Publisher: BDSNATION PTY LTDChief Executive Officer: Tom ClarkEditorialManaging Editor Tom ClarkInterview Manager Chris WindleContributorsChris Windle, Bradley Delforce, Coal City Strongman, Rob Allen, Lee Priest AUSTRALIA'SSTRONGEST AUSSIEMUSCLEJORDAN:King of the CircusWelcome, and thank you for subscribing to Aussie Muscle Magazine.What a month! We got the chance to chat with some big namesaround the strength world, some of which you will read in this issue!World's Strongest Man 2022 is done and dusted, with Tom Stoltmanwinning his second, we cannot wait to see this when it's aired.Hunter Strength and Performance Beresfield held GPC States forNSW and on the same day Coal City Strongman held an ASA Qualifierevent outside the Beresfield facility. This saw one of Australia'sStrongest Powerlifters take the win in the Mens Open Class and wehad a quick chat with the Cult Leader before it started, and boy doeshe have goals!Whatever your pleasure: Strongman, Bodybuilding or Powerlifting,there are all kinds of features and stories for you champions todigest.Brought to you by Barbell Death Squad, along with Hunter Strengthand Performance, be sure to get some grip strength training withAussie Muscle as you wont be able to let it go.By Tom ClarkDisclaimerAUSSIEMUSCLEAn InterviewWith... GawainJohnstoneRhyss Keane:The Pale HorseReader discretion is advised. Please consult yourphysician before beginning any exercise or dietprogram, or when making changes in an existingprogram if you have any doubts about your healthstatus. Aussie Muscle Magazine is published by BDS Nation(Pty) Ltd in Australia. Material in this publication,including text and images, is protected by copyright. Itmay not be copied, reproduced, republished, posted,broadcast, or transmitted in any way without writtenconsent of BDS Nation (Pty) Ltd. The views andopinions expressed in Aussie Muscle Magazine by thecontributors may not represent the views of thepublishers. BDS Nation (Pty) Ltd as well as itsemployees accept no responsibility for any loss thatmay be suffered by any person who relies totally orpartially upon any information, description, or picturescontained herein. BDS Nation (Pty) Ltd is not liable forany mistake, misprint, or typographic errors. Anysubmissions to BDS Nation become the property ofBDS Nation (Pty) Ltd. © 2021 The name “Aussie MuscleMagazine” and the Aussie Muscle Magazine areregistered trademarks of BDS Nation (Pty) Ltd. Allrights reserved.
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NSW STRONGESTBDS will be set up at the event with stall tocheer on all the guys and girls, as well assupport the show and give out some awesomeprizes!Come on down to Gregory Hills Hotel 11/06/22to see NSW Strongest Men and Women battlefor the title!
At Hunter Strength and Performance, we doone thing - teach you how to make yourselfstronger.That's why we're The Strongest Gym in TheHunter.Strong people are healthier and enjoy a betterquality of life. All ages, genders and body typesbenefit from being stronger, and whateveryour goal, you will succeed.Beresfield Facility: 17 Beresford Ave, BeresfieldNSW 2322Singleton Facility: 3/15 Enterprise Crescent,Mcdougalls Hill, NSW 2330Beresfield PH: 0435 938 136Singleton PH: 0458 247 048 HunterStrengthandPerformancehunterstrengthandperformancehunter_strength_singletonHunterStrengthSingleton
NSW Strongest 2022?Where did 2021 go... These years are flying by, from covid and monkeypox, tokiller wasps and toilet paper craziness: these few years have been hectic.Strength Sports however, have taken a leap in popularity and quality.The athletes lined up for NSW Strongest 2022 ensure a great show to be had,from BDS Athlete and Coal City Strongman boss lady: Bek "Big Bird" Chessumtaking on reigning champ Elly Smith, to the intense and amazing Jaymii"Jigsaw" Morris who is the favourite in the 82kg division.In the men's, we will be very interested in seeing how Hank Theunissen holdsup next to some of the guys from Australia's Strongest Man! With the list ofqualified athletes out, it will be interesting to see who turns up on the day, andwho really TURNS up on the day.Whatever happens, it's sure to be an exciting event with Mick Abed from PTCMacarthur at the helm once again. Mick is one of the greatest event runners inthe Country and treats the athletes, sponsors and the crowd with the respectthey deserve, and in turn everyone who attends from the athletes to the mediashould show the same. We are extremely excited and proud to be asked tosponsor the event again this year and can't wait to see you all down there!By Tom Clark BDS/AMM/HSPWhen: 11/06/22Where: 14-26 Central Hills Drive, Gregory Hills, Sydney New South Wales 2557 Collections at:
PTC Macarthur was the vision of a groupof locally based strongmancompetitors...... People who loved to train,and found that many of the regularcommercial gyms were lacking when itcame to meeting the needs of strength,and performance trainers.PTC Macarthur wanted to bring togethernot only competition standard equipmentand tons of weight, but also thementality. A place where likemindedpeople could train, with the sole objectivebeing…. Get stronger!Location: 6/31 Airds Rd, Minto NSW 2566 PH: 0428 061 331 PTCMacarthurptcmacarthur