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+39 333 221 7528oykunehirozcan@gmail.comoyku.ozcan@students.domusacademy.itÖykü Nehir ÖzcanArchitect&DesignerMy biggest dream for as long as I can remember myself was to be anarchitect. I hoped that everyone, that roof they were in, would always feelbeautiful. When I look from the past to the present, when I look at mymemories, I always remember what feeling I had under which roof.Designing, producing and adapting it to the present is always among mypriorities.EducationAutocadPhotoshop/IllustratorLumionSkillsRhinocerosLanguageIstanbul Bilgi University Faculty of ArchitectureÇağdaş Öncü High School, Bursa2018 | 20232015 | 2018Twin MotionSketchupEnglishItalianExperiencesConstruction Site Internship: Niluferium/BursaImar Ltd. Şti.Office Internship: Gülsenem Sesli Architecture

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Incubator centers are busness development centers that provde fnancal and moral support to entrepreneursto brng ther deas to lfe and develop them. By organzng tranngs on many dfferent topcs from creatng abusness plan to preparng a presentaton, they support entrepreneurs to acheve success and gude them forthe next steps.Ams:-to foster and support enterprse and nnovaton to create the best envronment for the start-up and smartgrowth of busnesses; -creatng dynamc models of self-sustanable, effcent busness development- to provde helpful tools for generatng jobsTwo-storey or sngle-storey wooden structures… Dusty drt roads…Tatavla had such an appearance untl the 19th century. As of ths date,masonry structures are startng to appear n the dstrct, also wth theeffect of fres. The calendar now shows the year 1927. Wth a law enacted, non-Turksh names of neghborhoods and dstrcts n Istanbul are changed.In Tatavla, the names of the streets are lost frst.The fre n 1929 ddn't just destroy homes. It also deletes the nameTatavla from the Istanbul map.Hstory Of TatavlaIncubaton Centers and Ther Purposes

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Projects& RestoratonJont dea generaton studes nrestoraton projectsOffce Studes WorkshopsArt-Craft studosProduct restoratonOperaton plannngCarryng out studes thatntegrate wth the denttycomponents of the ctyTo ensure that hstorcal andcultural values are sustanableLbraryCulturalStesExhbtonsArchaeologcal stesEducatonHstory of Art/CultureSemnars LecturesInstllng cultural hertageI amed to create a preservaton of the urban dentty and restoraton program to prevent the loss of dfferentplaces wth the nspraton I got from the changes ths regon has experenced and the urban texture t has lost.The concept, whch conssts of unque mages n the memory of those lvng n a cty, s reflected n the denttyof that cty. For ths reason, urban dentty s a specal phenomenon that cannot be reproduced for that cty, butwhose contnuty can be ensured.-To prevent the concern of beng a unform cty n the plannng of ctes-To gve meanng to places, to preserve the dentty of the cty,-Analyzng natural envronment data and makng studes ntegrated nto urban desgn-To make desgns n areas that help to get to know the cty, where urban lfe passes and allow the socety tosocalze; to hghlght the sgn elements that consttute soco-cultural reference ponts n these areas wthqualty desgn approaches,-It s necessary to exhbt desgn approaches that make the natural and attractve panoramc vsual mpactvalue of the cty accessble to the ctzens.Idea: Preservaton of Urban Identty and Restoraton

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(Re)Lfe Center

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ConsumerClothng Rental ShowroomFabrcSewng Workshop2nd HandClothng StoreWaste plastc bottleThreadFabrcClothes

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Buldng EntranceBke PathPedestran RoadSte Plan

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Ground Floor PlanFrst Floor PlanSecond Floor Plan

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Secton B-B'1/100Secton A-A'1/100

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"VtaRse: Empowerng Urban ReslenceREGIONAL COMPLEX FORDISASTER RESILIENCE Architectural ProgramPre-DisasterPost DisasterPublic Rehabilitation& Reconstruction ConnectionDisaster Victims&VolunteersPublic&Students&ChildrenFirst Aid_Training&Childcare& RehabilitationMemory SpaceShelterOrientationMedical ServiceFood ServiceSoup KitchenDamage Assessment AreaSimulationTraining andEducationCollaborationUrban LifeFirefighting-Earthquake-RainstormStudents&ChildrenNGOsGovernment&CommunityCommercial&Culture&SocialResearch and TechnologyLibrary-Classroom-Study AreasEmergency OperationsPlanning Operations Planning AreaThe project centers around the desgn of a 'Cvl Protecton Complex' thatembodes the concept of dsaster reslence wthn an urban context. GvenTurkey's exposure to varous dsasters, ncludng earthquakes, floods, andfres, the project ams to address the challenges of plannng and spatalzngpre- and post-dsaster actons.The complex wll serve as a hub for actvtesthat mnmze the mpacts of dsasters, ncrease preparedness, and supportreconstructon and rehabltaton efforts. It wll feature spaces dedcated torescue tranng, publc educaton, dsaster smulaton, research andtechnology, memory spaces, NGOs and soldarty, dsaster response andemergency functons, as well as publc rehabltaton and reconstructon.The desgn problem ntroduces the addtonal complexty of proposng atransformaton strategy for specfc spaces to cater to mmedate needsdurng a dsaster, such as provdng a soup ktchen, a coordnaton center, ora safe place for rescue teams. The project emphaszes the mportance of amult-dscplnary approach and encourages research to explore thearchtectural language of ths specfc buldng typology as an ntegral part ofthe urban fabrc. Overall, the project seeks to nvestgate the spatalequvalents of the actvtes outlned, takng nto account the socal andspatal dmensons of dsaster reslence.LibraryStudy HallLobbyPractical ClassroomAdminist.ChildcareAccomodationPublic Soup KitchenSupplyStorageFirst AidTrainingEmergencyTraining GymChildRehabilitationRehabilitationDisaster SimulationRooms OpenTraining AreaNGOOrientationRoomsNGOOfficesTheoreticalClassroomReceptionExhibitionHallCo-WorkingAuditoriumMeeting RoomsChildrenPlaygroundKadife sk.Neval sk.Atrium Site İçi ParkıKardelen ParkıMimoza ParkıBarlas Küntay ParkıMaliye Lojmanları ParkıYunus sk. PREVALENTBUILDINGTYPOLOGIES EMERGENCY ASSEMBLYPOİNTSRauf OrbayCaddesi(Coastal Road)Atatürk ParkıMustafa Pars ParkıKayalı Bahçe ParkıMahmut Şevket PaşaParkıİstanbul Aile HekimleriDerneğiTürkiye Omurilik FelçlileriDerneğiTürkiye Havayolu Pilotları DerneğiAgios Stefanos Rum Ortodoks KilisesiSt. Etienne Latin Katolik Kilisesi,Yeşilköy Surp Isdepanos Ermeni Kilisesi Yeşilyurt Spor KulübüIstanbul Bakırköy MunicipalityPARK&GREEN AREAS NGO'S&COMMUNITIESACCESIBILITYE-5 HighwayMetrobus LineM3 Metro Line

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VerticalCirclationUnit-1LobbyOffice&AdministrationEducationMemory SpaceAuditoriumCourtyard-1Courtyard-2VerticalCirclation Unit-2Contnous Gallery SpaceEngages the ground plane and opens to the centerConnecton between program spaces to engage the publcOpens to the sunlght wth extrudng

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Architectural Portfolio, 2024Öykü Nehir Ö 333 221 7528