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Authentic Insider Magazine December 2021 Issue

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I HAD A SECRETHow one woman living with disabilitiesfound healing after living with analcoholic husbandBEATING THE WINTER BLUESHow to cope with depression this holiday seasonPOP CULTURE &CONSENTWhy pop culture needs to haveresponsible conversations about consent❄ ❄ What is SeasonalAffective Disorder?

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Dear Readers,December is Spiritual Literacy Month. Spirituality doesn't always have to be about organizedreligion. In fact Shamans, spiritual leaders and healers believe there are three elements tohuman spirituality: relationships, values, and life purpose. What does it mean for you?This month's Prosecutor's POV dives into consent and pop culture. How do we expect toprovide a safe place for everyone when the media tells a different story?We recognize International Disability Awareness Day December 3rd. We need to understandthat people with disabilities are more vulnerable to traumatic situations. Because of limitedknowledge, social skills, and verbal skills, they are more vulnerable to being exposed to abuse.In this issue Abigail Drake, who was born deaf & partially blind due to Usher's Syndromeshares her personal story of a tumultuous life, living with an alcoholic. Antonio Myer's whoalso contributed to April's issue of Authentic Insider with his piece, "Autism, my SuperBlessing," discusses his latest endeavor, A memoir titled, "A Grandmother's UnconditionalLove." Cali Binstock continues her series of Hidden Symptoms of Adult ADHD especially inwomen.Ashley Bernardi provides another piece to AIM about coping mechanisms for the winter bluesthat have been effective for her. Also, on December 21, Ashley releases her book, AuthenticPower: Give Yourself Permission to Feel, . Don't forget to check out the collective Twin Flame readings by Joy Larkin, our otherrecommended books and AIM's spiritual playlist.Wishing you Happy Holidays and a healthy New Year! Authentic Insider | Page 02Lorilee Binstock, Editor-in-ChiefJoy LarkinTwin Flames Readings ContributorKathryn MarshProsecutor POV ContributorCali BinstockArt DirectorLynn BinstockCopy EditorMelissa HoppmeyerProsecutor POVContributorLorilee BinstockAlways,

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Abigail DrakeContributor"I had a Secret"Authentic Insider | Page 03Antonio MyersContributor"A Grandmother's Unconditional Love"Ashley BernardiContributor"Beating the Winter Blues"

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IN THIS ISSUETABLE OF CONTENTSI Had Secret: Living with disabilities & analcoholic24IN EVERY ISSUEProsecutors POV: Pop Culture &Consent07AIM Playlist: Songs of SpiritualityRecommended Books39Joy's Readings40What is SAD (Seasonal AffectiveDisorder)?2029Authentic Insider | Page 04Healing Through Art Prompt1136A Grandmother's Unconditional LoveBeating the Winter Blues1643Uncovering ADHD Symptoms: Cont'd 11 2407

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Stay Tuned for more details! Don't forget to subscribe to emails at atstpodcast.comAuthentic Insider | Page

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Stay up-to-date with the most recent "A Trauma SurvivorThriver's Podcast"Authentic Insider | Page 06

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POPCULTURE &CONSENTHow can we expect our children tounderstand consent, when we as asociety don’t understand consent andteach mixed messages around it? Thegirl should play hard to get, the guyshould be aggressive, a forced kiss isromantic and stalking is love.Consider pop culture – from song lyricsto TV shows to movies, our society isinundated with sexual assault myths.Do you remember 16 candles? Aclassic teen comedy – but consider theimagery of the drunk passed outcheerleader, the story’s hero passes offto the geek to have sex with.Rocky – the classic love story betweenRocky and Adrian? Began with herasking him to let her call someone asshe wasn’t comfortable in his apartmentand when she went to leave, Rockyblocked her in by the door and when hewent to kiss her he told her you don’teven have to kiss me back. How manymemes are there about yelling “Adrian”,yet this classic love story begins withunconsented contact. This same tropeis played out in Star Wars with the firstkiss between Hans Solo and PrincessLeia.Superbad? The entire premise of thismovie was to get girls drunk so theguys could lose their virginity. DevilWears Prada? Yep, consent ignoredthere as well. And all of these storiesare beloved and watched by millionson repeat.But it’s not just consent we get wrongthroughout pop culture, it’s also thedouble standards of sexual assaultbetween boys and girls. ConsiderAlmost Famous and the scenebetween a 15-year-old boy and threeadult women who force or at leastcoerce him to have sex. Here, thescene is glorified as a coming of agemoment. Glee – has an episode whereone of the male characters confides ina friend that when he was 11, his olderbabysitter molested him. The friend’sresponse? Why are you complaining?These tropes play throughout popculture and contribute to the lowreporting rates for men. Not becausesexual assault doesn’t happen to menand boys but because as a culture, weembrace the narrative of “get over it.”Authentic Insider | Page 07

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And let’s not delve too deep into classicDisney movies – Sleeping Beauty?Snow White? The prince rescues thegirl by kissing her while she is asleep.Beauty and the Beast – glorifiedStockholm syndrome where theromantic relationship begins with falseimprisonment and basic humantrafficking.It’s not just movies and television –have you thought about the lyrics yousing along with on the radio?Brad Paisely’s I’m Still a Guy - Butwhen you say a backrub means only abackrub / Then you swat my handwhen I try / Well, what can I say at theend of the day /Honey, I’m still a guy –normalize boys will be boys’ mentality. Jaime Foxx - Blame it on the Alcohol - "I'm going to make you do what you'vealready said you're not going to do."Brian McFadden – Just the Way youAre (Drunk at the Bar) - "I like you justthe way you are/Drunk as sh*t dancingat the bar/I like it and I can't wait to getyou home/So I can do some damage."Holiday Classic – Baby It’s Cold Outside “Ireally can't stay (but baby, it's cold outside)I've got to go away (but baby, it's coldoutside) This evening has been (beenhoping that you'd drop in) So very nice (I'llhold your hands, they're just like ice)”… Butmaybe just a half a drink more (put somerecords on while I pour)The neighborsmight think (baby, it's bad out there)Say, what's in this drink? (no cabs to behad out there).No genre is immune to sexual assaultculture. Is it any wonder why so many ofour young people get consent wrong? Themessages that we are sending our childrenand each other muddy the waters – graband kiss the girls, stalk her or him until theyrealize they love you, be aggressive, bedemure, it’s ok to take advantage –everyone does it. The MeToo movementbegan a slow change in Hollywood when itcomes to depicting consent in movies butwe are still a long way off from where weneed to be. We can’t expect our youngpeople to assert and respect bodyautonomy until we hold it up as the “cool”standard throughout pop culture.What can we do? Join the nationalmovement to establish a universaldefinition of consent.Every state inour country defines consent a littledifferently but we should allunderstand consent. Think#FRIES – Freely Given,Reversible, Informed, Enthusiasticand Specific. When we supportand portray this standard forconsent, we foster respect for oneanother and eliminate anyconsensual grey zone. "The messagesthat we aresending ourchildren andeach othermuddy thewaters." Authentic Insider | Page 08

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For more, check out the "No Grey Zone" Podcast withKathryn Marsh and Melissa Hoppmeyer. You can also check out "A Trauma Survivor Thriver'sPodcast" with Melissa Hoppmeyer, here.Authentic Insider | Page 09

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I just don't believethat 'no' is always afinal answer -unless we're talkingabout consent. -Tarana BurkeAuthentic Insider | Page 10

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I Had aSecretWritten by: Abigail Drakebeing in DC working as an Auditorand me living in the New York Cityarea as a counselor so we would seeeach other at least twice a month,sometimes more, before we gotmarried.When we got married and I moved toDC, I never noticed his drinkingbecause, like many alcoholics, he hidhis drinking, but he had a pattern. OnSundays, he would disappear forhours, running errands but thencome home with something new we“absolutely had to have” such as lightbulbs, and he would be “exhausted”and pass out on the couch. At thetime, I thought he was tired fromworking long hours all week thenhaving to do errands. I never noticedanything because Mark hid abottle of mouthwash in his car.He would use it before cominghome, which I did not connectuntil years later when he wasusing that to cover up hisalcoholism. I loved our marriedlife because I thought we had anice balance of beingindependent and together so Ihad time to spend with myfriends and do my own thing. Over time, that patternchanged to Mark disappearingon Saturdays and Sundays thencoming home and fallingasleep on the couch whichcontinued for years. He alsobecame aggressive towards myL I V I N G W I T H AD I S A B I L I T Y A N D A NA L C O H O L I CI was born with Ushers Syndrome, whichis characterized by deafness and causestunnel vision and difficulty seeing atnight. Regardless of my disabilities, I wasfortunate to have the support I neededgrowing up, eventually graduating fromGallaudet University, getting a great joband starting a family. But… I had a secret. My now ex-husband, Mark*, whom I meton a blind date through friends, is analcoholic. I kept this secret because Iwas embarrassed. I had never metanyone who was an alcoholic, and didn'tknow how to handle the situation. Iheard rumors here and there growingup of people I knew, but I had no directexperience with alcoholism. Like anyother young professional, I also had thisimage in my mind: a happily marriedcouple with children, the whole nineyards. We were introduced through mutualfriends that were Gallaudet alumni -where I earned both my Bachelors andMaster’s Degrees. Mark also graduatedfrom Gallaudet with his Bachelor’s butwas five years ahead of me. We datedlong distance for three years with MarkAuthentic Insider | Page 11*Names have been changed to protect their identity.

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I found myselftrying hard toprotect Andrewfrom what wasbecoming animpossiblesituation toprotect him from.too embarrassed to say anythingbecause my image of a family meant achild with both parents, not a singleparent.During extended family gatherings,Mark hid his drinking well - like at home,he would tell my family he needed to goget gas or something and stay out forhours. We all thought it was because hecomes from a deaf family, whereas I havea hearing family that uses sign languageto communicate and it was too hard forhim to be around us. I knew there wassome truth to this but he was also outdrinking. As Andrew grew older, he sensed therewas something off about his father andnever wanted to be with him. When hisfather was sleeping on the couch whilewe were eating meals by ourselves,Andrew would ask me why daddy wassleeping and not eating with us. I wouldcome up with excuses and tell him thatdaddy was just tired. I found myselftrying hard to protect Andrew from whatwas becoming an impossible situation toprotect him from. Weekends weredifficult because we never knew if itwould be a good weekend with Markfriends and family. It got to the pointwhere I slowly began to stop goingout with my friends because I knewthere was a real problem but I didnot know what it was or how toaddress it. As time went on, hisaggression and attention on mebecame overwhelming. About five years after we had beenmarried, I thought it was time for usto begin a family, not only because Iwas ready but also because Ithought having someone else otherthan me to focus on would be goodfor him. He agreed and I becamepregnant with my son, Andrew*. After the birth of Andrew, thingsbecame worse at home. Mark wouldstay out for long hours, come homedrunk and collapse on the sofa. Witha child, and a husband who wasbarely there, I made frequent visitshome to my parents in SouthCarolina and relished those visitsbecause it meant I would not have todeal with him. I felt free when I waswith my parents but never saidanything to them. They assumed wewere one little happy family. I wasAuthentic Insider | Page 12*Names have been changed to protect their identity.

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"At the time, I didn'tunderstand alcoholism as adisease and felt hurt Markdidn't seem to value ourmarriage and family lifeenough to want to try bygoing to AA meetings. "Authentic Insider | Page 13

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That was when I also realized why Mark always kept abottle of mouthwash in the car: to cover up his foul breath.With Andrew at a brand-new school where I knew no one, Isuddenly found myself with a new identity: a single motherwith a double disability. I was unsure how to navigate thisnew life, but I knew I needed to provide as much stability aspossible for Andrew. We needed to find space and time forboth Andrew and myself to process our life as it had been.Over time as Andrew and I began to heal and adjust to ournew normal which was a calm, stable, and a happy homelife with my family and friends’ unwavering support, themen in my family really stepped in to serve as role models for Andrew. I got both Andrew and myself into therapy whichhas helped both of us tremendously. During that process, 1shared my story with friends and colleagues and discoveredalmost everyone I know has had a family member who is analcoholic and that they suspected Mark was an alcoholic for along time. Over time, I began to understand that alcoholism,which often begins in the teen years, is an addiction that hadnothing to do with me but one that ultimately destroyed ourmarriage. That was when I realized that I wanted to share my story andhelp others who may be in the same predicament. I alsounderstood that just because a family may have two sets ofparents, doesn't mean it's a healthy home life. A healthyhome life is one that has love, support and stability and that isall it takes. I don't want anyone to feel alone in this. Livingwith alcoholism is awful; it is very hard, lonely, andunpredictable. Andrew’s and my lives are so much better andfuller than they were before. I am okay with being a singlemom - I have an amazing support system and Andrew is in agreat place with his school, extended family and friends. Ourlives feel clean and open and it feels good. I am no longerresponsible for anyone other than myself and Andrew. ~End~"Over time I began to understand thatalcoholism, which often begins in theteen years, is an addiction that hadnothing to do with me but one thatultimately destroyed our marriage. "Authentic Insider | Page 14

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“”―Authentic Insider | Page 15

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Authentic Insider | Page 16Healing power that manifested in the life of anamazing, brilliant, loving autistic young manwho is a walking, talking miracle. A memoir byAntonio Myers

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Authentic Insider | Page 17A memoir that is inspired and empowered by God’s unconditional love, deliverance, and healing powerthat manifested in the life of an amazing, brilliant,and loving autistic young man who is awalking, talking miracle. At the tender age of 2, the doctors told his parentsthat he would never be able to walk or talk. But byGod’s grace, mercy and healing power he hasdefied all odds. Today he is thriving, walking,talking, and transforming lives. His name is AntonioHope Myers because he gives people hope bysharing his story of living with autism, being bulliedin school as a child, and surviving trauma,depression, and anxiety. Antonio is a mentor and role model to thousands ofchildren and adults living with Autism.He has defied all odds and is living life victoriouslyand is an inspiration to people all over the world. This book shares his triumphant journey of healing,unwavering hope, inspiration, resilience, andvictory. It's a testament of how perseverance, faithin God and a Grandmother’s unconditional love canhelp you live a victorious life and be a blessing toothers.Autism is my super blessing and my gift. I'm ahigh-school valedictorian, college graduate, worldtraveler, & disability advocate.I'm a Unitarian Universalist, a Progressive Liberal.I'm about equal rights, human rights, civil &political rights & economic, social & culturalrights.I am free-thinking, free-loving, free-living, andfree-spirited. I live by The Golden Rule: Treatothers as you would like others to treat you. I alsolive by The Silver Rule: Do not treat others in waysthat you would not like to be treated. What youwish upon others, you wish upon yourself.

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1 8Authentic Insider | Page 18Autism ismy superblessing!Antonio Myers hosts the daily podcast show "Tonio Time Daily" You can catch his episode as guest on "A Trauma Survivor Thriver's Podcast." He is also a contributor for April's Issue of Authentic Insider Magazine.

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Many people go through short periods of time where they feelsad or not like their usual selves. Sometimes, these moodchanges begin and end when the seasons change. People maystart to feel “down” when the days get shorter in the fall andwinter (also called “winter blues”) and begin to feel better in thespring, with longer daylight hours.In some cases, these mood changes are more serious and canaffect how a person feels, thinks, and handles daily activities. Ifyou have noticed significant changes in your mood andbehavior whenever the seasons change, you may be sufferingfrom seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression.In most cases, SAD symptoms start in the late fall or earlywinter and go away during the spring and summer; this isknown as winter-pattern SAD or winter depression. Somepeople may experience depressive episodes during the springand summer months; this is called summer-pattern SAD orsummer depression and is less common.What is seasonalaffective disorder?The followinginformation can befound at theNational Institute ofMental Health

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Feeling depressed most of the day, nearly every dayLosing interest in activities you once enjoyedExperiencing changes in appetite or weightHaving problems with sleepFeeling sluggish or agitatedHaving low energyFeeling hopeless or worthlessHaving difficulty concentratingHaving frequent thoughts of death or suicideOversleeping (hypersomnia)Overeating, particularly with a craving for carbohydratesWeight gainSocial withdrawal (feeling like “hibernating”)Trouble sleeping (insomnia)Poor appetite, leading to weight lossRestlessness and agitationAnxietyEpisodes of violent behaviorThey must have symptoms of major depression or the more specific symptoms listed above.The depressive episodes must occur during specific seasons (i.e., only during the winter months or the summer months) forat least 2 consecutive years. However, not all people with SAD do experience symptoms every year.The episodes must be much more frequent than other depressive episodes that the person may have had at other times ofthe year during their lifetime.SAD is not considered a separate disorder but is a type of depression characterized by its recurrent seasonalpattern, with symptoms lasting about 4 to 5 months per year. Therefore, the signs and symptoms of SAD includethose associated with major depression, and some specific symptoms that differ for winter-pattern and summer-pattern SAD. Not every person with SAD will experience all of the symptoms listed below.Symptoms of major depression may include:For winter-pattern SAD, additional specific symptoms may include:Specific symptoms for summer-pattern SAD may include:Get Immediate HelpIf you or someone you know is in immediate distress or is thinking about hurting themselves, call the National SuicidePrevention Lifeline toll-free at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You also can text the Crisis Text Line (HELLO to 741741) oruse the Lifeline Chat on the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline website.If you think you may be suffering from SAD, talk to your health care provider or a mental health specialist about your concerns.They may have you fill out specific questionnaires to determine if your symptoms meet the criteria for SAD.To be diagnosed with SAD, a person must meet the following criteria:Authentic Insider | Page 21

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Light therapyPsychotherapyAntidepressant medicationsVitamin DMillions of American adults may suffer from SAD, although many may not know they have the condition. SAD occursmuch more often in women than in men, and it is more common in those living farther north, where there are shorterdaylight hours in the winter. For example, people living in Alaska or New England may be more likely to develop SADthan people living in Florida. In most cases, SAD begins in young adulthood.SAD is more common in people with major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder, especially bipolar II disorder,which is associated with recurrent depressive and hypomanic episodes (less severe than the full-blown manicepisodes typical of bipolar I disorder). Additionally, people with SAD tend to have other mental disorders, such asattention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, an eating disorder, an anxiety disorder, or panic disorder. Learn more aboutthese disorders by visiting the NIMH Mental Health Information page.SAD sometimes runs in families. SAD is more common in people who have relatives with other mental illnesses, suchas major depression or schizophrenia.Scientists do not fully understand what causes SAD. Research indicates that people with SAD may have reducedactivity of the brain chemical (neurotransmitter) serotonin, which helps regulate mood. Research also suggests thatsunlight controls the levels of molecules that help maintain normal serotonin levels, but in people with SAD, thisregulation does not function properly, resulting in decreased serotonin levels in the winter.Other findings suggest that people with SAD produce too much melatonin—a hormone that is central for maintainingthe normal sleep-wake cycle. Overproduction of melatonin can increase sleepiness.Both serotonin and melatonin help maintain the body’s daily rhythm that is tied to the seasonal night-day cycle. Inpeople with SAD, the changes in serotonin and melatonin levels disrupt the normal daily rhythms. As a result, theycan no longer adjust to the seasonal changes in day length, leading to sleep, mood, and behavior changes.Deficits in vitamin D may exacerbate these problems because vitamin D is believed to promote serotonin activity. Inaddition to vitamin D consumed with diet, the body produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight on the skin. Withless daylight in the winter, people with SAD may have lower vitamin D levels, which may further hinder serotoninactivity.Negative thoughts and feelings about the winter and its associated limitations and stresses are common amongpeople with SAD (as well as others). It is unclear whether these are "causes" or "effects" of the mood disorder, butthey can be a useful focus of treatment.Treatments are available that can help many people with SAD. They fall into four main categories that may be usedalone or in combination:Talk to your health care provider about which treatment, or combination of treatments, is best for you. For tips fortalking with your health care provider, refer to the NIMH fact sheet, Taking Control of Your Mental Health: Tips forTalking With Your Health Care Provider.Authentic Insider | Page 2

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Authentic Insider | Page 23“What lies behind you andwhat lies in front of you,pales in comparison to whatlies inside of you.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Authentic Insider | Page 24How ToCope WithFeelings OfDepressionThis HolidaySeason By Ashley Bernardi

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Authentic Insider | Page 26GET PROFESSIONAL HELPIf you are grieving, find ways to have arelationship with your loved one, even indeath. Remind yourself that “this is temporary.”Create and decorate a “coping sheet”.

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Reach out to your trustedcommunity and open up to them.Access the power of breathworkAuthentic Insider | Page 27AuthenticPower: Give Yourself Permission to Feel

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By Cali BinstockAuthentic Insider | Page 29

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Shame is not a good motivator, onthe contrary it likes to keep mestuck in feeling like a failure.Authentic Insider | Page 30

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Authentic Insider | Page 31When I’m linked with my bestself, I feel invincible and awareof my awesomeness.Authentic Insider | Page 31

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Spiritual Literacy Month in December challenges us toread at least one book on spirituality. This December,we can broaden our minds or deepen our faith byreading a book (or 5) about spirituality, faith, orreligion. It’s important to remember that you can bespiritual without being religious. Religion is organizedand has specific beliefs that usually come with a strictset of rules. However, spirituality is more of justbelieving in something bigger than humanity and beingempowered. Spiritually does not necessarily stick to aset of rules or believe precisely what someone elsebelieves in. So, whether you’re spiritual, religious, orjust plain curious, get reading this month to learn moreabout what stirs up the souls of others around you.Authentic Insider | Page 33

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HOWTOSTARTA One of the main issues that often arises on the spiritual path is a certain kind of spiritual materialism or spiritualwindow-shopping. Jumping from practice to practice can be useful at the beginning (to become familiar with theterritory). But if we get into the addictive habit of finding the “next and best” spiritual practice, tool, workshop, etc.we are doing ourselves a great disservice. We are not only approaching spirituality with a materialistic mindset, butwe’re also avoiding the fundamental purpose of the spiritual path: to deeply transform and evolve.Once you have done some dabbling here and there (this might involve watching youtube videos, readings books, attendingworkshops, etc.), it’s time to slow down and commit to something. Don’t worry if you discover later down the road thatthe path you’re on is not for you, you can always change route. What’s important is that you slow down and commit tosomething, to begin with – this is the only way to extract the nutrients, deep essential truths, and embodied wisdom.So tune into yourself and figure out what sets your Soul on fire. Begin to circle around that topic, practice, or path anddedicate your full attention to it. (And if there are a handful of paths, that’s okay too, stick with them.)It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and a little inundated by the influx of information when first beginning yourspiritual journey. My advice is to go slowly, be gentle, and go at your own pace. You don’t need to knowevery tiny detail of every field of wisdom ever created. (I know it’s tempting!)Besides, everything that you’re learning about is already within you, it just takes time. So cut yourself some slack. The key is to go gently but deeply – that is how you will learn and grow the most. Once you’ve figured out why you want to explore the spiritual path, simply pay attention. Notice whatspiritual fields, ideas, philosophies, and practices pique your interest. The spiritual journey doesn’t haveto be something dry, monotone, and repetitive (unless you want it to be). This is a quest that ideally involves play, joy, and passion. In fact, you will likely get the most out of yourspiritual path if you approach it from this heart-centered place. Neuroscience has proven that we learn themost when we’re having fun – so find your bliss. Walk a path with heart. This is the path you’re meantto be on.Think carefully about why you want to begin walking the spiritual path. Do you have aspecific goal, purpose, or intention in mind? Are you wanting to find something or avoidsomething? (Or perhaps both.) Perhaps you would like to achieve or experience something?There are a myriad of reasons why people enter the spiritual journey. For example, somepeople want to experience enlightenment, connect with their spirit guides, develop theirspiritual gifts, find their life’s purpose, taste truth/freedom, be free of an oldtrauma/addiction, and so on.Keep in mind that your purpose/aim will likely shift and change as you progress throughyour spiritual path – this is completely normal. Your path and needs are unique to you, soembrace them.BE GENTLE AND GO AT YOUR OWN PACE1.3. PAY ATTENTION TO PHILOSOPHIES, TOOLS, OR PRACTICES THAT INTRIGUE YOU2. FIGURE OUT THE PURPOSE/AIM OF YOUR JOURNEY4. GO DEEP-DIVINGSPIRITUAL JOURNEYAuthentic Insider | Page 34lonerwolf

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SPIRITUAL JOURNEYlonerwolfWe hear a lot of pretty-sounding words and mystical ideas on the spiritual path. But all of them mean little if we don’tactively find ways of absorbing them into our being.One of the simplest ways of recording what you’ve learned and experienced is simply through the act of journaling. Have aspecial journal or diary that you dedicate to writing down your thoughts, experiences, ideas, and discoveries. You don’t need tobe a good writer (or even good at spelling/grammar) to do this – forget about that! What matters is that you have a solidrecord that you can refer back to throughout your journey. There are also other ways of recording what you’velearned/experienced such as creating pieces of art or composing music. Find whatever creative outlet suits you the most. Keep in mind that your purpose/aim will likely shift and change as you progress through your spiritual path – this iscompletely normal. Your path and needs are unique to you, so embrace them.It’s easy to go spiritual window shopping and jump onto whatever new and exciting bandwagon emerges.But it takes much more strength of character, sincerity, and courage to actively integrate and embody whatyou’ve learned.To integrate means to absorb something into your being; to make it a living and breathing part of you. Toembody means to be an expression of what you have learned: to be the change you’re looking for, to infuseyour life with the essence of what you’ve discovered.7. INTEGRATE AND EMBODY YOUR SPIRITUALITYMEDITATIONMINDFULNESSCONTEMPLATIONBREATHWORKSHADOW WORKSELF-LOVEINNER CHILD WORKTHERE ARE, HOWEVER, NUMEROUS WAYS TO BEGIN THE INTEGRATION/EMBODIMENTPART OF YOUR JOURNEY. SOME OF THESE PRACTICES INCLUDE:Anything that helps you to slow down, be introspective, and go inwardswhile encouraging present moment awareness, will help you to integrateand embody what you experience.Instead of being a magical sounding idea, you will actively live and expressqualities such as lovingkindness, presence, and wisdom. But first, you needto be sincere and dedicated to this path.HOWTOSTARTA 5. BE AWARE OF SHARKS6. RECORD WHAT YOU’VE LEARNED AND EXPERIENCEDYou’ll meet many people on your spiritual path (whether online or in-the-flesh). Some of these people will genuinelyhave your best interests in mind. But others won't. Yes, there are many ‘spiritual sharks’ out there, aka. there aresleazy, snake-oil salesmen and women who are intentionally out to use you for personal gain. There are also somepeople (typically leaders of spiritual communities or certain gurus) who are totally unaware of their unconscious shadowmotivations (but are equally as dangerous). So be discerning. Learn to trust your intuition and gut instincts. Tap intoyour inner lone wolf: that primal wisdom you carry inside which drove you to begin this quest to begin with. Even if you do fall into the jaws of a shark, know that you can get out. You can actually use the experience as a lessonand fuel to grow even stronger. Authentic Insider | Page 35

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Authentic Insider | Page 36by: Cali BinstockMeditation 5 minute meditation

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Authentic Insider | Page 37by: Cali Binstock

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Discover the power of mindfulness in thiscompanion to New York Times bestsellers IAm Human and I Am Love!Mindfulnessmeans being fully in the present moment.Children can learn how to manage theiremotions, make good choices, and balancetheir busy lives by learning to be mindful,express emotions through speech, findempathy through imagination, and wonderat the beauty of the natural world.This is a gorgeous book about the commonbond of humanity, written by BarackObama's sister. Timely messages about hopeand faith encourage readers to open theirhearts and minds to compassion, inspiration,and believing in something bigger thanyourself.*I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Authentic Insider | Page 41In this version of paying it forward, one gooddeed leads to another as people in amulticultural neighborhood, including aJewish family, change the life of thecommunity.

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Whether it’s grief, despair, or anxiety, society will always find a way to label feelings as“messy.” But burying these reactions only leads to greater emotional turmoil.Accomplished entrepreneur, journalist, publicist, and award-winning podcaster AshleyBernardi teaches us that our darkest hours are disguised opportunities to uncover andprocess, feel, heal, and grow.Bernardi’s personal journey began when she witnessed her father’s sudden death at ageeleven. Years later, a mysterious illness began a personal quest toward healing and taughther that trauma and adversity can be sources of strength and self-discovery. The harrowing true story of a young boy's survival for 12 plus years with ademonically possessed mother. She terrorized the family, the neighbors, andauthorities in a small northern town in Ontario Canada from the mid 70's to themid 80's.A memoir inspired and empowered by God’s unconditional love, deliverance, and healing powerthat manifested in the life of an amazing, brilliant, and loving autistic young man who isawalking, talking miracle. At the tender age of 2, the doctors told his parents that he would never be able towalk or talk. But by God’s grace, mercy and healing power he has defied all odds.Today he is thriving, walking, talking, and transforming lives. *I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Authentic Insider | Page 42

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Monthly Collective Readings for All Signswith Joy Larkin (December 1 - December 31, 2021) Joy is a Narcissistic AbuseSurvivor who has made it herlife's work to help others throughlife coaching. She is also a healer,earth angel and psychic medium.If you would like coachingservices from Joy and/or getyour own personal reading,please scan the barcode belowwith your smartphone camera.READINGSINFOAuthentic Insider | Page 43