Name: Sunil Mudhanur Class: NACareerDiscoveryReportDeep insights on your holistic profile andrecommended career paths according toyour strengths. Sample Report
Career Discovery ReportYour Orientation StyleWhat is Orientation Style?Orientation style identifies what an individual is driven by. Understanding the orientation style will help you withcareer decision based on your dominant style of interaction with the surroundings.Your Dominant StyleThe scores obtained on this style inventory indicatethat you seek novelty and like to work with your ideas.You are curious to understand the know-how of thingsand their functioning. You wish to have your own waysof doing things with unique ideas. You like to feel freeto create, discover and synthesize new products fromabstract notions and concepts. You may prefer to workin unstructured situations where you can experimentwith your intuitive ideas. You may be observed asindependent, original and expressive at the workplace.Creative OrientationYour Secondary StyleThe scores obtained on this style inventory indicatethat you are information-oriented and like to operatewith information, machines, instruments, books &gadgets. Your style indicates that you are assertive andbelieve in doing things rather than talking about them.You have an inquisitive, scientific and mechanical bentof mind. You may like to read, gather knowledge, solveproblems and perform research & experiments. Youmay be observed as intellectual, precise and scientificin the workplace.Informative OrientationAdministrativeInformativeCreativePeople0 3 6 9Score5592Your Orientation Style
Career Discovery ReportYour InterestWhat is Interest?Understanding your Interest will help you identify what work areas excite you and helps you identify career optionswhich are personally rewarding. Interest assessment explores your interest across multiple career options to find theright match which shall keep you engaged.Your Dominant Interest AreasEntrepreneurshipCommerce &ManagementSalesMarketingMedia &CommunicationApplied ArtsCommerce & ManagementDefense ServicesDesignDistribution & LogisticsEducation Training & Social ServicesEngineering, Information & TechnologyEntrepreneurshipFinance & AccountingGovernance & AdministrationHealth, Medicine & FitnessHospitalityActuarial SciencesLegalMarketingMedia & CommunicationPerforming ArtsSalesScience & MathsSocial Sciences & Humanities0 3 6 9Score56444529333324662614Your Interest
Career Discovery ReportYour PersonalityWhat is Personality?Understanding your Personality will help you identify your consistent behavior patterns. Every individual is differentdue to their unique blend of attributes. Personality assessment identifies what career options suit your style andmatch your personal attributes.Your Dominant Personality TraitsTeam WorkEnterprisingLocus of ControlLocus of ControlResilienceIntegrityMoral ConformityAgreeablenessExtraversionTeam WorkDecision Making CapacityEnterprisingIntense PursuitEnthusiasmOrganizational SkillsPerfectionismPerseverancePractical0 3 6 9Score766343757532446Your Personality
Career Discovery ReportYour Personality in Detail LocusofControl Resilience123456789MeaningLocus of Control is the individual's perception of thepower they have over events that happen in their lives.People with this trait believe that they have control overtheir own destiny and are convinced about their ownskillsExpert AnalysisYou emphasize on building your destiny through yourpersistence and perseverance. Belief in your abilities andskills enables you to shine in different situations andmakes you an enterprising person. You like to takeresponsibility, work in a team, manage people, influenceothers and set a path for attaining your goals. Yourstrong perception towards yourself is contagious and itplaces you on a higher pedestal in others viewpointDevelopment PlanYou have scored well in this trait123456789MeaningResilience is the ability to pursue chosen path despitestress, high- risk status, challenges and hardshipsExpert AnalysisYou are fairly competent under stress and mostlyachieve good outcomes in times of highly stressfulcircumstances. You have above average skills ofadaptability and endurance. You usually stick to yourchosen path, because you are quite confident ofovercoming odds and bouncing back from challenges.You also often tend to see challenges as opportunities ofpersonal growthDevelopment PlanYou can improve your resilience by using the following strategies -:Learn to be more flexible. It is always better to embrace change and adapt as per the requirements. It helps inhandling stress in a better manner and work more effectively.Be optimistic & do not lose hope. It is always better to be optimistic during hardships. A sense of optimism helps indealing with difficult situations.Learn to tackle your problems step by step. Think of taking small steps while resolving problematic circumstances.Develop a strong social network. Being with people that are supportive and encouraging can be very helpful in facinghardships
Career Discovery ReportYour Personality in Detail Integrity MoralConformity123456789MeaningSynonymous with honesty, principles, sincerity, scruples;integrity means being honest and living by universalprinciples of right and wrongExpert AnalysisYou generally follow set rules with everyone and have anunderstanding of the right and wrong. You perceive thatdoing right is ethical and you give priority to that. Youavoid doing wrong whenever you have conflicts betweenright and wrong. However, in certain situation, you maycompromise on integrity to some extent by givingpriority to your personal gainsDevelopment PlanThink of working on following strategies to improve on your integrity levels:Right vs. Wrong Dilemma: You should learn how to develop the difference between right and wrong and how you candeal with conflicting situations.Place a rule book in your life: Start afresh with new norms in your life. Begin with simple tasks and complete them onset timelines and gradually move to the bigger tasks. Give importance to set rules and strictly follow those rules. Beaware of your decisions and recognize your mistakes and try to not repeat them in future.Accept ups & downs: You should have courage to accept your failures along with appreciations for the achievementsregardless of the person providing the feedback.123456789MeaningMoral conformity implies standing by your principles &code of conduct rather than matching attitudes, beliefs,and behaviors to group norms so as to fit into the groupExpert AnalysisYour acts are intended to fit in the group even if the theygo against principles of morality. Peer perception andacceptability is more important to you than following thesocietal norms of right and wrong. You have a strongneed for affiliation to the group even if they are not inconformity with the accepted norms of societyDevelopment PlanYou can work on following strategies to work on improving moral conformity levels:Be Assertive –Make an attempt to put forward your point of view with convictionThink of Long Term Impact – Avoid short term gains or giving in to temptationsRight Associations - Form Associations with people who have clear understanding of right and wrongLearn to say ‘No’- Saying ‘No’ will not spoil your relationships with others, rather it will make help you makemeaningful & stronger relationships.
Career Discovery ReportYour Personality in Detail Agreeableness Extraversion123456789MeaningAgreeableness is the ability to sympathize with others,trust them and be warm, concerned and cooperativetowards themExpert AnalysisYou are not very optimistic about human nature. Youbelieve that excepting few, people are generally nottrustworthy, considerate or cooperative. You believe thatself-interest should take precedence over the socialinterest in most situations. You may find it hard togenuinely empathize with most people. You easily getinto conflicts with others and may find it difficult tomaintain social harmonyDevelopment PlanYou can increase your agreeableness level by using following strategies:Try to see things from perspective of others: This will help you better understand the behavior of other people andalso the reasons why they behave in certain ways. Also check on how you would have reacted in a similar situation.Accept that all people are different: Rather than competing with others and suspecting their intentions, it is betteryou understand that everyone is unique. This will help you to accept different viewpoints and also maintain socialharmony.Different people different voices: Everyone has a point of view which needs to be respected. Listening to these voiceswill help you to sympathize with them123456789MeaningExtraversion is the ability to talk easily to others, assertviewpoints and prefer working in groups, rather thanworking aloneExpert AnalysisYou prefer to spend time alone rather than being part ofany social gathering. You find it very hard to approachstrangers. You prefer working alone rather than in agroup. Expressing opinions in the presence of others isvery difficult for youDevelopment PlanYou can look to increase your extraversion level by using the following strategies -:Developing interpersonal skills: Try to communicate with people around you. This might be difficult at first, but youcan keep trying and soon you will learn how to initiate a conversation and how to go about the whole process ofcommunicating and sharing your views.Find social activities you enjoy: Sign up for hobby classes or volunteering activities or associate with new groups ofpeople. Its easier to connect with people if you have a shared interest.
Career Discovery ReportYour Personality in Detail TeamWork DecisionMakingCapacity123456789MeaningTeam work implies including not only your views but alsothe views of others while working towards a commongoal. It involves working collaboratively with people andmaximizing the team outputExpert AnalysisYou have an excellent ability to work collaborativelywithin a group in order to achieve a common goal. Youstrongly believe in partnerships and find it very easy torelate to others. Your outstanding communication skillsallow you to effectively communicate with others as wellas to develop and maintain good relations with them.While taking a decision, you consider not only your ownviews but also that of others. All such qualities help youto work in harmony with othersDevelopment PlanYou have scored well in this trait123456789MeaningDecision making capacity is the tendency to chooseeffectively from alternatives through reasoning andcritical thinkingExpert AnalysisYour decision making capacity is not very high. Eitheryour decisions are proved wrong or are not as per therequired situation and time. You don't seem to learnfrom your earlier mistakes. You also can't predict theoutcome of your decisions until their result is revealed.But in some situations you might take the right decisionsand possibly at the right timeDevelopment PlanYou can work on decision-making skills by using the following strategies:Learn from others. You can learn from people who are skilled or good at decision making. Learn techniques fromthese people, and then apply them using your own thinking.You can start with normal situations and then go bottom up. Take decisions first for ordinary situations and thenmove towards conflicting situations.Learn from your mistakes: Be attentive toward small mistakes and try not to repeat those mistakes in future. Alsolearn from the mistakes of others and apply them in your life.
Career Discovery ReportYour Personality in Detail Enterprising IntensePursuit123456789MeaningEnterprising is being assertive, confident, high on risk-taking capacity, and having the ability to persuade othersExpert AnalysisYou are a people's person and like to work with others,influence and even persuade them. You are a risk takerand rely on your experience and intuition to work withthings. You are highly energetic, sociable andadventurous in nature. Your confidence andassertiveness makes you stand out in difficult situations.Whenever given an opportunity, you try to learn anddevelop new skillsDevelopment PlanYou have scored well in this trait123456789MeaningSynonymous with dedication, devotion & zeal; intensepursuit is having a clear intention, aim, interest,commitment and strong desire to pursue on a chosenpathExpert AnalysisYou have a hard time maintaining your focus, passionand commitment to long-term goals. You tend to leavethe task undone when the obstacles are difficult toovercome and are unable to persistently work towards adifficult task. Your initial excitement for a project soonvanes off, and your attention deviates to other excitingthings happening nearbyDevelopment PlanYou can develop intense pursuit by following strategies:Writing it down: This is as simple as it sounds. Have well defined time bound goals. Also make a “To Do” list on dailybasis, to make sure that things are getting done.Prioritizing your work: You have to make a clear distinction about what is important & what just seems to beimportant. Focus your energy on what is critical and needs to be done.Take responsibility for your goals: Rather than making excuses for incomplete tasks, take up responsibility and makeefforts to complete them. It will be difficult for you to pursue your goals, unless you take responsibility
Career Discovery ReportYour Personality in Detail Enthusiasm OrganizationalSkills123456789MeaningSynonymous with vitality, spiritedness & vigor,enthusiasm is having abundant or intense energy andcuriosity to gather knowledgeExpert AnalysisYou tend to accept things as they are, without trying toquestion them. You avoid new experiences and do nothave much inquisitiveness to learn about new things.Your stress levels increase whenever you have to facesome new situation. You prefer to have a set routinewithout any need to make adjustments; as you find itdifficult to adapt yourself to new surroundingsDevelopment PlanYou can increase your enthusiasm by using following strategies:Develop a sense of humor: People with high enthusiasm, have a contagious sense of humor. Sulking about your lifewill further lower your spirits. Start looking at your problems as opportunities for new learning and experiences. Whenengaged in heated arguments, try to use humor to lighten the situation.Start questioning: You need to question the various happenings around you. This will help you to make efforts to seekanswers to those questions. Do not hesitate to question and remember that nobody knows everything.Healthy Lifestyle: If you are exhausted, with too much work, it is impossible to radiate enthusiasm. Take frequentbreaks between your work schedule and have adequate sleep at night. Take a balanced diet along with physicalworkout on regular basis123456789MeaningOrganization skill is the ability and style of an individualto structure plan and meet their goals in a systematicmannerExpert AnalysisYour tendency to not work in a systematic andcoordinated way puts a lot of stress on you when itcomes to achieving tasks in a specific period of time. Youare unable to utilize your time, energy, and resources, inan effective manner and therefore not able to meet yourgoals at timesDevelopment PlanYou can improve your organization skills by using the following strategies -:Set specific & realistic goals. This will help you in being more systematic and efficient, which will enable you to achieveset tasks.Prioritize your work. Learn to understand the difference between tasks that are highly important and need to be doneimmediately and the tasks that can be done later. This will help you do your work on time and not be stressed.Set proper timelines. When you start a task, set a realistic timeline for the completion of your task. This will make youmore systematic and help you to be more structured in doing your task
Career Discovery ReportYour Personality in Detail Perfectionism Perseverance123456789MeaningPerfectionism is the desire to strive for flawlessness andset high standards of excellenceExpert AnalysisYour score stands for an average desire to strive for highstandards of excellence. This indicates that yousometimes complete tasks without giving much attentionto minute details. You usually don't look for faults orshortcomings in your own actions as well as that ofothers and accept them with ease. Due to this, youcompromise on the standards of excellence. You don'tfeel the sense of responsibility while working on a task.Due to this, the quality of your work may suffer at timesDevelopment PlanYou need to develop a sense of high standards of excellence. You can do this by-:Detailing: Break down a task into smaller steps and pay attention to minute details in every step. You can rewardyourself for successfully completing every step with perfection.Evaluate your performance: Be honest while evaluating your performance and work on the areas whereinimprovement seems necessary.Set high standards: You should make an attempt to set high standards of excellence for yourself. This will motivateyou to work hard and ultimately perform better123456789MeaningPerseverance is the determination of an individual tocomplete a task, irrespective of the obstaclesExpert AnalysisYou tend to get influenced with failures and find itdifficult to start again. You often see obstacles as barrierstowards success and may underestimate your ownpotential to overcome them. Inadequate stress copingstrategies interfere with your determination for work.You are often unable to deal with delays in success. Youdo have the potential to strive and reach your goals butlow self esteem impacts your persistenceDevelopment PlanYou can improve your perseverance levels by using the following strategies:Strengthen the belief that nothing is impossible. Everything is possible if you make constructive efforts to achieve it.Running away from problems is not a solution. Facing them and dealing with them will help you find a solution.Learn from Failures. Learning from failures rather than just getting emotionally driven will help build perseverance. Aclear focus on the goal and ability to continue the pursuit should lead to success.Create alternatives. Try and use unconventional problem solving approach, whenever faced with dynamic situationsand new complexities.
Career Discovery ReportYour Personality in Detail Practical123456789MeaningSynonymous with pragmatic, real & hands-on; practical isbeing more concerned with practice than theoryExpert AnalysisYou often have a practical approach wherein you believethat success is achieved when lessons learnt are appliedin a constructive way . You believe that gap betweentheory and practice can be appropriately filled byexperience. You get more convinced with real lifeexperiences than some vague theories and ideas. Youdeal sensibly with conflicts and maintain humility inrelationsDevelopment PlanYou can improve your tendency of beingmore concernedwith theory rather than with practice by following certainstrategies such as –:Try it out - Hands on experience will help you in testing of assumptions and your own belief.Visualize reality - Try to visualize the practical aspects of theories in day to day situations.Challenge the status quo – Don’t go by pre-set standards or assumptions. Try to challenge the existing way of doingthings.Functional Connect - Develop a functional connect between theory and its practice so as to have a more realisticunderstanding.
Career Discovery ReportYour AptitudeWhat is Aptitude?Understanding your Aptitude will help you explore your innate strengths. Every individual has a unique area ofexpertise and their own forte. Aptitude assessment predicts what is your innate ability and potential and helps youfind career options that are in sync with your aptitude.Your Dominant Aptitude StrengthsInfo TechMechanicalLanguage UsageAbstractVerbalLogical ReasoningCreativeSpatialLanguage UsageNumericalInfo TechMechanicalPerceptual0 3 6 9Score3746776885Your Aptitude
Career Discovery ReportYour Aptitude in Detail Abstract Verbal123456789MeaningAbility to work with new concepts, abstract ideas &recognizing patterns and similaritiesExpert AnalysisYou are not very skilled at working with new concepts,abstract ideas and recognizing patterns and similaritiesbetween them. You have a limited capacity to analyzeand understand non-verbal or visual information tofigure out problems using non-verbal reasoning. Yourscores also indicate that you find it difficult to recognizethe similarities and differences between ideas, orconcepts which are not necessarily related.Development PlanAbstract aptitude can be developed by adopting following strategies:Abstract ideas and concepts: Give yourself a regular exposure to abstract ideas and concepts. Repeatedly examininginformation presented in abstract forms in books and newspapers will help you to develop a capacity for handlingabstract information and looking for patterns. Try and solve puzzles, games and other forms of analytical material toenhance abstract way of thinking.Patterns and relationships: Purposefully seek patterns and relationships in things around you for enhancing abstractaptitude and outlook. You should also practice creating diagrams which represent relationships, connections andsequences123456789MeaningAbility to comprehend words and sentences and deducemeaningful relationship from themExpert AnalysisYou are proficient at verbal skills such as correct usage ofwords, grammar, word meanings, and understandingword relationships. You are usually good at finding theright words to explain ideas and are able to interpretwritten and spoken instructions. You are also able toabsorb communication without losing concentration orbecoming confused or left behind. You can learn orextract new information quite fastDevelopment PlanYou have scored well in this trait
Career Discovery ReportYour Aptitude in Detail LogicalReasoning Creative123456789MeaningAbility to identify and isolate components of anargument to arrive at a complete inference and reach aconclusionExpert AnalysisYou have an average ability to apply logical reasoning tosolve problems. At times you find it hard to detect thestronger arguments from the weaker ones. At timeswhen you cannot find logical reason to support yourstand, you may lean on emotional reasoning or rely oninstinctsDevelopment PlanYou can develop logical reasoning by practicing following strategies:Play mind games: You should try playing mind games such as chess, Sudoku, word games and other mystery gamesand puzzles that are easily available online. This will give you an understanding of the patterns and their individualelements and will help you in developing logical reasoning.Practice & Perform non-routine tasks: You should regularly practice open-mindedness and must make consciousattempt to figure out relationships among related or unrelated stimuli. Read books on logical reasoning and improveyour skills by practicing a wide range of problem types.123456789MeaningAbility to develop novel and diverse ideas and solutionsfor a given problemExpert AnalysisYour responses indicate that you have an averagecapacity to develop new and diverse ideas and solutionsfor a given problem. Your creative aptitude enables youto find unique ways of finding solutions to problems inmost but not all cases. At times you are tempted to useout-of-the-box solution but usually tend to follow theconventional way of thinkingDevelopment PlanAdopting following interventions will aid you in developing a creative way of thinking:Openness to new experiences: You require an open minded approach and willingness to explore new ideas aroundyou. Constant exposure to creative ideas and information enables an individual to develop an aptitude for creativity.Constant Experimenting: Experimenting and modifying ideas will train you to have an open mind, which in turn, willstimulate creative thinking. Try and absorb newer ideas in your surroundings from all possible sources.Generate ideas in a group setting: Surround yourself with creative people. Generate and discuss diverse ideas asmuch as possible, and with as many people as you can.
Career Discovery ReportYour Aptitude in Detail Spatial LanguageUsage123456789MeaningAbility to manipulate shapes in two dimensions or tovisualize three-dimensional objects presented as two-dimensional picturesExpert AnalysisYou are skilled at mentally visualizing and manipulatingobjects in three-dimensional space. You are able toeffectively visualize and mentally rotate objectspresented to you in two-dimension. This means you caneasily rotate an image or object in your mind withoutactually turning or rotating them. This enables you tomentally re-arrange objects even without physicallytouching themDevelopment PlanYou have scored well in this trait123456789MeaningAbility to understand and use words along with thegrammatical rules and structures to produce meaningful-novel sentencesExpert AnalysisYou have a high capacity to understand and use wordsalong with the grammatical rules and structures toproduce meaningful and complex sentences. You have ahigh ability to detect errors in grammar, punctuation,and capitalization and are able to formulate diversecombinations of words and sentencesDevelopment PlanYou have scored well in this trait
Career Discovery ReportYour Aptitude in Detail Numerical InfoTech123456789MeaningAbility to quickly grasp mathematical functions and touse them to analyze and solve mathematical problemsExpert AnalysisYour ability to deal with numbers is average. You arequite confident with your basic arithmetic abilities;however, with higher mathematical functions you mayface some challenges. You are able to manipulatenumbers with ease, however, with increased pressureyou make mistakes and your ability to manipulatenumbers diminishesDevelopment PlanYou can develop numerical ability by adopting following interventions:Mental Imagery: You have to try making mental imagery of the problems in terms of the numerical values of theelements involved in the problem. Constant effort will be helpful in enhancing numerical/ mathematical ability.Practice and increase comfort with numbers: You must progressively keep taking different tests on numerical abilityto know your current level and further try to progress to a higher level.Computer-simulated mathematical games: You can try different computer applications, games and mobile apps thatare known to enhance numerical ability123456789MeaningAbility to grasp and use principles and concepts oftechnology and computer programs to solve problemsExpert AnalysisYou have a very good understanding of the principlesand concepts of technology. Your responses indicate thatyou have high awareness about the basic computerprograms and its applications. You are quite comfortablewhen it comes to dealing with computer software. Yourawareness about latest technologies and software is alsovery high. You are extremely comfortable when it comesto learning about the working of new gadgets orsoftwareDevelopment PlanYou have scored well in this trait
Career Discovery ReportYour Aptitude in Detail Mechanical Perceptual123456789MeaningAbility to grasp and use mechanical concepts andprinciples to so solve problemsExpert AnalysisYou have a natural understanding of forces anddynamics. You have good knowledge and understandingof mechanical and other physical principles. You are veryperceptive of basic mechanical principles, simplemachines, tools, electrical, and automotive facts. You areanalytical and receptive as you can see a number offorces and factors operating within a problem at anygiven timeDevelopment PlanYou have scored well in this trait123456789MeaningAbility to accurately and quickly compare similarities anddifferences among sets of pictures, patterns, objects,letters or numbers.Expert AnalysisYour ability to recognize, learn and recall pattern ismoderate. At times you may face challenges withrecalling a pattern among several patterns available. Youhave an average reaction time to respond to externalstimuli of varied nature like pictures, patterns andobjects. In pressure situations, you may be unable tomake decisions and identify the patterns crucial tosolving the problem at handDevelopment PlanYou can develop perceptual speed aptitude by following the given interventions:Computer/ Mobile games: You should try various games that require speed and precision. Computer applications thatare known to enhance perceptual ability can be used on regular basis to progressively increase your ability.Be alert and show presence of mind: You should consciously try being alert and keep presence of mind. Be veryvigilant of the information in your surrounding environment and show interest in it. Use connecting dot strategy whereyou can apply information learnt from one aspect to the other to quickly understand the meaning of events aroundyou
Career Discovery ReportYour Emotional QuotientWhat is Emotional Quotient?Understanding your Emotional Intelligence will help you understand your effectiveness in social situations.Emotional Intelligence assessment identifies how well do you recognize and handle your own emotions andinterpersonal relationships.Your Dominant Emotional Quotient StrengthsEmotional SelfAwarenessEmotional SelfEfficacyConflict ManagementEmpathyPro Social BehaviorEmotional RegulationEmotional Self AwarenessEmotional Self EfficacyMotivation0 3 6 9Score6848987Your Emotional Quotient
Career Discovery ReportYour Emotional Quotient in Detail ConflictManagement Empathy123456789MeaningAbility to resolveconflicts throughnegotiationsExpert AnalysisYou are comfortable with resolving conflicts. You are usually clear about what you wantfrom a particular situation, and also the needs of the other party involved. You can listento people, and often figure out their reasons for the resistance in resolving a particularissue. You are able to read the non verbal signs which at times provide an importantinsight in resolving the conflict. You are flexible in your approach & opinions, and withsome efforts can see the perspective of the other side also. You believe that two differentpositions can share a great deal of commonality and benefit much from the differences.You can maintain emotional composure in a tense situation with some effort. You have anumber of strategies to deal with the pressure, which you recognize to be a part andparcel of a conflict resolving situationDevelopment PlanYou can improve conflict management by using the following strategiesWait and watch: You can choose to wait for a few days, if you find conflict is beyond your control at present. Waitingfor a few days often allows you to come up with appropriate strategies to resolve the conflict. This strategy can diffusethe tense situation.Working with a role model: You can greatly improve your conflict management skills by working with a person who isgood at resolving conflict. By observing how this individual deals with various challenges in the conflict managementsituations, your self-belief in regard to developing these skills would increase.Right preparation: You can increase your confidence in resolving conflict by thorough preparation. This means youcollect all the evidence pertaining to the issue involved. Preparing extensively would make you realize the loopholes,which you can overcome in advance.123456789MeaningPerceiving and beingaware about emotionsof others, includingbeing sensitive to adiverse populationExpert AnalysisYou have a high ability to understand and identify with the feelings of others. You arehighly sensitive to understanding the emotions shared by others and in helping themresolve those emotions. You are a good listener and adept at understanding non-verbalcues. As a result, you can easily understand both pain and joy of others. You canintuitively sense what the other person is going through. One important reason for this isthat you have high awareness of your own emotional experiences. You show a deepinsight into other person's problems and have the ability to "walk in their shoes". You alsohave the skill to communicate in an objectively explicit manner to express yourunderstanding of the other person's problem. Your deep compassion for those you comeacross makes you a great friend to haveDevelopment PlanYou have scored well in this trait
Career Discovery ReportYour Emotional Quotient in Detail ProSocialBehavior EmotionalRegulation123456789MeaningHaving the motivationto help others withoutany personal gainExpert AnalysisYour score means that although you do like to help others but not at a cost to yourself.There are instances where you help but the reasons are not always altruistic. Yourprosocial behaviour may be motivated by egoism, long term gains, or social approval. Youare sometimes plagued by moral dilemmas where your own interests may be in conflictwith the needs of the others. You may find it difficult to put the interest of others beforeyour own. Your prosocial behaviour is often motivated by extrinsic rewards and fear ofpunishmentDevelopment PlanHelping others in distress is a social duty and responsibility. Researchers have suggested that five things must happen fora person to take action. These key things are:Notice what is happening around you: you can keep yourself alert so as to notice things happening and avoid beingself absorbed.Interpret the event appropriately as to whether it is an emergency or not: you can make a realistic assessment ofthe situation to see whether there is actually a need for assistance.Experience within yourself a sense of social responsibility: you can use the norm of social responsibility whichsupports helping those who are less fortunate.Assess whether you have the skills to help or not: after assessing the situation, you can see whether you possess theskills needed to help in that particular situation.Make a conscious decision to extend your help: after appropriate assessment of the situation, make a consciouseffort to help in whichever way you can.123456789MeaningManaging one'sconstructive as well asdestructive emotionswell. Ability to managestress, anger andanxietyExpert AnalysisYou are able to manage your constructive as well as destructive emotions exceedinglywell. You respond to ongoing situations with the range of emotions that are sociallyacceptable and sufficiently flexible. You can come with spontaneous reaction to variedsituations as well as have the ability to delay spontaneous reaction as and when needed.You can easily focus on the task assigned and have the ability to suppress inappropriatebehavior under instruction. You can modulate anxiety as per the requirement of the taskperformed and are not overwhelmed by it. You don't give in easily to pressure and areable to assert yourself whenever the situation demands. You can intuitively decipher theemotional strategies appropriate for a given situation and can direct emotions towardscreative endeavorsDevelopment PlanYou have scored well in this trait
Career Discovery ReportYour Emotional Quotient in Detail EmotionalSelfAwareness EmotionalSelfEfficacy123456789MeaningBeing aware of andrecognize one's ownemotionsExpert AnalysisYou understand and recognize your own emotions very well. You are able to understandthe feelings associated with the emotions that you experience, and also understand whatyou think and do as a result of those feelings. This quality of high emotional self-awareness helps you understand the reasons for your actions, because it is theseemotions that actually drive your behavior. This gives you greater control over thedecisions you make. You are not carried away by your negative emotions. You have theability to deal with the potentially destructive emotions quickly and prevent them fromharming you or othersDevelopment PlanYou have scored well in this trait123456789MeaningBelief in one's capabilityto understand and dealwith one's emotionsExpert AnalysisYou have a strong belief in your potential to understand and deal with your ownemotions. Your perceived capacity to deal with negative emotions is high. Also, youstrongly believe in your ability to understand and regulate your emotions. You believethat you have control over your emotions. This enables you to manage them internally bysolving problems in difficult situations, without being affected by them. You also takeownership of your emotions and clearly understand that they reflect your personal andsubjective experienceDevelopment PlanYou have scored well in this trait
Career Discovery ReportYour Emotional Quotient in Detail Motivation123456789MeaningHaving achievementdrive, optimism, andbeing committed toone's values, needs andgoalsExpert AnalysisYou find it easy to set goals and achieve them. You can easily initiate and sustain a taskyou find important and meaningful. You face challenges & think positively in the directionof overcoming them. You are flexible in your approach and as a result you are able toachieve most of your goals. You have a wide range of strategies to lift your morale whenyou are feeling low. When a problem seems overpowering, you see it as a challenge,which allows you to come up with a right strategy to solve that particular problem. Youare also able of focus on the task and avoid all distractions which are a hindrance to thegoals you are seekingDevelopment PlanYou have scored well in this trait
Career Discovery ReportYour Dominant StyleYour Dominant InterestsYour Dominant PersonalityYour Dominant AptitudeYour Dominant Emotional QuotientCreativeOrientationInformativeOrientationEntrepreneurshipCommerce &ManagementSalesMarketingMedia &CommunicationTeam WorkEnterprisingLocus of ControlInfo TechMechanicalLanguage UsageEmotional SelfAwarenessEmotional SelfEfficacy
Career Discovery ReportCareer Match with EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurs are leaders willing to take risk and exercise initiative. They look to take advantage of marketopportunities often by innovating or improving existing products & services. Developed countries are moving from 'managerial' to 'entrepreneurial' economies. India, as an emerging economy, isensuring that entrepreneurship is embraced as a career choice for the young. The ecosystem for Entrepreneurshipcommonly known as Start-Ups is at its brightest. While no specific education or training is required to start a business venture of your own, the odds of successincrease exponentially when entrepreneurs have a solid education background. With the popularity ofentrepreneurship rising, many universities/ institutes offer programs to groom budding entrepreneurs. Theseprograms are available both at undergraduate (BBS, BBA) and post graduate levels (MBA). Most top business schoolsalso provide courses for entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are job creators rather than job seekers. They create products and services. Other than the path ofowning one's own business, participating in a family business or starting a partnered venture, entrepreneurs alsotake up roles in the field of business consulting, sales, research and development, not-for-profit management, andmid-level management. Trending Fields: E-Commerce, M-Commerce, EduTech, FinTech, HealthcareRead more about Entrepreneurship >StyleInterestAptitudePersonalityEQ0 20 40 60 80 100ScoreYour Match with Entrepreneurship
Career Discovery ReportCareer Match with Marketing & AdvertisingMarketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirementsprofitably. Professionals in this field are the brains behind all ads and campaigns; and they're responsible forbringing products and services into the public consciousness. Careers in marketing require knowledge of marketresearch, consumer behavior, sales, visual arts and general marketing. With new products being developed all the time and the economy moving to a global stage, the demand ofmarketers is at an all time high. A bachelor degree along with an MBA with marketing specialization is recommended for getting high paid marketingjobs. Besides MBA programs, BBM or BBA degree holders can also find various positions in the field of marketing. Top recruiters include companies from across the industry like P & G, ITC, HUL in FMCG, Maruti and Hyundai inAutomotive, AC Nielsen in Market Research and Google, LinkedIn and Facebook in the Social Media space. Trending Fields : Digital Marketing, Brand MarketingRead more about Marketing & Advertising >StyleInterestAptitudePersonalityEQ0 20 40 60 80 100ScoreYour Match with Marketing &Advertising
Career Discovery ReportCareer Match with ManagementA career in Management makes students familiar with knowledge of business, trade, management techniques,industry, basics of economics, fiscal policies, industrial policies, share market, stock markets, etc. Managementstudies teaches one how to manage a business professionally. With increasing competition in the field, huge number of colleges providing management related courses havemushroomed across the country offering traditional specializations such as Finance, Marketing, Sales, Operationsand Human Resources to the trending specializations like Health Care Management, Sports Management, RuralManagement, Fashion Management etc. Students who are keen to take up management as a career option after class 12th can opt for BBA, BBS or BBM fordeveloping a sound base in the field of management education. After graduation, one may opt for an MBA degree ina specialized field. Management is a career option which can also be pursued after almost any graduation degreesuch as Law, Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences among others. Management is one of the most sought after careers because of the lucrative salaries and good future prospects itoffers; especially if one graduates from the leading management colleges. Trending Fields: Sports Management, Health Care Management, Operations Management, Human ResourceManagement, Finance ManagementRead more about Management >StyleInterestAptitudePersonalityEQ0 20 40 60 80 100ScoreYour Match with Management
Career Discovery ReportCareer Match with Education & TrainingA career in Education and training is considered a noble one in India as well as across the globe. Educators pass onaccumulated knowledge to the new generation shaping the future of the country. Educators requires a perfect blendof essential attributes like patience, confidence, liking for and an understanding of children/ students. Education &training is such a broad domain that different skills and type of trainings are required for different levels. Areas ofspecialization include teaching at nursery schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges, universities, institutes,special schools etc. The demand for qualified educators is on rise and this trend is not likely to change anytime in the near future.Whether you're interested in working as a professor or elementary school teacher, a special educator instructor orcorporate trainer you're sure to find a career in education extremely rewarding. For different levels, a different set of qualification is required ranging from nursery which requires a highersecondary degree (10+2 examination) along with B.Ed. to university level, where one requires at least a mastersdegree with NET qualification certificate. For aspirants planning to enter the domain of training they need to gainrelevant expertise and experience. All top Schools and Colleges both in the private and public sector are constantly on the lookout for good talent in thefield of education & training and are thus amongst the top recruiters. Training organizations and corporates are alsoon constant lookout for qualified trainers and experts.Read more about Education & Training >StyleInterestAptitudePersonalityEQ0 20 40 60 80 100ScoreYour Match with Education &Training
Career Discovery ReportCareer Match with DesignCareer in design is for people who have a creative outlook and are able to form innovative connections betweencolors, shape, materials and textures. Designers are required in nearly every field whether in designing cars, clothes,buildings, products, logos, theatre sets, merchandise sets, landscapes etc. While most indulge in computer-aideddesigns, a basic fine art is also intrinsic to designing. Design has wide variety of sub fields including graphic designing, fashion designing, interior designing, webdesigning, set designing, industrial designing, visual merchandise designing etc. Each of these categories requires adomain specialization. One can select their area of specialization on the basis of their interest, skill and aptitude.Most institutes have an entrance exam for admission and competition for the premier institutes like NID and NIFT isquite high. In order to build a career in design one should have a bachelor's or master's degree in the particular field. Designers can find jobs in Fashion Houses, Media Houses, Automobile Industry, Technology Firms, Web DesigningFirms etc. A lot of designers also pursue their career as a Freelancer. Trending Field: Graphic Design, Fashion Design, Animation & GraphicsRead more about Design >StyleInterestAptitudePersonalityEQ0 20 40 60 80 100ScoreYour Match with Design
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