Wednesday October 25 2023 10 30 am 11 30 am ET Fiddlesticks Board Room Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Approval of Minutes from 9 6 2023 Review of Nichols Cup Logo Options Sarah Auction Committee Update Lori Cullen Financial Review Adjourn
Nichols Board Meeng October 25, 2023 Aucon Commiee Report I have requested that the remote tech be deleted from our Give Smart Contract. The reason for that is Sco wanted us to have an on site tech which made the remote tech redundant. This request is pending with Give Smart. We have received a few items. I will have spread sheets for the board book by the next meeng. As always we need your help with new and interesng items for the aucon. We also need your monetary help for wine for the wine pull. Liming the amount of Live Items will connue to be a challenge. We connue to try to gure out creave ways to overcome this. Board Decision Items Do we want to start requiring a credit card to register? This seems to have pros and cons and needs to be a board decision. Since we hope to push early registraon an early board decision will be appreciated. Many people that did have credit cards on le assumed we would charge them automacally. A board decision needs to be made on this and then we need to clearly communicate it to our aendees. Who will be taking over newsleers? We need to coordinate adversing aucon items along with informaon on the aucon, registering and the like. Tent Consideraons (I will meet with Sarah on these items). The set up worked very well last year unl it came to pick up. We moved all items to the Premier area but the only power was in the front so those of us coordinang the pick up were far removed from the items. We need to have power and wi near the items to be picked up. The Junior Board was helpful but need supervision. When we came early Sunday morning to bag items there was no light in the tent. We intend to start bagging at 7am Sunday morning and will need light. We need to start set up earlier on Thursday. I know this is a challenge that can run out of control but any help will be appreciated. Heidi will meet with Sarah regarding Aucon Area set up consideraons.
BOBBY NICHOLS FIDDLESTICKS FOUNDATION INC BALANCE SHEETS ASSETS Current Assets Cash FineMark Bank Operating FineMark Bank Disaster Relief Fund Oppenheimer Total Cash Other Current Assets Prepaid Expenses Receivables Total Other Current Assets Total Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES EQUITY Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Deferred Revenue Reserve for Revenue at Risk Total Current Liabilities Equity Fund Balance Net Revenue Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES EQUITY Fiscal YTD 9 30 2023 128 224 75 4 096 14 0 12 132 321 01 18 106 00 18 106 00 150 427 01 150 427 01 8 430 00 43 997 27 350 00 10 000 00 62 777 27 74 711 74 12 938 00 87 649 74 150 427 01 Fiscal YE 08 31 2023 139 504 07 4 096 14 0 12 143 600 33 9 746 00 9 746 00 153 346 33 153 346 33 8 537 32 43 497 27 16 600 00 10 000 00 78 634 59 64 134 30 10 577 44 74 711 74 153 346 33
BOBBY NICHOLS FIDDLESTICKS FOUNDATION INC STATEMENTS OF REVENUE AND EXPENSE Revenue Event Auction Live Silent Instant Items Total Auction and Instant Items Appeals Total Auction and Appeals Other Raffle net Wine Pull net Dinner Tickets Lemonade Stand Total Other Golf Entry Fees Paid Golf Entry Fees Plus Comped Sponsor Golfers Total Golf Entry Fees Revenue at Risk Recovered Sponsorships Champions for Children Title Presenting Principal Platinum Diamond Gold Silver Ruby Emerald Quartz Copper Bronze Total Sponsorships Less Comped Sponsor Golfers Sponsorships net Tennis Total Event Revenue Fiscal YTD 9 30 2023 Fiscal YTD 9 30 2022 Fiscal YE 08 31 2023 422 500 00 137 402 00 1 000 00 27 250 00 1 000 00 587 152 00 344 875 00 1 000 00 932 027 00 42 678 25 3 424 72 9 000 00 3 647 00 58 749 97 144 550 00 195 000 00 339 550 00 59 500 00 15 000 00 1 000 00 16 000 00 16 000 00 16 000 00 15 000 00 2 500 00 17 500 00 17 500 00 18 500 00 200 000 00 50 000 00 230 000 00 104 561 78 100 000 00 195 000 00 150 000 00 7 500 00 102 799 08 42 375 00 36 000 00 7 250 00 300 00 1 225 785 86 195 000 00 1 030 785 86 5 725 00 2 426 337 83 2 of 4
BOBBY NICHOLS FIDDLESTICKS FOUNDATION INC STATEMENTS OF REVENUE AND EXPENSE Other Revenue Membership Dues Individual Family Total Membership Anniversary Cookbook Wine Dinner net Contributions Contributions General Contributions Memorial Contributions Disaster Relief Contributions United Way Designated Contributions Cookbook net Total Contributions Interest Total Other Revenue Total Revenue Cost of Event Revenue Auction Items Food and Beverage Equipment Rental Entrant Prizes and Gifts Auctioneer Golf Fees Greens and Carts Professional Golfer Appearance Fees and Prize Money Other Event Expense Auction Technology Services Credit Card Fees Entertainment FCC Labor Flowers and Decorations Marketing Services Photography Video Postage and Shipping Printing Security Services Signs Special Event Insurance Supplies Travel Other Event Expense Tennis Total Cost of Event Revenue Total Revenue less of Cost of Event Revenue Fiscal YTD 9 30 2023 Fiscal YTD 9 30 2022 Fiscal YE 08 31 2023 250 00 250 00 250 00 16 250 00 2 527 00 2 527 00 2 527 00 13 723 00 250 00 250 00 15 89 1 150 00 1 165 89 14 79 1 430 68 19 930 68 10 850 00 87 500 00 98 350 00 46 95 9 624 74 20 617 78 27 537 00 289 739 30 12 000 00 349 894 08 234 53 458 150 30 2 884 488 13 27 35 5 990 00 6 017 35 6 017 35 13 913 33 30 238 72 211 439 48 268 178 31 83 718 11 28 085 50 21 350 00 94 334 00 4 699 00 27 157 66 9 057 00 16 980 37 6 085 00 30 225 67 19 443 75 349 71 2 651 31 2 250 00 4 180 51 1 448 40 10 684 18 135 212 56 745 74 873 302 42 2 011 185 71 3 of 4
BOBBY NICHOLS FIDDLESTICKS FOUNDATION INC STATEMENTS OF REVENUE AND EXPENSE Administrative Expense Bank and Brokerage Fees Internet D O Liability Insurance Disaster Relief Fund Licenses and Fees Postage and Shipping Printing Professional Fees Supplies Storage Rent Total Administrative Expense Disaster Relief Fund Grants Total Charitable Contributions Total Administrative Disaster Relief and Charitable Contributions Net Revenue Fiscal YTD 9 30 2023 Fiscal YTD 9 30 2022 Fiscal YE 08 31 2023 39 00 500 00 246 00 785 00 62 50 275 00 825 00 199 00 1 361 50 76 63 558 98 1 996 14 5 493 16 420 00 935 86 1 834 06 22 000 00 589 40 2 554 04 36 458 27 280 150 00 1 684 000 00 785 00 1 361 50 2 000 608 27 12 938 00 12 551 83 10 577 44 4 of 4