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Build a Beer Sales TeamIdenfy. Improve.

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Advanced Pro Technologies provides online assessments and training workshops to help you make more informed decisions about how to hire, lead, and manage your sales team.As your strategic partner, APT enhances your hiring process, staff development, leadership planning, and preparing your organizaon so that you can achieve your goals.Recruing in the 21st CenturyADVANCED PRO TECH (APT) ulizes scienfically backed assessment tools to provide you powerful insights into the behaviors and performance characteriscs that are crical in idenfying top talent and for career and personal development.

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Sales leaders can’t fix what they can’t see broken.3 out of 4 reasons sales reps under perform are hidden inside their heads and hearts.NEW REVENUE New + Existing AccountsWILL DOPredictive + Prescriptive = Sales DNA diagnosticCAN DOEffective + Productive = Training/Coaching+ =(above the surface)(below the surface)

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Do you see yourself in one or more of these categories?• Secretly ashamed of sales career• Fears approval loss from significant others• Copes with "fragile posivism" • Rarely feels pride in sale accomplishments• May rely on "deflected idenes"• Fears being seen as pushy, rude or intrusive• Hesitates to express own interests and needs• May be gullible, easy to persuade• Excels at building rapport but will not be asserve when necessary• Vulnerable to close reluctance™• Over-analyzes, under-acts• Encyclopedic knowledge with no one to present it to• Reflecve, contemplave• More comfortable with data than people• Reserved and emoonally self-restrainedOVER-PREPARER™YIELDER™ROLE REJECTION™

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When people are uncomfortable promoting themselves or their products or services, they develop unproductive habits and attitudes about prospecting and acquiring new business. SPQ*GOLD® and SPQ*GOLD® / FSA™ provide a road map for identifying and overcoming these issues.of all new salespeople fail to complete their first year in sales.The reason: Salespeople don’t sell enough.80%1They don’t prospect enough because it’s too stressful.4They don’t sell enough because they don’t have enough prospective buyers to sell to.2They don’t have enough people to sell to because they don’t prospect enough.3Sales Call Reluctance® claims a significant number of sales careers every year.

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Knowing What Behavioral Traits Work Best In Your Sales Environment Is The Key To Building A Winning Team.

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ASSESSMENTSAdvanced Pro Technologies provides you the critical information needed in the recruiting process to identify the best person for the opportunity you have available. Assess Your Sales TeamOur assessment portfolio ensures that we have the right assessment to meet your needs. One of our most sought after assessments is the SPQ*Gold/FSA® Profile. Using state of the art psychometric science, the assessment ensures it measures what matters. Measuring 16 known types of Sales Call Reluctance and 7 Call Reluctance Impos-tors, the easy to read reports lend themselves to be a manager’s dream as a coaching and development tool.Our assessments are back by more than 40 years of scienfic research and have been taken by more than 2 million candidates. “

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TRAININGBuilding a successful business is an equal combination of offering a great product or service and having the right team to deliver it. Advanced Pro Technologies can partner with your organization in all facets of your business operations. Train Your Sales TeamAdvanced Pro Technologies provides a wealth of training experiences for entry level team members through senior leadership. Our work-shops and seminars are led by highly skilled executives with proven track records of building organizations in the public and private sector and in higher education. In addition to one-on-one executive coaching services, Advanced Pro Technologies offers the following workshops and seminars to meet your organizations needs.

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To Learn More Contact: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxAdvancedProTech.comIdenfy Top PerformersImprove Prospecng Habits and AtudesImpact Your Boom Line and Reduce Turnover