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August - September Magazine

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Kristen Gentry, Nicole Bentley andMichelle Joustra pose for a pictureat Fourmidable’s Summer outing atBrookhaven Manor.

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Ace The Back-To-SchoolSeason: PropertyManagement EditionAs your residents get ready for a new schoolyear, it is a great time for your property tostart fresh as well. So, sharpen your pencilsand let's dive into the propertymanagement realm of back-to-schoolreadiness!Your All-Star Office TeamLet's face it – nobody likes a pop quiz. Butwhen it comes to legal compliance, youcan't afford to be unprepared. Stay ahead ofannual compliance updates and review localrental regulations and certifications for yourproperty and residents. Make sure yourteam is up-to-date on their training andcertificates as well so they may be equippedto tackle any challenges that come theirway. Supply Shopping and Maintenance:Equipped for SuccessRemember the days of exciting back-to-school supply shopping? Well, propertymanagers need a supply list too! Stock upon essential tools like maintenanceequipment, repair kits, and update yoursoftware. It’s also a great time to make sureany community spaces are in tip-top shape.The back-to-school hustle and bustle cancause some wear and tear so a fresh coat ofpaint, clean floors, and pleasant curb appealwill help keep a welcoming atmosphere.A+ Communication SkillsOpen lines of communication are crucial inproperty management. Make sure you haveproper plans and procedures in place to beable to respond promptly to residentconcerns, be proactive in addressing

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A vibrant community creates a positiveliving experience, and happy residents aremore likely to stay long-term.Report Card Review: PerformanceEvaluationRegularly assess your propertymanagement strategies. Analyze yourvacancies, resident turnover, andmaintenance response times. Identify areasfor improvement and celebrate yoursuccesses. Continuous improvement is thekey to staying at the top of the class!Remember, it's not just about managingproperties; it's about building a communitywhere everyone thrives and feels at home. Are you ready to ace the back-to-schoolseason in property management? maintenance issues, and keep yourresidents informed about importantupdates. Extra Credit for Safety MeasuresSafety is a top priority when it comes toproperty management. Double-checksmoke detectors, fire extinguishers, andensure proper security measures are inplace. Also, be sure to update any signageor send reminders to residents about anyrules your property may have for theupcoming season and holidays.Extracurricular Activities: BuildCommunityEncourage a sense of community amongyour tenants. Organize fun events likebarbecues, movie nights, or a game oftrivia.

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L A F A Y E T T E W E S TW H E R E C I T Y M E E T S P A R KL A F A Y E T T E W E S T I S S T A G E DA N D R E A D Y F O R V I E W I N G ! C u r a t e d w i t h o u r f u t u r e r e s i d e n t s i nm i n d , t h e s e s t a g e d s p a c e s a r ed e s i g n e d t o g i v e y o u a f i r s t - h a n d -l o o k i n t o l i f e a t L a f a y e t t e W e s t .B O O K Y O U R T O U R T O D A Y>

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“Ted is so very nice and easy to talkto. He comes to work ready, willingand able! He’s a great asset to ourcompany.”-Karen Maraachli“Jaimie was such a great helpwhen choreographing theFourmidable/Brookhavenluncheon at her community. Hercalmness, professionalism andwillingness to assist in all areas putan ease to the scheduling. Thankyou, Jaimie, for providing abeautiful space for all of us togather.-Cris WaldenTed StankoComplianceJaimie DeWittExecutive Director - Brookhaven

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“Katie is managing a newconstruction property in theTennessee area and has alreadymoved in nearly 20 residents. Wewish her much success with futuremove ins. Great Job, Katie! -Cris Walden“Bret is very helpful andknowledgable. He is always on topof his projects and does a greatjob at communicating. Weappreciate you, Bret!-Dana MeyerKatie WebbProperty ManagerBret YustickGL Accountant

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THE VILLAGESAT PARKSIDEThe Friends of Parkside held their 14th Annual Health Fair at The Villages atParkside. It was a well-attended event by the Fire and Police Department, TheVillages at Parkside staff, residents and the community. We greatly appreciatethe services of local health organizations. Special thanks to the Fire and PoliceDepartment for participating and making it extra special.

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