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August Parent Newsletter

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WELCOME TO COLLEGE A college education is one of the greatest transformative experiences in a young person’s life, and we are deeply honored that you have chosen to trust us to provide that experience for your child. It is the great joy of all the members of the Office of First-Year Experience (OFYE) to have a positive impact in the life of young adults here at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and we look forward to doing so in the coming semester! We are immensely aware of the love and energy you have invested in your child to get them to this point in their life, and we are dedicated to serving both the students of this university and you, their parents. We are proud to be Ragin’ Cajuns and we are proud that you and your child have chosen to be members of our UL Lafayette family. We look forward to building a relationship with you which will provide the support your child needs to be successful in college. We hope to see you on campus over the coming months. In the meantime, you are more than welcome to let us know how we can help you and your child. Office of First-Year Experience August 2017 Inside this Issue: Welcome to College 1 What is OFYE 2 Being a College Parent 3 From Parent to Partner 4 The Red Dot Discount 4 Support Your Cajuns 5 Direct Deposit 5 Family Weekend 6 Fall 2017 Calendar Aug 25 Last day to add/drop classes withOUT a “W” Sept 4 Labo r Da y holiday Sept 22-23 Fam ily Weekend Oct 4 Last day to drop classes with a “W” Oct 5-6 Fall Break Oct 16 Academ ic Advising for Spring 2018 Begins Nov 23-24 Than ksgivin g Break Dec 1 Last Da y of Classes Dec 4-5 Final Exams Dec 6 Mid Exam Study day Dec 7-8 Fin al Exam s 1 Parent Newsletter

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OFYE STAFF Associate Director: Dana Bekurs Associate Director: Clay Weill First-Year Experience Instructor: Ericka Haynes First-Year Experience Instructor: Denetria Brooks-James First-Year Experience Instructor: Christine Williams First-Year Experience Instructor: Jessie White Instructional Support Program Manager: Michelle Fournet Communications Graduate Assistant: Megan Borel Living Learning Communities Graduate Assistant: Nick Jarrett WHAT IS OFYE? The Office of First-Year Experience (OFYE) is pleased to support your student during the exciting and challenging transition period of the first year. OFYE supports freshmen in a multitude of ways. Academically, we offer the UNIV 100 course, which allows students to gain or improve skills needed for success in the higher education environment. We collaborate with the Academic Success Center in offering a safety net to students through the Grades First reporting system (more on that in the September newsletter). OFYE is also committed to the personal development and enrichment of our newest Ragin’ Cajuns by offering and promoting many opportunities for engagement. You can help promote your students’ engagement in campus life—whether your student is a commuter or campus resident. Encourage your student to attend campus activities and explore student organizations in the first semester. If your student is living in campus housing and within driving distance of home, encourage him or her to stay for a weekend or two during the first month rather than drive home every weekend. This encourages making friends on campus by giving them time to socialize. If your student is a commuter, he or she can be very engaged in campus life. Encourage your student to stay on campus for at least some late afternoons, even if the class schedule ends earlier. Mid-to-late afternoon is when many student organization meetings are held. This also allows time for students to attend tutoring, participate in study groups, and visit professors. Students who are engaged in their learning and in campus activities are more likely to finish their degrees and to graduate with a higher GPA than those who are not engaged. 2

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Starting college is an exciting and sometimes daunting experience for every student, whether they like to admit it or not. Freshman year is finally the time where we give our children the reins to their own lives, with some supervision. Unfortunately, letting go is often harder for parents than it is for students. Information: Busy college students tend to minimize the amount of information they share with their parents. Accordingly, parents turn to the university to inquire about their child’s progress. Unfortunately, as our students are typically over the age of 18, UL Lafayette is mandated by federal laws such as FERPA and HIPAA to protect the privacy of its students, even from their parents. Though the university does all it can to assist parents, it tends to be a frustrating situation for them. Talking to your child will always be the most direct way to know how they are doing in school. Challenges: Your child will face many challenges in college, whether it be with a teacher, a classmate, a roommate, or a friend. They best way to help them learn how to deal with these situations is to support them from afar. The UL campus provides numerous resources to help students in each of these types of situations. Allowing them to learn how to resolve conflicts at the beginning of college will be one of the most important skills they will need for the rest of their degree. Grades: The type and amount of information students are tested on in college is considerably more difficult and comprehensive than in high school. It takes time and experience to learn the appropriate study and test taking habits students need to succeed. Don’t be alarmed if grades aren’t exactly what they were in high school in the beginning. Offices such as the Academic Success Center specialize in helping students adjust to the academic difficulty of college. Maturity: Remember that development takes time. Pr ofessor Mar shall Duke of Emory University produced an informative video on parenting college students where he stresses that freshman are not quite college students, merely high school students in college. They will act much like they did in high school and make many of the same mistakes. It won’t be until somewhere in their sophomore year that you may see intellectual changes in your child, where they are mature enough to face college as a true adult. College is a time of change for students and parents. The Office of First-Year Experience (OFYE) is here to help both you and your child make the transition. For additional material, please read the Washington Post’s 9 tips on how to be a good college parent. BEING A COLLEGE PARENT 3 A TIP FOR PARENTS, FROM PARENTS A tip for parents from last year’s freshman parents: Have a place for all of your passwords that is easily accessible to you. It is difficult to remember each username and password on each site (FAFSA, Ulink,, LOFSA (TOPS), and any other) that you might need for your student. FRESHMAN SPOTLIGHT Starting in September, OFYE will begin the Freshman Spotlight. This is a way to acknowledge a freshman who has shown academic and personal success for each month. This freshman must be nominated by their UNIV 100 instructor or Peer Mentor. Keep checking our monthly newsletters to see the Freshman of the Month! FRESHMEN RED RUN Freshmen Red Run is a Ragin' Cajun tradition where all members of the freshman class get to run out of the tunnel onto Cajun Field as part of the pregame activities. No sign up is necessary and this event is open to all freshmen! Freshmen Red Run will be Saturday, September 2, 2017. Freshmen will receive an email with more details.

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The Red Dot Discount Program was created to help students become more aware of the many businesses that support the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and its students, by offering discounts and/or special offers. The Red Dot Discount Program is a partnership between community businesses and the UL Lafayette Student Government Association. The partnered businesses give students and faculty a discount for products or services. In turn, Student Government promotes and advertises for the company. It's a win-win situation for all parties involved. To receive a discount, the student must show his/her current identification card (Cajun Card). Without their current I.D. card, students WILL NOT receive the discount specified in the contract. For a list of all businesses in Red Dot partnership, please click here. Encourage your son or daughter to visit these business to save money and to support the local community! FROM PARENTING TO PARTNERING Partnerships of learning are an important part of the message we give to students and parents during our annual New Student Orientation programs. The idea of a partnership, that we all have a joint interest in the success of our students, is an important one for parents to think about as your son or daughter begins their first week of classes at UL Lafayette. How will you partner with your Ragin’ Cajun, as well as with our university, to ensure that your student has optimal academic, social, and personal success during their time here? The OFYE Parent Newsletter is part of the university’s commitment to partnering with parents of our students for their success. Our monthly newsletter will aim to give you timely information on the university, your student’s adjustment, and insights into how you can be a partner with us to ensure a positive experience for your son or daughter. Contact us at any time with your thoughts, comments, questions or concerns by email or phone at 337-482-6599. During the first few weeks of school, it is important to ensure that your child is achieving balance. Ask them about their time management skills, what organizations they are getting involved in, and how much sleep they are getting. For every 3 credit hours in which they are enrolled, encourage them to spend at least 5 hours per week reading, studying, and completing assignments. Students who are most successful completing a full-time course load spend 20-30 hours a week on homework, reading, and studying for tests. THE RED DOT DISCOUNT 4 RESOURCES ON CAMPUS Academic Success Center Lee Hall Rm. 115 (337) 482-6818 Writing Center H.L. Griffin Hall, Rm. 107-108 (337) 482-6447 Counseling & Testing Center Saucier Wellness Center O.K. Allen Hall (337) 482-6480 Office of Disability Services (ODS) Conference Center, Rm. 126 (337) 482-5252 Student Support Services DeClouet Hall Rm. 106 (337) 482-6828 STEP Computer Labs on Campus Student Affairs Division Martin Hall Rm. 211 (337) 482-6266

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Encourage your student to take advantage of these free DIY workshops to better their chances of getting that dream job or adding another skill set to their toolbox to survive college! 5 THE LEARNING CENTER Located at the heart of the campus in Lee Hall, The Learning Center (TLC) is your student’s best resource for academic assistance in their toughest courses. We understand that the success of our department depends on the success of our students. The TLC tutors and staff assist UL students in making progress in their difficult classes, increasing student retention, and helping students graduate on time. Appointments are not required for many sessions, but recommended for one-on-one tutoring. If your student has a question and does not know where to find the answer, start with a tutor in The Learning Center! We provide FREE tutoring services; including Individual Tutoring, Supplemental Instruction, Study Groups, 24/7 online tutoring, and several online academic resources. Click here for more information, subjects for tutoring, and schedules. TOPS TUESDAYS TOPS Tuesdays is one of the sessions covered as a part of The DIY Workshop Series, which covers a variety of topics geared towards academic success. These workshops are hosted by a professional staff member(s) from the Academic Success Center and the Office of First Year Experience. The DIY Workshops are offered weekly throughout the semester. TOPS TUESDAYS WORKSHOPS: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3* 2:00 p.m. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7* 2:00 p.m. *located in FGM 105 Click here for the full DIY Workshop Calendar. These optional sessions offer tips to students to help them keep their TOPS. Tips on how students can write a paper that makes a good first impression!

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FAMILY WEEKEND The purpose of Family Weekend is to give incoming freshmen as well as their parents a sense of belonging in the Ragin’ Cajun family. Family Weekend, held September 22-23, 2017, is a great way to get parents on campus and involved in some of the same activities as their kids in college. The university will be offering a host of events including a movie night, Zydeco Brunch, and a walk through the Hilliard University Art Museum! Other events include a tour of the Tabasco Pepper Sauce factory on Avery Island, a taste of Cajun Cuisine at Bon Appetit family reception, and more! All events will lead up to the Ragin’ Cajun football game against the ULM Warhawks, and a family tailgate will be held before—all at Cajun Field! Other events offered by the City of Lafayette that weekend include Downtown Alive! and the Lafayette Farmer’s Market. In addition, there will also be time for you to explore Lafa-yette on your own—maybe stop by your student’s favorite places around town or find something new. There is always plenty to do around Lafayette, a lot for free! For more information about Family Weekend, please click here! Click here to register for Family Weekend 2017! 6 FAMILY WEEKEND 2017 SCHEDULE Friday, September 22 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. | Check -in & pick up your Family Weekend Schedule in the Union 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Visit the Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. | Bon Appetit* 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. | Movie: Beauty and the Beast at Bayou Bijou Saturday, September 23 8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. | Mcllhenny's Tabasco Tour* 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Visit the Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. | Zydeco Brunch* 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. | Family Weekend Tailgate* 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. | Ragin’ Cajuns Football vs. ULM Warhawks* *registration or fees required

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SUPPORT YOUR CAJUNS You can support your son or daughter and the University of Louisiana at Lafa-yette by wearing red each Friday! Encourage your son or daughter to wear red on Fridays as well—it’s a campus tradition that shows support for our university! Still need that Ragin’ Cajun gear? Check out the wide array of apparel available at the University Bookstore. Bookstore locations include the Student Union, the Tent on St. Mary Blvd., and the Red Zone on Johnston Street. RESOURCES ON CAMPUS Academic Success Center Lee Hall Rm. 115 (337) 482-6818 Writing Center H.L. Griffin Hall, Rm. 107-108 (337) 482-6447 Counseling & Testing Center Saucier Wellness Center O.K. Allen Hall (337) 482-6480 Office of Disability Services (ODS) Conference Center, Rm. 126 (337) 482-5252 Student Support Services DeClouet Hall Rm. 106 (337) 482-6828 STEP Computer Labs on Campus Student Affairs Division Martin Hall Rm. 211 (337) 482-6266 7 DIRECT DEPOSIT INFORMATION Get your student’s financial aid refunds and work study paycheck FASTER by setting up DIRECT DEPOSIT. If your student uses checks, he/she needs a voided check that is preprinted with their name on it. If your student doesn’t use checks, you can get the bank to give you a DIRECT DEPOSIT FORM that has the student’s name, the type of account (checking or saving), routing number, and account number on bank letterhead. The account MUST be in the STUDENT’S name. No starter or temporary checks and no accounts in the parent’s name. Drop off at the Student Cashier/Disbursement Center in the Student Union, Room 135. For more information on direct deposit, click here, or call 337-482-6385. UL LAFAYETTE CALENDARS Below are a few helpful links to UL Lafayette’s calendars. Included are athletic events, university events, and academic deadlines and holidays. Academic Calendar Athletic Calendar Events Calendar

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Contact Information Visit us at our office: 230 Hebrard Blvd. Lee Hall, Room 106 Monday-Thursday 7:30am-5:00pm Friday 7:30am-12:30pm (337) 482-6599 Follow OFYE on Social Media 8 During the month of August, students are excited and eager to start their college careers. They may have just moved away from home for the first time and while this might be an exciting event to many, others may be homesick or already missing their family and friends. The beginning of their college careers has just begun, this may bring worry to your student. They might be feeling insecure about meeting friends and fitting in, or they could be worried that they aren’t as smart as others in their classes. Some freshman are very worried about their classes, while others might not worry because they performed well academically in high school. College classes are typically much more difficult than high school classes because college professors are not there to hold your student’s hand or remind them about their assignments. This may be a difficult adjustment for you student. Here are some tips on what you can do, as a parent, to help your student keep up with the new stresses of college life. 1. Understand that your role as a parent is changing. Students needs to figure out much of their new stage in life on their own, but assure them that you are there for advice and guidance. 2. Give them space and time to adjust to college life, try not to be a “helicopter parent”. 3. Encourage your student to stay on campus or in town for weekends and Labor Day holiday; this is the best way for your students to begin to feel comfortable in their new settings. Encourage your student to get involved on campus by joining clubs and campus groups to meet new friends. 4. Stay up to date with UL Lafayette’s resources and deadlines. UL Lafayette has many resources that are can help your student when you can’t. Gentle reminders are helpful when your student has new responsibilities to keep up with. YOUR STUDENT THROUGHOUT THE SEMESTER: AUGUST Click here to see what freshman go through during each month!