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Working together for a Hudson Valley free of violence in all its

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Page 03Page 03Advocacy & SupportProvided Through All Agency Programs• Case Management & Coordination• Safety Planning & Crisis Intervention• Individual & Group Crisis Counseling• Emergency Financial Assistance• NYS Address Confidentiality Program• Assistance & Accompaniment• Information & ReferralsHotline & Webchat• 24/7 Hotline available 365 days a year• Translation available in 200+ languages• Webchat available Monday-Friday, 9am-8pm• Support survivors, family/friends & community Clinical Services• Trauma-Informed Therapeutic Counseling for Adults & Children Survivors• Creative Arts Therapy Group in partnership with Bethal WoodsPrevention Education• Youth & Adult Education• Workshops, Trainings & Consultations• Community Events & Awareness Activities• Youth Art Contest, Summit & Academy• Training for Volunteers & Sta• Engagement through Social MediaRisk Reduction Response• Risk & Lethality Assessment conducted by law enforcement• On-scene connection to the Fearless! Hotline• Follow-up Outreach to high-risk survivors• Collab with DA’s Oce, Probation & PDCo-located in Police Departments• Town of Newburgh, City of Newburgh, New Windsor, Port Jervis & MiddletownLegal Advocacy• Assistance with Filing Petitions: Orders of Protection, Custody & Visitation• Grand Jury Support & Family Court Accompaniment & Advocacy• Legal Representation & Consultations with Legal Services of Hudson Valley Co-located in OC District Attorney’s Office• Specializing in DV & other crime victimization to support navigating criminal justice processEmergency Shelter• Confidential Locations • 24/7 Sta Support for up to 37 survivors• Safe Pet Project in partnership with the Warwick Humane SocietyHousing Assistance• HUD Funded Rental Assistance• Home Visits & Case Management • Comprehensive Support & Goal Planning• OC Program Collab with HONOR• Support & Goal Planning• Housing First: Permanent Housing• Rapid Rehousing: Short-term HousingChild Welfare Advocacy• Specializing DV & Tracking Training• Assistance & Accompaniment• Case Consultations & Joint Home Visits• Assessment & Connection to Support• Safe Harbour Task Force: Tracking Prevention collab with HONOR, Merakey, Law Enforcement, DA, DSS & DFSCo-located in DSS Childnren Services• Newburgh, Goshen & MonticelloSexual Assault ServicesSullivan County Specific Program• 24-Hour Advocate Response to hospital • Accompaniment & Advocacy at hospital including during forensic medical exam• Legal Advocacy• Sexual Assault Education• College Campus Response & Prevention - fulfillment for “Enough is Enough” LawSocial Services Liaison• Waiver Assessment• Connection to Support & Services• Support Safe Compliance with DSS Reqs• Assessment Services & Support ConnectionLiasion Located in Department Social Services• Newburgh & MiddletownCrime Victim AssistanceProvided Through All Agency Programs• Crime Victim Compensation Apps Assistance • Assistance with VINE• Information on Crime Victim Rights• Court AccompanimentPROGRAMS & SERVICES

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Page 04Page 049,323NIGHTS of safetyADULTS68YOUTH62&ADULTS3,732YOUTH749210 individualsage anonymous&4,691INDIVIDUALSserved throughall programssupportiveCOUNSELINGservices performed20,090SAFETY PLANS3,995creatingnew intakes completed fornon-residential programsADULTSYOUTH278 437PREVENTION, EDUCATION & TRAININGPRESENTATIONSpresented toADULTS971,213PRESENTATIONSpresented toYOUTH1953,756OUTREACHservices12,889INTERACTIONS37,522Our MissionTo build an informed, just, and accountable society so all people can experience supportive and safe relationships free from abuse, exploitation, and oppression.10,266HOTLINE calls296WEBCHATSHotline & WebchatProvides confidential safety planning, access to support services, resources, information, referrals & more. 130accessed safety inemergency shelterINDIVIDUALS22,540ADVOCACYservices provided&THERAPEUTIC COUNSELING PROGRAMreceivedADULTS91973sessionsreceived102SURVIVORS1,254SESSIONSreceivedYOUTHsessions33529SEXUAL ASSAULT SERVICES PROGRAMADVOCACY services1,444providedADULTS44YOUTH17&61SURVIVORS served108Sexual AssaultHOTLINE callsSullivan County19accompaniedSURVIVORSat the hospital2023170NIGHTS of safetyPETS sheltered for3Safe Pets Project partnership withWarwick Valley Humane Societywith or on a client’s behalf

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Collaboration with DA’s Office, Probation & PDCOLLABORATIVE SERVICES & PROGRAMSDEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICESDV Liaison Co-Located in DSS - Orange County&4 52WAIVERSprovidedconnectedto our servicesINDIVIDUALS206341domesticviolenceASSESSMENTS conductedCPS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROGRAMAdvocates Co-Located in CPS - Orange CountyPARENTS withservices & info247iprovidedwithin the home& communityJOINT VISITS113&448CASES714CASECONSULTATIONSsupported & domestic violencewith CPS Caseworkersengaged ininvolving child abuseLEGAL SERVICES OF THE HUDSON VALLEYLSHV Co-Located in Fearless!householdMEMBERSCLIENTSaecting23274CASEShandled133openingCASES96closingCASES54&&REPAID REHOUSING PROGRAMSORANGE COUNTY SULLIVAN COUNTYNIGHTS of housingHOME VISITSsupported with(5 adults & 8 children)FAMILIES1151,257Collab with HONORLaunched July 2023NIGHTS of housingHOME VISITSsupported with(4 adults & 8 children)FAMILIES1543,849Housing ProgramLaunched March 2023&HOUSING FIRST PROGRAMsupported withcase management& advocacyremained at capacity with(5 adults & 8 children)FAMILIES5310Collaboration with HONOR - Orange County&NIGHTS ofpermanent housingHOME VISITS484,321SERVICESSAFE HARBOUR PROGRAMSTrafficking Prevention CollaborationHONOR, Merakey, DSS (Orange), DFS (Sullivan), & Fearless!ORANGE COUNTYREFERRALSreceivedprovided115youth servicesREFERRALSreceived31youth servicesSULLIVAN COUNTY141YOUTHservicesprovided50YOUTHservicesDISTRICT ATTORNEY’S OFFICEAdvocates Co-Located in DA - Orange Countygrand juryCOURT CASESassistedassisted criminal COURT CASES27received252ADA REFERRALSfor servicessupported102MEETINGSwith clients & ADACRIME VICTIMS371iprovidedwith referrals & informationINDIVIDUALS342emotional support INDIVIDUALS312assistedprovidedpersonal advocacy&56RISK REDUCTION RESPONSE PROGRAMPOLICE DEPARTMENTS Advocates Co-Located In:Town ofNew WindsorMiddletownPort JervisTown ofNewburghCity ofNewburgh5641,066High-Risk CASESDIR's Reviewed145191High-Risk CASESDIR's Reviewed89354High-Risk CASESDIR's Reviewed176749High-Risk CASESDIR's Reviewed175375High-Risk CASESDIR's Reviewed* Domestic Incident Reports - document used by law enforcement to record incidents of DV, capturing essential details, including prior history, risk factors, and evidence. The form ensures accurate documentation for legal and safety purposes, aiding victim protection and prosecution.Page 05Page 05

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Page 06Page 06IN THE NEWS“There was lots of focus on the night of the incident and very little focus onhow we got there... After seeing theevidence in the case, including graphicphotographs of injuries on Nikki’s bodytaken by a forensic nurse, I thought tomyself, if Nikki was not seen as avictim, then who could be seen as avictim?”Our Executive Director sat down with 20/20 for an interview to discuss howcases like that of Nicole Addimando, show that survivors of domestic violenceand intimate partner violence are sometimes criminalized for actions they takein order to defend their lives.Nikki Addimando Case Puts Spotlight onCriminal Justice for Victims of Domestic Violenceby Yahoo News - Kyla Milberger & Ivan Pereira – February 3, 2023- Kellyann Kostyal-LarrierOur Executive Director joined Senator James Skoufis and partners in locallaw enforcement at a press conference where Senator Skoufis announcedhis legislation, S.4006-C, Part VV, will be enacted in the state budget.Mandatory Arrests in Domestic Violence Casesby Hudson Valley Press – May 17, 2023“Mandatory arrest laws are part of a coordinated community response toaddressing domestic violence and sendthe message that domestic violence isa crime. Appearance tickets do notsend messages of accountability, nordo they consider risk, or the potentialof lethality. Systems must have theappropriate tools when necessary tohold oenders, which can enhance thesafety of victims and children.”- Kellyann Kostyal-Larrier

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Page 07SPOTLIGHTSIn a touching tribute to her late mother's grace and style, Julie Heckert launched 'Myra's Fine Style,' a limited-time popup shop. In June and July, the shop was filled with Myra Lynette Thayer Endler’s collection of exquisite jewelry, scarves, hats, sunglasses, and brooches, from over the years.All proceeds from the shop were for Fearless! Hudson Valley, but the surprise was ours when Julie presented us a $20,000 check, revealing the true impact of her commitment. Julie's generosity and Myra's legacy has not only enriched our cause but touched hearts.Donor Spotlight - Myra’s Fine StyleCorporate Sponsor SpotlightResorts World | Catskills • Hudson ValleyResorts World | Catskills • Hudson Valley has consistently demonstrated their dedication to our cause through a variety of initiatives and events. Amidst the challenges of COVID-19, they prioritized our safety by supplying our oces and shelter with ample Personal Protective Equipment, including masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer, ensuring uninterrupted support for victims and survivors throughout the pandemic.Over the years, Resorts World has helped support our services in Sullivan County, and in 2023 they became a Corporate Sponsor which included becoming our Title Sponsor for our golf tournament and providing emergency pantry items for Fearless! clients.In addition to their financial contributions, they have actively engaged both their employees and patrons in meaningful donation drives to help support our clients with essential care items and gifts for the holidays.Page 07

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Portage la Prairie, MAMoose Jaw, SKSept 11thLethbridge, ABSept 12thSalmo, BCSept 13thHope, BCSept 14thLynnwood, WASept 16thCorvalis, ORSept 17thBurns, ORSept 18thBahl, IDSept 19thPark City, UTSept 21stSnowville, UTSept 20thWoodland ParkSept 23rdSteamboat SpringsSept 22ndLebanon, KSSept 24th7,488 miles drivenCapacity's FearlessAdventurePage 08Portage la Prairie, MASept 10thMoose Jaw, SKSept 11thLethbridge, ABSept 12thSalmo, BCSept 13thHope, BCSept 14thLynnwood, WASept 16thCorvalis, ORSept 17thBurns, ORSept 18thBahl, IDSept 19thPark City, UTSept 21stSnowville, UTSept 20thWoodland ParkSept 23rdSteamboat SpringsSept 22ndLebanon, KSSept 24th7,488 miles drivenCapacity's FearlessAdventureIn September, Eric Egeland, Vice President of Capacity Marketing, set out on a solo motorcycle journey with the mission of riding across North America to raise funds and awareness for Fearless! Hudson Valley. With the help from his community and his team of Matt Dorcas, Patti Lestrange-Mack, and Kaitlyn Skees, Capacity’s Fearless! Adventure raised nearly $12,000! Where will your Fearless! Adventure take you?Capacity’s Fearless! AdventurePage 08

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Gananoque, ONSept 5thSept 6thParry Sound, ONSalt Saint Marie, ONSept 7thSchreiber, ONSept 8thWabigoon, ONSept 9thPortage la Prairie, MASept 10thNewburgh, NYSept 4th & 29thWarren, PASept 28thUpper Sandusky, OHSept 27thChilocothe, MOSept 25thLebanon, KSSept 24thFarmer City, ILSept 26th$12,000 raisedessI don’t function well in the heat so for me, the heat the first couple days was physically hard. Mentally, I didn’t realize the importance of meaningful relationships. I talked to a hundred people on this trip but missing the people (and cat) I love really got to me on the 20th day! What was the hardest part of the trip for you?The best thing that came out of this trip is really hard to articulate, but I'll try. Never having encountered the hardships faced by those you serve; I felt a compelling need to try to understand their experiences. Throughout the entire trip, thoughts of domestic violence and tracking consumed my mind and whenever feelings of anxiety, fear, or loneliness surfaced, I made a conscious eort to empathize with them. After 25 days of immersing myself in this way, I've transformed into an extension of your organization's eorts, enabling me to recognize and respond to the needs of others with greater sensitivity and understanding.What positive outcome emerged from your adventure?Fearless! Hudson Valley sat down with Eric Egeland after his trip to reflect on his experiences during his cross-country adventure. I was surprised how anxious I was the first couple days riding in the middle of nowhere while in Quebec and not seeing a car for hours. But… this was my first deep awakening as it made me think how a person must feel when trying to escape an abusive situation.What surprised you the most?Page 09Gananoque, ONSept 5thSept 6thParry Sound, ONSalt Saint Marie, ONSept 7thSchreiber, ONSept 8thWabigoon, ONSept 9thPortage la Prairie, MASept 10thNewburgh, NYSept 4th & 29thWarren, PASept 28thUpper Sandusky, OHSept 27thChilocothe, MOSept 25thFarmer City, ILSept 26th$12,000 raisedPage 09

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LEADERSHIP2023BOARD OF DIRECTORSSecretaryMelanie RichardsTreasurerAnna GibbsVice-PresidentMarie Vega-ByrnePresidentChristine FitzgeraldBoard MemberLiz O’HalloranBoard MemberKim LeakeBoard MemberDr. Janette McCoy-McKayBoard MemberJannelle KoszarekBoard MemberCrystal JohnsonBoard MemberMandy IvesBoard MemberLeslie BrownBoard MemberMegan BambinoBoard MemberDr. Marie CantuHR DirectorAmanda LivingstoneExecutive DirectorKellyann Kostyal-LarrierAssociate DirectorSarita GreenFinance DirectorSharon TillmanPage 10Page 10

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Page 11 2023FINANCIALREPORTAction Towards IndependenceBethel Woods Center for the ArtsDormitory Authority NYSDyson FoundationFamily Violence Prevention ActHONORehgLegal Services of the Hudson ValleyNYS Assemblyman Jonathan G. JacobsonNYS Senator James SkoufisNYS Coalition Against Sexual AssaultNYS Department of HealthNYS Division of Criminal Justice ServicesNYS Office for Prevention of Domestic ViolenceNYS Office of Children & Family ServicesNYS Office of Temporary & Disability AssistanceNYS Office of Victim ServicesOrange County Department of Social ServicesOrange County District Attorney’s OfficeOrange County Youth BureauSullivan County Department of Family ServicesSullivan County Youth BureauUnited Way of the Dutchess-Orange RegionUS Dept of Housing & Urban DevelopmentWarwick Savings Foundationgoes directly intoOF EVERY DOLLAR91¢PROGRAMS & SERVICESTOTAL AGENCY BUDGET$5,257,592GRANTS & CONTRACTSFUNDRAISING1.97%OPERATIONS7.25%PROGRAMS90.78%EXPENSES$4,387,414Fearless! Hudson Valley is pleased to present our complied financial report for the year, reflecting our commitment to transparency and stewardship. We receive support from government and non-government grants and contracts, fundraising events, and donations from people like you. In line with our mission, 91¢ of every dollar is dedicated directly to our programs and services, ensuring maximum impact in our community.Page 11SUPPORT & REVENUE$5,485,667FEDERAL GRANTS38.07%STATE GRANTS2.93%DONATIONS6.20%SPECIAL EVENTS1.68%COUNTY GRANTS24.89%INTEREST0.75%PER DIEM22.42%GRANTS3.06%

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Page 12VISIONARIES$1,000+ In Memory of Alexis HarrisAmazon Team at SWF1Anna Belle SimmsCalmoseptineCarol GabellaChristine & Brian FitzgeraldDarryl J. DreyerDavid GogginsElizabeth DomenicoGarnet HealthHudson Valley Credit UnionJaclyn NeshiewatJeremy ScottJessica BowdenKathleen MorganM&T BankMandy IvesMarie Vega-ByrneMichael James CalandraMichelle HamillOrange Bank & Trust CoOrange & RocklandPatricia A SussmannPaula MossPBF Cafe LLCRebecca SatcherRobert LeraceSharon DapolitoSt. Luke's Cornwall HospitalStuart DurlandSusan BrewerTau Chapter Sigma LambdaTuthilltown SpiritsTyler Etzel, Jr.Ulster Savings BankWalden Savings BankCHALLENGER S$500+ Alan TurkenBrenda HotalingBrittany JohnsonBryan C GiudiceCarol GreeneCarrol ColemanCDA #918Curt SchultzbergCurtis BlumenthalDeborah BuonsignoreDeidre ZacconeDenise NicholsDr. Michele Winchester-VegaElizabeth RowleyHannah MaxwellHolly MoyseenkoJannelle KoszarekKarina TiptonKristen DetheridgeLeslie BrownLions Club of WarwickLoBiondo Law OceLorraine CataniaMargaret UihleinMelanie RichardsMichael M MartucciMid-Hudson Valley FCUMJN Convention CenterMykal TwymanOrange County IronworksR2M Realty IncRainer GehresSal PatellaSarah DreyerSt John's Lutheran ChurchTuxedo ClubVincent LemmaWarwick Valley Rotary ClubWorld Wide Travel of CornwallBUILD ERS$200+ Amanda BrehmAmy PedreroAndrea NilonAngela CarterAnna GibbsAnthony MckeeAshley LenaahnBlaise GomezBNI RainmakersBrady Law FirmBrian C PettiChristie FosterCynthia OchsnerDanielle EisenbergDebra ZambitoElizabeth RodriguesGold For CornwallHarriet L. EarnestHarriman Engine Co Ladies AuxHudson Valley Decorative PainterIrene KurlanderJacqueline MurrayJames MoedJane CareyJohn M KellyJourdan ShieldsJudith DalbisKim LeakeKimberly FeehanKiwanis Club of MiddletownLQ DesignMaddie MillerMadeleine MillerMarie CantuMarsha OliverMary SeverNewburgh Teacher's AssocNewburgh Brewing CompanyPolice Chiefs Assoc Orange CoRosemary SchwartzbergPage 12GUARDIAN S$10,000+Eric EgelandAnonymousYoko Ono LennonCHAMPIONS$15,000+In Memory of Myra Lynette Thayer Endler Resorts World | Catskills • Hudson Valley is grateful for the benevolence of its donors. You each inspire us as we pursue our vision in creating a Hudson Valley free from violence in all its forms. This report honors all who have given monetary gifts of $50 or more throughout 2023. We strive to ensure this list is complete and accurate, please let us know if you feel you were inadvertently left out.

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ALLIES$50+ Alice Rae Kurman-KostrubalAllyson MorleyAnne BrauerAntalek & Moore Insurance AgencyArnold & Lisa AmthorArthur P GreeneBall CorporationBarbara DriscollBarbara A MillerBarbara NaruBette Ann EinbinderBill B's Painting ServicesBinghamton University Foundationbruyn designedCarl BonitzCarol IeraceChris AshmanChris SimpsonCrystal JohnsonCybergrants, Inc.Diane Jarkiewicz-ThompsonDan BurgerDaneil MilesDaphne JoslinDavid AdamsDavid MonroeBUILDERSCONT’D Sara DragulaSarah Burns FeylSarah Joanne TrimboliShawn BrennanShayna FrattoSheryl LynchShubha VarmaStephen & Debra SiewSuzanne Forni GonzalezTina ArroyoUnited Way of Rockland CoVictoria BentonALLIESCONT’D Deborah DukeDebra Cassar StevensDonna LewisEdward ErbacherEdward RamonEileen M. MulveyErin KernanErin VanriperEvelyn BiamonteFerne LuftmanGabriella RispoliGeralyn CroninGrace KusenGrace UMC WomenHannaford #8337Heather BellHelen RafanielloIndigo Beauty LoungeIntegra AccountingJames J GregoryJanette McCoy McKayJoan TimoldiJoann BrownJoanne BarringerJohn & Elizabeth CappelloJoyce SwankoskiJoyce ZawistowskiJuella GuadalupeJuliana LoBiondoKatherine HeaneyKathleen FogartyKathleen A. HamiltonKathy OliverKelley Jean's LLCKellyann Kostyal-LarrierKevin CaccomoKevin MulqueenKimberly TerpeningLaurie Ann GliboLinda CorbettLinda FogartyALLIESCONT’D Lisa CalapaLisa DailyLiz GraderLiz O'HalloranLucy GillmeierMaggie SutterManal FlournoyMargaret QuinnMarisol VazquezMary TraynorMeadow Hill Reformed ChurchMegan BambinoMegan HartnettMelissa KrolMesum BuserMichael NepplMichele DelougheryMichele Serino-riosNatalie VenturaNeal CalvinNugent & Haeussler, P.CPatrick MurtaghRichard KlingmanRik BresciaRobert BrismanSandie BarreraSharon TillmanShaun ClearySlim ButtaStacy PackerSue-Anne DropkinSusan LavelleSusan PriceSusan RobinsonSyreeta JonesTammi ChabotyVirginia KasinkiWallkill East RotaryWest Point-Highland Falls RotaryWilliam AlexanderYahooPage 13LEGACY$200,000+Raymond J Miskura Bequeathed a Portion of His EstateALL GIFTS, BIG AND SMALL,MOVE OUR WORK FORWARDPage 13

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Page 14Page 142023OUR JOURNEY THROUGHHuman TrackingAwareness Month• Wear Blue Day• To-Go Bag Drive• Workshops Sexual AssaultAwareness MonthWear Blue To Go Bag DriveWear TealDonationsMore Than a Phone ProgramLadies Night Out Hudson Valley GivesSYLA - Newburgh Session SYLA - Port Jervis Session National Night OutDress Down DonationClothesline Project OutreachWear Purple• Wear Teal Day• ‘Start By Believing’• Denim Day• Crime Victim VigilWear BluePage 14Page 14

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Page 15Page 15Page 15Teen Dating ViolenceAwareness Month• Wear Orange Day• Outreach• Workshops 2024AND ONTO OURNEXT JOURNEYDonations Wear OrangeWear DenimStart By Believing Crime Victim VigilOutreachOutreachTrainingDonation DrivePBF Motorcycle ShowMyra’s Fine StyleHoliday Gift ProjectThanksgiving Drive Donation DrivePage 15- presents -FORECapacity’s Fearless! AdventureDomestic ViolenceAwareness Month• Hope Brunch• Clothesline Projects • Wear Purple Day• We Can Be HeroesBRUNCHCelebrati  HeBRUNCHCelebrati  He

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RECLAIMINGOUR SAFETYDonations | Volunteering | Careers | OutreachBUSINESS OFFICEP.O. Box 649, Newburgh, NY 12551845-562-5365 |admin@fearlesshv.org280 Broadway, Newburgh, NY 12550SullivanCountyOrangeCountyORANGE COUNTY, NYFamily Justice Center 280 Broadway, Newburgh Next to Newburgh City CourtSULLIVAN COUNTY, NYSullivan County Government Center 100 North Street, Monticello Between Family Court and ProbationSexual Assault Service Center 68 Harris-Bushville Road, Harris 1st Floor Garnet Hospital’s Ambulatory ServicesShelter Locations Are Confidential