The Anthony Republican: Vol. 145 - No. 34 • The Anthony Bulletin: Vol. 125 - No. 34Established October 9, 1879: Oldest continuous business in Anthony • Wednesday, August 21, 2024To advertise your business or event in our “Hot Spot”call the Anthony Republican at 620-842-5129. Wes Higgs Agency, LLC125 W. Main St., Anthonywhiggs@amfam.comCourtesy PhotoLOCAL DANCERS PERFORM HALFTIME ROUTINE AT ARROWHEAD: Forty dancers from Mindy’s Dance Center in Anthony and Powerhous Dance Studio in Garden Plain, owned by sisters Mindy Deaver and Christy Reel (pictued in center), performed a routine during halftime of the Kansas City Chiefs vs. Detroit Lions pre-season game this past Saturday with 5 other dance studios from across Kansas as part of the Junior Chiefs Cheelerders program. The girls are pictured tailgaiting with family and friends before the game.Interest In Solar Leads To Regulation Discussion From CommissionersEditor’s Note: This article contains minutes frommultiple meetings.Official Meeting MinutesSpecial MeetingSubmitted By HarperCounty Clerk’s OfficeJuly 25, 2024The Harper County Board of County Commis-sioners met in a special session, with Chairman Struble calling the meeting to order with Commissioner Waldschmidt. Ami DeLac-erda, County Clerk, was also present. David Rapp, Hinkle Law Firm, was pres-ent via Zoom. At 8:56 a.m., Commis-sioner Struble moved to en-ter executive session. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss mat-ters protected by Attorney-Client Privilege. The open meeting will resume at 9:56 a.m. in this room. At 9:56 a.m., Commissioner Wald-schmidt moved to extend the executive session for 30 minutes; the motion was approved unanimously. At 10:26 a.m., Commissioner Waldschmidt moved to ex-tend the executive session for 5 minutes; the motion was approved unanimous-ly. The special meeting re-sumed at 10:31 a.m., with no binding action taken. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:34 a.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, July 29th, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner Room at the Harper County Courthouse. Approved: Darrin Stru-ble, ChairmanAttest: Ami DeLacerda, County ClerkOfficial Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingSubmitted By HarperCounty Clerk’s OfficeJuly 29, 2024The Harper County Board of County Commis-sioners met in regular ses-sion, with Chairman Stru-ble calling the meeting to order with Commissioner Waldschmidt and Commis-sioner Vornauf. Ami DeLac-erda, County Clerk, Josh Teel, IT, and Shonda Lar-son, Assistant to the Board were also present. Commissioner Wald-schmidt moved to ap-prove 7/29/2024 accounts payable in the amount of $384,236.40; the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Wald-School Board Hires New Anthony Principal At Special MeetingOfficial Minutes fromthe USD #361 Board of Education MeetingMonday, July 29, 2024Special MeetingBoard Members Present: Lindsay Zimmerman, Rose-Ann Teel, Jarrett Schmidt, Samantha Troyer, Dusty Al-bright, Brett Walker. Absent: Jan Misak. Others Present: Josh Swartz, Barbara Muse, Vance Williams, Justin Hill, Tracy Fredrick Meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Dusty Al-bright1. Action Item to approve the Chaparral Jr/Sr High School Handbook Updates: Motion by Albright, second by Schmidt. Motion passed 6-0.2. Executive Session for Negotiations (Action Item): Motion by Albright, second by Walker: I move to go into executive session to discuss staff salary and benefits pursuant to the exception for employer-employee ne-gotiations under KOMA to include additional personnel as needed from 7:05 to 7:15 pm. Motion passed 6-0. Oth-ers in executive session: Mr. Swartz: 7:05-7:15 pm.3. Executive Session for Non-Elected Personnel (Ac-tion Item): Motion by Al-bright, second by Schmidt: I move to go into executive session to discuss an individ-ual employee’s performance pursuant to non-elected personnel exception under KOMA to include additional personnel as needed, from 7:17 to 7:27. Motion passed 6-0. Others in executive ses-sion: Mr. Swartz: 7:17-7:27.Motion by Albright, sec-ond by Schmidt to go back into executive session from 7:27 to 7:32. Motion passed 6-0. Others in executive ses-sion: Mr. Swartz: 7:27-7:32.4. Motion by Albright, Mary MellenAES PrincipalSCHOOL Continued on next pageCOUNTY Continued on next page
Page 2 the Anthony Republican • August 21, 2024schmidt moved to approve 7/19/2024 payroll benefits in the amount of $156,038.62; the motion passed unani-mously. Commissioner Wald-schmidt moved to approve the 7/22/2024 Regular Meet-ing Minutes; the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Wald-schmidt moved to approve the 7/25/2025 Special Meet-ing Minutes; the motion passed unanimously. Mike Bennet and Janet Slankard with Public Works gave a Department Update. The department is working on correcting issues identi-fied by the KSDOL inspec-tion last week. There was continued discussion on the purchase, placement, and maintenance of diesel and fuel tanks at the various County shop locations. Also discussed mowing progress, detour concerns, blacktop progress, lack of applicants for grader operator positions and recruitment options. The Board requested spray-er and grader maps weekly. The Board met with rep-resentatives from the Doug-las County Appraiser’s office via zoom to discuss Solar Farm regulations and up-dating our Comprehensive Plan. Brooke Mantey, Coun-ty Appraiser, and Meghan Crenshaw were present. Douglas County recom-mended we move to update our Comprehensive Plan first, which will include add-ing the regulations for solar. Per Mrs. Mantey, Harper County is seeing some in-terest in solar at this time. Douglas County recommen-dations include utilizing 3rd parties for plan and app re-view, construction supervi-sion, etc., including clauses that would assign expenses to the developer. They also discussed developing a PI-LOT program for projects (10 year payment until tax exemption ends). When asked about the tax payer response, they answered that most of the county is COUNTY Continued from previous pageokay, but immediate neigh-bors are very opposed, they are currently in litigation over some issues. At this time, they have not seen any impact on property values, as it is too soon to tell. The Douglas County represen-tatives said they would be willing to help out, share info and advice. Meaghan to talk with Zoning commis-sion about forming ad hoc committee, will schedule a meeting soon to discuss. At 9:32 a.m., Commis-sioner Struble moved to en-ter executive session. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss mat-ters protected by Attorney-Client Privilege. The open meeting will resume at 9:37 a.m. in this room. The mo-tion was approved unani-mously. Ami DeLacerda remained in the room. The special meeting resumed at 9:37 a.m., with no binding action taken. Randy Hofmeier, with Lindburg, Vogel, Pierce, Faris Chtd, presented the results of the 2023 audit to the Board. Only one signifi-cant issue identified, which the County Treasurer has corrected. Also noted that our limited staff requires more stringent checks and balances, which are in place. Credit Cards were discussed again, the Clerk’s Office has implemented a process to balance each statement monthly. The Board re-quested a monthly report showing late fees identified in A/P process.Commissioner Struble requested a 5 minute recess at 9:52 a.m. The meeting re-convened at 9:57 a.m.Kevin Alexander, Harper County Community Foun-dation, met with the Board regarding the proposal from the City of Harper, which is issuing Gen Obligation Bonds to purchase new fire truck, and would like to use the income stream from the county to help pay for this purchase. The Board agreed to continue sending funds directly to the Foundation, for this purchase. There was discussion changing the process for all cities, but the group decided to wait and make those changes on a case-by-case basis. Josh Teel, Building & Grounds/IT, met with the Board to discuss plans for the dispatch department move to the Health Depart-ment basement. The RFP for the project will be published beginning Monday, August 5 for 60 days. The anticipated finish date is projected for January or February, due to the length of time needed to receive new radio consoles. The current dispatch area continues to deal with wa-ter issues stemming from jail (plumbing and a/c), and once dispatch is relocated, the county will work on get-ting that basement repaired. There was also discussion about the need for repairing the light on the 911 tower, and concerns about EMS ra-second by Teel: I move to ap-prove the personnel as pre-sented. Motion passed 6-0. Resignations: Madison Thompson, Custodian.Hires: Mary Mellen, AES Principal. Kate Billington, Payroll/Board Clerk. Cody Peters-Baki, Maintenance/Custodian.5. Motion by Albright, second by Walker: For addi-tional changes from the July 8th BOE meeting. Motion passed 6-0.Approve Katie Billington as District KPERS Repre-sentative. Approve Katie Billington as Clerk of the Board. Official signatures on file are to be: Clerk - Ka-tie Billington. District Petty Cash - Katie Billington. Approve Katie Billington as 2024-2025 Food Service Authorized Representative. Approve Teresa Cullop as 2024-2025 authorized rep-resentative for Free and Reduced Meal Applications. Approve Josh Swartz as 2024-2025 Hearing Official for Free and Reduced Meal Application Appeals. Desig-nate Mary Mellen as the An-thony Elementary Truancy Officer for the school year 2024-2025 per K.S.A. 72-1113. Approve Mary Mellen at Anthony Elementary to administer the activity fund and gate receipts. (K.S.A. 72-8208a).6. Culture of Continual Improvement Workshop with Tracy Fredrick.AdjournmentMotion by Walker, sec-ond by Schmidt to adjourn at 10:10 pm. Motion passed 6-0. SCHOOL Continued from previous pageCOUNTY Continued on next page
the Anthony Republican • August 21, 2024 Page 3dio capabilities. Vickie Mader, Horizons, met with the Board to re-view their financial reports and give an update on ser-vices provided in the com-munity.Shelli Starks, Childcare Director, met with the Board with a department update. There was discussion about potentially separating the Anthony and Attica budgets COUNTY Continued from previous pagedown the road to help iden-tify success of each facility. The facility may be closed for a day in the future to install floors and doors. It was encouraged to do the work over the weekend, instead of closing, or possi-bly utilize the Attica loca-tion those days. The group discussed the wait list and ongoing childcare needs in our community, along with the floor plan for the Attica facility.Ami DeLacerda, Coun-ty Clerk/HR met with the Board with a department update. Personnel Status Forms and two Travel Re-quests for Election Software Training were presented for review and approval, the Board reviewed and ap-proved the following regard-ing the county’s group ben-efit offerings:Renew Dental with Blue Cross Blue Shield. Renew Life and AD&D with Advance Insurance (BCBS).Work with Freedom Claims Management on a MERP plan beginning with the 10/1/2024 plan year.Implement an EAP for employees through BCBS.Commissioner Wald-schmidt moved to approve a personal property abate-ment in the amount of $60.98; the motion passed unanimously.At 11:14 a.m. Commis-sioner Vornauf moved to recess for 5 minutes. The meeting reconvened at 11:17 a.m.At 11:17 a.m., Commis-sioner Struble moved to enter executive session. The justification for clos-ing the meeting is to dis-cuss personnel matters of nonelected personnel. The open meeting will resume at 11:30 a.m. in this room. The motion was approved unan-imously. Ami DeLacerda remained in the room. At 11:30 a.m., Commissioner Waldschmidt moved to ex-tend the executive session for 5 minutes. The regular meeting resumed at 11:35 a.m. with no binding action taken.Shonda Larson, Finance Director, met with the Board to discuss the 2025 budget. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, August 5, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner Room at the Harper County Courthouse.Approved: Darrin Stru-ble, ChairmanAttest: Ami DeLac-erda, County ClerkHarper Co. Dept. On Aging: Medicare Open Enrollment Starts October 15thBy Jennifer WolffAre you new to Medi-care and want to better un-derstand the program? Do you have questions about eligibility, signing up, Origi-nal Medicare Parts A and B, Medigap (supplement insurance), Part D, Medi-care Advantage Plans or how to get help paying for Medicare costs? The Senior Health Insurance Counsel-ing for Kansas (SHICK) as-sistance program through the Sedgwick County K-State Research and Exten-sion office will be hosting a Medicare Options class on August 22nd from 5:30 to 7 pm in the Meadowlark room in their main Wichita office 7001 W 21st St N. There is no cost to attend this informative session but you must register ahead of time 316-660-0126. If you are already on Medicare, don’t forget the Annual Open Enrollment Period for Part D will be-gin soon. Every year, dur-ing the annual enrollment period (October 15 through December 7), beneficiaries have the opportunity to change their Medicare Part D drug plans. Your phar-macist is a good resource & available by appointment to meet with you to discuss your drug plan needs. The Aging Office is working with Patterson Health Cen-ter & Barber County KSU Extension to bring Harper Co a local Medicare Q&A. Stay tuned!Reminder County Of-fices including senior meals in Attica & Harper & Public Transit will be closed Mon-day September 2nd Labor Day Holiday.The Public Transporta-tion Service assists ALL Harper Co residents of any age to stay indepen-dent with transportation to work, medical appoint-ments, shopping, errands, Patterson Health Center & locations less than 70 miles. Hours of operation: 8:30am– 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday. Every Harper Co resident can ride with pub-lic transit regardless of age or mobility. Equal access is provided to the public. Al-though we are available to make trips M-F out of coun-ty, rides need to be sched-uled 24 hours in advance & the bus returns for Harper Co by 3pm. We are current-ly looking for a full time or part time driver so please call ahead 620-842-5104 for ride reservations & rates. 1st come, 1st served. Ad-vance reservations are rec-ommended.Out of County Transit Schedule: Mon 8/26: WichitaTues 8/27: Out of County AvailableWed 8/28: Wichita Thurs 8/29: Out of Coun-ty AvailableFri 8/30: Wichita All routes are subject to change without notice. PRINTING • SHIRTSRUBBER STAMPS BANNERS • SIGNSVINYL STICKERSLD’s Printing • 620-842-5129
Page 4 the Anthony Republican • August 21, 2024PUBLIC NOTICE(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, August 14, 2024) 3t DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE LIST 2023PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID TOTALADAMS, GALEN 718 MONROE - Harper, KS 67058 8101040160040000000.00 126.15ADAMS, ROBERT G LIV TR 1118 NE 10 RD - Freeport, KS 67049 11614000000030000000.00 807.41ADAMS, ROBERT G LIV TR 1067 NE 10 RD - Freeport, KS 67049 11522000000020000000.00 496.24ADAMS, ROBERT G LIV TR 0 NE 30 RD - Freeport, KS 67049 11307000000010000000.00 257.72ADAMS, RONALD D & KAY L 0 N GRAPHIC - Attica, KS 67009 7419030020100000000.00 27.55ADCOCK, FRED TRUMAN 208 NE 70 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 11307000000030000000.00 1013.6AJER, LLC 1114 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8101040440010000000.00 3229.3AJER, LLC 220 W AVE G - ATTICA, KS 67009 7419030040050000000.00 353.09AJER, LLC 317 N MAGNOLIA - Attica, KS 67009 7419030150080000000.00 629.15AJER, LLC 203 N HARPER - Attica, KS 67009 7419040270030000000.00 773.93AKEN, VIRGINIA LEE 124 S FRANKLIN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010040090000000.00 179.82ALARCON, ARLENE 614 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040050040000000.00 630.01ALBRIGHT, DENNIS L & MARILYN S LIV TR 0 NW 140 RD - Harper, KS 67058 3209000000030100000.00 231.85ALBRIGHT, DENNIS L & MARILYN S LIV TR 1076 NW 90 RD - ATTICA, KS 67009 7306000000040000000.00 1463.6ALBRIGHT, DENNIS L & MARILYN S LIV TR 0 NW 40 AVE - Attica, KS 67009 3418000000070000000.00 105.06ALBRIGHT, DENNIS L & MARILYN S LIV TR 415 E FOURTEENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8112010010020000000.00 2301ALBRIGHT, DENNIS L & MARILYN S LIV TR 0 NW 130 RD - Zenda, KS 67159 4417000000030000000.00 164.03ALBRIGHT, DENNIS L & MARILYN S LIV TR 0 NW 90 RD - Attica, KS 67009 6305000000020100000.00 291.08ALBRIGHT, DENNIS L & MARILYN S LIV TR 220 NW 100 RD - HARPER, KS 67058 3833000000040000000.00 462.34ALBRIGHT, DENNIS L & MARILYN S LIV TR 0 NW 160 RD - Harper, KS 67058 3204000000080000000.00 361.44ALBRIGHT, DENNIS L & MARILYN S LIV TR 0 SW 130 AVE - ATTICA, KS 67009 16102000000020100000.00 83.13ALBRIGHT, DENNIS L & MARILYN S REV TR 0 NW 90 RD - Attica, KS 67009 7306000000030000000.00 90.05ALESSI, JEREMY 322 E AVE E - ATTICA, KS 67009 7419040070060000000.00 107.03ALESSI, JEREMY 316 E AVE E - ATTICA, KS 67009 7419040070050000000.00 107.03ALEXANDER, ANGELA 120 S TWELFTH - BLUFF CITY, KS 67018 20420010040030000000.00 545.55ALLEY, STEVEN J 708 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010010040000000.00 674.44ALLMAN, MASON S 206 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010060030000000.00 323.25ALPINE INCOME PROPERTY OP, LP 0 W SPRING ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13623040050010500000.00 8.7ALPINE INCOME PROPERTY OP, LP 0 W SPRING ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13623040050010600000.00 16.25ALVARADO, HALDO HUMBERTO ESCOBAR 409 E NINTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040320010000000.00 659.42ALVARADO, HALDO HUMBERTO ESCOBAR 218 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040270070000000.00 676.69AMERICAN WESTERN BONDING CO INC 803 E EIGHTH ST - HARPER, KS 67058 9306030110010000000.00 1354.7AMERICAN WESTERN BONDING CO INC 501 S LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010280020000000.00 397.47AMERICAN WESTERN BONDING CO INC 319 S JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010200070000000.00 324.39ANDRES, GARY D & BARBARA L 301 N FIFTH AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 12419030010190000000.00 394.98ANDRES, GARY D & BARBARA L 515 S JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010310060000000.00 156.06ANDRES, GARY D & BARBARA L 509 N JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040210050000000.00 497.42ANDREWS, JEFF & CARRIE 506 S JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020240170000000.00 487.02ANGLE, JARRETT 313 N MADISON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040300030000000.00 273.05ANTHONY PROPERTIES LLC 428 N LL & G AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13623040010140000000.00 2398.45ARNEECHER, LINDA 718 N BOTKIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419030040030000000.00 211.33ARNET, RALPH & CAROL REV TRS 0 SW 70 AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 24210000000010000000.00 126.89ARNETT, MARILYN L 424 N JEFFERSON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040270010000000.00 1896.28ASH, TED 0 MAIN - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521030010060000000.00 43.15ASH, TED 805 CENTRAL - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020040020000000.00 156.64ASPER, DOUGLAS E 730 N KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030030010000000.00 1924.91B&S KANSAS RANCHES LLC 0 NW 40 RD - Attica, KS 67009 15305000000010000000.00 654.31B&S KANSAS RANCHES LLC 0 NW 30 RD - Attica, KS 67009 15305000000050000000.00 714.32B&S KANSAS RANCHES LLC 376 NW 150 AVE - ATTICA, KS 67009 15204000000010000000.00 1676.64B&S KANSAS RANCHES LLC 0 NW 150 AVE - Attica, KS 67009 15204000000020000000.00 232.43B&S KANSAS RANCHES LLC 0 NW 30 RD - Attica, KS 67009 15204000000030000000.00 493.08B&S KANSAS RANCHES LLC 1461 NW 30 RD - ATTICA, KS 67009 15209000000020000000.00 686.86B&S KANSAS RANCHES LLC 0 NW 150 AVE - Attica, KS 67009 6833000000040000000.00 683.87BAGNELL, DONNA 541 S ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010300090000000.00 720.45BAGNELL, JEFFREY A & DONNA K 542 S SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010300110000000.00 212.79BAGNELL, JEFFREY A & DONNA K 540 S SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010300120000000.00 559.9BAGNELL, JEFFREY A & DONNA K 500 S VERMONT AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020280010000000.00 909.32BAILEY, JOE 209 W FIFTEENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8112010090030000000.00 154.18BAKEL, MICHELLE & RADOVICH, VICTORIA 502 S SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010300010000000.00 360.82BAKER, JASON B 1250 NW 70 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 4623000000010000000.00 2525.35BAKER, JASON B 662 NW 90 AVE - ATTICA, KS 67009 7521000000030000000.00 2615.32BAKER, JASON B 0 NW 120 RD - Attica, KS 67009 4929000000010000000.00 162.13BAKER, JASON B 1147 NW 90 AVE - ATTICA, KS 67009 4929000000020000000.00 953.58BAKER, TANIA R & DALE L 403 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020220030000000.00 212.54BALMER FUND INC 0 W ELEVENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040370080000000.00 115.36BALMER FUND INC 121 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040370060000000.00 23.26BALMER FUND INC 112 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040280070000000.00 242.12BALMER FUND INC 118 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040280040000000.00 67.59BALMER FUND INC 116 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040280050000000.00 60.64BALMER FUND INC 114 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040280060000000.00 54.49BANE, ROGER III 310 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040230030000000.00 172.69BANKS, KENNETH R 419 N BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030120030000000.00 950.87BARKER, CARL L 616 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101030110050000000.00 721.01BARKER, CARL L 520 E MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 9306030150070000000.00 586.86BARKER, CARL L & LATRICIA D 515 E NINTH - Harper, KS 67058 9306030150020000000.00 737.67BARKER, CARL L & LATRICIA D 1507 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8112010110030000000.00 685.56BARKER, CARL L & LATRICIA D 1180 NW 60 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 4725000000030000000.00 1425.56BARKER, CARL L & LATRICIA D 609 W ELEVENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101030170030000000.00 788.07BARKER, DONALD W 220 W AVE A - ATTICA, KS 67009 7419040400030000000.00 284.44BARKER, DONALD W 121 S HARPER - Attica, KS 67009 7930010020040000000.00 439.09BARKER, GLENN & LINDA 1304 WASHINGTON - Harper, KS 67058 8101040570010000000.00 973.51BARKER, JOHN A 215 S MADISON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010120040000000.00 587.19BARKER, KYLE 422 N MAGNOLIA - Attica, KS 67009 7419030110020000000.00 179.32BARON 1950, LLC 1608 JEFFERSON - Harper, KS 67058 8112010010300000000.00 2239.38BARRERA, AMABELLY 0 E HIGHLAND ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040110020000000.00 127.97BARRERA, AMABELLY 623 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040110030000000.00 811.77BARRIENTEZ, BYRON R & DENT, SHANE P 0 NW 80 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 4210000000020000000.00 432.48BEADMAN, JAY D & CYNTHIA M 401 E MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040330020000000.00 943.92BEADMAN, JAY D & CYNTHIA M 221 E MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040350010000000.00 540.74BECK, CHRISTOPHER C 320 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010050010000000.00 858.44BECKHAM, BRADD & DAWN 711 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040030060000000.00 324.53BECKHAM, BRADD & DAWN 112 W AVE H - ATTICA, KS 67009 7419040030020000000.00 331.63BECKHAM, BRADD & DAWN 708 N HARPER - Attica, KS 67009 7419040030030000000.00 59.34BECKHAM, BRADD & DAWN 0 AVE G - Attica, KS 67009 7419040030040000000.00 37.67BECKHAM, BRADD AND DAWN 815 N MAGNOLIA - Attica, KS 67009 7419030020010000000.00 678.24BECKHAM, CHADD R 708 N HARPER - Attica, KS 67009 7419040030030100000.00 21.67BECKHAM, GUYMON E 601 E TWELFTH - Harper, KS 67058 9306030250010000000.00 862.99BEFORT, JEANETTE J 2101 PINE - Harper, KS 67058 8112010270020000000.00 794.4BELLO, KARA JENE & DIEGO ETZE'L ABARCA 216 E TWELFTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040460070000000.00 771.21BERGKAMP, JEREMIAH A 715 CENTRAL - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020010150000000.00 825.54BERNAL, JUAN 146 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040380030000000.00 646.47BERNAL, JUAN 1124 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8101040440090000000.00 25.26BERNAL, JUAN 1060 GRAND AVENUE - Attica, KS 67009 7419020010030000000.00 120.64BLACK, TAMI C & CHRISTOFFERSON, GUNNE T 201 N LOGAN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040300050000000.00 2971.84BLAIR, DAVID W 866 NE 30 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 9209000000090000000.00 1564.94BLOUNT, BUCK 205 N JEFFERSON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040420040000000.00 212.79BODEN, CYNTHIA C 414 N BLAINE - Attica, KS 67009 7419040150020000000.00 637.52BODEN, CYNTHIA C 416 E AVE E - ATTICA, KS 67009 7419040010090000000.00 416.78BOHNERT, ORAN L 502 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040190060000000.00 262.11BOLLMAN, PAUL A & JANA S 302 SE 20 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 12833000000020000000.00 2494.72BONHAM, AARON R & HEATHER J 401 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040250050000000.00 197.15BONHAM, AARON R & HEATHER J 323 N SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040330020000000.00 862.11BONHAM, AARON R & HEATHER J 316 S ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010200100000000.00 41.25BONHAM, AARON R & HEATHER J 602 E WASHINGTON ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010120020000000.00 715.6BONHAM, DONALD & TERI 1184 NE 20 RD - Freeport, KS 67049 11111000000040000000.00 258.94BORNHOLDT, KENNY L 1712 WASHINGTON - Harper, KS 67058 8112010010180000000.00 501.64BOTKIN, DAVID E & JEAN M 0 NE 110 RD - Harper, KS 67058 2833000000030000000.00 521.07BOTKIN, STAN A 0 NE 60 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 2614000000060000000.00 583.68BOTKIN, WESTIN 1709 OAK - Harper, KS 67058 8112010200030000000.00 825.4BOYD, C DAVID 208 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010060020000000.00 177.98BREWER, KENNETH LAVERNE & AUDREY PEARL 309 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020140030000000.00 868.87BREWER, KENNETH LAVERNE & AUDREY PEARL 313 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020140040000000.00 695.97BRIXEY, TERESA 409 E MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040330010000000.00 446.35BROWN, TOMMY & TUTY M 319 N MAGNOLIA - Attica, KS 67009 7419030150010000000.00 342.1BROWN, TOMMY & TUTY M 300 N MAGNOLIA - Attica, KS 67009 7419030160030000000.00 188.88BROWN, WILLIAM L EST 0 CHOCTAW - Waldron, KS 67150 24515020050040000000.00 74.49BROWN, WILLIAM L EST 0 EDWARDS - Waldron, KS 67150 24515020050020000000.00 173.55BRUNGARDT, CATHERINE R 606 E MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 9306030160060000000.00 885.14BURK, JON 0 SW 120 AVE - Attica, KS 67009 15725000000030000000.00 238.88BURKE, SHANAN D LIV TR 0 NE 80 RD - Harper, KS 67058 8613000000010100000.00 953.16BUSH, MARY JO ETAL 501 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020250020000000.00 557.38CALHOUN, JOHN ALLEN & RADCLIFF, KRISTEN LYNN 601 N ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040090050000000.00 1332.45CALVERT, KRISTIN 110 W MAIN ST - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13725020010030000000.00 965.5CALVERT, KRISTIN 7 E QUAIL CREEK TRAIL - Anthony, KS 67003 13111020010280000000.00 720.1CALVERT, PAUL E 416 W AVE C - ATTICA, KS 67009 7419030150050000000.00 443.61CALVERT, PAUL E 616 W AVE C - ATTICA, KS 67009 074190300200400A0000 1012.89CALVERT, PAUL E 221 KIOWA - Attica, KS 67009 7930020020010000000.00 900.51CAMPBELL, EVELYN A 513 N MADISON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040160030000000.00 1336.98CAMPBELL, LARRY D & KELLIE J 515 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020250070000000.00 229.53CAMPBELL, NANCY 1103 JEFFERSON - Harper, KS 67058 8101040470040000000.00 1325.49CANTU', JESUS 302 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020160010000000.00 133.18CARO, CARLOS M 404 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040250060000000.00 373.57CARR, CASEY A & JENNIFER L REV LIV TR 0 NE 10 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 9419000000020000000.00 321.92CARR, CASEY A & JENNIFER L REV LIV TR 0 NE 10 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 9419000000030000000.00 172.22CARR, CASEY A & JENNIFER L REV LIV TR 0 NE 60 RD - Harper, KS 67058 9930000000010100000.00 129.29CARR, JENNIFER L 195 NE 60 RD - HARPER, KS 67058 9930000000010000000.00 1920.27CARRAL, GRACIELA R 911 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8101040290050000000.00 1078.17CASAS, GWENDA L - SCEARCE, BILLY 617 N BLAINE - Attica, KS 67009 7419040050010000000.00 175.68CASAS, GWENDA L - SCEARCE, BILLY 611 N BLAINE - Attica, KS 67009 7419040050080000000.00 1043.48DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE LIST 2023PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID TOTAL
the Anthony Republican • August 21, 2024 Page 5PUBLIC NOTICEDELINQUENT REAL ESTATE LIST 2023PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID TOTALCASAS, PAUL JR REV TR 117 S HARPER - Attica, KS 67009 7930010020050000000.00 665.4CASEY, TIMOTHY A & SEIBRENA 1560 NW 130 RD - ZENDA, KS 67159 5417000000030100000.00 525.19CASPER, LORETTA L 1021 NW 100 AVE - ATTICA, KS 67009 4931000000030000000.00 191.59CATHERWOOD, ANDREA L 323 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020140060000000.00 393.52CHAVEZ, DAVID W 511 N SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040190040000000.00 1305.53CHENEY ACRES, LLC 0 HWY 2/14 - Attica, KS 67009 15420000000030000000.00 392.37CHERRY, DAVID G EST & CAROLE A 611 N JENNINGS AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13624040080040000000.00 687.89CHURCH FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL 0 NW 20 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 3204000000030000000.00 29.94CHURCH OF CHRIST 0 ORIENT - Waldron, KS 67150 24516040010030000000.00 71.09CIELO, TONY 787 NW 54 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 7613010030100000000.00 49.04CIELO, TONY 785 NW 54 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 7613010030090000000.00 361.33CLAAR, SANDRA L 610 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101030110060000000.00 447.4CLAUSE, RAYMOND & LAUREN COMPTON 518 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101030100050000000.00 581.43COGAR PROPERTIES, LLC 825 N ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624010100050000000.00 1197.22COILE, LARRY G & CLAUDINE A 605 E MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 9306030210030000000.00 658.15COMBRINK, DENNIS D & JEANNE A 0 SW 150 AVE - HAZELTON, KS 67061 25417000000010000000.00 474.63CONARD, CURTIS D 0 HWY 160 - KS 8522000000050000000.00 356.19CONNELL, MICHAEL E 406 S MADISON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010250070000000.00 289.88CONNELL, MICHAEL EUGENE 216 N MADISON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040400100000000.00 722.57COSLETT, FRANCIS R & ROXANA L 90 NE 80 RD - HARPER, KS 67058 8112000000110000000.00 1332.71COSLETT, FRANCIS R & ROXANA L 818 E US HWY 160 - Danville, KS 67036 10305030110090200000.00 536.47COSTLEY, KOA D TR 218 S PENNSYLVANIA AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020100060000000.00 480.86COSTLEY, KOA D TR 606 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040100080000000.00 1038.9COUCH, VICTOR S & SHERYL C 322 N LOGAN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040210020000000.00 905.44COX MACHINE INC 949 N HWY 14/2 - Harper, KS 67058 8102000000160000000.00 38097.01COX MACHINE INC 0 HWY 14 - KS 8102000000170000000.00 42.97COY, JESSIE 0 CENTRAL - Bluff City, KS 67018 20420010020020000000.00 79.79CRIPPEN, ALVIN THOMAS 902 CENTRAL - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020060010000000.00 371.93CRIPPEN, ALVIN THOMAS 1206 ENGLEWOOD - Bluff City, KS 67018 20420010080030000000.00 20.81CRIPPEN, ALVIN THOMAS 0 THIRTEENTH - Bluff City, KS 67018 20420010080050000000.00 59.09CRIPPEN, ALVIN THOMAS 0 MAIN - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020060030000000.00 36.55CROSBY, COREY 311 N PENNSYLVANIA AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030150020200000.00 110.11DALE, TERRY 219 W AVE A - ATTICA, KS 67009 7930010020020000000.00 426.62DARNELL, ZACHARY M 317 W NINETEENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8112010220020000000.00 122.48DARNELL, ZACHARY M 709 W ELEVENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101030160020000000.00 1064.52DARNELL, ZACHARY M 711 W ELEVENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101030160030000000.00 35.68DAVIDSON, HARLEY W 802 CENTRAL - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020070010000000.00 30.11DAVIS, ISAAC L 308 S MADISON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010160090000000.00 1059.38DAVIS, PATRICIA K 509 N HARPER - Attica, KS 67009 7419040110070000000.00 527.47DEEN, KELLY ANN 429 N MASSACHUSETTS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030040070000000.00 310.31DELREAL-TRETO, NICOLAS 518 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020260030000000.00 53.84DEMOTT, JAKE & JEFF 16 W DEER CREEK TRAIL - Anthony, KS 67003 13111020020170000000.00 773.87DEMOTT, JEFF 1117 W KS HWY 2/14 - Attica, KS 67009 15725000000010000000.00 364.79DENT, MICHAEL R & JUDY K 408 N ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040220080000000.00 1329.25DENTON, CRAIG K 858 NE 120 RD - DANVILLE, KS 1420000000060000000.00 753.58DENWALT, DAVID & MELEAH 215 N KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030210030000000.00 749.36DIAZ-MEZA, MYNOR VALENTIN 1020 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101030060080000000.00 887.61DIAZ-MEZA, MYNOR VALENTIN 1136 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101030060050200000.00 1345.42DIBBENS, BRENDA 426 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020210040000000.00 297.97DODGEN, DENNIS D 223 N MADISON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040410020000000.00 1290.78DOMNICK, ROBERT L & JEANETTE K 707 W SEVENTEENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8112020090010000000.00 3086.58DORY, BRADLEY & KRISTIN 718 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040050090000000.00 675.9DOUBLE B 200 RANCH LLC 0 SE 50 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 19210000000070000000.00 523.02DOUBLE B 200 RANCH LLC 0 SE 50 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 19515000000010000000.00 159.88DROUHARD, CARL & SHARON REV LIV TR 770 NE 100 RD - Danville, KS 67036 10306000000020000000.00 497.68DROUHARD-DAVIS, MICHELLE 0 NE 100 RD - Danville, KS 67036 10102000000020000000.00 780.84DROUHARD-DAVIS, MICHELLE 0 NE 60 AVE - Danville, KS 67036 9613000000010000000.00 202.61DURAN, TONY 317 S JEFFERSON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010150060000000.00 404.61DUVALL, BETTY L & DAVID M 0 S ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010310010000000.00 69.92DUVALL, BETTY L & DAVID M 475 S LL & G AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020190050000000.00 96.46DUVALL, BETTY L & DAVID M 504 S ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010310190000000.00 135.13DUVALL, BRIDGETT A 403 E SEVENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040160020000000.00 280.35DUWE, CHRIS E 20 SE 90 AVE - Freeport, KS 67049 11828000000030100000.00 928.74DUWE, CHRIS E 316 N BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030140080000000.00 569.16EASTER, LARRY D 0 NE 60 RD - KS 9725000000020000000.00 143.12EASTER, LARRY D 0 NE 40 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 9210000000030000000.00 303.51EASTER, LARRY D & BRENDA R 817 NE 50 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 9210000000060000000.00 1606.89EASTER, LARRY D & BRENDA R 0 HWY 160 - Harper, KS 67058 9307020010050000000.00 572.8EASTER, LARRY D & BRENDA R 0 NE 50 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 2614000000030000000.00 390.29EASTER, LARRY D & BRENDA R 0 NE 140 RD - Harper, KS 67058 2210000000040000000.00 183.62EASTER, LARRY D & BRENDA R 0 NE 50 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 9111000000030000000.00 163.17EASTER, LARRY D & BRENDA R 0 NE 120 RD - Harper, KS 67058 2827000000020000000.00 255.96EASTER, SCOTT M 0 NE 70 RD - Harper, KS 67058 9516000000040100000.00 87.67EASTER, SCOTT MATTHEW & MARCY RENEE 733 NE 40 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 9516000000050000000.00 585.24EASTER, SCOTT MATTHEW & MARCY RENEE 0 NE 40 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 9516000000060000000.00 55.24EASTER, SCOTT MATTHEW & MARCY RENEE 0 NE 50 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 9614000000030100000.00 158.48ECK 90 TR 0 NW 90 RD - KS 7102000000040000000.00 308.24ELLIOTT, DUSTIN V 121 W KS HWY 2 - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13827000000030100000.00 53.01ELLIOTT, DUSTIN V 422 N JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030120090000000.00 1833.05ELLIOTT, ROCKY JEAN 218 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020120050000000.00 443.49ELLIS & ELLIS HOLDINGS, LLC 217 S LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010100050000000.00 793.5ELLIS & ELLIS HOLDINGS, LLC 720 N BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030020070000000.00 445.6ENEIHEN, EDWARD E & SHARRAI B 423 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020230070000000.00 151.28ERICKSON, STEVEN S 215 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040390030000000.00 701.95ERWIN, IAN & AMANDA 122 E TWELFTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040450090000000.00 2093.4ESCOBAR-ALVARADO, BRIAN HAROLDO 401 E NINTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040320020000000.00 161.59ESLINGER LIV TR 0 NW 150 RD - Harper, KS 67058 3209000000010000000.00 69.11ESLINGER, CAROL E 0 NW 20 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 3209000000050000000.00 53.82ESLINGER, MATTHEW & LAURA 1524 ASH - Harper, KS 67058 8112020060080000000.00 176.51ESLINGER, MATTHEW W & ESLINGER, RONALD W 194 NW 158 RD - KS 3203000000090000000.00 79.18EVANS, ROBERT L 110 S GRAPHIC - Attica, KS 67009 7930020070040000000.00 263EWERTZ, MARY 116 W MAIN ST - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13725020010050000000.00 1180.66FALLIS, JAMES M & PAMELA A 0 S OAK - Harper, KS 67058 8112010100020000000.00 56.09FARZIDAYERI, LUCAN 436 S ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010210080000000.00 343.66FINLEY, DAVID A 443 N MASSACHUSETTS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030040040000000.00 1051.92FINLEY, DAVID A 441 N MASSACHUSETTS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030040050000000.00 241.88FISHER, ELSIE C 19 E QUAIL CREEK TRAIL - Anthony, KS 67003 13111020010160000000.00 2857.06FLAT RIDGE 4 WIND, LLC 0 NE 15 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 2419000000010100000.00 46.42FORD, DOUGLAS 98 NE 10 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 12419000000050000000.00 524.79FORPAHL, RAY 708 WALNUT - Harper, KS 67058 8101040090020000000.00 45.03FORPAHL, WILMA J 708 WALNUT - Harper, KS 67058 8101040090010000000.00 245.68FORRED, ASHLEY 306 W FIFTEENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8112010050050000000.00 2695.77FORRED, ASHLEY 1422 PINE - Harper, KS 67058 8112010050060000000.00 1695.99FORRED, KATHY W 0 N KS HWY 14 - Anthony, KS 67003 8726000000080000000.00 150.99FORRED, KATHY W 537 NW KS HWY 2/14 - Harper, KS 67058 8726000000090000000.00 185.12FORRED, KATHY W 1604 MONROE - Harper, KS 67058 8112010010320000000.00 5513.83FORRED, KATHY W 1019 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8101040360120000000.00 2213.27FOSTER FAMILY ENTERPRISES, LLC 210 N MADISON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040400090000000.00 835.89FOSTER, BERNICE L 0 MAIN - Freeport, KS 67049 11204040050050000000.00 0.47FOSTER, THOMAS L TEST TR 0 MAIN - Freeport, KS 67049 11204040050060000000.00 0.47FOX, ALLISON LEAH 528 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020260050000000.00 116.43FRANCIS LAND LLC 0 NW 45 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13306000000040000000.00 95.21FREY FAM FARM LLC 0 SW 150 AVE - HAZELTON, KS 67061 25308000000030000000.00 939.96FREY FAM FARM LLC 0 SW 150 AVE - HAZELTON, KS 67061 25516000000020000000.00 608.38FREY FAM FARM LLC 0 SW 100 RD - ANTHONY, KS 67003 24112000000050000000.00 1088.13FRIEND, E J & CHARLOTTE 410 N PENNSYLVANIA AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030040150000000.00 469.89FUTHEY, RANDY C & KIMBERLY L 202 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040380060000000.00 906.41FYE, DARRYL D 302 N KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030150030000000.00 516.53GARANCOSKY, DOROTHY N REC TR 325 N FIFTH AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 12419030010200000000.00 144.27GARANCOSKY, TIMOTHY LEE 0 MAIN - Bluff City, KS 67018 20420010070040000000.00 64.72GARCIA, ARTHUR A & ROJAS, NORMA KAREN 917 NW 80 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 7204000000060000000.00 578.72GARCIA, JESUS 718 W TWELFTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101030160060000000.00 1845.32GARDNER, ROBERT L 0 E EIGHTH - Harper, KS 67058 9306030060030000000.00 302.06GEBERS, MARLA S & DONALD E 435 S JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010210070000000.00 95.99GEBERS, MARLA S & DONALD E 315 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040320030000000.00 492.58GERBER, DUSTIN RAY 420 S ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010210120000000.00 287.58GERBER, DUSTIN RAY 416 S ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010210130000000.00 22.93GERLETS, KENNETH 0 MAIN - Bluff City, KS 67018 20420040010010000000.00 57.35GERLETS, KENNETH 901 ENGLEWOOD AVE - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020060100000000.00 164.28GERLETS, KENNETH & AMY 0 ENGLEWOOD - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020060110000000.00 116.24GERLING II, HARRISON L 433 S LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010240090000000.00 123.94GIBSON, SONDRA KAY 0 SW 100 RD - Waldron, KS 67150 24516000000010000000.00 176.58GIBSON, SONDRA KAY 0 SW 90 RD - WALDRON, KS 67150 24306000000030000000.00 166.81GIBSON, SONDRA KAY 0 SW 90 RD - WALDRON, KS 67150 24307000000020000000.00 166.36GIESEN, WILLIAM K & ANDRIA M 28 W DEER RUN - Anthony, KS 67003 13111020020050000000.00 1072.18GILCHRIST, GEORGE WESLEY JR 815 MADISON - Harper, KS 67058 8101040170050000000.00 829.18GILCHRIST, GEORGE WESLEY JR 401 S JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010210020000000.00 420.98GILCHRIST, GEORGE WESLEY JR 432 S ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010210100000000.00 176.94GILLESPIE, LOU ANN TR 0 NW 30 RD - Attica, KS 67009 14210000000020000000.00 359.64GO SOCIAL LLC 623 N LL & G AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 136240300600200A0000 2516.93GOEBEL, MARCUS B & AMANDA N 106 W MAIN ST - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13725020010020000000.00 3218.25GOETZ, TERESA J 912 ASH - Harper, KS 67058 8101030100090000000.00 578.13GOWER, ROBERT E 910 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8101040280130000000.00 1020.19GRAVES, KENNETH R & PATSY E 201 W GARFIELD ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13624020010040000000.00 3141.32GRAVES, KENNETH RAY REV TR 0 SE 80 RD - Bluff City, KS 67018 22102000000020000000.00 171.06GRAY, ARTHUR 0 S PENNSYLVANIA AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020270010000000.00 365.78GREEN , HOLLI NICOLE 710 WASHINGTON - Harper, KS 67058 8101040130010000000.00 734.51GREEN, JEREMY S 660 NW 90 RD - HARPER, KS 67058 7102000000030000000.00 251.29GREVE BROTHERS FARMS, LLC 321 S MASSACHUSETTS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020170040000000.00 2275.61GREVE, AUSTIN G & KAITLYN S 0 HWY 44 - KS 11420000000030000000.00 767.03GREVE, AUSTIN G & KAITLYN S 618A S KS HWY 179 - Anthony, KS 67003 18725000000030000000.00 2844.08GRIER, OLIVER C K & KAREN M 201 E ELEVENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040460040000000.00 550.54
Page 6 the Anthony Republican • August 21, 2024PUBLIC NOTICEDELINQUENT REAL ESTATE LIST 2023PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID TOTALGRIFFIN, SARA M & CHRIS ALLEN 114 S MILLER - Attica, KS 67009 7930020060030000000.00 397.29GRIGSBY, GARETT T 0 NW 30 RD - Attica, KS 67009 15305000000030000000.00 152.28GRIGSBY, GARETT T 1552 NW 60 RD - ATTICA, KS 67009 6420000000050000000.00 1610.67GRITZALIS, PETROS 510 E NINTH - Harper, KS 67058 9306030140050000000.00 571.02GROVE, J E 0 MAIN - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020050050000000.00 36.55GUTIERREZ, JEOVANNY ARBERTO PAZ 116 N WEST AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13623040020090000000.00 1097.86HACIENDA DE LA CALA, LLC. 0 NW 40 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13307000000040000000.00 241.84HACIENDA DE LA CALA, LLC. 216 NW 40 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13308000000040000000.00 8606.28HACKER, RUTH ANN 605 E NINTH - Harper, KS 67058 9306030160030000000.00 722.33HADDEN, CLINT 0 SE 130 AVE - Bluff City, KS 67018 21112000000010000000.00 496.53HAMILL, BILLY & JENNIFER 286 W KS HWY 2 - Anthony, KS 67003 13521000000070000000.00 121.72HAMILL, BILLY & JENNIFER 270 W KS HWY 2/14 - Anthony, KS 67003 13521000000080100000.00 5392.59HAMILL, JEFFREY A & SHERMAN, KATHY D 280 NW 40 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13308000000030000000.00 372.58HAMILL, WILLIAM N & CYNTHIA N 66 W KS HWY 2 - Anthony, KS 67003 13623000000030000000.00 192.65HAMILL, WILLIAM N & CYNTHIA N 222 SW 15 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 18203000000010000000.00 519.69HAMILL, WILLIAM N & CYNTHIA N 1143 N ANTHONY AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13624010030030000000.00 4945.74HAMILL, WILLIAM N JR & JENNIFER 227 NW 20 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 13516000000020000000.00 4276.69HAMILL, WILLIAM N JR & JENNIFER 284 NW 20 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 13209000000030000000.00 219HAMILL, WILLIAM N JR & JENNIFER 0 NW 30 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 13209000000010000000.00 670.79HAMILTON, BRAD D & SHANNON L 1235 NW 20 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 3521000000010000000.00 1093.26HANBY, JOSEPH J 313 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020150040000000.00 150.93HARBERT, TINA M 1804 OAK - Harper, KS 67058 8112010190070000000.00 634.71HARLOW, CORY L & WHITE, ERIN N 209 N FIFTH AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 12419030010130000000.00 4005HARPER MOTEL, LLC 522 W FOURTEENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101030270010000000.00 5928.03HARRIS, BRETT & KELSIE 422 SW 30 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 18306000000050100000.00 1448.91HARRIS, EMMA MARIE 404 W EIGHTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040090050000000.00 329.72HARRIS, JAY A 701 N LOGAN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040020040000000.00 770.51HARTLEY, MARILYN V 0 MAIN - Freeport, KS 67049 11204040050090000000.00 0.47HARTSON, DENVER 203 N MADISON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040410040100000.00 236.3HAYNES, STEWART 511 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020250040000000.00 224.81HAYS, IRMAL 174 E KS HWY 44 - Anthony, KS 67003 12419000000080000000.00 1654.31HAYS, JOHN D & DELSA C 401 S MASSACHUSETTS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020200020000000.00 2088.46HAYS, JOHN D & DELSA C 174 E KS HWY 44 - Anthony, KS 67003 12419000000080000000.00 400.38HAYS, JOHN D & TERESA L 302 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040330080000000.00 431.51HAYS, JOHN D & TERESA L 310 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040330090000000.00 323.02HEAD, JAY & LINDA 750 E US HWY 160 - Danville, KS 67036 10306000000040000000.00 1314.22HEERSCHE, DEANNE M & DAN W 31 E QUAIL CREEK TRAIL - Anthony, KS 67003 13111020010040000000.00 1370.71HELM, DANIEL J 208 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8101010020090000000.00 459.3HELMS, ALIESHA 704 JEFFERSON - Harper, KS 67058 8101040140010000000.00 260.11HENDERSON, JUNE M ETAL 304 S SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010190110000000.00 81.54HERNANDEZ, LUIS ADAN PAEZ 522 W AVE D - ATTICA, KS 67009-9109 7419030130020000000.00 135.84HERST, VICKI ETAL 0 NE 50 RD - Freeport, KS 67049 10827000000040000000.00 125.68HESS, JANICE 522 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020250170000000.00 419.67HESS, MONTY L 201 N SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040380050000000.00 19.44HESS, MONTY L 208 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040380070000000.00 161.54HESS, OSCAR F & MAY 0 MCCLOUD - Waldron, KS 67150 24516040010010000000.00 34.03HICKS, PHILIP G & CYNTHIA A 211 E SEVENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040140020000000.00 1090.82HOBBS, LESLEY E & CARLENE K 506 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020250010000000.00 1048.73HODGES, CINDY K 1416 WASHINGTON - Harper, KS 67058 8112010020080000000.00 1402.7HODSON, MICHAEL & RONDA 521 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020240070000000.00 57.24HODSON, MICHAEL D 505 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020240030000000.00 271.38HODSON, MICHAEL D 509 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020240040000000.00 650.88HODSON, MICHAEL D 517 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020240060000000.00 73.72HOLMES, DAWN 420 N MASSACHUSETTS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030050130100000.00 203.91HOLSTEEN, MARCIE 805 NE 30 RD - Freeport, KS 67049 11308000000020100000.00 793.12HOOVER, RONNIE L & JANELLE C 279 NE 100 AVE - Freeport, KS 67049 11209010020060000000.00 84.44HOOVER, RONNIE L & JANELLE C 0 GRAND - Freeport, KS 67049 11209010030010000000.00 14.22HOOVER, STANLEY C & PATRICIA L 510 N BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030100070000000.00 1906.1HORIZONS MENTAL HEALTH CENTER, INC 123 N PENNSYLVANIA AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13624030250020000000.00 2160.67HORIZONS MENTAL HEALTH CENTER, INC 123 N PENNSYLVANIA AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13624030250030000000.00 238.79HORNBECK, GAYLE L 245 NE 100 AVE - Freeport, KS 67049 11209000000040000000.00 609.44HORNBECK, GAYLE L 0 GRAND - Freeport, KS 67049 11204040040030000000.00 65.43HORNBECK, GAYLE L 0 SE 110 AVE - Bluff City, KS 67018 20614000000040000000.00 772.41HORNBECK, THOMAS L & GAYLE J 885 SE 20 RD - Bluff City, KS 67018 20305000000010100000.00 1949.03HOWELL, DAVID M 421 W AVE C - ATTICA, KS 67009 7419030170030000000.00 224.36HUBBARD FAM REV TR 525 N PENNSYLVANIA AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030030050000000.00 2287.7HULM, SUSAN 424 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010040010000000.00 955.35IRVIN, STACY RENEE 301 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020150020000000.00 603.07JACKSON, JAMES C 324 N LL & G AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13623040040030000000.00 1350.61JACOBS, JEFFERY ALLEN 704 OAK - Harper, KS 67058 8101040110010000000.00 240.91JACOBS, VERNA L ETAL 613 E SEVENTH - Harper, KS 67058 9306030060010000000.00 346.97JAEGER, DONNA MARIE 133 E AVE B - ATTICA, KS 67009 7419040380010000000.00 343.21JAEGER, STEVEN & JESSSICA 315 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040240090000000.00 879.91JBW PROPERTIES LLC 222 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020120040000000.00 1337.67JBW PROPERTIES LLC 121 S LINCOLN AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13725010040060000000.00 467.57JEDD CLAMPETT OIL & GAS CO LLC 125 S MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7930010010060000000.00 289.81JEFFCOAT, MARVEL JEAN 0 ELEVENTH - Bluff City, KS 67018 20420040010020000000.00 37.34JEFFREY, MICHAEL E & JESSICA D 1504 WASHINGTON - Harper, KS 67058 8112010110010000000.00 1129.54JELINEK, LEON 1207 SE 70 RD - Bluff City, KS 67018 20736000000020000000.00 673.87JELINEK, LEON 0 SE 120 AVE - Bluff City, KS 67018 20725000000030000000.00 764.82JEMMIMA INTERNATIONAL REALTY, LLC 519 N LL & G AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030060030000000.00 2115.8JENKINS, GREG 217 S JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010080050000000.00 219.93JJ HOUSING LLC 120 N FOURTH AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 12419030080010000000.00 5788.4JOHNSON, ERIC B & ERICA L 0 SW 140 AVE - ATTICA, KS 16203000000020000000.00 569.74JONES, JERRY R JR 435 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020230080000000.00 429.21JONES, JOHNNIE H & KLICK, JULIE D 903 N JEFFERSON - Harper, KS 67058 8101040310030000000.00 262.84JT STORE LLC 0 SE 90 RD - Bluff City, KS 67018 22209000000010000000.00 1287.98KAMSTRA, BRENDA R 601 N MAGNOLIA - Attica, KS 67009 7419030070040000000.00 303.52KAMSTRA, BRENDA R 609 N MAGNOLIA - Attica, KS 67009 7419030070050000000.00 162.82KANNENBERG, KAI 0 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020150030000000.00 20.28KANNENBERG, KAI 301 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020140020000000.00 119.21KANNGIESSER, MARK ALAN & CHERYL K 1148 NW 70 RD - ATTICA, KS 67009 6613000000030000000.00 1028.25KANNGIESSER, MARK ALAN & CHERYL K 1160 NW 70 RD - ATTICA, KS 67009 6613000000040000000.00 1625KEIM, DERRICK L & JACKIE M 312 SW 20 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 13932000000050000000.00 2729.29KETTERMAN, GRACE ETAL 0 NONE - Freeport, KS 67049 11203030010050000000.00 3.17KETTERMAN, GRACE ETAL 0 NONE - Freeport, KS 67049 11203030010060000000.00 0.91KILEY, JAMES LEO & TONYA LEIGH 315 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040390030000000.00 1148.4KING, JASON W 804 WALNUT - Harper, KS 67058 8101040240010000000.00 400.38KING, RICHARD & PATRICIA 0 NINTH - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521030010060100000.00 46.66KING, RICHARD & PATRICIA 0 NINTH - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521030010040000000.00 88.82KING, RICHARD & PATRICIA 902 RUSSELL - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521030010050000000.00 247.36KING, RICHARD & PATRICIA 0 RUSSELL - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521030010050100000.00 34.59KJA, LLC 472 NW 70 AVE - ATTICA, KS 67009 7735000000030000000.00 164.32KLEIN, RANDY 510 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040090040000000.00 1217.22KLICK, GERALD L & MUHLBRAIER, SHANA M 723 N JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040070040000000.00 1345.93KNOLLA, HEATH W & AMBER K 260 SW 15 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 18203000000040000000.00 1007.57KOHLER, CLIFFORD ELBERT 312 NE 150 RD - HARPER, KS 67058 2204000000030000000.00 1183.12KROPP-BARRIENTOS, LOLS V. 720 N WEST AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13623040020010000000.00 1317.94KRUG, DONNA K & RODNEY DON 0 NW 160 RD - Harper, KS 67058 4305000000020000000.00 262.33KUROVSKY, GLENDA LYNN 601 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040110050000000.00 292.03KUTCHER, KRISTINA 301 N PENNSYLVANIA AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030150020300000.00 308.38LARGE, JANET D 0 HWY 179 - Anthony, KS 67003 18102000000070000000.00 238.52LARGE, JANET D 0 HWY 179 - Anthony, KS 67003 18111000000010000000.00 380.38LE6, LLC 0 NE 20 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 12111000000030200000.00 64.61LEAR, TIMOTHY R 306 N KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030150040000000.00 1505.72LEECH, STEVEN WAYNE & DEBRA K 100 N MAIN - Hazelton, KS 67061 16516000070010000000.00 34.37LEECH, STEVEN WAYNE & DEBRA K 140 W PEARCE - Hazelton, KS 67061 16516000070020000000.00 35.31LEECH, STEVEN WAYNE & DEBRA K 100 E ELM - Hazelton, KS 67061 16516000060030000000.00 572.52LEECH, STEVEN WAYNE & DEBRA K 200 W BLUFF - Hazelton, KS 67061 16516000030010000000.00 20.9LEPARD, BLAKE G & ELIZABETH S 117 E MAIN ST - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13624040490070000000.00 4342.69LITTLE COYOTE, BYRON 503 S ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010300020000000.00 329.01LITTLE COYOTE, ERIC 524 N PENNSYLVANIA AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030040200000000.00 538.5LITTLE COYOTE, ERIC 315 S FRANKLIN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010160050000000.00 212.38LOCKE, JEREMY & EMILY 0 NW 80 RD - Attica, KS 67009 6417000000020000000.00 236.24LONGBINE TIRE SERVICES, LLC 0 N KS HWY 14 - Harper, KS 67058 8725000000020400000.00 8.53LONGBINE, JOEL JR & BAILEY B 402 NE 100 RD - HARPER, KS 67058 2834000000040000000.00 1602.16LONGBINE, JOEL JR & BAILEY B 1146 NE 50 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 2726000000050000000.00 407.26LOUTHAN, CHRISTOPHER 902 WALNUT - Harper, KS 67058 8101040250010000000.00 526.27MACIAS, OSCAR G & BARRERA, AMABELLY 615 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040110040000000.00 202.2MACIAS, OSCAR JR 925 SE 20 RD - Bluff City, KS 67018 20204000000020200000.00 254.46MACIAS, OSCAR JR 209 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040480050000000.00 993.7MADDOX, EVELYN P 421 N ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040230020000000.00 1177.98MAIN, KATHY & GRIESEL, JESSECA 210 E NINTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040190050000000.00 460.06MALONE, JOSEPH L 416 NINTH - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020050070000000.00 389.3MANUEL, JOHN L 333 E US HWY 160 - HARPER, KS 67058 9209000000050000000.00 545.2MARDIS, ALAN W 123 N SECOND AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 12419030070020000000.00 128.1MARDIS, ALAN W 115 N SECOND AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 12419030070020100000.00 53.93MARROQUIN, KENEDY ROLANDO VICENTE 1408 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8112010030070000000.00 519.14MARROQUIN, KENEDY ROLANDO VICENTE 1812 WALNUT - Harper, KS 67058 8112010170020000000.00 1157.86MARROQUIN, OSCAR RENE VICENTE 1115 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8101040450050000000.00 516.59MARSHALL, WILLIAM & GENTRY-STRAIT, JEANNI 801 W ELEVENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101030230100000000.00 2731.87MARSHALL, WILLIAM & GENTRY-STRAIT, JEANNI 801 W ELEVENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101030230100100000.00 1327.54MARTIN, DIANE R TR 0 NE 60 RD - Argonia, KS 67004 10725000000010000000.00 474.07MARTIN, GABREAIL 1001 E MAIN ST - ANTHONY, KS 67003 12419030080030100000.00 88.46MARTIN, GABREAIL 127 N THIRD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 12419030080020000000.00 90.8MASHBURN, JOSEPH 0 SW 30 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 18111000000020000000.00 872.65MASON, DOUG 115 N ANTHONY AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13624040480030000000.00 567.07MATHES, RONALD D & SHELLE R 221 W TWELFTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040530030000000.00 871.63MATHES, RONALD D & SHELLE R 1423 WASHINGTON - Harper, KS 67058 8112010010090000000.00 370.42MAYER, HOWARD R 420 S LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010230110000000.00 256.34MAYO, H D ETAL 0 MAIN - Bluff City, KS 67018 20420010020010000000.00 17.97MAYO, H D ETAL 0 MAIN - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020060050000000.00 17.97
the Anthony Republican • August 21, 2024 Page 7PUBLIC NOTICEDELINQUENT REAL ESTATE LIST 2023PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID TOTALMAYO, JUSTIN W 802 ENGLEWOOD - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020090010000000.00 396.21MAYO, JUSTIN W 0 ENGLEWOOD - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020070050000000.00 35.19MAYO, JUSTIN W 501 EIGHTH - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020010180000000.00 57.14MAYO, JUSTIN W 0 SEVENTH - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020010190000000.00 95.92MAYO, JUSTIN W 801 ENGLEWOOD - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020070060000000.00 742.1MAYO, JUSTIN W 0 SEVENTH - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020080010000000.00 64.92MAYO, JUSTIN W 0 EIGHTH - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020080020000000.00 53.66MAYO, JUSTIN W 802 ENGLEWOOD - Bluff City, KS 67018 20521020090010000000.00 174MAYO, MICKEY A 0 SE 50 RD - Bluff City, KS 67018 20623000000010000000.00 201.65MAYO, MICKEY A 502 SE 110 AVE - Bluff City, KS 67018 20623000000010100000.00 318.54MAYO, MICKEY A 0 SE 120 AVE - Bluff City, KS 67018 20614000000010000000.00 422.23MAYO, MICKEY A 1135 SE 40 RD - Bluff City, KS 67018 20614000000020000000.00 470.27MAYO, MICKEY A 1166 SE 50 RD - Bluff City, KS 67018 20614000000050000000.00 1373.92MB VENTURES INC 315 S MADISON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010150030000000.00 724.89MCAULIFFE, MICHAEL L 625 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040440060000000.00 721.74MCCASLIN, JARED & IREY, AMBER 122 CENTRAL - Danville, KS 67036 10305030110090100000.00 46.34MCCREERY, PHILLIP 907 N BLAINE - Attica, KS 67009 7419010010060100000.00 218.79MCCRIGHT, BRANDY L & AUSTIN M 402 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020220010000000.00 169.62MCDANIEL FARM & RANCH INTERESTS LTD 0 SW 100 RD - Waldron, KS 67150 24307000000040000000.00 498.77MCDERMOTT WOOTONN FLP 0 HWY 2/14 - Anthony, KS 67003 13623000000010300000.00 507.24MCDERMOTT WOOTONN FLP 302 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010050040000000.00 1928.32MCDERMOTT WOOTONN FLP 415 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020230050000000.00 292.57MCDERMOTT WOOTONN FLP 0 HWY 2/14 - Anthony, KS 67003 13623000000010400000.00 470.71MCDERMOTT WOOTONN FLP 0 HWY 2/14 - Anthony, KS 67003 13623000000010500000.00 209.19MCDERMOTT WOOTONN FLP 0 HWY 2/14 - Anthony, KS 67003 13623000000010600000.00 649.71MCDERMOTT WOOTONN FLP 314 S JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020140080000000.00 336.92MCDERMOTT WOOTONN FLP 715 N FRANKLIN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040030040000000.00 1307.03MCDERMOTT WOOTONN FLP 324 E EIGHTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040150040000000.00 56.81MCDERMOTT WOOTONN FLP 601 N BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030080060000000.00 476.44MCDOUGALD, TRAVIS 2118 OAK - Harper, KS 67058 8112010270060000000.00 1418.69MCKAIG, JADE 0 PEARCE AVE - Hazelton, KS 67061 16516000060010100000.00 26.31MEEK, RICHARD L & POLLARD-MEEK, AMY R 310 S FRANKLIN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010170090000000.00 1041.47MENDOZA, BALTAZAR & ANGELICA 1013 HICKORY - Harper, KS 67058 8101030120040000000.00 649.27MEYER FAM REV TR 212 S JEFFERSON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010120080000000.00 472.1MEYER, JONATHAN 210 W FIFTEENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8112010040060000000.00 1004.51MILLER, GEORGE BRUCE 0 NW 140 RD - ZENDA, KS 61759 5515000000030000000.00 869.72MILLER, GEORGE BRUCE 0 NW 150 RD - Harper, KS 67058 4204000000030000000.00 3025.99MILLER, GEORGE BRUCE 0 NW 140 RD - ZENDA, KS 61759 5515000000020000000.00 214.53MILLER, GEORGE BRUCE 1332 NW 140 RD - ZENDA, KS 61759 5210000000050000000.00 9235.96MILLER, MONTE & DIANE 519 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040100010000000.00 1607.32MILLER, TERRY L 1168 NW 150 RD - HARPER, KS 67058 5101000000030000000.00 1077.16MILLS, PATRICIA A 411 W NINTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040250020000000.00 160.1MINGLE, VERA ALICE 402 N PENNSYLVANIA AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030040130000000.00 52.15MISAK, GARY G 0 W EIGHTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101030060100000000.00 194.53MONTGOMERY, MATTHEW J 1124 NE 150 RD - Argonia, KS 67004 1102000000030100000.00 789.47MORITZ, CALEB J & KASHA L 346 NW 50 RD - HARPER, KS 67058 8929000000050100000.00 1385.06MORITZ, CALEB J & KASHA L 0 NW 50 RD - Harper, KS 67058 8929000000050000000.00 800.44MORITZ, MARTIN A & PAMELA A 0 NE 70 RD - Danville, KS 67036 10420000000020000000.00 227.02MORITZ, MARTIN A & PAMELA A 745 US HWY 160 - Harper, KS 67058 086140000000600A0000 873.38MORITZ, MARTIN A & PAMELA A 745B US HWY 160 - Harper, KS 67058 086140000000600B0000 609.72MORITZ, PAMELA A 0 NW 150 RD - Harper, KS 67058 3307000000020000000.00 332.16MORITZ, PAMELA A 1024 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101030060010000000.00 864.92MORITZ, PAMELA A 0 NE 70 RD - Harper, KS 67058 9417000000050000000.00 241.66MORITZ, PAMELA A 741 N ST RD 2 - Harper, KS 67058 8614000000050000000.00 454.94MORRIS, GREGORY L & DEBORAH D 963 NE 110 RD - Danville, KS 67036 1833000000020000000.00 1735.69MORTON, DARRELL 202 ELDER - Waldron, KS 67150 24515020070010000000.00 1015.12MORTON, JAMES H & BETTY 533 S SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010290060000000.00 341.53MORTON, RICKY 220 S ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010080080000000.00 441.16MT STORE LLC 9 NW 10 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13522000000100000000.00 8073.91MULVANEY, MICKEY M & DEBBIE A 607 N HARPER - Attica, KS 67009 7419030050060000000.00 569.96MURROW, MAX 444 SE 120 AVE - Bluff City, KS 67018 20613000000020000000.00 1576.6MURROW, MAX 0 SE 120 AVE - Bluff City, KS 67018 20613000000030000000.00 573.69MYERS, ELIZABETH JOAN 1616 ASH - Harper, KS 67058 8112020060060000000.00 1499.05NAKVINDA, MARVA LEE 487 SW 80 RD - WALDRON, KS 67150 23306000000030100000.00 642.78NELSON, FRAN 502 S LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010290010000000.00 276.49NELSON, FRANCIS LYNN 502 S JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020240010000000.00 337.11NELSON, KENDRICK R & KARA K 321 N LOGAN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040220010000000.00 1260.76NELSON, MICHAEL A CUSTODIANSHIP 506 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020260010000000.00 498.59NELSON, RICHARD K & KENDRICK R 320 N BLAINE - Attica, KS 67009 7419040220020000000.00 1978.1NELSON, RICKY D & JOANN E 115 S LINCOLN AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13725010040050000000.00 306.07NEMITZ, ISRAEL 412 S SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010220120000000.00 443.3NEMITZ, ISRAEL 421 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020230060000000.00 365.59NEMITZ, ISRAEL 314 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020160030000000.00 146.29NEMITZ, ISRAEL 411 S SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010230030000000.00 365.59NEMITZ, ISRAEL 406 S ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010210150000000.00 141.67NESKE, JOSHUA & ANGELINE 0 N WEST AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13623040020130100000.00 49.13NESSELROAD, JAMES M JR & JUDITH A 0 NE 10 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 12623000000030000000.00 768.02NESSELROAD, JAMES M JR & JUDITH A 0 NE 10 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 12522000000010000000.00 919.35NEW GENERATION MANAGEMENT INC 816 N WHEATRIDGE DR - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13623010020020000000.00 43769.54NEWBERRY, PENNY JEAN & MARDIS, ALAN W 0 NE 120 RD - Harper, KS 67058 2930000000020000000.00 372.2NEWLIN, TRISTAN GERDES 207 N LOGAN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040300060000000.00 466.1NEWMAN, JUSTIN D & JENNIFER L 619 E NINTH - Harper, KS 67058 9306030160010000000.00 2498.24NICHOLAS, LEONARD L 323 N FRANKLIN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040310020000000.00 655.02NOLAND, YANINA K 1703 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8112010010200000000.00 538.54NORTHCOTT, WILLIAM R & KIMBERLY D 206 S PENNSYLVANIA AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020100010100000.00 368.13NUFFER, JARED R & ADDIE S 501 S VERMONT AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020280020000000.00 260.57NUFFER, JARED R & ADDIE S 502 S VERMONT AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020280030000000.00 70.07NUFFER, JARED R & ADDIE S 0 S VERMONT AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020280040000000.00 196.2NUFFER, JARED R & ADDIE S 506 S VERMONT AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020280050000000.00 403.76NUFFER, ROBERT R & DELIA W & JARED R 510 S VERMONT AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020280070000000.00 1272.21NYGAARD, BRINDA K 419 N JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040220030000000.00 1271.56OLIVIER RANCH INC 0 N ST RD 2 - Harper, KS 67058 1305000000020100000.00 403.35OLIVIER RANCH INC NE 70 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 1306000000010200000.00 6.87OLLER, RANDALL R 0 NW 20 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 3203000000140000000.00 179.57OLLER, RANDALL R 0 NW 20 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 3204000000050000000.00 4.91OLLER, RANDALL R 0 NW 20 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 3203000000180000000.00 4.46OLLER, RANDALL R 0 NW 20 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 3203000000190000000.00 4.46OLLER, RANDALL R 0 NW 20 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 3203000000200000000.00 10.52OLMSTEAD, VIOLET G REV TR 942 N ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624010080010000000.00 1865.43OREBAUGH, MICAH & MELISSA 701 N ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040060060000000.00 1490.56OSBORN, BRYCE 40 W KS HWY 2 - Anthony, KS 67003 13623040020070000000.00 542.97OSBORN, BRYCE 401 S FRANKLIN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010250020000000.00 619.06OTIS, CHRIS 220 W AVE B - ATTICA, KS 67009 7419040270020100000.00 422.8OWNBEY, THOMAS P 114 S ANTHONY AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13725010070150000000.00 73.82PADILLA, CRECENCIO R & REBECCA A 520 N SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040200010000000.00 2233PALMER, JOHN & WILLIAMS, VALERIE CHIMES 430 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020210050000000.00 221.45PAPLOW, JEFF 0 NW 5 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 13623040020020000000.00 392.59PARK, HAZEL J 1902 PINE - Harper, KS 67058 8112010220010000000.00 729.03PARKER, LLOYD E REV TR 121 W TWELFTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040520030000000.00 841.87PARSONS REV LIV TR 368 NE 30 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 12204000000040000000.00 2624.24PARSONS REV LIV TR 400 NE 30 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 9833000000040100000.00 621.27PARSONS, JEFFREY M 421 N KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030110020000000.00 3441.83PARSONS, JEFFREY M 0 S PENNSYLVANIA AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020030070000000.00 650.57PARSONS, JEFFREY M 0 NE 30 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 12204000000020100000.00 63.75PARSONS, ROBERT R 415 N KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030110030000000.00 930.93PATTERSON, JOHN S 1225 NW 10 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 3522000000040000000.00 2095.52PAXSON, JASON L & JULIE J 253 E US HWY 160 - HARPER, KS 67058 9308000000030000000.00 1425.97PAZ, JEOVANNY & MANZANARES, MARIA 102 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040280100000000.00 4272.72PEFFLY, ALFRED 0 ORIENT - Waldron, KS 67150 24516040010020000000.00 112.52PERMENTER, HUNTER AND DONDLINGER, HOLLY JT 414 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020210030000000.00 390.66PERRY, LINDA LOU ETAL 729 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040040020000000.00 837PESTER, JOSEPH 113 S JEFFERSON AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13725010010060000000.00 100.05PFAFF, QUINTON JACE 103 N GRANT - Attica, KS 67009 7419040350040000000.00 683.61PINEDA, OMAR 810 MAPLE - Harper, KS 67058 8101030070010000000.00 253.77PIONEER EXPLORATION LTD 1500 NW 100 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 4305000000050000000.00 3008.67POTTER, F M ETAL 0 MCCLOUD - Waldron, KS 67150 24516040030020000000.00 2.32POTTER, MICHAEL D 420 W GRANT ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020170020000000.00 653.75POTTER, TAMMY D 522 N PENNSYLVANIA AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030040190000000.00 378.9POTTS, GLEN A & V SUE 324 S SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010190070000000.00 467.77PRAY, JOANNE W 1200 MAPLE - Bluff City, KS 67018 20420040030060000000.00 256.41PRAY, TODD W & LINDA ANN 0 SE 100 RD - Bluff City, KS 67018 21613000000020100000.00 199.72PRAY, TODD W & LINDA ANN 1225 SE 100 RD - Bluff City, KS 67018 21613000000020200000.00 1319.36PRESCOTT, DAVID L JR & AMANDA K 210 N BLAINE - Attica, KS 67009 7419040300030100000.00 68.28PRESCOTT, GAIL L & DAVID L 522 N BOTKIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040110020000000.00 1271.38PRICHARD, MICHAEL D & NIKITA L 0 STINE - Waldron, KS 67150 24516040030040000000.00 101.34PRICHARD, MICHAEL D & NIKITA L 111 WALDRON ST - WALDRON, KS 67150 24516040050020000000.00 899.01PRICHARD, MICHAEL D & NIKITA L 0 ORIENT - Waldron, KS 67150 24516040050030000000.00 272.03PRICHARD, MICHAEL D & NIKITA L 0 MCCLOUD - Waldron, KS 67150 24516040020010000000.00 185.66PRICHARD, MICHAEL D & NIKITA L 844 ORIENT - Waldron, KS 67150 24516040020020000000.00 719.36PRICHARD, MICHAEL D & NIKITA L 0 ORIENT - Waldron, KS 67150 24516010020150100000.00 453.25PRICHARD, MICHAEL D & NIKITA L 0 ORIENT - Waldron, KS 67150 24516010020150000000.00 174.3PROUSE, HAROLD A 0 HWY 14/2 - Anthony, KS 67003 13101000000020000000.00 207.58PROUSE, HAROLD A 365 N KS HWY 14 - Anthony, KS 67003 13102000000010000000.00 2387.48PROUSE, HAROLD A 802 N ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624010090080000000.00 901.62PROUSE, HAROLD A 16 NW 40 RD - ANTHONY, KS 67003-9029 8735000000030000000.00 1321.11PROUSE, HAROLD A 365 N KS HWY 14 - Anthony, KS 67003 13102000000010100000.00 483.23PROUSE, HAROLD A 0 NW 40 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 8834000000060000000.00 774.83PROUSE, VANA EST 716 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040050080000000.00 333.82PULLIAM, DAUSON W 2120 PINE - Harper, KS 67058 8112010280050000000.00 933.43PULLIAM, PATRICIA L & TIMMIE E 302 STILLWELL ST - WALDRON, KS 67150 24515020080020000000.00 429.86RAMIREZ, ESTHER A 618 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040050030000000.00 640.74RANDLEMAN, JASON ROBERT & BRITTANY PAIGE 123 N SPRINGFIELD AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13624040470020000000.00 272.5
Page 8 the Anthony Republican • August 21, 2024PUBLIC NOTICEDELINQUENT REAL ESTATE LIST 2023PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID TOTALSANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SW 60 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 24111000000010100000.00 192.64SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SE 80 RD - Bluff City, KS 67018 21203000000020100000.00 197.25SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 NE 30 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 12102000000020200000.00 115.48SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SE 40 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 22516000000010100000.00 139.38SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SE 40 RD - ANTHONY, KS 67003 19308000000020100000.00 203.86SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SW 60 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 17420000000010200000.00 232.03SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SW 40 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 17515000000010100000.00 303.01SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SW 60 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 17827000000030100000.00 75.76SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SE 10 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 19419000000020100000.00 205.5SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SW 90 RD - ANTHONY, KS 67003 23203000000020100000.00 304.7SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SE 60 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 19827000000010100000.00 13.43SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 HWY 44 - KS 11828000000020200000.00 358.25SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SE 60 AVE - Bluff City, KS 67018 19623000000010100000.00 147.71SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SW 90 RD - ANTHONY, KS 67003 23307000000020100000.00 165.33SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 NE 30 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 12101000000010100000.00 482.76SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SW 80 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 17735000000020100000.00 192.26SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 NE 10 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 12614000000040100000.00 164.38SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SE 10 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 12735000000040100000.00 349.72SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SW 80 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 17834000000020000000.00 322.93SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SE 30 RD - Bluff City, KS 67018 20210000000010100000.00 202.63SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 NE 70 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 9725000000060100000.00 9.39SANPAKA, BRANDON 621 N KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030070020000000.00 2476.56SCHEID, GREG 611 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040040060000000.00 592.88SCHEID, GREG 617 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040040070000000.00 218.79SCHEID, SHARON K 411 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040250040000000.00 817.76SCHIVER, KIMBERLY ANN 204 W SIXTEENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8112010090090000000.00 2388.79SCHOMACKER, GABRIEL P 701 N JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040070080000000.00 426.92SCHOMACKER, GABRIEL P 412 N MADISON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040260080000000.00 465.45SCHOMACKER, GABRIEL P 512 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010030030000000.00 716.39SCHRAG, KEVIN L 1549 NE 30 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 2305000000010000000.00 455.68SHADDOX, JERRY & LEISA 104 S LOGAN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040440020000000.00 333.13SHAFFER, KATHLEEN M EST 301 N KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030140050000000.00 138.01SHANNON, MEGAN 607 E MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 9306030210050000000.00 647.58SHARKEY, FRANCIS W & TERRI 524 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020250160000000.00 685.73SHARP, ROBERT B & CAROLYN S 214 N JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030220060000000.00 527.51SHELLHAMMER, GARY L & CINDY L 513 N LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040180030000000.00 1080.77SHELLHAMMER, GARY L & CINDY L 685 SW 10 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 14735000000030000000.00 4019.21SHELLHAMMER, GARY L & CINDY L 0 SW 10 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 14735000000030100000.00 153.68SHELLHAMMER, GINA S 0 SW 20 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 14736000000030000000.00 497.37SHELTON, FLOYD LEON 0 S VERMONT AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020280060000000.00 70.07SHELTON, LLOYD & SUSIE J 0 ELEVENTH - Bluff City, KS 67018 20420010060020000000.00 168.44SHELTON, TONYA L 85 SW 20 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 18102000000030000000.00 266.05SHERVEN, WANDA FAYE 1422 OAK - Harper, KS 67058 8112010040070000000.00 190.71SHURLEY, J W & ERNESTINE L 516 N BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030100080000000.00 987.42SIALE, AKATA 410 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020220130000000.00 132.99SIALE, AKATA 406 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020220140000000.00 999.6SLAYDEN, LEE ETAL 210 N MILLER - Attica, KS 67009 7419030170040000000.00 826.5SMEJKAL, JAMES A 49 NE 40 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 12521000000040100000.00 88.33SMITH, BRANDIE T 206 S ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010080100100000.00 23.51SMITH, BRANDIE T 539 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020250090000000.00 611.74SMITH, BUCKLAND J 402 E AVE C - ATTICA, KS 67009 7419040200030000000.00 971.23SMITH, BUCKLAND J 103 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040390060000000.00 458.48SMITH, BUCKLAND J 101 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040390050000000.00 632.12SMITH, CHANCE 526 S LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010290110000000.00 147.63SMITH, CHEYENNE K 579 SW 60 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 17725000000030000000.00 371.6SMITH, HOBIE L & WANDA S 374 E US HWY 160 - HARPER, KS 67058 9204000000060000000.00 2430.34SMITH, JEREMY W & BRANDIE T 984 SE 40 RD - Bluff City, KS 67018 20209000000050100000.00 1116.82SMITH, JUDSON RAY - TREVEL CLAY - HUNTER TREVEL 0 SE 20 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 19101000000030000000.00 384.86SMITH, RONALD GEORGE 421 E AVE B - ATTICA, KS 67009 7419040350010000000.00 269.03SOLIE, JEFFREY SCOTT ETAL 507 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040100050000000.00 564.79SPENGLER, HAROLD J 422 N GRAPHIC - Attica, KS 67009 7419030130030000000.00 81SPENGLER, HAROLD J 140 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040380050000000.00 1028.33SPENGLER, HAROLD J & JUDY A 0 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040390070000000.00 478.15SPENGLER, HAROLD J & JUDY A 113 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040390080000000.00 351.96SRS PROPERTIES LLC 816 N WHEATRIDGE DR - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13623010020020100000.00 1017.44SRS PROPERTIES LLC 899 FRONTAGE RD - HARPER, KS 67058 8111000000010400000.00 48600.29STANDIFIRD, DAVID ANDREW & WHITE, JULIA LEE 303 W MAIN - HARPER, KS 67058 8101040390010000000.00 562.38STANSBURY, DUSTIN 0 HWY 2 - Harper, KS 67058 9306000000090000000.00 6.19STANSBURY, DUSTIN 995 NE KS HWY 2 - HARPER, KS 67058 9306000000020000000.00 963.32STANSBURY, DUSTIN 309 W FOURTEENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8112010050020000000.00 576.88STANSBURY, DUSTIN 432 S LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010230090000000.00 121.01STANSBURY, DUSTIN & LINDSEY 318 E SPRING ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040380010000000.00 608.96STANSBURY, DUSTIN & LINDSEY 309 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040390020000000.00 304.18STANSBURY, LINDSAY 704 E NINTH - Harper, KS 67058 9306030120030000000.00 238.01STARK, STANLEY & CHERYL 301 S LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010170020000000.00 627.34STARZYK,WILLIAM R. AND AMY 911 N LOGAN - Attica, KS 67009 7419010010100000000.00 2641.54RANDOLPH, RICK V 68 NE 10 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 12419000000070000000.00 268.94RANSON, SYLVIA 224 N MADISON AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003-2050 13624040400010000000.00 520.78RATHGEBER, JOSH 0 S MASSACHUSETTS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020180010000000.00 29.85RATHGEBER, JOSHUA B & DEDRA R 202 S VERMONT AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13725020060050300000.00 2386.99RATLIFF, EARL D 540 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020260070000000.00 403.39REDTAIL RANCH, LLC 0 NW 50 RD - Attica, KS 67009 7931000000010000000.00 448.3REED, B ANN 323 N KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030140020000000.00 323.92REED, CASSIE R 0 N SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040240020000000.00 67.38REED, LARRY & DEBRA 128 SE 10 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 12931000000020100000.00 329.58REEVES, JAROM SEAN 322 N MASSACHUSETTS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030050110000000.00 215.67REEVES, JAROM SEAN 411 N SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040240040000000.00 109.83REEVES, JAROM SEAN 403 N SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040240050000000.00 162.41REEVES, JAROM SEAN 526 S JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020240120000000.00 34.02REHKOP, JOHN JR 0 SW 150 AVE - HAZELTON, KS 67061 25308000000010000000.00 416.76REIDA, JEFFERY ALAN 210 W TWELFTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040430070000000.00 1136.05REIDA, PATRICIA L 216 W TWELFTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040430060000000.00 142.17RENEAU, DARREL L & MASON-RENEAU, DONA M 992 SW 100 RD - ANTHONY, KS 67003 24308000000030000000.00 560.07RENNER, ERIC S & KRISTINE A 201 N JEFFERSON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040420050000000.00 64.52RENNER, ERIC S & KRISTINE A 201 N SANTA FE AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 12419030050040000000.00 277.32RENNER, FLOYD CLIFFORD 435 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020220070000000.00 1410.66REVOLUTION FELLOWSHIP INC 401 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020220020000000.00 354.2REYES, LILIA ABARCA 204 E EIGHTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040140060000000.00 338.99REYES, LILIA ABARCA 309 E MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040340030000000.00 441.5REYNOLDS, MELISSA M 314 CENTRAL - Danville, KS 67036 10305030110040000000.00 739.51RICHMEIER, JOSHUA L 222 W AVE F - ATTICA, KS 67009 7419030050050000000.00 59.34RICKE, NICHOLAS CHARLES 1255 SW 10 RD - ATTICA, KS 67009 15735000000020000000.00 420.04RICKER, BRADLEY 115 S ANTHONY AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13725010060050000000.00 716.02RIDER, DAVID W 300 S MAIN - Hazelton, KS 67061 16516000080060000000.00 25.85RIDER, DAVID W 120 W PEARCE - Hazelton, KS 67061 16516000040030000000.00 30.35RIDER, DAVID W 100 W PEARCE - Hazelton, KS 67061 16516000040040000000.00 42.16RLH LAND COMPANY, LLC 0 SE 20 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 19417000000030000000.00 189.31ROE, STEVEN C 513 E SEVENTH - Harper, KS 67058 9306030050020000000.00 210.11ROGERS, KIRK W 324 S KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020160050000000.00 250.43ROGERS, KIRK W 201 S BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020130030000000.00 28.64ROGERS, KIRK W 202 N SECOND AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 12419030050050000000.00 39.95ROGERS, MORRIS H & VEDA L 402 N MAGNOLIA - Attica, KS 67009 7419030110030000000.00 365.09ROGERS, NANCY L 114 KIOWA - Attica, KS 67009 7930020030030000000.00 577.24ROGERS, NANCY L 0 GARFIELD - Attica, KS 67009 7419040210050000000.00 86.65ROGERS, NANCY L 321 N GARFIELD - Attica, KS 67009 7419040210010000000.00 4290.21ROGERS, NANCY L 209 N HARPER - Attica, KS 67009 7419040270040000000.00 345.57ROGERS, NANCY L 101 S HARPER - Attica, KS 67009 7930010020010000000.00 305.02ROJAS, RIGOBERTO E & PHYE, RYANN N 516 W NINTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101030090060000000.00 241.03ROLLING ARROW PROPERTIES, LLC 224 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010060010000000.00 4994.99ROSSMILLER, WILLIAM R & SUSAN A 15 NE 100 RD - HARPER, KS 67058 8101020010020000000.00 361.27ROTHENBUSH, FAITH & CHRISTOPHER 211 S ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010090040000000.00 820.29ROZI, ABDUL JABBAR 119 N JENNINGS AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003 13624040490030000000.00 501.66ROZI, JABBAR 730 N BLUFF AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030020010000000.00 381.39RUARK, CORDIE M 401 N BOTKIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419030110040000000.00 163.99RUPE, CHRISTENA & BRUCE 301 N LOGAN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040220040000000.00 514.85RUSTY'S CHANNEL CAT BAIT LLC 213 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040480060000000.00 835.6RUSTY'S CHANNEL CAT BAIT LLC 215 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040480070000000.00 872.98RUSTY'S CHANNEL CAT BAIT LLC 217 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040480080000000.00 1360.12RUSTY'S CHANNEL CAT BAIT LLC 316 W MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020030040000000.00 1605.17SALT PLAINS OUTFITTERS, LLC 403 W HAYES ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13725020310010000000.00 1770.75SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 ROBINSON - Waldron, KS 67150 24515020060010000000.00 9.23SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 SW 106 RD - WALDRON, KS 67150 24516040040010000000.00 3.47SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 SW 106 RD - WALDRON, KS 67150 24516040040020000000.00 1.15SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 SW 106 RD - WALDRON, KS 67150 24516040040030000000.00 10.38SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 ORIENT - Waldron, KS 67150 24516010020100000000.00 1.15SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 ORIENT - Waldron, KS 67150 24516010060020000000.00 335SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 ORIENT - Waldron, KS 67150 24516010020160000000.00 158.95SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 SW 100 RD - ANTHONY, KS 67003 24515000000020100000.00 180.28SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 STILWELL - Waldron, KS 67150 24515030010010000000.00 174.69SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 ELDER - Waldron, KS 67150 24515020090010000000.00 155.73SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 SW 106 RD - WALDRON, KS 67150 24516040040050000000.00 13.61SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 STINE - Waldron, KS 67150 24516040030010000000.00 2.32SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 MCCLOUD - Waldron, KS 67150 24516040030030000000.00 2.32SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 NW 100 AVE - Attica, KS 67009 4930000000010000000.00 157.65SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 STILLWELL - Waldron, KS 67150 24516010060010000000.00 457.19SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 NW 10 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 8614000000020100000.00 816.49SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 NW 120 RD - Attica, KS 67009 4930000000020000000.00 660.57SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 NW 110 RD - Attica, KS 67009 4930000000040000000.00 374.41SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 0 NW 100 AVE - Attica, KS 67009 4420000000020000000.00 361.41SANDERS, MAC LEO ETAL 1113 NW 100 AVE - ATTICA, KS 67009 4930000000050000000.00 1861.3SANDERS, RICHARD & DENISE A 0 NW 120 RD - Harper, KS 67058 4827000000020000000.00 221.27SANDRIDGE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC 0 SW 90 RD - ANTHONY, KS 67003 24204000000010100000.00 197.94
the Anthony Republican • August 21, 2024 Page 9STARZYK,WILLIAM R. AND AMY 0 N BLAINE - Attica, KS 67009 7419010010110000000.00 323.03STEGALL, EARL & EDDIE RAY 211 S MADISON AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003-2431 13725010120030000000.00 77.35STEWART, WANDA LANE 0 NE 20 RD - Freeport, KS 67049 11418000000010000000.00 800.15STEWART, WANDA LANE 0 SW 30 RD - Attica, KS 67009 16308000000020000000.00 738.4STIERWALT, GREGORY W 805 WALNUT - Harper, KS 67058 8101040230040100000.00 310.72STIERWALT, GREGORY W & MARLA R 311 N FRANKLIN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040310030000000.00 521.37STIERWALT, GREGORY W & MARLA R 117 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040370050000000.00 1091.62STIERWALT, GREGORY W & MARLA R 0 N CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8101040290060000000.00 793.67STIERWALT, GREGORY W & MARLA R 915 N CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8101040290070000000.00 743.12STIERWALT, GREGORY W & MARLA R 703 OAK - Harper, KS 67058 8101040120020000000.00 630.72STINSON, BEVERLY 0 ORIENT - Waldron, KS 67150 24516010020080000000.00 71.09STITT, STEPHEN L 410 N WEST AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13623040020150000000.00 1886.75STITT, STEVE & BROOK 0 N WEST AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13623040020160000000.00 21.75STOABS, JEFFREY ALAN 429 S ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010220080000000.00 862.11STOABS, KATHLEEN M 717 N SPRINGFIELD AVE - ANTHONY, KS 67003-2217 13624040050030000000.00 640.44STOLSWORTH, JERRY L & DANIELLE N 0 WHEAT LANE - Anthony, KS 67003 13623040040050000000.00 51.5STONEBRAKER, BRUCE 210 NE 100 RD - HARPER, KS 67058 2932000000020000000.00 2121.33STRONG, CLAYTON D & TWILA M 723 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040430070000000.00 1506.58STRUBLE, DAVID P 526 NW 100 AVE - ATTICA, KS 67009 7929000000100000000.00 165.97STUBBS, ALFRED E 203 N PENNSYLVANIA AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030200040000000.00 1436.93SUMMERS, JACOB 515 N BLAINE - Attica, KS 67009 7419040090070000000.00 116.43SUTTON, JAKE 28 NW 120 RD - HARPER, KS 67058 3623000000010100000.00 398.27TATRO, MARVIN 1341 NW 60 RD - ATTICA, KS 67009 6827000000020000000.00 295.37TELLEZ, RYAN JOHN & GREG 0 SW 30 RD - Attica, KS 67009 16204000000030000000.00 862.86THE GRUNDMAN FAMILY LIVING TRUST 0 W AVE A - Attica, KS 67009 7930020070020000000.00 37.67THE GRUNDMAN FAMILY LIVING TRUST 0 S GRAPHIC - Attica, KS 67009 7930020070030000000.00 59.34THOMAS TR 367 SW 10 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 13932000000020100000.00 3046.82THOMAS, HEATHER & ROBERT 217 N HARPER - Attica, KS 67009 7419040270050000000.00 836.35THOMAS, JOHN E GST TR 0 NW 40 RD - Attica, KS 67009 14306000000020000000.00 51.08THOMAS, JOHN E GST TR 0 NW 40 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13418000000010000000.00 293.92THOMAS, JOHN E GST TR 0 NW 60 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 14613000000020100000.00 257.93THOMAS, JOHN E GST TR 580 NW 20 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 14112000000020000000.00 410.37THOMAS, KELLIE J 206 N MADISON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040400080000000.00 1183.75THOMAS, WARREN L 321 W NINTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040260040000000.00 1983.98THOMPSON, JEFFREY JAY 1120 WALNUT - Harper, KS 67058 8101040410020000000.00 2210.73THOMPSON, JIM 222 E EIGHTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040140090000000.00 255.46TININ, TONY L 32 E QUAIL CREEK TRAIL - Anthony, KS 67003 13111020010030000000.00 1346.55TOPHAM, BRENT M & LIZNELIA 14 E QUAIL CREEK TRAIL - Anthony, KS 67003 13111020010210000000.00 1717.04TORRES, JUAN 401 E SEVENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040160010000000.00 535.18TRAHAN, THOMAS & JACKSON, CANDACE 415 N ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040230040000000.00 498.59TROLL, HARRY D & NOEL A 223 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8101010030020000000.00 380.5TROYER, RONALD L 2106 OAK - Harper, KS 67058 8112010270090000000.00 1037.29TRUESDALE, ROSE K 517 N MAGNOLIA - Attica, KS 67009 7419030090010000000.00 72.13TRUONG, KIEU MY 611 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040440050000000.00 232.62TURNER, ALVIN L & BUCHANAN, MISTY D 0 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8101040120050000000.00 135.88TURNER, ALVIN L & BUCHANAN, MISTY D 0 W NINTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040210020000000.00 399.04TURNER, ALVIN L & BUCHANAN, MISTY D 719 OAK (719 1/2) - Harper, KS 67058 8101040120030100000.00 1580.36TURNER, DENNIS D & JANET M 611 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101030130020000000.00 1007.88UMMEL, GARY LEE JR 515 E SEVENTH - Harper, KS 67058 9306030050010100000.00 40.45VALDERAS, RAMON 224 N JEFFERSON AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040410010000000.00 293.15VANDOLAH, DEREK 621 JEFFERSON - Harper, KS 67058 8101040020020000000.00 319.34VASQUEZ, ELISEO AND ALONZO, JUANA 323 W MAIN - Harper, KS 67058 8101040390040000000.00 509.44VAVRA, MONTE J & ARLA J 0 NE 160 RD - Norwich, KS 67118 1204000000010000000.00 596.74VAVRA, MONTE J & ARLA J 919 NE 160 RD - Norwich, KS 67118 1204000000020000000.00 1786.32VOGT, ROYCE W & MARLA R 204 W EIGHTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040110060000000.00 1357.26VON ITTER LIV TR 725 W MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030290030000000.00 3633.37VONDRACEK, KAYLA 218 E NINTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040190060000000.00 562.8WAGE, VICKY L 319 E NINTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040310010000000.00 2751.9WALDRON CITY OF 0 EDWARDS - Waldron, KS 67150 24515030010020000000.00 169.39WALDRON CITY OF 0 SW 106 RD - WALDRON, KS 67150 24516040040040000000.00 135.36WANDICK, JASON LEON 716 VAN BUREN - Harper, KS 67058 9306030070050000000.00 790.84WARD, JASON D 219 W FIFTEENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8112010090040000000.00 811.3WARREN, RUTH E 222 N KANSAS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030200060000000.00 476.64WATTS, NINOTCHKA & RICHARD JR 315 E MAIN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040470060000000.00 1884.4WEAVER, VELMA DAUNER TR 0 NW 20 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 3203000000070000000.00 34.01WEBB, AMANDA 1607 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8112010120030000000.00 618.23WEDMAN, DAVID R 0 NE 90 AVE - Danville, KS 67036 1828000000030000000.00 593.94WEDMAN, DAVID R & CARLA J 0 NE 110 RD - Danville, KS 67036 1931000000040000000.00 2459.45WEDMAN, DAVID R & CARLA J 1134 NE 90 AVE - Danville, KS 67036 1828000000030100000.00 3702.52WEDMAN, DAVID R & CARLA J 0 NE 110 RD - Harper, KS 67058 2736000000060000000.00 496.12WEDMAN, MIKE E & MARIA G 1311 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8101040570030000000.00 531.05WEDMAN, MIKE E & MARIA G 0 E FOURTEENTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040570040000000.00 32.88WEISS, MAJOR C III 417 S LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010240050000000.00 356.95WELCH, BARRY T 1403 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 8112010020020000000.00 1375.41WELCH, BARRY T 1403 CENTRAL - Harper, KS 67058 081120100200200A0000 575.43WENZL, DANA M 506 E AVE B - ATTICA, KS 67009 7419040330050000000.00 425.2WEST WICHITA GAS GATHERING LLC 0 NW 100 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 4305000000040100000.00 25.56WEST WICHITA GAS GATHERING LLC 07609G4966 349.98WEVE, JOE ALLEN & LINDA KAY 516 S MAIN - Hazelton, KS 67061 16516000080050000000.00 631.31WEVE, JOE ALLEN & LINDA KAY MAIN ST - HAZELTON, KS 67061 16516000080050100000.00 12.55WHALEY, JACOB D 1410 NE KS HWY 2 - HARPER, KS 67058 2112000000040000000.00 613.6WHARTON, RUTH E 308 E THIRD - Harper, KS 67058 8101010040020000000.00 841.65WHARTON, RUTH E 308 E THIRD - Harper, KS 67058 8101010050030000000.00 87.64WHITAKER, COLT ROBERT 520 N ELM - Hazelton, KS 67061 16516000010050000000.00 144.98WILKINSON, DEBBIE K 416 S LINCOLN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010230130000000.00 1136.86WILKINSON, STEVEN L 420 W STEADMAN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030260020000000.00 248.73WILLIAMS, ASPEN 602 N FRANKLIN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040110060000000.00 1167.3WILLIAMS, ASPEN 422 N MASSACHUSETTS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030050140000000.00 120.44WILLIAMS, IVAN W & KIMBERLY 423 N JENNINGS AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040220020000000.00 196.34WILLIAMS, K FAMILY LLC 1061 NE 15 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 2931000000030000000.00 699.56WILLIAMS, K FAMILY LLC 0 NE 5 AVE - Harper, KS 67058 3736000000010000000.00 302.68WILLIAMS, K FAMILY LLC 513 W NINTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101030100020000000.00 197.88WILLIAMS, SHANE 401 N LOGAN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040150060000000.00 932.03WILLIAMS, STACY 319 N SISSONS - Danville, KS 67036 10305030070010000000.00 185.04WILSON, CLAUDE E & BETTY J 211 N MILLER - Attica, KS 67009 7419030180040000000.00 658.74WISE, AMANDA 400 ROBINSON - Waldron, KS 67150 24515020060020000000.00 385.03WISENBAKER, MATT & MARY H 292 NW 10 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13111000010030000000.00 22853.08WITTERS, SANDY LEE & ELIZABETH ANN 331 E KS HWY 44 - Anthony, KS 67003 12828000000020000000.00 780.57WITTERS, SANDY LEE & ELIZABETH ANN 0 HWY 44 - Anthony, KS 67003 12929000000010000000.00 566.35WOHLSCHLEGEL, GARY 211 W EIGHTH - Harper, KS 67058 8101040220020000000.00 2548.07WOHLSCHLEGEL, JOY 1114 WASHINGTON - Harper, KS 67058 8101040450100000000.00 739.99WOHLSCHLEGEL, LARRY S REV TR 1423 NE 40 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 2209000000040000000.00 2550.76WOLFF, CHARLEY TR #1 0 SE 20 RD - Anthony, KS 67003 19102000000020000000.00 1075.35WOLFF, CHARLEY TR #1 0 NE 60 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 12112000000020000000.00 189.74WOLFF, CHARLEY TR #1 0 NE 60 AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 12624000000020000000.00 1589.3WOLFF, CHARLEY TR #1 0 HWY 44 - Anthony, KS 67003 12624000000030000000.00 385.25WOLFF, GERALD L & PATRICIA L 586 E KS HWY 44 - Anthony, KS 67003 12623000000050000000.00 2203WOODS, BRIAN & CALVERT, PAUL 110 S BOTKIN - ATTICA, KS 67009 7930010020030000000.00 744.99WORTHINGTON, BEVERLY K 1270 NW 60 AVE - HARPER, KS 67058 4624000000020000000.00 2566.42WYATT, DAVID M 203 N SPRINGFIELD AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040380040000000.00 926.49YELENIK, MAXINE M JOHNSON 0 NW 160 RD - Harper, KS 67058 3204000000010000000.00 28.18YODER, FREDRICK LEE & MERIDITH 11 E QUAIL CREEK TRAIL - Anthony, KS 67003 13111020010240000000.00 617.52YODER, LANDON MICHAEL 0 NW 70 AVE - Attica, KS 67009 7735000000030100000.00 51.06YODER, MICHAEL K & SARA M 220 S FRANKLIN AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13725010100080000000.00 890.22YOUNCE, ROBERT A & EDITH F 501 N MAGNOLIA - Attica, KS 67009 7419030090040000000.00 278.87YOUNCE, ROBERT A & EDITH F 601 N MAIN - Attica, KS 67009 7419040040040000000.00 113.48ZIMMERMAN, LOGAN A & JESSICA D 0 NW 80 RD - Harper, KS 67058 8307000000030200000.00 781.07ZUBER, ALBERTA VERN 423 W STEADMAN ST - Anthony, KS 67003 13624030190040000000.00 110.06ZUSPAN, JOHN A & FELECIA N 311 N ANTHONY AVE - Anthony, KS 67003 13624040340040000000.00 331.51DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE LIST 2023PUBLIC NOTICEDELINQUENT REAL ESTATE LIST 2023PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID TOTALSlow Down: Back To School Means Sharing The RoadSchool days bring con-gestion: School buses are picking up their passengers, kids on bikes are hurrying to get to school before the bell rings, harried parents are trying to drop their kids off before work. It's never more important for drivers to slow down and pay at-tention than when kids are present – especially before and after school.Sharing the Road with Young PedestriansAccording to research by the National Safety Council, most of the children who lose their lives in bus-related in-cidents are 4 to 7 years old, and they're walking. They are hit by the bus, or by a motorist illegally passing a stopped bus. A few precau-tions go a long way toward keeping children safe:• Don't block the cross-walk when stopped at a red light or waiting to make a turn, forcing pedestrians to go around you; this could put them in the path of moving traffic• In a school zone when flashers are blinking, stop and yield to pedestrians crossing the crosswalk or intersection• Always stop for a school patrol officer or crossing guard holding up a stop sign• Take extra care to look for children in school zones, near playgrounds and parks, and in all residential areas• Don't honk or rev your engine to scare a pedes-trian, even if you have the right of way• Never pass a vehicle stopped for pedestrians• Always use extreme caution to avoid striking pedestrians wherever they may be, no matter who has the right of waySharing the Road with School BusesIf you're driving behind a bus, allow a greater fol-lowing distance than if you were driving behind a car. It will give you more time to stop once the yellow lights start flashing. It is illegal in all 50 states to pass a school bus that is stopped to load or unload children.• Never pass a bus from behind – or from either di-rection if you're on an undi-vided road – if it is stopped to load or unload children• If the yellow or red lights are flashing and the stop arm is extended, trafc must stop• The area 10 feet around a school bus is the most dan-gerous for children; stop far enough back to allow them space to safely enter and exit the bus• Be alert; children often are unpredictable, and they tend to ignore hazards and take risksSharing the Road with BicyclistsOn most roads, bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as vehicles, but bikes can be hard to see. Children riding bikes create special problems for drivers because usually they are not able to properly deter-mine traffic conditions. The most common cause of colli-sion is a driver turning left in front of a bicyclist.• When passing a bicy-clist, proceed in the same direction slowly, and leave 3 feet between your car and the cyclist• Watch for bike riders turning in front of you with-out looking or signaling; children especially have a tendency to do this.• Be extra vigilant in school zones and residential neighborhoods• Watch for bikes coming from driveways or behind parked cars• Check side mirrors be-fore opening your doorBy exercising a little ex-tra care and caution, drivers and pedestrians can co-exist safely in school zones.
Page 10 the Anthony Republican • August 21, 2024Wes Higgs Agency, LLC125 W. Main St., Anthonywhiggs@amfam.comGOT NEWS OR PICSYOU WANTTO SHARE?Send It To Us Atanthonyrepublican@att.netObituary...Howard Lee Kastens1931 ~ 2024Howard Lee Kastens was born January 17, 1931 in Anthony, Kan-sas, son of Howard W. and Flor-ence (Smithhisler) Kastens. He graduated from Anthony High School with the Class of 1948. He was baptized and received his rst communion at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Anthony, where he remained a lifelong member. At age 17, he had his mom sign so he could join the United States Navy, and was inducted on July 18, 1948 in Wichita, Kansas. During his enlistment he served in the Ko-rean Conict. He served on many ships including the USS Magpie which hit a submerged water mine and sank off the coast of Korea. He was one of only 12 survivors. He was honorably discharged on July 15, 1952. In 2018, he was honored to take the Honor Flight to Wash-ington DC. On September 6, 1952, Howard Lee married his high school sweet-heart, Jeanne Johnson at the Sa-cred Heart Catholic Church in An-thony. This union was blessed with ve children: Mark, Diane, Carol, Tony, and Mike. Howard Lee grew up on a farm and had a lifelong love for the land. He and Jeanne made their home on a farm northwest of Anthony, later moving into town. Howard Lee grew wheat crops and raised cattle. The farm was a family af-fair and Jeanne and all the kids did their part. Howard Lee was a devoted and loving husband, father, and grandfather. He and Jeanne were dedicated to one another and made an outstanding team raising their family and running the farming op-eration. They were blessed with 71 years of wedded bliss. He was a wonderful, patient dad who instilled faith, integrity, and work ethic in his kids, never losing his temper when they made a mistake. As a father and grandfather, he was a huge supporter of all his kids and grand-kids’ activities, especially track and eld since he himself made the state track and eld competition. He never missed an opportunity to show up and support his family. He was always excited to hear from family and friends, greeting every-one with his happy-go-lucky, good-natured personality. After retiring, Howard Lee and Jeanne enjoyed traveling to visit all their kids and grandkids. He en-joyed a good game of golf and was always willing to take your quarter in a game of, closest to the pin. An avid tinkerer, he spent many hours trying to solve problems with unique solutions, by way of the three r’s recycle, reuse, repurpose. Knowledgeable in mechanics, he could x just about anything. Cof-fee breaks with his friends were a normal daily occurrence and a great opportunity for him to share some bull! In 2022, Howard Lee made his home at Country Living in Anthony. He and his family have been grate-ful for the wonderful and compas-sionate care he always received from the staff. On August 10, 2024, Howard Lee passed away at Country Liv-ing at the age of 93. He was pre-ceded in death by his parents; his wife, Jeanne on January 25, 2023; siblings: Phil Kastens, Mary Chip-peaux, Virginia Warren, and Tom Kastens; and grandsons, David C. Headberg and Tyge Walker. Howard Lee will be deeply missed by his children: Mark (JoAnn Wright) Kastens, Diane (Jeff) Headberg, Carol (Carey) Flaming, Tony (Cecilia) Kastens, Mike (Linda) Kastens; 10 grand-children: Justin Kastens, Kara (Brian) Moore, Cyndra Kastens, Heather (Jamie) McGuigan, Cassie (Donavon) Turner, Chelsea (Corey Sheesley) Flaming, Reagan (Clay) Shelton, Nicole (Jeremy) Shefer, Kate (Sam) Moylan, Lainey (Blake) Bontrager; 16 great-grandchildren; other relatives; and many friends. Catholic Services were held with the Recitation of Rosary at 9:30 a.m. and Mass of Christian Burial at10:30 a.m. on Saturday, August 17, 2024, at Sacred Heart Obituary...Clifford L. Hunter1938 ~ 2024Clifford Lyle Hunter was born August 15, 1938, in Anthony, KS, to Hugh Richard Hunter and Ruth Opal (Whaley) Hunter. He died Au-gust 12, 2024, at Platte, SD.Clifford grew up and spent most of life in Hazelton, KS. He gradu-ated from Hazelton High School in the class of 1956. He received a di-ploma as an Automobile Technician from International Correspondence Schools in Scranton, PA, in Janu-ary 1962. He also attended various vocational training from Farmland Industries in tires and in petroleum. He was involved in farming in the area and worked for the Farmers Co-op and O.K. Co-op for 40 years, retiring in 2004.Clifford accepted Christ as his Savior after a Sunday evening ser-vice in December of 1949 at the age of 11. He served in the church as Treasurer, Deacon, and taught Sunday School classes at times. He spent many hours in devotion and prayer even up to when he en-tered the hospital. Clifford was united in marriage to Ona Lorene Myers on November 16, 1956. They were married for 65 years before Ona’s passing in 2022. They spent their early mar-ried years in Wichita, KS, Chloride, AZ, and Las Vegas, NV, before returning to Hazelton. Clifford en-joyed hunting, shing, and cars. He was a faithful husband, father, grandfather, uncle and friend. Clifford is survived by son Mitch Hunter of Idabel, OK, daugh-ter Mica (Brian) Balster of Platte, SD, son Milford (Pennie) Hunter of Pontiac, IL, and daughter-in-law Mira Hunter of Pensacola, FL; eight grandchildren: Lisa Martin of OK, Kristal Balster, Kim (Todd) Veal, Kathy (Ross) Erickson of Platte SD, Karen (Arun) Basker of MN, Justin ( Thesalee) Hunter, Matt (Alex) Hunt-er, of IL, and Cassie (Jacob) Chopp of MN; 22 great grandchildren with two more on the way, and seven great-great grandchildren. He is also survived by many nieces and nephews, two of whom we consider sibling cousins, Rafer Onwiler and Julie Conrad. He was preceded in death by his parents, wife Ona, infant daugh-ter Marcy, son Meredith, brother Bert Richard Hunter, sister Geor-gia Ellen Ruiz and daughter-in-law Mary Lou Hunter.Memorials in Clifford’s honor may be directed to African Pasto-ral Training Ministries, 4013 Eaton Park Dr., McKinney TX 75071 or to Calvary Baptist Church Missions Program, PO Box, Platte SD 57369Church, Anthony, of the St. Joan of Arc Parish with Father Babu Pin-ninti as Celebrant. Howard’s chil-dren placed the Pall on the casket. Tony and Kathryn Duran served as Sacristans. Kathryn Duran served as Lector. Tony Kastens gave the eulogy. The gifts were brought forth by Howard’s granddaughters. Tony Duran served as Mass Server. Musical selections led by Can-tor, Debbie Francis, were Amazing Grace, Here I Am Lord, One Bread, One Body, Song of Farewell, and Prayer of St. Francis. Kay Troyer accompanied on the piano. Military Honors by the United States Navy Honor Guard followed at Spring Grove Cemetery, west of Anthony. Honorary casket bearers were Dean Bertholf and Kevan Al-len. Casket bearers were Howard’s grandsons. Memorials in memory of How-ard Lee may be made to Country Living Inc., Interim Hospice, Sa-cred Heart Catholic Church, or the Anthony Golf Course, and can be sent in care of Prairie Rose Funeral Home, 602 E. Main St., Anthony, KS 67003.* * WWW.ANTHONYREPUBLICANNEWS.COM * *60 YEARS AGO - 1964Miss Eleanor Anne Ran-dels and Miss Ora Louise Randels, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Randels of Bluff City, were in Chicago City, Minn. for the summer months serving as counsel-ors at Camp Ojiketa which was a Campfire Girls Camp.After 17 years in busi-ness, the Anthony O&E Food Market closed their doors for good, according to the owners, Otto and Gene Kaufman. Store merchan-dise had been purchased by United I.G.A. and both stores combined in the store at 106 East Main.Mrs. Glen Mandevill en-FILES Continued on next page
the Anthony Republican • August 21, 2024 Page 11HARPER COUNTYDISTRICT COURT REPORTIndividuals listed below are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.PAID TRAFFIC CITATIONS12/26: Kameron M. Wood: 1) Speeding - 28/20. 2) License to be carried and exhibited upon demand. $153.00. 23-TR-9.7/29: Tina M. Babcock: 1) Speeding - 83/65; $201.00. 24-TR-152.SMALL CLAIMS CASE FILINGSEZ Disposal LLC vs. Beth A. Zahradnik, admit or deny; 24-SC-4.EZ Disposal LLC vs. Dalton M. Seyb, admit or deny; 24-SC-5.CRIMINAL CASE FILINGSState of Kansas vs. Kaedon J. Greening: 1) Domestic battery. 24-CR-62.COUNTY COURT DOCKETJUDGE SCOTT E. McPHERSONMonday, August 19, 20141:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Jose A. Rivera Tijerin, rst appearance; 24-TR-146.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Izat Sharshebaev, rst appearance; 24-CR-57.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Akmal Djunaydullaev, rst appearance; 24-CR-58.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Omar R. Johnson, rst appearance; 24-CR-60.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Vitaliy Chuverov, rst appearance; 24-CR-61.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Andres Mares, rst appearance; 24-TR-128.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Eddie J. Fry, preliminary examination; 24-CR-36.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Michael S. Downs, pay or appear; 24-TR-52.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. David E. Studebaker, status conference; 24-CR-51.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Benjamin T. Swartz, status conference; 24-CR-41.Tuesday, August 20, 20241:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Ninotchka L. Watts, status conference; 24-CR-28.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Spencer Reed, status conference; 24-CR-47.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Nathan W. Fisher, status conference; 24-CR-52.2:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Shawn E. Morris, preliminary hearing; 24-CR-46.Thursday, August 22, 20249:00 a.m. In the Matter of the Estate of Alfred E. Stubbs, determination of descent; 24-PR-19.9:00 a.m. Bank of America NA vs. Charles R. Gipple, hearing; 24-LM-58.9:15 a.m. In the Matter of the Estate of Betty J. Hammersmith, hearing; 24-PR-20.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Gina L. Fry, preliminary hearing; 24-CR-37.Friday, August 16, 20248:00 a.m. State of Kansas vs. Wynema K. Campbell, hearing; 24-CR-18.HARPER COUNTY JAILARRESTS & BOOKINGSDerek R. Vandolah, 42: Arrested: 8-16-24; Released: 8-18-24. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) 48 hour quick dip.Zachary A. Snow, 27: Arrested: 8-18-24; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Operate vehicle without registration or w/ expired tag. 2) Operate a motor vehicle without the proper classication of license. 3) Operate a motor vehicle without a valid license.HARPER COUNTY DEEDSBOOK D108#1406 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Sandra D. Gates to Nicholas Gates and Haley Gates, a tract in the NW corner of the NW/4 of Sect. 19, Twp. 33 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1407 - Debtor-In-Possession Deed: David R. Wedman and Carla J. Wedman to Monarch Resources LLC, the W/2, less the NW/4 of the NW/4 and the SE/4 of the SE/4, all located in Sect. 23, Twp. 32 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1408 - Deed: Billy J. Maple and Carolyn S. Maple to Billy J. Maple and Carolyn S. Maple, Trustees of the Billy Joe and Carolyn Sue Maple Trust, a tract in the W/2 of the SE/4 of Sect. 12, Twp. 32 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1409 - Statutory Warranty Deed: David Bloyer and Dorita Bloyer to Hermelinda Sicairos De Delgado and Bryon A. Delgado, Lots 13 and 14 in Blk. 64 in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#1410 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Michael R. Polsley and Rita L. Polsley to J’Lynne Stolsworth and Brayden T. Francis, a tract in the NW corner of Lot 7 in Sect. 6, Twp. 32 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M.; and a tract in the NW corner of Lot 7 in Sect. 6, Twp. 32 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M.; both in Harper County, Kansas.#1411 - Quit Claim Deed: Mike P. Nishimuta and Lisa E. Nishimuta to the Nishimuta Family Trust, a 33.8 acre tract in the SE/4 of Sect. 20, Twp. 32 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1412 - Quit Claim Deed: Michael P. Nishimuta and Lisa Nishimuta to the Nishimuta, the NW/4 of Sect. 33, Twp. 32 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1413 - Quit Claim Deed: Mike Nishimuta and Lisa Nishimuta to the Nishimuta Family Trust, the NW/4 of Sect. 15, Twp. 34 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., less a tract, Harper County, Kansas.#1414 - Quit Claim Deed: Mark L. Erickson and Alice L. Erickson to Anthony Holdings LLC, Lots 10, 11 and the S/20’ of Lot 7 in Blk. 34 in the Original Townsite of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#1415 - Warranty Deed: Jamse D. West and Sherry L. West to James D. West and Sherry L. West, Trustees of the James D. and Sherry L. West Revocable Trust, Lot 1 and the N/30’ of Lot 4 in Blk. 8 of Madara’s Addition to the City of Harper, Harper County, Kansas.#1416 - Quit Claim Deed: Daryl E. Salser to Kirk Stewart, the N/90’ of the E/2 of Blk. 11 E in Highland Addition (aka 624 N. Lincoln) in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#1417 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Janice R. Perry to Brian Jaeger, Lots 17-22 in Blk. 31 in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#1418 - Trustee’s Deed: Patricia A. Robb, Trustee of the Robb Trust, to Mid-Kansas Cooperative Association, the W/141’ of Blk. 1 in the Original Townsite of the City of Danville, Harper County, Kansas.#1419 - Quit Claim Deed: HD6 Buildings LLC to Country Living Inc., the S/30’ of Lots 1-3 in Blk. 13 and all of Blk. 14 in Redden’s Addition, including all adjacent vacated streets and alleys, in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#1420 - Quit Claim Deed: Country Living Inc. to HD6 Buildings LLC, all of Lots 7-12 in Blk. 12 in Redden’s Addition, including all adjacent vacated streets and alley, in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#1421 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Perry A. Fischer to Charles Cintron, the S/40’ of Lot 4 and all of Lot 5 in Blk. 27 Original in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.tertained at a swimming party and informal after-noon honoring her daughter, Tresa on her tenth birth-day. Mrs. Mandevill served birthday cake and ice cream to Lou Ann Bruey, Nancy Jelinek, Margaret Sheen, Jane Jelinek, Tresa Man-devill and Rita Mandevill.50 YEARS AGO - 1974Anthony’s Junior Babe Ruth baseball team had to play Pratt three times to win the league tournament held at Attica. Team mem-bers were: Kenny Hodson, Dick Vogt, Brad Harbin, Brian Shaw, Jimmy Reber, Mike Garancosky, Doug Jen-sen, David Downing, Mike Shurley, David Dunn, Kelley Moore,. Scott Giesen, Cliff Packard, Mark Sruble and Greg Bayless. Coaches were Arlen Haakinson and Don Jensen.Michelle Hodson, selling 166 boxes of candy for the Anthony Rainbow Girls, was FILES Continued from previous pagepresented a check for $20 and Merit Citation Award proclaiming her as the best sells-person in the State of Kanas.A pre-nuptial shower was held at the Town and Country Room of the Citi-zens National Bank hon-oring Bobbie Jo Hatfield, bride-elect of Curt Hostetler, Harper. The party was held with Diane Cleveland, Mary Clark, Debbie Catlin, Wan-da Ecker, Amy Zielke, Nelle Fankhauser and Katharine Bottorff as hostesses. 40 YEARS AGO - 1984Mr. and Mrs. Johnny L. Jefferis of rural Anthony announced the birth of a daugh- ter, Jenna Lea on July 14, 1984 at the Antho-ny Hospital. She weighed 8 lbs. 1-1/4 ozs. Jenna has two brothers, Adam, 5 years old and Paul, 1-1/2. Two Wakita High School graduates, George Barwick and Mark Lacy were playing FILES Continued on Page 13
Page 12 the Anthony Republican • August 21, 2024620-842-5129 • 121 E. Main, Anthonywww.anthonyrepublicannews.comEmail: anthonyrepublican@att.netANTHONYREPUBLICANCommunities with a local newspaper are smarter, stronger and closer. eir citizens are connected to one another, and invested in what happens around them.e local paper is also one of the only places you can nd timely news on what’s happening right where you live. at’s why 152 million Americans read local newspapers each week.SHIRTS • SIGNSLD’S PRINTING 620-842-5129Celebrate The Foundation Of America: DAR Promotes Constitution Week September 17-23WASHINGTON, DC - The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution urges Ameri-cans to reflect on the United States Constitution during this month's annual obser-vance in honor this founda-tional document of national governance.The DAR initiated the observance in 1955, when the service organization pe-titioned the U.S. Congress to dedicate September 17-23 of each year to the com-memoration of Constitution Week. Congress adopted the resolution, and on August 2, 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed it into Public Law #915. The cel-ebration's goals are three-fold: to encourage the study of the historical events that led to the framing of the Constitution in September 1787; to remind the pub-lic that the Constitution is the basis of America's great heritage and the founda-tion for its way of life; and to emphasize U.S. citizens' responsibility to protect, de-fend and preserve the U.S. Constitution."We are so proud DAR led the way in making Con-stitution Week an official commemoration and our members enthusiastically promote the celebration annually in communities across the country by erect-ing community displays, sponsoring municipal proc-lamations, ringing bells and staging programs to raise awareness of the Con-stitution's tenets and im-portance," said DAR Presi-dent General Pamela Rouse Wright. "We encourage all citizens to join us in cele-brating this powerful docu-ment that is so important to American history and to reflect on the impact the Constitution has had on the lives of American citizens past and present."DAR has been the fore-most advocate for the awareness, promotion and celebration of Constitu-tion Week. The annual observance provides in-numerable opportunities for educational initiatives and community outreach, two mission areas of cru-cial importance to the Na-tional Society. By fostering knowledge of, and appre-ciation for, the Constitution Fair Results From The Flower DepartmentBy Debra OldsForty two entries to the Flowers Department of the 2024 Harper County Fair helped gardeners forget the long hot summer and raven-ous grasshoppers! Thirty-four ribbons were awarded and here are the results.Jr. Flowers(age 16 " under)Small Marigold (under 21/2" diameter): B - Xavi Shue. Petunia Arrangement: B - Elaina Olds; R - Effic Noble Miniature Arrangement (under 6" diameter): R - Pax-ton Zimmerman. Best Pioneer Arrange-ment: B - Cohen Zimmer-man.Fairy Garden: B - Chey-anne Bock; R - Paxton Zim-merman; W - Cohen Zim-merman.Reserve Champion: Co-hen Zimmerman for Best Pioneer Arrangement. Champion: Cheyanne Bock for Fairy Garden.Specimen Flowers Rose (tea): R - Roberta Graham. Rose (grandeflora): B - Reanna Theisen.Unusual Flower: B - Ro-berta Graham (surprise lily).Zinnia (large): R - Becky Holt.Zinnia (small): B - Rean-na Theisen.Marigold (small): B - Re-anna Theisen.Petunia (single): B - Adeline Olds; R - Debra Olds; W - Reanna Theisen. Snapdragons: R - Reanna Theisen.Cosmos: B - Cohen Zim-merman. Sunflower (not mam-moth): R - Kayla Wester-man.Miscellaneous Flower: B - Reanna Theisen (gom-phrena); R - Cathy La Count (tree hydrangea); W - Becky Holt (gerbera daisy). Reserve Champion: Reanna Theisen for Rose (grandeflora).Champion: Reanna Theisen for Miscellaneous Flower (gamphrena). ArrangementsArrangement in Kitchen Utensil as Container: R - Harper Giesen.Arrangement in 2-4" Con-tainer: B - Reanna Theiser.Arrangement in 4.5" or taller Container: B - Debra Olds. Cup & Saucer Arrange-ment: B - Reanna Theisen.Arrangement using only for 2 colors: R -Elaina Olds; W - Cathy LaCount.Mass Arrangement: W - Stacy Patterson.Yellow Flowers w / Wheat other Grain or Grasses: R - Brad Shue; R - Effic Noble. Reserve Champion: Deb-ra Olds for Arrangement in 4.5 " or taller container. Champion: Reanna Theisen for Cup & Saucer Arrange-ment. Plants Succulent (individual ): B - Reanna Theisen.Houseplant (flowering): B - Cathy La Count (crown of thorns).Foliage Plant or Coleus: B - Reanna Theisen.Most Unusual Plant: B - Reanna Theisen (chenille plant)Reserve Champion: Cathy LaCount for House-plant (flowering).Champion: Reanna Theisen for Succulent.Best of Show: Reanna Theisen for Cup & Saucer Arrangement (individual). Big thank you to our sponsors - Giesen Electric ( Jr. Flowers); J. Mac Flowers & Gifts (Specimen Flowers); Anthony Farmers Co-Op (Arrangements ); Ricke's Home Center (Plants); and Ron's Garden Center (Best of Show). Thanks to all the participants of the Flowers Department who brought an entry - or several entries ! Watch our Facebook page for visuals of the winning entries along with many of the other entries: Harper County Fair - Flowers De-partment. Start dreaming and planning for next year's fair in August 2025! and the inalienable rights it affords to all Americans, DAR helps to keep alive the memory of the men and women who secured our nation's foundational liber-ties.One of the largest pa-triotic women's organiza-tions in the world, DAR has 190,000 members in ap-proximately 3,000 chapters across the country and sev-eral foreign countries. DAR members promote historic preservation, education and patriotism via commemora-tive events, scholarships and educational initiatives, citizenship programs, ser-vice to veterans, meaning-ful community service and more. For additional in-formation about DAR and its relevant mission, visit YOUR NEWS TO:anthonyrepublican@att.netPhoto By: Ross Downing/Anthony RepublicanEAGLE EYE WINNER: Wyatt Bollman of Anthony has won the $50 cash prize in the Anthony Republican’s monthly Ea-gle Eye Contest by correctly identifying the SSM Services ad. You can win too! Just look for the Eagle Eye Contest form on the front page of this week’s issue and ll it out!37th Cruiser’s Car ShowCome and join the Border Queen Cruiser’s on Satur-day, August 31 for the 37th Annual All Wheels Super Saturday Car Show at the Caldwell City Park. Regis-tration will start at 8 a.m. We will again be having a Poker Cruise starting at 12:30 p.m. This show draws in cars from all over the state of Kansas and Okla-homa. Come and stroll through Caldwell City Park and en-joy reminiscing and visiting with the owners of these beautiful cars. There will be concessions available so join us for lunch or visit one of our local eateries.The Border Queen Cruis-er’s meet every month on the third Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the Nostalgia Nook. Anyone is welcome to join us and become a member. You do not have to have an “an-tique” car to join the Cruis-er’s just an interest in cars. The members are active in the community contributing to many projects. The club plans car cruise’s several times during the year. Please come out and help support the Cruiser’s Satur-day, August 31, 2024. New Canola Crush Facility Could Create Opportunity For Local FarmersFarmers in the Anthony area still have time to plant winter canola to help meet expected growing demand for renewable fuels, said Jeff Frazier, a manager with agribusiness company Scoular. Frazier said Scoular’s new canola crush facility in Goodland, Kansas, will pro-cess both canola and soy-beans for renewable fuels. The facility is on track to launch operations in Octo-ber 2024. Winter canola plant-ing windows start in Sep-tember in the High Plains. Canola planted this fall will be harvested in summer 2025. “Planting winter canola can be a good option for farmers and Scoular’s crush facility will help them con-nect to new markets," Fra-zier said. “The 2024 canola harvest in the High Plains was successful and we are hopeful for good harvest next year as well.” If you are a wheat farm-er, you can be a canola farmer, according to Fra-zier. Planting canola in a winter wheat rotation can help reduce weed pres-sure and improve yields. There is no need for new equipment, and the farm-ing practices are similar to those for wheat.There are local delivery options for farmers wanting to get their canola to the fa-cility in Goodland. If you’re within driving distance of a Scoular facili-ty, give your local originator a call. Additional options include on-farm storage and third-party locations. For more information, contact Frazier at 316-570-2239 or
the Anthony Republican • August 21, 2024 Page 13FOR RENT - Low income housing for people age 55 and older. Mainte-nance lives on site. Water, sewer and trash paid. Storm shelters. Contact Meadowlark Housing, 924 E. Spring in Anthony, KS 67003. Phone: 620-842-5331. 32-4-5-tfcFOR RENTKCAN ADSKCAN ADS KCAN ADS(First Published in the Anthony Republican, Wednesday, August 7, 2024) 3tPUBLIC NOTICEFor SalePlace your 25-word classied in the Kansas Press Association and 135 more newspapers for only $300/ week. Find employees, sell your home or your car. Call the Kansas Press Association @ 785-271-5304 today! kpa-8-21Misc.Attention: VIAGRA and CIALIS US-ERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - Only $99! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-866-481-0668. kpa-8-21Misc.Fertilization, weed control, seeding, aeration and mosquito control. Call now for a free quote. Ask about our rst application special! 1-877-559-9593. kpa-8-21Misc.TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUI-TARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 1-877-560-1992. kpa-8-21Misc.PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Day-tona, GMT, Submariner and Speed-master. Call 1-866-481-0636. kpa-8-21Misc.BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Life-time warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 1-866-481-0747. kpa-8-21Misc.STOP OVERPAYING FOR HEALTH INSURANCE! A recent study shows that a majority of people struggle to pay for health coverage. Let us show you how much you can save. Call Now for a no-obligation quote: 1-888-519-3376 You will need to have your zip code to connect to the right provider. kpa-8-21Misc.INJURED IN AN ACCIDENT? Don’t Accept the insurance company’s rst offer. Many injured parties are entitled to cash settlements in the $10,000’s. Get a free evaluation to see what your case is really worth. 100% Free Evaluation. Call Now: 1-888-920-1883. kpa-8-21Misc.AGING ROOF? NEW HOMEOWN-ER? STORM DAMAGE? You need a local expert provider that proudly stands behind their work. Fast, free estimate. Financing available. Call 1-877-589-0093 Have zip code of property ready when calling! kpa-8-21Misc.WATER DAMAGE CLEANUP & RESTORATION: A small amount of water can lead to major damage in your home. Our trusted profession-als do complete repairs to protect your family and your home’s value! Call 24/7: 1-877-586-6688. Have zip code of service location ready when you call! kpa-8-21Misc.NEED NEW WINDOWS? Drafty rooms? Chipped or damaged frames? Need outside noise reduc-tion? New, energy efcient windows may be the answer! Call for a consul-tation & FREE quote today. 1-866-766-5558 You will need to have your zip code to connect to the right pro-vider. kpa-8-21Misc.GOT AN UNWANTED CAR??? DO-NATE IT TO PATRIOTIC HEARTS. Fast free pick up. All 50 States. Patri-otic Hearts’ programs help veterans nd work or start their own business. Call 24/7: 1-877-560-5087. kpa-21on the East All-Star team reprsenting District Five in the Oklahoma Eight-Man Football Association All-Star Game played at North-western Oklahoma State University in Alva, Okla.Mr. and Mrs. Rick Pod-schun of rural Anthony an-nounced the birth of a son Adam Daniel on July 23, 1984 at the Harper Hospi-tal. He weighed 8 lbs. 3-1/2 ozs and measured 20 inches long.A weary group of Atti-cans wrapped up 100 years of history in some 168 hours and adjourned the proceed-ings until 2034 when a time capsule will be unearthed.The 1983 winner of the Wrangler-Dodge Kansas Talent Contest, Martina Schiff from Sharon, Kan. was a special guest on the Ed Bruce show at the Rus-sell County Free Fair in Russell. 30 YEARS AGO - 1994FILES Continued from Page 11A lovely come and go bridal shower was held at the Anthony Christian Church for Kristen Lee Warner, bride-elect of Roger Alan Joyal. Hostesses for the evening were Cheryl Bergman, Martha Hess, El-eanor Hill, Mary Jo Hodson, Wanda Meyer, Lois Linn, Marilyn Puls, Karen Stru-ble, Barbara Thomas and Myra Turner. Winners of the July 4th drawings held at the Antho-ny Lake were: Paul Casas, Attica, a color television; Barbara Gaffney, Anthony, a VCR; and John Cox, An-thony, a bicycle.Most Valuable Player as a defensive lineman selected by various college and high school coaches at the Neil Smith football camp in July at Kansas City was Dusty Oller, Anthony.20 YEARS AGO - 2004Nine year old All-Stars from Little Sunflower League came together to represent six local commu-nities at the Kansas State Youth Basketball Tourna-ment in Pittsburg, Kan. Team members were Trevor Copenhaver and Janson Parsons, Anthony; Bran-don Graham, Attica; Tan-ner Wood and Dylan Clark, Harper; Jace Thurman and Noah Sherman, Kiowa; Mi-chael Panek, Nick Meng and Brant Boswell, Kingman; Logan Bertholf and Jack Deviney, Medicine Lodge. 11-year-old All-Stars of the Little Sunflower League Royals were going to Okla-homa for the NBC World Series. Team members were: Braden Hrencher, Brian Eck, Jameson Reber, Casey Doherty, Nathanial Swoy-er, Austin Adams, Dakota Fischer, Kevin Rogers, Mi-chael Helm, Sheldon Hart, Kelvin Shinliver and Matt Sharkey. Coaches were Jim-my Fischer and Bill Shar-key. 10 YEARS AGO - 2014 Kathy Lamb, with the Harper County Extension office and her husband, Jim, had been coordinating 4-H Exchange trips across the country for thirteen years. Previous trips had taken the couple with 4-Hers in tow to Minnesota, Virginia, New York, Oregon, Montana and Wisconsin. This year’s group which included Tay-lor Ireland, Becca Bonham, Tiffany Spriggs, Lizzy Nem-echek, Jerica Hargis, Shayla Jackson, Jaden Eslinger and Tanner Lamb, stayed with host families in Charles-town, a small town 18 miles from Louisville, Kentucky. At the July meeting of USD 361, new hires ap-proved included: Cheryl Poston as food service direc-tor; Dana Craig as CHS sec-retary; Alyssa Lada as band teacher; Amanda Markel as CHS English language arts teacher; Jim Seifert as bus driver; Charlie Gipple as bus driver and Josh Inslee as asst. football coach.
Page 14 the Anthony Republican • August 21, 2024620-478-2878Lisa Shelton, APRN Brian Dopps, DC Milton, KS If your old sports injuries have you can help!1405 N Argonia Rdfeeling like this, we midwestpainreliefcenter.comPhoto By: Sydney Dodd PhotographyFAIR PARADE: The CHS Cheerleaders took part in the Harper County Fair Parade.Photo By: Sydney Dodd PhotographyFAIR PARADE: The Keystone Kops put on a great show for those that attended the Parade.Photo By: Sydney Dodd PhotographyDONATION TO FAIRBOARD: If you’ve attended the Harper County Fair or lived in Harper County, you’ve likely visited the historic “Blue Barn.” Built in 1975, it has hosted 48 county fairs and numerous other events, from weddings to concerts. The Harper County Fairboard is raising funds to make much needed repairs to the beloved building. The goal is to pre-serve this valuable asset while making it more eco-friendly, cost-efcient, and safer for future generations. Sumner-Cowley Electric Co-op Inc. (SCEC) was pleased to support these improvements with a $15,000 donation, approved by the board of directors. Together, we can ensure the Blue Barn continues to serve it’s community for years to come. Pictured (L-R) are Fair Board Members Lewis McCartney, Clay Shelton, David Blair, with Coni Adams (CEO of SCEC), Todd Larson, Chad Carlisle, John Schon (President of SCEC), Kirk Moore, Jerid Befort, Dustin Stansbury.Photo By: Sydney Dodd Photography4-H LIVESTOCK SALE: A very proud Sam Blubaugh takes part in the 4-H Livestock Sale during the Harper Co. Fair.Courtesy PhotoHARPER COUNTY FAIR: Winning the Reserve Champion for Jr. Flowers is Cohen Zimmerman for his entry in the class Best Pioneer Arrangement.Photo By: Sydney Dodd Photography4-H LIVESTOCK SALE: Montana Voyles was the winner of the Reserve Grand Champion Meat Goat at the Harper County Fair.Photo By: Ross Downing/AnthonyRepublicanBUG SCULPTURE: The Pizza Bug is the latest addition from Where Bugs Come Alive Studios at Kristy’s Kafe.PRINTING • SIGNS • BANNERSLD’s PRINTING • ANTHONY • 620-842-5129