2023albany.shs.enquiries@education.wa.edu.aualbanyshs.wa.edu.aufacebook.com/AlbanySeniorHighSchool/6821 1700AnnualReportAlbany SeniorHigh SchoolEmpowering students tomake a positive difference toour global community
14511Principal’s ReportYear 12 Notable AchievementsTargetsEffective Teaching and Learning13Belonging and Connectedness1415LeadershipResources Financial SummaryTable ofContents
Principal’s ReportThe unveiling of our state-of-the-artPerforming Arts Centre marks a pivotalmoment for our school community, eagerlyanticipated for its promise of enrichingcultural experiences. Alongside a plethoraof repurposing, upgrading, andmaintenance initiatives throughout the 2023school year, our campus has beentransformed into an inviting and welcomingenvironment. This concerted effort not onlyenhances the physical infrastructure but alsounderscores our commitment to fosteringcreativity, expression, and a sense ofbelonging among students and staff alike. Our 2023 Year 12 cohort were greatlyimpacted by the pandemic throughout theformative years of their senior schooling.They are to be commended for theirachievements, including: 5 students achieved an ATAR score of80+; 1.66% of the cohort graduated with a VETCertificate (nationally recognisedqualification); 2.96% of the cohort achieved their WACEand attainment (ATAR >= 55 and/orCert II or Higher)3.An average of 98% of our studentsachieved OLNA with most of them pre-qualifying in Year 9 by achieving Band 8in their NAPLAN; and 4.A number of our students achieved stateawards, including:5. 1. 1 student achieving certificates of distinction; and 2. 8 students achieving certificates of merit.NB: Notable achievement of individualstudents can be found on page 4.Albany Senior High School (ASHS)underwent a year of consolidation in 2023.stepping back to reflect after the continualadaptations necessitated by the COVID-19pandemic. There was an air of curiosity asto what the ‘new normal’ across the worldand education would look like. FromAlbany SHS perspective it was a time toreally look at what matters most in ourschool setting and work out our futureactions for the implementation of theSchool’s Business Plan. This annual report encapsulates ourongoing journey, measuring progressagainst the targets and milestonesoutlined in our Business Plan 2022-2025.Throughout this period, ASHS remainssteadfast in its commitment to realizing ourvision: "Empowering students to make apositive difference to our globalcommunity."Page 1
Living in Albany we are surrounded by a coastalenvironment that defines our community. Albany SHSleverages our environment within its marine, maritimeand coastal learning programs and activities. OurMarine and Maritime program is second to none, alongwith our Marine Science program. We have forgedproductive relationships and partnerships with localbusiness and enterprises to expose our young peopleto learning opportunities and experiences thatprepares them for entering a career that supports ourlocal community. In 2023 we saw our marine studiesopportunities grow with the planning and introductionof our engineering program, including the "submarinesin schools" initiative in 2024, underscoring ourcommitment to innovative learning opportunities forour students.The Albany SHS specialist Gifted and Talented program has grown in the first two years of itsimplementation. With a large majority of our staff being upskilled in the teaching and learningphilosophy and expanding on their skills and understandings the students are provided withopportunities for extension and challenging learning. Throughout 2023 we investigated a numberof strategies to increase the numbers in the current and future cohorts for our Gifted andTalented program and are seeing a trend of increased interest and prospective enrolment intothe specialist program.A strong focus in 2023 was to consolidate and implement effective career education and coursecounselling processes to further support our young people in making effective and informeddecision for their future aspirations. Our new career hub has helped the school in providingtargeted and well informed counsel to our students and their families as well as to provideopportunity for career investigation and consideration. Promoting educational pathways for futuresuccess is an integral element of our school’s vision and emphasis. Committing to our studentsbeing exposed to learning about careers and future work trends from year 7 is a significantimprovement agenda of our endeavours to being effective in student pathway counselling forstudent success within and beyond school.Page 2
The Albany SHS Board is an integral part of thedecision making processes at our school. In 2023 theSchool Board had significant impact on the schooladdressing the school’s three priorities: EffectiveTeaching and Learning; Belonging and Connectednessand; Leadership. For the commencement of the 2023school year, it was agreed to increase the ratio ofparent representation on the School Board. This hasseen the number of parents on the board increasingfrom three to six parent representatives. This has had ameaningful impact on the consultation with our widerschool community. Albany SHS has a proactive and well patronagedParent and Citizen Association. Our P&C is committedto supporting the school in providing its students withthe best possible opportunities at our school. Theircommitment to securing a number of grants andutilising parent contributions to support schoolimprovements has been well capitalised on included:funding for health foods to support student services toprovide healthy emergency meals to students in needand implement a five day a week breakfast program,provide mental health and wellbeing informationsessions for families, support the sustainabilityinitiatives at the school, support student events,undertake fund raising to reduce the cost of theCountry Week camp, provide funds to maintain andupgrade school facilities that benefits all students andmuch more. With the ongoing support of our schoolcommunity, we are able to further meet theeducational needs of our students. Albany SHS is verygrateful for the parents and community members whosupport our school their unwavering supportunderscores the collective dedication to our students'success.It is evident in this annual report that we have a solidfoundation for opportunity and success. The BusinessPlan 2022-2025 is a progressive and visionarydocument that clearly defines what we focus on andbelieve to be most impactful for our students toachieve now and make a difference into the future. Weinvite you to explore our 2023 Annual Report, gaininginsight into our progress towards strategic objectives.Melissa and JarradPage 3
Page 4Year 12NotableAchievementsKaizen BeeckHighest AchieverArthur and Will Richards AwardImogen TaylorHighest AchieverCertificate of Merit80 - 95 ATARJai DawHighest AchieverCertificate of DistinctionATAR Academic DuxADF Future Innovators AwardATAR ChemistryATAR PhysicsATAR Mathematics MethodsATAR Mathematics Specialist95+ ATAROsandi WanigasekaraHighest AchieverCertificate III in BusinessChaplain Award recipientLily TurbillHighest AchieverCertificate of MeritNorm Murray Bursary(English) AwardP&C Performance Art AwardATAR EnglishATAR Modern HistoryATAR Human Biology95+ ATARFergus CollinsHighest AchieverCertificate II in MusicHarry KnowlsonHighest AchieverSportsperson of the YearAlexandra GustHighest AchieverCertificate of MeritATAR General/VET DuxP&C Visual Art AwardGeneral EnglishGeneral MD&T: JewelleryGeneral MD&T: WoodGeneral Visual ArtADWPL Workplace LearningSinead ClarkHighest AchieverCertificate of MeritATAR BiologyATAR Health Studies80 - 95 Atar
Target OneBy 2025 there will be a positive trend in the alignment of grade allocations with NAPLANachievement in Years 7-10. AssessmentCommentaryThe Associate Principal – Student Achievement in collaboration with the Leadership Team willimplement the strategic data analysis process to establish ongoing reflective practices tointerrogate alignment between NAPLAN achievement and teacher judgement. As we move to agreater understanding of the new proficiency level alignment to grades will be furtherunderstood. NAPLAN Alignment to Grade AllocationsPage 5TargetsKeyAchieved In Progress Not Yet Achieved
Target TwoBy 2025, we see a positive trend in OLNA achievement by the end of Year 10. AssessmentCommentaryASHS out performs like schools in achievement of OLNA in years 10, 11 and 12. An additional1.6% of Year 10 students achieved OLNA in 2023 compared to the 2022 year 10 cohort. Clarity hasbeen established to further identify student learning needs to implement targeted interventionprograms such as OLNAWA.OLNA - Current Student StandingPage 6
Target ThreeThe stable cohort in Years 7, 8 & 9 will demonstrate academic progress at or above the expectedrate in Reading, Writing & Numeracy. AssessmentCommentaryDue to the 2023 NAPLAN assessments having been re-scaled, the data to comment on this targetcannot be reported. However, Albany SHS continues to see significant growth in progress andachievement from Year 7 to Year 9. Throughout 2024 the executive team will redevelop this targetto align with available school data sets outside of NAPLAN.Target FourYear 9 student progress and achievement will be equal to or better than WA Public Schools inReading, Writing and Numeracy. AssessmentCommentaryin 2023 the mean NAPLAN proficiency level with percentage of students strong or exceeding atAlbany SHS was four percent above the WA Public Schools. In writing the cohort performancewas 12% of students achieving strong or exceeding at ASHS in comparison to all Public Schools.In reading we underperformed in comparison to the combined performance of WA PublicSchools by 3%. Authentic engagement and application to the NAPLAN online platform is havingan impact on student performance and progress. In 2024/25 Albany SHS will work on increasingstudent application in the testing process.Page 7
Target SixIn each year of the Business Plan, assessment against the Aboriginal Cultural StandardsFramework will demonstrate a positive trend from developing to capable and proficient. AssessmentCommentaryThe Aboriginal Education team led by our Follow the Dream Coordinator, Candice Matthews, hasdeveloped and implemented reflection tools to support ongoing staff reflection against theAboriginal Cultural Standards Framework.Page 8Target FiveIn each year of the Business Plan, ourAttainment Rate will be above 90% striving tobe 95%. AssessmentCommentaryASHS attainment rate in 2023 was 96%, anincrease of 14% from 2022. This achievementin 2023 is a direct reflection of the increasedfocus that the school has had on career andcourse counselling. The Career Centre is asignificant strategic initiative of our school toimprove the outcomes of our students in thefinal years of their education to be in the bestposition to achieve their future careeraspirations.
Target EightBy 2025, an improvement in the student National School Opinion Survey items: a. My school takes students’ opinions seriously {from 2.9 to 3.4} b. I can talk to my teachers about my concerns {from 2.8 to 3.3}Assessment – no assessment could be made against this target in 2023. CommentaryIn 2023 the Department of Education moved from the NSOS survey to a School Culture Survey. In2024 the school will implement the new feedback mechanism. Throughout 2024 the executiveteam will redevelop this target to align with available school data set.Target NineBy 2025, an upward trend is indicated in the staff, student and parent responses on the NationalSchool Opinion Survey, with an aspirational target of most responses rated above 4. Assessment – no assessment could be made against this target in 2023.CommentaryIn 2023 the Department of Education moved from the NSOS survey to a School Culture Survey. In2024 the school will implement the new feedback mechanism. Throughout 2024 the executiveteam will redevelop this target to align with available school data set.Page 9Target SevenBetween 2022 and 2025 Regular Attendance (>90%) will be equal to or above WA Public Schools. Assessment CommentaryRegular attendance at ASHS in 2023 was 1.1% below like schools and 0.1% below WA PublicSchools. This is an improvement from 2022 data. Continuing and solidifying attendance strategiesas implemented in 2023 will set the school in the best place to further improve studentattendance.
Target TenAll staff will be actively involved in a ProfessionalLearning Team throughout 2022-2024. AssessmentCommentaryAll staff were involved in a PLT in 2023. In 2024 thePLT structure will align with the Teaching for Impactimplementation process. Target ElevenFrom 2021-2025 the School Culture Survey indicatesa positive trend towards the development of aCollaborative Culture. Assessment CommentaryBase-line data was established in 2023 for yearlylongitudinal data to be established from this pointforward. The data results indicated many areas offocus for improvement. Target TwelveBy 2025, the school will have supported at least threeteachers in attaining Level 3 Classroom teacher. Assessment CommentaryIn 2023 one staff member achieved their Level 3Classroom Teacher. A number of staff are continuingto work towards achieving the level 3 Classroomteacher. In 2023 links were made with a number ofLevel 3 assessors to be mentors for teachers who arewriting applications. Target ThirteenBy 2025, 90% of students will utilise a personal deviceto support learning. Assessment CommentaryBring your own device has been expanded to year 7,8, 9 and encouraged for year 11 and 12 students.With the continued support of not-for-profitorganisation students and families experiencinghardship are being supported to obtain a personaldevice.Page 10
Implementing ourPriorities - MilestonesPriority 1Effective Teaching and LearningKeyImplemented In Progress Not Yet ImplementedPage 11Everybody is on a pathway to successbecause we utilise whole school, evidence-based teaching practice and pedagogy, tomaximise student achievement and attainpersonal excellence. Teachers understandwhat they teach, and how and why theyteach it. Staff review data and reflect on howthey are impacting on student achievementand progress. Students understand whatthey are learning and how they will achievesuccess.A data-informed coaching culture isdefined and embedded across AlbanySHSAll staff will have a ProfessionalDevelopment Plan that identifies goalslinked to the Business Plan. Self-Assessment Schedule will beimplemented to drive a cycle of plan-act-review to improve studentoutcomes.All staff seek student feedback abouttheir teaching effectiveness and act onit. The Peer Observation and FeedbackModel is reinvigorated andimplemented with embedded cross-curricular opportunities. Longitudinal tracking occurs ofindividuals, sub-sets and cohorts tomonitor for progress against academic,behaviour & wellbeing goals. All staff will engage in professionallearning and implement strategies thatenhance their coaching processes.
Students are engaged in their learningWe will establish a timetable structure that enables staff to deliver contemporary evidence-based learning and curriculum enrichment opportunities that ensures students are providedwith the necessary foundations for success at secondary school and beyond.We will cater to student individual needs, inclusive of GAT and SAER, by implementingpractices that are responsive to students’ behavioural, social emotional and academic needs.We will embed a holistic career and subject counselling process from Years 7-12 to supportthe provision of pathways for every student to succeed and prepare students for a life ofcontribution beyond school.Page 12Our staff are effective teachers and ourstudents make good progressCollaborative practices support teachers tomake consistent judgements against theJudging StandardsWe will develop and consistentlyimplement our Instructional Model andhigh-impact teaching strategies, asdescribed in our PedagogicalFramework.A student-friendly version of thePedagogical Framework will be createdto improve metacognition of effectivelearning strategies.All staff will engage in professionallearning that is focused on teachingexcellence.We will regularly acknowledge andshare excellence in teaching andlearning.Staff leverage effective teaching tools,including ICTs, to engage students in aninnovative and flexible learningenvironment.We will have consistent and best-practice moderation processes thatinclude references to comparative data(as defined in the Self-AssessmentSchedule).All Learning Areas will participate inmoderation at a systems level, acrossschools and within our school.We will allocate grades aligned with theJudging Standards.
Page 13Priority 2Belonging and ConnectednessConditions for learning are enabled by acollaborative culture. Through an inclusive,collaborative and supportive environment, allmembers of our community feel connectedto our school. An orderly and positivelearning environment is strengthenedthrough the consistent implementation ofwrap-around support, and holistic learningskills for student wellbeing and success.Communication is open, transparent anddelivered using the most appropriatemultimodal platforms in a timely manner.Develop a positive school cultureunderpinned by a climate of collaborationStaff roles and responsibilities will beclearly defined and regularly reviewedWe will listen to and action staff andstudent voice.Whole School Community consultationwill be undertaken to improve groundsand facilities.The Strengths of our Aboriginal staffand community will be utilised to buildcultural understanding to increasecultural responsiveness. The 3-tiered Student SupportFramework will be embedded across allinterventions.Our school culture will be enriched byensuring that successes are celebrated,effective working relationships areestablished and team skills and valuesare promoted. We will ensure all staff and students feelthey belong and are connected bybeing supported through the deliveryof effective transition and inductionprograms. We will implement The PositiveBehaviour Support framework withfidelity, driven by data and collaborativeprocesses. We will implement the Be-YouFramework including explicit socialemotional learning programs. Wellbeing will be measured bothindividually and collectively to assesseffectiveness of interventions.Communication will be improvedthrough refinement of strategies tomeet the needs of the schoolcommunity.
ArowwaiIndustriesPage 14Priority 3LeadershipDistributed leadership is embedded across the school community. All members of the schoolcommunity are united in their approach to school improvement as our practice reflects our visionand beliefs. Leadership is nurtured and grown across the school. School-wide collection and useof quality data is promoted to identify starting points for action, to set goals for improvement,monitor change over time, and to evaluate the impact of actions and decisions to improvewellbeing and learning outcomes.Albany SHS has a distributed leadershipculture across the school communityFurther build opportunities for Aboriginalstudents and their families to contributeto school planning and decision making.Further build on our self-reflective andperformance improvement culturethrough a coaching model.Embed our School Self-Assessmentprocesses to align with the Public SchoolReview, utilising the ESAT.Cross curriculum priorities (Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander histories andcultures; Asia and Australia's engagementwith Asia; Sustainability) and generalcapabilities are embedded across ourschool to enrich student learning.Embed a continual improvement agendafor the ongoing management of financial,physical and human resources with anunwavering focus on transparent andevidence-based decisions.Utilise modern technology to increasecollection of data that is efficientlyanalysed and acted upon.Through training and coaching developour leadership capacity across all levels ofstaff and students. Encourage growth tobroaden our leadership culture so thatstaff and students are empowered toenact positive change. Professional Learning Teams (PLTs) aredeveloped with all staff participating in atleast one that targets a whole schoolfocus. Increase staff collective efficacy by:ensuring staff professional relationshipsare supported; transparent and honestcommunications are embedded; andfeedback opportunities are regular. Students are actively engaged with thecommunity. Review and enhance student leadershipstructures by promoting student voice inschool decision-making about theirlearning environment.
Page 15Resources FinancialSummary
Albany Senior High School1 Campbell Road, Mt Clarence, Albany WA 6330albany.shs.enquiries@education.wa.edu.aualbanyshs.wa.edu.aufacebook.com/AlbanySeniorHighSchool/6821 1700