buxton.com.auAUGUST 2022Market updateA few key numbers that may interest you as our neighbour in Kingston.Local insightA quick take on the current market sentiment from our Buxton local area experts.CITY OF KINGSTON - INNERareaUPDATE
MEDIAN SALE PRICESASPENDALE GARDENS$1,143,000 n/a DINGLEY VILLAGE$958,000 n/aHEATHERTON$1,100,000 n/aKEYSBOROUGH$790,000 n/aHAMPTON EAST$1,403,000 $601,000 MOORABBIN$1,335,000 $615,000 CHELTENHAM$1,216,000 $653,000 CHELSEA HEIGHTS$950,000 n/aUNITSHOUSESNUMBER OF SALESUNITSHOUSESsource: domain.com.ausource: domain.com.auinnerKINGSTONASPENDALE GARDENS254DINGLEY VILLAGE11129HEATHERTON43HAMPTON EAST1587MOORABBIN36108CHELTENHAM232379KEYSBOROUGH11383CHELSEA HEIGHTS773Whether you’re new to the area or you are a multi-generational family that knows just how great it is to live in Kingston, it’s always a handy to keep an eye on the market around you.We’ve put a few key numbers together that we think will help give you a little more insight into current property trends across some of Victoria’s best suburbs.Know your area...CITY OF KINGSTON (INNER) AUGUST 2022
From the onset of Covid 19 to today’s Omicron waves, never have we experienced such unprecedented and unusual times.The impact the pandemic had on the property market was profound, and completely changed the way property was transacted. As a real estate network, we were able to very successfully adapt to the changing world by embracing new technologies, new platforms and new ways of doing business.Remarkably the pandemic did not have the negative impact on the market that many were expecting. If anything, it was the opposite: house prices increased, buyer sentiment was very strong and vendors found it to be the perfect opportunity to make their move.RENTAL YIELD2.70% n/a2.80% 2.90%2.90% 4.10%2.90% 3.50%2.50% 3.50%2.30% 3.60%2.60% 3.60%2.90% 3.20%UNITSHOUSESANNUAL GROWTH26.60% n/a 10% n/a17% n/a9.40% n/a14.8% -5.8%19.4% 21.5%19% 8.8%18.8% n/aUNITSHOUSESCURRENT MEDIAN VALUEASPENDALE GARDENS$1,318,576 $785,120 DINGLEY VILLAGE$1,126,871 $809,635 HEATHERTON$1,147,358 $598,314 KEYSBOROUGH$984,880 $736,318 HAMPTON EAST$1,716,186 $788,695 MOORABBIN$1,409,442 $732,464 CHELTENHAM$1,297,417 $682,304 CHELSEA HEIGHTS$1,020,196 $807,573 UNITSHOUSESIn the last couple of months, cash and interest rate increases, inflation and a newly elected government have brought some uncertainty back to the market, but it’s important to note here that the last two years have been nothing short of extraordinary—the pandemic created extremely unusual conditions and today, we’re seeing a more ‘normal’ pre-pandemic market.In other words, the last two years have been particularly unusual and we are only now amidst the more familiar market cycle and conditions to which we’re accustomed.What a unique two years it has been for Victoria and the nation.areaUPDATEsource: CoreLogic source: realestate.com.ausource: domain.com.auCITY OF KINGSTON (INNER) AUGUST 2022
1Our oces are strategically located in Metro Melbourne and Regional Victoria to work towards one common goal. Office networkBuxton’s ongoing partnership with the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) represents the most significant charitable alignment in our history, generating community awareness and substantial funds for breast cancer research.We’re proud to help increase awareness at a community level, andcreate a meaningful contribution to assist breast cancer research.Proudly supporting NBCFbuxton.com.auAs Victoria’s most recommended and awarded agency, more people trust Buxton to represent them for their property matters.Have we met yet?Information contained in this document is a guide only. We do our utmost to provide accurate, up to date information, however we cannot guarantee it’s accuracy. Data collated from realestate.com.au, domain.com.au and CoreLogic on a 12-month rolling period. Median sale prices reflect 2-BR units & 3-BR houses.