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Dear Faithful Catholics,The official prayer of our special appeal, "God, come to our assistance. Lord, make haste to help us," draws its roots from Psalm 70. These words go beyond mere pleas for aid; they embody a profound sense of emptiness and an unwavering reliance on God, trusting in His response according to His divine will.With the recitation of this prayer, asking for the Lord’s assistance, the ArchdioceseOne special appeal was conducted for our four beneficiaries: Priest Retirement, Seminary Education, Catholic Charities’ Immigration Legal Services, and the Cathedral and Campus Repair Project, collectively impacting numerous Catholic ministries.Parishioners were called upon to answer this appeal through prayer and thoughtful consideration of a sacrificial gift. To give sacrificially is to emulate the spirit of the poor widow in Luke’s Gospel, who, though lacking material wealth, offered her entire livelihood, earning Jesus' commendation: "I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than all the rest."I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all who generously supported these beneficiaries and the numerous Catholic ministries they sustain through your sacrificial contributions, echoing the example set by the poor widow in Luke’s Gospel. Whether you contributed through financial offerings or prayers, or both, your participation in this special appeal is deeply appreciated.Despite the strong and widespread Catholic faith I’ve witnessed throughout the Archdiocese of Dubuque, ArchdioceseOne did not receive the widespread level of participation we hoped it would. Less than 10% of Catholic households across the Archdiocese of Dubuque participated with a sacrificial gift of some kind. For context, during our last special appeal 20 years ago, over 30% of Catholic households participated with a sacrificial gift. While the potential reasons for Catholics participating in ArchdioceseOne at a lower-than-expected rate are likely varied, the reality is that it has resulted in unmet need for these four beneficiaries. Efforts to address the remaining needs for these four beneficiaries will continue, and will require the collective goodwill of all Catholics in the Archdiocese of Dubuque as we move forward. I encourage you to read this report in full, not only to learn about what we’ve been able to accomplish through ArchdioceseOne, but also to understand the scope of our remaining needs for these beneficiaries, and the work that will be required to solidify the foundations of the Church in the Archdiocese of Dubuque for the generations of Catholics to come.Sincerely yours in Christ,Most. Rev. Thomas R. ZinkulaArchbishop of Dubuque ARCHBISHOPZINKULA
IMPACTREPORT1CATHEDRAL of ST RAPHAELThanks to the generosity of donors to ArchdioceseOne, necessary repairs to the Cathedral of St. Raphael and its campus have been made to ensure the structural integrity of the buildings. In Phase 1 of the project, which took place during the summer and fall of 2021, the old parking lot was removed and cisterns were installed underground to help redirect water away from the Cathedral church and rectory, helping to alleviate the issue of water pouring in the basement of both buildings during heavy rains. The result of that water was both structural and cosmetic damage to the two buildings, particularly to the buildings’ foundations. Repairs were made to these foundations in this first phase of reconstruction.After work was completed underground, replacement of the parking lot and sidewalks took place. Although surprises did arise, like the unstable soil under the parking lot which required a great deal of excavation and matting, sidewalks in need of additional repairs, and learning there were no footings under the mortuary chapel column, with good stewardship of funds, that portion of the project came through under budget by almost $100,000. Thanks to these repairs, the Cathedral Center Church and rectory is now wheelchair accessible. Phase 2 addressed repairs to the exterior of the campus buildings. Repairs were made to the bells and steeple on the top of the Cathedral tower, as well as the Cathedral stained glass windows - particularly the ones in the Cathedral Center. Tuckpointing was completed to repair the exterior brick. The exterior of the Cathedral tower itself was addressed in Phase 2 of the project. Repairs were made to the sheet metal that makes up the top portion of the tower. The new metal was then repainted to match the limestone below. This phase of the project also saw the roof being replaced on the Cathedral, Cathedral Center, and the rectory. An aluminum roof was utilized for multiple reasons – it’s the lightest of all available roofing metals, but replicates the strength of thicker, heavier metals. It also makes for easy maintenance, has a long lifespan, and does not rust.Future PhasesMore repairs, particularly inside the worship space and Cathedral Center, are needed to restore the Cathedral as a welcoming mother church of the archdiocese. As the amount contributed to the appeal allows for the continuation of Phase 3, future work will include necessary indoor repairs such as fixing the damage done to the plaster from the leaks in the roof and bell tower. The list of indoor projects also includes repainting, which has not been done in over 40 years, and replacing failed light fixtures and flooring. Funds donated to the Cathedral and Campus repairs are being stewarded carefully to cover as many of these projects as possible.REALIZE that your SACRIFICES are VALUEDSCAN HEREto learn moreabout the CathedralRepairsVISIT the Cathedral website to SCHEDULE a tour Pictured: Msgr. Dan Knepper, Volunteer Tour Guide and Retired Priest
IMPACTREPORT2PRIEST RETIREMENTPart of the compensation we provide ourpriests is the promise of a monthly stipendwhen they retire, that will allow them to live inhuman dignity. This is right and just becausetheir salary is too small for them to put muchaway in savings during their years of activeministry. The Priest Pension Plan is critical toour retired priests because a priest’s socialsecurity benefit is based on his income, so thebenefit will be small.Thanks to our archdiocesan community'ssupport of priest retirement throughdonations to ArchdioceseOne, we are pleasedto announce that over $2.4 million will beallocated to the Priest Pension Plan over thenext five years, along with a substantialportion of the unrestricted funds donatedto ArchdioceseOne.
Since the launch of ArchdioceseOne in2019, there have been some significantadditional strains placed on the PriestPension Plan. In 2022, there was anoteworthy increase in the pensionamount paid annually to priests, matchingan increasein the salary priests receiveduring activeministry. This adjustmenthas significantly increased the projectedbenefits needed from the PriestPension Plan for our current number ofactive and retired priests.Because of this increase incompensation and other economicfactors, the Priest Pension Plan remainssignificantly underfunded. The infusionof new funds from ArchdioceseOnenullified the increased cost of the plan,but $15 million in need remains to fullyfund the Priest Pension Plan.To honor the years of service providedby our priests to Catholics across theArchdiocese of Dubuque during theiractive ministry, we must remaincommitted to seeking additionalfunding to work toward ensuringpension benefits for all of our retiredpriests now and in the future. Inremembrance of the impact thatpriests have had on our lives, we praythat all Catholics will work to ensureretired priests will be able to live inhuman dignity.60PRIESTSRECEIVINGPENSIONBENEFITSWHAT WE CAN DO*These numbers as of December 31, 2023Fr. Mark ResslerSCANHEREto learnmoreaboutPriestRetirement
IMPACTREPORT3PRIEST RETIREMENTPart of the compensation we provide our priests is the promise of a monthly stipend when they retire, that will allow them to live in human dignity. This is right and just because their salary is too small for them to put much away in savings during their years of active ministry. The Priest Pension Plan is critical to our retired priests because a priest’s social security benefit is based on his income, so the benefit will be small.Thanks to our archdiocesan community's support of priest retirement through donations to ArchdioceseOne, we are pleased to announce that over $2.4 million will be allocated to the Priest Pension Plan over the next five years, along with a substantial portion of the unrestricted funds donated to ArchdioceseOne. Since the launch of ArchdioceseOne in 2019, there have been some significant additional strains placed on the Priest Pension Plan. In 2022, there was a noteworthy increase in the pension amount paid annually to priests, matching an increase in the salary priests receive during active ministry. This adjustment has significantly increased the projected benefits needed from the Priest Pension Plan for our current number of active and retired priests. Because of this increase in compensation and other economic factors, the Priest Pension Plan remains significantly underfunded. The infusion of new funds from ArchdioceseOne nullified the increased cost of the plan, but $15 million in need remains to fully fund the Priest Pension Plan.To honor the years of service provided by our priests to Catholics across the Archdiocese of Dubuque during their active ministry, we must remain committed to seeking additional funding to work toward ensuring pension benefits for all of our retired priests now and in the future. In remembrance of the impact that priests have had on our lives, we pray that all Catholics will work to ensure retired priests will be able to live in human dignity. 60PRIESTSRECEIVINGPENSIONBENEFITSWHAT WE CAN DO*These numbers as of December 31, 2023Fr. Mark ResslerSCAN HEREto learnmore aboutPriest RetirementTESTIMONIALIn retirement, we don’t have most of the provisions that we had as active priests. We have to pay for our own room and board, which were provided by the parish when we were a pastor. Health care costs rise in old age. Right now, with the uncertainty of the economy and high inflation, prices are higher for most things. The Priest Pension Plan is a HUGE blessing for retired priests. Many priests wouldn’t be able to live in human dignity. - Fr. Phil ThompsonPRIEST RETIREMENT$2.4MILLION will be allocated to the Priest Pension Plan over the next 5 YEARS$15 MILLIONRemaining Need to be Fully Funded
IMPACTREPORT4SEMINARIAN EDUCATIONSince the kickoff of the ArchdioceseOne special appeal in the fall of 2019 until December 31, 2023, we’ve been blessed to have nine seminarians ordained as priests in the Archdiocese of Dubuque. Thanks in part to donations to the Seminarian Education Endowment during ArchdioceseOne, these new priests are not burdened with the tuition, or room and board expenses that come with studying at a seminary. As it stands today, it costs an average of $50,000 per year to educate one seminarian at Mundelein (major) Seminary. By entering the seminary, a man indicates his openness to offering his life in service of others as a priest in the Archdiocese of Dubuque; that is no small thing. Because of this sacrifice, it is right and just for us to pay for their education. If seminarians had to bear the cost themselves, that might deter them from going to the seminary in the first place. And once they become priests, the salary of a priest is too small to allow them to repay large student loan debts.As we continue to pray for more men to consider the vocation of priesthood, and costs to educate our seminarians continue to rise, we need to continue building up our Seminarian Education Endowment to ensure there are adequate funds to continue educating our seminarians well into the future.2023-24 SEMINARIANSSCAN HEREto learnmore aboutSeminarianEducation
IMPACTREPORT5TESTIMONIALSEMINARIAN EDUCATIONAverage Annual Costsfor Seminarian Education$700,000Archdiocese of Dubuque Seminarians Ordained Since Fall of 2019Annual Cost for a Seminarian to be at Mundelein $50,0009PRIESTS“I would say thank you. Your gift is so much more than money given to a good cause. It has allowed me to dedicate a significant portion of my life to being formed more closely to the image of Our Lord. It has opened doors for me to become the kind of priest that the people of the Archdiocese of Dubuque deserve to have and I am incredibly grateful and humbled by your support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, without you I couldn’t be where I am today.” - Fr. Casey Flack, Ordained a Priest in 2023What would you say to those who have chosen to support seminary education through the ArchdioceseOne Special Appeal?*These numbers as of December 31, 2023
IMPACTREPORT6In the past year alone, Catholic Charities staff has tirelessly served 1,250 clients in the Immigration Legal Services program, a remarkable achievement made possible in part by the generous support provided by donors to the ArchdioceseOne special appeal. Since the beginning of the appeal, the demand for the vital services Catholic Charities provides has continued to surge, witnessing a 75% growth since 2019 beyond the exponential growth that had already taken place before the appeal began. In 2023, Catholic Charities’ Immigration Legal Services clients represented 40 different countries of origin. Over the past year, the types of immigration cases that staff worked on included: 35% family reunification, 35% humanitarian processes, 9% citizenship, and 21% miscellaneous cases, which include unaccompanied immigrant children in their Special Immigrant Juvenile cases, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA renewals), and Asylum cases. To determine if they are able to provide services to a potential client, Catholic Charities immigration attorneys do an initial consultation, and if there is a lawful pathway within US immigration law to assist these individuals, then Catholic Charities can take their case as capacity allows.Events such as civil unrest in countries like Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, along with the parolees from Afghanistan and the war in Ukraine, have only compounded the need for this ministry in the Archdiocese of Dubuque. For example, over 200 Afghan evacuees have resettled in the Cedar Rapids area after the Taliban’s takeover of the government in Afghanistan in August of 2021, when it became necessary to evacuate our Afghan allies after the subsequent withdrawal of American troops. Assisting them in navigating the asylum process is both lengthy and time-sensitive. The process requires detailed preparation for interviews and overcoming logistical challenges such as lodging and transportation, particularly given the distance to the federal USCIS Asylum Office in Omaha, Nebraska.The needs of these communities, like the Afghan population in Cedar Rapids, highlight the demand for immigration legal services in more communities across the archdiocese.40COUNTRIES 1,250CLIENTSIMMIGRATION LEGAL SERVICESSCAN HEREto learn more about Immigration Legal ServicesYEAR OF SERVICE1 REPRESENTED
IMPACTREPORT7When asked about the most rewarding part of his work as an interpreter and navigator, Saadat said, “When you work with the refugee communities, you get to know people’s stories and what they have gone through. And then do what you can to help.” IMMIGRATION LEGAL SERVICES75%GROWTHin demand for services since the start of the appealTESTIMONIAL- Saadat Ahmadi DOJ Legal Representative, Catholic Charities35%FAMILY REUNIFICATION35%HUMANITARIAN PROCESSES9%CITIZENSHIP21%MISCELLANEOUSSIJS(Special Immigrant Juvenile Status)DACA(Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)ASYLUM(Affirmative)TYPES OF IMMIGRATION CASES
IMPACTREPORT8INCOME REPORTNEXT STEPS6,164DONORS to ArchdioceseOne includes individuals, religious congregations, and corporationsUnrestricted Amount $8,374,705Seminary Education $2,922,185Priest Retirement $2,421,796Immigration Legal Services $1,256,731Cathedral of St. Raphael Church & Campus Repairs $2,443,894Total Amount Donated to ArchdioceseOne $17,419,311**financials as of December 31, 2023Below are the individual sums that were raisedContinue collecting pledges and recurring gifts to the special appeal, as well as accepting new gifts for the beneficiaries.Communicate the ongoing needs of the four beneficiaries and their ministries.Establish a plan to meet the remaining unmet needs of the beneficiaries.Report back to donors the impact they have made on the beneficiaries of the appeal and their goals.$1234In addition to the pledged and received funds total shown above for ArchdioceseOne as of 12/31/23, we also have non-pledged commitments to the beneficiaries of ArchdioceseOne. The total of non-pledged commitments to ArchdioceseOne equals $1,809,524 across the four beneficiaries.
IMPACTREPORT9CONSULTINGCOSTSFUNDRAISINGEXPENSESEXPENSES REPORT$949,433$95,978The Archdiocese hired Prenger Solutions Group, a specialized fundraising and technology firm, to help carry out the special appeal. ADMINISTRATIVEFEES$57,500All funds donated to the ArchdioceseOne Special Appeal were directly deposited into the Catholic Foundation in the Archdiocese of Dubuque. The Catholic Foundation is a separate entity from the Archdiocese of Dubuque, and has its own dedicated governing board and officers. From the Foundation, funds were distributed to the beneficiaries designated by the donor.Fundraising expenses include costs associated with travel, fees for donor database software, food and drinks costs for donor events, donor event venue fees, donor event invitations, and rental of the ArchdioceseOne PO Box.(Fundraising Expenses, Postage and Mailing, Event Costs)PRINTED MATERIALS AND MARKETING$298,269Printed materials included letters, case statements, prayer cards, bulletin inserts, event invitations, and pledge cards utilized to communicate with donors about the special appeal. These costs also include any training materials created for pastors and volunteers who helped to carry out the appeal at the parish level. Marketing costs include the production of any photo or video utilized in the appeal, the costs to maintain the ArchdioceseOne website, and any materials or strategies utilized on social media. TOTALEXPENSES$1,401,180CONSULTING COSTS$949,433FUNDRAISING EXPENSES$95,978CFAD FEES$57,500PRINTED MATERIALS AND MARKETING$298,269Expenses as of December 31, 2023
ArchdioceseOne.orgArchdiocese of Dubuque1229 Mt. Loretta Ave. Dubuque, IA 52003563.556.2580ARCHDIOCESEONE PRAYERGod, come to our assistance.Lord, make haste to help us.