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Aratex Catalogue 2023

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WORKWEAR &UNIFORM FABRICSPoplin - Oxford - Twill - Plain - Satin- Minimatt - Pique - Mesh

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Poplin fabrics are known for their plainweave, lightweight, and smooth texture,making them a popular choice for variousapplications in corporate and workwearuniforms. We offer a high-quality selectionof Poplin fabrics that are ideal for shirtmanufacturing.Poplin

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PoplinTC-P116 Our best-selling shirting fabric, TC-P116,is a lightweight Poplin fabric that weighs116 GSM and is composed of 65% polyesterand 35% cotton. It is a versatile option thatperforms well in terms of quality and iscommonly used in the manufacturing ofshirts. TC-P116 is ideal for creating shirts forvarious corporate and workwear uniforms.It is suitable for general use and provides aprofessional appearance.Fabric Weight: 116gsmComposition: 65% Polyester/35% CottonUsable Width: 59/60"Application: Shirting

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.TC-P116Performance

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TC-P120 FD What sets CT-P120 FD apart is that it isconstructed with full dull fibers, making itinherently less see-through compared toregular Poplin fabrics. The anti-transparent feature of TC-P120FD makes it ideal for situations wheremodesty is important, as it offers thelightness of a Poplin fabric with thecoverage of a heavier fabric.Fabric Weight: 120gsmComposition: 65% Polyester/35% CottonSpecial Feature: Lower TransparencyUsable Width: 59/60"Application: ShirtingPoplin

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.TC-P120 FDPerformance

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TC-P150TC-P150 is a durable Poplin fabric thatweighs 150 GSM and is composed of 65%polyester and 35% cotton. It is a thickeroption suitable for more heavy-duty shirts,such as those for security staff. TC-P150 is designed for durability andthickness, making it suitable for uniformsthat require robustness and resilience.Fabric Weight: 150gsmComposition: 65% Polyester/35% CottonUsable Width: 59/60"Application: ShirtingPoplin

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.TC-P150Performance

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Poplin fabrics are known for their plainweave, lightweight, and smooth texture,making them a popular choice for variousapplications in corporate and workwearuniforms. We offer a high-quality selectionof Poplin fabrics that are ideal for shirtmanufacturing.Oxford

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CT-O128This Oxford fabric is made of 70% cottonand 30% polyester, with a weight of 128gsm. It is a reliable and economical choice,offering outstanding performance for itsprice level. It is suitable for variouscorporate and workwear applications,such as shirts and blouses. The blend ofcotton and polyester provides a goodbalance of comfort, durability, and ease ofcare, making it a practical choice foreveryday wear.Fabric Weight: 128gsmComposition: 70% Cotton/30% PolyesterUsable Width: 58/59"Application: ShirtingOxford

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.CT-O128Performance

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CT-O135 StrongweaveWhat makes this fabric special is thetwisted yarn used on the weft, whichprovides extra durability and performance.The weft yarn, which runs horizontallyacross the fabric, is twisted during themanufacturing process, making it moreresistant to wear and tear. CT-O135Strongweave is designed to withstandheavy use and offers superior durability,Fabric Weight: 135gsmComposition: 70% Cotton/30% PolyesterSpecial Feature: Twisted Weft YarnUsable Width: 58/59"Application: ShirtingOxford

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.CT-O135StrongweavePerformance

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CT-O135 LuxeCT-O135 Luxe is a premium fabric thatstands out for its unique double twist yarnon both the warp and weft. This meansthat the yarn used in both the horizontaland vertical directions of the fabric istwisted, creating a luxurious handle and adistinctive texture. The double twist yarnprovides a refined and sophisticatedappearance, making it perfect for high-value shirting applications. Fabric Weight: 135gsmComposition: 60% Cotton/40% PolyesterSpecial Feature: Double Twisted YarnUsable Width: 58/59"Application: Executive ShirtingOxford

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.CT-O135LuxePerformance

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Twill fabric is a type of textile weavecharacterized by its diagonal pattern. Thediagonal pattern is created by passing theweft thread over one or more warp threadsand then under two or more warp threads,which creates a diagonal pattern on thesurface of the fabric. Twill fabrics areknown for their durability, comfort, andversatility. Twill

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TC-T150 The blend of polyester and cotton makesthis fabric durable, wrinkle-resistant, andeasy to care for. Polyester adds resilienceand stretchiness to the fabric while cottonprovides natural breathability andsoftness, making it comfortable to wear.TC-T150 is ideal for applications thatrequire a lighter weight fabric, such assummer uniforms, casual wear, andaccessories.Fabric Weight: 150gsmComposition: 65% Polyester/35% CottonUsable Width: 58/59"Application: Shirting, Medical, KitchenTwill

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.TC-T150Performance

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TC-T175 This fabric is a medium-weight option,which makes it versatile and suitable for avariety of uniform applications. Theweight of 175gsm is ideal for uniformshirts, trousers and jackets that requiredurability, comfort, and breathability. Its medium-weight and blend of polyester,cotton, and TC yarn make it versatile andsuitable for a variety of uniformapplications.Fabric Weight: 175gsmComposition: 65% Polyester/35% CottonUsable Width: 58/59"Application: Shirting, Medical, KitchenTwill

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.TC-T175Performance

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CTC-T180The higher percentage of cotton in theblend provides several advantages. Cottonis a natural fiber that is known for itssoftness, breathability, and comfort. Thehigher percentage of cotton in this fabricmay make it even more comfortable towear than the TC-T175 fabric, while stillmaintaining its durability and strength dueto the polyester blend. Fabric Weight: 180gsmComposition: 50% Polyester/50% CottonUsable Width: 59/60"Application: Shirting, Medical, KitchenTwill

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.CTC-T180Performance

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TC-T200TC-T200 is a popular twill fabric used foruniform and workwear applications. Witha weight of 200gsm, TC-T200 is a strongand sturdy fabric that can withstand heavyuse and frequent washing. It is alsoindustrially washable up to 95 degreesCelsius, making it easy to clean andsanitize. The twill weave of TC-T200 givesit a characteristic diagonal pattern, makingit a versatile choice for a range of garmentstyles.Fabric Weight: 200gsmComposition: 65% Polyester/35% CottonUsable Width: 59/60"Application: Workwear, Trouser, Medical, KitchenTwill

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.TC-T200Performance

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HF200What sets HF200 apart from other twillfabrics is its unique 3x1 twill construction.This construction pattern creates diagonallines that are more visible and distinctthan the typical 2x1 twill. The 3x1 twillconstruction also results in a tighterweave, making it more durable andresistant to wear and tear.The 3x1 twill construction provides adistinctive look that may be desirable forcertain applications.Fabric Weight: 200gsmComposition: 65% Polyester/35% CottonUsable Width: 59/60"Application: Workwear, Trouser, Medical, KitchenTwill

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.HF200Performance

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CT-T205A cotton-rich twill fabric that is a desirablechoice for uniform manufacturers due toits durability, comfort, and easymaintenance. The cotton blend providesnatural breathability and softness to thefabric, making it comfortable for thewearer. Additionally, the fabric is strongand durable, ensuring that it can withstandrepeated washings and wear. It is also easyto care for, as it can be machine washedand dried without losing its shape or color. Fabric Weight: 205gsmComposition: 60% Cotton/40% PolyesterUsable Width: 59/60"Application: Workwear, Trouser, Medical, KitchenTwill

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.CT-T205Performance

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HF240 This fabric weighs 240gsm , providing asturdy feel without sacrificing comfort.The blend of 65% polyester and 35% cottonmakes it suitable for a wide range ofworkwear applications.Compared to lower weight twill fabrics,TC-T240 offers superior durability andresistance to wear and tear. It alsoprovides better coverage and protection,making it ideal for tough workenvironments. Fabric Weight: 240gsmComposition: 60% Cotton/40% PolyesterUsable Width: 59/60"Application: WorkwearTwill

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.HF240Performance

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Satin weave produces a smooth, shinysurface on one side and a duller surface onthe other side. This is achieved by floatingsome yarns over four or more yarns beforeinterlacing them.Plain weave is the most basic type ofweaving method, creating a balanced,sturdy fabric with a flat, matte surface onboth sides. It involves passing weft yarnsover and under each warp yarn in analternating pattern. Satin & Plain

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HSF180This 185gsm plain weave fabric is made ofyarn-dyed polyester and viscose fibers.Yarn dyeing involves coloring the fibersbefore weaving them, resulting in deeper,more vibrant colors that resist fading overtime.The combination of polyester and viscoseprovides durability, breathability, andcomfort. The plain weave pattern gives itstability, making it resistant to wrinklesand helps it to maintain its shape. Fabric Weight: 180gsmComposition: 100% PolyesterUsable Width: 58/59"Application: Medical, Heavy Shirting.Satin

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.HSF180Performance

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Mini MATTThis 185gsm plain weave fabric is made ofyarn-dyed polyester and viscose fibers.Yarn dyeing involves coloring the fibersbefore weaving them, resulting in deeper,more vibrant colors that resist fading overtime.The combination of polyester and viscoseprovides durability, breathability, andcomfort. The plain weave pattern gives itstability, making it resistant to wrinklesand helps it to maintain its shape. Fabric Weight: 155gsmComposition: 100% PolyesterUsable Width: 58/59"Application: Maid Outfit, MedicalPlain

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PV9000This 185gsm plain weave fabric is made ofyarn-dyed polyester and viscose fibers.Yarn dyeing involves coloring the fibersbefore weaving them, resulting in deeper,more vibrant colors that resist fading overtime.The combination of polyester and viscoseprovides durability, breathability, andcomfort. The plain weave pattern gives itstability, making it resistant to wrinklesand helps it to maintain its shape. Fabric Weight: 185gsmComposition: 65% Polyester/35% ViscoseUsable Width: 58/59"Application: Suiting, Formal PantsPlain

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.PV9000Performance

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PV9005Perfect for those who want a slightlyheavier weight, at 200gsm, for theirsuiting needs.Like its 185gsm counterpart, PV9005 isalso made of yarn-dyed polyester andviscose fibers, giving it a deep and long-lasting color. The plain weave patternprovides stability, making it resistant towrinkles and helping it to maintain itsshape.Fabric Weight: 200gsmComposition: 65% Polyester/35% ViscoseUsable Width: 58/59"Application: Suiting, Formal PantsPlain

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All our items are backed up by our minimumspecification sheet under strict SGS testing,ensuring Aratex Standard quality andperformance.PV9005Performance

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Knit items are made of fabrics createdthrough a process called knitting. Unlikewoven fabrics, knit fabrics are made bylooping a single thread in various patterns,resulting in a flexible and stretchy fabricthat is known for its comfort and ease ofmovement. Knitted fabrics are used tomake a variety of clothing items, from T-shirts to sportswear, and can be producedin different weights and textures.Knit Items

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PPK180PPK180 is lightweight yet durable, makingit ideal for everyday wear.PPK180 has a distinctive texture that iscreated by the unique knitting pattern usedin its production improving itsbreathability, making it a great choice forwarmer weather. The fabric is soft to thetouch and has excellent moisture-wickingproperties, making it comfortable to wearfor extended periods. Fabric Weight: 180gsmComposition: 100% PolyesterSpecial Feature: Moisture WickingUsable Width: 59/60"Application: Polo Shirts and T-shirtsKnit

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Premium Mesh What sets our Premium Mesh fabric apartis its unique knit: DOT mesh. Unlike birdeye, DOT mesh features a tighter, morestructured pattern. This not only gives thefabric a sleek, modern look but alsoprovides superior strength and durability.The DOT mesh knit also allows forimproved moisture management, keepingthe wearer cool and dry even during themost demanding workdays. Fabric Weight: 145gsmComposition: 100% PolyesterSpecial Feature: DOT KnitUsable Width: 59/60"Application: Polo Shirts and T-shirtsKnit

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Sport Interlock This fabric has a smooth appearance thatadds a touch of sophistication to anyteam's uniform.The interlock knit construction gives itadded strength and stability, ensuring itcan withstand the rigorous demands ofeven the most intense sports activities. Itsunique construction also makes it resistantto wrinkles and creases, keeping uniformslooking crisp and professional, even aftermultiple washes. Fabric Weight: 145gsmComposition: 100% PolyesterUsable Width: 59/60"Application: Polo Shirts and T-shirtsKnit

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Tricot Our 200gsm, 100% polyester, brushedTricot fabric is a soft, breathable, andwrinkle-resistant fabric that is perfect foruniforms. It is made from high-qualitypolyester yarns that are woven together tocreate a smooth, durable fabric. The fabricis also machine-washable, making it easyto care for. Fabric Weight: 200gsmComposition: 100% PolyesterUsable Width: 59/60"Application: Sweatpants and HoodiesKnit

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Our fabrics are crafted with superior performance in mind andare widely used across multiple industries. We deliver advancedtextiles that provide exceptional durability even underdemanding conditions, ensuring long-lasting comfort.Manufacturers can customize our quality weaves and knits tosuit any uniform needs including medical garb, corporateshirting, casual apparel and much more.Whether you are a uniform manufacturer or a wholesaledistributor, we hope we can tend to your requirements. Feel freeto browse our website to get in touch.You can find us by contacting or visiting any of our worldwide locationswhere you will find our highly trained sales representatives who will behappy to assist you.Head OfficeAratex Textile Trading LLC2301/2 Prime TowerBusiness BayDubaiUnited Arab EmiratesTel: +97145773826Email:dubai@aratextrading.comwww.aratextrading.comAratex EuropeAratex Trading CO LTD808 Nicolaous PentadromosAnexartasiasLimassolCyprusTel: +35725352484Email:aratex@aratextrading.comwww.aratextrading.comAratex PolandAratex Trading CO LTD(PL)OS. Pulanski 4/4227-400 Ostrowiec ƚweitokrzyskiPolandTel: +48412666433Email: UAE LogisticsAratex General Trading LLCShop 5 Plot 185 New Industrial Area 2AjmanUnited Arab EmiratesTel: