A l b a n y S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o lB U S I N E S S P L A N2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 5E m p o w e r i n g s t u d e n t s t o m a k e a p o s i t i v e d i f f e r e n c e t o o u r g l o b a lc o m m u n i t yAlbany Senior High School is an exceptional school, highly valued by its community and has built a foundation foropportunity and success. We pride ourselves on providing each of our students a diverse program which recognises academic, sporting, socialand cultural achievement. Our students are at the centre of our efforts as we build on and further progress thequality education we provide to meet the individual needs of each of our students ensuring they achieve success andpositively contribute to our global community. The 2022-2025 Business Plan clearly outlines the school’s priorities and our intention to have everybody on a pathwayto success. Through providing effective teaching and learning and an orderly environment that is well led we willcement our standing as a high performing school underpinned by a collaborative culture where all members of ourcommunity have a high sense of belonging and connectedness. To maximise the potential of our students we willstrengthen and build on our mutually respectful relationships and partnerships to support the educationalengagement and success of every student as we progress towards creating a culturally responsive school community. The pursuit of excellence for all students at all levels is paramount at our school. Our commitment to this includesutilising evidenced-based strategies, maintaining a focus on improvement and creating innovative educationalopportunities to ensure that all students are engaged in purposeful learning and achieve at the level of which theyare capable. We understand that the work we do can be life changing and we hope to inspire our students to becourageous and curious learners who choose what is meaningful for them on their individual journey. We action our Business Plan throughout 2022-2025, our school community will maintain a focus on continualimprovement that builds a culture of collaboration as we strive to achieve our vision, empowering our students tomake a positive difference to our global community. Tradition of Opportunity and SuccessSELF-ASSESSMENT AND REVIEW PROCESSEmpowering students to make a positive difference to our global communityis central to everything we do at Albany Senior High School.Our school’s planning and self-review cycle is rigorous and responsive to theneeds of our students. To support our self-review process, we haveestablished a School Self-Assessment Schedule which outlines the datacollected and how this data is utilised. We gather and analyse data from awide range of data sets including academic and non-academic. As a schoolwe utilise data to inform our Business Plan, staff performance improvement,professional learning, resource allocation and classroom teaching andlearning practices. The Business Plan outlines our strategic direction and how we areresponding to what the data is telling us. Our priorities are determined by allstaff in collaboration with the School Board, who also approve the BusinessPlan. For each priority we set a number of strategies for implementation. Weset targets that align with the priorities and describe our strategic intent. TheBusiness Plan is the driver behind the Operational Plans which provideannual goals to achieve the three year targets as outlined in the BusinessPlan. Each year the whole school, led by the Leadership Team reflects onhow well we have progressed in achieving the targets.In addition to our internal self-review processes the Public School Review(PSR) process is undertaken every three years. The Business Plan isresponsive to the Albany SHS PSR from 2021. Albany SHS values the opinions of our parents, students and staff. Everyyear we administer the National Schools Opinion Survey. We utilise the dataobtained through this survey to identify our strengths and areas forimprovement, and develop strategies to address these.PUBLIC SCHOOL REVIEW SCHOOL REPORTING
ASHS STRATEGIC DIRECTION AND SELF REFLECTIONPRIORITYONEEFFECTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNINGEverybody is on a pathway to success because we utilisewhole school, evidence-based teaching practice andpedagogy, to maximise student achievement and attainpersonal excellence. Teachers understand what they teach,and how and why they teach it. Staff review data and reflecton how they are impacting on student achievement andprogress. Students understand what they are learning andhow they will achieve success. Our Targets and MilestonesBELONGING AND CONNECTEDNESSConditions for learning are enabled by a collaborative culture.Through an inclusive, collaborative and supportive environment,all members of our community feel connected to our school. Anorderly and positive learning environment is strengthenedthrough the consistent implementation of wrap-around support,and holistic learning skills for student wellbeing and success.Communication is open, transparent and delivered using the mostappropriate multimodal platforms in a timely manner.PRIORITYTWOLEADERSHIPDistributed leadership is embedded across the school community. Allmembers of the school community are united in their approachto school improvement as our practice reflects our vision andbeliefs. Leadership is nurtured and grown across the school.School-wide collection and use of quality data is promoted toidentify starting points for action, to set goals for improvement,monitor change over time, and to evaluate the impact of actionsand decisions to improve wellbeing and learning outcomes.PRIORITYTHREEOUR VALUESOUR BELIEFSWe believe in an orderly, safe and inclusive school, where staff, students and community are valued.We believe in a stimulating and innovative learning environment where students and staff are accountable for embracing opportunities, being their best, and celebrating success. We believe in building positive and trusting relationships by using respectful, consistent and effective communication throughout our community.pRIDERESPECTACHIEVEMENT RESPONSIBILITY1. By 2025 there will be a positive trend in the alignment of grade allocations with NAPLAN achievement in Years 7-10. (Source: SAIS Grade Alignment; Schools Online)2. By 2025, we see a positive trend in OLNA achievement by the end of Year 10. (Source: SIRS OLNA Reports)3. The stable cohort in Years 7, 8 & 9 will demonstrate academic progress at or above the expected rate in Reading, Writing & Numeracy. (Source: PAT, NAPLAN)4. Year 9 student progress and achievement will be equal to or better than WA Public Schools in Reading, Writing and Numeracy. (Source: NAPLAN)5. In each year of the Business Plan, our Attainment Rate will be above 90% striving to be 95%. (Source: SAIS, Schools on Line)6. In each year of the Business Plan, assessment against the Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework will demonstrate a positive trend from developing to capable and proficient. (Source: ACSF Self Audit)7. Between 2022 and 2025 Regular Attendance (>90%) will be equal to or above WA Public Schools. (Source: SAR, Schools Online)8. By 2025, an improvement in the student National School Opinion Survey items: a. My school takes students’ opinions seriously {from 2.9 to 3.4} b. I can talk to my teachers about my concerns {from 2.8 to 3.3} (Source: NSOS)9. By 2025, an upward trend is indicated in the staff, student and parent responses on the National School Opinion Survey, with an aspirational target of most responses rated above 4. (Source: NSOS)10. All staff will be actively involved in a Professional Learning Team throughout 2022-2024. 11. From 2021-2025 the School Culture Survey indicates a positive trend towards the development of a Collaborative Culture. (Source: Staff Culture Survey; NSOS) 12. By 2025, the school will have supported at least three teachers in attaining Level 3 Classroom teacher. (Source: Workforce Plan & Summary) 13. By 2025, 90% of students will utilise a personal device to support learning (Source: IT Dashboard)