallegedly shot and killed her and shot & injured her mother. 6. Tamika R. Williams, Her ex-fiancé who had a prior history of strangling andabusing her, strangled her to death. 7. Felicia Jones was allegedly shot by her estranged husband, killing her and her unborn child. 8. Tomeeka Brown was allegedly killed by an ex during an argument over half of his ex-girlfriend's stimulus check. 1Authentic Insider | Page 08

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Written by Kasey Pipitt,Former Army Ranger,Founder of "The CombatCoach" & PsychedelicIntegrative Coach for HeroicHearts ProjectAuthentic Insider | Page 10

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the world of psychedelic plantmedicines was opened up to me onthat first mushroom trip. That firsttrip is what set me on the trajectoryto healing. With many more mind-expanding trips propelling me inthis direction, I eventually ended upworking with an organizationcalled, Heroic Hearts Project. Thisorganization sends combatveterans, and veterans who havebeen exposed to military sexualtrauma, to ayahuasca andpsilocybin retreats. Which, hasbeen an amazing journey and awonderful thing to be a part of, tosay the least. It’s interesting for me to look backat the person I was prior to all ofthis. I was going down the samehole of despair that many of usveterans go down. The alcohol, thedrugs, the recklessness, toxicpersonality traits, the anger... I feltlike each day was more of a burdenthan a gift. I was scared of existing. I was scared of life, which, I found outlater on had been a state of mind forme for quite some time. Shortly after getting involved withHeroic Hearts Project, I foundmyself at my first ayahuascaretreat. Scanning for more viruses,as the shaman explained it, what Ifound out about myself was that Iwas drugged and molested as ateenager by a family friend while ona trip in Mexico. My mind hadcompletely blocked out thememories of this ever happening.Yet, once ayahuasca reminded me,the explanation of who I am beganto make sense. While this mightseem like bad news to some, it wasa relief to me. I learned to see thatthe things we interpret to be theworst are actually blessings indisguise. I learned that every scarwe have on our body and soul opensa door to better understandingourselves, others, and the worldaround us. That was exactly a yearI was scared ofexisting. I wasscared of life,which, I found outlater on had beena state of mind forme for quite sometime. Authentic Insider | Page 11

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Authentic Insider | Page 09ago now. Ayahuasca presented very well one of the moreprofound and powerful experiences of my lifePsychedelics have helped me regain purpose in my life.They have shown me who I am without all the bull shit.Without all the stigmas, negativity, heartbreak, and emptyvoids and how to love that person. Moreover, they haveopened doors into wanting to give back to the veterancommunity by becoming an integration coach for veteransseparating from the military. This motivated me to start TheCombat Coach. My coaching service and social mediaplatform dedicated to talking about all things veteran andcoaching vets through the transition process. I want to be asource of light in what seems like a pit of darkness for many.As it was for me for quite some time. So, when I think about that question, how have psychedelicshelped me? Particularly after writing this, I’d say they’vehelped me in every single way that I need to learn how tohelp myself, which is about all I think anyone can ask for.The symptoms of trauma have relatively subsided, or, atleast my awareness of them has increased, giving me thepower to mitigate those symptoms when they arise, givingme power over myself. Psychedelics havehelped me regainpurpose in my life.They have shown mewho I am without allthe bull shit. Withoutall the stigmas,negativity, heartbreak,and empty voids andhow to love thatperson. Authentic Insider | Page 12

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By Sarah Correa-Dibar, Gen ZPOV ContributorGrowing out of yourfriendships is part of growingup. I had a podcast duringthe last two years of collegewhere I focused on life’srelationships, whether it beamorous, friendships oranything in between.I have had my fair share of‘you lose one, you gain one’friendships; from my highschool to college career andpost-college. Some friendsvanish as time goes on, butsome have to be shaken off --which is not fun to learn howto do.No one really talks aboutfriend breakups. It’s alwaysthe lover-to-lover breakupsthe singers always singabout, dancers always danceto, painters always paintabout and poets always writeabout. No one talks aboutthe beginning of a friendshipeither, or finding a soulmatein a friend, or finding your‘Forever Friend.’ Ever since your baby-babbledays, you always neededsomeone to root for you.Your first time standingwould have never progressedas easily into a stroll aroundthe kitchen floor if it weren’tfor the incessant cheers andchants. Your kindergartengraduation wouldn’t haveGrowing Up &Growing Out ofYour FriendsAuthentic Insider | Page 14

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been so grandiose if it weren’tfor the bite-sized graduationcaps and tassels being flungaround the cafeteria. Your firstdate wouldn’t have been sobutterfly-inducing if it weren’t forthe heavy influx of messages inthe group chat asking forpictures of your outfit. Yourcollege decision day wouldn’thave felt ‘right’ if it weren’t forall of the “whatever you decideis what is meant to be!”reassurances.What I’m trying to say is there’sa defined pattern: You getahead in different phases of lifebecause your friends have yourback, making life exciting.Everyone needs friends that willincentivize you to go forwardand be proactive.This doesn’t mean it’s the samefriend or group of friends thatpush you forward throughoutyour life. Actually, it’s kind ofrare for you to have the sameone supportive, applaudingfriend throughout everymilestone in your life (at leastnot just that one friend). You’llget new friends and some ofthem will unfortunately let youdown, but some will supportyou in their own ways. Have you rooted for the samefriend (and only that friend) foryour whole life? Didn’t think so. Sometimes you grow up fasterthan other friends do, and that’sperfectly okay. You might evenrealize the sound of their clapsfade and feel the supportwaver. I could easily say “thoseweren’t genuine anyway!” butthey were, every friend you’vefelt you could confide in was atrue friend, but sometimes thetruth becomes distorted. You will grow out of friends yougrow up with, but you will learnvaluable lessons from eachone.In my freshman year of college,I made a friend in class and werealized we had so many thingsin common. To name a few, weare from Hispanic countries,are the oldest sister and mostimportantly, had similar majors.You will grow out of friendsyou grow up with, but youwill learn valuable lessonsfrom each one.Authentic Insider | Page 15

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1 8Our friendship grew quickly, and withit, the time we spent together, themany conversations and inside jokeswe had. I could confide in her with myworries and insecurities, then slowlyrealized she fed off of them, meaningmy success in anything drained her. Icouldn’t go on a date without hertelling our friends I was boy-obsessed, Icouldn’t buy a pretty dress without hermaking me feel bad about spendingmoney, and I couldn’t go out and partywithout her making a big deal aboutnot giving her attention. This was a lesson in self-reflection:Don’t be the only one lifting the otherin the friendship. They have to cheeryou on as much as you do them. On the flipside, I have a pre-collegefriend, who nurtures a healthy andmore balanced relationship. Before myfirst semester, she invited me to hangout with all of her friends. She openedher friend group up to me and neverflinched when I would hang out withone of them without her. We bothtravelled a lot during our collegecareer and most of them had veryopposing time zones but we were soconfident in our friendship that weknew we had each other’s support fromafar even while lacking timelycommunication. We live in the same citynow and although we are leading differentlives and different career paths, she trulyis the Blair to my Serena.Rooting for one another is nurturing forfriendships. No matter how much youknow or spend time with each other, therewill always be differences of opinions,beliefs, lifestyles, and choices. But justbecause someone preaches a different lifemotto than you, that does not mean theydon’t care, unless they actually don’t. One of my long-time friends fell victim tothis idea. I couldn’t post on my Snapchatstory without her sending me a very"As you meet more people,you’ll make morefriendships. As you makemore friendships, you’lllearn more. And as you learnmore, you’ll grow more."Authentic Insider | Page 16

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Authentic Insider | Page 18The friend in myadversity I shall alwayscherish most. I can bettertrust those who helped torelieve the gloom of mydark hours than thosewho are so ready to enjoywith me the sunshine of myprosperity. -Ulysses S. Grant

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Authentic Insider | Page 19I recently aced a one 8-hour, and a one 4-hour day ofreading, comprehending, and passing test after testfor a new job I had applied for. Virtually anxiety-free. None of it was rocket science, but for someone who atthe height of my PTSD literally couldn't read orcomprehend less than 10 words of instructions on afrozen microwave dinner: this was a reason for aHUGE celebration! This marked another milestone ingetting the parts of my life back that my traumarobbed me of for so many years. Back then, during a period of at least a year and a half,I would have to read and re-read directions 20-30times before I could set the microwave and properlyheat a microwave meal. The hardest ones were whenit was a two-step process/take it out, stir, and re-readthe directions 20-30 times again.BLISS is the first product I am using is my genie in a bottle! It lives in my purse and isthere when I need it. One dose starts working within aminute. It’s a real confidence booster, knowing I nolonger have to live with my debilitating anxiety. Mystress level is so much lower and the same goes forthe feelings of depression. Yes, I have HOPE again.I take it most days. Some days, like during my training,twice a day. Unlike years ago when I took anti-depressants which did more harm than good, I haveonly positive things happen when taking BLISS. Having lived under a mountain of stress for moreyears than I care to recount here, I have finally foundsomething that works for me. CBD, Not just any CBDproduct you can find at a local store, but from acompany with high standards, 3rd party testing, anda proprietary delivery system making its CBDa 1,000times more effective than CBD.As a survivor and aspiring thriver, I am always on thelookout for anything that will help lessen the dailypressures I am up against.My PTSD is triggered in any situation that I feelthreatened or pressured, for instance, if I’m beingrushed into answering questions, or if I have to readand comprehend new information. Passing a test,applying for a job, and other tasks I was able to dowithout a hitch before I became a victim of a violentcrime.Being triggered in those moments immediately takesme back to the reason why I haven't been able tofunction the way I used to. Over time things havegotten a little easier but the bulk of it has remained.Once I came across a CBDa product named BLISSand got to experience the benefits, I have becomemuch calmer and am much more able to assimilatenew information and handle potentially stressfulsituations. Yes, I have been able to knock off quite afew points off my road rage level as well!H

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Last year I also finished writing my book which is nowavailable on Amazon:You can order BLISS, Shape n Burn, and other high qualityCBDa products on my website:ImpactDriven.myCTFO.comHere's to taking our lives back one step at a time. I hopethat for you this will also be an important part of yourjourney from Survivor to Thriver. Authentic Insider | Page 20With the anti-depressants, my depression only gotworse and eventually drove me to suicide. Yes, thatone 'side-effect' that all of those horriblecommercials for anti-depressants warn you about,along with the rest of a long list of negative sideeffects.I swore I would never try another anti-depressantagain. In general, I prefer a natural approach when itcomes to healing and taking care of your body. Thefewer chemicals the better!I feel blessed and BLISS-ed to have found theseproducts and this company. Just very recently theyalso introduced a new product to help with fatburning/weight loss. I am loving all the positive sideeffects!Again, I struggled for years with. relentless stress,cortisol issues, and poor self-care due to my inabilityto fully function. It was a life completely out ofcontrol and my weight increased year after year.Having found not one but two products to remedythese issues in my life has been a Godsend to me!I'm sharing how CBDa is helping me with all of youwho are in physical, and/or emotional pain. As it ismy mission to help others.

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Authentic Insider | Page 211. Our CBD is made from NON-GMO, PESTICIDE FREE, CO2 Extracted Hemp Oil using only organicingredients.2. All of our products are manufactured in the U.S.A. in a registered G.M.P., which stands for Good Manufacturing Practices and refers to a system of manufacturing that guarantees reproducibility ofproduct quality to set specifications. Manufacturing Practices and refers to a system of manufacturing thatguarantees reproducibility of product quality to set specifications.3. They are manufactured in a cruelty-free facility. That also means there is no testing on animals done in our facility; that’s a big issue – especially in the skincare industry.4. CTFO does 3rd party independent lab analysis and posts the reports on our website— proof of potencyand purity. 5. We use only the best, highest quality, purest organic Hemp, and we don’t use any high heat processingthat reduces the potency or efficacy of the CBD.If you are looking for extra strength happiness, your shortcut to elevated mood, reduced stress and anxiousnesswhile calming fear, the CBDa based BLISS product haswhat you have been looking for. What makes BLISSwork so beautifully?

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Authentic Insider | Page 226. Our CBD Oil is a combination of both the CBD Isolate (or Extract) along with the Full SpectrumWhole Plant Hemp Oil. This gives us a much higher potency of CBD Oil while maintaining over 120other cannabinoids, all of which have additional benefits. In addition to Full Spectrum oils, CTFO alsooffers Isolates products with 0.00% T.H.C.7. There are more than 400 phytonutrients that exist in hemp plants. Our extraction technology allowsus to extract all of these nutrients without using any heat or harmful solvents. The result is a wholefood with exceptional nutritional qualities and much more efficient skincare products.8. With CTFO CBD products, you’re getting the highest quality, purest CBD, plus over 400 othernutrients, in a naturally synergistic, easy-to-use, and easy-to-absorb form.9. CTFO truly offers the best products on the market. At the most affordable pricing. Also, CTFO hasover 70 products and many more to come.10. CTFO also has the worldwide exclusive on the patented “10xPURE” technology. In early testing,“10xPURE” Supercharged CBD Oil has been shown to maintain and protect the integrity of CBDA,which has been shown to be more effective than CBD. No matter how good the quality of a product is,without penetration and absorption of the key ingredients, you can end up with a wasteful applicationand reduced potency. “10xPURE” Supercharged C.B.D. Oil is the most exciting new relief agent forthose suffering from pain and inflammation, or if you want to naturally detoxify.Not all CBD products are created equal, and we have the highest quality.

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HOW I FINALLYFOUND MYAUTHENTIC POWERBY WORKINGTHROUGH 25 YEARSOF GRIEF & TRAUMA Written by Ashley BernardiPhotos by Melissa Demple was eleven years old and had just finished watching a family movie with my mom, dad, and little sister on aSunday evening. “Jaws” was the movie ofchoice, and as an eleven-year-old, it wasentertaining yet slightly scary, a perfectcombination for a tween. Dad was tired thatevening and went up to bed early. I followedshortly after, finished my bedtime routine ofpajamas and teeth brushing, and that night Itucked him into bed. “I love you dad,” I said.“I love you too honey,” he replied. Those were the last words we ever spoke toeach other. In the minutes that followed, wewent from a happy family to one enduringthe unimaginable tragedy: My dadsuccumbed to a sudden death heart attackright before our eyes. My nine-year-oldsister and mother gave him CPR. I ran to thephone to call 9-1-1, gave my address, andran out of my house to the next-doorneighbor to get help.Then, as often happens in trauma, I blackedout. I remember pockets, of course. Thepink-colored room in the hospital where myfamily gathered, awaiting news on myfather’s status. Me sitting there wonderingwhere my mom was. My family who livednearby: aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws,gathered in the room. And finally, my mom,who swiftly came to my sister and my side.The words she said changed my life forever:“Daddy is in heaven.”We did everything we could to save his life,but his heart was 90 percent blocked andthere was nothing anyone could do, noteven the doctors or paramedics, to savehim. Of course, being 11 years old I couldn’tunderstand that, so I lived with the guilt foryears that I didn’t do enough to save mydad’s life. What if I had tried CPR instead ofmy sister? What if I had called 9-1-1 faster,sooner? What if I ran to get the neighborsfaster? And, why me?The words sheThe words shesaid changed mysaid changed mylife forever:life forever: “Daddy is in“Daddy is inheaven.”heaven.”Authentic Insider | Page 24

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The trauma of losing my dad broke my happy world of danceand dolls, of a loving and safe family unit, and robbed me ofmy life and memories with a father. I spent the following yearsin middle school hating school, having trouble making friends,and struggling with grades. I didn’t talk about losing my dad toanyone, despite multiple people trying. What felt safer was forme to bury those feelings of grief, trauma, loss, and shamedeep, deep down, and carry on with life wearing a “mask” ofstrength. I was an Army colonel's daughter, after all. Strengthwas a foundation of the military life I had been raised in. Hewould be proud, right?Of course, burying my feelings and trauma only led to outwardactions that confused and hurt others, and hurt myself alongthe way. In the years that followed through high school,college, and even after as a network news producer living inNew York City, I suffered from poor boundaries, peoplepleasing, dishonesty, destructive relationships, overdrinking,and work addiction. I was addicted to anything that helped menot feel my pain.I wore this mask for a very, very long time and became anOscar-worthy actress for my role in making the world look likeI was “OK”. I appeared like I had it all together in my early 30s.A great job, a loving husband, two kids, and a baby on the way.I tried hard to be the perfect wife, the perfect mom, theperfect Instagram-worthy everything. Uncomfortable, messyfeelings? They continued to be buried, left unnoticed.And then, in my early 30s, I was knocked over my head with ahealth trauma that would forever change my course of life. Itstarted with flu-like symptoms: body aches and pains, upsetstomach, tiredness. Just a virus, I thought. Except, it didn’t goaway. The symptoms got worse over weeks and months. I lostmy appetite, had trouble breathing, experienced heartpalpitations, migraines, and more. Then, I found out I waspregnant with my third child and the mysterious symptomswent away. On the day I delivered my sweet baby Scarlet, the symptomscame back with a roaring vengeance. My blood pressuredropped to dangerous levels in the hospital. My head waspounding, and I felt like I was going to pass out. I was senthome a few days later from the hospital with no improvementfrom the mysterious symptoms. At home, they only got worse,and a new symptom was panic. I was having daily panic attacksto the point where I couldn’t breathe. Paramedics were calledto my house one day when I felt like I was having a heartattack. My arms and legs went completely numb. It came to no surprise for me or anyone that I was diagnosedwith postpartum depression, and put in a partialhospitalization program for several weeks to learn how tocope. It surely helped. At that point I had seen nearly 30doctors to help diagnose my other “mystery” symptoms. I hadlost so much weight that I weighed less than what I weighed inhigh school.I wore this mask for a very,I wore this mask for a very,very long time and became anvery long time and became anOscar-worthy actress for myOscar-worthy actress for myrole in making the world lookrole in making the world looklike I was “OK”.like I was “OK”. Authentic Insider | Page 25

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One day, visiting a doctor and getting a blooddraw, the room started wildly spinning. I lostcomplete control of my bowels, and the medicalstaff called an ambulance and sent me to thehospital. My mom and husband were at mybedside, at this point, tired and confused as I was.My mom later told me she thought I was going todie that day. The hospital medical staff sent mehome once again with no answers and a newprescription for painkillers. More numbing. Mybody had had enough.At that point, my husband had taken our threeyoung children to his parent’s house so theywouldn’t have to see their mom in this condition. Iarrived home from the hospital and collapsed inbed. I remember waking up the next day, andtrying to move downstairs to find something toeat, the room still spinning. It was then I collapsedto my knees in my living room, screaming out toGod for help. This was my moment of surrender,and a turning point in my journey.I know now that my body had enough of the lies:the burying and ignoring of feelings that wereliterally screaming to be addressed andmanifesting themselves in physical ailmentsexasperated by Lyme disease. Yes, burying 20+years of trauma will do that. My body knew I couldno longer hide my true self, and my true feelings.It was time to address everything.One final doctor I visited (at the urging of mymother in law - I had given up at that point)diagnosed me with what I thought I had all along:Lyme disease. I was treated through IV antibioticsin a PICC line (a line from my arm to my heart) foreight weeks. During that time, I couldn’t liftanything more than 15 pounds (including my newbaby!), so we moved in with my in-laws. This wasthe first time in my entire life that I was forced tobe still and quiet, and that’s when I beganlistening within. And let me be clear: the physicalhealing didn’t end in those 8 weeks. I came torealize that if I wanted to fully, whole-heartedly,and whole body, mind and spirit heal, I needed toaddress much more than my physical dis-ease.Healing was the slowest, most excruciating, yetbeautiful process. I felt like a caterpillar wrappedin a cocoon for a very, very long time. In thisstillness, I began feeling long-buried feelings frommy past: trauma, grief, shame, sadness, anger, andmore. Instead of burying them this time, I let themflow. I cried. I screamed. I journaled. I wailed. Isang. I wrote. I walked in nature. I slowly learnedto meditate. I slowly learned to breathe throughmy emotions through powerful breathworktechniques. I had incredible mentors that guidedme along the way including energy healers, lifecoaches, spiritual mentors, a therapist, a churchcommunity, friends, and family supporting mealong the way. I was discovering a new part ofmyself: One that was quiet and still, and in thatstillness, I found my inner wisdom, which is whatI’ve now learned to call my authentic power.Authentic Insider | Page 26

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We wouldn’t holdin a laugh or asmile, so why holdin tears, grief, oranger?Authentic Insider | Page 27

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By Cali BinstockAuthentic Insider | Page 30

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My friends are much easier onme than I am so I can channelthat supportive energy and takeon the role of friend to myself.Authentic Insider | Page 31

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Authentic Insider | Page 31Researching has been a series oflightbulb moments for me, one afterthe other, discovering more and moreabout myself. Authentic Insider | Page 32

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National Gratitude Month in November encourages us to embrace the powerof gratitude.Gratitude is more than simply saying “thank you.” Gratitude’s amazing powershave the ability to shift us from focusing on the negative to appreciating whatis positive in our lives. Practicing daily gratitude gives us a deeper connectionto ourselves and the world around us.Everything in our lives has the ability to improve when we are grateful.Research has shown that gratitude can enhance our moods, decrease stress,and drastically improve our overall level of health and wellbeing. On average,grateful people tend to have fewer stress-related illnesses and experience lessdepression and lowered blood pressure, they are more physically fit, they arehappier, have a higher income, more satisfying personal and professionalrelationships, and will be better liked. Grateful kids are even more likely to getA’s in school.If everyone practiced daily gratitude, we could change ourselves and theplanet for the better. Everyone would be much happier. Love would grow andhate would decrease. And the world would know true peace.Authentic Insider | Page 34

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Authentic Insider | Page 36What are you waiting for?Give gratitude a try! You’ll be happier you did.

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Authentic Insider | Page 37by: Cali BinstockReplacing Guilty with GratefulLetting Goof Shame

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“Authenticity is a collection ofchoices that we have to makeevery day. It's about the choice toshow up and be real. The choiceto be honest. The choice to let ourtrue selves be seen.”― Brene Brown, The Gifts ofImperfectionAuthentic Insider | Page 39

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Gerald is careful. Piggie is not.Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can.Gerald worries so that Piggie does not haveto.Gerald and Piggie are best friends.In The Thank You Book!, Piggie wants tothank EVERYONE. But Gerald is worriedPiggie will forget someone . . . someoneimportant.Little Betsy will learn that happiness ismade up of simple things in life, both smalland big. With the help of the magic stone,she will begin to feel gratitude for herparents, friends, and toys. But what happenswhen little Betsy forgets to use the magic ofher stone? She will realize that the power ofgratitude is hidden in her heart.*I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Authentic Insider | Page 41This book explores what it means to begrateful. Not just for the big things likebirthday parties and iPhones, but the smallthings like dinner, a cozy bed, and a sunnyday. This book doesn’t teach kids how topretend like everything is always ok, but tochange their perspective to live bold,influential, and authentic lives.

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Participating in psychedelic ceremonies with shamans from the Amazon. Divingheadfirst into rituals at Burning Man. Flying across the world to work withspiritual gurus in Bali. These were never on Doug Cartwright's radar as "must-have" experiences, but when you're a twentysomething ex-Mormon ex-millionaire living deeply unfulfilled after doing everything you were "supposedto," you start searching for a normal reality far from your original version.Dave Scatchard has always been the underdog, but his drive to overcomeobstacles meant none of that mattered. That’s how his childhood dream ofbecoming an NHL hockey player came true at twenty-one, followed by marryingthe love of his life and starting a beautiful family. For everything that came hisway, he always knew he could work hard, fight through the pain, and provehimself.Whether it’s grief, despair, or anxiety, society will always find a way to label feelings as“messy.” But burying these reactions only leads to greater emotional turmoil.Accomplished entrepreneur, journalist, publicist, and award-winning podcaster AshleyBernardi teaches us that our darkest hours are disguised opportunities to uncover andprocess, feel, heal, and grow.Bernardi’s personal journey began when she witnessed her father’s sudden death atage eleven. Years later, a mysterious illness began a personal quest toward healing andtaught her that trauma and adversity can be sources of strength and self-discovery. *I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Authentic Insider | Page 42

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Monthly Collective Readings for All Signswith Joy Larkin (November 1 - November 30, 2021) Joy is a Narcissistic AbuseSurvivor who has made it herlife's work to help others throughlife coaching. She is also a healer,earth angel and psychic medium.If you would like coachingservices from Joy and/or getyour own personal reading,please scan the barcode belowwith your smartphone camera.READINGS INFOAuthentic Insider | Page 43