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ASK Annual Report 20-21

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In 2020-2021, the world changed but you stayed the course!Your generosity and resilience helped make this a year we’ll never forget. With the dedication and unwavering support of our ASK community, we were able to tackle new challenges and grow. Wherever and whenever our ASK families need us, we’ll meet them there – thanks to you!NEVER GIVE UP!IN A YEAR OF UNCERTAINTY, YOU HELPED US TO

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We got to MEET UP and celebrate ASK kid Lucy, 2 years old, during her Kourageous Kids photo shoot. Her family shared that it was one of the first times they’d been out since the pandemic hit. It has taken immense courage for all of our families to face this year!

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DEAR FRIENDS & SUPPORTERS,You STEPPED UP in a way like never before!Thanks to your generosity, we had the most charitable year in our history – a true testament to the dedication of our ASK donors! As we celebrate this milestone, we also recognize the immense challenges our families and sta faced, and the incredible resiliency that it took to make it through this year.For our families, the devastating impact of a child’s cancer diagnosis was made even worse by the social isolation and economic uncertainty that came with the pandemic. For our sta, the COVID restrictions limited the ways that we could support our ASK families. We’ve been able to come through under pressure when it mattered the most because of you. Your assistance, support and kindness FILLS UP our hearts to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. Thank you for being a part of our ASK community!Gratefully yours,Amy GodkinExecutive Director

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THANKS TO YOU, OUR CLINIC & FAMILY SUPPORT TEAM WAS ABLE TO S H OW U P, READY TO HELP! 2,900hours of counseling support Dr. Jen Rohan and her team provide mental health support through telehealth (83%) and in-person (17%) appointments, averaging 14 sessions per patient.hours of hospital support ASK chaplain Rich and child life specialist Katie help kids and families cope with the stress and anxiety of treatment.3,760families supported at home ASK family support coordinator Kim assists caregivers with practical support, from laundry services and house cleaning to grocery gift cards and check-in phone packages for siblingsWe know ASK siblings can feel left out which is why we send custom care packages to brighten their day. 50125HERE’S HOW YOUR SUPPORT ADDS UP:Childhood cancer can be an overwhelming journey. Your support ensures our kids and families don’t have to face it alone. Having supportive relationships in clinic helps to provide the hope, encouragement and know-how to face whatever the day may bring, like:• Processing emotions and adjusting to big life changes• Coping with treatments and side eects• Learning to swallow a pill• Understanding the medical plan• Assisting with survivorship transitions

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It’s true; it takes a village to help a family caring for a child in treatment, especially during a global pandemic. “We thought she was having growing pains,” explains Kayla’s mom, Shaina. “But when the pain became more intense, we knew something else was wrong.” In September 2020, ASK kid Kayla was diagnosed with Large Diused B-Cell Lymphoma, which produced a large tumor in her femur. “My mom had breast cancer, so I had an idea of what to expect, but it’s totally dierent when it’s your child,” remembers Shaina.“The ASK team made sure we had everything we needed before we even knew we needed it,” reflects Shaina. “From little gifts to Zoom events, to holding Kayla’s hand every time her port needed to be accessed for chemo, ASK has been with us since diagnosis. They are family forever.”Take a tour of clinic with Miss Katie, ASK child life specialist, to see your support in action! Scan the QR code or visit After nine weeks of intensive chemotherapy and a year of treatment, ASK kid Kayla is celebrating remission.A CLOSE UP OF LIFE IN CLINIC:• 1-2 kids diagnosed with cancer each week• 149 children on active treatment for cancer and serious blood disorders• 26 children in clinic each day• 56 psychological appointments each week• 46 years of partnership with Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU

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Thanks to you, we pivoted (and pivoted again!) to provide our kids and families with 12 safe opportunities to find connection and community.H A N D S - U P,Virtual Game Nights“Thanks for making this so fun for our ASK kids!” - Kim, ASK momMiddle/High School Spring RetreatASK Summer Bash“You made our weekend & holiday!” - Lindsy, ASK momit’s a wild ride! ASK Holiday Party Drive-Thru

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We’re extremely proud of the indisputable fact that your support means crazy-fun events for our kids and families. Our events are more than craft-making and game-playing. Time together matters. And it matters even more to our kids who have been in isolation prior to the pandemic. ASK Movie Night at The Diamond“We loved ASK Movie Night at The Diamond! Part of being in the childhood cancer world is adapting – one day you’re supposed to get chemo but the blood count is low so you have to reschedule, or a procedure needs to be postponed because of an additional complication. We learn to adapt to our current circumstances and ASK is no exception. They have done an amazing job of just rolling with it and keeping us all connected.The biggest blessing we’ve received through this experience is the life- long friendships we’ve made. We will always have people around us who truly know what we’ve gone through and don’t feel awkward around us. ASK has provided those connections for us and we are forever grateful!”-Dionne, ASK mom YACS Topgolf Richmond Social it’s a wild ride!

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YOU HELP TO KEEP SPIRITS UP FOR FAMILIES ON THEIR JOURNEY.At six weeks of age, ASK kid Skylar was diagnosed with HLH, a rare immune disease in which the immune system no longer works properly by producing too many antibodies. “All of the ASK sta and care partners are amazing. Whenever I think of them, I cry,” reflects Leroy, Skylar’s dad. “They’ve been with us from the moment we entered the hospital, through chemo treatments and lengthy hospital stays, and sat with us during both transplants.”“ASK has helped us financially by paying our mortgage and electric bill, provided gas cards and meal vouchers for the many days we’ve spent at the hospital, and delivered Christmas gifts to our home for both of the girls when Skylar was too sick to go to the holiday party. After they left, we sat in the middle of the floor and cried like babies,” shares Leroy. “Tears of gratefulness, for sure.”

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$113,800 provided through the Making Life Better Fund to offer financial relief for families with a child on active treatment. Here’s the breakdown:13568 429families supported to help relieve stress so they can focus more on taking care of their sick child.different zip codes representing the care provided to families throughout Central VA.times we provided assistance to help with everyday expenses. CATCH UPHELPING OUR FAMILIES ON EVERYDAY NEEDS.Tad’s Kids has been partnering with ASK for 15 years! During this time, they’ve raised more than $660,000 to help kids with cancer and their families. This year, they raised their commitment by establishing the Tad’s Kids Family Crisis Fund to provide above & beyond support for families with emergent needs – and helped 16 families! We’re so grateful to have this partnership that enables our families to worry less and focus more on caring for their child.43% ($48,180) housing20% ($22,892) utilities21% ($24,232)transportation16% ($18,495) other

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LEVEL-UP Moved from 3,000 to 5,400 square feetThe Grrreat RoomDoug & Sharon KeeferTucker’s Gathering SpaceIn Celebration of Tucker ArmstrongScott & Leslie Armstrong, Vince & Laura Doherty, Isaac & Andrea Wright, Davoud Foundation and The Old Dominion GroupThe M4K Café with ‘Stache Stash Snack CabinetM4K Richmond, Inc.The Children’s CornerJohn & Valerie Waters and Kevin & Emily Williamson The StageDale Smith & Anne WaleskiGIVE IT UP for our Game Changers!Thanks to our generous donors and partners, construction costs were fully funded in order to give our kids the space they deserve.Doubled program space allowed us to spread out and safely reopen SIZI N G U P OUR NEW DIGS:ACHIEVED!!ASK’s brandcolors, signature doodles and words of inspiration were used to provide a playful, familiar space for our kids, families and program team

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The Activity NookBrian & Regina Perkinson and Perkinson HomesChildren’s ChampASK Board of DirectorsJohn & Susan BurtonEleanor & Norm LeahyHeart of GoldGerry & Kathleen AlbaneseCosten FlooringConnected Solutions GroupFergusonClassic Granite & MarbleLou & Jill MarmoHelping HandJoe & Calli KohmannAllan & Jodie StrangeCurtis StrangeTodd & Amy SumserFriend of ASKJim & Missy EckGrandma Pat & Bryant Hennessy Mark & Monique O’Neill2 private restrooms Increased workspaces from 6 to 11 means more room for our growing team Bright, cheeryvibes surround you as you walk through the space, along with some words of encouragement Take a tour!

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HELPING OUR KIDS KEEP UP WITH THEIR PEERS!62627ASK First STEP Preschoolers gathered weekly outside for a modified preschool experience that provided 89 hours of in-person instruction and socialization. middle and high school students received educational support through online tutoring for a total of 1,246 hours.graduating seniors were recognized and celebrated through $13,500 in scholarships.For some children, cancer treatment may have a significant impact on their learning, which is why ASK is here every step of the way.

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This year’s 25th ASK Graduation Ceremony for our high school seniors was held at The Diamond. Families were able to safely celebrate this important milestone along with ASK staff, the medical team and hospital leaders. Our patients and survivors have worked hard to overcome missed days of school while undergoing treatment. We’re so proud of all of our graduates!Today, ASK kid Javi is a healthy 5-year-old who loves to play sports and run around in his firefighter and police uniforms. But, less than two years ago, Javi was diagnosed with Stage 3S, Epstein-Barr Virus Positive (EBV+) Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.One of the most impactful programs for Javi during this treatment was ASK’s First STEP Preschool, where kids with cancer and their siblings can attend for free. Our teachers understand the educational, psychological and environmental needs of our young patients and survivors. “We were so concerned that he would fall behind in learning and social skills, but First STEP provided a way for Javi to continue being a typical preschooler. I love that ASK sees a need and then figures out a way to solve the problem,” shares Javi’s mom, Amy.This year, Javi has experienced some late-term cognitive eects due to chemotherapy, which is why ASK’s educational coordinator, Alma Morgan, stepped in to lend a hand. Alma worked with Javi’s kindergarten teacher and assistant principal to develop a 504 plan to ensure he receives the accommodations he needs to support his learning.“Perhaps one of the most phenomenal things about ASK is that this organization continues to provide support, even after diagnosis and treatment,” says Amy. “I can’t tell you how much it means to us to know that we will never be forgotten.”SUPPORTING ASK KID JAVI AT EVERY STEP

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THUMBS UP FOR THE LAUNCH PROJECT!We may not know exactly what the future will look like, but your support helps our teens and young adults prepare for blast-o through educational and career planning support. Michelle Johnson, Launch Project Coordinator, helps our kids navigate that dicult transition to adulthood by connecting them to colleges, universities and trade schools. She also works with employers and community partners who provide needed accommodations. Michelle celebrates our kids’ accomplishments along the way, no matter how big or small! 2020-2021 Launch Project Workshops:College Application Bootcamp College Open House Tour SAT Bootcamp Resume Writing & Mock Interviews Driver’s License FAQ Session118 teens and young adult participants855 interactions ranging from texts, phone calls, meetings and referralsASK kid Eshan gets a leg up through virtual SAT prep.

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CHARMING. TALENTED. MOTIVATED. CANCER SURVIVOR. Xavier Kirkland is an 11-year survivor of Acute Lymphatic Leukemia (ALL), but he’s not letting anything stand in his way of becoming an acclaimed chef.“I think of dierent plating options all the time,” laughs Xavier. “When I was diagnosed with ALL at age nine, I had no idea where my life would go or if I would even live to be 20 years old. Now I have a career plan and a goal of owning the best restaurant in Richmond someday.”Xavier is attending J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College’s Culinary Arts and says that wouldn’t have been possible without the Launch Project, one of the survivorship programs ASK provides specifically for young adults.ASK helped him purchase his chef uniform and knives to begin his internship, but Xavier has supplied the drive and determination necessary to succeed.“We work as a team at the Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU’s Survivorship Clinic,” shares Michelle Johnson, ASK Launch Project Coordinator. “Together, we support each survivor in determining their educational goals, career strategies, job searches and intervention, when needed, to allow for special accommodations. We’re seeing huge successes for our kids!”

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SPEAKING UP FOR ALL KIDS WITH CANCER IN VIRGINIA 2021 Virginia Childhood Cancer Advocacy DayFrom phone calls to emails to social media posts, advocates shared their voice and stories with state legislators to call attention to the needs of childhood cancer patients and survivors. Here’s this year’s ROUND UP:88 advocatesparticipated from around the state in the virtual advocacy day. Twice as many advocates as last year! Secured patronsfrom both the Virginia House AND Senate to support addressing the needs of childhood cancer patients and survivors. We’re hopefuland determined to continue this momentum going into 2022 by working with our state’s legislators and big-hearted advocates to secure dedicated resources for our kids and families.

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Caregiver VaccinationsWe knew it was important for our ASK parents and caregivers to maintain their health during the COVID-19 pandemic so they could continue to safely support and care for their family. Given our partnership with the Virginia Department of Health, we reached out to request priority of the vaccination for caregivers of children with cancer - and they agreed to help! Soon after, parents and caregivers received priority eligibility in the Phase 1a roll out. We worked with Virginia’s five pediatric cancer treatment centers to get the good news out to families. Educator’s ConferenceMissed days of school and cognitive late eects from treatment can make it dicult for our young patients and survivors to keep up with their peers. The Educator’s Conference for Patients and Survivors helps teachers, school nurses and administrators learn about childhood cancer, common late eects and how to support patients, survivors and siblings in the classroom. Thank you to the Virginia Department of Health for funding support of this important educational opportunity.“I now understand how cancer treatments aect children with cancer. I had not known the extent before today.” - 2021 Educator’s Conference attendee49% increase in attendance from the previous year. Going virtual allowed educators from all over to join in!100% of attendees said they could identify helpful accommodations for survivors returning to school after attending the conference.108 teachers and nurses completed all seven of the virtual conference sessions to receive continuing education credits.

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One of the silver linings of the pandemic has been new community partnerships to help during this challenging time. NEW FRIENDS TO HELP!STEPPING UPOwners Mark and Patty Smith are helping to make life a little easier for ASK families focused on caring for their child by welcoming ASK as their newest charity partner. Mark says it best: “Cars don’t work without proper care. Neither do communities. That’s why Midas of Richmond does both!”ASK kid Alvion is ready to roll in the Midas of Richmond loaner car.Midas of RichmondLexus of RichmondASK was thrilled to Experience Amazing as the beneficiary of the Lexus of Richmond’s Champions for Charity Golf Tournament at Independence Golf Club in collaboration with The 288 Group. The sold-out tournament raised over $112,000 to help our community’s most inspiring champions - our ASK kids and families!

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BRIGHTENING UP THE DAY!Adopt-a-Family Holiday ProgramA record-breaking 67 families signed up for the ASK Adopt-a-Family program - yet, we had a waitlist of donors wanting to help! Thank you to our adopters for helping to ease the holiday stress for active patient families through shopping, purchasing and wrapping gifts during the busy holiday season. HBAR Dream Room MakeoversThe Home Builders Association of Richmond (HBAR) is filled with big-hearts who build-up our kids’ spirits! We’re grateful to Eagle Construction, LifeStyle Home Builders, Jsquared Interiors, Southern Traditions, Tootle Design and Vertical Builders for providing dream rooms complete with furniture, rugs, curtains and decor that fit our ASK kids’ personalities.

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UP, UP and AWAY! You took Above & Beyond to a new level. FY21 REVENUE: $1,957,637FY21 EXPENSES: $1,267,747* FY21 PROGRAMS: $919,27457%Individual/Corporate $1,119,583 16%Investments & PPP Forgiveness $319,606 4%Grants $80,382 1%In-Kind$11,700 18%Fundraising $237,869 9%Management$110,605 73%Program$919,274 4%Social/Wellness23%Financial64%Emotional9%EducationalASK’s total net assets at the end of FY21 were $2,281,187. | *Does not include ASK Family Center construction expenses.22%Events(net) $426,356

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64%EmotionalGIDDY UP, LET’S DO THIS!ASK ABOVE & BEYOND 20/20 GALARecord-Breaking $635,000+ Raised In a year like no other, ASK hosted a night like no other. When we said the rescheduled gala was going to be delivered through a TV screen, you gave us a resounding, “I’ll be there!” We couldn’t have reached this lofty goal without our sponsors, table captains and generous donors. You showed up when we needed you most!ASK auctioneer, Kevin Pauley, brought the magic of the ballroom to YouTube – and yes, there was confetti!It’s been awesome to see our community come around this event and raise money for childhood cancer. And, beating the year before is something special.” - Je DavoudOld Dominion InsulationPresenting SponsorChildren’s champ, Jeff Davoud, partnered with Alton Lane to raise funds through selling custom ASK blazers. Our volunteers gave 110% of their time, talent and heart in making the night a success!$635,557

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LOOKING UPTOWARD OUR NORTH STAR.There is a smart, bold strategy behind all the Assistance, Support and Kindness that happens here. In 2019, ASK dedicated nine months to developing a strategic plan that would provide a road map for our growth and commitment to making life easier for families impacted by childhood cancer. Soon after we finished the plan, the pandemic hit and everything changed. As we navigate this new normal, we are keeping our North Star goals in sight while responding to the immediate needs of our kids and families.Each of our focus areas for growth encompasses programs and projects to help us make a positive impact on raising the level of care for as many patients, survivors and family members as possible.

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Mental Health:improving reach and access to psychological support services.Childhood cancer is a traumatic experience. Late eects from treatment are felt for years. Studies have shown that patients and survivors have higher rates of anxiety and depression. With the added stress of a global pandemic, supporting the mental health needs of our kids is more important than ever. Financial Assistance: serving our active treatment and serious blood disorder families.Cancer-related financial toxicity. It’s a big phrase that describes the financial impact that a cancer diagnosis can have on a family. Parents stop working to take their child to treatment. Low blood counts and complications from chemotherapy can mean emergency hospital stays and canceled work. Babysitting needs to be lined up for siblings. Meals are eaten in the hospital cafeteria or take-out. Frequent trips to the hospital mean filling up the gas tank more often.Through expansion of our Making Life Better Fund, we’ll make sure a family doesn’t have worry about whether they can pay their mortgage or put food on the table.Education: improving educational services and evaluation. Two-thirds of all survivors will have permanent late eects that will impact their ability to learn, grow and thrive after treatment. ASK’s educational support programs address needs for students from preschool up to young adulthood as they transition to college, technical schools or the workforce. Key in the delivery of our programs is providing advocacy for the students and their families to gain proper and appropriate support, while educating teachers and other school personnel in the unique learning challenges for a child who has received treatment for cancer.Advocacy:making childhood cancer a state priority.Each year, 337 children are diagnosed with cancer in Virginia. While over $20 million is currently in Virginia’s state budget for cancer funding, 0% is dedicated to supporting children with cancer. Our work is centered around raising awareness, requesting funding and providing resources to shape and support educational, family and survivorship related policy.

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5211 West Broad Street, Suite 100 Richmond, VA 23230 ASKccf.orgFY21 Board of DirectorsPresident: Steve McCoyVice President: Tim CosgroveParliamentarian: Robbie WestermannTreasurer: Darry NewbillSecretary: Kim BrandtLeslie Armstrong Scott ArmstrongJimmy Ashworth Jim BaberStaffAmy Godkin, Executive Director Britt Nelson, Director of Strategy & Development Denice Grawe, Program Manager Megan Angstadt, Special Events ManagerMatt Gordon, Communications Manager Sarah Kelly, Development Assistant Michelle Johnson, Launch Project CoordinatorKim Stroud, Family Support Coordinator Dr. Jennifer Rohan, Director, Psychosocial Care Katie Barber, Child Life Specialist Rich Catlett, Chaplain Alma Morgan, Educational Coordinator Jane Gordon, Preschool Teacher & Tutor Barbara Snuggs, Senior AccountantJennifer CulhaneMeg GarnerLeslie GrilesGina HoneycuttJodie KitchensJosh KugelmanJohn PfistererDale SmithBo VaughanCindy VienerJohn WatersIncoming FY22 DirectorsMarc CheathamIsaac WrightEx-Officio MembersRobyn DillonDr. Madhu GowdaDr. Joseph LaverAaron Redman Dr. India Sisler