AnnualReport20222022Albany SeniorHigh 1700Empowering students tomake a positive difference toour global community
14510Table ofContentsPrincipal’s ReportYear 12 Notable AchievementsTargetsEffective Teaching and Learning12Belonging and Connectedness13Leadership14Resources Financial Summary
Principal’s ReportThe development, consultation process andimplementation of our new strategic plan hasresulted in a highly effective business planthat focusses on what matters most at ourschool. Throughout 2022-2024 the staff andcommunity of Albany SHS are committed totake on the continued challenge of bringingour strategic plan to life with a relentlessfocus on our vision: “Empowering students tomake a positive difference to our globalcommunity”.Our 2022 Year 12 cohort achievedoutstanding results and are to becongratulated for their achievements,including: 14 students achieved an ATAR score of90+; 67% of the cohort graduated with a VETCertificate (nationally recognisedqualification); Nearly 90% of our ATAR students got anATAR over 70; An average of 98% of our studentsachieved OLNA with most of them pre-qualifying in Year 9 by achieving Band 8in their NAPLAN; and A number of our students achieved stateawards, including: - 6 students achieving certificates of distinction; and - 8 students achieving certificates of merit.NB: Notable achievement of individualstudents can be found on page 4.Albany SHS had an extremely successful yearin 2022, even though we were faced with aconsiderable number of challenges due tothe COVID-19 complexities. It was wonderfulto see our students involved in a variety ofevents and activities post pandemic lock-downs, restricted gatherings, physicaldistancing and mask wearing. To see our2022 Country Week Team make it to Perth tocompete for the first time since 2019 was ahighlight. Our students are to becommended as they inspired us all year withtheir resilience, passion, optimism and talent.As well as our staff for their tireless efforts tomake it possible for our students to accessquality education every day.This annual report is the first summary ofreflection against the new Business Plan2022-2025.Page 1
The Department is satisfied withthe improvements and changesmade to better manage andaccount for our assets andresources. All other areas of thecompliance audit were deemedsatisfactory to outstanding, withnote from the auditor thatsignificant improvements havebeen made to the school’sfinancial management processessince 2021 which contributed tothe positive outcome of thecompliance audit.The inaugural cohort of Year 7 Gifted and Talented cohort may have only been small, howeverthey achieved exceptional learning outcomes. Led by Zac Matthews, the students were exposedto Deep Learning opportunities as the talents of the cohort were consolidated and expanded. In2023 we see 11 students moving into the Year 8 GAT program and 14 Year 7s. Throughout 2023Albany SHS are implementing a number of strategies to increase the numbers in the current andfuture cohorts.In 2021 it was identified through our Public School Review that the school needed a focus on theLearning Environment domain, requesting a 1 year review of progress. The 1 year review tookplace in term 3, 2022. The reviewers, Maxine Augustine – Director Public School Review and MarkGillett – Principal Cape Naturalist SHS, deemed the schools progress within the past 12 months aseffective and were confident that Albany SHS is on a positive trajectory of improvement to meetthe individual needs of students for improved outcomes. Also in 2022 Term 3, the Department of Education undertook a compliance audit of all financialand resourcing processes. This audit identified that our asset and resource managementprocesses required additional attention and improvements to meet compliance expectations. Animprovement plan was developed and actioned.Page 2
The Albany SHS School Board is an integral part of thedecision making processes at our school. In 2022 theSchool Board had significant impact on the finalisedBusiness Plan 2022-2025. The implementation of thechanges to the school dress code to include a hoodedjumper has been well received by students and theirfamilies. Work undertaken to consult with students,parents and staff for feedback on the facilities andgrounds at Albany SHS has impacted the futurefacilities, maintenance and grounds plan. Thisconsultation has captured the voice of the whole schoolcommunity to ensure that all stakeholder needs are metin our future plan. Likewise, the Albany SHS Parent and Citizen Associationprovides our school with services above and beyond.Their commitment to securing a number of grants andutilising parent contributions to support schoolimprovements included: funding for health foods tosupport student services to provide healthy emergencymeals to students in need, provide mental healthinformation sessions for families, support thesustainability initiatives at the school, build furtherundercover spaces for students, provide support atstudent events, provide funding to compliment theschool secured grant to complete the Albany SHS‘pump track’ and much more. With the ongoing supportof our school community, we are able to further meetthe educational needs of our students. Albany SHS isvery grateful for the parents and community memberswho support our school and for valuing education forevery child in our community. It is evident in this annual report that we have a solidfoundation of achievement and progress. The BusinessPlan 2022-2025 provides clarity for our continualimprovement agenda reflective of the 2021/2022 PublicSchool Review recommendations. I invite you to readour 2022 Annual Report to gain an overall perspectiveof the educational programs provided for our studentsat Albany SHS, together with our progress in meetingtargets and milestones aligned to our new strategicplan.Melissa WalkerPrincipalPage 3
Year 12NotableAchievementsPage 4Ruby CowcherHighest AchieverUni-Ready - Elective & CoreCertificate III Workplace SkillsJosephine StaudeHighest AchieverATAR EnglishATAR Modern HistoryCertificate II MusicP&C Performance Art94.45 ATARAmity ByattHighest AchieverATAR Health StudiesCertificate III BusinessYear 12 Vocational DuxSudarshan GuruparanHighest AchieverATAR Physics93.70 ATARJasmine CaldwellHighest AchieverAcademic DuxATAR ChemistryMathematics Methods98.85 ATARDevon ProudfootAustralian Defence Force AwardLong Tan Youth Leadershipand TeamworkEzra McGregorHighest AchieverExcellence in VETHadyca AddalaHighest AchieverCertificate II BusinessCertificate III BusinessCertificate IV Health andNursingJames JenningsHighest Achiever91.10 ATARFrancine ’t HartHighest AchieverCertificate II BusinessCertificate III Business80+ ATAR
NAPLAN Alignment to Grade AllocationsTarget OneBy 2025 there will be a positive trend in the alignment of grade allocations with NAPLANachievement in Years 7-10. AssessmentCommentaryThe Associate Principal – Student Achievement in collaboration with the Leadership Team willdevelop a strategic data analysis process to establish ongoing reflective practices to interrogatealignment between NAPLAN achievement and teacher judgement. TargetsPage 5KeyAchieved In Progress Not Yet Achieved
OLNA - Current Student StandingPage 6Target TwoBy 2025, we see a positive trend in OLNA achievement by the end of Year 10. AssessmentCommentaryAlbany SHS out performs like schools in prequalification and achievements of OLNA. Anadditional13% of Year 10 students achieved OLNA in 2022 to the 2021 year 10 cohort. Clarity hasbeen established to further identify student learning needs to implement targeted interventionprograms such as OLNAWA.
Page 7Target ThreeThe stable cohort in Years 7, 8 & 9 will demonstrate academic progress at or above the expectedrate in Reading, Writing & Numeracy. AssessmentCommentaryDue to the Year 7 and 9 cohort not undertaking NAPLAN in 2020 (system response to COVID-19),the data to comment on this target is incomplete. However, Albany SHS continues to seesignificant growth in progress and achievement from Year 7 to Year 9.Target FourYear 9 student progress and achievement will be equal to or better than WA Public Schools inReading, Writing and Numeracy. AssessmentCommentaryIn 2022 the mean NAPLAN score at Albany SHS was two points below the WA Public School’smean score. In writing the cohort achieved scores equal to the state and in Reading three pointsabove the mean score for WA Public Schools. Engagement in the NAPLAN test is impacting themean achievement of student cohorts. Test literacy to become a focus in future years.Target FiveIn each year of the Business Plan, our Attainment Rate will be above 90% striving to be 95%. Assessment CommentaryAlbany SHS attainment rate in 2022 was 82%, a decrease of 7% from 2021. 11% of our graduatingstudents did not achieve a year 12 achievement. This figure has had a considerable impact on our2022 Year 12 data. Further investigation is being undertaken by Associate Principal – StudentAchievement in collaboration with the Leadership Team to identify these students and establishprocesses to prevent this in the future years.
Target SixIn each year of the Business Plan, assessment against the Aboriginal Cultural StandardsFramework will demonstrate a positive trend from developing to capable and proficient. AssessmentCommentaryThe Aboriginal Education team is establishing mechanisms to assess school progress against theACSF.Target SevenBetween 2022 and 2025 Regular Attendance (>90%) will be equal to or above WA Public Schools. AssessmentCommentaryThe COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on student attendance at Albany SHS. In 2022the Albany SHS attendance rate was 81% with percentage regular attendance at 34%. Regularattendance at Albany SHS was 2.4% below like schools and 6.5% below WA Public Schools. As aresponse to this data the student services team has developed an attendance improvement planfor implementation.Target EightBy 2025, an improvement in the student National School Opinion Survey items: a. My school takes students’ opinions seriously {from 2.9 to 3.4} b. I can talk to my teachers about my concerns {from 2.8 to 3.3} AssessmentCommentaryThe 2022 NSOS survey was only undertaken by students in Year 10 and 11 with only 130 studentsresponding to the survey. In 2023 a significant focus on gaining reliable and valid data will berequired by the Leadership Team. The data collected demonstrated a positive trend:a. My school takes students’ opinions seriously - moved from 2.9 in 2021 to 3.0 in 2022.b. I can talk to my teachers about my concerns - moved from 2.8 in 2021 to 3.2 in 2022.Page 8
Target TenAll staff will be actively involved in a Professional Learning Team throughout 2022-2024. AssessmentCommentaryAll staff have identified a PLT and are actively involved during the 5 hour after school meeting time. Target ElevenFrom 2021-2025 the School Culture Survey indicates a positive trend towards the development of aCollaborative Culture. AssessmentCommentary The Albany SHS Alliance has investigating further culture surveys to gather this data. The Department’sTeaching for Impact survey will be utilised in the future. The base-line data will be established in 2023 foryearly longitudinal data to be established. Target TwelveBy 2025, the school will have supported at least three teachers in attaining Level 3 Classroom teacher. Assessment CommentaryStaff have been supported to consider level 3 Teacher application. The school has established aprofessional learning opportunity with a Level 3 teacher expert providing advice and contextualunderstanding of the process. Target ThirteenBy 2025, 90% of students will utilise a personal device to support learning. Assessment CommentaryBring your own device has been expanded to year 7 and 8 and encouraged for year 11 and 12 students.With the support of not for profit organisations students and families experiencing hardship are beingsupported to obtain a personal device.Page 9Target NineBy 2025, an upward trend is indicated in the staff,student and parent responses on the National SchoolOpinion Survey, with an aspirational target of mostresponses rated above 4. Assessment CommentaryIn 2022 data was only gathered from students throughthe NSOS. The responses by students demonstratedno significant change from the data collected in 2021.
Everybody is on a pathway to successbecause we utilise whole school, evidence-based teaching practice and pedagogy, tomaximise student achievement and attainpersonal excellence. Teachers understandwhat they teach, and how and why theyteach it. Staff review data and reflect on howthey are impacting on student achievementand progress. Students understand whatthey are learning and how they will achievesuccess.A data-informed coaching culture isdefined and embedded across AlbanySHSSelf-Assessment Schedule will beimplemented to drive a cycle of plan-act-review to improve studentoutcomes.All staff seek student feedback abouttheir teaching effectiveness and act onit. The Peer Observation and FeedbackModel is reinvigorated andimplemented with embedded cross-curricular opportunities. Longitudinal tracking occurs ofindividuals, sub-sets and cohorts tomonitor for progress against academic,behaviour & wellbeing goals. Implementing ourPriorities - MilestonesPriority 1Effective Teaching and LearningKeyImplemented In Progress Not Yet ImplementedAll staff will engage in professionallearning and implement strategies thatenhance their coaching processes. All staff will have a ProfessionalDevelopment Plan that identifies goalslinked to the Business Plan. Page 10
Our staff are effective teachers and ourstudents make good progressPage 11Students are engaged in their learningCollaborative practices support teachers tomake consistent judgements against theJudging StandardsWe will establish a timetable structure that enables staff to deliver contemporary evidence-based learning and curriculum enrichment opportunities that ensures students are providedwith the necessary foundations for success at secondary school and beyond.We will cater to student individual needs, inclusive of GAT and SAER, by implementingpractices that are responsive to students’ behavioural, social emotional and academic needs.We will embed a holistic career and subject counselling process from Years 7-12 to supportthe provision of pathways for every student to succeed and prepare students for a life ofcontribution beyond school.We will develop and consistentlyimplement our Instructional Model andhigh-impact teaching strategies, asdescribed in our PedagogicalFramework.A student-friendly version of thePedagogical Framework will be createdto improve metacognition of effectivelearning strategies.All staff will engage in professionallearning that is focused on teachingexcellence.We will regularly acknowledge andshare excellence in teaching andlearning.Staff leverage effective teaching tools,including ICTs, to engage students in aninnovative and flexible learningenvironment.We will have consistent and best-practice moderation processes thatinclude references to comparative data(as defined in the Self-AssessmentSchedule).All Learning Areas will participate inmoderation at a systems level, acrossschools and within our school.We will allocate grades aligned with theJudging Standards.
Conditions for learning are enabled by acollaborative culture. Through an inclusive,collaborative and supportive environment, allmembers of our community feel connectedto our school. An orderly and positivelearning environment is strengthenedthrough the consistent implementation ofwrap-around support, and holistic learningskills for student wellbeing and success.Communication is open, transparent anddelivered using the most appropriatemultimodal platforms in a timely manner.Develop a positive school cultureunderpinned by a climate of collaborationStaff roles and responsibilities will beclearly defined and regularly reviewedWe will listen to and action staff andstudent voice.Whole School Community consultationwill be undertaken to improve groundsand facilities.The Strengths of our Aboriginal staffand community will be utilised to buildcultural understanding to increasecultural responsiveness. The 3-tiered Student SupportFramework will be embedded across allinterventions.Our school culture will be enriched byensuring that successes are celebrated,effective working relationships areestablished and team skills and valuesare promoted. We will ensure all staff and students feelthey belong and are connected bybeing supported through the deliveryof effective transition and inductionprograms. Priority 2Belonging and ConnectednessWe will implement The PositiveBehaviour Support framework withfidelity, driven by data and collaborativeprocesses. We will implement the Be-YouFramework including explicit socialemotional learning programs. Wellbeing will be measured bothindividually and collectively to assesseffectiveness of interventions.Communication will be improvedthrough refinement of strategies tomeet the needs of the schoolcommunity. Page 12
Albany SHS has a distributed leadershipculture across the school communityFurther build opportunities for Aboriginalstudents and their families to contributeto school planning and decision making.Further build on our self-reflective andperformance improvement culturethrough a coaching model.Embed our School Self-Assessmentprocesses to align with the Public SchoolReview, utilising the ESAT.Cross curriculum priorities (Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander histories andcultures; Asia and Australia's engagementwith Asia; Sustainability) and generalcapabilities are embedded across ourschool to enrich student learning.Embed a continual improvement agendafor the ongoing management of financial,physical and human resources with anunwavering focus on transparent andevidence-based decisions.Utilise modern technology to increasecollection of data that is efficientlyanalysed and acted upon.Page 13Priority 3LeadershipDistributed leadership is embedded across the school community. All members of the schoolcommunity are united in their approach to school improvement as our practice reflects our visionand beliefs. Leadership is nurtured and grown across the school. School-wide collection and useof quality data is promoted to identify starting points for action, to set goals for improvement,monitor change over time, and to evaluate the impact of actions and decisions to improvewellbeing and learning outcomes.Through training and coaching developour leadership capacity across all levels ofstaff and students. Encourage growth tobroaden our leadership culture so thatstaff and students are empowered toenact positive change. Professional Learning Teams (PLTs) aredeveloped with all staff participating in atleast one that targets a whole schoolfocus. Increase staff collective efficacy by:ensuring staff professional relationshipsare supported; transparent and honestcommunications are embedded; andfeedback opportunities are regular. Students are actively engaged with thecommunity. Review and enhance student leadershipstructures by promoting student voice inschool decision-making about theirlearning environment.
Page 14Resources FinancialSummary