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ASO Family Social Narrative.pdf

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I am going to an orchestra concert. A concertis a musical performance given by manymusicians. The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra isthe ensemble who will be performing.TODAY

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I will have the opportunity to listen to the musicthat will be performed. I can find a specialSpotify playlist on the ASO website. By listeningto the playlist, I will get to know the music betterand be ready to enjoy the concert even morewhen I arrive.BEFORE I GO TO THECONCERTSCAN HEREFOR PLAYLIST

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If we drive, the first thing we'll do is park the carin the parking deck. Then, we'll walk to theelevator and press the button that says"Campus Level." The elevator will take us up,and when we get out, we'll walk to SymphonyHall.If we take the MARTA train, we'll get off at theArts Center stop. We'll go up the escalator to themain road, then take another elevator to the topof the campus. After that, we'll walk toSymphony Hall.WHEN IARRIVE TOTHEWOODRUFFARTSCENTER

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We will walk to Symphony Hall, which is insidethe Memorial Arts Building. Inside the doors, I willneed to walk through a metal detector. This is tohelp keep everyone safe, and it’s okay—it willonly take a moment.Once I’m inside, I will see lots of other kids justlike me and their families. I will be prepared for acrowded lobby. Now, I will have some choices. Ican go to the concession stand and get a snack,explore the fun pre-concert activities, or listen tomusic in the lobby.WHEN I ARRIVE

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At the Halloween Concert, I might see peoplewearing Halloween costumes.Many kids like todress as their favorite characters or heroes.Some kids and grown- ups in the audience mightbe dressed up. Our musicians on stage will havecostumes too. Some costumes might look a bitscary, but it's important to remember they'rejust pretend. Everyone is still the same friendlyperson underneath their costume.WHEN I ARRIVE

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I can pick a snack and a kid’s drink,with yummy options like popcorn,Goldfish, trail mix, and chips. I canalso try a special Halloween drinkcalled Spooktacular Punch, madewith apple cider, cranberry juice,orange seltzer, and Sprite. It will getme into the Halloween spirit!If I don’t finish my snack or drinkbefore the concert, I can bring themwith me into Symphony Hall.AT THE CONCESSION

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Or I can do aHalloween craft.Location: 1st floor,Center SpaceOr I can get my facepainted.Location: 1st floor, CenterSpaceI can try playing someinstruments at theInstrument PettingZoo.Location: 2nd floor, EventRoomPRECONCERT ACTIVITIES

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Or I can listen tosome music inthe lobby.Location: 1st floor,GalleriaOr I can get mypicture taken withmy friends orgrownups at thePhotobooth!Location: 1st floor,Center SpacePRECONCERT ACTIVITIESThere are so many activities to enjoy but I willneed to leave in enough time to find my seatin Symphony Hall.

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WHEN I AM READY TO FINDMY SEAT…INSIDE THE HALL DOORS An usher will be at the symphony doors to scanmy ticket. The usher will then lead me tosymphony hall.I’ll notice many pictures on the walls. These arephotos of the symphony musicians. Each pictureshows a musician with their instrument. Thereare 88 photos in total, one for each member ofthe symphony.

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INSIDE SYMPHONY HALLThis is what I will see! When I enter the hall itmight be a little darker. This is okay. When I getto my seat, I will sit down and patiently wait forthe concert to begin. It is okay to talk during thistime. I might see and hear musicians warming upon stage.

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WHEN THE CONCERT ISABOUT TO BEGIN…Maestro Langley, theconductor, will come onstage and guide themusicians through thepieces. He tells themwhen to play loud, soft,fast, or slow. The concertstarts when he waves hisarms to begin. There willbe lots of clapping andcheering!The concertmaster, thefirst chair violinist of anorchestra, will stand upto lead the orchestra intuning.

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WHEN THE ORCHESTRABEGINS TO PLAYThe musicians and narrator will tell the storywith music. Once the music begins, I will try tobe as quiet as I can so everyone can hear themusic and the story. If I want to, I can be part ofthe concert. I can pat, clap, or use my scarf tomove with the music. There may be loudmoments! There may also be some quietmoments.

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IF IT GETS TOO LOUD...And I feel like I need to take a break from theconcert, I can ask to leave the hall and go to theQuiet Room (Delta Lounge). An adult will need togo with me. Inside the Quiet Room, I will be ableto hear the concert. There will also be couches,chairs, and coloring books. I can stay in the QuietRoom until I feel better and I am ready to goback to my seat in the hall.

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IF I NEED TO USE THERESTROOM...I will tell an adult who will take me. Restroomsare available on either side of the hall. If I needhelp finding a restroom, I will ask one of theushers. I can re-enter the hall after I am done.

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Everyone will clap (also known as applause).Clapping is a nice way to let the musicians knowthat I liked the music. After the last piece ofmusic, when the applause is done, the concert isover.WHEN THE CONDUCTORPUTS HIS ARMS DOWNAND TURNS AROUND…

Page 17 togive suggestions about accessibility.AS I GET READY TO LEAVE…Everyone will be heading to the exit. I will makesure to be respectful and take turns as I leave.Now, we will walk back to our car or to theMARTA and go home. I cannot wait to attendanother Atlanta Symphony Orchestra concert!CONTACT