A Wo m a n s E x q u i s i t e Georgian Affair C U R AT E D S P O R T I N G O U T D O O R C U LT U R A L E X P E R I E N C E S G E A R
My enth u s i a s m f or a ll t hi n g s ou t d oor s s t a r t ed a t a you n g a g e I w i ll n ever f orget t he r u s h of exc i t emen t I ha d a s a you n g g i r l i n my Bos t on Wha ler a long th e Toms R i ver a n d Ba r n eg a t Ba y It w a s t hi s s a me en t hu s i a s m t ha t dre w me t ow a rd s a c a reer i n t he ou t d oor s a n d s ha r i n g my p a s s i on w i t h those who ha ve ma d e t he ou t d oor s a f ou n d a t i on a l elemen t of w ho t hey a re Do n t be af ra i d to lea rn a nd e xplo re ne w thi ngs f ronti ers Ope n yo ur h ea r t be a student le arn wh at is a ctua lly p ossi ble e ngag e and f ollow your drea ms Toda y Ar t i s t r y A f i eld of f er s g u es t s d i ver s e well p la n n ed a n d u n c ommon moment s w hi le a llow i n g t hem t o ma ke t he mos t of t hei r t i me ou t s i d e From ch a s i n g Sn i p e i n t he b og s of Irela n d w i t h a r g u a b ly t he f i n es t b i rd dogs on t he p la n et t o i mmer s i n g you r s elf i n E a s t er n Shore t r a d i t i on s t o enjoy the c u li n a r y ma r vels of t he b es t s a lt w a t er f i s h or f res hly ha r ves t ed Wi sconsi n w ood c oc k ea c h on e of ou r ex p er i en c es ha s b een d es i g n ed t o of f er yo u s omet hi n g t ha t f e w ha ve t he op p or t u n i t y t o ex p er i en c e i n a li f eti me Live your life afield with passion This event fills me with pride It is so woman empowering and I am so grateful to the wonderful teachers who will show us how we can benefit from their perfected arts Moreover I am moved that each guest will have the opportunity to mentor and spend time with a Little from Big Brothers Big Sister of The Heart of Georgia Their mission is inspiring and I am delighted that together we will strive to give these future powerful women brightest futures possible Passionately Going Further TM
A WOMAN S EXQUISITE GEORGIAN AFFAIR Experience the remarkable opportunity to mentor young girls to enjoy superb shotgun shooting instruction regardless of your shooting skill to bask in healthy and authentic cuisine to learn relish invaluable outdoor skills to savor the finest chocolates in the world to delight in lovely wines and to engage in the richest of southern traditions a genuine southern dove hunt over bright and joyful sunflower fields Be one of 10 women who will live a 4 day 3 night boutique sporting supporting experience while staying on a private c 1850 Antebellum home amidst 1400 acres of pristine biodiversity and conservation driven initiatives
FOU R E X T R AO R DI N A RY WOM E N LE AD I NG THE WAY Jessie Krebs Danielle Hall A former Air Force SERE survival evasion resistance and escape specialist wilderness survival expert Jessie Krebs spent 30 years preparing people for the unexpected Today she is teaching the mindset and skills necessary to safely explore the outdoors While at Hollywood Farms you will learn essential survival techniques from signaling for help to reading a map finding water making shelter and more We hope you will embark on your next adventure with confidence After all Jesse s passion is helping women feel empowered by teaching them skills that are traditionally considered masculine As founder of SoundEmbrace LLC Danielle Hall is shifting perspectives around empowerment Currently working on her Masters in Holistic Health Danielle has her Certification in Sound Healing Therapy As a member of the American Public Health Association and the Georgia Health Association she has spoken on platforms educating on how sound as a therapy is a non invasive complementary approach to wellness Danielle is also an advocate for musicians rights as an Associate Member of the Recording Academy She has been named a Pioneer in the Sound Healing Industry by the Shift Network and interviewed on CNN Fox 5 and 11Alive Lynn Wells Chef Elizabeth Lanier Fennell Elizabeth is a renowned Level III NSCA Shooting Instructor who teaches all levels of shooters She truly enjoys bringing new folks into the game especially women and kids but also coaches advanced shooters and wing shooters She champions all things shotgun related promoting recreational shooting and supporting competitive shooting Her ability to make all you want to begin shooting or improve their skills is magical and so many people have cherished how she does what she does Lynn brings over 15 years of experience in healthy foods and hospitality With a B S in Nutrition Management from UNCG Lynn has developed a following for her creative and delicious foods menus and recipe designs Lynn incorporates natural whole foods and ingredients enhanced by her knowledge for the art of cooking Her friendly outgoing spirit is always inviting and it is evident to all who meet her how much she loves what she does In addition to being a sporting clays and outdoor enthusiast Lynn was an active Big Sister for over 12 years and says I got much more out of my relationship and experience with my Little than she did When Lynn s not in the kitchen you ll find her cooking over open fire entertaining friends in Georgia South Carolina North Carolina and Virginia
DO YO U KNOW BI G BROTHE RS BI G SI STE RS BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF THE HEART OF GEORGIA We are delighted to be in a position to help and support the mentoring of our youth Children who are mentored go to school more often get better grades and get along better with their peers Most of all they have fun and have someone they can trust who is there for them when they need a friend and guidance You can be that someone for a young girl for half a day and maybe more if you choose Your companionship during our event will make a positive difference that can lead them to a stronger and more promising future For over 69 years Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Heart of Georgia has provided carefully screened and trained mentors for youth in Middle Georgia guiding them towards social responsibility and avoiding risky behaviors At Artistry Afield we wholeheartedly agree with their belief that all children have potential and it is our job as a community not only to help them discover this potential but to also ignite their Potential empower their Potential and defend their Potential Thank you Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Heart of Georgia
OUR SPORTING SUPPORTING EXPERIENCE FIRST DAY SEPTEMBER 6TH SECOND DAY SEPTEMBER 7TH 11 30 AM Arrival check in 12 00 1 30 PM Lunch Chef Lynn Wells 8 30 9 30 AM 1 45 2 30 PM Tour of c 1850 Hollywood Farms by proprietor 3 00 5 30 PM Clay target shooting instruction w distinguished instructor Elizabeth Lanier Fennell all guests participate 5 45 6 45 PM Women s Shooting Sporting Lifestyle Presentation Krieghoff Shotguns Preview 6 45 7 00 PM Break 7 00 PM Dinner Chef Lynn Wells A traditional Southern Belle Breakfast w Chef Lynn Wells 10 00 12 00 PM Group 1 Clay target shooting instruction w distinguished instructor Elizabeth Lanier Fennell 10 00 12 00 PM Group 2 Jessie Krebs former Air Force SERE survival evasion resistance and escape specialist teaching you the mindset and skills to safely explore the outdoors 12 30 1 30 PM Lunch Chef Lynn Wells 1 45 4 00 PM Group 2 Clay target shooting instruction w distinguished instructor Elizabeth Lanier Fennell 1 45 4 00 PM Group 1 Jessie Krebs former Air Force SERE survival evasion resistance and escape specialist teaching you the mindset and skills to safely explore the outdoors 5 00 6 15 PM Outside fireside gathering in Pavilion w cocktails stories 6 45 PM Chef Lynn Wells 8 30 PM Crystal Sound Bath Healing Meditation
THIRD DAY SEPTEMBER 8TH FOURTH DAY SEPTEMBER 9TH 8 30 11 30 AM Orienteering survival skills outdoor appreciation with Littles from Big Brothers Big Sisters of The Heart of Georgia We will be partnering a Little young girl between the ages of 10 14 with each one of our guests 6 00 AM A Genuine Southern Dove Shoot 9 30 AM A Proper Southern Belle Breakfast w Chef Lynn Wells 11 00 AM Check out 12 30 1 30 PM Lunch Chef Lynn Wells Littles depart after lunch 1 30 2 00 PM Break 2 15 3 30 PM Understanding tasting and savoring the finest chocolate in the world Cacao Hunters 4 30 6 15 PM Outside fireside gathering in Pavilion w cocktails stories 6 30 PM Dinner Chef Lynn Wells ARRIVAL DEPARTURE SEPTEMBER 6TH SEPTEMBER 9TH A SUMMARY SHOT Enjoy 4 days 3 nights in the Deep South less than 2 hours south of Atlanta Stay on a private c 1850 Antebellum home amidst 1400 acres of pristine biodiversity Be part of a small group of only 10 women Mentor for day via outdoor activities a young girl between 10 14 years old Receive 1 on 1 world class shooting instruction regardless of skill level from Elizabeth Lanier of Krieghoff Bask in the healthy fresh and authentic southern cuisine of Chef Lynn Wells Learn relish invaluable outdoor skills with Master Class speaker Jessie Krebs Savor the finest chocolates in the world along an exquisite selection of wines Live a genuine southern dove hunt over bright and joyful sunflower fields All Inclusive Price including shotgun shells Per Person 7 595 00 in double occupancy
W H AT I N SP I R ES US Your ecsta ti c rea cti on a f ter li vi ng a ny one of our exp eri ences WHAT WE BE LIE VE T ha t g eog r a p hi c a l b ou n d a r i es s hou ld n ever li mi t on e s p la yg rou n d W HAT W E B E L I E VE I N I S FUNDAM E NTA L to who we are A n d w ho we a re en a b l es us to of f er you the m ost un iq ue a n d f inest We hope you ll ta k e t he t im e t o rea d what drives us dail y a t Ar t ist r y Af iel d The f ollowing bel ief s a re w hy you w il l experience what you w il l l ive w it h us OUR M I SSI ON To ensure you make the mos t of the tr uly ma tchless uncommon OUR VISION T ha t we n ever los e ou r en t hu s i a s m t o d es i g n on ly u n i qu e momen t s ex p er i en c es even t s
O U R R E A L I Z ATI ON Th e num be r o f d is tinctive o utd oor o ppo r tunitie s ye t to be uncove red is unim aginable OUR A SP I R AT I ON Tha t you see us a s the p a r tner ena bli ng you to li ve wha t you once ma y ha ve hea rd a bout or never kne w p ossi ble PROM ISE TO OUR C USTOM E RS T ha t ou r C ollec t i on of Op p or t u n i t i es n ever of f er s you t he mu n d a n e ord i n a r y TM
Passionately Going Further TM in f o ar t ist r y af ield co m W W W A RT I S T RYA F I E L D C O M