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Atmos Boilers

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GASIFICATION BOILERSwoodcoalMeet limits of ECODESIGN5th class

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Air compressors ATMOS 1945Museum 2021 / boilers – compressors – motorsProduction and sale of gasication units DOKOGENCompressor ATMOS PV2, year 1950ARO 240 with gas generator DOKOGEN, year 1985Skoda SUPERB with gas generator DOKOGEN, year 1943

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TRADITION AND EXPERIENCE 1935 – 2022Family company ATMOS was established in Bohemia in 1935 by Jaroslav Cankař senior. In the beginning, the production was focused on gasification units for cars and ships with a trademark of DOKOGEN. They used the same principle as that used for modern ATMOS boilers run on wood. In 1942, the company started development and production of compressors Atmos that were exported to the entire world until nationalisation. Even after nationalisation, the production of wood‐fuel boilers, gasification sets and compressors was still running. In 1980, the company presented at Pragoterm exhibition its first gasification boilers burning log wood and wood waste. In 1985 the development was focused on gas generators for cars or ships engines and also development of wood gasification boilers. Company ATMOS was re‐establihed in 1991 by Jaroslav Cankař junior who started with his father the production of boilers. It was enabled by changes in the political system in the Czech Republic. By intensive development of new products, production expansion, buying and implementing of modern technologies company ATMOS has become one of the biggest manufactures of gasification boilers in Europe. To this day, the company has developed over 140 types of hot‐water boilers with 15 pending patents. One of the first boilers was EKONOMIK developed in 1962. Actually, three generations of the Cankař family are working on supplying the European market with quality boilers that are environment friendly and energy saving. The boilers are exported into 49 countries. Currently we produce 132 types of boilers. The whole company area consits of 75 000 m2 includes 32 000 m2 production area. Three generations of the Cankař familyBoiler EKONOMIK, year 1968Boiler EKONOMIK, year 1985Boiler EKONOMIK, year 1970

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n Modern construction n Full ceramic laid gasification chamber n High efficiency up to 92 % n Ecological parametres n Controlled exhaust fan – pressure (DC 70 S) n Large fuel chamber n Easy fireup n Easy operation and cleaning n Dustfree ash removal n Small dimensions and low weight n Cooling loop protecting against overheating n Boiler works in low output n Ceramic with steel lining n The gasification chamber made from steel plates 6 mm n Rottating cast iron grates for easy ash cleaning n Clear burning from fireupADVANTAGES OF ATMOS BOILERSWE MANUFACTURE HIGH QUALITY ATMOS your sureness for today and tomorrow...Training centre and museum – ATMOS 2

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n wood gasification boilers in range 15 kW – 150 kW n coal gasification boilers 15 kW – 50 kW n coal briquettes gasification boilers 18 – 45 kW n pellet boilers 5 kW – 80 kW n combination boilers 15 kW – 35 kW wood – pellets n pellet burners A 25, A 45, A 85 from 5 to 80 kW ACTUAL PRODUCTION PROGRAMAND RELIABLE PRODUCTS

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FUNCTION Gasification of wood (inverse burning) with subsequent combustion of wood gas in ceramic fire chamber. Air supply is controlled by suction fan. It allows fast fire up of boiler and clear bruning from start of fire. Temperature of flame keeps in between 1 000 – 1 200 °C. The burning chamber of boiler is made from 6 mm steel plates. ENVIRONMENT Inverse burning (gasification) and ceramic combustion chamber enable practically complete combustion with a minimum of harmful exhalations. The boilers meet limits of European regulations for environmental friendly product and belong to 4 and 5 class of boiler under EU standard CSN EN 3035 and Ecodesign 2015/1189. ATMOS WOOD GASIFICATION BOILERS DC 18 S – DC 70 S The boilers are made of round gasification chamber with rear inlet of preheated primary and secondary air. Contain ceramic nozzle and in lower chamber with ceramic shaped parts. ATMOS Drevoplyn DC 18 S – DC 50 SATMOS Generator DC 15 GS, DC 20 GS, DC 25 GS

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ATMOS WOOD GASIFICATION BOILERS DC 15 GS – DC 70 GSX The boilers are made of rectangular gasification chamber which is laid with special ceramic shaped parts with primary air inlets in the lower section and with ceramic nozzle and in lower chamber with spherical ceramic parts. DC 50 GSX and DC 70 GSX are not laid with special ceramic shaped parts in gasification chamber.ATMOS Generator DC 32 GS, DC 40 GSWOOD GASIFICATION BOILERSATMOS Generator DC 50 GSX, DC 70 GSXCERAMIC SHAPED PARTS IN GASIFICATION CHAMBER = IDEAL COMBUSTION

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INSTALLATION The main features of ATMOS boilers are small dimensions and low weight with simple regulation. The boiler must be fitted with a mixing valve or Laddomat 22 at the return pipe into the boiler keeping minimum temperature into the boiler 65 °C. The operation temperature of the boiler must be maintained within 80 – 90 °C. We recommend installation with accumulation tanks. The boilers are not allowed to be installed in habitable rooms. They are supposed to be installed in well ventilated rooms. ATMOS GENERATOR – THE BEST CHOICE FOR WOOD BURNING The boilers were developed based on experience from development of wood gas generators (gasification units under mark DOKOGEN). n Boilers Generator DOKOGEN contain special lay out of burning chamber for wood gasification. n The burning chamber is made from heatproof shaped pieces at the sides with holes for primary air inlet. ATMOS Generator – DOKOGEN

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n The heatproof shaped piece (nozzle) with longitudinal opening at bottom of top chamber is equipped with holes for secondary air inlet which preheats the air for high temperature n The bottom chamber is equipped with ceramic shaped pieces (spherical space) which allows burning in high tempereratures 1100–1300 °C which assure clear and ecological burning. n There is a vertical flue channel in the rear part of the boiler which contains turbulators for taking energy from waste gas. AUTOMATIC WOOD IGNITION The automatic wood ignition is used for the planned ignition of the boiler. The ignition of the fuel is very fast (using electric heating element). Fuel ignition can be set and scheduled on the ACD04 controller according to time (weekly program), according to the requirements of the heating system or according to the temperature in the accumulation tank. Such version is offered for boilers type DC 18 GD, DC 25 GD and DC 30 GD. WOOD GASIFICATION BOILERSATMOS Generator – DOKOGEN DC 18 GD, DC 25 GD, DC 30 GDNEW

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Power output range 20 – 49 kWDC xx S/SX

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DREVOPLYN – SDC 18 S – DC 50 S DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DIMENSIONS 18 S 22 S 25 S 30 SX 32 S 40 SX 50 S A 1185 1185 1185 1185 1260 1260 1260 B 758 959 959 959 959 959 1160 C 675* 675* 675* 675* 678 678 678 D 874 874 874 874 950 950 950 E 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) F 65 65 65 65 69 69 69 G 208 208 208 208 185 185 185 H 933 933 933 933 1008 1008 1106 CH 212 212 212 212 256 256 256 I 212 212 212 212 256 256 256 J 6/4” 6/4” 6/4” 6/4” 6/4” 6/4” 2” *wide of boiler after side panels disassembly 555 mm DC DC DC DC DC DC DC ΤΥPE ATMOS DREVOPLYN 18 S 22 S 25 S 30 SX 32 S 40 SX 50 S POWER OUTPUT kW 20 22 27 30 35 40 49 SPECIFIC DRAFT OF CHIMNEY Pa 20 23 23 24 24 25 25 BOILER WEIGHT kg 285 324 326 332 366 368 433 VOLUME OF WATER l 45 58 58 58 80 80 89 VOLUME OF HOPPER dm3 66 100 100 100 140 140 180 MAXIMUM WOOD LENGHT mm 330 530 530 530 530 530 730 SPECIFIED FUEL DRY WOOD – CALORIFIC VALUE 15 – 17 MJ/kg, DIAMETER 80 – 150 mm, 12 – 20 % HUMIDITY MINIMUM TEMPERATURE OF RETURN WATER 65 °C CLASS OF BOILER UNDER EN 3035 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 MEET LIMITS OF ECODESIGN EU 2015/1189 l l l l l ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASS A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+

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Power output range 15 – 70 kWDC xx GS/GSX

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GENERATOR – GS n GSXDC 15 GS – DC 40 GS DC 50 GSX, DC 70 GSX DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DIMENSIONS 15 GS 20 GS 25 GS 32 GS 40 GS 50 GSX 70 GSX A 1280 1280 1280 1280 1434 1563 1686 B 670 758 959 959 959 1042 1268 C 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 D 950 950 950 950 1099 997 1086 E 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) 180 F 69 69 69 69 69 70 58 G 185 185 185 185 185 184 184 H 1008 1008 1008 1008 1152 1287 1407 CH 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 I 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 J 6/4” 6/4” 6/4” 6/4” 2” 2” 2” DC DC DC DC DC DC DC ΤΥPE ATMOS GENERATOR 15 GS 20 GS 25 GS 32 GS 40 GS 50 GSX 70 GSX POWER OUTPUT kW 15 20 25 32 40 49 70 SPECIFIC DRAFT OF CHIMNEY Pa 16 20 23 24 25 25 26 BOILER WEIGHT kg 302 343 431 436 485 538 690 VOLUME OF WATER l 56 64 80 80 90 120 170 VOLUME OF HOPPER dm3 66 80 120 125 160 210 280 MAXIMUM WOOD LENGHT mm 250 330 530 530 530 530 730 SPECIFIED FUEL DRY WOOD – CALORIFIC VALUE 15 – 17 MJ/kg, DIAMETER 80 – 150 mm, 12 – 20 % HUMIDITY MINIMUM TEMPERATURE OF RETURN WATER 65 °C CLASS OF BOILER UNDER EN 3035 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 MEET LIMITS OF ECODESIGN EU 2015/1189 l l l l l l l ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASS A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+

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Power output range 19 – 49 kWDC xx GD

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GENERATOR – DOKOGEN – GDDC 18 GD – DC 50 GDTube heat exchanger DIMENSIONS DC 18 GD DC 25 GD DC 30 GD DC 40 GD DC 50 GD A 1281 1281 1281 1435 1435 B 820 1020 1020 1120 1120 C 680 680 680 680 680 D 945 945 945 1095 1095 E 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) F 87 87 87 82 78 G 185 185 185 185 185 H 1008 1008 1008 1152 1152 CH 256 256 256 256 256 I 256 256 256 256 256 J 6/4” 6/4” 6/4” 2” 2” TYPE ATMOS GENERATOR – DOKOGEN DC 18 GD DC 25 GD DC 30 GD DC 40 GD DC 50 GD POWER OUTPUT kW 19 25 29,8 40 49 SPECIFIC DRAFT OF CHIMNEY Pa 16 18 20 22 24 BOILER WEIGHT kg 376 469 466 548 565 VOLUME OF HOPPER dm3 80 120 125 160 160 MAXIMUM WOOD LENGHT mm 330 530 530 530 530 VOLUME OF WATER l 73 105 105 112 128 MINIMUM TEMPERATURE OF RETURN WATER 65 °C SPECIFIED FUEL DRY WOOD – CALORIFIC VALUE 15 – 17 MJ/kg, DIAMETER 80 – 150 mm, 12 – 20 % HUMIDITY CLASS OF BOILER UNDER EN 3035 5 5 5 5 5 MEET LIMITS OF ECODESIGN EU 2015/1189 l l l l l ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASS A+ A+ A+ A+ A+

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Power output range 16 – 48 kWC xx S/ST / AC xx S

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ADVANTAGES OF BOILERS ATMOS KOMBI C 15 S – C 50 S The boilers type KOMBI are made of rectangular gasification chamber with a special turning grate with secondary air inlet. The turning cast iron grates replaces by its function ceramic nozzle in wood gasification boilers. The lower chamber is equipped with spherical ceramic parts. Gasification boilers ATMOS Kombi brings a new view at coal burning. They made coal a fuel of future. Wood can also be used for burning but only in limited amount and for achieving optimal burning process. GASIFICATION BOILERS FOR COAL AND COAL BRIQUETTESATMOS Kombi C 15 S, C 18 S – BROWN COAL AC 25 S – COAL‐BRIQUETTES, BLACK ANTHRACITE COALATMOS Kombi C 25 ST, C 32 ST, C 40 S, C 50 S – BROWN COAL KOMBI C n AC

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ECOLOGICAL VIEW The coal gasification process in new boiler ATMOS KOMBI achieves very low emission of polution. Regular power ouput regulation together with high efficiency have a goal in fuel saving. Reversible burning in burning chamber allows practically perfect burning of polutions. Ecological parametres are guaranteed in operation of boiler by nominal output. Boiler comply with Ecodesing EU 2015/1189 and are in class 4 and 5 under EN 3035. OPERATION AND MAINTANANCE Specific fuel is brown coal size 1 or coal briquettes. The fuel is loaded in frequency 2–4 times a day and ash can be cleaned once in 1–7 days based on quality of fuel. Exhaust ventilator allows easiers fireup and lower the smoke leaving into the boiler room for its minimal. CHOOSING THE RIGHT BOILER n Do you plan burning mainly coal? – choose coal gasification boiler. n Do you plan burning log wood? – choose gasification boiler ATMOS DREVOPLYN or ATMOS GENERATOR or ATMOS DOKOGEN – they are maximally equiped for wood burning. Have big hopper which allows burning longer wood logs.

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KOMBI CCast iron grate allowing gasification DIMENSIONS C 15 S C 18 S C 25 ST C 32 ST C 40 S C 50 S A 1185 1185 1435 1435 1435 1435 B 658 758 758 858 1117 1117 C 595 675* 675* 675* 675* 675* D 874 874 1121 1121 1121 1115 E 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) 150 (152) F 65 65 65 65 78 78 G 210 210 210 210 210 210 H 933 933 1177 1177 1177 1177 CH 212 212 212 212 212 212 I 212 212 212 212 212 212 J 6/4” 6/4” 6/4” 6/4” 2” 2” *wide of boiler after side panels disassembly 555 mm TYPE ATMOS KOMBI – BROWN COAL C 15 S C 18 S C 25 ST C 32 ST C 40 S C 50 S POWER OUTPUT kW 16 20 25 32 40 48 SPECIFIC DRAFT OF CHIMNEY Pa 16 20 23 25 28 28 BOILER WEIGHT kg 273 295 379 415 434 492 VOLUME OF WATER l 37 45 68 74 77 105 VOLUME OF HOPPER dm3 50 65 100 125 150 150 SPECIFIED FUEL BROWN COAL SIZE 1 – CALORIFIC VALUE 17 – 20 MJ/kg COMPENSATORY FUEL DRY WOOD – CALORIFIC VALUE 15 – 17 MJ/kg, DIAMETER 80 – 150 mm, 12 – 20 % HUMIDITY MAXIMUM WOOD LENGHT mm 250 330 330 430 530 530 MINIMUM TEMPERATURE OF RETURN WATER 65 °C CLASS OF BOILER UNDER EN 3035 5 5 5 5 4 5 MEET LIMITS OF ECODESIGN EU 2015/1189 l l l l l l ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASS B C C C C B

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TYPE ATMOS KOMBI – COALBRIQUETTES, BLACK ANTHRACITE COAL AC 16 S AC 25 S POWER OUTPUT kW 18 26 SPECIFIC DRAFT OF CHIMNEY Pa 16 20 BOILER WEIGHT kg 273 297 VOLUME OF WATER l 37 45 VOLUME OF HOPPER dm3 45 60 SPECIFIED FUEL COALBRIQUETTES, BLACK ANTHRACITE COAL COMPENSATORY FUEL DRY WOOD – CALORIFIC VALUE 15 – 17 MJ/KG, DIAMETER 80 – 150 MM, 12 – 20 % HUMIDITYMINIMUM TEMPERATURE OF RETURN WATER 65 °C CLASS OF BOILER UNDER EN 3035 5 5 MEET LIMITS OF ECODESIGN EU 2015/1189 l l ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASS B C *wide of boiler after side panels disassembly 555 mm DIMENSIONS AC 16 S AC 25 S A 1185 1185 B 658 758 C 595 675* D 874 874 E 150 (152) 150 (152) F 65 65 G 210 210 H 933 933 CH 212 212 I 212 212 J 6/4” 6/4”KOMBI ACCast iron grate allowing gasification450260NEW

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GASIFICATION BOILERSADVANTAGES OF BOILERS ATMOS WITH MODIFICATION FOR PELLET BURNER IN TOP DOORn boilers with exhaust fan n boilers with hole for burner in top door n the top door contains hole for fitting burner n the door heat insulating cover for hole of burner contains sealing cord n the burning chamber door contain cover with two screw nuts n any existing boiler can be modified into pellet burning (left or right oversion) n easy pellet burner cleaning n easy boiler chamber cleaning n high efficiency of burning n automatic fireup of pellets n pellet silo 240 – 500 l n meet limits of Ecodesign EU 2015/1189 and class 5ORIGINAL FUEL

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WITH BURNER FOR PELLETS IN TOP DOORCompact installation of boiler DC 32 S with set AZPU 240M – 240 litres silo TYPE ATMOS DREVOPLYN DC 18 S DC 25 S DC 30 SX DC 32 S DC 50 S POWER OUTPUT FOR PELLETS (kW) 6 – 20 7 – 24 7 – 24 7 – 24 13 – 45 SPECIFIC FUEL pellets pellets pellets pellets pellets BOILER CLASS UNDER EN 3035 5 5 5 5 5 MEET LIMITS OF ECODESIGN EU 2015/1189 l l l l l ORIGINAL FUEL / POWER OUTPUT wood / 20 kW wood / 27 kW wood / 30 kW wood / 35 kW wood / 49 kW BOILER CLASS UNDER EN 3035 FOR ORIGINAL FUEL 5 5 5 5 4 ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASS A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ TYPE ATMOS KOMBI C 15 S C 18 S C 25 ST C 32 ST AC 25 S POWER OUTPUT FOR PELLETS (kW) 3 – 12 6 – 20 7 – 24 7 – 24 6 – 20 SPECIFIC FUEL pellets pellets pellets pellets pellets BOILER CLASS UNDER EN 3035 5 5 5 5 5 MEET LIMITS OF ECODESIGN EU 2015/1189 l l l l l ORIGINAL FUEL brown coal brown coal brown coal brown coal coal-briquettes, black anthracite coal BOILER CLASS UNDER EN 3035 FOR ORIGINAL FUEL 5 5 5 5 5 ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASS A+ A+ A+ A+ A+Standard installation boiler DC 25 S with conveyor DA2000 – 2 m conveyor with 500 litre siloCompact installation boiler C 18 S with set – AZPU 240M – 240 litres silo

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Power output range 70 – 150 kWDC xx SBOILERS WITH BIGGER OUTPUTS

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USAGE The ecological boilers ATMOS DC 70 S, DC 100, DC 105 S and DC 150 S are intended for heating in big family houses, gardening centres, various workshops, business premises and similar buildings. The boilers are designed for burning wood pieces only. Dry wood may be used for heating. Wood logs and wood splits of 530 – 730 mm maximum length and diametre 80 – 150 mm (depending on boiler type) may be burnt. Larger diameter logs may be used as well. The boiler‘s nominal output may decrease and the combustion time may increase. The boilers are not intended for burning saw dust or smallparticle wood waste. it may be burnt only in mixing with log wood (i amount 10 %). Due to their huge feeding hopper, it saves the user a lot of laborious wood splitting and treating operations. It saves both – the physical effort and also the time dedicated to these operations.GASIFICATION BOILERS FOR WOOD 100 – 150 kWATMOS DC 105 S, DC 150 S

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GASIFICATION PROCESS The boilers are designed for burning wood based on generator gasification principle utilising two extraction fans (ventilators), which extracts the flue gas from the boiler. The produced gas is mixed with secondary iar in the nozzle and fires into the bottom chamber. Such process allows burning of all burnable particals with high efficiency (81 – 90 %) and high comfort of burning. NEWS n boilers DC100 have two blowing fans n Boilers DC105S and DC150S have two exhaust fans. There are two primary air inlets at both sides of the boiler. the air inlet is controlled by Belimo servo actuators.ATMOS DC 100

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ECONOMY Boiler for wood ATMOS have high efficiency. Low fuel consumption and competitive price. The burning chamber is mae from 6mm steel plates. The boilers allows burning fuels which in future are still supposed to be one of cheapest due to this the boilers become the most economiest comparing to other boilers. High efficiency = low fuel consumption. INSTALLATION ATMOS boilers must be installed with termoregulating mixing valve or electronically controlled mixing valve which keep minimal temperature at the return pipe into the boiler 65 °C. The boilers must always be uinstalled with buffer tank with minmal volume 1000 litres so the potential output of boiler was maximally used. We recommend installation with even bigger buffer tank volume of 5000 – 6000 litres. It decreases fuel consumtion and higher the comfort of burning. The boilers comply with EU regulation EN 3035 and are in class 4–5. INSTALLATION WITH ACCUMULATION TANKS BRINGS THE HIGHEST EFFICIENCY AND LONGEST LIFETIME OF BOILER WITH ECOLOGY BURNING.ATMOS DC 70 SGASIFICATION BOILERS FOR WOOD 70 – 100 kW

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DIMENS. DC 70 S DC 100 DC 105 S DC 150 S A 1399 1690 1813 1813 B 1166 1170 1095 1295 C 678 970 1010 1010 D 1047 1290 1459 1459 E 180 200 200 200 F 90 80 129 129 G 325 590 721 721 H 1230 420 492 492 CH – – – – I 240 330 307 307 J 2” 2” 2” 2” TYPE ATMOS DREVOPLYN DC 70 S DC 100 DC 105 S DC 150 S POWER OUTPUT kW 70 99 105 150 VOLUME OF HOPPER l 180 400 300 400MAXIMAL LENGHT OF WOOD mm 730 730 530 730 SPECIFIC FUEL DRY WOOD – CALORIFIC VALUE 15 – 17 MJ/KG, DIAMETER 80 – 150 MM, 12 – 20 % HUMIDITY MAXIMALL WATER PRESSURE kPa 250 250 250 250 ELECTRIC INPUT W 50 100 185 185 WEIGHT OF BOILER kg 515 820 900 1030 SPECIFIC DRAFT OF CHIMNEY Pa 30 35 25 25 MINIMUM TEMPERATURE OF RETURN WATER 65 °C 65 °C 65 °C 65 °C TYPE OF VENTILATOR BLOWING BLOWING EXHAUST EXHAUST CLASS OF BOILER UNDER EN 3035 4 5 5 5 ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASS A+ A+ A+ A+ MEET LIMITS OF ECODESIGN EU 2015/1189 l l l lDREVOPLYN – SDC 100 DC 105 S, DC 150 SDC 70 S

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CONTROL PANEL WITH BASIC REGULATION n main switch n safety thermostat n thermometre n operating thermostat n waste gas thermostat Models DC 18 S, DC 25 S, DC 25 GS, DC 32 S, DC 32 GS and DC 40 SX are supplied in version with integrated eqvithermal electronic unit ACD 04 including basic sensors. CONTROL PANEL OF THE BOILER WITH INBUILT ELECTRONIC REGULATION UNIT ACD 03CONTROL PANEL OF THE BOILER WITH INBUILT ELECTRONIC REGULATION UNIT ACD 04 The unit controlls: n complete function of the boiler n boiler circuit n three mixing circuits (two heating circuits + one return mixing circuit) n charging of accumulation tank n charging DHW tank n solar heating Regulation ACD03 allows installation in top panel of all boilers. Regulation ACD04 is fitted in top panel of boiler. M MMax. 60 °CAAF WFPFMax. 50°CSFATMOSACDB2 - 6 bar10 – 15 °C22,5 °cAGF FAN LMK1MK2MKP2MKP1VF1VF2ARU30ARU10ARU5DKPSLPABCONTROLL / INSTALLATIONLaddomat 22INSTALLATION OF BOILER WITH LADDOMAT 22With its construction, Laddomat 22 replaces the traditional connection composed of individual parts. It is composed of a castiron body, thermoregulatory valve, high efficiency pump, nonreturning flap, ball valves and thermometers. When the water temperature reaches 78 °C (72 °C), the thermoregulatory valve opens the water supply from the storage tank.

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EQUITHERMAL CONTROLLER ACD 03 n 04Equithermal controller ATMOS ACD 03 n 04 is a new regulating device with touch color display allowing easy control of the boiler and heating system by intuitive ways and the latest trends. Regulation ACD03 allows installation in top panel of all boilers. Regulation ACD04 is fitted in top panel of boiler. THE REGULATION CAN CONTROLL FOLLOWING PERIPHERIES: 1. three mixing circuits (eg. two heating circuits radiator + oneheating circuit for floor heating) based on required temperature in the room, outside temperature (equithermal curve)and times by information from 3 types of room sensorsorone return mixing circuit and two heating circuits – boilercircuit serves to keep minimal temperature of water returninginto the boiler at 65°C by controll of threeway valve withservoactuator and pump and two heating circuits (eg. clasicradiators or floor heating) based on required temperature inthe room, outside temperature (equithermal curve) and timesby information from 3 types of room sensors2.heating of water for washing (DHW tank) for required temperature (eg. 55°C) heating from solar collectors4.optimal charging and discharging of accumulation tanksbased on requires of the customer5.automatic switch between two sources (boilers), eg. boilerfor wood and natural gas/wood and pellets6. complete operation of the boiler based on requirement ofthe heating system and the exhaust fan on boilerRegulator ACD 03/04Room thermostat ARU30 with touch displayRoom thermostat ARU10Room temperature sensor ARU5Electronic regulation ATMOS ACD 03 is delivered as a set with all necessary sensors allowing easy installation into top panel of boiler: Equithermal controller recommended for boilers with manual loading (with flue gas sensor) set ACD 03 AGF, order code S0106 Equithermal controller recommended for pellet boilers (without flue gas sensor) set ACD 03, order code S0103 For optimal and energy saving heating of your house we recommend to buy extra accessories (for each heating circuit) one of room thermostat unit either ARU5, ARU10, ARU30 with touch display for better controll of heating circuit. In case of using the regulation for solar heating it is necessary to buy a solar sensor FF00–75P65 (20 – 300 °C) and one more sensor KTF20.

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BOILER WITH AUTOMATIC IGNITIONAND REGULATION ACD 04Installation for boiler ATMOS with manual feeding up to 40 kW output

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Technical changes Boiler dimensions and design during the year are possible.01/22 ENGDISTRIBUTED BY:MANUFACTURED BY: JAROSLAV CANKAŘ A SYN ATMOS Velenského 487 CZ 294 21 Bělá pod Bezdězem Czech Republic Phone: +420 / 326 / 701 404, 701 414 Internet:, email:,