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Apr. YPG Newsletter

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Volume 1 | Issue 6Sip & ServeApril 18, 2024N E W S L E T T E RApril ‘24

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Sip & ServeWednesday, April 15th 6:00PM - 8:00PMSign Up Here!Sign Up Here!Stretch & ServeSaturday, May 4th 11:00AM - 1:00PMPrepare yourself for a beautifulfashion show presented by TrinaTurk, featuring models fromMannequins Auxiliary. We willhave boutique vendors and aluncheon. All profits will benefitour five programs at the League. A Chic Affaire FundraiserHosted by the league’s MannequinsAuxiliary and College Alumni Auxiliary

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Thank you to our YPG Members who volunteered at ourStretch & Serve and Sip & Serve series in April. We focusedour Stretch & Serve project on our Preschool LearningCenter by creating tie dye shirts for their Earth Day fieldtrip. Our Sip & Serve project focused on our AssistanceLeague of Los Angeles Scholarship program where wewrote encouragement notes on their Graduation Journals.We are excited to bring more diverse service projects tohelp showcase all 5 league programs. If you have any ideason creating future service projects don’t hesitate tocontact Kai Tramiel at month, we spotlight our amazing New Member, Myles KovalikMyles joined in February and has attended every event YPG has hostedsince. He has even volunteered for our Operation School Bell on Wheels.Myles hails from Austin, Texas and is excited to be in a community ofcare. His love for volunteering and giving back comes from his momwho he mentions “Is a woman for the community” as she has worked inthe non-profit field. Myles, thank you for all you do for our LA youth! We look forward toseeing you at many more events.

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Follow Us & Volunteer@assistanceleagueoflosangelesAssistance League of Los AngelesAssistance League of Los Angeles PozosMembership & CommunityEngagement Manager323-545-6542 ppozos@assistanceleaguela.orgKai Tramiel Membership & CommunityEngagement