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Authentic Insider Magazine July 2021 Issue

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IN THIS ISSUETABLE OF CONTENTSChanging the World with Self-love13Psychedelic Healing 27IN EVERY ISSUEEditor's Note06Prosecutors POV: Online Safety18AIM PlayList34Recommended Books 35Joy's Readings37Rebuilding After GriefWhat is Heart Rate Variability?Breathing Techniques2232Authentic Insider | Page 0208

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Dear Readers,The past year has been collectively difficult asthe world shut down in 2020. However, thelast 12 months have also brought a sense ofhealing that I never thought was possible andsuccess I never thought was achievable. OnJuly 15, 2020, I created Binstock Media Group(BMG) and launched two episodes of “ATrauma Survivor Thriver’s Podcast” (ATSTP).Since then, I’ve created 40 episodes andreached nearly 10,000 downloads. ATSTP hasaudiences all over the world and has rankedin at least 20 different countries. The podcasthas also been awarded “The Mom’s ChoiceAward” and received a nomination for a"Webby Award."In January, BMG launched Authentic InsiderMagazine (AIM), which has published 7 issuesreaching 10,000 readers. Over the next year, Iam excited to see what transpires as BMGcontinues to expand and find new ways tobreed empathy and compassion throughmedia. I have none other to thank than all ofyou, my readers and listeners, who havesupported me through this journey. Your loveand support have encouraged me to continueand create. I hope that we are all able to find gratitudeand purpose in any adversity we may face.With lots of love,Lorilee Authentic Insider | Page 06To check out past issues of AIM, go to page 38To catch up on ATSTP episodes, go to page 39

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h a t i s s e l f - l o v e ? T h e d e f i n i t i o n o f s e l f -l o v e i s r e g a r d f o r o n e ’ s o w n w e l l - b e i n g ,h a p p i n e s s , o r a d v a n t a g e . S o u n d s h a r m l e s se n o u g h , r i g h t ? Y e t s e l f - l o v e s i t s o n t w oo p p o s i t e e n d s o f t h e s p e c t r u m , w i t hp e o p l e t h i n k i n g t h a t s e l f - l o v e i s e i t h e r ab a s i c n e e d o r a n e g a t i v e m o r a l f l a w s u c ha s s e l f i s h n e s s , b e i n g v a i n , a n d c o n c e i t e d .T h r o u g h o u t t i m e , w o m e n h a v e b e e n r a i s e dt o s t a n d b a c k a n d l e t o t h e r s g o f i r s t . W ew e r e t a u g h t t h a t w e m u s t b e “ l a d y l i k e ”a n d s e r v e o u r f a m i l y , o u r p a r e n t s , o u rs p o u s e , a n d o u r k i d s . W e w e r e b r o u g h t u pt o b e l i e v e t h a t w e m u s t a l l o w o t h e r s t oe a t , l i v e a n d f l o u r i s h F I R S T , t h e n w e c a nt a k e o u r r i g h t f u l p l a c e a t t h e t a b l e( s e c o n d t o a l l o t h e r s ) – o n l y a f t e r w e h a dp r e p a r e d t h e m e a l s . T h i s t y p e o f p r o g r a m m i n g m a k e s i t v e r yd i f f i c u l t t o p u t y o u r s e l f f i r s t , s o w h e n y o us t a r t t o s e e y o u r s e l f i n c h a r g e o f y o u r l i f e ,y o u w i l l i m m e d i a t e l y c o m e f a c e t o f a c ew i t h n e g a t i v e t h o u g h t s l i k e “ W h o d o y o ut h i n k y o u a r e p u t t i n g y o u r s e l f f i r s t ? ”C o u p l e d w i t h f e e l i n g s o f s h a m e , g u i l t , a n de v e n s o r r o w t h a t m a k e y o u f e e l l o w a s y o ue x p e r i e n c e t h e s e t y p e s o f t h o u g h t s a n da c t i o n s .L e t ’ s n o t f o r g e t a b o u t t h e e x p e c t a t i o nt h a t y o u m u s t b r i n g h o m e t h e b a c o n , l o o kb e a u t i f u l a n d b e s m a r t w i t h y o u r m o n e ya n d t i m e . N o p r e s s u r e !Authentic Insider | Page 08

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T h i s t y p e o f m e n t a l i t y breeds t h o u g h t s o f n e v e r b e i n g g o o de n o u g h , n e v e r h a v i n g e nough, a n d l e a d s t o p e o p l e - p l e a s i n g ,a l a c k o f b o u n d a r i e s , and you s e r i o u s l y q u e s t i o n i n g , “ W h e ni s i t g o i n g t o b e M Y T URN?”Y e t , t h e b i g g e s t t r a p you can f a l l i n t o i s o n e o f c o -d e p e n d e n c e o n a n o t h e r . I t i s v e r y c o m m o n f o r wives t o b ec o m p l e t e l y c o - d e p e n d e n t on th e i r s p o u s e s , w h i c h c a na f f e c t t h e i r a b i l i t y t o move f o r w a r d i n e v e r y a r e a o f t h e i rl i f e .W e l e a r n t o w a n t t o p l ease ot h e r s a n d f i n d o u r o w na c c e p t a n c e a n d f u l f i l l ment ex c l u s i v e l y f r o m t h e m . T h i s i s ag i g a n t i c t r a p t h a t d o e s not a l l o w y o u t o f l o u r i s h n a t u r a l l y ,a s a l l o f t h e a c c e p t a n ce and a p p r o v a l m u s t c o m e f r o ms o m e o n e e l s e , n o t y o u r self.O n c e y o u r e a l i z e t h a t you may b e c o - d e p e n d e n t o n a n o t h e r ,m a n y y e a r s m a y h a v e g o ne by, a n d n o w w h a t s h o u l d f e e lw r o n g a n d i n a u t h e n t i c feels n o r m a l . C o u p l e t h i s w i t h b e i n gi n t h e m i d d l e y e a r s o f your l i f e ( b e t w e e n 4 0 ’ s - 5 0 ’ s ) , b y t h et i m e y o u w a k e u p , y o u may thi n k , “ I t ’ s t o o l a t e f o r m e n o w !I m i s s e d m y c h a n c e ! ) N O WAY S I S T E R ! I n m y h u m b l eo p i n i o n , a s l o n g a s y o u are b r e a t h i n g a n d n o m a t t e r y o u ra g e – t h e r e i s a l w a y s time fo r y o u t o b e g i n l i v i n g t h e l i f ey o u h a v e a l w a y s w a n t e d .T h e q u e s t i o n b e c o m e s : How can I t a k e b a c k t h e r e i n s o f m yl i f e a n d b e g i n t o l o v e myself ?T h e a n s w e r i s t o t u r n your fo c u s i n w a r d . I n s t e a d o f l o o k i n gf o r c o m p l i m e n t s a n d a p preciat i o n f r o m o t h e r s , g i v e i t t oy o u r s e l f . I n s t e a d o f t rying t o f i n d l o v e e v e r y w h e r e , l o o ki n s i d e y o u r s e l f , a n d t here yo u w i l l f i n d t h e g r e a t e s t l o v e o fa l l .I N M Y H U M B L E O P I N I O N ,A S L O N G A S Y O U A R EB R E A T H I N G A N D N OM A T T E R Y O U R A G E –T H E R E I S A L W A Y S T I M EF O R Y O U T O B E G I N L I V I N GT H E L I F E Y O U H A V EA L W A Y S W A N T E D .Authentic Insider | Page 09

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2 S e t R e a l E x p e c ta t i on sA l l o f t h i s “ s el f - lo v e d is t r es s ” w a s c a u se d by e xt r e m e lyh i g h u n r e a l i s t ic e xp e c t a ti o n s. N o m a tt e r w h e re t he y c a mef r o m , m a n y o f us h av e s u ch h ig h ex p e ct a t io n s o f re a c h i ng& a c h i e v i n g p e rf e c ti o n , y e t pe r f ec t i on , li k e b e a ut y , i ss u b j e c t i v e a n d l a s ts f o r o n l y a mo m e nt .T h e s e e x p e c t a t io n s t h e n b e c o me u ns c a la b l e w a ll s th a tw o n ’ t a l l o w a n yo n e i n o r y o u o u t . Y o u w i ll n or m a li z e t he s e“ u n r e a l i s t i c e xp e c ta t i o n s” a nd d o a l mo s t a n y th i n g t oa c h i e v e t h e m – e v e n i f t he y za p al l yo u r e n e rg y an d y o us e e y o u r s e l f p ut t i ng o u t m a s si v e e x e rt i o n b o rd e r in gf a t i g u e . C a n y ou c ha n g e t h e m t o ma k e t h e m w o rk f or y o u ?( O f C o u r s e , y o u c a n! ) T h e q u e s t i o n i s: W il l y o u?3 A d o p t a n A b u n d an c e M i n ds e t E v e r y d a y w h e t he r yo u kn o w i t o r n o t , y o u r a di a t e o u ty o u r u n i q u e v i br a t io n in t o t he w or l d . T h is v ib r a ti o n c an b eh i g h o r l o w , h ap p y o r s a d, a nd c an l ea v e y o u f e e li n gd i s c o n n e c t e d a nd t ha t yo u r e mo t i on s ar e vo i d o f lo v i n gt h o u g h t s .T h i s i s a c h o i ce , an d a n yo n e y o u c o m e i n to c on t a ct w i t hw i l l f e e l h o w hi g h o r l o w y o u a r e v i bi n g a t . I f yo uc o n s t a n t l y t h i nk t ha t “ t he r e i s ne v e r e n ou g h ,” “ Su c c e s sd o e s n ’ t h a p p e n t o so m e on e l i ke m e, ” or “ I a l wa y s n e e dm o r e b e c a u s e I d o n ’t h a v e t h e r i gh t co n n ec t i on s or m o n eyt o m a k e i t i n th i s w o r l d .” T ho s e s t a te m e nt s ke e p y o u i n as c a r c i t y s t a t e v s . a n a b un d a nt s ta t e , w h ic h so u n ds m o r el i k e t h i s : “ I kn o w t h a t al l go o d t h i ng s ar e co m i ng t o me , ”“ I ’ m s o l u c k y to h av e s u ch a g r e at f am i l y a n d l i fe , ” a nd “ Ik n o w I a m g o i n g t o b e r i ch a nd f am o u s, i t’ s ju s t a m a t te r oft i m e ! ”W h a t t h e u n i v e rs e he a r s f r o m y o u w i l l b e s e n t b a ck t o yo ut e n - f o l d . I f y ou h av e a sc a r ci t y m e n ta l i ty , th e un i v e r seh e a r s : “ Y o u w a nt m or e p o ve r t y? S ur e , I w il l se n d t h a t toy o u . ” “ Y o u h a t e y o ur j o b a n d w a n t t o s p e nd m or e ti m et h e r e ? T h a t ’ s ea s y . F r o m n o w o n , e n j oy y ou r ex t e nd e dh o u r s w i t h o u t hi g h er p ay . ”T u r n i n g f r o m a dv e r si t y a n d t ow a r ds a bu n d an c e i s no th a r d , b u t i t d oe s ta k e c on s t an t pr a c ti c e , a n d i t w i l l re a ph e a p s o f l o v e an d ki n d ne s s i nt o yo u r l i f e. R em e m be r t h aty o u d o n o t h a v e t o w a l k be h i nd a ny o n e. Y ou r se l f -l o v e an dt h e c o n f i d e n c e t h a t c o m e s f r om i t a r e m o re t ha n en o u g h .1 P r a c t i c e S e l f - Co m p as s i on & E mp a t hyW e a l l a r e e x t re m e ly c r i ti c a l a n d j u dg m e nt a l o f ev e r ym i n u t e d e t a i l of o ur s e l v es , in c l ud i n g h o w w e l o o k, h o ww e t h i n k , a n d ho w we s h o w u p . W e a r e o u r o w n w o r ste n e m y , a n d t h e n e g at i v e t h o u gh t s y o u h a v e a b ou ty o u r s e l f , y o u wo u l d n e v e r u t te r to a no t h er l iv i n gb e i n g .S o w h y i s i t o k f o r u s t o t a lk d ow n to o ur s e lv e s ? T om a k e f u n o f a l l t h at w e ar e . W h e n d i d i t b e c om e ok f o ru s t o m a k e o u r se l v es s m a ll a nd u na b l e t o m o v e f o rw a r dd u e t o o u r “ l a ck o f b r a i ns , la c k o f tr u s t, i na b i li t y t o s e et h e b i g p i c t u r e o r j u s t no t sm a r t e n ou g h t o se e al l t h es i g n s ? ! ”L e t ’ s b e g i n t o s e e w h e r e w e ca n im p r ov e an d wh a t w es a y t o o u r s e l v es . Le t ’ s st a r t t o t a l k a b ou t ho w am a z i n ga n d s m a r t w e a re a nd t ha t w e c a n d o al l th i n gs i f w ew o u l d g i v e o u r se l v es t h e c h a nc e to s hi n e !” M os ti m p o r t a n t l y , p le a s e r e a l iz e th a t y o u a r e a l im i t le s sp e r s o n , a n d y o u w i ll f i n d a l l o f y o u r a n sw e r s w i th i n .Authentic Insider | Page 10

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Julie Saillant is a Transformational IntuitiveHealer, Coach & Animal Whisperer whohelps her clients reconnect to their hearts,allowing them to access their power. Julie helps you understand your unique giftsby combining healing source energy,wisdom from the animals & her intuition,allowing you to manifest your Soul'spurpose. Julie also hosts "The Julie SaillantPodcast.” Lorilee Binstock was a specialguest on her show. Check it out here. Authentic Insider | Page 11

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By Courtney McClureAuthentic Insider | Page 13

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One “heroic” and intentional dose ofpsilocybin mushrooms just might be themost impactful experience one will everhave in their life. I’ve had dozens of themin the past 10 years and have assistedhundreds of others in attaining thousandsof legal doses and support. Now morethan ever, I know how importantconsistent, concrete support is before,during, and for months after a plantmedicine experience. I thought I'd attain a mental martial artsblack belt growing up, reaching thehighest levels in competitive figureskating, but mushrooms showed me howmuch more there was to learn. I had apicture-perfect childhood. I went to goodschools, and my parents were highlydriven attorneys who supported my full-time ice-skating career for over 12 years.Everything looked great on paper, and yet Ioften found myself in a mental prison ofmy own making.Many coaches told me I just needed tolearn to relax, and I’d be able to land thatjump or get the footwork sequence right.Yet, I found myself often doubling downon self-deprecating thoughts andbehaviors – going into the double axeljump for the 20th time that day, knowing Iwas in for another horrible fall. I wanted to punish myself for not being“enough.” A few of the many side effectsof this thinking included IBS, chronicanxiety, and haphazardly prescribedmedications from my internal medicinedoctor that only made things worse. “I’mnot good enough for this,” played onrepeat in my own head. These thoughtswere not only present in my skatingcareer; they consumed me in my personalrelationships, in university classrooms,and while trying on clothes at the mall.It wasn’t until my 10th or so experiencewith sacred mushrooms and countless Authentic Insider | Page 14

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I had always thought before discoveringTerence Mckenna and María Sabina in 2010that psychedelics were for escapists. Before Iever had my own experience, synchronicityafter synchronicity led me to intensivepersonal study on plant medicine. Suddenly,it made sense to me why some of my mostintelligent, resilient peers in high school andcollege experimented with mushrooms andLSD. In my quest to understand the history ofpsychedelic use, I was coming to learn thatthere’s definitely a better way to have ameaningful experience with these powerfulplants than at a party or concert surroundedby strangers. Then, I had my ownexperiences and really understood thatsacred mushrooms were not only beneficialfor me but one of the fastest ways to findout how I was getting in my own way.Today, 10 years after my first journey andbeing in the professional space ofpsychedelics since 2013, I see very clearlywhat was missing for me in my initialcoaching practice – the ineffable self-discovery that plant medicine often gives.We are so fortunate to be in a time where the power of traditionally used sacred plantslike psilocybin-containing mushrooms,Ayahuasca, San Pedro, Peyote, and Iboga isrealized again.conversations with other drivenpsychonauts that I realized this paradigmitself, me not accepting me, was really theonly thing “wrong,” and there wasn’tactually anything wrong with me at all! Thisgreat realization had me laughing, crying,and thanking mushrooms for giving methis relief and my life back. Before my journey with sacred mushroomsbegan, I graduated from the University ofLouisville with a Bachelor’s degree inPublic Health Education and a minor inWellness Coaching. I went on to obtain anAmerican College of Sports Medicineaccredited certification in coaching,knowing that the thing that lights me upmost in life is supporting others inachieving things they never thought theycould. I went to work for a wellnessorganization and coached hundreds ofclients in their smoking cessation journey.It was a powerful experience learning howto help others see their potential, butsomething was missing in the methods Ijust couldn’t put my finger on.‘Authentic Insider | Page 15

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While plant medicines like psilocybinmushrooms and ayahuasca are still federallyclassified as schedule 1 substances in theUnited States and illegal in most othercountries, we have much work to do aroundcorrecting the misinformation in order todutifully serve the people of our globalcommunity. As the cultural pendulumswings, churches and retreat centers in theUS and worldwide are opening their doors toplant sacraments, and thousands of peopleare flocking to connect with somethingbigger. What isn’t being talked about nearly enoughis the equal importance of community andconcrete, experienced support through theentirety of the plant medicine experience.The traditional cultures who’ve had plantmedicine as an integral practice in their day-to-day livelihoods have had this, while wenow are waking up to our culture of “magicpills” and “quick fixes.” Those who have beenconsistently doing the work with these plantswill likely agree that having a fewexperiences with one or two follow-upintegration sessions is not likely to producelasting change. It takes around 30 days for someone torealize they’re capable of making a change,60 days to begin making the change, and 90days to make the new change an establishedhabit. An experience with plant medicinehelps accelerate the process of realizingwhat we’re capable of, and then the realwork can begin! After helping hundreds of people process theirexperiences with psilocybin-containing mushrooms,Courtney and her husband, Eric Osborne, are nowcombining their expertise with the Proctor GallagherInstitute's Thinking Into Results program. For sixdecades, PGI has helped thousands of peopleworldwide transform their lives without psychedelics.The fusion of Thinking Into Results and Courtneyand Eric’s decade of professional psychedelicexperience is what they call More Than Integration( is also a co-founder of Psanctuary SacredMushroom Church (, a 508(c)(1)(a)faith-based organization. Psanctuary holdspsilocybin-containing mushrooms as a sacrament forsincere and intentional spiritual practice to connectto Divinity. A little bit aboutAuthentic Insider | Page 16

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Child AbuseProsecutors Guide toKeeping your KidsSafe On-Line Authentic Insider | Page 18

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Top 10 Tips To beSafe Online12345Authentic Insider | Page 19

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AdvertiseHereE M A I L : L O R I L E E @ B I N S T O C K M E D I A G R O U P . C O MT O A D V E R T I S E W I T H U SA U T H E N T I C I N S I D E R M A G A Z I N EA U T H E N T I C I N S I D E R M A G A Z I N EAuthentic Insider | Page 21

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Hearing this hurt me. My wheelchair andwalker may have disappeared, but thereare still mental, emotional, and physicalscars that remain. Since I did not yet feelcomfortable telling this man what I wentthrough, nor did I owe him anexplanation, I turned and scurried away. The first time I told my story to strangerswas about two months into my recoveryat a trauma-survivors support group.Before this meeting, I also never thoughtto claim the phrase “trauma-survivor” or“TBI-survivor” as a part of my identity. If I were an extra or passerby in thebackground of your universe (see Sonderabove), you would never know by justlooking at me that I almost died in 2019. In fact, when I was ready to return myrented wheelchair after some timehealing, the man picking it up shockinglysaid to me, “There’s no way you couldhave been in that wheelchair!” NIKKI MAMMONOPhoto by: Virak Chhang, @virakphotoAuthentic Insider | Page 22

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“On October 13th, 2019, four friendsand I were driving on our way toAssateague Island in Delaware to gocamping. I don’t remember theaccident or my first three weeks in theICU, but the story I’ve heard is that itwas lunchtime. We saw a restaurantbehind us, so my friend driving pulledover to the side of the road to make anillegal U-turn. He thought the coastwas clear but recklessly took the turnanyway.”I paused and took a deep breath. Thetears were now uncontrollablystreaming down my face. Cryinganywhere and everywhere, at anymoment, is something I’ve now gottenused to in my healing from PTSD. “There was a Dodge Ram coming at us,carrying an amusement park ride, ofall things. It rammed into us on thedriver's side. All five of us were left inI waddled into the meeting with mywalker, one hop at a time. We wereat the same hospital I was justdischarged from a few weeks priorfrom acute rehab. As I sat down on my little cushion (Istill couldn’t sit on hard surfacesbecause of my fractured, healingpelvis), a sense of comfort washedover me. I hadn’t felt this yet in myrecovery, but it was a familiarity Icouldn’t exactly put words to yet.We went around the circleintroducing ourselves and tellingour stories of survival. When it wasmy turn to speak, I could alreadyfeel the tears welling behind myeyes. "THERE WAS A DODGE RAMCOMING AT US, CARRYING ANAMUSEMENT PARK RIDE, OFALL THINGS. IT RAMMED INTOUS ON THE DRIVER'S SIDE. ALLFIVE OF US WERE LEFT INCRITICAL CONDITION..."Authentic Insider | Page 23

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Myself and three of the otherpassengers had to be resuscitated. Ilost my spleen from the impact, andone of my lungs deflated. I also had asevere traumatic brain injury (TBI),five fractures in my pelvis, a brokenclavicle, and 11 broken ribs. I also nowlive with a pseudoaneurysm in mycarotid artery. I was in the hospital forfive weeks.” One of the survivorssitting next to me handed over the boxof tissues. I still wasn't ready yet totalk about the worst part. Myboyfriend, David, who was sitting tothe left of me in the back seat, tookmost of the hit and died on impact (orso the doctors say). Reflecting on this experience, I nowhave the words to describe that warm,comforting feeling I felt walking in. Itwas the first time I felt truly seen andheard in my recovery, which cultivatedsuch a healing experience for me.For the majority of my recovery upuntil that point, it had not only been"IT WAS THE FIRST TIMEIN MY RECOVERY I FELTTRULY SEEN AND HEARD,WHICH CULTIVATED SUCHA HEALING EXPERIENCEFOR ME." excruciatingly painful, but it was alsoextremely isolating. In the words ofBessel van der Kolk, author of The BodyKeeps the Score, the feeling of being heldin someone else’s mind and heart, orexperiencing reciprocity, is afundamental aspect of healing. Being inthe presence of others with similarexperiences tremendously advanced myhealing. Over time, however, I stopped going tothese meetings. It was the same formatevery time. We went around the circle,talked about our trauma, and explainedevery gruesome detail. Authentic Insider | Page 24

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I reached a point where I justcouldn’t handle it anymore. Not onlywas it re-traumatizing to repeatedlyhear the same stories, but I did notwant to stay stuck in a victimmindset. I needed to find newpathways to heal. For so many months I felt stuck. Ihad a feeling of being in limbo, like Iwas waiting for an answer as to why Ialmost died and why David wastaken from this earth. But I have reached a point in myhealing where I will not stay stuck inthis victim mindset. Often I still needto remind myself that I am allowed tomove forward in my life. This is alsonecessary for my healing and growth.Even though my trauma will alwaysremain a part of me, I will not let whathappened to me at 23 define my lifestory. There is so much more to me thanjust my trauma. The formation of our identities and senseof self is a life-long process. Just like theimpermanence of life itself, our body andmind are constantly changing andevolving. Through change and throughout ourhealing, there will always be ebbs andflows. However, I am grateful and excitedfor the transformation that is yet to comewith my growth.Wherever you are on your healing path,you don’t have to let your trauma defineyour life story, either. Also, please don’tever forget to own your life story. In thewords of Brene Brown, it is one of thebravest things you will ever do. ⚫ "EVEN THOUGH MYTRAUMA WILL ALWAYSREMAIN A PART OF ME,I WILL NOT LET WHATHAPPENED TO ME AT23 DEFINE MY LIFESTORY." If you’d like to stay up to datewith news of her memoir,please sign up for her email listhere: Authentic Insider | Page 25

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“Life doesn’t geteasier or moreforgiving, we getstronger and moreresilient.”― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, andBeing FreeAuthentic Insider | Page 26

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What is Heart RateVariability?Heart rate variability (HRV) is a measure ofvariation in time (milliseconds) between yourheartbeats. HRV provides a snapshot of howyour body is balancing between the twobranches of your autonomic nervous system(ANS): your sympathetic (“fight-or-flight”) andparasympathetic (“rest-and-digest”). If a person’s system is in fight-or-flight mode, thevariation between subsequent heartbeats is low. If oneis in a relaxed state, the variation between beats is high.In other words, the healthier the ANS, the faster you canswitch gears, showing more resilience and flexibility. Authentic Insider | Page 27

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Over the past few decades, research has shown a relationshipbetween low HRV and worsening depression or anxiety. A low HRVis even associated with an increased risk of death andcardiovascular disease.People who have a high HRV may have greater cardiovascularfitness and be more resilient to stress. HRV may also providepersonal feedback about your lifestyle and help motivate thoseconsidering taking steps toward a healthier life. While in residential treatment for trauma, I had the opportunity totest my HRV and see how real-time changes in my breathingaffected my stress level. The low-frequency component of the heart rate variabilityspectrum (0.06–0.10 Hz) is often used as an accurate reflection ofsympathetic activity. Therefore, relaxation interventions thatenhance cardiac sympathetic drive, such as breathing or exercise,should increase low-frequency power. I realized that my "usual" breathing was shallow, resulting in lowHRV. However, the simple shift of taking deep breaths createdvisible changes that I could see in real-time. See my before andafter HRV results on pages 29 & 30. Authentic Insider | Page 28

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My HRV resultsAuthentic Insider | Page 29Shallowbreathing(51.33 %) Low-Frequency Value without Intervention

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My HRV resultsAuthentic Insider | Page 304-7-8 BreathingTechnique(92.88%) Low-Frequency Value with 4-7-8 Breathing Technique

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Written By Lorilee Binstock from VeryWellMind for more breathing techniquesAuthentic Insider | Page 32

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“ ”’ Authentic Insider | Page 34

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This charming story will explain to your child that it is okayto make a mistake and say I’m sorry. Lucas will teach yourchild good manners and positive behavior at home, atschool, in the store, and on the playground. With the perfect examples, this book offers, your child willhave more understanding for others, accept diversity, thrivein a multicultural and inclusive environment, and showmore empathy. Throughout the story, little superhero Lucaswill learn what kindness means and understand what it islike to be kind, sensitive, caring, and generous.When something sad happens, Taylor doesn't know whereto turn. All the animals are sure they have the answer. Thechicken wants to talk it out, but Taylor doesn't feel likechatting. The bear thinks Taylor should get angry, butthat's not quite right either. One by one, the animals try totell Taylor how to act, and one by one they fail to offercomfort. Then the rabbit arrives. All the rabbit does islisten . . . which is just what Taylor needs.*I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Authentic Insider | Page 35From the letter A to the letter Z, B is for Breathecelebrates the many ways children can express theirfeelings and develop coping skills at an early age. Fun, cute,and exciting illustrations, this colorful book teaches kidssimple ways to cope with fussy and frustrating emotions.This book will inspire kids to discuss their feelings, showpositive behaviors, and practice calm down strategies.

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In What About Me: Walking the Tightrope as a Black Man in America, D. JohnJackson, a Fortune 50 corporate leader with over thirty years of engineeringand business leadership, shares a simple, powerful message: Your life matters.Your dreams matter. And you can achieve them, no matter who you are orwhere you’re starting out.Through the stories and lessons of his own personal journey, Jackson provestime and again that what you say and do can change the trajectory of your life.Your brain is always listening and responding to these hidden influences andunless you recognize and deal with them, they can steal your happiness, spoil yourrelationships, and sabotage your health. In Your Brain Is Always Listening, Dr. Daniel Amen shows you how to recognizeharmful dragons and gives you the weapons to vanquish them. With thesepractical tools, you can stop feeling sad, mad, nervous, or out of control and startbeing happier, calmer, and more in control of your own destiny.Have you ever wondered "Why did I do that?" or "Why can't I just control mybehavior?" Others may judge our reactions and think, "What's wrong with thatperson?" When questioning our emotions, it's easy to place the blame onourselves; holding ourselves and those around us to an impossible standard. It'stime we started asking a different question.Through deeply personal conversations, Oprah Winfrey and renowned brain andtrauma expert Dr. Bruce Perry offer a groundbreaking and profound shift fromasking “What’s wrong with you?” to “What happened to you?”*I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Authentic Insider | Page 36

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Authentic Insider | Page 37with Joy Larkin (July 1 - July 31, 2021) Joy is a Narcissistic Abuse Survivor whohas made it her life's work to help othersthrough life coaching. She is also ahealer, earth angel and psychic medium.If you would like coaching services fromJoy and/or get your own personalreading, please scan the barcode belowwith your smartphone camera.READINGSINFOSome folks may need to do some introspection, rest, and relaxation techniques this month.The world can seem very overwhelming and you may be taking on the energies of others, Leaving you feeling drained and unproductive in your life. Now is the time to be patientwith yourself and others. Many could be going through a rough time right now. You need asmuch social support as possible. Discontent and boredom are feelings I'm picking up for several people such as boredom of everyday life. Some could feel like they are ready to change and improve their life inmany ways. This could be happening for someone that you are dating as well.A lot of patience is needed to build a firm foundation in your life. Its not going to be easy but it will be well worth it. Peoplearound you could be causing you stress, worry and anxiety creating confusion with life decisions. Therefore, it may be timeto let go of people in your life that are not good for mental health. It may hurt to do this, but you have to do what's best foryou.For a handful of you, there's going to be a victory celebration with family or friends, or maybe even by yourself. The universewants to gift and reward you with abundance. You must continue to preserve and keep your faith strong no matter what.Most of the collective are seeking better for their life, but its hard to have hope when all you see is drama, ruin, and despairall around you. There was a karmic/codependent relationship that you had to overcome. You will be healing from thatexperience in due time. Have faith and new love is coming for the singles. but it's time to get to know yourself. Practice self-care and self-compassion. If you're in a relationship, there is a need to be more understanding, supportive, and patient withyour partner. They really need your support like no other right now.The biggest lesson I think most have to learn is letting go of people, places and thingsthat no longer serve you. But be confident in yourself, knowing that with faith andinspired action you can accomplish your dreams. A year from now things will start toimprove in your life. You could be working on improving your health this month.Whatever you are striving for, be sure no matter what, to see it manifest, you must takeaction.

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Season 1 A Trauma SurvivorThriver's Podcast EpisodesAuthentic Insider | Page 39Episode 9: My Suicide Story

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Season 1 & 2A Trauma SurvivorThriver's Podcast EpisodesAuthentic Insider | Page 40

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Season 2A Trauma SurvivorThriver's Podcast EpisodesAuthentic Insider | Page 40