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Artistry Afield

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W H AT WE BELIEVE IN IS F U N D A M E N TA L TO W H O W E A R E A N D W H O W E A R E E N A B L E S U S TO O F F E R Y O U T H E M O S T U N I QU E AND FINEST MOMENTS AFIELD OU R VI S I ON That we never lose our enthusiasm to design only unique moments experiences events Discove r how a de t e r mine d ar t ist ic and commit t e d out door swoman having ar r ive d t o a crossroad in he r l if e has e mb arke d on an al l e mb r acing pat h O U R M I SSIO N a pat h we l coming To e n sure yo u make the most o f t he t r uly m at chless un c o mm o n l ike minde d spor t ing e nt husiast s who ove r t he ye ar s have made t he out door s a f oundat ional e l e me nt of who t he y are Never Stop Living With Passion Your Life Afield OU R REALI Z ATI ON The number of dis tinctive outdoor oppor tunitie s yet to be uncovered is unimag inable 860 933 0394 Coming Soon W W W A RT I S T RYA F I E L D C O M Passionately Going Further TM Curated Sporting Outdoor Cultural Experiences Gear

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as we strive to inspire with our events we believe the most significant source of our commitment to offer our Collection of Opportunities comes from the joy we witness in all our valued guests S O U T H E R N PA T R I D G E S W A G E N U I N E B R I T I S H F L AVO R Be one of a few who will delight in a 3 day 2 night boutique sporting culinary dream while staying on a private southern estate with pristine biodiversity rich traditions and a dedicated focus to genuine southern comfort T E N TAT I V E W E E K O F N OV E M B E R 1 T H 1 0 T H A M P L I F Y I N G Y O U R PA RT N E R S H I P A F I E L D WITH YOUR COLD NOSE L I F E LO N G PA RT N E R Welcoming sporting enthusiasts with bird dogs of all levels who would like to create the best possible partnership with their furry friend Enjoy a 2 night 3 day small group event where Rick Smith will lay out a plan of how to create the finest working relationship At an exquisite historic estate serving fine cuisine you will be able to hunt over your dogs enjoy watching them search for game birds and learn from possibly the finest dog trainer on earth THE CREST OF OUR COMMITMENT As together we train your furry friend remember that steady continuity will be key That It s what guides the creation of all our moments experiences events is why I am so excited to offer our It s what defines our Collection of Opportunities Virtual Bird Dog Partnership a It s how you ll make the most of the truly matchless uncommon limited membership opportunity It s how together we ll venture past the mundane ordinary enabling you to live the finest IMMERSE IN THE AUTHENTICIT Y OF EASTERN SHORE TRADITIONS FOODS AS YOU LEARN TO CARVE WOODEN WATERFOWL Be one of a group of 6 who will learn how to carve their first duck duck rig out of wood while immersing yourself in deep eastern shore traditions From savoring succulent eastern shore crabs to enjoying fine wines locally made hand crafted beer to understanding this unique area of our country and to learning about a way of life that is still very much alive today R E A L I Z E Y O U R W I N G S H O OT I N G S A FA R I O F Y O U R L I F E T I M E Imagine being one of 4 guests chasing over 8 species of upland birds and majestic waterfowl in a remote African region carrying much history and incomparable habitat This 6 night 7 day wing shooting will be unlike anything you have ever lived A Limited Space Monthly Membership To An All Embracing Bird Dog Training Opportunity moments afield with your dog MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS As a member you will enjoy remarkable benefits as well as one on one time with our CEO and founder This membership is invaluable limited and welcomes bird dogs at all stages whether you are wanting to start your pup or taking your seasoned friend to the next level you will be able to connect with your four legged friend in a way that ensures you both maximize your healthiest time afield and long good friendship 1 Ac c e s s t o A r t i s t r y A fi el d Vi deo Va u l t t h e s e m e m b e r o nl y v i d e os wi l l s h ow k e y p ro ce sse s h e l p i n g u s t o ge t yo u and yo u r d og t o t h e n e x t l e ve l 2 Un l i m i t e d Zo o m cal l e ve r y 2 0 d a ys wi t h f ou n de r Je nni fe r Broom e ou r f ou n de r and C E O wi l l b e you r on l y co ntact 3 Un l i mi ted Vi s i ts Mon th to Ar ti str y Afi e l d tr ai ni ng g ro u nds 4 Bi mon th l y s tra tegi es to e nsu re th e we l l ne ss o f yo u r do g th ro u g h o u t h i s h e r l i fe

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