InsiderCRAVING & ADDICTIONHow one man explored his owncravings & addiction to uncover histrauma in order to healRECOVERY AFTER TRAUMA & ADDICTIONAfter falling from a 4th floor building, one womanshares how she began picking up the pieces of her lifePRIORITIZING YOUWhy prioritizing you is essential to yourmental wellness APRIL 2022Mental HealthAwarenessMonthMay 2022
Always, Authentic Insider | Page 02editor's noteDear Readers,May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Obviously,this magazine is centered around mental health,including a piece for May from Gen Z perspectivesby Daniela Ghelman and an article about theimportance of "Prioritizing You" by Sarah Correa-Dibar. We continue the theme with an amazing piece byAna about her recovery after trauma and addiction.Along the same thread, Dylan Thomson shares hispersonal story of craving and addiction.Marci Moberg provides a follow-up to her last articlein April about Dreamwork with steps this month touse your dreams to heal trauma. It's also Military Appreciation Month and ourprosecutor POV contributor, Kathryn Marshdiscusses positive changes around sexual violence inthe military. Cali Binstock provides another amazing art promptin healing through art and how we can shiftnegative distortions. As in every issue, we have your Mental HealthAwareness Playlist to shift your mood, along with mypicks for children and adult books. Plus, check outJoy Larkin's Twin Flame Readings to see what's instore for you this month.Lorilee BinstockEditor in ChiefLorilee Binstock
Kathryn MarshProsecutor POVMilitary AppreciationJoy LarkinTwin Flame ReadingsCali BinstockCreative DirectorHealing Though Art:Lynn BinstockCopy EditorAuthentic Insider | Page 03Monthly Contributors
AnaContributorRecovery After Trauma &AddictionDylan ThomsonContributorCraving & AddictionMarci MobergContributorNighttime PowerAuthentic Insider | Page 04Daniela GhelmanGen Z POVMental Health AwarenessApril ContributorsGen Z ContributorsSarah Correa-DibarGen Z POVPrioritizing You
M E N T A LH E A L T HA W A R E N E S SM O N T HApril ‘22Prosecutor's POV: 08 Military Appreciation MonthGen Z POV: 13 Mental Health Awareness17 Prioritizing YouHealing Through Art: 41 Shifting Negative Beliefs43 AIM Playlist44 Recommended Books46 Joy's ReadingBy: AnaBy: Cali Binstock34 Recovery After Trauma & Addiction37 Cognitive DistortionsBy: Dylan Thomson29 Craving & Addiction2208By: Marci Moberg22 Night-time PowerI N E V E R Y I S S U EI N T H I S I S S U E132934Authentic Insider | Page 0539 Daily Mood LogBy: Cali Binstock Insider | Page 06
"Once we believe inourselves, we can riskcuriosity, wonder,spontaneous delight, orany experience thatreveals the human spirit."-- E.E. Cummings Authentic Insider | Page 07
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In my short 22 years of life, I havewitnessed violence, deprivation offreedom and fear in a way that I neverimagined. And when you experience thiskind of thing as a teenager, you'llprobably have permanent scars that willbe very hard to forget.I was kidnapped when I was 16 years old.It happened on a Sunday night in acountry where violence is a source ofincome and survival. It happened when II had such a happy,safe, naive life wherehappiness and joywere the only twothings I knew. Butthen life happened... ental Health: those two words constantly resonate in my head. “Daniela, please do this for your mental health,” or maybe, “Daniela, for your mental health, pleasedon't do this.” But I'm never quite sure what mental health is and why it's sometimesso hard for me to find the climax where my mind, body and soul harmoniously syncup.Six years ago, I went through a traumatic experience that forced me to immersemyself into the world of mental health, something that was unknown to me becauseuntil I was 16 years old. I had such a happy, safe, naive life where happiness and joywere the only two things I knew. But then life happened, and that pretty world whereI used to live literally fell apart in what were three endless hours. MentalHealthAwarenessMonthGen Z POVDaniela GhelmanMentalHealthAwarenessMonthMAuthentic Insider | Page 13
To be honest, I don't think I'm the bestexample when it comes to mental health. Iguess you just do what you have to do andwhat your gut tells you is best for you. I neverwent to therapy (maybe I should have,maybe I still need to go), but somehow I lettime play its part as I figured out how to heal,understand and accept what happened. Thekidnapping will always affect my mentalhealth. It will always be a part of mychildhood and memories, not because I’ll betraumatized for the rest of my life, butbecause I will never get over the fact that Iwas just a kid when it happened and howthings could have ended very tragically.was in the car with my dad, andeverything happened very fast: the callwith my mom where they asked her forall the money possible, the exact placewhere she had to drop it, and then ourfinal release in the middle of nowhere. Istill remember the exact street wherethey let us go and how people stared atus, maybe because I was barefoot sinceI lost one of my flip-flops in the process,or because they could feel the fear andsense of loss in our eyes.I still remember everything. How could Inot? I remember crying for three hoursstraight. I remember the "why us?"running through my mind. I rememberthinking that maybe I would nevercome home again. And I alsoremember very clearly what came next:PTSD at its finest.... I will never get over the fact that I wasjust a kid when it happened and how things couldhave ended very tragically...Authentic Insider | Page 14
The kidnapping is not something that isconstantly on my mind. Fortunately, I have morethings that keep me busy, like school, internships,finding a job, family, friends, the guy I like, andother everyday situations that also affect mymental health and give me a ridiculous amountof stress and anxiety. But really my friend, there is nothing you can doabout it. Of course, you can learn some copingskills to manage your anxiety levels, but I don'tthink I'll ever get to a point where I feel likenothing affects my mental health. I'd be scared ifthat happened because I've found that it's whenwe feel so overwhelmed that we feel most alive.It's not always a pretty thing, but it's my life. through the day. But I don't know anyonemy age who has been kidnapped. I go onsocial media, and I know I will never find avideo or post from someone giving adviceon how to get over something like this.They don't show it in the movies either,they don't write books about it, and yourfriends don't talk about it either, mainlybecause they don't understand it.So basically, you're on your own. I knewwriting would get me through this, so Iwrote and wrote and wrote. I knew that Ineeded to leave Venezuela for a time, so Imoved to Miami. I knew I didn't need to talkto people about what happened because Iended up feeling more confused andempty, so I just didn't do that. And I knewdeep down that the best way to moveforward was to tell myself that somethinglike this would never destroy me but onlymake me stronger. It did (although I'm notcrying right now because I'm in a coffeeshop, and I don't want to be awkward).Back then, there was nothing and no onethat could make me feel better. I wentthrough a tough breakup last year, and Iwas able to at least find some comfortfrom talking to people who went throughthe same thing, or when the TikTokalgorithm showed me videos ofempowering bad-ass women, or when myLatin music playlist gave me all thepossible energy I needed to getLife is like being on a plane where you are thepilot. One moment you could be flying in themost beautiful and peaceful blue sky whensuddenly you go through turbulence, andeverything gets jumpy and shaky and scary.Life is like being on a plane where you are thepilot. One moment you could be flying in the mostbeautiful and peaceful blue sky when suddenlyyou go through turbulence, and everything getsjumpy and shaky and scary. You just need to beas agile as possible to have a safe landing. It'ssomething I learned from a young age, maybeearlier than I expected and in a way I neverexpected.
"No one can make youfeel inferior withoutyour consent." -- Eleanor Roosevelt
CODEPENDENCY IS ONE OF THEMOST COMMON CHARACTERISTICSIN UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS,AND IT HAPPENS WHEN SOMEONEIN THE RELATIONSHIP HAS NO IDEAWHO THEY REALLY ARE. rioritizing yourself is a form of self-care, it’s notselfish. Everything in your life is there becauseyou worked for it, but everything catches up toyou when you don’t check in with yourself. Just like in Marren Morris’ The Bones, “The housedon’t fall when the bones are good.” Your friendships and amorous relationships, yourcareer and the projects you deliver in them, yoursocial media personality and status and yourplace in the world are all a product of you, whichis why you are irreplaceable to them and whyyou need to put yourself first in every aspect of your life. The other day, my mom told me she’s proud of how I took care of myself andtook the time to understand myself before I jumped into an amorousrelationship. I thought it was an obvious first step to a healthy relationship, butmany move forward in their relationships without a second thought. Codependency is one of the most common characteristics in unhealthyrelationships, and it happens when someone in the relationship has no ideawho they really are. Without the other person, they lack comfort. Their life is ahuge question mark the moment they’re alone. This isn’t only in relationships –it’s in everything. Codependency in work, in friendships and friend groups, inacademic success and in fame.PAuthentic Insider | Page 18
Of course, it’s important to take care of yourrelationships too. Learn to combine bothyour interests, to meet halfway, and tosupport each other and to see in differentperspectives. Nurture your relationships theway you nurture yourself. For example, mybirthday is important to me and it makesme really happy when my friends let meshine on that day, so I want to do the samefor them when their birthday comes aroundbut I always make sure to not overwhelmmyself when I do. If your friend has a huge birthday party andyou feel your social anxiety creeping up onyou before the cake, give the birthday girl abig hug and excuse yourself. She’llappreciate you going to celebrate with her,even if it was for the first 30 minutes. If yourfriends are planning a trip or a concert andit gets too pricey for you, wish them the besttime. You shouldn’t feel the need to emptyout your wallet at someone else’s expense,even if it is for your best friends. The friendsthat really care for you will want to see youtake care of yourself. Get to know yourself before youinvolve yourself in somethingbigger. What is it that makes youcry or throw an anger-fit, whatbrings you comfort or whatmakes you smile from ear to ear.In this way, you’ll know what yourbody is trying to tell you when theexternal factors in your lifeoverwhelm you and similarly,you’ll know how to take care ofyourself with positive emotionswhen you are only feelingnegative ones.
Believe it or not, your job is not the most important thing in your life. Yourhappiness and well-being is what matters most. I understand thatsometimes you can’t just leave your job just because you’re unhappy. Youcrave security, health benefits, and routine – all of which are normal humandesires. If you feel as if you have no other options, find happiness in yourleisure time. The problem is, many people don’t separate leisure from work. They taketheir work with them to their designated “no-work space.” Prioritize yourself,and not just in your time. If you feel as if you have been putting in more timeand effort than your position requires, it’s time to measure your worth. Don’tbe afraid to ask for a raise or for paid time off. And if your work week endsFriday at 5 p.m., let it. You work to live, not live to work. Don’t let your worktake over your me-time.My best friend works in a very demanding company. It’s as corporate ascorporate can get with long hours and complicated days. I noticed that shehas been prioritizing her free time lately, so I told her I noticed her making achange and she said “I learned how to separate church and state.” There’s no reason why you shouldn’t live your own life, but you can’t makelife your own if you don’t put yourself first. Look for happiness in all yourrelationships by knowing what makes you happy, find the interests thatmake you happy outside of work, and learn to separate your priorities. The problem is,many people don’tseparate leisurefrom work. Theytake their workwith them to theirdesignated “no-work space.” Authentic Insider | Page 20
"When you're different,sometimes you don't seethe millions of people whoaccept you for what youare. All you notice is theperson who doesn't." --Jodi Picoult
how dreamwork helped me heal mychildhood sexual trauma. When mytrauma memories startedresurfacing, I already had a long-timedream practice, so I knew how tobegin working with their hiddenwisdom. This led me to seek furtheranswers to emerging questions in mytrauma process and to rewritehopeless moments in a powerful wayand recover my buried truths. In my client work, I’ve learned thatmany trauma survivors don’t have adream practice and they don’t knowwhere to start. I wanted to write thisarticle to provide you with strategiesto work with your dreams right nowto support your trauma healing.Here are three ways to work withyour dreams to aid your traumaresolution:NIGHT-NIGHT-TIMETIMEPOWERPOWERHOW WORKING WITHYOUR DREAMS CAN HELPHEAL YOUR TRAUMAWritten by Marci Moberg our dreams hold untapped power to support your trauma healing, revealingthemes ripe for reflection, parts ofyourself lost along the way, clues to howtrauma lives on in your body, and storiesready to be rewritten and invitations tostep more into your healthy power. But, how often do you slow down to payattention to the images and charactersthat visit you at night? Everyone dreams…a lot. In fact,researchers believe we spend at least sixyears of our lives dreaming. And yet, somany of us don’t develop an intentionalrelationship with our dreamworld.Tossing our dreams up to chatter in ourmind, leftover from a busy day or tooconfusing to decode. Last month, I shared my personal story of YAuthentic Insider | Page 22
First, document your dreams consistently in the present tense, as if they arehappening right now at this moment. Record them without the need toanalyze or understand them. Each morning when you wake up, record asmuch as you can remember in a dedicated dream journal. This simple practice is worth the time required to complete it and givesback exponentially more than the time it takes for us to write our dreams.Throughout my work, I find people with dream journals connect dots fasterand at times, uncover the meaning of a dream through the very act ofwriting it down. Recording in the present tense takes us back into theenergetic field of the dream and provides us with the insight we might havelost along the way when waking up. "RECORDING IN THE PRESENT TENSETAKES US BACK INTO THE ENERGETICFIELD OF THE DREAM AND PROVIDES USWITH THE INSIGHT WE MIGHT HAVE LOSTALONG THE WAY WHEN WAKING UP." 1.Authentic Insider | Page 23
Another common example can be adesire to fight an assailant and aninability to do so in the dreamtime or anattempt to scream for help and aninability to use your voice in the dream.These body-centered themes can giveyou important clues, helping you seehow and where your trauma remainsembedded in your tissues. This will openthe opportunity to recognize unresolvedinstincts to fight or ask for help andcreate resolution by allowing theseresponses to move through your body. Second, recognize themes related to yourpersonal trauma history in your dreams.These themes go beyond replica scenarios ortrauma memories. Although those areimportant too, I’m suggesting that you alsonotice the more abstract ways that traumashows up in your dreams. For example, perhaps you notice a recurringdream theme of feeling trapped. This trappedfeeling might echo a feeling from your pasttrauma, finally enabling you to name theunfelt suppressed feelings of your trauma. It’san important piece of trauma resolution. Itempowers you to recognize how this trappedfeeling is projecting onto the present. "THESE BODY-CENTERED THEMESCAN GIVE YOU IMPORTANT CLUES,HELPING YOU SEE HOW AND WHEREYOUR TRAUMA REMAINS EMBEDDEDIN YOUR TISSUES."2.Authentic Insider | Page 24
The third way I want to suggest requires a bit more courage and trust in yourself.Befriend your stressful dream characters. Imagine your dreams are the personalmovies of your subconscious and unconscious. The director calls cut and thecamera stops rolling. Consider, what would this character tell you about the rolethey enact in your very own film (aka your dream)? How are they trying to callyour attention to unresolved feelings or patterns? How are they calling you tostep up into a new way of being? Write your reflections in your dream journal andsee what emerges.Explore stressful dream characters with a mindset of curiosity and openness,only doing so at times when you feel well-resourced and centered. When we doso, this allows us to recognize the characters’ underlying purpose. For example,the scary person chasing you in your dream could be a frustrated aspect ofyourself. Desperately seeking your attention or, the character provides asymbolic chance to confront the person who hurt you and regain your sense ofagency. Incorporating dreamwork throughout your trauma healing process can be bothempowering and tender. If you feel stuck or feel overwhelmed, seek supportfrom a skilled practitioner. A third party can bring a fresh perspective and helpus connect the dots when we are too close to our personal dream material. Anartful practitioner can extend our nervous system in sessions, creating a greatersense of safety while exploring sensitive material and empowering us to feelconnected to ourselves and grounded throughout the exploration. 3."INCORPORATING DREAMWORKTHROUGHOUT YOUR TRAUMAHEALING PROCESS CAN BE BOTHEMPOWERING AND TENDER."Authentic Insider | Page 25
I worked with healing practitioners tosupport my trauma healing process,bringing stressful dreams to my supportteam. I welcomed others holding spacefor me in my tender moments. Even as aprofessional with expertise in dreaminterpretation and dreamwork, we’re notmeant to navigate everything alone.Bring a healthy balance of trust inyourself and openness to external help. Developing a dream practice can bolsteryour current trauma healing, bringing aholistic approach to your process, andinsights into your subconscious andunconscious that you may haveotherwise missed. Trauma lives in thedeepest layers of our psyche and body.And dreams provide access to deeperrealms not always accessible duringwaking life. DEVELOPING A DREAMPRACTICE CAN BOLSTERYOUR CURRENT TRAUMAHEALING, BRINGING AHOLISTIC APPROACH TOYOUR PROCESS, ANDINSIGHTS INTO YOURSUBCONSCIOUS ANDUNCONSCIOUS THATYOU MAY HAVEOTHERWISE MISSED.I hope these three strategies inspire youto start a dream practice, empoweringyou to recognize the wisdom of yournighttime encounters, and the guidingenergies of life ready to support yourhealing. Next month, I’ll share a personal storyabout how my relationship with thespirits of plants made me whole again,helping me along with dreamwork to healmy sexual trauma.For more on MarciMoberg, visit her websiteor check out her podcast,Tune in With MarciAuthentic Insider | Page 26
"You have no controlover other people'staste, so focus onstaying true to yourown." -- Tim Gunn
AdvertiseHereE M A I L : L O R I L E E @ B I N S T O C K M E D I A G R O U P . C O MT O A D V E R T I S E W I T H U SA U T H E N T I C I N S I D E R M A G A Z I N EA U T H E N T I C I N S I D E R M A G A Z I N E
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If you loveyourself, do it foryou. At the end ofthe day, it's amatter of self-respect.Authentic Insider | Page 32
"To be yourself in a worldthat is constantly tryingto make you somethingelse is the greatestaccomplishment." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I became very depressed, even after returning home.My life just wasn’t the same. I had several moresurgeries which really affected my mental health butinstead of asking for help, I drank and drank a lot! By Ana @soberchick_and_dog nd just like that…… one day I woke up in ahospital bed and my life had completelychanged. I was now what you call a traumasurvivor.I fell from a four-story apartment balcony dueto my heavy drinking. I had to have over 20 plussurgeries, including full face reconstructionsurgery.I remember how I fell but not the fall itself. Mymemory was a blank until after severalsurgeries. The rest of the stay at the first hospitalwas a blur to me. I know the procedures I haddone but I only have a few memories of whatactually happened. It was not until the secondhospital or extended stay when my memoriesbegan flooding back. I also realized what mynew life would be like and I just wanted to die! Ieven googled painless ways to kill myself. ALeft and circle:Ana recovering at thehospital after the accidentTop right: Ana after theaccident with her emotionalsupport animalAuthentic Insider | Page 34
I continued to drink heavily for another twoyears until, one night, my fiancé and I werefighting. I remember looking at him, and he hadthis look of pure defeat. I called a rehab centerthe next day and checked myself in for 30 days. Rehab was the scared straight I needed. I amproud to say that I am five years sober! I would also like to say that I lived happily everafter. However, it’s become a daily battle withmy mental health. I suffer from depression, PTSD,anxiety, and self-hate because I still haven’tentirely accepted my new face or new life.Last year, I finally started sharing my story as aform of therapy and accepting the new me. Ihave received so many positive responses thatnow spreading awareness about mental healthand addiction has become my passion! I know how it feels to be an addict and have tofight a mental illness. I want to be there for otherfighting warriors. For more on my recovery,follow me @soberchick_and_dog.I know how it feels tobe an addict and haveto fight a mentalillness. I want to bethere for otherfighting warriors.Left and center:Ana before accidentRight: Ana after the accidentAuthentic Insider | Page 35
Changing your thoughts that don’t serve you will ultimately change your beliefs. Maybe you didn’t even realize that your thoughts could be distorted. The chart on the nextpage lists the cognitive distortions to help you analyze these thought patterns and to bringawareness to their falsities. What automatic negative thoughts commonly come up for you? How much belief do you have in them?Use the next few pages to really deep dive into your thought distortions to first becomeaware of thought patterns not serving you. Identifying the distortions helps to bring youback to a more realistic perspective. *** NONE OF THIS WILL SHIFT WITHOUT ACTUAL EMOTION BEHIND YOUR THOUGHTS!!!WE ARE NOT ASKING YOU TO SQUASH or ignore your feelings because they are soimportant and valid so please feel them, notice them, journal them, start becoming awareof them, that’s the important thing.During this process, do not write new thoughts that you don’t believe. Without feeling, our thoughts have no power. Usually making a big leap from one extremenegative thought to the opposite extreme positive thought is just not possible - it will justfeel ridiculous and so finding a small truth you do believe is more impactful. Aim forauthenticity and tap into your inner truths.Authentic Insider | Page 38HOW DO YOU LEARN TOHOW DO YOU LEARN TOBELIEVE IN YOURSELF?BELIEVE IN YOURSELF? CHALLENGE LIMITING THOUGHTS THROUGH CBTCHALLENGE LIMITING THOUGHTS THROUGH CBT (COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY)(COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY)
ALL OR NOTHING THINKING:You look at things in absolute,black and white categories.OVERGENERALIZATION:You view a negative eventas a never-ending patternof defeat.MENTAL FILTER:You dwell on the negativesand ignore the positives. DISCOUNTING THE POSITIVES:You insist that youraccomplishments or positivequalities “don’t count.” JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS:(A) Mind reading - you assume peopleare reacting negatively to you whenthere’s no definite evidence for this; (B) Fortune telling - you arbitrarilypredict things will turn out badly. MAGNIFICATION ORMINIMIZATION:You blow things way out ofproportion or you shrink theirimportance inappropriately. EMOTIONAL REASONING:You reason from how you feel: “I feellike an idiot, so I really must be one.Or “I don’t feel like doing this, so I’llput it off.” “SHOULD STATEMENTS”:You criticize yourself or other peoplewith “shoulds” or “shouldn’ts.”“musts,” “oughts,” “have tos” aresimilar offenders.LABELING:You identify with your shortcomings.instead of saying, “I made amistake,” you tell yourself, “I’m ajerk,“ or “a fool,” or “a loser.” PERSONALIZATION AND BLAME:You blame yourself for something youweren’t entirely responsible for, or youblame other people and overlookways that your own attitudes andbehavior might contribute to aproblem. COGNITIVECOGNITIVECOGNITIVEDISTORTIONSDISTORTIONSDISTORTIONS
THE DAILY MOOD LOG*THE DAILY MOOD LOG*THE DAILY MOOD LOG*Automatic ThoughtsDistortionsRational responsesAuthentic Insider | Page 39
Step 1: Fill out the daily mood log or use it as a guide to:Write your automatic negative thoughts and notice theemotions that come up.Step 2: Draw the head/face Add swirling lines to outline and write out the negativeautomatic thoughts and the feelings that accompany Step 3: Express the feelings brought up by the negativethoughtWhat does it feel like to think this thought? What shapes, lines, and colors show this emotion? Where in your body do you feel it? Is there tightness or tension?How is your breathing? Let it all out onto the paper.Step 4: Identify the DistortionsWhich distortion(s) have you identified? Write new more realistic thoughts, Notice any change in emotion and express them through color,line, words, etc.Step 4: Emphasize the new thoughtsOutline new thoughts in permanent markerAdd more watercolor and blend.Take a deep breath and reassess how you feel. A little better? Alot? Not at all? How much belief do you have in your old vs. newthoughts now?Supplies:Paper (multi-media orwatercolor work best)PencilsWatercolor MarkersPermanent Markers(Sharpies)Water in spray bottle(optional)Healing throughthe ArtsAuthentic Insider | Page 41by: Cali Binstockchallenging limiting beliefs through artCBT THOUGHT CHALLENGE
Healing throughthe ArtsAuthentic Insider | Page 42❤ , CaliJoin me to make art to express and release,accept and embrace
When we are down,music has the ability toshift our moods and liftus up. Here are some ofthe songs YOU saidshifts your mood into apositive space. Enjoy! Authentic Insider | Page 48 “Record player” by Daisy the greatft. AJR“Banana Pancakes” by Jack Johnson“Upside Down” by Jack Johnson“Surf" by mac Miller“Easily” by Bruno Major“I want you around” by SnohAalegra“Desesparado” by evan Craft “Majesty” by Nicki Minaj, LabyrinthFT. Eminem“Dai Dai Dai Kirai (I Hate you)” bydennokop“It's OK” by Imagine Dragons"I feel Good" By pitbull"Allowing" By Alexia Chellum"ostrich" By Carla Duren"Ice Ice baby" By Vanilla Ice
Mental health affects everyone. Here are just a few books to help kids understandemotional and learning challenges.This sweet story prepares kids for how short-livedteasing can be. On the first day of school, Victoriapicks on Chrysanthemum because she has the samename as a flower, and Chrysanthemum wilts underthe ridicule. Then the students learn that a teacherhas a similar name, and all of a suddenChrysanthemum is cool.A cute hedgehog turns down ice-skating and playing in thesnow with his animal friends because of his worries.“What if he had forgotten how to skate? He could fall andhurt himself.” When Hector receives a fun invitation to theWinter Forest Party, he hesitates for a while, and thenrealizes that he has to be brave.*I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Authentic Insider | Page 44In this sturdy book with beautiful heart-shapedcutouts, a girl explains that her heart is full offeelings. Each spread focuses on a different emotion,such as happiness, bravery, and fear. Thedescriptions of the feelings are particularly engaging:“Some days my heart feels as heavy as an elephant.There’s a dark cloud over my head and tears fall likerain. This is when my heart is sad.”
Mental Health, Memoir & EmotionalSupport Books(Adult)You Are a Badass at Making Money will launch you past the fears and stumbling blocksthat have kept financial success beyond your reach. Drawing on her own transformation—over just a few years—from a woman living in a converted garage with tumbleweedsblowing through her bank account to a woman who travels the world in style, JenSincero channels the inimitable sass and practicality that made You Are a Badass anindomitable bestseller. She combines hilarious personal essays with bite-size, ahaconcepts that unlock earning potential and get real results.Self-defeating behavior is the single most common reason that people seekpsychotherapy. It is a poison, preventing us from achieving the love, success andhappiness we want in our lives. And what really drives us crazy is feeling we have tochange and not knowing how - or knowing how but being unable to stick with change.Get Out of Your Own Way is an antidote - it explains why we sabotage ourselves,going back to childhood origins of various behaviors. More important, it offers provensteps of action to transform behavior from self-defeating to life-enhancing. We live in a culture of limitless choice--and life is now more complex than ever. In This TooShall Pass, acclaimed psychotherapist Julia Samuel draws on hours of conversations with herpatients to show how we can learn to adapt and thrive during our most difficult andtransformative experiences. Illuminated by the latest social and psychological research, thisbook unflinchingly deals with the hard times in family, love, work, health and identity--from awoman deciding whether to leave her husband for a younger lover, to a father handling aserious medical diagnosis; and from a new mother struggling with the decision to return towork, to a young man dealing with the aftermath of coming out, to a woman starting againafter losing her job. These powerful, unforgettable and deeply intimate stories abouteveryday people will inform our understanding of our own unique response to change andenlighten the way we approach challenges at every stage of life.*I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Authentic Insider | Page 45
Many different messages were coming up for May. I see that self-awareness and happiness will be significantfor many of you. It will be a time for growth and expansion. The weather is changing, which is excellent forenjoying the outdoors and nature. Connecting with plants, flowers, and animals is great for self-care rightnow.For those who have been putting in work to better themselves, I see that your hard work will be paying off.Many are done with the past and seek newness in life. Building a firm and solid foundation is going to makeyou happy and feel like you are making progress. I see growth in those who have been trying to masterthemselves—for example, learning how to control your emotions, and thoughts and not react. Some of youcould be going through a spiritual awakening. You are changing for the better.Now is a great time to pursue goals, hobbies, dreams, or passions that you were interested in or curiousabout. I see it turning out great for you while gaining support. If you're not sure what to do in life, it’s time toexplore and get curious. Some are coming into wealth very soon. Perhaps whatever you do for work or yourpassion could make you happy and fulfilled.As for relationships, some of you struggle with family. It seems as if you may be moving away to have morepeace and obtain your independence. You’re not happy and feel like the black sheep in your family. It’s timeto start a new family or meet your soul tribe. I see the excellent fortune card come in so that someone couldbe receiving a lot of money very soon.In romantic relationships, someone could be feeling broken-hearted about the past and how things turnedout. There could be some regrets and feelings of shame about how they behaved. Everything happens for areason. It was a karmic relationship, which means it’s here to teach you a lesson. Singles who have done theirinner work and healing will be meeting soon.Couples may need to work through improving communication, opening up to one another, and spendingmore quality time with each other. Some couples may need to see counseling or therapy to resolve any issueswithin the relationship. The overall message I'm picking up is that it’s time to lay a solid foundation in your life. Embrace the in-between that you may be in. Freedom is yours if that is what you want. The divine is saying to surrender now.Be playful. Great results await. Be patient and stay the course.Monthly Collective Readings for All Signswith Joy Larkin (May 1, 2022 - May 31, 2022) Joy is a Narcissistic AbuseSurvivor who has made it her life'swork to help others through lifecoaching. She is also a healer,earth angel and psychic medium.If you would like coaching servicesfrom Joy and/or get your ownpersonal reading, please scan thebarcode below with yoursmartphone camera.READINGSPersonalINFOCoachingAuthentic Insider | Page 46