Get Ready to Implement Value-Based Care Identify performance gaps and adopt best-in-class practices that drive and maintain high performance www.analyticsrx.usProvider Benchmarking++TransformationCostData Exchange Risk MitigationImprovedPatientOutcomesData Interoperability
Spare Yourself the Risk and Costly Investmentof Value-Based PurchasingDramatic changes in the behavioral health industry have resulted in many small to mid-sized organizations being acquired or closing. Additionally providers face challenges in funding for automation and transitioning to Value-Based Care (VBC).VBC is becoming a central strategic initiative for providers. Due to the fragmented EHR landscape, payers already have introduced spreadsheet models to track and report Value-Based Purchasing (VBP). measures. These payer reporting models lack transparency and hinder the ability of providers to manage data in real-time which, in turn, limits outcome quality and improvement.AnalyticsRx (ARx) is a scalable and aordable data analytics solution for behavioral health organizations. ARx automates workows, provides clinical accountability, and includes provider and payer reporting automation, all the while reducing administrative burdens.Data AnalyticsPayerInternalExternalBarriers to Value-Based CareIt’s Time to Evaluate Your PerformanceAnalyticsRx conducts a pro bono provider benchmarking assessment that requires minimal prep time for participating organizations.
Baseline Your Performance Best practices are specic to each Key Performance Indicator (KPI): outcomes, engagement, productivity, compliance and the integration of Social Determinants of Health. KPI workow automation provides participating agencies with achievable performance targets through aordable investment. ARx produces comparative provider performance reports that showcase performance and the impact of closing performance gaps. Using comparative benchmarks, provider solution groups quickly focus on their performance gaps. Knowing what’s possible, top performers lead the discussion on how they achieve these performance levels. Teams select interim performance targets, select best practices to adopt and develop implementation plans per program. Follow-up agile benchmarking sessions support provider implementation and ARx enhancements.Providers share insights, challenges and strategies that accelerate the implementation of strategic initiatives. They learn, adapt and rapidly implement best practices.Data AnalyticsPayerInternalExternalStrategies That Generate ValueOur MethodologyARx utilizes consistent and comparative program benchmarks to conduct VBC readiness assessments and develop performance baselines. These include clinical (outcomes, productivity, compliance, and consumer engagement) and nancial performance benchmarks. By comparing your operations to peer agencies, you discover the impact of attaining best-in-class performance levels.
How Do You Compare?AnalyticsRx facilitates in-person and virtual benchmarking sessions where comparative provider performance levels are shared.Take the Next StepSimply sign up for the free Agile Benchmarking consortium to accelerate implementation of VBP best practices and reduce your organizational and technology investments.Become an early adopter of Value-Based Care transformation principles: � Person-centered healthcare � Recovery oriented � Integrated service delivery � Data-driven decision making � Evidence-based outcomesSpace is limited. Reserve your seat today: � Schedule a VBC Benchmarking Briefing � Sign up to participate for the next sessions at or text 412-996-6393.Data Analytics | Benchmarking | Texting Automation | Outcome Evaluator Provider Benchmarking