Annual SANSARASHA SANSAR Message was a transformative year for Asha Sansar (HOPE worldwide Nepal),with significant growth and meaningful achievements. We almost doubledour beneficiaries, expanding from 900 to 1,600+, thanks to strategicpartnerships and new initiatives. We also secured key grants from Procter& Gamble (P&G) and the Simon Kirby Grant, allowing us to enhance oureducational and vocational training programs.Throughout the year, we focused on capacity building, providing trainingfor teachers and staff to improve classroom learning and engagement.We successfully revamped our school, upgrading infrastructure andresources to create a better learning environment for students.Additionally, we expanded our disaster relief efforts, offering criticalsupport during the recent flooding in Nepal, with funding from World BankNepal.Our partnerships with organizations like Child Workers in NepalConcerned Centre, Marriot Hotel, WE United, and Karkhana Nepalstrengthened our community impact, further enabling us to providescholarships, vocational training, and healthcare services. As we reflect onour progress in 2024, we are inspired to continue growing, evolving, andserving more communities in the coming year.ASHA SANSAR
KathmanduAsha School, Scholarship Program,Vocational Training, Women’sEmpowerment, Football Coaching, VolunteerPrograms, Disaster Management,Government School Support, NutritionPrograms, Health ProgramChhaimaleFactory, Vocational Training, Microloans,Farmers’ Training, Clean Water, GovernmentSchool Support, Health Program 3Number of CentersNumber of Programs 141600+Number of beneficiariesASHA Training & English LanguageTraining Center1100+400+100+ Sansar (HOPE worldwide Nepal)has empowered communities for thepast 29 years through a range ofinitiatives, including education forchildren, job skills training for womenand young people, microloans, andother forms of support. Theorganization has made a significantimpact in the region, with threecenters located in Kathmandu,Chhaimale, and Biratnagar. We areopening a fourth center in January2025 in Chitwan, a city in the west ofthe country.Our programs are strategically aligned withthe United Nations' SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs), reinforcing ourcommitment to global developmentpriorities. These include:Goal 1: No PovertyGoal 2: Zero HungerGoal 3: Good Health and WellbeingGoal 4: Quality EducationGoal 5 : Gender Equality Goal 6: Clean Water and SanitationGoal 8: Decent Work and EconomicGrowthGoal 10: Reduced InequalitiesGoal 17: Partnerships for the GoalsASHA SANSAR ProgramsThe Asha Vidhyashram School in Kathmandu was established in 1994 and providesfree education to approximately 120 underprivileged children from migrant families .We also provide scholarships to 29 students for further education. The schooloffers a peaceful and welcoming environment, with bright classrooms and beautifulsurroundings. The newly opened library adds to the school’s mission of providingstudents with opportunities to learn and succeed. Asha Vidhyashram is more thanjust a school; it is a place where children are encouraged to dream big and worktowards a better future.Asha Vidyashram SchoolASHA SANSAR SpotlightSarishma, a bright and hardworking student at theAsha School, dreams of becoming a teacher. "I wantto be a teacher when I grow up. I admire my teachers,and I want to help other children learn and grow justlike my teachers have helped me," she shared. Herparents credit the school for transforming her future,saying, "The Asha School has greatly helped Sarishmaand our family by providing free quality educationand teaching our child discipline." Inspired by theschool’s reputation, they enrolled Sarishma, whocontinues to excel and work toward her dream.Karuna Rai dreams of becoming a professionalfootball (soccer) player, and her dedication isevident. Alongside weekly training with The WEUnited Project coaches, a partner NGO, she nowtrains with the National Football Association of Nepal.Her talent and passion set her apart, and we arecommitted to supporting her journey towardachieving her goals.Opportunities like this are rare for girls in Nepal,especially for those from underprivilegedbackgrounds. At the Asha School, we are inspired byour students' determination to seize everyopportunity—whether in education, sports, or otherpursuits—to break free from the cycle of poverty.Their resilience and courage are truly remarkable.Kathmandu ProgramsASHA SANSAR
One of the best ways for young people to come up in life and help bring their entirefamily out of material poverty is by acquiring the skills necessary to get a better job inthe current market. Skills such as basic IT and spoken English will enable a youngperson to double or even triple their salary.Story of Manu Baram Training Centre Manu Baram, a 17-year-old girl from Gorkha, is the eldest childin her family. Following the completion of her 10th grade, shedecided to pursue computer training at our vocational trainingcenter, which is next door to the Asha School. Manu alsofrequently volunteers at the School, offering assistancewherever needed. Currently in her 12th grade, she expressesgratitude for the training, which has enabled her to createreports for her college studies. Additionally, she engages inpart-time data entry work to financially support her education.The training provided by our vocational training center(computer skills and spoken English) enhances the local youth’seducation and gives them opportunities for better jobs afterthey graduate.ASHA SANSARKathmandu Programs government schools in Nepal face a shortage of trained staff, particularly incomputer education and spoken English—areas where we excel. When we learned thatBalbodh Secondary School had a state-of-the-art computer lab but no teacher, westepped in. We are thrilled to launch this new initiative, which highlights the strength ofHOPE worldwide Nepal’s close partnerships with local government and communityleaders.ASHA SANSARThrough our vocational training program,one of our graduates, Niranjan Ghising, isnow working there as a computerteacher, benefiting both the school andour community. Partnerships like thesetruly make a difference!Vocational Training Centre’s Economic Empowerment ProgramTraditionally women in lower socio-economic circles do not possess job skills.Either they do not work, or if they do, the only work they can find is menial, such asconstruction work, carrying heavy baskets of stones. That kind of work isdetrimental to their health and only provides unreliable income.In June of 2022, we opened a women’s economic empowerment program next tothe Asha School and the vocational training center. The women of the community,including the mothers of the students of our school, can avail of four-monthcourses in tailoring or beauty parlor skills. Once they complete the course, theycan apply for a small loan which enables them to start their own home-basedbusiness.In Kathmandu we provide skills training in tailoring and beauty culture to 90vulnerable and marginalized women annually.Kathmandu ProgramsASHA SANSAR
Breakfast & Lunch ProgramFor 12 years now, we have provided a nutritious midday meal for ourstudents. We are also pleased to announce that in May 2024 we startedgiving the children a healthy breakfast before the morning assembly. Propernutrition enhances general health and learning. We have seen a vastimprovement in the children’s academic achievements as a result. ProgramsASHA SANSAR
Futsal Program For GirlsWe have been running this program for over a year in collaboration with The WEUnited Project and the Lincoln School of Kathmandu.Since its launch, the leadership training program through futsal coaching hasprovided older girl students weekly mentorship and training from professionalfemale futsal coaches. This initiative has grown into a strong platform forempowering young women, helping them build confidence, teamwork, andleadership skills.The program has made a significant impact by offering girls equal opportunities insports, which is often limited for them in Nepal. Over time, we have seen increasedparticipation, improved skills, and greater enthusiasm among the students. Movingforward, we aim to expand this initiative, reaching more young women andstrengthening their role in sports and ProgramsASHA SANSAR
Scholarship ProgramOnce our students have graduated from grade 5, we strive to find themscholarships and placement in the best private schools in Kathmandu. Due tothe nurturing and the small size classrooms they have enjoyed at the AshaSchool, the children usually excel as they move on to secondary education. Nepali is a 16-year-old student who lives with her momwhile her father lives in a village that takes over seven days toreach due to poor roads. Urmila was born without her righthand but that did not stop her from being one of the top fivestudents of her class. Upon completing grade 5 at our schoolher parents were uncertain how to support Urmila’s furthereducation. One possibility was that Urmila would move backto the village with her mother to work as a farmer. HOPEworldwide Nepal stepped in to support Urmila's education andare enabling her to pursue her dreams of becoming a doctor.Incredibly, Urmila's singing talent has been recognized onnational television, and she now sings at different events,receiving love and appreciation from her community.Kathmandu ProgramsASHA SANSAR
ASHA SANSAR+977-9823619287 info@hopewwnepal.orgVolunteer CorpsTwice a year we host a large group of volunteers of all ages. They come from all over theworld and serve for two weeks at a time, teaching the children, doing renovations, andconnecting with the local families. If you would like more information, click on this link: can also design a customized trip for your group of friends, your school, university, orcompany. Reach out to us directly at warmly welcome all volunteers, including individuals, who wish to contribute to ourschool. We would love for you to join us for any length of time and share your skills! Lindfeldt, from Sweden, spent two months inKathmandu serving at the school. During his time with us, herevamped our website, wrote newsletters, and helped draft agrant proposal for Procter & Gamble (P&G). His hard work anddedication made a significant impact, and we were incrediblygrateful for his contributions!In August, we had the privilege of hosting Viviana Pezzera andher daughter Tika, who traveled from California to volunteer atthe Asha School for a month. Viviana, a college professor,provided invaluable support to our teaching staff through herexpertise. Tika, adopted from Nepal as a toddler, inspired ourstudents with her enthusiasm and energy. Their contributionsexemplified global generosity and made a lasting impact onour school community.Jane Thompson, wife of the U.S. Ambassador, is a dedicatedchild specialist whose support has greatly impacted AshaVidhyashram. She played a key role in rebuilding our libraryand visits weekly to teach reading, inspiring our students. Shealso trains our teachers, helping enhance their skills andteaching methods. Her dedication to education continues tomake a lasting difference in our community.Kathmandu ProgramsAbeni Agilan has been a dedicated volunteer at Asha School,bringing warmth and enthusiasm to our students. Her deeplove for children and passion for service shine through ineverything she does. Coming from a family committed toserving communities—her parents oversee a HOPE foundationprogram in India—Abeni has been deeply inspired to make adifference. She is now pursuing her studies to become a childpsychologist, driven by her desire to support and nurtureyoung minds. ASHA SANSAR
Strength in were honored to host Carol Borg, the US Embassy medical Officer, who conducted student check-ups and first-aidtraining for our staff, enhancing the health and safety of ourcommunity.Following the devastating floods that claimed hundreds of livesand destroyed villages, HOPE worldwide Nepal partnered withfour NGOs to support affected communities. The Asha Schoolprincipal Apiya Gandharba and our friend Pooja distributedemergency supplies, solar lights, and water filters donated byWine to Water a global NGO, while also providing training ontheir use.The Reading Club from the Lincoln School, the largestinternational school in Kathmandu, visited our library to readand connect with our children. For the Asha School students,who often lack access to books at home and whose parentsare frequently illiterate, reading at school is a cherished andenriching experience.Karkhana Nepal visited the Asha School and provided hands-on training to our students. They introduced engaging,interactive activities focused on STEAM (Science,Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) subjects,helping our children develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Their approach allowed the studentsto explore new ideas through practical, fun learningexperiences, fostering curiosity and a love for learning. Thistraining was a valuable opportunity for our students toenhance their skills and broaden their understanding ofvarious subjects in an exciting and interactive way.Kathmandu ProgramsASHA SANSAR September 28, Mark Templer and Jeroen de Beer set off to climb Mount Himlung inthe Himalayas, their most challenging ascent yet at 7,126 meters (23,379 feet), to raisefunds for the Asha School. Over the course of three weeks, Mark and Jeroen aimed toraise $8,000 to repair the school’s roof, renovate the toilet block, and install properwindows to keep classrooms warm during winter. Thanks to the generosity ofsupporters, the fundraiser achieved a total of $23,000 making these much-neededimprovements (and more!) possible. We are incredibly grateful for Mark and Jeroen’sdedication and everyone who contributed to this vital cause!Mark Templer and Jeroen de Beer’s “A Roof for a Roof” climb of Mount Himlung, alongwith support from Ramesh and Neelam KC, made it possible to replace the AshaSchool roof—no more leaks in the classrooms or office!Before After Kathmandu ProgramsASHA SANSAR
Priyanka (20) had always dreamed of learning to usecomputers. She knew that having computer skillscould open doors to better job opportunities andmake her schoolwork easier. However, in her entirevillage, there wasn’t a single computer available forher to practice on. When her college requiredstudents to submit reports, Priyanka faceddifficulties because she couldn’t complete herassignments the way her peers could. Her dreams ofkeeping up in class felt out of reach, leaving herfrustrated and anxious about her Training Center Biratnagar Program Following the model of the Kathmandu and Chhaimale Vocational Training Centers, wetrain young adults in basic and advanced computer skills. Things changed when she joined our Computer Training Program in Biratnagar. Eager tolearn, Priyanka enrolled and quickly picked up skills like typing, creating reports, andusing essential software. For the first time, she could complete her college reportswithout relying on others. The training not only boosted her confidence but alsoopened up new job opportunities, giving her a renewed sense of hope for a betterfuture.ASHA SANSAR SANSARHOPE worldwide Nepal, in collaboration with Sree Krishna Madhyamik Bidhyalayaand with the support of the government, provided students with essentialcomputer training and additional assistance for math and science tuition. Thisinitiative aims to equip students with digital literacy and strengthen theirunderstanding of core subjects, helping them excel academically and prepare forfuture opportunities. With the generous support of Singapore Airlines, we alsorecognized and encouraged students for their academic achievements byawarding them academic certificates for their outstanding performance.Additionally, Singapore Airlines supported our efforts in providing students withessential stationery items, ensuring they have the necessary resources tosucceed in their studies. We sincerely appreciate Singapore Airlines' contributiontowards academic recognition and the government's support in enhancingeducational opportunities. HOPE worldwide Nepal remains committed toempowering young learners and fostering a brighter future for students in Nepal.Chhaimale Program Highlights Vocational Training Center SANSARWe have continued our partnership with Wine to Water and distributed waterfilters in 2024 to villagers, government schools, and the local police station. Cleanwater is very hard to access, and the locals (usually the women and children) haveto walk miles up and down mountainsides to collect water every day. The water isoften not safe to drink, leading to many health problems, as well as missed days ofwork and school. Giving water filters to the villagers ensures a steady supply ofclean drinking water for years to come.Chhaimale Program HighlightsClean Water Program SANSARIn September 2024, Nepal experienced its biggest floods, causing the loss of manylives. The flood relief distribution program aimed to address the critical needs offlood-affected families in Roshi Village and Lalitpur with support from World BankNepal. The initiative focused on providing clean drinking water, food security, clothing,blankets, and essential hygiene items. We were able to help more than 500 familiesof flood-affected areas, ensuring they received the necessary support to recover andrebuild their lives.Disaster Management Program SANSAROur TeamD. Raj Dhital– Chairman of the Board, HOPE worldwide Nepal D. Raj has been a key supporter of our mission, expertly assisting withfundraising efforts to help communities in need. His leadership anddedication have played a crucial role in ensuring the success ofinitiatives such as our flood relief distribution program.Diwas Rathod – Program Director, HOPE worldwide NepalDiwas leads the initiatives of HOPE worldwide Nepal with a strongcommitment to serving underprivileged communities. As the ProgramDirector, he plays a pivotal role in organizing and executing impactfulprograms, including education, disaster relief, and communitydevelopment projects. His dedication ensures that resources andsupport reach those who need them most, creating lasting change inthe lives of many.Deep Giri – Administrator Deep plays a vital role in managing the financial operations of ourorganization. As an Accountant, he ensures transparency, accuracy, andefficiency in financial planning, budgeting, and reporting. His expertisehelps maintain accountability in fund allocation, supporting the smoothexecution of our programs and initiatives. With his dedication andattention to detail, Deep contributes significantly to the sustainabilityand growth of our mission.Nadine Templer – Consultant, HOPE worldwide NepalNadine Templer has been a vital part of our mission, actively supportingall our programs by helping to raise funds and ensure theirsustainability. As a consultant, she brings invaluable expertise inprogram development, working closely with our team to enhance thequality and impact of our initiatives. Her dedication and strategicguidance have been instrumental in expanding our reach and creatinglasting change in the communities we serve.Apiya Gandharba – Principal, Asha Vidhyashram SchoolApiya Gandharba serves as the Principal of Asha Vidhyashram School,playing a pivotal role in overseeing all school programs and ensuring ahigh-quality education for underprivileged children. With her strongleadership and dedication, she manages academic and extracurricularactivities, fostering a nurturing environment for students to learn andgrow. Her commitment to the school's mission helps empower childrenwith education, guiding them toward a brighter future.
Dream ProgramWe are working toward an ambitious vision: building our own Center of HOPE inKathmandu, ideally in the Balaju area where our current school is located. Thiscenter would unite all our programs—the Asha School, vocational training,women’s economic empowerment, and our administrative office—into onesustainable and permanent location. Transitioning out of rental properties wouldsecure a brighter future for the communities we serve. Join us in making thisdream a reality by contributing today. To learn more or donate, please email usat HOPEww Center of HOPE in KathmanduKathmandu ProgramsASHA SANSAR
Donors’ Contribution and AcknowledgmentsWe sincerely thank our main donors, whose generous support has been vital toour success. HOPE worldwide UK, HOPE worldwide Canada, HOPE worldwideZurich (Switzerland), and HOPE worldwide Finland have played a critical role infunding our education, health, disaster relief, and community programs. We arealso grateful for the contributions of Kirby Simon Grant, Procter & Gamble (P&G),The Lincoln School, and The Premiere International School, which helped expandour initiatives like the library program and other educational efforts.Our appreciation also extends to the many individual donors who havesupported our work, allowing us to make a meaningful impact across variousprograms. Your generosity continues to drive positive change in the communitieswe serve.Lastly, we would like to thank our dedicated staff and volunteers for theirunwavering commitment and hard work. Their passion and tireless efforts havebeen the cornerstone of our success. We are deeply grateful to everyone whohas supported us this year, and we look forward to continuing our collectivejourney toward lasting change.+977-9823619287 info@hopewwnepal.orgASHA SANSARJ. Kirby Simon Foreign Service Trust
THANK YOU!Address:HOPE worldwide Nepal Jamacho Marg,Boharatar, Ward No.16 Email: Phone: +977 1 5102185 Post Box No: 15142, KPC-551 Website : FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIAwww.hopewwnepal.orgVISIT OUR WEBSITE