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August 2024 2

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Worship Schedule Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM The worship service will be available live or following the live stream on the church’s Facebook page. Current Oce Hours Monday –Thursday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM The oce is closed on Fridays. The oce is closed for lunch between 11:30 AM to 12:15 PM, if taken. St. Paul’s 2024 Church Council Members President: Doug Steele Vice President: Monte Hoegh Secretary: Holly Esbeck Treasurer: Steve Tjepkes Worship: Worship Stewardship: Barb Strand Educaon: Teresa Engler Fellowship: Monte Hoegh Property: Je Gude Outreach: Kirk Nelson St. Paul’s Sta Pastor: Lauri Boysen Administrave Assistants: Julie Tjepkes Joy Sturm Youth Director: Kelsea Tyson Financial Secretary: Steve Tjepkes Kitchen Coordinator: Sue Crall Custodians: Dick and Jamie Juhl St. Paul’s Lutheran Church 1011 E. 13th St Atlanc, Iowa 50022 712-243-3678 Email: Website: www. stpaulsatlan The Tidings August 2024

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August Birthdays 8/1 Sharon Albers 8/3 Rylan Martin, Mike Rohde, Sara Rohde 8/4 Ava Crall, Ashley Kuehl 8/6 Mike Blevins, Anna Kay 8/7 Jack Denne, Ethan Schwab, Jacob Schwab Jody Williams 8/8 Lisa Dolch, Haley Hansen, Dawane Williams 8/9 Sophia Peterson, Betty Weaver 8/12 Angela Cook, Kayden Crall, Bethany Guertin 8/13 Dax Benning, Chris Poulsen 8/15 Cody Weaver 8/16 Frank Saddlemire, Sr. 8/17 Janice Peterson 8/18 Bob Davis 8/19 Dennis Jarrett 8/20 Katy Rothfusz, Elijah Williams 8/21 Dana Bonnesen, Lori Christianson 8/22 Rhyan Crall, Eric Hansen, Jaxon McEntaffer 8/23 Sandy Crecelius, Michelle Poulsen Peter Poulsen 8/24 Shawn Macha, Barb Olsen 8/25 Jessie Mathisen, Brenda Swope 8/26 Webb Benning, Jim Fischer, Jan Kinnison 8/27 Milo Sager, Lydia Esbeck, Preston Williams 8/28 Cassidy Kennedy, Misty Pelzer 8/30 Jean Orstad, Courtney Johnson 8/31 Jack Biggs, Howard Juhler August Milestone Birthdays 8/7 Jack Denne [97] 1100 Brookridge Cir Apt 4E Atlantic, IA 50022-2480 (712) 249-2356 8/17 Janice Peterson [86] 1207 East 12th Street Atlantic, IA 50022-2418 (712) 249-1688 8/26 Jan Kinnison [83] 8 East 5th Street Atlantic, IA 50022-1334 (712) 243-4800 8/30 Jean Orstad [95] 800 E Ratliff Rd # 124 Red Oak, IA 51566-5102 (712) 250-8508 8/31 Howard Juhler [87] c/o Allen Place 1406 East 19th Street Atlantic, IA 50022 (712) 764-2386 August Anniversaries 8/1/2003 Mike & Jesse Mathisen [21] 8/2/1980 Mark & Jo Worth [44] 8/4/1984 Rick & Lauri Boysen [40] 8/7/1964 Clair & Diane Acker [60] 8/7/1976 Kent & Julie Hansen [48] 8/8/1987 Keith & Barb Olsen [37] 8/13/1988 Stuart & Sheryl Dusenberry [36] 8/13/2010 Grant & Lindey Gelly [14] 8/15/1976 Monte & Emily Hoegh [48] 8/15/1992 Steve & Shelley Welter [32] 8/16/1963 Dave & Jane Boldt [61] 8/16/1969 Larry & Dixie Pedersen [55] 8/17/2913 Kirk & Erin Schwarte [11] 8/18/2006 Todd & Jolene Leighton [18] 8/18/1979 Steve & Marilyn Jacobs [45] 8/20/2022 Chris & Amanda Petersen [2] 8/20/1960 Wayne & Janice Schope [64] 8/22/2009 Don & Amy Mardesen [15] 8/22/1981 Steven & Katia Frock [43] 8/23/1997 Steve & Sue Andersen [27] 8/24/1985 Terry & Sheryl Hinzmann[39] 8/24/1978 Alan & Diana Peterson [46] 8/25/1979 Randy & Jill Euken [45] 8/26/1973 Scott & Deb Peppers [51] 8/28/1993 Dan & Teresa Wright [31] 8/31/1968 Arnie & Vicki Leistad [56] August Milestone Anniversaries 8/07/1964 Clair & Diane Acker [60] 711 E. 10th St Atlantic, IA 50022 (712)-243-3773 8/16/1963 Dave & Jane Boldt [61] 802 Chestnut Street Anita, IA 50020-1150 (712) 762-3389 8/16/1963 Larry & Dixie Pedersen [55] 1210 East 12th Street, Unit 10 Atlantic, IA 50022-2457 (712) 243-6839 8/20/1960 Wayne & Janice Schope 2102 Chestnut St Apt 2 Atlantic, IA 50022 (574) 265-3665 8/26/1968 Scott & Deb Peppers 118 Southern Hills Dr Atlantic, IA 50022 (515) 201-7293 8/31/1968 Arnie & Vicki Leistad [56] 110 Southern Hills Drive Atlantic, IA 50022-2583 (712) 243-4031

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• Thank you to everyone for donang to the baby kits! ~Delores Nelson • Your support is making a huge impact in the lives of so many, for that we can never thank you enough. ~Relay for Life of Cass County • THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered to help for Ragbrai and for all the food donaons for the meal!! It was a huge success! We have such an amazing group of people in our congregaon! • Thank you for your generous gi of food items to the pantry. It is greatly appreciated. God bless you all!~Atlanc Food Pantry • THANK YOU to all the volunteers for vacaon bible school this year! The kids had an amazing me! It was a fun week! Thank you again everyone! • THANK YOU to all who donated food for snacks for vacaon bible school this year. Everything was delicious and the kids loved everything! • Pastoral Visits: The only way we know when someone is hospitalized and/or in need of a visit is if the family calls the church at 712-243-3678 or Pastor Lauri at 712-269-8423. • Miss a Worship Service? Watch St. Paul’s recorded worship service on Channel 18: Mondays 12:30 p.m. & 2 p.m. and Wednesdays at 8 a.m. & 9:30 a.m. • SWITA PASSES: If you are in need of a ride, we have SWITA coupons! Donated by the outreach commiee. Please call the church oce for more informaon. • Mike Bell passed away July 17. We oer our deepest condolences to the Bell Family. Private graveside service will be available for viewing on the Roland Funeral Home website by Thursday, July 25th. • Others who we would love for you to include in your prayers are : Steve Andersen, Gary Williams, Jim Martens, Grace Martens, Alison, Delores Templeman, Mark Rothfusz, Jessie Mathisen, Laney Brosam, and Larry Nissen • Ice cream social : This will be held at 3 p.m. on August 18th. Everyone is invited! This is also a great me to sign up your child or children for God Squad! Join us! School Kit Project Items needed for each kit: 4 – 70-sheet spiral notebooks – wide or college-ruled paper 1 Ruler – MUST BE ABLE to measure in Centimeters 1 Pencil Sharper. 1 pair of blunt Scissors 5 Unsharpened #2 Pencils with Erasers - rubber band/tie them together 5 Black or Blue Ballpoint Pens (no gel ink) – rubber band/tie them together 1 Box of Crayons – 16 or 24 counts 1 Eraser – 2 ½ inches long 1 sturdy, drawstring Backpack-style Cloth Bag – approximately 14” x 17” with shoulder straps (no standard backpacks) (Pattern provided upon request.) Please have all of your items to the church by August 18th. You may place them in the box located and labeled in the Narthex. Questions: Contact Jo Lage at (712) 243-4932

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Summer Fellowship Schedule August 4 Je and Sara Strand family August 11 Dan and Courtney Johnson family August 18 Dorcas Circle August 25 Grant and Lindsay Gelly family Upcoming Important Dates Each weekend: Saturday evening worship 5 p.m./ Sunday morning worship 9 a.m. Aug 7 5 p.m. Youth Committee Meeting Aug 13 5 p.m. Worship Committee Meeting 6:30 p.m. Outreach Committee Meeting Aug 15 2 p.m. WELCA Board Meeting Aug 18 3 p.m. Ice Cream Social Aug 20 5:30 p.m. Church Council Meeting Aug 23 Atlantic CSD First day of school Sept 1 God Squad Registrations DUE! Sept 2 Ofce Closed for Labor Day Sept 3 1 p.m. Sarah Circle Sept 5 9:30 Dorcas Circle Sept 7-22 Silent Auction Sept 11,18,25 God Squad 2 p.m. /Conrmation 2 p.m. /Youth Group 4 p.m. Sept 22 Outreach Committee provide light breakfast Oct 13-Nov 24 Coat Drive Oct 24 Rummage Sale Dec 7-18 Angel Tree

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Vacaon Bible School 2024 Culvate Life Faith is culvated in us when we hear God’s word of promise, the word of forgiveness, the good news of the gospel. Hearing or speaking this truth over and over culvates faith in us that we can hold to in trials and triumphs. Take some me and garden, plant a ower, or just simply spend me in God’s creaon knowing that just like the plants God cul-vates faith in us even from a ny seed.

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Each day of VBS had a dierent bible verse in relaon to the theme, Culvate Life (John 15:5) Those were Culvate Faith (Romans 10:17), Culvate a Renewed Mind (Philippians 4:8), Culvate Peace (Romans 12:18), and Culvate Purpose (John 15:5). What a fun, enriching week for the kiddos! Thank you again to all the volunteers and for food donaons! This cannot happen without you!

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Ragbrai 2024 is in the books. We served more than 650 hungry bike riders! What an amazing day and even more amaz-ing church family we have! To those who stepped up and took leadership roles, thank you! To those who volunteered to plan or work, thank you! To those who donated money or food, thank you! We can not express the gra-tude we have for all of you. Lasagna Prep Pictured to right Ragbrai Volunteers Pictured below (almost everyone)

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August - September Worship Volunteers Worship Assistants Usher Power Point Sat August 3rd Eric Wendt Larry & Mary Reimer Jeanne Schwab Sat August 10th Kim Sears Deb Lamb Sharon Albers Sat August 17th Sandy Nelson Bruce & Ann Hansen Julie Tjepkes Sat August 24th Julie Tjepkes Carol Seddon & Delbert Thurman Kinsley Johnson Sat August 31st Sharon Albers Dave & Joy Sturm Eric Wendt Sat Sept 7th Kim Sears Bruce & Gail Henderson Carolyn Houser Sat Sept 14th Kirk Nelson Eric Wendt Shawn Shouse Sat Sept 21st Sharon Albers Deb Lamb Julie Tjepkes Sat Sept 28th Steve Anderson Drayven Wheeler Eric Wendt Sun Sept 29th Jody Williams Keith Allenstein/Bill Gunderson Brooklyn Gelly Sun August 4th Kirk Nelson Mark & Jo Worth Carolyn Houser Sun August 11th Holly Esbeck Keith Allenstein/Bill Gunderson Sharon Crane Sun August 18th Bruce Henderson Jim & Sue Crall Brooklyn Gelly Sun August 25th Shawn Shouse Lance & Jo Lage Rayden Wheeler Sun Sept 1st Mark Rothfusz Rick Boysen/Sharon Crane Addison Kite Sun Sept 8th Sandy Nelson Larry & Mary Reimer Jeanne Schwab Sun Sept 15th Doug Steele Julie Tjepkes/Rayden Wheeler Esther Steele Sun Sept 22nd Shawn Shouse Sco & Deb Peppers Cooper Anderson Stewardship Commiee Present: Emily Hoegh, Emily Krengel, Suzanne Just, Shelley Welter, Barb Strand Discussion was held regarding the upcoming ice cream social to be held on August 18 th , at the new me of 3 PM. Shawn M. will be asked to make the ice cream again this year. We will leave the amount of ice cream up to Shawn, based on last year’s aendance. Members of the commiee will bring bars or cookies and a topping of their choice. Emily K. will check with Sue C. to see whether we have enough disposable spoons and bowls or whether we need to purchase more. Emily H. will check with the oce regarding placing the announcement of the so-cial in the Tidings and in the Church bullen. She will also contact the Atlanc News Telegraph with a picture and a short write-up a week or so before the event. Suzanne will check with the Chamber oce to see if it would be possible to adverse the social on the marquee at 7 th and Chestnut Streets. God Squad sign-up will also take place the day of the ice cream social. Due to the large number of youths who signed up last year, there is to be a change in the sign-up this year. St. Paul’s members will be signed up rst and non-members will be considered on a rst-come, rst-serve basis depending on the number of youths that can be eciently accommodated by the sta. Next commiee meeng will be held August 20th at 5:00 PM. Respecully submied, Barb Strand

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AUGUST BOOK OF THE MONTH The Memory of An Elephant By Alex Lasker A beauful story of love, friendship, family, survival and jusce. The Memory of an Elephant; is an epic saga told by an aging African elephant as he makes a last, perilous journey to nd the humans who rescued him as an orphan some y years ago. Interwoven with his narrave are the tumultuous lives of the family who raised and then lost him. This meless story is alternately heartwarming and heartbreaking, spanning east Africa, Great Britain and New York from 1962 to 2015.

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GOD SQUAD: New year starng Wednesday, September 11 REGISTRATION FORMS ARE DUE: SEPTEMBER 1 1. Fill out registraon forms: next 3 pages of Tidings A. Registraon form (everyone) B. Bus Ride Permission form (everyone) C. 4th and 5th grade walker Permission Form (4th & 5th grade ONLY) D. Bring forms to church oce 2. Get excited for GOD SQUAD on Wednesdays this school year!

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GOD SQUAD INFORMATION FORM – 2024/2025 (JK-5 grade) Student’s Name (Child 1):______________________________________ Grade in School:_______ t-shirt size____ Date of Birth:_____________________________________________ Age:_________ Any special needs/allergies we need to know about your child:____________________________________________________ Student Name (Child 2):________________________________________Grade in School:________t-shirt size___ Date of Birth:_____________________________________________ Age:_________ Any special needs/allergies we need to know about your child: ____________________________________________________ Parent’s Names: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Telephone Numbers: ________________________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name & Telephone Number:_________________________________________________________________ We need your help…please…with snacks and volunteering. A Meal Train via email is sent each week for donaons for snacks and we would appreciate ALL parents parcipang at some point during the school year. (not the enre snack, just an item or two, a couple mes a year) Also, on Meal Train each week, we will have a sign up for parent volunteers. Please keep an eye out for this email and take your turn so we can connue to provide God Squad. *Please note, that by signing this form you agree to allow St. Paul’s Lutheran Church to use photos that may include your child on their website, Facebook page and/or for other publicity purposes. _____________________________________________________ ___________________________ SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN DATE

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